| Whitby Has Shortage Rent Accommodation WHITBY (Staff) -- An acute shortage of rental accammoda- tion, in all price ranges, exists ry. ; in The shortage was pinpointed by several local real estate agents. In some cases agents receive 20 or more calls per day from persons seeking accommodation and only the needs of a few can be filled. : An average of a dozen per- #0ns per week come to the news- Paper office after phoning all of the numbers listed in the for- rént column, and feceive the re- py, "sorry it's just been rent- Many buildings in town rent lafge rooms at prices nearly double to those found for sim- flar accommodation in other towns of similar size. HIGHER THAN TORONTO One large room, with wash- room facilities, and a small kit- Holly Time Is Here By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -- Santa Claus officially arrived Thurs- day, courtesy of CBS and NBC réports of various U.8. Thanks- giving Day parades. For the next 28 days, tele- vision yiewers may just as well reconcile themselves to com- mercials. chock full of holly, evergreens, carolers decking the halls with boughs and proud daddies in cotton beards ad- miring electric razors, cameras and after-shave lotion. A number of sponsors have jumpéd the gun on Christmas commercials, Jingle Bells was heard even before the Thanks- giving turkey was ordered. But most Obeyed the unwritten rule and refrained from breaking out the yuletide messages until we were through Thursday's celebration. NBC focused its color cam- eras on the lavish New York eélebration which was loaded q@ith TV personalities, bands @nd enormous balloon figures. CBS popped around to show ades in New York, Toronto, delphia, Detroit and else- where, and although the sights weren't as interesting for color set owners, it was another de- lightful show for youngsters. An easy-going musical pro- m consisting of some all- 8g favorite songs was NBC' . holiday special. 'Te P © IN-DOOR JT-DOOR SATURDAY We've just Hitched eur wegen te enother Ster NOW... DANCE TO PETE SCHOLFIELD end the COLLEGIANS Pius JUDY DENNISON LIMITED ENGAGEMENT Couples only, Dancing 9 p.m. till 12 DAVID J. POWLESS FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Sound Administration for Your Family and Mine. December 7, 1964 sitites were gone before thé building was completed. "We haven't had any lower rental suites available but peo- ple phone ail the tithe." BID TURNED DOWN Sidney Correll, town building inspector, said the town recently turned down an investors bid to construct @ 150-suite apartment block in the town's north section, The lack of proper sewer facil- house is to have it custom built "The rents for flats and apart- ments, in many. cases, are way out of line. "A basement apartment with- out a@ refrigerator or stove rent- ing for $110 is way out of line. "Houses or flats that rent for $60 to $80 per month are almost non existent," he added. "This type of accommodation ig found above stores in the downtown area and when peo- ple get them they stay. "If one comes up it rents to the first caller and dozens of persons are turned away." Donald McQuay, McQuay Real Estate, expressed many of the same thoughts. chén in One cornér, brings $60 to $70 per month to the land- lord. Similar accommodation in To- ronto is advertised at rates ranging fram $40 to $50. depend- ing on thé location. Many of the real estate agents interviewed said Whitby could absorb one hundred or more new apartment suites, and there would still be a demand for nore. Part of the problem, they stated, was the high cost of apartment land -- $1,600 per suite in some cases which com- pares to some of the price tags found on choice Toronto prop- ities to accommodate the buil ing caused the refusal, he led. Town bylaws legislating a minimum of 1,500 square feet of land per apartment means a 10- suite apartment building has to|500 be set on a lot with minimum dimensions of 100 feet by 150 feet. Mr. Correll said there are few vacant building lots zoned for multiple residences within the limits of the town, but several lots with older buildings located on them are available, Bylaws demand a mifimum of jd-|the evidence was designed to OTTAWA (CP)--A post office review board Thursday com- jleted a fout - day hearing to ip it decide whether the American tabloid Thunderbolt is scurrilous, and Board Coun- "Thunderbolt" Is Anti-Jewish Says Post Office Lawyer $1, of Gooderham, Ont., and David Stanley, 20, of Toronto who resented the National States Party of Birming- jderbolt. The newspaper was banned from the Canadian mails in July under an interim order by Postmaster - General Nicholson. The three-man board of re- view, headed by Mf. Justice Dalton Wells the Ontario Court of Appeal, will decide whethér the: ban should become! ham, Ala., publishers of Thin- permanent or be lifted. te ada datcdad sel Gordon Blair said much of place the Jewish people "'in the worst possible Hight." The two chief sources of testi- mony were John Ross Taylor, Square feet for each apart- ment which rules out the build- ing of bachelor units he added. | RCNA DANCE TONIGHT erty. HIGH-RISE PROHIBITED Bylaws prohibiting apartments of more than three storeys and forcing the owner to provide 1,500 square feet of land for each suite is a hindrance to new growth, they said. GET MANY CALLS "Houses and apartments fot rent are almost non existent, and we get an average of 10 calls per day from persons look- ing for a home. Mrs, Audrey Moore, Olive TOOTHACHE Don't suffer agony. In seconds get re- lief that lasts with ORAJEL, Speed- release formula puts medications te work instantly to stop throbbing ys by many "first-aid" for toothaches yet $6 sate Old Time - Modern ADMISSION--$1.25 RED BARN Howe Real Estate, said: 'We have. had new buildings to rent in the past year, atid all of the doct commend joctors recommen ORA-JEL "We just can't get any build- it for teething. 89¢ ings to rent, if we get a new apartment building the suites are rented before the buildi is completed," said Tim Vipond of Bowman and Gibson Real) Motor City Car Club Estate. | Mr. Vipond said his agency | resents | The after Four T.V.'s had one house to rent this year,| BIG TOWN BOYS and it went to the first caller. "With the coming of the new SUNDAY, NOV, 29 8:30 P.M. fill 11:30 P.M. steel plant and the steady with membership eerd--$1.25 growth to the town we find the ubilie demand far exceeds the supply. <>» fa te W-rt "Even new houses up for sale are in short supply," he added. "We could sell a smany as we can get. "New developments are sold before the excavations are made, The best way to get a 50¢ Members & ELVIS PRESLEY -- IN -- OPENS MON., THRU DEC. 19 Direct From New York! Arthur Miller's AFTER THE FALL || ,,\ ACAPULCO" IN COLOR LAST a "MAN IN THE MIDDLE" "EYES OF ANNIE JONES" pitt FIRST AAD peue STARTS SUNDAY! | THEY y Levee | BY 2 DAY... AN LIVED 'BY NIGHT ! Their Passions Raged In The CShadews of « q Beck Alley! : "THIS IS MY STREET" IAN | HENDRY JUNE RICHIE mT TAN ¢FROM THE UNKNOWN CAME TERROR ! "THE MIND BENDERS" --with--- 5:40. 7:48 - 9 Hsin HOCKEY SUNDAY AT 7:00 P.M, L' LEAFS vs. BETRoit DICK BOGARDE MARY URE JOHN CLEMENTS BOTH FEATURES FIRST RUN! Pr tejntedaintitdtm pets THIS WEEK - AS USUAL SADIE HAWKINS & HARD TIME Featuring THE COACHMEN 7S$e Non-Members DRESS -- SHIRT ond TIE "TAMMY AND THE DOCTOR" -- with -- SANDRA DEE tN COLOR BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. EVENINGS 8:30 $2.25 TO $6.00 MATS, WED. & SAT. 2 P.M. $1.50 TO $4.00 Reservations 723-2143 -- 725-1348 S| NOW PLAYING 3:36 PM. IGILTMORE PHONE 725- 5833 SAT, & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, »a oe THE SCREEN COMMITS THE PERFECT COMEDY! 'PETER ELKE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE TIMES: 1.45 ~ 3.40 « 5. 30 A A BLAKE E EDWARDS SELLERS SOMMER Gg acHOT THE DARK Er Tis = usa rene IDE Dey PHONE 723-2843 NOW Bie hh A OPEN ef 7.25 » 9.25 Lest posers et ov Bia NOW! aud BIG WEEK RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO 2ND FEATURE WESTERN ADVENTURE AND ACTION IN "THE HELLIONS «i rictarn roo ccoten Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) NAGY'S Proudly ee: The Analgamation with SOUTH END AUTO BODY! Combining Years of Fine Working Skill, Making This The Largest Independent Body Shop With The Best Collision Service Oshawa Has To Offer Edward ed, Licensed Mechanic ond Bear Frame School graduate handles all frame straightening, wheel elignment and balancing. Expert steering, ball joint and suspension repairs and replacement. Paint shop equipped to handle care or trucks of any size, Complete or touch ups. Air or oven dry. NAGY MOTORS LIMITED OFF STEVENSON ROAD SOUTH Complete Body shop facilities with the latest Pm BES to give pth finest auality available in reconditioning. Rust, replacing rocker panels | or major collision repairs, " 'The finest fully eq u efter personally by Prank Nagy, 'Devie, ped radio despatched towing fleet in the city looked -- CALL 728-5175. Wayne Stoneburg, Don Down and Norm NOTICE! To all insurance policy holders: if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a car accident this winter Nagy Motors are of- fering FREE TOWING By highly skilled service men from the scene of the accident to Nagy Motors Yard 24 HOURS Day or Night Where your car will be apprais- ed and checked over for you at no cost to you. NAGY MOTORS CALL 728-5175 DOWN'S TOWING SERVICE KING ST, EAST 723-7032