_ Brash, Tough Martineau z | seaman hasn't a chance to get | elected to office." Once Power Figure In Que. By GERRY McNEIL QUEBEC (CP)--Brash, tough Gerald (Gerry) Martineau, 62, acquitted today on a charge of def: the Quebec govern- ment of $34,600, was for years treasurer of the Union Nation- ale party. ' Once a power figure in the party, he has gradually slipped into the background after the 1959 death of Premier Maurice Duplessis, the party's founder, Mr, ete ed held the party purse strings from 1944 to 1962. And there were reports he con- trolled a political war chest of * $60,000,000 and made an annual trip to Switzerland to bank money. In those years, he said, he had two secretaries typing out recommendations for the sup- licants who poured into his er Town office - equipment firm. But he denies the party ever had millions and says his trips to Geneva were on business, and a Liberal senator was usu- ally on the same boat. He was perhaps the best friend of Premier Duplessis, a man he thought of as a father, The flag that covered the Du- plessis casket stands at his ¢ fice door, and near his desk is a marble bust of the premier. Photos of Le Chef cover the wails. In speeches to the legislative council, to which Mr. Duplessis appointed him in 1946, he re- fers often to the late premier. The speeches are those of a traditionalist who sees "danger- it is the system my grandchil dren knew and it is the only system I wish for the childrer of our province." It was the Union National system of paying commission: to party supporters that brough! Mr. Martineau to court. ' At his trial this year, the out- spoken businessman defended this as a "legal custom" that was being practised long before the Union Nationale took office in 1936. He said Premier Duplessis himself had recommended per- sons for payment and he didn't believe the premier "could do anything dishonest." The report of the Salvas royal commission on Union Nationale purchasing practices had led to the charges, and the report called the system "immoral, scandalous, humiliating and alarming." Mr. Justice Elie Salvas blasted Mr, Martineau in the report for his "effrontery" in going on television to defend the old system while the commis- sion was under way. | ONE OF 10 CHILDREN The compact, hard-eyed busi- |nessman was bor in Quebec's Lower Town July 31, 1902, one of a family of 10 children. ous innovators" and "'leftists"| Gerry Martineau peddied pa- behind legislation like this|pers on a downtown corner. year's bill. to set up an educa-| At 17, he began selling type- tion department. writers and at 21, he was dis- He opposed it as 'a denial of|trict manager of the past" and of the work done|Company's office here. He mar- by Quebec's religious communi- ried the same year and when ties under the old system. he was 28, he bought the Rem- "It was the system I knew,| ington outlet here. During the war years, when GERALD MARTINEAU » acquitted Election Of New Officers By SIU, Facade Says Norri VANCOUVER (CP)--Mr. Jus- tice T. G. Norris said Thurs- day the election of new officers of the Seafarers International Union (Ind.) is a facade. "Without democratic _provi- sions in the union's constitution, the steps taken for the secrecy of the ballot and all the rest of it could be nothing more than a facade," he said in an inter- view. The British Columbia Su- preme Court justice was a one- man royal commission investi- gating the Great Lakes shipping dispute. His report led to the imposition of federal trustee- ship on Canadian maritime unions. The trustees dismissed Hal Banks as the heal of the SIU, making elections necessary. It was announced Thursday that Leonard J. (Red) McLaughlin, a former lieutenant of Banks, was elected president. 'Mr. Justice Norris said he was not a bit surprised at the election results 'because the constitution of the SIU of Can-|organization." ada is such that it is quite un- democratic and the ordinary "I gave my views on Mc- solidly behind~Banks. If Banks were permitted to return to Can- ada there was not an official or man who could beat him. 100,000 - member British Co- lumbia Federation of (CLC), predictable '"'because there was for little done to democratize the|] aches end pains (rheume- bility that any real changes will occur. The policies probably the Union Nationale was in op- position, he developed a friend- ship with Mr. Duplessis. He be- came a familiar figure at Le Chef's side, gave him valuable ural choice as party treasurer in 1944, "They call it. planning, we called it foresight and vision, he says, ticking off Union Nation- ale accomplishments: 4,200 new , i i 1|schools; 110 hospitals; many of kang gg Hedley Pte the buildings at Lavai Univer- Hall (international SIU presi-| sity. lent) and Banks are, as well as| Mr. Martineau said that dur- from Montreal." ing those years he threw men He said the legislation estab-|out of his office who placed as lishing the trusteeship did not|much as $25,000 on his desk for give authority for change in the| favors. He also recalls phoning constitution of the union. a4 bank and ordering that ar- Meanwhile Rod Heinekey,|rangements be made for a elected first vice - president,|$1,500,000 loan to a religious said that Banks no longer has|community. anything to do with the union /RusINESS SUCCESS ROWS cated| He became a director of a He said the vote indi that the membership is still/bank, a national supermarket ctrned I have no reason to change my views. "It should be remembered that the contro! of the SIU Continental STEAM BATH CoS BKERCISE s said the results lore . HEAT : Pat O'Neil, secretary of the tism ete.) @ Registered Masseur Call 728-2460 or 725-2109 16A Ontario St, "There is very remote possi- will be Banks's. If he doesn't continue them himself from Laughlin and the others in my report and as far as I am con- New York, his supporters will here." B.C. LIO TI-CATS We May Be Wrong! TONY'S ORIGINAL BAR-B-Q CHICKEN -- NS - 24 -17 But The Moral Of Our __ Prediction is... if y6 Haven't tried TONY'S Original BAR-B-Q CHICKEN YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN THE GAME TONY' so CHICKEN GREY CUP PARTY SPECIAL PARTY PLATTER FEEDS @ LARGE CHICKEN PLATTER @ FRENCH FRIES FOR 4 @ COLE SLAW FOR 4 @ 4CRISP BUTTERED @ BAR-B-QUE SAUCE ONY'S ORIGINAL 28-1655 FOUR 95 SAT. ROLLS : SUN. 'jon the board of the Milwaukee Remington} . financial advice and was a nat-|. that it subsequently issued $100,000 more in cheques to university students than it should have. When Antonio Barrette re- signed as party leader in 1960, after the losing election, he gave as the reason for his ac- chain and half-a-dozen business firms. A friendship with con- tractor Lou Perini led to a seat Braves. The Martineaus, Gerry and his son Robert, support junior 'ockey here and own the Que- bec Aces, a club that made the \merican Hockey League finals ast spring. After Mr. Duplessis died in Mr. Martineau and chief organ- izer Joseph-Damase Begin. Mr. Martineau gave up ,the treasurer's job in 1961, after backing Daniel Johnson's suc- cessful bid for party leadership. 959, the Martineau influence vegan to wane in the Union Nationale. Almost overnight, when the Liberals won in 1960, the name STREETS CLEAN UP Doctor Kicked Woman In Stomach STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)--A 76-year-old doctor was fined $1 eve 3 RC-|and $2 costs Thursday for kick- tion "'deep disagreement" with|ing a Thorndale, Ont., woman in the stomach during a dispute in his office. Dr. G. H. Ingham was found guilty of assaulting Mrs. Ter- rence Taylor who, the doctor testified, attempted to force her way into his office Oct. 6 while DAR ES SALAAM (AP) -- Tanzania's capital has begun a crackdown on. litterbugs. The municipal government warns that persons who continue to dump garbage in their own backyards or in the streets will be liable to fines or two months in jail. "Martineau" disappeared from thousands of typewriters and machines in government of- fices, A contract through the Mar- tineau agency for an electronic computer was torn up and an- other type of computer Lought. Mr. Martineau smugly noted A. E. JOHNSON 0.D, OPTOMETRIST 14V%4 King St. East 723-2721 OSHAWA NG CENTRE DECEMBER STORE HOURS OPEN EVERY UNTIL "NIGHT INCLUDING SATURDAYS December 1st through Dec. 23 he was treating a patient. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 27,1964 7 - to! Court was told that Mrs. Tay- from an optical firm in uilding. lor, accompanied by her hus- to reimburse them for|chased band, were trying to get Dr. eyeglasses Mrs, Taylor had pur-ithe b Ledies' 10K. Cultured PEARL RING from $7.95 up Gents' Onyx, Diemond & Initial 10K Gold Ring $19.95 SUNBEAM TOASTER Com Selection of bay a" CORNING WARE BE On )|| CHARGE IT! MATCHING TIE BAR: & CUFF LINK SETS from $1.95 up Sheaffer's Pens, Pencils, ond Ball Points from $1.00 up STE. 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