RECOGNITION OF HIS RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL WORK, HE'S ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE FIRST GENERAL CONFERENCE OF TH METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA HE DIES IN 1882. TODAY THE RYERSON PRESS, THE RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE, AND A TORONTO PUBLIC SCHOOL STAND AS MONUMENTS TO HIS ACHIEVEMENTS. 16 THE OSHAWA Times, Seturday, November 28, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER . (Top record-holder in Masters' |tndividuel Championship Play) West dealer. East-West vulnerable. Opening lead--king of hearts, Choosing the best method of jPlay, when there is more than | | | | |one reasonable way of playing a jhand, is largely a matter of YUP=THATS ALL JAKE LEFT IN THIS WORLD-- RT BRETT "IVE A HEAD FOR FIGURES, AND SOMEONE TOLD ME THE WAY (4L BRT Hi DOLSN'T SET UP A CASINO OF FRANK'S FOR ME 70 BEAT BRETT WAS TO STICK TO WHAT / KNEW | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY FIVE KIDS AN' A PILE O'PEBTS~HE WAG PULLA I), BIG IDEAS BUT NO HAND FER WORK~ HE ; WASN'T WORTH A HOOT IN A RAIN BARREL -- BUT I MISS THE BIG INVENT A REDUCING DIET THAT INCLUDED , BANANA SECRET AGENT X9 qe STRIKE THE GUERRILLAS PROM BEHIND, | y | | <G * pal, Ha >) W Od rh re MICKEY MOUSE | THE LONE RANGER TELEVISION LOG | CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton = CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronto | | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo | WKBW-TV Changel 7--Buffalo WROU-TV Channel 8--Rochester | | CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. TWO DAYS'P/DE FROM ne eh me Ba i a) SYSTEM SPREADS. B you £VeR ee LYSCOVER IT?) 30" BEST, THAT GOOD ADVICE CAME FROM~-- Week. A NEW ADVENTURE / V1 Sot Wavid mghte reserved |good judgment, However, you cannot be convicted of using bad judgment if it turns out that you saw only one line of play and overlooked a different but better one. South got to four spades on |the bidding shown and West jcashed the A-K of hearts and jshifted to a trump. Declarer ;won the spade in dummy, ruffed ja heart, then entered dummy with another trump, and ruffed the last heart He now cashed the A-K of |clubs and continued with a club, SATURDAY SVE. 6:00 P.M. li--Strikes and Spares 9--Mr. Magoo j--Early snow 6--Couptry Time 4--Wrestling 3--Teem Time 6:30 Pom. Ni--Polka Party 9--Jonnny Quest o--Music 3--Ripcord 2--Pic-A-Poika 6:45 PM. 9-6-4-5----News; Weather) Sports 7:00 PLM. li--Star Route 9~Voyage To The Bottorn of The, Sea 63--Beverly Hilibiilies 4-UB Rouno janie Pane 7:30 P.M. Club |i Dance Party $-2--Flipper 7--Outer Limits @--The Saint 4--Jackie Gieason Show 3-Take a Chance s:00 P.M. 9--Academy Performance | &2--Mr. Magoo 8:30 P.M §-2--Kentucky Jones /--Lawrence Weik Show $3--NHL : Hockey 4--Gilligan's isiand Comedy 9:00 P.M, 6-2--Movie 4--Mr, Broadway 9:30 P.M i--Debut Z Cars 7--tHollywood Palace 10:00 P.M, 9--The Avengers 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 6-3--Julietie 10:30 P.M. 11--Biockbuster 7--Jimmy Dean Show 10:45 P.M. 63--Sports Unlimited 11:00 P.M. ... BEFORE THE NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS START ARRIVING AND GOBBLING UP ALL OF THE FOOD IN THE HOUSE / YEAH! HE HAD A HORSE NEARLY FINISHED WHEN WE SAW HIM! 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--N Weather; Sports 115 P.M. 1l--Block Buster Con- tinved 9--Metro Final $-2--aiurday Nighi at The Movies 6--Nighi 11:20 P.M, 7-43--Late Show 6--Sports 11:30 P.M. 9--Answering Service 6--Feature Showcase SUNDAY 9:00 A.M 4--Popeye's Playnouse 2--Cartoons 9:30 A.M. li--ttalian Journal 7--Supercar 2---Cap!. Bob 10:00 A.M, }\--Carasello &--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 o+Metropolis 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Church invitation 10:30 A.M. 1i--O0.H.A. Jr. A Hockey 9--Portrait 4--Uncie Jerry's Ciub 2--Catholic Hour 11:60 A.M, $--Meta Presents This is fhe Life 7--Holy Mass @--Music From Chicago 4--Low Mass From $ Nicholas Church 11:30 A.M Spectrum &--The Christophers 7--Discovery i2:@0 NOON 9--Grey Cup Playback 6--Felix fhe Cat 7--Challenge é--Sunday School 4--News, Weather Sports a--The Answer 12:18 PLM. 4--Americans At Work | 12:30 P.M. lil--Pleasure of Life Mr. Wizard 7--Bullwinkle é--Live and Learn 4--Face The Nation 3--Cartoons 2b kamiy Playhouse 1:00 PLM ontinental Minlature %--Bud Sherman Show 7---Directions '65 6--Heritage 4--Film Featurette Fury 1:30 P.M, 11--Spotlight 9--House on the Hill 7--Issues and Answers 63----World of Sport 4--NFL Football 2:00 P.M. l--Ciub 11 Dance Party 9--Junior A -Hockey 6-3---World of Sport 4--NF4_ Footbal! 2:30 PLM. | 7--Dialogue | 2--Doctors at Work 2--Bowling 3:30 PLM, 8---Popeye 7--The Deputy 4--NFL Footba 4:00 #.M Dennis The Menace 7--Bowiling 4--NFL Football; Second Game 4:30 P.M Tiny Talent Time 9--Punch and Johnny. 6-3--Country Calendar | 5:00 P.M... \i--Famiy tneatre 9--Afier Four 8-2--Wild Kingdom | 7--Wrestling $3--Show of Shows College Bow! 6--Time of Your Lite 4--NFL> Footbal 3--National Velvet 0:00 PLM. 9--Flipper /--ig Show of Week 6--Stingray 4--NFL_ Football 3--77 Sunset Strip 2.-Meet The vress 6:30 P.M. N--Rawhide | 9--Walt Disney | @-Candid Carhera 4--Pro Football Report 7:00 P.M. |6¢3--Patty Duke Show 4--Lassie 7:30 P.M. 1--Movie Special 9--Mr. Novak 8-2 Disney's World of Color | 7--=Wagon Train 6-3--Flashback 4--My Favorite Martian 6:00 P.M. 643---Ed. Sullivan 6:30 P.M. 9--Man From U.N.C.L.E | 7----Broadside 6-2--Bill Dana Show 9:00 P.M. §-6-3-2--Bonanza 7--Movie 4--My Living Doll 9:30 P.M. | %--The Lucy Show | 4--Joay Bishop Show 10:00 P.M. 1--The Reporter %--The Hourglass \8-2--The Rogues 63--This Hour Has Seven Days 4--Candid Camera 10:30 PLM. 1l--Bill Dana Show | @--whal's my Line 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather, Sports 11:26 P.M, 7-4-3--Late Show 2--Awaro Theatre 11:30 PLM. Men Behind The Natior %--Dougias Fisher | 6--Human Jungle MONDAY 6:00 A.M. %--Morning News 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. Schmitzel House 9%--Romper Room 9:00 AM, %--Playtime With Bobby 7~-Dialing For Dollars 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mike Douglas Show 9:30 A.M, 1--Ed.. Allen %-Meta: Geography )Father Knows Best 0:00 AW per Bingo 9---Playtime With Bobby 8-2--Make Room For | Daddy CRVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie | i 4 Tee ( HALPY FIRE! WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo) |( WERE TRAPPED | /--Girl Tatk | 63--Educational Youth |. | Program 4--News 10:3 A.M 1l--Father Knows Best 9--Bingo | &2--Word For Word 7--Price |s Right 63--Across Canada 4--! Love Lucy 11:00 AM. Scarlett Hill 60 AHEAD 1 AND. JUMP! Ct §--James Beard Show | &2--Concentration 7--Message 6-3--Friendly Giant 4---Andy of Mayberry 1:15 A.M, 6:3--Chez Helene 11:30 A.M Alpert J. Steed | 9~Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Missing Links 63--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON 8-2--Say When 7--Surfside 6 6--Elwood Glover 4--News and Weather 3--Popeye's Party 12:15 P.M 4--Speaker of the House $-2--Truth or | Consequences | 4-Search for Tornorrow 12:45 P.M 4--Guiding Light | 3--News, Weather, Sports | 1:00 PLM, AOROSS 51. l~Lucky Score | . Ridicule 52. | &Matinee . Talks 7--Afternoon Show Th » sne------ 4--Meet The Millers Curtain 6-3--Movie 2--Nike Douglas Show . On top Censure 1:30 P.M |--Mid Day Matinee | 4 A fne Worse turns Heavenly bodies . Sign, as 2:00 P.M. 9-----Abracadabra 4--Password correct 2--Loretta Young . Auditory 2:30 P.M. 9--Four of A Kind 1 aren 8-2--The Doctors - External 7--Day tn Court seed | 6--Loretta Young coveri 4--House Party M ted 3--Super Bingo | Man § 3:00 PLM. H nickname 9--People In Conflict . Female ay | 8-2--Another World | deer 13 7--Genera) rospital 7 hed i |63--As The World Turns - Negative 4-To Teli The trutn | reply . Exploited . Barly side . Approach . Work, as mit . Fuel 29. One: . Wheaten Scot. . Wild pig . A season hoping that whoever won the club would be compelled to lead away from the king of dia- monds. Unfortunately, East took the club and returned a dia- mond, and now South had to go down one, It was a valiant try, all right, but South could have made the hand by adopting a different method of play which had a far greater chance of success, De- clarer should have assumed from the bidding that West had the king of diamonds and played his cards with 'that thought strongly in mind, After losing the first two heart | tricks, South should have cashed jall his trumps, discarding a jheart and a club from dummy. That would have brought about \the following position: South could now cash the A-K jof clubs and then lead the jack jof hearts, discarding his losing 2 VON DRAKE Dinbrthatad by King Ponberes ty mtlontn ne on it. West's forced dia- two diamond tricks and the con- | tract. DISCOVER WEALTH OTTAWA--CP) -- A package ||of bonds worth $33,600 has been |!discovered in the paper-littered |japartment of an. 81-year-old |}man who was found dead in jhis bathtub last week, police re- {ported Thursday. It had orig- > ||inally been thought he was pen- jniless, Percy Leonard Seal, whose only surviving relative is Shout 16. Lodgers Dispatched 19. De. nomi- nation 21. Sub- DOWN English 24, Chinese money silk 26, Per- IRIY] [jal TISMERIAl TIE] Yesterday's Answer 40. Mass of flour: 80, A ship- floating. India board bed ice 31. Restless 41. Vend 33. Educational 43, Mark on of the year officer skin from Machete 34, Never: a whip Astringent poetic 46, The sun fruit 37. Pants 48. Forbid dough 27. Persia |believed to be a niece living in /England, also had $20,000 in a bank account. SALLY'S SALLIES | "He says his friends would like | some prints of these." 3:20 PLM. N--Children's Program Accom- 9--I!'s Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say modate 7---The Young Marrieds | 28.Room Poems Y t 4 7 Te V, 6-3--Take Thirty Gaseous 4--Edge of Night element 5 ba YG ZY A 4:00 PLM. 32, Mountain | 9--~Mickey Mouse Club | &The Match Game pool 7--Major Adams, Trail. | $5, United master | Nations: 16 $-43--Secret Storm | 2--Captain Bob | abbr. 4:30 PLM, 36, Unit of 1-Dennis The Menace | work |, %-See_Hunt 38. Born |6-3---Razzie Dazzle | 4-Leave It To Beaver 89. Ship- shaped MONDAY &VENING clocks } 5:00 P.M. 42. Cutting li--Famby Theatre 9 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 44 - : 8--Superman | Ss. Sermans 7--The Early Show. jum: sym. 45 6--Worid Of Nature 4 j 4--Five O'Clock Show 45. Varieties 2 Yop! Bear of cabbage $:30 P.M. 47. Sword 49, Alone 6--Music Hop 2--Tales of Wells Fargo | 0, Scheme Uy V1, 6:00 P.M, 6~Karen | 2--Today, 1964 6:13 OM | 4--Sports with Cnuck 30 PM for a gay and fest |11-9--News, Weather, Sports service lasting four days. to 6-2--Huntley-Brinkley j News 7--M-Squad @--Across Canada | 645 PM. is exhumed. Family Theatre Seer 7300 P.M. el y e-The. Addie "Rainily PAINTINGS PRE &--Movie Prior to the Sec 7.6-.News. Weather Ton ree War, every art trea person's death, whe po! 4--Phil Silvers Show ) 3--No Time For Serg e@ants | 2--Bachelor Father FUNERAL CUSTOM Healy It is not unusual in Cambodia |Louvre Museum was remote parts of France and alljical student from Columbia Uni-| : were returned at the 'war's end. | versity. AMERICANS COURTED TORONTO (CP)--Two young ive funeral!/ Americans are being courted here during Grey Cup week in the hope they will sign to play take place two years after a professional football in Canada n the body|British Columbia Lidfis are ex- hibiting the glories of Canadian --|Football League warfare for ° |Clavence 'Williams, a_ six-foot SERVED ithree-inch halfback from Wash- 'ond World ington State. "Montrea! Aloust'es ure in. the! a play'ng hoot to Archie Red moved to erts, a quarierback and med- Suggestions SYS for your @ LIGHTING FIXTURES ™ Crystal - Pull-Downs & all imaginable types POLE LAMPS & DESK LAMPS DOOR CHIMES by Edwards & NuTone CLOCKS Electric & Transistor by Westclox NOMA LIGHTS Figurines & Vinyl ' Trees i ELECTRIC FANS Greatly Reduced CONSUMER DIVISION RUDDY ELECTRIC Ltd. 725-3539 222 Bond West mond return would give declarer