Pi we Wie Be er te EW trae 50 NOW, DEAR~ I'LL TRY TO EXPLAIN TO YOU IN ONE EASY LESSON WHA I HAD TO LEARN THE LONG, HARD WAY-- ABOUT ARTISTS MEAN THE ONE IN THE CHARTREVSE WHITE BLOUSE WITH RUFFLED YELLOW-AND-WHITE~ STRIPED HAIR, RIBBON we «+s AND BLACK PATENT-LEATHER 4 THE ONE WHO SAT 1d FROM THE BACK IN THE SECOND ROW # 4 COULON'T SAY, 2 DIONT REALLY TAKE MUCH NOTICE Features Syndicate, Ine, 1964. World rights reserved. JULIET JONES 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, , Monday, November 30, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE. 4 By 8. JAY BECKER {Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS ; East dealer, .* Both sides vulnerable. 4 @Q52.--. 7953 @AQI1098 ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL VOICES FROM THE WIRE AND, 1859, IN ENGL , AN INVENTIVE AMAZES HIS TWO BROTHERS... Boy Opening lead--king of 'clubs, This wild and woolly hand oc- THE LONE RANGER ARTHUR LYMAN SMILES AT THE ENGINEERING <= CHALLENGE THAT FACES HIM--| E ENGINEER 7 SKETCHES, A BOWSTRING 1S DRAWN TAUT +++ King Fenfures Syadivetc, Inc, 1e4 Workd cigghts SECRET AGENT X93 curred in a boand-a-match team championship played. at Minoc- qua, Wisc., in 1947. South arrived at seven spades on the bidding shown, If West had ied a heart, the contract would have gone down, but West led the king of clubs and South easily made alj the tricks, He scored 2,210 points. Seven diamonds could not have been defeated, but, play- ing board-a-match, North was anxious to score every point possible on the deal. This par- ticular effort turned out to be wasted because the bidding at the second table went: East South West North Sh 5H bh bh Th Dble Having two club losers, South at this table did not want to in- vite a grand slam in spades. by making a forcing pass, and he therefore doubled seven dius. He had not had the benefit of a diamond bid from North, which had occurred at the first table, and he had little reason to sus- pect that his side could make a grand slam, Of course, it also did not oc- cur to him that the opponents could make a grand slam either, and in an effort to play safe he led the ace of hearts. TELEVIS ION LOG This proved to be disastrous when East. ruffed the ace, en- tered dummy with a club, ruffed coaiald another heart, returned to dum- my with a club, and then got rid of four losers on the K-Q- CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo i © King Features Synileate, Ine, 1964, s HE GUERILLA ¢ HIDEOUT -WITH THEIR PRECIOUS CARGO OF GOLD, Il PAW, LOOK! ITS conn, HEY DONE CHOLLA) MIGHT COULD BE THEY 7 HAD NEAR ANOTHER 'YEAR FEW WEEKS LONGERZ TO SERVE. MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. Ti--Family Theatre &--Superman 7--The Early Show 6--World Of Nature 4--Five O'Clock Show 2-Yogi Bear 5:30 P.M, é--Music Hop 6:00 P.M, $--Karen 2-Today, 1964 6:15 P.M. 4--Sports with Cnuck Healy 6:30 PLM 11-9--News, Weather, Sports 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--M-Squad é--Across Canada 6:45 P.M. N--Family Theatre 7:00 P.M. 9--The Addams Family 8--Movie 7-6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Phil Silvers Show u 3--No Time For Serg- ean 2--Bachelor Father 7:30 P.M. 9--Mickey 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 2--Tales of. Wells Fargo 6-3--Dangerman 4--The Lucy Show 2--Andy Williams 9:30 P.M. 9--Take A Chance 8-2--Hollywood Story 7--Bing Crosby Show 4--Star Performance 10:00 P.M. W--That Regis Philbin 9--Dr. Kildare 6-2--Alfred Hitchcock 7--Ben Casey 6-3--The Sixties 4--Slattery's People 10:30 P.M. é--Toronto File 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; Weea*her and Sports 11:20 P.M. 9--Metro Final 7-4--Late Show 6--Night Metre 9--Pierre Berton 6--The Fugitive 3M Squad TUESDAY 4:00 A.M, %--Morning News 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. 1l--Schnitzel House 9--Romper Room 9:00 A.M. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROU-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 6-3--Across Canada 4-1 Love Lucy 11:00 A.M. 11--Scarlett Hill 9--James Beard Show 8-2--Concentration 7--Message 63--Friendly Giant 4--Andy of Mayberry 15 AM, 6-3--Chez Helene 11:30 A.M. Albert J. Steed 9--Toronto Today §-2--Jeopardy 7--Missing Links 6-3--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON 6-2--Say When 7--Maverick 6--Elwood Glover 4--News and Weather 3--Popeye's Party (2:15 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 9--Theatre 8-2--Truth or Consequences 4--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 4--Guilding Light 3--News, Weather, Sports 1:00 P.M. N--Lucky Score 8--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 6-3--Movie 8-6 of hearts. As a result, Bast made seven clubs for a score of 2,330 points. vet The outcome of the deal was that a grand slam was made at one table with the East-West cards while their teammates at the other table also made a grand slam --. but with. the North-South cards: The team gain on the hand was 4,540 points, which is. not to be sneered at in any league. . PIGEONS' ORIGINS Before man built cities, pig- eons -- originally blue .rock doves--lived out their lives. on rocky. ledges. SALLY'S SALLIES CROSSWORD AOROSS 1. Legal charges §. Additions to buildings poet, 9. Girl's 3. All, considered - one by one 4, Diaphanous 5, Printers' measures 6. Marshy meadow 7. Lawful 8. Put on, asaplay 11. Raised 7--Voyage To Bottom | %--Playtime With Uncle | 4--Meet the Millers of The Sea Iv 2--Mike Douglas Show 6-3--Don Messer's Jubilee ee Btls ea 1:30 P.M. 4--New York ike's Carniva _Mi pele Philharmoni¢ Concert | 2--Mike Douglas Show Yr y The eae turns 2--Checkmate 9:30 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 1--Ed. Allen 2:00 PLM, 11--Twelve O'Clock High | 9--Meta 9--Abracadabra 9--Bewitched 7--Father Knows Best | 4--Password é 63--The Other World of 10:00 A.M, 2--Loretia Young i} i} : Winston Churchill 11--Super. Bingo 2:30 P.M, ij tar ; : 4-I've Got A Secret 9--Playtime With Bobby | %--Four of A Kind Sane | : ae } 8:30 P.M. t2--Make Room For | &2--The Doctors M | f N 9--Bingo naaeritsi al 3 1 7--No Time For 1. To display bi 1 2. Dees 7 le|SMMO|Ole MIO} nse ee "What do they mean by says dng, 'sleep like a baby'?" SUNNY SPAIN! ANDALUCIA Can. $557.90--- 17 days, PALMA Con. $586-- 17 days (4 days extensions approx. $28.00). Includes: Air fare from Toronto, Ist class hotels, all meals defux motorcoach city to city, escorted. Extensions to Tangier and Canary Islands. . CALL 728-6201 Four Seasons Travel Deeg BOR8 DOWN et BOON Awe : s 7--Day In Court 10. Encounter i ik Li oN 11, A social ' function aad ming 12, Medieval 9--People in Conflict stories 7--General Hospital 14. Gold: sym, 8-2--Another World 15. Exclama- 6--As The World Turns tion 117, Past 18. Printer's requirement 20, Conun- drums 23. Male deer 25, Equality 26, Perform 27. Sweet Daddy 7--Girl talk Sergeants 63--School Telecasts 4--Andy Griffith Show 4--News 2--Have Gun Will Travel 10:30 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 11--Father Knows Best 11--Slattery's People 9--Bingo 9--Cara Willlams Show | 82--Word For Word 7--Wendy and Me 7--Price Is Right YOUR HEALTH Saturday's Answer 39. Exclama- tion of disgust 40. Sifting platform utensil 13. Indif- 44. Carpenter's ferently 5 "pin" 16. Admired 47. Golf term person: sl 48, Sea eagle 19. Girl's 37. In this 50. Kind of nickname place muffin potato 29, Fold over 1 j2 [3 |* 1B YY Ideal 31. Jewish month 9 Y _ Migraine Headache Trigger Points ut MICKEY MOUSE ' N . SM Se cee Satan enter F Dietetonted by King Postares Gyniiente," # 4"! x 'THEN SHE HELPED ME UFT IT OFF THE TABLE... 40 SHAS "30 uUN- +» AND WE ROLLED Ir OUT 'TO THE GARBAGE CAN/ By JOSEPH G. MOLNER. MD. Dear Dr. Molner: I have one or. two migrairie headaches a week. By keeping a record I notice that I have had one every weekend for several months. The villains seem to be anger, menstrual periods, and a con- dition described by you as "a feeling of pressure because you have a great many things to do and it bothers you because you can't get all hem done as perfectly as you wish." I've truly tried to get rid of my perfectionist attitude but careful not to cram too much into the schedule. Leave a mar- gin of extra time to take care of the unexpected things that come up. But the goal is to leave some free time in the afternoon or evening, or both, to do what you feel like doing. Or doing nothing! If some things aren't done, or the sil- ver still needs a more thorough cleaning, it can be done to- morrow. Not today. That. weekend pattern of headaches may well be signifi- cant. If you customarily eat fish or seafood on Fridays, it might pay to be suspicious of 35. Desire 33, Tropical fruit © V/ * Lt 38. Lotteries Y 41, Highest YA, card 9 42. Constella- tion 43. Bolivian export 45, Conjunction 46, Savage 49, U.S. emblem bird 51. Elbe tributary 52, Contended for 53. At that Y Suggestions LIGHTING eff ' ¢ pes cag a "en imeiaies types EY POLE LAMPS & DESK LAMPS © DOOR CHIMES by Edwards & NuTone CLOCKS Slectric & Transistor can't seem to do so entirely.|thom. They have an allergic time Can I really conquer this? effect on a a people, joe 64. Shade G bi y I hate to be gulping pills all}could possibly be a factor in trees I-30 the time. [ take thyroid, iron|touching off these headaches. and birth control pills, and|MAY BE SUPPRESSED by Westclox NOMA LIGHTS figurines & Vinyl Trees | Ei 60 RIGHT BACK UP AND COME DOWN THOSE STAIRS QUIETLY wu LIKE A LADY! . How DID YoU EVER MANAGE DOWN THE MUGGS AND SKEETER IT? BANISTER ! an t i sreamameenaaaas "Ba righte reserved. some my doctor gave me for migraines.--MRS. W.S. You've obviously made a val- iant effort to pinpoint the things that trigger your migraines, and this isn't always easy to do Neither is it easy to achieve a sudden «hange in your per- fectionist personality--it's the way you are put together emo- tionally. Here are my suggestions: Figure out how much you really Or, possibly, {here may be some family situation, recog- nized or. suppressed. in your mind, causing a subtle rebel- lion at (for a guess) heving the whole family around all the time on the weekend The pills your doctor gave you are probably an ergota- mine preparation. They should not be taken continuously but rather periodically as needed They may not do much good oped. They are effective mainly if taken at the first 'aura' or signs that a migraine is. shap- ing up. Occasionally birth control pills trigger headaches in some women; thyroid tends to be helpful. But the weekend pat- tern you noted would minimize the chance of either of these be- ing strongly involved As to preventing migraines, some medications are benefi- must do during the day, and be after the headache has devel- cial. Specifically, tranquilizers or mild sedatives, taken just before the weekend, or before menstrual periods, may help. Another is methysergide male- ate, (Sansert) which can be taken daily, and helps with cer- tain types of headaches, es- pecially migraines, All of these, especially the latter, should be taken only under your doctor's direction. But I'd also keep looking for the situations which trigger the attacks. @ ELECTRIC FANS Greatly Reduced CONSUMER DIVISION RUDDY ELECTRIC Ltd. 725-3539 222 Bond West el