Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1964, p. 19

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ee nN Oy I a Vig Neen we a met OG eet oe Y tee Hy 20--Reel Estate for Sale Ce ee 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reo! Estete for Sele 22--Lots for Sole PY OE ee RG a yy SOP ener Vt THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 27,1968 19 20--Reo! Estate for Sele KEITH PETERS REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 King Street East « $14,500. --- Incomm 'home ae M $12, Metered A pow brick, loupe kit- chen with more thary ample finished ra=.room, wide paved privates i $12,300. -- 6 roonn, brick, large modern kitchen, extra bothroom, garage dud pri- vate drive, $11,000, ----- Brick bunga- low, oif heating, -- --- rated, garage, go t $1700 DOWN. $8,500, --- 5 rocnp in Bowmanville, 14 'etere lot. $7,900. -- 6 roonn house with new forced air «nil heat- ing, gorage, 4 acre' lot, 15 | *' minutes from D. $5,800, -- 6 room' hiouse in central location, $2800. ---- Lot witty 400 ft. paved rood frontage: close to _Oshewa OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKSEND CROSSING GUARDS The T.5.A. of Eost Whitby ig undertaking to hire school Crossing Guords for two locations. home 1, Corner Harmony Road & Taunton Road for Maxwell Heights School 2. Corner Simcoe Street and 5th Concession, Township ' of East Whitby, for Coron- aion School METCALF REAL. ESTATE LTD, 40 KING ST: E, 728-4678 10 NEW HOMES cis seem "at eo Work, Bor including elec- tri qgorages, carports, i lots and pric- some with od trom $16, 50 up, just off King St. E, QUIET AREA 54 room American plan «+ located in @ nice quiet area 3 bedrooms, this is a lovely home with no stairs to climb, 4 uly room on ground floor - we living and dining . , double garage, py paved drive and pric- ed at only $19,900 - posses- sion January Ist. CLOSE TO NORTH GM. room home in beautiful Sivaiiier. one of the older well built hames, lorge en- trance hall, very lorge living room with fireploce, real large dining room with french doors to the living room. 9 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms extra stool im basement, hot water heat with oil, beautiful land- scaped large lot. Double gor- age, con be purchased for only $5,000. down, Call us for more. detoils. TRI PLEX $26,500. and could not be Anyone interested in either of these positions please * reply, stating age, your loca- tion, at least one reference, end salary expected 17 Models nowsunder constructicer: SAVE $500 under "ire ' Winter Worles; Program For further information and date for an interview, contoct J. H, Pascoe, Secretary-Treasurer R.R, No. 2, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone: 728-0458 To view these lovely homes follow Park Rei. South to Phillip Murtay Ave ond you ore there! SJalesmnen are on sight all wee kend || JOSEPH .B0SCO REAL TIOR 728-7377 FOR SALE Apartment Site Vor 1] Suites Situated on Park Road north near Avwielaide Call Bill Méibor 725-1186 W. T. L.AMSON __REAL ES, TATE LTD Ta PAWGE 5 OLIVE HOWE Raval Estate 6 68-8981 PrIARENT por eA ae eemoce Sy den donde $1400 CASH ia this gracious "family | home with bt kk fireplace, separate dining room. © our full-sized bedrooms. Onty @ few sfieps from transportation. Large weil kejot garden. May be pur- chased. with femsonable down EXPANDING COMPANY HAS OPENING -IN MAINTENANCE DEPT. For energetic capable mon who. has « good working knowledge of air compressors and holds a third class en- gineer or compressor operator certificate, Reply to Box 910 OSHAWA TIMES SOLLECTOR, part-time, established monthly debit. to "service "7 to 8, "W"', Toronto 14, Onterio 20---Real Estote for Sole SELLING CALL DON HOWE Real Estate 725-7732 WE Room" BUNGALOW with garage, eve, i eued saab soem' Lacie n'a Located north west area, call S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728-6286. OSHAWA TIMES PA\TTERNS PRINDED PATTERN phone Wa 778-7083 or Guise Realty Ltd, mn Realtors, ve-room bungalow, owner Mi R ensferred. Asking r, Roy Yeo, 728-5123, .Bolahood Brothers Limited. ALWAYS NEEDED | By ALICE BROOKS Handmade mittens are the) warmest! Knit these easily to| wear for schoo!, sports , Last-minute gifts! Knit cozy) mittens with cable trim -- dif ferent color for each child . a tern 7144: directions 4, 6, year sizes included, Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) 4583 SIZES 2-8 'CULOTTE JUMPER By ANNE ADAMS Look'] Culotte jumper and | blouse -~ newest, most practical to Alice Brooks care of The|f@8hian. for active 'youngsters Oshawa Times, Neediecraft}/JUmper -- very easy to sew -- Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On.|/2 Wa ist seams tario residents add one cent, Pringed Pattern 4583: Ghil- sales tax. Print plainly PAT-jdren's Sizes 2,4, 6, 8 Size 6 TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD.-|culotéé jumper 1% yards 54-inch, DRESS blouse % yard 35-inch First time): THREE FREE) Filery GENTS (50c) in coins PATTERNS in big, exciting 1965/ (no ytamps, please) for this pat Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de-jtern, Ontario residents add 2c signs -- smart stoles, jackets,|saley tax. Print plainly SIZE. hats, toys, afghans, linens, |NAMIR, ADDRESS STYLE everything! Send 25 cents |NUN/BER DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16) cond order to ANNE ADAMS complete quilt pattems -- piec: arp. of The Oshawa Times Pat- ed and applique, for beginners, les, Dept. Oshawa, Ontario experts. Send 60 cents now N'EW! 300 sparkling designs, Pera gy es exciting fashion and fabric Want-Ads Don't fextnres plus coupon for ONE on, choose! Send for-new Fail- replaced for $30,000. to-day Good rental oreo good invest- ment APARTMENT LAND Close to south Genero! Mot- ors,, properly zoned, ready to build on and priced quite reasonable. Call us today for further information. ELECTRIC HEATED HOMES Take possession before Christmas, trades accepted, these homes all have gor- ages, prepaid services, lots completely sodded Well worth @ look OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Borriage Joe Moga Ken Hann MEMBER OF O. D. R. E. B LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ----REAL ESTATE-- ~-MORTGAGES-- ~~ INSURANCE-- $14,700 NEW BUNGALOW Clay brick, hollywood kit+ chen, ceramic tiled bathroom with built-in vanity, large living room with stippled ceil- ing, three bedrooms with ex- tra sized closets, divided basement. wtih. laundry tubs. Forced air oil heat. Outstand- ing value. Any reasonable down payment considered, Call Charles Rankine at 728- 5123 or 728-3682 EASTHAVEN JUST LISTED Here's the one that will sell quickly. Attractive 5 room bungalow with paved drive and fenced yard. Choice |o- cation, Priced for fast sale et only © $14,900 with monthly payments of only $102.00 including taxes. Early possessioni. Be the first to inspect and make an of- fer. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217, BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom brick bungalow. List for only $12,700.00 with ©. very low down payment. Call Mr. Ed Drumm at 728- 5123 or 725-9345 ONLY $5,500 4 room cottage with furni- ture. Double large fots fo- cated off Taunton Rd. West in the city. Asking $1,500 down, Vacant now. Call Mr. Jack Napier at 728-5123 or 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 10.1 Simcoe St. N. Open Every Evening __Member of of O.D.R.E.B RE 8 SAVE $500. Armstrong Homes WILSON ROAD SOUTH (at Dean Avenue) $15,400 MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 AM. to 10 P.M. "All Armstrong Homes heated with clean dependable gos' * PHONE 723-6461 H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER SELLING GUY BELL ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 SUBURBAN living st its best. Close to King street west. Convenient to shopping Lot 77 by 200 ft. Double garage, paved dr veway Six room. modern brick bunga low, storie fireplace and many extra Low taxes. Price reduced by $1,000. Must RIZE PATTERN any one Cost -~They Pay pter Pattern Catalog, 50c. sold. To see ry Stinson 725- 10243, Carl Oisen Resitor, 20---Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtors 416 Simcoe St., South 723-1121 COFFEE BAR _) Ideal portnership or man ond wife teom. Weekly soles ov- erage $750. The only coffee bor neor the G.M. south pient, Don't take onyone's word for this, come ond check it out yourself, The Opportunity is there if you are interested. Work at GM, 8 fours @ day, ond build up your own business ofter hours. Living quorters avoiloble. Full particulors to interested buyers. TAUNTON RD. WEST Only minutes from downtown Oshewo. A lovely 2 "igs "ie ie , with notural fireplace. Dining room, 12' x 14, broedioom = throughout =the home with matching drapes which go with the house. A teal modern deluxe kitchen with all the extras, 12' x 17'. 3 large bedrooms upstoirs, with a lovely 4 piece bath- room, All these rooms in- dividually heated with elec- tricity. Heating costs for this large home only $225 per yeor, Electric heated rec room with ideal entrance location, from outside or inside. This home cannot be equalled for quolity and price, 5 years old only $17,500. Excellent mort- ge9e, 6%, can be corried for $100 per month, P. |. & T, JUST LISTED 1% yeor old home in immoa- culate condition, 6 rooms with 3 large bedrooms. Natural fireplace, bath and 14 attoch- @d gorage with o sun deck. An easy one to buy! SPLIT LEVEL--WHITBY $1,500 down for this 3 bed- room modern home in seclud- ed residential ares. Built-in china cabinet ond planter in dining oreo. Panelied rec room, full asking price only $12,300, Very close to school, INVESTMENT PROPERTY 8 suite apartment building, hot water heated. lot 60 x 177 with -paved parking. Ideally situated near South G.M. plont. Rental income after expenses provides a 900d profit. Please call now for more particulars. KING ST. WEST, COMMERCIAL Lorge 9 room, 2' storey brick home with large 60 x 190 lot. Excellent location for Stores and offices. Good in- vestment opportunity. asking $38,000.00. N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in choice north-east location. Oil heated close to schools, Not too much gardening required heré. N.H.A. mortgage car- ries for $68 monthly, Own- ers have purchased new home ond must sell SOUTH-EAST A rare opportunity to pur- chose a reasonably priced home in this excellent loca- tion for the family with stud- ents. Close to public schools, high ond separate schools. Exceptionally clean, 3 bed- room home on Baldwin St, Carries for $78 per month, interest and principal, and taxes, Asking only $13,300, 8 ROOM BUNGALOW BROOKLIN There is @ fabulous amount of comfortable living space in this attractive bungalow. Fin- ished rec room with bor, a Study and 4 bedrooms. Car- port with lock-up storage, 75 foot landscaped and treed lot with patio. Easy 10 minute commuting vio newly payed highwoy between Brooklin ond G.M. south plant 4 BEDROOM. HOME $13,900 for this 7 room, 11 storey brick home in excellent condition, Located on LaSalle Ave. Extras include broad- loom, T.V, tower and aerial, ond goroge. AJAX Large 6 room semi-detached brick home with full base- ment, Fenced in lot, Down payment only $1,500 CENTRALLY LOCATED Attractive 3 bedroom home, minutes from north GM plant. Lerge kitchen, separ ote dining room, situated on © weil landscaped lot 2 STOREY SEMI This electrically heated home ts now 'under construction Modern methods assure you of economy combined with comfort, 3 bedrooms, living room and dining room bathrooms, only $2,500 down 5 Open Daily from 9am to 9pm 77083 723-2537 725-4330 728-0768 25-5701 655-3821 723-1121 725-3454 725-4362 723-7183 125-8068 728-5581 725-4330 728-0208 Walter Mittle Lieyd Corson Lucas Peacock Edith Gifford Nick Siblock L. S. Lafoy Kenneth C. Toms Roy Flintoff Tony Siblock "R. A. Young Leon Manitius Steve Englert Jean Peacock Ernest Mueller For full particulars call Guide Realty Ltd., 723-1121 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 (Over 6 Quarter Century of Service) $8,900 FULL PRICE Only $65 per month buys this older home neor North G.M. Plant. Has 3 good size bed- rooms pius dining end fliving room, Just needs decorating. $1,500 DOWN Three bedroom brick bunge- tow in very good condition only 6 years old. Possession con be orranged eorly as owner is going east, Please call now. WHITBY 704 CENTRE ST. S. Four years old bungalow with hollywood kitchen, hood and fon, mohogony cupboords, double closets in bedrooms, Lovely treed lot. Only $13,- 900. $3,500 DOWN Only $102 per month includ- ing taxes buys this beoutifully decorated home with recreo- tion room and dining room. Extra two piece both off re- creation room. RANCHER Situated in north west neor McLaughlin school. Home has fireplace, recreation room orea, attached garage, fenc- ed lot 65 x 150. Owner hes been transferred. Immediote possession, Coll tonight. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Lovely three bedroom brick bungalow only 4 years old. All the extras one could wish for--cutom finished recrea- tion room, extra two piece both with vanity, extra closet ond storage space, asphalt drive. large carport. Only $16,900 with substentiat down poyment. LAW STREET This 6 rpom bungalow. with carport has bright rooms throughout. Very modern fire- place in the living room, lorge recreation room with bor. Paved drive, $2,900 DOWN 6% .N.H.A. RESALE Only $102 per month buys this lovely' brick resale. As- phalt drive, back yard com- pletely fenced, and front lawn hedged, Close to schools Watch for our special Saturday night AD in the Builder's Section, featuring 4 different homes weekly, For full particulars col! 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to9 P.M, Bill Johnston Charles Choytor Marg, Hall Steve Macko Irene Brown Allon Thompson Maible Boudreau Margaret Lee Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West Free, easy, safe, parking JONES & DOUGAN REAL ESTATE BROKERS Professional Building Whitby 668-8841 CENTRAL WHITBY "HOME INDEED" Very attractive, six room bungalow with basement nearly finished, located on o . god lot with a fenced back yard, Two-piece washroom in basement. Ideal location. OSHAWA .- THREE BEDROOMS $11,500. Fine, one and half storey home with a well-land- scaped lot. You can depend on receiving good value for your money when. you buy this well cared-for home. WHITBY Well built, completely finished. This bungalow hos a finished basement, complete with kit- chen cupboards and a 3- piece washroom. Paved. drive, landscaped lot, all storms and screens, 7.V. Tower, all ready to enjoy in a good neighborhood. WHITBY $1,200 DOWN Five Room bungalow --- large bright kitchen, living room (14° x 18') and three bed- rooms. Good basement. This home is to be completely re- decorated. Why not pick the _colors and move in? MODEL HOMES Open This Weekend 1 P.M. TO DARK EAST Athol Street. Just East of Wilson Road South. 6 models JOSEPH BOSCO [zs REALTOR 728-7377 728-1066 723-7996 723-1358 7285868 725-3867 728-2870 728-2233 723-2894 5 large rooms, 1 John SPLIT-LEVEL three-bedroom home, sit- vated in ideal community, $17,250. Call Kitchen, 723-3788. Gatete Ltd. - HH, Millen Real ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 $1,000.00 DOWN Cute 4 room bungolow, well locoted. Suitable for older citizens. Coll 726-5157, 5 yeors old, Corries for sis monthly. STORE AND LIVING QUARTERS Long established corner store. Doing steady volume. Owner will toke trade for house. Coll 728-5157 now, DOCTORS & LAWYERS 1000 square feet office space Available iptiaty. 7 1965 Call now 728-5) 128-51 5] 14 SALESMEN TO "ASSIST" YOU ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED} 48 Simcoe Street South Oshawa JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe South NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE Neot 4 room home on nice lot. Low taxes $134. Con be bought cash or terms 'NORTH END Lovely brick family home with cleverly modernized kitchen. Seperate dining room, Garage and paved drive, Walking distance to schools. COUNTRY LIVING 3 bedroom brick ranch bun- golow with oversized ottach- ed garage. Real nice large lot. 6 miles west of Oshawa off Hi oy No. 2. Only $15,000 with terms. V.L.A. EAST END 5 room home in spotless condition; with very nice lot. Located ot east city limits, NORTH END 2 yeor old bungalow. Holly- wood kitchen. Natural trim. Built-in stove and oven. De- corated. Landscaped. Only $15,900. with terms. Fred May . 728-0035 Elmer Fredin ... 725-2753 James Gibbens ++ 723-9750 Sally Wallace ... 725-6297 John Grovelle ... 728-0594 Joe Crawford ., 723-1021 Murray Boyle. ° 723-4270 $500. WINTER BONUS Off Summer Prices RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Still have @ few homes left ot summer prices From $1,957 Down Directions: From Ritson Rd. go E. On Rossland one block Follow model signs South to Sales Office. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, daily. Also choice Resales from $13,300 Exclusive Agents H. Griffin Real Estate Broker 723-6431 After 9 p.m. call 723-4134 WHitey th room jalow, well decorated, spotiessiy clean, Wood kitchen, Basement apartment, at tached garage, with paved drive. tm. mediate possession. Asking $2,000. down. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. phate a nes BUILDER'S LOSS, your gain, this five room brick bungalow with attached gar- age, only one left, must sell, Call $. D Hyman "Real Estate Limited. 728-6286. Melee dd Re cli four Sagoo ame with $18,550. Call -- John Kitchen nay af" Millen Real Estate coLtaee AVE. 3 bedroom, 1% storey stucco, hot water heating with oil, 20 bia living room hein ogy Hay oie hago Hy hedged, gara fy bus stop, segeole and ome' '000 down, call Robert S. McCallum, teatier, 725-6402, 521 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. FIFTEEN ACRES with 4room house, garage, small barn. Excellent garden Soil. Some bush. Paved foad approx- Terms. Excellent agg Property. 728-5103. W. D. Martin, Realtor. PRIVATE, three - bedroom bungalow, natural fireplace, 5¥2 per cent financing. Close to bus, school, shopping plaza; paved drive. $2800 down. 725-8358. PRIVATE ie -- Large well-built four- bedroom home, full basement, ol! heat, soos. epee orchard and of Oshawa. Telephone 723- we rv area clay brick oearamn it j Wa nacre Gel 1° --. an R down payment. gents, Apply 'la "park Road North $4,900 FULL PRICE. Large brick 24 storey home. Only $2,200 down and one mort- iho for balance. Call Bill Johnston, hg Aker Ltd., 360 King Street West, oe Fa DOWN -- to one NHA 6éls per cent mortgage. $500 winter bonus on these homes. 4 bedrooms, split level, 2 baths, storms and screens, Rs da rag sodded front and rear, 17 ft. » 25 ft. livingroom, on! Ga 2 alate. Carcies as low as $83 monthly If you quality. Full Price only $14,665. Also have 3 bedrooms and garages only $1090 down, Call Gerry Hill Whitby 668-8951. Or after hours collect to AM 7-9712, Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. | WHITBY: immediate possession on this six-year-old, threé-bedroom brick bunga- low, completely fenced-in back yard, large' living room 7 ft. by 12. Close to schools For further Information call Margaret Hall 723-1358. Schofield Aker Limited imately 3 miles from city. Asking $15,900.|7 ~~ We Do Not "Sell" 26--Aportments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale ' Properties We 'Assist' You to Buy ; ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-515/ feet X 214 tee ae, SPL Limited, 726-5157. bri neany Lid, Resitors, Ms-1101 23--Reol a Wanted Tm, eee YOUR HOME FOR_ CASH "OR TERNS, LIST WITH JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 WANTED 200 to 500 ACRES Must hove some water front- age. Write to: BOX 514 OSHAWA TIMES Age vou MOVING fo Menireel or Winé- 7 AM oe) want your home sold, Si Bi. Johnston, ield-Aker Real iat 723-2265. |24--Stores, Offices, Storage | OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building 'CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES _ RENTAL OF OFFICE $75 PER MONTH Office for rent on Pearson Street. Suitable for Real Es- tote or other office work, completely serviced and ready for tenant. Parking space for 4 cars, Call Guide Realty Ltd, Realtors, 723- 1121, 25--Houses for Rent SIK-ROOM three-bedroom house, on serv. ice road between Oshewa end Whitby jber 21. | MODERN four iorge room: upper duplex, GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Possedsion December Ist. Adults Only, TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2911 For Appointment . 2 BEDROOM. APARTMENT $1is - Simcoe St. North All conveniences, parking, odults, Avoitoble February 1, 1965, 725-3302 OSHAWA: Nice clean unturnished heated upstair: . TV aerial. immediate $55 monthly. Disi 623-2990. $80 mon' 1, thy. in Whitby. Dial 668-4864. NEW. Threefoom epariment. att "attractively a decorated Rouge Hi prive, Telephone AT 2-1693 between 6 and Pm. TWO- AND THREE-ROOM Clg central. Children welcome. Parki High Street, Whitby, Telephone pe THREE-ROOM, unfurnished nt. Private beth, Heavy wiring, trally located. Abstainers. Working Couple! preferred. No culire Available Decem- Telephone 725-4266, WHITBY -- Tamers 1, two-bedroom apartment, stove and refrigerator, iaun- dry facilities, Parking, oi. monthi Adults only. Whitby WEAR OSHAWA Shoppi "ane: two) bedroom apartment refrigerator, byilt- in stove, $100 rey. Adults only Apply 330 Buena Vista Apt. 5 ROOM apartment for ren Newly decorated. sages refrigerator "ond TV antena, F tage le immediately, idea! for couple, Apply 472 Drew St. before 5 on HREE-ROOM unfurnished t. taearite bath and entrance. For Intor- mation, apply 592 Drew Street. TWO-BEDROOM healed apartment, sult working couple, laundry Maciiition, heavy duty wiring. Immediate posses. sion. Apply 320 Verdun Road after 5 p.m. MAIN FLOOR, three-room, unfurnished apartment, private bathroom, adults pre- ferred or baby only. Apply 744 Simcoe Street South (side door). TWO-BEDROOM wi a building, ie drapes, stove, mv elevator and erm No M49 Marland or telephone 728- THREE-ROOM apartment, newly deco rated. Heat and ufllities supplied, Im mediate Possession, Couple preferred. elephone before 3 p.m, 728-4844, nowaa STREET, ai; Two - porphin refrigerator and stove, aot and lights inciuded, Reasonable rent. 725-7577 o above address. KING and Gibbon ares, nd floor, mod- ern two-bedroom, adults only, anes im mediate ple allay Mr. B 7m!» $123. » in new Pn gt and 725-6266. NEW five-room bungalow and garage for bE Ritson Road South. Telephone 7 RANCH STYLE br in preferred | room: neighborhood. Three bedrooms also fire place and attached garage. Call John Kitchen, H. Millen Real Estate Ltd. WHITBY -- Lovely, three-bedroom house, bh $130. monthly, Telephone Whitby 668-3566, AJAX six-room_ brick house. Avail able December |. References. Telephone Alax 942-1324 after 6 p.m. GO0D FARM HOUSE on Taunton 6 Rone with barn, 25 acres pasture, Refer required. Henry Elkens, RR 2, Oren. Five. S-ROOM a ra ee diate mon pp Hall, mle poe oy ums on "om ves road. At the hou: | mornings. IMMEDIATE bedroom new, all maintenance included. Free park- ing. Less thar apartment rent. possession, three- and four: house. Just completed. Brand First " le cone 'only, $110, 'monthly. tele iene TWO BEOROOR nooo is in fy ors we ele entrance ee haul Adults. Pa Bowmen gl Gibson, 148 Brock aye 668-5623; evenings § Mrs. bar} oR OUPLEX --Tiree rooms, tral, olf heated. immediete peateenion. 728-2653. WHITBY -- Three la room apartrn: Stove ig i reriorator optional. aa couple. Dial 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Ayeiable in private home. Coll between 5 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. ices facing water, Phone Sonat, 942- 1600, between | p.m. and 2 p.m, FOUR-BEDROOM country home Li 728-8671 |TARGE furnished "Foom. Central. Light 1 728-8402, Highway 12 and 47. sion. Phone Uxbridge, 852-3768 ner " pi nei lS pad tle room, close to hospitel end 723-6088. p.m 26--Apartments ¢ for Rent A few Apartments still available in OXFORD. PARK |: TOWERS Oshawa's most modern apartment building. For immediate possession, bright roomy modern apart- ments 2 and 3 bedrooms. Fully equipped modern kit- chen, broadioomed corridors, Elevator service, fireproof construction, Balconies, Paved porking, Situated within easy walking distonce from G.M. South Plant. At the corner of Malaga and Glenn St. SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN FROM 2 TO 9 P.M, Or Call Guide Realty Ltd. REALTORS Exclusive Agents at 723-1121 | LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE' VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL Feoturing large master bed- room with walk-in closets, broadioomed corridors, im- pressive lobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. Now -- showing for your inspection our com- pletely furnished 2-bedroom TURRPOED room for rent. 1§ Ritson one large ego fornlened room. Tele- phone ; f ALBERT STREET, nicely furnished bed- ROAD RE-OPENING SALE 1962 6 MESURY METEOR 6 Hyd sg standerd trons- radio, one owner. 18, miles,' ; $1595. 1962 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR SEDAN V-8 engine, automatic trons- mission, redio, Excellent con- dition, one owner, 23.000 miles. $1895. 1962 Caer BEL-AIR TWO DOOR HARDTOP Automatic transmission, A Pectin 1962 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR FOUR DOOR STATION WAGON V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission. Cleon a8 new. $1995. 11961 PONTIAC SEDAN Automotic transmission, re- dio, A dandy car, $1595, 1959 PONTIAC SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, radio. As good as you will find, $995. 1 7: SNEIROLET "peg stondord transmission, 4 cylinder, wonderful condi- ion. A lady's car, "$895. seam |1962 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN TWO DOOR HARDTOP V-8 engine, cutomotic trana- mission, radio, $795. 1959 CHEVROLET . SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trons mission, radio. A good cor. $875, 1958 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR STATION WAGON Automatic transmission, body and point lke new. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 King Street East Gust East of Wilson Rd.) Oshawa 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 room, suit ie women. Pa Hy A after 5 p.m, and dey Saturd 9424, for furnished rooms, sult ee gentlemen or couple, No excessive Hs Ag Telephone 728-6387. | PICKER tea single room ul brothers or two) friends. Plenty of 'pet » A very nice, clean room, Dial 942-1 1963 Oldsmobile DYNAMIC 88 ® DOOR HARDTOP ROOM FOR RENT In aulet home, man pir glee Ll After 6 p.m, apply 574 Crerar Avenue. pole ga clean, i eae von Privat Ver) si guvtlertone, neon 1m € lon Bs aision bg ge 6 -- Furnished) room. Close North General Motors and hospital. "Bus stop at door. Apply above address. GONE BACHELOR io make fourth, two-bedroom apartment, white char worker preverreds at least 21 years old. Call 723-6156 after 6 p. FURNISHED room os aT Motors employee. Apely § 559 Ritson Road South or telephone 7: SINGLE ao = LE rooms; meal desired. Apply 25 Division Street. TWO FURNISHED rooms with light housekeeping. In new home, Near ping Centre. Avaliable reneantely, Suit- able rye or two working girls. 780 p.m. Power: Steering, foe Brakes Radio, The beautiful white exterior is enhanced by @ red interior with plastic covers since new. Its a sin to call this one a used car. Don't let a golden Opportunity poss - See it now. TRADE OR TERMS Call BILL SCARFF ot SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 3% Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 FURNISHED housek to North GM and jal. Suit gentiemen willing to share, Adelaide Avenue East. 725-7819. : 28--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD. Home privileges. Shift workers welcome on second shift, Lunches packed. 723-6689, 29---Wanted to Rent SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 WANTED -- Assy shaciy furnished Bo ment king cou; AS SOON a8 pos. sible. "elon ears eter 3 pm. THREE- or ly wanted igs Wnaee 30---Automobiles for Sale unfurnished apart open November 30. Central. elephone after $ p.m. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across' from, Royal Hote! WHITBY 668-3331 TED. CAMPIN MOTORS Welcomes You Back To Previous Location 607 King St. E. model. Suite. For information see supt. at THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 111 728- 4283 TWO-BEr ariments for rent. NEW FOUR BEDROOM homes with ab Mo an 3 carports, built-in stove » H. A. financing. Cali ear Hyman Revi Estate Limited. 728- PRIVATE -- jow down "payment con. con- sidered, lovely bungalow, brand new, Norden kitchen, fully landscaped, close to a shopping and bus. Telephone 728- 162 PRIVATE. Six-month-old 4bedroom Pp den, split-level heme, Many extras. Fun iy $16,195. Low down payment. Call 4030 collect, Bay Ridges. Pendens Tivcntin tel Ah i BEAUTIFUL brick bungalow with walk- out: basement to small creek. Built-in Ther stove and oven; bathroom with van- ity; off Magy Ae! north Gast loca- tion, Pe For a if please mere 'Walter Mi iter, 728-7083.| rm Guide Realty Ltd. Reatore: 72-1121, 1] Private rene ages December took SELF-CONTAINED 'one-bedroom apart 'Weeesion. Teteptvone Mapa New. East Sind Self contained. $80. Telephone THREE rooms for rent, kitchen furnished. vard North. UNFURNISHED apartment, central, child welcome, newly decorated, new home, private bath, heated, hydro, re frigerator, stove, TV outlet, privaté en- trance. Apply 467 Drew. bedroom 204 Oshawa Boule- 'ana | or eh at 513 Fairleigh we 9 723-4494--Res:; 725-5574 ine | PONTIAC V-8, two door, Laurentian, motor of 1956 Chev- re-built, Brooklin, | --_ completely 393), 1962 . RAMBLER sedan, one owner, Mony extras. Quick to be appreciated. main. Classic, Custom-Six rege condition. Must be seen good tires, Mwtatertaed, Win Or nearest offer, 725-2474 before 3 o'clock. 195) FORD, automatic, power hye $500 or best offer, Telephone 728. bed PONTIAC, station wagers 4 ey yh eo am $295. Brooktin 1959 'Vauxhall,' Vista, super or na very clean, | ® radio, full price $400. Brooklin. 655-3079.) 7 full ye aero new battery, drive away. Street North, WI 1900 ie CHEVROLET: a, hardtop. Good fretieV extras, ww 1957 CADILLAC, sedan De Ville, Fleet. wood interior, ail power options, condi KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought ond sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re. Hi $550, Rite Howerd Motors, Kent mileage. 6 eyineee, auto ery ee) srraaes tires. Mi any mechanically "act \ pg sale, apply 33 Adelaide Ave. west es| Bh Aina eS Rela 1954 PONTIAC sedan, excellent conditi Oricinnt owner. Apply 749 Albert mI streeb ifter 7 p.m. 1987 CHEVROLET ee A) 6 vlinder, ney PLYMOUTH ve four-door. mall cash payment. Tele. S| 7WO-BEDR' (OOM, unfurnished apartment, we Telephone 723- ONE- SroRceK Three room apartment, unfurnished, ground fioor, private bath- room, private entrance, ample parking. p 728. 928 on vetoes -- pos phone 668-3735, waitoye any time. 1957 CHEVROLET sedan, A-| Standard, 6, radio, $600 or best offer. Tele- phone 728-3029. 1958 CHEVROLET two-door standard six, Radio, white walls, Nice sey cer. Ask- Ing . $50 $500. Tel lephone -668-4 98 BUICK convertivie. a ewer re bullt engine, Best cash: offer. Telephone 723-4328. tlon Insiae" 'ind 'out. 3998 0 ssion, or beat bo financed. Call Bice :|30--Automobiles for Sale (Continued on Page 20) »

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