THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 25, 1964 we to help Marina and,)De Mohrenschildt said Oswald) Fritz said that Oswald denied ident Kennedy, appear to the, Then came Nov. 22, 1963, concedes 10 of his men 28 ° ' ; : the as asked the FBI in replied: es either the président or i who knew mage best? |when Mrs. Oswald heard. +|reguiations the night ae Dallas or in Fort Worth about) "Yes ¢ icer J.,D. Tippit. Lage, A Oswald's|nedy had been shot, "I to] president peryaaed od assas- FBI Man Th ht Os Id Lee and he 1018 us he (Oswald) WASHINGTON CAP) -- Dal- Me told me he was eating arelia born wife, Marina, was|my room and cried." oug Wa. was completely harmless." lag detective Capt. 'Will Fritz|lunch with some of the employ-| made patie by the Warren! 'The next day she visited heh sinated -- but | d The letter was written byjsaid Lee Harvey Oswaldjees when this (the asses"'->- fivsband: at the police eta them for fear George-de Mohrenschildt, whose}claimed he had broken only one/tion) happened, and that he saw If - had any cular ani- Was Completely Harmless Russ mm wife, Jeanne, a law in hig life all the excitement." mosity toward John F. Ken- hottest aot chs Dallas clothes designer, had be-| "I hit the often in the (mo-| Oswald, Fritz said, declared/nedy, Oswald never showed it WASHINGTON -- Tes-, During questi of Everett|friended Marin: tion picture) show; he hit me|he didn't own a rifle, but hadjto "s wife. turn out well, But I. timony released eet by the/D. Glover, Dallas oil chemist of} In testimony 'elore the com-jin the eye and I guess he de-jseen one in the book building} 'From Lee's behavior,' Mrs. Wi commission included an|Socony-Mobiloil Company last/mission, de Mohrenschildt saidjserved it, two or three days earlier that|Oswaild told the commissin, 'I oe voll a Texas FBI|March 24, a are written tojhe once remarked to Oswald| "That is the only law 1 vio-|the manager and some work-|cannot conclude that he was idered Lee Harvey|the witness by a Swedish oiljthat he had b gen! Jacqueline |lated. That is the only thing I/ers were examining, coanst the president, and killed by Jack Ruby. j Gewald "reompletely harmless" Sy yoo -- introduced, It|/Kennedy as a zune girl andjhave done wrong." -- therefore the thing is incompre- | 2 o months preceding Presi-|said in thought her husband was doing| Fritz testified before the War-| WASPINGTON (AP) -- How|hensible to me. Perhaps he hid WASHINGTON (. (AP) -- | dent Kennedy assassination. "It * Neareating, but before'a very good job as president.jren commission. did Lee Oswald, who killed pres-lit irom me." Service Chief James J, Rowley] "APPLE rey fe Sar ee Mam: = pan as Pua i. year, it was é c mat a ena ~ From B.C.'s Famous Okanagan Valley Ti Low =e | APPLES "siicaer" == 6-39 | ons. preacher who now 'js. minister emeritus of the temple. " Dr. Griffith was born in Lan- P n : cate bu soacated in Canada, FLORIDA, LONG, GREEN SLICERS, FOR ¢ at e an aN University. He was ordained in NO. 1 GRADE ~ "~N the United Church of Canada in 1945, subsequently becoming ni Gcimsty, Oot, sad OF. MK ne Me sdy, » an , a é ws, , and' is deserved by ah ae FULLY MATURED ONTARIO COLD STORAGE, CRISP AND JUICY, che" I Bn F dhlapier we SWEET, TEXAS, HARD SHELL, GOOD SIZE, NO. 1 GRADE FLORIDA, MARSH SEEDLESS FOR EATING OR COOKING, FANCY GRADE Saccsrus| | GREEN PEPPERS 4-29. GRAPEFRUIT = 10-69: | aa rach ADDIEC arranged by a group of church- men who organize an annual ONTARIO, YELLOW COOKING, BRUSHED AND POLISHED WHITE TABLE STOCK, NO. 1 GRADE Steel) | ONIONS 120 2-25: PLL POTATOES 1,89 Hay Drying Seen 3-LB CELLO BAG 6-QUART BASKET By -- bere All Prices In This.Ad Guerantesd Through Saturday, Nev. 28th, 1964 og erage CANNED Goops SALE : f SPECIAL! KB CORN 5.60 ff 2, Pale Your Dollar Bays More ot AaP WHITE - SLICED HEINZ FANCY QUALITY Reg Price tin 37e-SAVE tie APPLESAUCE 5.99 BREAD TOMATO JUICE = 3-:---1.00 "NEW PACK" Dessert Style Reg Price tin Se--SAVE '10 801.0 COLOURED Reg Price 2 Ibs, S90---GAVE 199 IONA PEARS 4=~.89: MARGARINE | 4:99: FRUIT COCKTAIL 9 =" 39 koe + | TIDE or omy tnssnin 2D : OGILVIE TWINKLE (7 Varieties) SPECIALI PURITAN (With Gravy) (Se Off Deal) SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. tes tne | HT MAE AT BALLS 3.1.00 CAKE MIXES 2%»49% car which plunged off an ice- SHIRRIFF'S GOOD MORNING Reg. Price jar. 680--SAVE 4e covered logging = aoe Rh ; Sie 'Monday night. = Reg. Price 22 Loat MARMALADE | +59 pone gg ogg A p Low - Lo w Pp rices : § AVE 5e SALAD OIL FROM CORN Reg. Price btl, 890--SAVE 4e Dixon, 23, of suburban' Taren- & eee, gong to shore a" bt Instant Chocolate Drink (200 Off Deal) 72. fi-oz brl € picked up by a passing log: K Eciecamasres | | NESTLE'S QUIK +95: "a miles from the lake. Wheaties, Cheerios, Trix Coco Puffs, Golden Hearts Aap QUALITY BAKERY PRODUCTS Deodorant Reg, Price peed Oe __.._ FROZEN FOODS Sault Ste. Marie Search and wy EALS h 33: BAN Roll On 1f-oz bi! 69« pain ra ears ice" foo tlig Rigid BIG G CER ll JANE PARKER . Maclean's Reg. Price tube 990--SAVE 200 } SMonday night -but_ waited for Robertson Imported Lemon Gilver Shred, Orange CHERRY PIE > TOOTHPASTE --= «cnomysizenbe 7 Qe | VEGETABLES Booteh or Thick Cut day light to conduct a search. -- Happy Henri Rey. Price 2 tine 9e--SAVE 190 Coty: eee fee Conn The car was tocated in 27 feet 4 Pa ALA 12-02 jar € ba A 4 of water and divers were try- AP ig : APPLE DRINK 4 A8-foztins 9% 10-02. ing to attach lines to it. 8 ¢ ¢ p Bick's t Reg. Price jar 350--SAVE 6¢ PKGS, € waned were baste LIDO BISCU ITS ekg 3 oy REG. PRICE EACH B00--SAVE 100 : SAUERKRAUT 32-0 jor 2 Ye tatoo ployed at a lumber camp. 40 Wisla Whole Reg. Price jar 88e--SAVE i140 CHICKEN, TURKEY OR BEEF pe PREM wows cote || SPANISH BAR CAKE 29: POLISH DILLS tn 69: hiarta i a employee, was unable to iden- ify them. He told police they Rowntree's Reg. Prive pkg. Bo--SAVE 100 aa = COCKTAIL =~e33¢ | RAISIN BREAD" iccca3, CANDY SMARTIES =--.'49. | = 79. All Purpose (6c Coupon on Back of Bag) CAWBERRY JAM sv=-39 |, MEAITH md BEaurY anos MONARCH LOUR S274 | Moses Gerber's Strained ASPIRIN re iv 11009 3c Blue Pirate BABY FOODS ye mh Tablets Reg. Price btl. ae * WALNUT PIECES Hb pko 7 Ye aenue ; Ballet White or Coloured ANACIN : bt of 100 9 Be RIDDELL RAISINS 2b pk 59 REG, PKG, 79--SAVE 10¢ D. vias of2 rolls 49: : os Rep heite, Mi erro ln Duchess (Small, Medium or Large) Reg Price Ben ig i TOILET TISSUE A.S.A. bil of 1002 5 RUBBER GLOVES pidaek Sides voir 9c pone Faney Quality SNACKERS §-ox Rey 5 | ASA. secsaelbabiond bi of 500 B Be GREY fall FIXINGS pacts WOwE.. otis 3 3e Tablets Reg. Price btl. 980--SAVE be : APPLE er. 3 Oz TIN 39c¢ geal e ' dane Parker JUICE TEA sd AGS okg of 60 Qe BUFFERIN bil of 80 9 Ze RYE BREAD Pisinorseeded z+orlct25e -- 2,,eoee paige Decongestant Reg. Price bt, $1.25--SAVE 260 ike. Watkar s00r y i § OLD CHEESE ==~-63« || DRISTAN TABLETS | wicctees POTATO CHIPS tonnes 59e scuntiSt y ge a ASPIRIN T ABLETS bil of 3 629 GINGER. ALE (Plus Bottle Deposit) nls A CELLOLPKG c AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES 7 30-02 bts 9Ye BEETS he 31 }