'Sie roy ee Rpt ET eco A Rg ¥ Na aa ao al ke et a 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 27, 1964 ' "Want Extra Cash For Christmas... Use Times Action Want Ads Now" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] % won UY, accordion for boy 20 WOMEN Building Materials TV--Radio Repairs Call Resinanete 623-3678. To sell Beauty Aid and baie ther! MCCULLOUGH TV TOWERS 13--Articles for Rent Hairdressing Prod RENTALS iat Ac Ba UBER CO. LTD. ECONOMY AND DELUXE OF ALL KINDS Apply in person [2 building materials. Priced to suit your budget Seturday Morning SANDING MACHINES 1070 SIMCOE N. HONTETTH, TRIEWL, WATERS ond, Ce. TERMS ARRANGED Oshawa AND! HINES OSHAWA BEAUTY sanders, sana- ers, hy a Pg sond- SUPPLIES 728-4688 foppteg comers, mae fie his Ma. OSH AWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED ers, 11 King St. E., Oshowa iby, 4131 |" Building Trades Available 361 GIBBONS ST, yar PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise FOR ALL YOUR HOME REPAIRS nat taterest Valuation, Arranged 728-8] 80 ; Bs act tripod, pipe wrenches pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toiler auger. Bathrooms Kitchens Garages Rec Rooms B. WILKINS RESIDENTIAL FRG Om CITY AND DISTRICT NOW aie ws ¢ SUMMER PROPERTIES ; 4 HEADPIECE Service Calls Till PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Steplandders, aluminum ex- 728-3307 VACANT LAND T.R.1.0.. Television \B--Articles: for Sale 728-5143 | tension ladders, lodder jacks, CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, sito. | a 5 ; @ F Steel scaffloding, compres- $@rs, sproy guns, wallpaper pairs. All work guaranteed, $17 Avenue, Telephone 725-0500. steamers, tarpaulins, blow Well Drilling--Digging SPECIAL SIZES torches, propane torches WELDING EQUIPMENT WELL DIGGING :by machine specializing| in 30-inch. tile. W. 204 Chestnut 668-3809 Including Wall, Mantel, Acetylene welding outfits, Ward, Street west, Whitby, 668-2863. or Vanity, Full Length, etc 200 amp. electric welders. 1--Women's Column or CUT-TO-ORDER BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, -- finishing GOOD VARIETY OF DESIGNS trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air Compressor, ai dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 725-5363 4 In stock including the ever popular floral design, VERN GLASS waier pumps, portable heat ers, stee: scaffolding, electric Simcoe. N. & Wayne Sts. "Telephone 728-6214 18--Male Help Wanted By R. J. SCOTT STEINBERG'S LTD. hes immediate opening for 'MEAT CUTTER AVON | An excellent opportunity @x- ists in Our rapidly expending orgenization for an experi- enced meat cutter oged 21 to 38. The ambitious man with d ability will tind exceptional edvancement te mandgement responsibility, At Steinberg's you will find ottractive starting salary, generous company benefits, excellent pension plon and @ 40 hour week. PLEASE CONTACT; Mr. A. Weller, Mar. STEINBERG'S LTD. . 190 Harwood Ave. South Aax, Ontario Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast eco nomical ceiling, wall cleaning. Work done by modern machine. Free Estimates. Work guaranteed 728-7736 Money To Loan PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you hove good credit I'll lend you up to $5,000 1 cut payments in half or less for connall dation or any worthwhile purpose. Teie- phone Toronto 481-5289. cin re ei ME Mortgage Money poem me ; eonen. Suite 205W, ping om 725-9953. vy mM be Loren & ison, CA; °e 728-7554. YAL A co., 6' Bankruptcy, Pigg 'King street East fa, Bon 4 Time meons money put spare hours to work and watch the dollars grow. Phone 725-9696 WAITRESSES FULL and PART time, neat appearance please. ZZ HAS EVERY CIVILIZATION ON RECORD OWED MORE. % BORROWING THAN 4lo INVENTIONS OF 5 OWN MEMBERS is \ Wig x History LASSED Just 40 Minutes, tari E. Beadie, CA; ere cA. abe CLANCY'S eas ing Service "Com. plete Goometeinn tori fovice oie Bond street 'west, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. Antiques tH iN CORNER -- Antiques "its | and Sold, glass, china, 'amps, small) - furniture. Ashburn, Ontario, | : Barristers | Quality Carpentry and General Repairs GREER AND KELLY, Citors, etc., 114 King Street Aldterations, rec rooms; cup- j 723-2278, Residence Phones: J. M Sree.) boords, floor, ceiling and Oy Pi sca i tess ate Acta wall tiles, arborite etc. Sotis- faction guaranteed ama AND HYMAN, Barrister, of Sa | 7 faries, Suite 305, Th Biriding: te Ning "street East, a ia | H. MCKOY 725- 8576 } Clients' funds availiable for mortgagt - tauls $. Hyman, QC; Herbert S eter, Hmegeing Rees ing \. Woods, 728-3420. H Vinal ALL TYPES building repairs, aianay| sidewalk and concrete | -- _types remodelling. | «sh Vf WAS THE WAR DECLARED AGAINST GREAT BRITAIN BY SULTAN KHALID BIX BARGASH oF ZANZIBAR» eM ate ge meme Apply Lunch Bar Tamblyn's Drug Store Oshawa Shopping Centre 5.05. Clerk-typist for Oshawa of- fice, At least 2 years ex- perience. Call Whitby 668-8181 After hours Ajax 942-0655 ELIABLE tor | Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND ' SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St Oshaws, Ontario - MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service F; M. SWARTZ 26% King St, East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 wets |RIRST AND SECOND morigages. Sale {agreements purchased and sold. Hennick land Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street Soli Dial Barristers, East. 8--Articles for Sale ATTENTION Mr, Business Man and Home Owner generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric . plane, torpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, ond repairs, re-| rooms. Free estimates North 725-3568 _ BOY YN, and MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphries,|new | and raperets QC., G. $. Boychyn, QC:, W. A. Hiliman) repairs. 728-0394. BA, LLB: J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB.|GENERAL REPA carpentry, home| Office: 725-1177; Residence: 723-4326; |improvements, quality workmanship.| 725-4606; Whitby 668-176). NHA 'pe ied | Free estimates. Payment pian avaliabie.; first mortgage funds available. Phone 723- ALOGRT HOSMAR, Chartered Kecaort | ha 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, HUMPHREYS, Our Yearly CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Now On SANTA CLAUS Snowmen - Reindeer Painted on Your Windows Also Cut-outs Displays, Cards, Banners (We never use the same design twice) FOR FREE ESTIMATES BERT BOKKERS STUDIOS 131 Albert St. 728-4061 Place Orders 1 to 3 weeks in Advance We Completely Decorate Your Christmas Windows WHEEL CHAIR "Colson" $65. Excelient| condition, Apply 618 Gibbons Street or telephone 728-8614 POLICE CONSTABLES WANTED Applications will be received s-- = Ceramic mosaic, walls, Vinyi, Oshawa, | lino, rubber, floors etc. Contracts invited, Ontario. Telephone 723- 1221 |Free estimates, Yorkdale Tile Company,} MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll-| Toronto. Reverse changes 225-0167. citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds) ROOFING, concrete, floors, flat roofing available, 36% King Sfreet East, 723-1107. | oyr specialty, New work and repairs. | HP. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.| Large and smail jobs. L. and H. Roofing to loan. Office 14' King Street | @n@ Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 ownent 728-8232. | your LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-| neys built and repaired; gas linings in-| | 73-299) roofs repaired. Free estimates. 'HOME IMPt IMPROVEMENTS, rooting, eavestroughing, ry work, painting - general reoeres. All work guerenteed. . Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061. Scasrakine 'and patching, new and! --<| @id work, basement gereet, free esti- mates. Telephone 723-4871 CHIMNEYS, new and | rebuilt, and repairs, sidewalks and stoop: ann, RR 3, Oshawa. 655-306) | East, 723-7232 | ROOFING, Painting, i lathing, insuteting: 19; | PRIVATE Ga tatberae Teahlen tar aoe Fe ine ng ticors and) mortgages. Mortgages and agreem Mena elas purchased. Creighton, Drynan ¥ |Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barristers." Cartage MOVING? Call usi V. J. Cartage. Fully) insured. Just as By -- 4 a8 moving your- self. 725-9643 or 2----Personal Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Dec. 14th, 15th, ond 16th. Phone Genoshe Hotel on these dates for ap- pointment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) CUSTOM. TAILORING Suit and Dress Alterations Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST. 728-531! GENTLEMAN + requires "ride 16 Toronto, Monday to Friday deily. Telephone 728-5642. TRANSPORTATION available to down-| town Toronto arriving 8 a.m. Anyone in- terested ca!l Geoff, 668-4928. THANKS to essed Virgin" Mary" "for prayers answered--J. W. CLARK STUDIO -- oi! laps, art lessons, _|[nings, Saturdays, Whitby, 668-4497 tape in- cre |, .DRYNAN, MURDOCH,| AND victor, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries. of Commerce Buildi Simeoe Street North, Oshawa. 723-34 . & , QC; or residences: | eg, » QC, 728-8554; G. L. Mur- Sich ec. moe J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Agreements Sale and sold, and arranged JAMES MACDONALD, oa WT puriding, 286 ei The Commercial " oe, Ontario. West, Oshawa, Client parking svaltebie. 725-4716 or 725-4717. and itors, od ge aiabie for i is avi bee . "7. Poon yl nal East (3rd 5. education inn Per Month The cost of this ad, daily for one year, Too small to be noticed? You're reading it now. , Classified Rates Sone Maeetien anu re "" additions! words 4c each; secutive tg Re yr] ord iss five insertions of eth = $4.32, addi- tional eit additional within 7 days. than JOuN'S 3 ees a CARTAGE, Oshawa, pty & Reasonable rates. Fully ipped and insured. 728-366) pono paintings, bur- models, eve. 325 Brock Nerth, PONTIAC | ow manegernen Will cater for weasices, banquets, src Optometrist 4--Huntin Can accorrimodate 150. Also rooms and), RICHARD BLACK, 6D, 136 Simcoe ig is. 728-1297 or 723-852). | Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone| WE SKIN, cul and wrap deer or moose, ~ | 7 4191 |Pa ting and Decorating Por| WILLIAM SMITH Hand Son, interior exterior decorators. Free estimates. 728- 3577. 728. 7686, BIRTHS. -- DEATHS -- banquets, SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ed- ditional charge if not paid with-in 7 days IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 25 words and S¢ each thereafter, plus 12c per line of verse 25 additional charge if not paid within 7 days. CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 25 words and se thereafter, with 25c additional eherge if not paid within 7 days COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (Display) $1.50 for .the fest 2 words end Sc each thereafter (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous LOST AND FOUND ¢ a.m. dey of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9.3% a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 10 or more. Estimates free. Dial TEM, J Must have @ minimum ef VO yeors experience in beverage soles--to toke charge of of phases, including route sales, bottles, cons, syrups, pre-neix, vending equipment, odvertis- ing, ete, | DRESSMAKING -- . leowen, dled nuts, . Want to own business: tions. ee 668-5149 | LOOK SMARTI All kinds of dressmaking and alterations. Telephone 725- 1 beclalty | br dresses, aitera- Call Whitby Start parttime in full time business & WOMAN jo care for two! children in my STAN re | 723-1043, |CLEANING woman wanted, one morning, Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, | Sve second week, Call Whitby 668-876. oe> oe mormetion ot ee id For vinrer information please telephone PHONE 723-3224 _ |iiioy tests eer em EXPERIENC reliable help for TAPING---WEDDINGS eral office hast Must be accurate typi. emp! up to ond including Setur- awn handwriting to Box 711, Oshawa Dec recorders, tapes, dances, cies. OY her Sth, 1908, tercoms, Hi-Fi equipment. » possible week-ends off, City of Oshawa, Application' quired Lisoneoe Brooklin 655-3984, forms may be obtained at the once weekly. Tele eee, ERMIPMENT hone set. 6.6.1 TERI. nis The followin lifications 723-5121 WAITRESSES required. Apply Mr. Camp j Aes ne y are required:-- Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, pve Myrtrd apatite artists "figure / vir x neces- crinolines, headpieces, veils, |thrve Weng tn partenies oneeminees:| 2. Between the ages of 21 cent photographs. Clark Studio, 325 and 30 years dishes, _ éutlery, _ glasses, nouee Nb ae aids tabl. hi vi jOUSEKEEPER -- middie- oni i ables, choirs, church run gentieman ive i. Ape te pak 10 in. 08d South. 4. Minimum weight -- 160 SARGEANT'S RENTALS © indressar "for "modern : op opening soon in Por It, Tele| 463 Ritson S 725-3338. |Shone 728-5007 or Gle2742010. Minimum ah 10th grade. -|TV TOWERS Special; 40 ff, tower struc omy ie) machines, sick room supplies. |helper. Two boys, ei 4. Light WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER ture, all-channel antenna, installed, $$0.| Ald Rent 05 Beatrice 725-1644, \duties. Own room Tetris required. to $5, Street, 728-8180. dryers, | 4 aera nue, Downsview ent Stove Oil, FREE Burner Ser- 9--Market Basket 11_ King Street East. Telephone pr Se eas RIG 9% Excellent fringe benefits vice. "blue. coal!' « Cennel CHAIRS, card and banquet 3 és, church| " : Secy. Board of Police dressed ltry; home baking; Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414. ommissioners. Wood, BUILDING SUPPLIES. |serves; pickles' cheese, eggs: apples: | autanTAian ae Wir woe hundred = Maen i SAWDONS" ers and plants 'at Tri-County Farmers|people? Osh INSURANCE Market, {215 Simcoe Street" North every|Seettiute bar, 'Cienek paisa Ree | Oshawa _.| Telephone 723-3732 or 723-5338. (Whitby) 9 am. to ait ica " vebwiuatat tt of eel RRS Bee Reamth q Tr B "4 Li AVAILAB: fe i rties, [BALEK, OR, € 6, -- Geng sure 7--Swap and Barter 244 Brock S 668-3524 | WHITE ROCK migances ttc,, seating. capacity TRAINE 112 Simooe North, ee, each. Telephone 725-8304 x E cabinets, pressure systems, laundry tubs. SMILE <2: set | rides. tittle Buckaroo Ranch, 725-2737. : furnace, fittings, piping. H. Chinn, 286| ONS and sewing 7 requires | Dressmaking You're in Valley Creek: Furni- -- $1.25. Delivery on rent at reasonable rates. Honest Cal's,| Required for Durham Count ichrscnnenana ata. Plumbi d H Telephone" 728-5291 9 y DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, [Plumbing and Heating BuiArtheled ber Gate Sanaa" Courtindit Sens, | meee etoneme eee S A | ES cs ; ~ ys, ute m | speciality. irs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. 725-4511, Herald H, aterke L44 | Sek Mace ov | sell the cheapest. When sell- . | Secors Opportunities| Asseciotion. Responsible to LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Allerations. | Plorebing, Heating and Engineering, 285| Al ani rates 2 Oshawa District Manager 4 5000 TREES and appliances phone 728- |rates. For appointment, telephone 728-1823 | ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, ein a k ¥ ed if Is, R I } "ani cripped farm stock 'ked | work, ALL WOOL double knits, made to mea-|new and used materials. Reasonable care 1642 Bond W promptly. Margwill oti "alee OPPORTUNITY doc F A lovers, cardigans, skirts, sports and ele trodurs, inched' ikchanne! antenna, | Li 333-C. 0 education, modture |gants. Ladies, men, children, For appoint-| 'Rug- -Upholstery Service Nursery Grown installegs, guaranieed, ty experts, 10| ------ va . Want to be your own. boss? Pruned Scotch Pines Phat oe rlo 11-- ets ts and Livestock dard of personal integrity. WASHING MACHINE, GE Cas preferred -e9 (0 sv Venre: 4 ; SPECIAL eee, ability and experience. Gen- erous employee benefits 97c - 1.50 - 2.00 Wild Bird Mixture eft Sunflower Seed home, Park Road North ares, 223 King St. West., Oshawo | |RELIABLE women to care for two chi Whitby 668-3415 after 6 Sday week. loyment. Apply in Recorded--M.C. work, MOTHERLY lady te tele Tn home, live for Police Constables for the References re- GUDGEON ASSOCIATES. thin A sins Sno ston ath SLBANING LADY, office of the Chief of Police. cancer nape earaancmn mera mms wmamal | | Yigure| |. British Subject. mink stoles, white fox furs, Nerth, Whitby 3, Minimum height---5 ft. ners. EXPERIENCED hairdresser for Ibs. |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospitel beds, wioptes | YOUN® WOMAN 10 tive in a Salary range 1965--$5,260 Oshawe TV Supply Ltd, 361 Sheers] PRORESEI Al $6 per, Write Mrs, B. Brockner, 259 Action Ave Texaco Furnace Fuel Oi! and Apply Oshawe Beauly ket | 18--Male Help Wanted -- Evelyn M. Found Cool Semet-Solvay Coke, FRESH BEEF -- pork, barbecued and aisle runners. Cleve Fox als, 412) frult (fresh and citrusi; honey; cut flow- jpeople? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban LIMITED Friday, 12 noon to 6 ind Sat j j i ¥; 12 noon 10 & p.m. and Saturday, | sonable rates, 723-214), District Assistant B | 24 ottler ae Chee ire YO ae om ° xg nce fresh killed, oven ready, delivered, $2.50 en for leigh soa, Street North. ¢ BATHTUBS, $00; tollels, basins, inks | ow y and sieigi tor freezers. ~ Roasting chickens. r. " i | Sree eae \Te VISIONS and sewing machines. We ture where they pay the most, APPLES a= by Co-Operators Insurance alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting! aii PLUMBING and heating supplies Maybelle Orchards, one milel | 14--Business ing or buying used furniture Hl 2 mending and style changing. Reasonalble| Simcoe Street South o-- | { ' | 4401 or come to the store 1 Farmer's Column FRANCHISE Claims ond Sales Supervisory , ley | up sure. All kinds of wool sweaters, pull-) Feiey.| ON PB TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! 4-ft./Tyrone. Telephone Hampton 263-272" | judgment and' highest stan- 's* experience, $50. Television OS 6 ft. - 7.4. - 8 ft. a slp mg an a hy "DET TIME" Salary commensurate with All replies treated confident- wear. High quality work. Call or in your home Sprayed any color EXECUTIVE Stes suite, four piece, chair, Toinpnone Whit: Fine Cut Grains 5 ee ten ee Be aay oe | covered like new. Get the best for less at/ Sack div of poblicalion } styled. Free estimate. See our material 1259 Simcoe St. N. igh 'chal 45.00, "Telephone $8.45 cwt to forward replies to box numbers te UPHOLSTERING by experts. condition, Available December 9. tele: is. Workmanship guaranteed five y -- " oem . SPECIAL! TV it PURI | lens oF_ omnes, ened. erie GARDEN CENTRE © PECIAL! aa fowers-- do it yourself kit URINA KIBBLE MEAL hedges, etc. Phone C. Smith, Newton- Reg. up to $1.95. Sale price ne 1 59c. HORSE MEAT & GRAVY | 5376 bedroom, living room, kitchen . Want to earn $8,000 « yeor and not sell a thing $800 captital required and 3 to 4 weeks per week to Start, ially. Please write.stating full details to Salary commensurate with ability, All replies treated in strict confidence, WRITE BOX 617 Oshawa Times | --| | } two filing é | District Manager 286 KING ST. W. Oshawa _ between For full information LIN-TON Enterprises Ltd. T. O. McGUIRE 728-4605 SERVICE STATION for lease. Minimym cash required. Training course with pay. Apply to Box 608 Oshawa Times Classi- fied Advertising DAIRY BUSINESS specializing Milk, 'Turnover $6,300 monthly, rent only $60. Well established, excellent residen- tial plaza location. Full details from Walter Mittler, 726-7083. Guide Realty Ltd. Realtors, 723-1121. , like new, - We be made | Estab- WELL ESTABLISHED Oshawa Branch Office for a large na- tional firm desires to contact © local man, 25 to 35 years old for sales position. Soles experience desirable but not necessary. Good salary with opportunity for advancement. Group benefits include hos- pitalization, life insurance and pension. All inquiries in strictest confidence, Write to Box 748, Oshawa Times, giv- - ing qualifications. CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANT'S OFFICE Chartered Accountants' Oftice requires Junior Student, mini- mum education Grade 13 with average of 63% or bet- ter. Opportunity to study for C.A. degree and obtain ap- prenticeship training in audit- ing and accounting. Apply Box 810, OSHAWA TIMES - EXPEDITOR Required by medium sized manuefcturing company. Applicants must have a min- imum of Grade 12 education with 2 years experience, pre- ferably in the automotive field, 'Full company poid benefits. Reply stating age, qualifi- cotions and experience to: ' BOX 216 Telephone 723-2315. |ORESSMAKING -- all kinds of ladies' Cleaning. At our store ph Centre 5.00 and 6.30 p.m. CORRECTIONS | |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re ara Deby crib, rep, side, 28. Purity Dog Meal loss or damage ailieged to arise " iiaeerne Company, 287 Dean Avenue, 25-03 ' CEDAR POSTS, poles, also Cedar trees, 100's rolls prepasted paper ,, . Mier sid MEAT LOAF The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wil} not be re sponsible for errors, in advertise ments submitted ofherwise than in writing, not for more than one inser tion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single, inser tion of the advertisement in which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to ts proper classification In the case of display advertisements The Times will mot be heid respon sible for more space than than in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce a! advertising matter correctly, byt as sume no liability of advertisment if any inaccuracies in any form are con tained therin Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one day's insertion ONTARIO. DRIVING SCHOOL | Learn to Drive 1964. Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cars Licensed Instructor | RE- UPHOLSTER and refinish your furni and J. Custom Furniture 668-5753 or furniture only $299. Includes comp! In Jug CLEANERS BODY hardwood dry, also dry pine for Rug and Upholstery fireplace. By the cord or quarter cord. Mrs. Voog| 1110 Henry stree : For Nominal Charge. skal Proved conan Se Wire terl d Fes Shrimp eee CALL 725-9961 | ma eb rari, ne an ening Gf 2 SUPP' les CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re| Oshawa Ga rden GOODYEAR ¢now tree ene oa fixe Peanut Hearts previous | TOP SOIL -- FILL Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street : dha one lc Bird Feeding Stations CANCELLATIONS AND SOD potato Rh anlings | anc ELECTRIC siove, X NUMBER RENTAL if Daiton Uphoistering, 7 ; 'i Saie every endeavor will TB-1 16] |Charles. Street 713-7712 723-1161 poy gl roiled PURINA DOG CHOW ¢ ir OPEN EVENINGS t ' wre eset ns" teeny in reepoct ot OSHAWA ed 17 years. compete 'ange ot aaa S Rosmere' st MASTER DIET |Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses warding such replies, however caused | _.__. {re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa Tong Graft Faint Co, at $9.95, rill, Southend TV 480 Phillip MASTER BISCUITS whether by negligence or otherwise. 'Instruction ' MEAT STEW a ville, 786-2: FURNITUR 3 rooms, new quality <a ROO All Paints 20%, Discount . : ensemi 'Sales and Service | (Formerly Preston's) Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! Coo er Smith Go. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 6 Celi no Street i 5--Employment W [GUARANTEED repairs to ai os i ne ue sai SIFTS BIeVEle south, 5 F timat alll new; outboar: jor; auto nin as wii as ce A lid lalate BUYING OR SELLING furniture or 728-1742 washer and dryer; electric fan, appliances. Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 163-2695 | - 14", table model; aluminum storm door; + two aluminum windows, five-piece chrome) or Septic Service eae ods |seti bamboo room divider; two electric BARGAINS for babies] "Spring filled eri |SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, prompt service| Stoves: electric hot water tenk complete; mattresses, 97. hrome "high-chairs, Jon calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street|'55 Buick four-door op Sopa 55 Chevro-|si2.88. Large selection of kindergarten | West, Whitby, 668-2563 ae bean 2 -d00r; 53 Chevrolet! sets, rohan. walkers, cribs, strollers, i RS aa ee es ston pick-up. Telephone 720-2061 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church |Surveyors |BABY CARRIAGE, bive, $20., baby bed, A | $10,, 'both in good condition. Apply afier utomatic and Standard H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land! 5 115 Mary Street, telephone 123- 5537 Surveyors, 11] Elgin Street East. Phone > , red Borg, size 12. Skates, 25-688) COAT, girl's, Oshawa 728- 6934 lpowevaN- AND FLEISCHMANN, met 3. Three high ag AO ig a TUTORING metal legs, combination Otero ree! md gi vegies graph, $25. Telephone 725-3016. j Prints, 1 Ontarie Street. 720s __| USED VACUUM cleaners and polishers, session at Tutoring College grades, subjects | TV--Radio Repairs good condition, $10 up, Telephone. 728-6956. 723-3492 | Reading Math English .|CHAIRS! CHAIRS! CHAIRS! Swivel|coe North. ae Science, etc. From student's rockers, recliners, platform rockers, host- Fie) >I ess chairs. From $12.88, Wilson's Furni- uns -- Cot textbooks, . private ' viens aoe and Antenna Repair ree | 723-1139 AIREDALE TERRIERS eg ge ge go Prominent Airedale breeder Ba Ps ond preferred. Tole: selling out for health reasons. Six females are left including | 17--Female Help Wanted three nine month old pups, wring" Aiedale: Cahede SECRETARIAL SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS for 1963. These dogs are all fully immunized and register- ed of course.Priced at 14 to Ya real value for quick sale. @ Preferably with telephone experience. @ Full or part time For EXPERIENCED SHEET METAL AND MISCELLANEOUS IRON WORKER Steady employment, Good wages and working conditions. | Apply 91 Bruce Street or Telephone 725-3943 8 A.M. to 5 P.M or telephone 725-9780 ofter 6 P.M. MAN For light grocery assembly at nights. Some experience preferred but not essential, Street FLY KILLING units for sale and rent Automatic Cluster Fly. control. Try be fore you buy! Call 668-2200, BAUER skates, new snd used, good prices, terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West NEW and USED TV's, General Electric and Phillips Appliances, +? ed 78 Sim- 1% ME gr nee epee. This is a real opportunity to own a high class pet or to start a small breeding opera- tion, TELEPHONE 655-4405 _. |CHIMUAHUA puppies, registered, 3 No/months oid. Will keep until Christmas. ta year old. Champion -- stock 2 IT'S EASY TO PLACE A p ' TIMES ACTION WANT AD plneeetaas anal ademic Call Classified Direct All ages oe, "i Bond st. -- i. ure, 20 Church Street. 9731. CHRISTMAS SALE! Ladies' dresses. Aji sizes. Some jess than half price, Also gg osm ag cold wave permanents, $5. Mornings only.) 4°56 Towne Shoppe, 14% Bond Street East, (4 Pm bon ROOMS of furniture, $: $14. 725-9356. vAEEUM Car's, (aa King West, 726-4191 Buy AND ELL -- Good used furnitur information please call; MRS, COSTANTIE 728-964 | between 9 AM, - 6 P.M. Monday to Friday one-foot "Tata | Dial 723-2981. after own group ACADEMIC INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Column repairs, all makes, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. ey Fleming Vacuum Service. Main street, Pickering 1--Women's mele, 13. months old, stock. Make children's pet 2----Personai 3----Sportsman's Columr 4---Hunting 5--Troilers 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sole 9--Marke! Basket 10------Farmer's Column Ti----Pets and Livestock 12-Articles Wanted 13--~Articles for Rent 14--Business Op) n 15--Employmer Wa Heir Help Femole 18--Mole 19---Male or p Wanted Farms for Sale for Stores, Offices and Stor ~Houses for Rent -Apartments for 27--Rooms for Rent 28----Room and Board 29-~Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles for 31--Compact Cars for 32--Trucks for Rent Sale Sole utomobile. Repair 5---Lost and Found 36----Lego 37--~Auctions 38--Coming Events | | Reo! Estate for S | | j | | TUTORING COLLEGE! CALL 723-6701 | TELEVISION | Whitby Driving School | J. A. OSTERHOUT---Owner Dua! Controlied Cars Persona! Courteous Service Fully licensed and Insured DIAL 668-4176 1010 Dundas E., Whitby LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving Schoo reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars Professional instructors 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY |CILLIAN MAG MARSH, D.E.A. Dancing School, Ballet,, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre} School, Kinderdance, Fridays, rays, Masonic Temple, 723-7253 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Bator jtap, RAD. Ballet, Highland. Register| inew, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. Sat 171 BO 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TM, TOWERS And Aerial ND ST, E., OSHAWA | SOUTH END TA: } 728-6879 intay WE BUY,-sell and exchange used turni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simooe Street South, 723-167) JUICE EXTRACTOR 5 all makes, Free demonstration. See work and compare, Buy now and save. The Sunshine Shop, 24 Prince Street, Oshawa, |FLOOR COVERING bargains! sCiserout lof discontinued patterns, while th \ from 23 cents per icents per ft. Wilson's Church Street | CHAIRS ~~ lamps, bedroom 'suites, ches- |terfieids, mattresses, etc. On sale! 10 per I cent to 40 per cent off! Large selection! }Easy terms! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe south. STANDARD typewriter, $20., portable, $40, manual adding machine $25., elec tric $75. * Four total _nationa! jregister also 2 total. Call 723-4434 WEBCOR Royal hi-fi tape recorder, like|$) new, $225. Two-piece chesterfield, suitable |for cottage or recreation room, $25, Call | 728-6396. |BLACK LEATHER Western seddie and |bridal, $75. Phone 725-6153 | SUYING a mattress for Christmas? Why |not! Here's a practical gift to last for years. Smooth top mattresses. Special for Christrnas, $19.88, Wilson's eureure, Church Street. cash} ind appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture: 444 Simcoe h, 723-3271. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupii- cators, cheque writers, comptometers, files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, ory ice, Largest stock, budget terms, and used, Low overhead, low price. Pit Hamilton, Ragian. POOL TABLES, 11 models, from $139.50. Major Pool Equipment, 690 Drake Street, Oshawa, 725-9151, After hours, 725-3661. CHRISTMAS | corner of Park Pine and. Spruce. Free Gelivery COAT, | lady' 3, red, black fox col Size 10, worn once, Like new. Call a' 5.30 p.m. 728-3495, {ELECTRIC TRAIN, 2 years oid, large! set, tracks, mounted on plywood. Tele iphone 725-5186 BLACK PERSIAN PAW coat, size 14-164) $75. Gentieman's Harris Tweed topcoat.) 4, Both excellent condition. Telephone 728-6662 $1 97¢ Up. Chinn's, ad South at Hillside. One or 1,000. 723-7088 BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. road, 114 Elgin East COZY J RANCH, Kennels, regisiered Ger- man Shepherds, puppies, champion biood- lines. Stud services, boarding, quarter horses, foals, trailer Ashburn, Brooklin 6 Bos TERRIER puppies, registered Apply 166 Burke --Sereét. Cobourg, or telephone Cobourg 372-7577. LABRADORS -- erds and Collies '¥- 985- 2645 |SADLLE horse, tour-vear-olds, horse, broke to saddle. $100 or best offer,| Telephone 728-3498 PEDIGREED Walker Fox hounds for sale. No reasonable oftgr refused. Tele- phone W: Whitby, |DOG, pa part Ch art Collie, male, 7 |months old. Good with children. Country home 'preferred. Phone 725-9253. also miniature $25 - $50 delivered TWO THOUSAND nice Spruce Christmas trees, all. sizes. Make offer, Ti Orono Lad [HONEST CAL'S Furniture and api ances. Name brands at bigoés! dis carts janywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever ly. mattress furniture lines. Your author 424 King Street West, 728-7191, |12---Articles Wanted WANTED bedrodm maple finirh onditio phone 725-6909 Colonial good Tele 2\ized GE desler. Contact Honest Cal's-on|WANTED ---Oid model Winchester rifle 'elephone 725-6183. $55, Apply 290 Pacific Avenue before 5 fe ee mM. Shep- | "quarter " suite, | Short Order Cook from 4 p.m, to 1] p.m. also APPLY OSHAWA TIMES BOX 315 Oshawa Times Waitresses 4 p.m. to ll p.m | ond | TT pam, to 7 a.m. Apply | MR, CAMPBELL _GENOSHA HOTEL KEY PUNCH OPERATOR to Please apply Main Office ROBSON-LANG LEATHERS LTD. Whiting Avenue, Oshawa 1 rn i dade HOME requirés reliable B. man, age not important, to live help. Three children, al! at school, esa | phone 725-8011 after 6, in person in, perienced. Referencis CABINET MAKERS For Scarboro Area Call Toronto 757-3004 or Apply L. S, Interiors Ltd. 85 Nantucket Bivd., Scarboro COUNTERMEN FOR BUILDING) SUPPLY YARDS We have openings for exper- ienced young) men who are looking for a permanent pos- ition. Write te BOX 705, OSHAWA TIMES ARTENDERS: and part-time. Ex- Apply stating par- full LINEN ROUTEMAN "For an estoblished -- route, Married mon preferred. Telephone 723-6545 culars to Box 909/ Oshawa Times Classi fied Advertising. SKLAR FURNITURE Requires Experienced SPRAY PAINTER Apply MAX ROSENHECK