ee Bn ' NURSE BY INTEREST = jan MONTREAL (CP) + Christ- ine Lawford received a diplama Delhi, India, in she can raise $2,000 from the Quebec School of Miss Rapson discovered Praetical Nursing three days 000,000-year- "ld ye 1 after her 70th birthday, Mrs,|tite; in the Lawford, a_ retired teacher,|« Night of Cards And Bake Sale Success For H&S The Queen Elizabeth Home MARRIED Grace Lutheran Church was the setting recently for the matriage of Ursula Rosina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Brandeur, to Brian Edward Laxdal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Laxdal, all of Oshawa, with Pastor Philip Fies officiating. --Mary's Studio UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ST. STEPHEN'S UCW Mrs. David Duchemen opened the meeting by asking for a silent prayer in memory of those who fought and died in the wars followed 4 prayer. A silent prayer for Miss Doreen Van Camp and Miss Muriel Stevens, missionaries was fol- lowed by prayer. The UCW prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Charles Rundle, social convener i order reception and a dinner. The Nellie Dearborn Unit will help at Hillsdale Manor on Nov. 27. Mrs, Henry Bickle, Mrs. Wal- lace, Butt, Mrs, David Clarey and Mrs. Charles Rundle work- ed at the Blood donor clinic re- cently. Mrs, Walter Rackham wife of St. Stephen's supervising pastor will open the Bazaar on Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. reported a catering} was "Learning to' Appreciate |Other Nations" with Mrs. Lloyd Jewell in charge assisted by Mrs. James Palmer, Mrs. Gor- don Tomlinson and Mrs, John Cook. Mrs. Henry Bickle introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Brian Curry who spoke on "Life in Africa." Mrs. Curry was born in Southern Rhodesia and has lived in Canada for 3 years. "The buildings are very modern in Southern' Rhodesia," she said. "There are three races, the blacks or Africans, the whites and the colored-- one white parent and one black parent, The colored. people live apart from both the whites and blacks and many are Christians. "The Africans were not very interested in education until the last 6 years. There ate 40 tribes and 'each one has its own be- liefs."" Mrs. Lioyd Jewell thanked The theme for the devotions Mrs. Curry dale a miscellaneous friends and neighbors of the prospective bridegroom's fam- 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 25, 1964 ays Members of the Oshawa Busi- ness and Professional Women's Club who attended the 14th birthday party of the Bowman- ville Club last Thursday were Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Mrs. H. K. Reynolds, Miss Audrey Law- lor, Miss Irene Pawson and Miss Betty Thomson. Miss Elizabeth Bourne of Port Trinidad, has been Trinidad today. This summer Miss, Bourne made a tour of Europe and her visit to Oshawa 'Twas a slight detour on the way Miss Millicent Luke, president of. the Oshawa Presbyterial United Church Women is open- Westmount UCW Bazaar at 7.80 this evening. Mrs. G. D. Conant is enter- taining the guest speaker, Dr. M. B. Dymond, Ontario Minister of Health, and Mrs, Dymond at dinner prior to the annual meet- ing of the Historical Society in the auditorium of McLaughlin Public Library on Friday. Dr. Dymond will speak on the his- tory of the Scugog area. A pleasant evening was en- joyed recently at the home of Mrs. Reginald' Locke and Miss Carolyn Locke honoring Miss Carol MeInroy of Kelowna, B.C. who recently returned from Nova Scotia. Miss McInroy, a recent graduate of Grace Hos- Mrs. Brian Laxdal Feted At Showers Prior To Wedding Mrs. Brian Edward Laxdal, the former Ursula R. Brandauer, was several prior to entertained at showers and parties, her marriage recently in Grace Lutheran Church. ~ Mrs. A. D. Rodgers, Clover- street, entertained at shower for ily. 'Mrs. Frank Schuster, Winona, Ontario, entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower for friends and relatives of the bride-elect. Co-workers of the future PERSONALS pital, Toronto, was taken aback with the reception and the gifts given her by the many friends present. A toast to the guest of honor for future happiness and prosperity was proposed by Mr. Ben Bilodeau. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Patter- son, Hillside avenue, are re- ceiving congratulations today on the occasion of their silver wed- .}ding anniversary. Toronto guests at the Noakes- Reardon wedding last Saturday included Mr. and Mrs. William McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Haley, Mr. Larry Otwer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Michea,. Mr. Hope were Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Cockerill, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul; from Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graham, Mrs. M. Cockerill and Master Larry Graham; from Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Penrose and Also from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford, Ot- tawa, and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Barbeau, Peterborough. Two study groups of the Uni- versity Women's Club met on Monday evening. The French Conversation Group met at the home of Mrs. Batnard Lewis, Somerville' avenue, and the Travel Group were the guests of Mrs. Frank McLellan at her home on RR 3, Bowmanville, where Bangkok, Thailand and the River Nile were explored. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Evans, Pinecrest road, recently enter- tained at their home for a re- union of old friends who some twenty years ago belonged to the One O'Clock Dance Club, which was ponsored by the Masonic Order, monthly, in its Temple ballroom. Among those who enjoyed the evening of reminiscing and dancing were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brown, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gill, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weir, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs, Russell Flutter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gales, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson, Mr and Mrs. Russell DeCoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mills, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker, all of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ramsey.) and Mrs. Arthur Michea, Mr.|{ - and. Mrs. Walter Michea, and) | es Mrs. Mary Michea; from Port) (0.0040. Sharon Lorraine Reardon and Kenneth Edward Noakes ex- changed nuptial vows in St. Ger- trude's Roman Catholic Church on Saturday last at high noon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Reardon and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reginald Noakes, all of Har- mony Village, Oshawa. The Reverend Patrick Darby performed the ceremony and Miss Connie Lucas played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was attired in a full-length long-sleeved gown of white peau de soie with a chiffon overlay. The back fell in deep pleats held at the waist by two small bows and an em- broidered panel from waist to hem accented by a how, drama- tized the front which was em- broidered from neckline to waist with motifs of fine lace and se- quins. Seed pearls and tear- drop crystals jewelled her crown holding a three-tier veil of tulle, waist-length. She carried a cas- cade of red roses and white chrysanthemums. Mi an Taylor the CAKE SYMBOLIZES PROSPERITY Noon Wedding in St. Gertrude's For Sharon Reardon, Ken Noakes Aldsworth Photography maid of honor and the brides- maids were Miss Elaine E::zhes, Newcastle, and Miss Diane Reardon, Oshawa. They wore scarlet, bell-shaped, long-sleev- ed dresses of peau de soie made by the bride and styled with a rose holding Gentre front pleats, Their headdresses were single scarlet roses of :osu de soie and tulle veiling. They wore white fox furs and carried white satin muffs adorned with red roses The flower girl, Miss Shelly Cockerill of Port Hope wore a red velvet dress; the skirt scooped up at the back, meet- ing at the waist in layers of lace. She carried a nosegay of red roses. Mr. James MacDonald, Osh- awa, was the best man and the ring bearer was Master Glenn Cockerill of Port Hope. Usher- ing were Mr. Dennis Noakes and Mr. Gary Hooper. For the reception at Ciub 401 the bride' smother wore satin brocade in shades of blue and a white hat trimmed with gold. The. bridegroom's mother was in royal blue velvet and a and Schoo] Association held its annual Night of Cards and Bake Sale at the school recently. The president, Mrs. Neison Wright, welcomed the euchre and b enthusiasts who numbered close to one hun- dred, The prize winners were: Mrs. Leonard Haigh, Mrs. Mae Thomas, Mrs. Fred Hurren, doesn't intend to work as a nurse. She' said she took the course simply as a matter.of interest. WILL SPEAK IF... . CALGARY (CP) --. Calgary geologist June Rapson will read her own scientific paper before] Mrs. R. H. Cramp, Mr, Gor- don Hanna, Mr, Norman Gim-! biett, Mrs. David Kellett and Mrs. L, Nelson. ' Door prizes were awarded to Mrs. Norman Gimblett, Mrs. M. R. Carey, Mrs, Lee Reeves, 'Mrs. David Hutcheon, Mrs. R. W vonm and Mrs. K. Robert Cor- neal. The event was convened by the members of the executive of Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association with Mrs. Nelson Wright and Mrs. John lloskin supervising the bake table; Mrs. Keith Taggart in charge of tickets and Mrs. Har- old Coakwell refreshment con- vener. The next regular meet- ing of Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association will be held on Tuesday, December 1 and will begin with a pot-luck supper. Check Ingredients Maple Syrup Baba CORRECTION A reader has just pointed out an omission in the recipe for Maple Syrup Baba which was featured in Monday's paper. Three important ingredients were left out and the recipé would be spoiled without them. The complete ingredients are as follows: 1 teaspoon sugar % cup water, lukewarm 1 package fast-rising yeast 1% cups, sifted all-purpose flour % cup butter Y% cup sugar eggs, beaten \% teaspoon salt 4 Syrup: 1% cups maple syrup one-third cup water 1 __tablspoon rum flavoring Follow method as given Monday's paper. in sage of white feathered carna- tions. A telegram from relatives in England was read during the reception honeymoon, the bride was wear- ing a pink wool suit and match- ing three-quarter cape, a pink and black fur hat and black patent leather accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Noakes are re- siding at 132 Labrador drive, matching hat. Each had.a cor- Oshawa. As the couple left on their)" the exciting looks of SPORTSWEAR "ROUND THE CLOCK -- 'ROUND THE COUNTRY Fresh, flamboyant and feminine seperates achieve complete fashi when compiled from our spirited and surprising group imports a domestics, all ar 2 brand names Make your selection today, @ small deposit will hold, @ Suburban Coots @ Ski Jockets- @ Stretch Slims @ Wool Slims @ Sweaters to match, plain or fancy: tor every possible occasion, - 72 SIMCOE NORTH 725-1912 BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. bride, in the cosmetic and drug department of Eaton's, honored the bride-to-be with a miscel- laneous shower. Co-workers of Mr. Laxdal at Stark Electronics presented him with a silver tray, cream and sugar set. Mr. and Mrs. &. W. Moore entertained the bride-elect, her family and the future bride- groom at their home. Following the wedding re- hearsal, the bridal party was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ferdinand Brandauer, Lakemount street, at a candle- light supper. OPEN FRI. "TL? PME OPTICAL SERVICE OPTICAL lll a Zi "NORM" FISHER'S 3 Meat Market bwin fh For Personalized sealed za WEEK-END SPECIALS rama pack Bacon PEAMEALED END CUTS BY THE PIECE ln... optical SERVICE To Larger Quarters at 10%. KING ST. WEST - OSHAWA Formerly Location of Reed's Florists FOR THE FINEST IN DRAPE MATERIAL in various: colours & fabrics gg YAr & uP M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 lewis @e)-s4(--1) DAVID JOHN David John Lyon is the one-year-old son of Mr. and ECONOMY STEAKS SKINLESS ITEM WIENERS BOLOGNA "Vucr' MEATY SPARE RIBS .. 35° THURSDAY ONLY Steaks 69: SAUERKRAUT 2 lbs. 39°. MINCED BEEF 3 Ibs. 1.00 FREEZER SPECIALS Beef Hindquarters ., 51*! PORK LOINS "59°, NO CHARGE FOR CUTTING, WRAPPING AND FREEZING Norm Fisher's Meat Market | Phone 723-3732 ce ONE 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 3 lbs. Mrs, Jack Lyon, Labrador : drive. He is the grandson Use Our Lay. Away of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyon, all of Oshawa. His great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hall, Osh- awa. --Aldsworth Photography CHRISTMAS PHOTO SALE KEYSTONE SAWYER 8 MM 500 Wott SLIDE PROJECTORS PROJECTORS 99.95 uve 56.95 VALUE BROWNIE A> KODACOLOR AUTOMATIC FILMS 8 MM 120-127-620 Projector 1.29 with case M2-AG1 Flashbulbs "Tis. AGFA 35 MM Automatic CAMERA Gift Set 68.95 ~ PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT Use Our Lay-Away 8 MM ACADEMY EDITORS 19.95 Carl Wetzler YASHICA Automatic MOVIE CAMERA rust 98.95 VALUE LOGAN SEAL BEAM MOVIE LIGHT 19.95 Value 8 MM REELS and CANS 75° EACH 3 for $1.69 FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE VISIT OUR PHOTO SHOWROOM 35 MM SLIDE VIEWERS Battery Operated wive 3.49 VALUE INSTAMATIC ACADEMIC ACTIONS CHIPPAWA, Ont. (CP)--The Allanburg Women's Institute has been credited with taking the first official action that led to the establishment of Brock University at St. Catharines, Ont. In a speech, Ald. E. E. Mitchelson said their 1957 reso- jution backed by Ontario WIs, Jed to the formation of succes- sive community committees in- cluding, in 1962, the Brock Uni- versity Founders' Committee. SIRLOIN WING 200-FT. 8 MM 3.95 400 FT.8 MM 495 ANSCO CADET II CAMERA OUTFIT vaive 12,95 VALUE 6-1 CAMERA KIT 1 59 40x 40 ; LENTICULAR SCREENS 23.95 Compere 29.95 BINOCULARS 24.95 Complete 17-Piece MICROSCOPE KIT 14.95 Value 11.95 & KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 723-2245 21.50 Compare MILLER FA FULLY GUARANTEED POWER OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12 to 6 P.M. 79.95 VALUE OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. COURTICE SHOWROOM e SsHawa SHOPPING CENTRE 22 Simcoe St. North