Violinist The Frug Is No To Perform Browse For Prowse On Banks Charge born Concert Violinist, will pre} By CYNTHIA LOWRY lies of 1068, with Steve Law-| OTTAWA (CP)--fidon Wool- 04.45 cals guy Me y Le| NEW YORK (AP) -- It may/rence. Sictan Tae Comoe Uy'|come as a surprise to many and) "I really like playing in night Negro gegen Kiiceony Collegel2, comfort to some, but Jullet|clubs," she said, "I like that _ Ave ! "afte -- Prowse can not do the frug. |contact with the audience, and fortum, Saturday even's:| 'rhe frug is a dance craze, lin-|You don't get bored the ; : doing ted ba Hansoanin Whitten puaniet eal descendant of the twist.|¢xact same thing every night." from the Peabody Conservatory|Along with entertainment spots} » ended tonight: CBS called "discothesques," where| . ' eee ah t oe Apeoreas 1 " the customers amuse them-|Pews special report, 7:30-8 -- Examining the ecumenical coun- brother Lowell, a violinist. {Selves by dancing to recorded) 19% siosues. t peso ea On January 9, the Kingsway "tt is a very strange thing," and conservative churchmen; TOO EAR College Lyceum Series will pre-|.5iq Miss Prowse, who has a dae Fan CBS, _FOR i a GIFT sent the "Carl Tapscoll Singers" |risen to fame and fortune by TRAITS and on February - ty -- ne ag oy arse cae mi "Tucson Arizona Boy's Chorus."'|can do the mashed pota' HITCHHIKERS HELPED ; LeRoy Peterson, was born in|the Watusi, but the frug--no. | JAKARTA (AP) -- The local Truly The Gift: oie Lasts Forever his| Miss Pr he suffers Indonesia' NEW DUPLATE 25-YEAR CLUB MEMBERS WELCOMED nag. Cana. eee Me Mi Proes us shel eorarmet of Tenet' cp g roland. stuvic ere -|Hollywood type - casting that Frank Taylor, left, and Jo- Ltd, plant in Oshawa, are comed into the club by Briga- to hotel. Mz. Taylor is the [ey 'iY Binenpore, ie next|dogs stars of westems and], (Mus nay fil aint Gs F a gin " edi seph Longlad, right, employ- new members of the Duplate ean: dite faces Mr. Longlad is a mainten- studied at Geneva Conserva-|comedies. the habit -of giving lifts For Appointment Call 723-3680 tory in Switzerland with Michel] "They say, 'Oh, she's just a ees at the"Duplate Canada 25-Year Club. They were wel- award dinner held at a Toron- ance mechanic. on Scher aibe, concertmaster of the dancer" wies Te 'tp tor 8 ihe ne nn ined 21 Athol St. W. Berlin Philharmonic. Since,com-|part,"' she complained. "That's| nuplie : Pe. pre taeiey is Tots' Day © 750 More Beds ing to.America, he has per-|why I'm excited about a televi- abe transportation shortage ber UNICEF'S Hallowe'en Dri formed as guest soloist with the/sion pilot -- for a comedy se- i I F S llo e e T1ve For Mental Cases National + gap oy Pay pier 2 ries = nog orange no -- Healthiton D. C. and t eabody|movie star who is VOTE d RE-ELECT une Deena of Gelasie Orchestra in Baltimore, Mary-jan air force man and we live an + 6 7 tal T D t said Wednesday night that 750|Inad. He has also appeared on/in a quonset hut. I don't do any e Ss 9 (@) oO a e more beds will be available for|radio and television, and made dancing at all. mental patients in the -- ag recording: : A bg - Ley 4 visible i poe gs oa : ietri ' F tric wards of Ontario generaljmade atrip to the Far Eastinight in one 0 ' The Odmwa and . District) Married Club 26.00.65 No, 15, Darlington, hospitals by the end of 1966. where aside from recording for|cameo roles. in ABC's Burke's UNICEF Committee reported|/Eastview Boys' Club a Enfield PS 4,97; Speaking to a meeting at Ry-|Radio Malaya, he appeared as|Law, and again on Friday in a a that the proceeds of the 1964) Wade Howie 6 . | Polytechnical In ist with the Si Sym-|special variety show, NBC Fol- , OTHERS OUTSIDE OSHAWA (|¢rson Polytechnic soloist with the Singapore Sym-)spe 5 amr Byte A ge ly or Hag o CGIT, Wooler, Ontario 16,00|Stitute, Dr. Dymond said that) phony Orchestra and gave con- For ALDERMAN tal" Toca" to date is|St. Pauls' Explorers 54.06|Explorers, St. Mark's only 560 beds in this classifica-|certs in the Malayan Federa-|Master's degree in music from 3 206.98 Westmount Explorers 8.00|_ Church, Whitby 46.22|tion now are available. i tion. the Peabody Conservatory in 'The committee acknowledges|Students Council, Central |Enniskillen United Church 35.04| | However, he said, "'the in-| rast year he received -his|Baltimore. ON DECEMBER 7th ' J i crease of beds in psychiatric the following donations: Collegiate 30,00|North Brighton Home and saig{wards will be matched by a ideas 1c scnoors (Mf: G- D. Conant 2.06 Sea an ont M4 erge decrease in the member For Information or Transportation Adelaide McLaughlin --_$312.70|SCHOOLS OUTSIDE OSHAWA | School 15.22 ot Reais in obi Pe ap ce My family enjoys our om PHONE 723-9484, Albert Street 57.10|\Cannington Public School 40.00 ey, raid ahaa 16 tn Londen, Ont ill he vari HUMIDIFI ER ! College Hill 56.35|SS No, 6-Manvers, Janet- yterian Chure ; J i : % 5. Conant 30.00| ville 11.25|Cambourne CGIT 4.33| 0 600 from 1,600 and at the Tor p onto hospital the number will Re Flee BINT FOR \- J i: oe od " 4 Wie an por School, Bowman: nib Uxbridge Ministerial , 105.38 |218° be reduced. AS Fewer colds, no dry-throats 1965-66 Assoc, Gertrude Colpus 198.66] Port Perry Public Schoot 195.29|Brooklin Home and School 2. 00) z -- protects furniture from paren f 135.10)H. W. Knight Public Nestleton, Ont., Mrs. Continental drying out, too. Call Lander- 159.24) School, Cannington 23.00| James Lawrence 18.98! 98.60| Ajax High School 304.08| Hofstede Family, Bow- STEAM BATH Stark about one for your E. A. Lovell 155.10| Tyrone Public School 5.00; manville 50/1 @ MASSAGE home now. Queen Elizabeth 35.33| Bakers' School, SS No. 19, Brooklin, CGIT 3.501] © EXERCISE ' DUNN'S PRE- - Ridgeway Senior 90.04 Darlington 30.65) NOTE: Additional donations] » HEAT South Simcoe 97.78|South Brighton Public | will be published at a later date. Treatment for wimecular CHRISTMAS Sunset, Heights vm 191.82 School 79.55 aches and pains (rheuma- Li, . R. McEwen Senior 94) Brooklin, Winchester Rd, 133.22 tism etc.) Vincent Massey 119.08|/pr, R. Thornton : 146,82 COSENS & MARTIN © Registered Masseur Woodcrest A erg earn aa Insurance Call 728-2460 Duke of Edinburgh 20.57| South Courtice 56.98\| 57 King St. E., Oshawa or 725-2109 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA DOUBLE YOUR MILEAGE IN THESE Emmanuel 100.50 Fanapiy tag hooey 40.50/] All tines of 728-7515 16A Ontario St. e 725+3581 : eac. entra) 0. » « e SEPARATE SCHOOLS vo Greenbank 34.05 Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 = 40 52.3 50.69 60.00 174.32 34.30 20.00 John F. Kennedy OTHERS IN OSHAWA Crippled Children's School 11.81 Westmount Young Insurance Rate CORNWALL (CP)--The On- tario Ambulance Operators As- sociation said Wednesday the Exclusive Ontario Hospital Services GOODZYEAR ission must raise its in- surance rates to caver fees for CunssTons Orre all ambulance services. The association also recom-|-- ' a | S T M P S OUR omunine PRESTONE mended at its annual conven- ates sooner anaes ANTI-FREEZE nESTONE ing for ambulance personnel be © 19 Christmas fovourites ne 'FREEZE raised. Both recommendations . eS \\ % 12 rig artists will be submitted to the attor- ievies, 12° 8, COMPARE OUR PRICE ney-general's committee on am- . ees Record 'by Columbia See ee aoe Volume No. 4 ecm pty Al a addae lend past-president of the associa- edition +. Get yours now! tion, estimated the 72 am- we F. a) COME IN AND SAVE! bulance operators in the asso- N in / a Hl ciation lost $55,000 in 1963 on un- ne a, en i sé Regular $4.98 quality paid bills. . At present, Mr. MacBeth said, \ ASK ABOUT the OHSC pays for ambulance service only when it is to trans- ; OUR PRE-SEASON port a patient from one hospital to another for treatment and # a SUBURBANITE back again. Eye * | The convention elected a new executive consisting of Doug HRISTMAS BS | and EXTRA Arbour of Oakville, president; biads- Murray MacBeth, vice - presi- Be! ese f : i os HEE dent; Donald Moss of Tilbury ' 7 W L DEAL and Rene Leroux of Cornwall, o ha directors. John Middleton of Sarnia was elected the third di- rector to a two-year term last year. Right Of Senate Pressed for time, pressed for action, you'll always age '6, en S look well dressed with a pair to spare. That! "s why our To Petition Seen Va % : SSS two trouser suits double your mileage, and deliver a weg \ : : . ; ie ' double measure of value. Choose from our wide sel- OTTAWA (CP)--Members of / «\ "nwa, Be \ : ection of 2 or 3 button models in fine worsteds, flan- the Canadian Senate have a = " j , lied ae Gates Padtameee te . X ' ' \ : \ DON. nels, cheviots, shetlands, tweeds and imported shark- are oe was told 46 SPECI AL"' SURBANTE WIRE GRIP NEW THE FINEST GODDYEAR ' la sotcutanuees: (0,00 sun cet en ot Senate's law clerk which said gene wand rebber es oe 9. 5 Soot 0 sew Sar Sutures 38 95 oe. Seren = be: x Sc = soon "re =e E mittee later gave its approval _ « 130/A tubelews ali izens in this respect," said Sen- WANTED : : | i 4 STAMPS & COINS Go GOO FY SERVICE STORES. CANADIAN GO Dre YEAR 3 , . a go ) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 36 KING ST. E. incorporate companies in which y , EN) ' lat Y - skins. Complete range of colors from medium to light ontario). committee chairman, WINTER RETREADS © RETREAN) -- rereeads, «=SURE GRIP SUBURBANITES P.S.---PLUS . . . A FREE TOPCOAT or there is nothing to bar senators i. Rote sari nae to a bill incorporating the Set- f Oe ONE STOP WINTER DRIVING SERVICE with every suit from..... 9.50 gar Hayden. Beaters of the SHOP WHERE THE FAST FREE § DIFFERENT CREDIT PLANS FOREIGN 7254918 | ie | (Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri.) (Open to 9 p.m. Friday) they have shares, the Senate va P shades of blue, brown, grey, black and olive. read a legal opinion from the ri oud 142! 95 é igen ro 12 3B SPORTCOAT or CARCOAT from such petitions. The com- on a workmanshly and "We are not second-class cit- Commons had the same right BIG CHOICE I8! INSTALLATION! || "= 2 one rust curre roon raze NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY AT We will Buy Collections, Ac- ' ' "Complete Charge Conyeniences" Fora Fair evelucton of yout 162 King St. a Oshawa, Ontar l0 Phone 125-9351 2 LOCATIONS