Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY HUNTERS BAG 'Two BLACK BEARS Soon to adorn the floors of recreation rooms the hides of two 300-pound black bears hang on the side the hunters' of a Rossland road garage. The two bears, one male and one female, tipped the scales at 300 pounds and were taken two weeks ago 30 miles north of Peterborough. --_ William Grylls, senior, and his son, William, junior, each shot a bear on a hunting trip with the Round Lake Hunt Club. Eight men in the hunting par- ty bagged five deer and two bears on the trip. The two bear skins are being stretch- a gen ees a at en eR 8 ws a i a a ce aE ed on the side of the family garage and will be treated, and used as rugs. William Grylls, junior, foreground, and his father admire their catch, --Oshawa Times Photo. Whitby Township To Stop Whitby Township should be a quiet place if an anti-noise by- law passed by township council is strictly enforced. No more will mower, and tranquility. The bylaw passed by coun- cil, and given the number 1935, listed seven different noise sources council felt were offen- sive and six that were deemed acceptable. Among those noises frowned upon by the council were the sound of power motors or out- board engines. WEDDING CELEBRANTS Horn bowling and bell ringing in a wedding procession could ' the roar of power mowers be allowed -- only the soft clicking of a hand the grunts and groans of-he who was legislat- ed into pushing it over his half acre of grass, will break the Noise Jand a merrymaker in court fac- ing a penalty of not less than $10 or more than $300. If a resident is guilty of own- ing a car that could be termed as: "rattling, grinding, or grat- ing" he might find himself standing beside the merry- maker, facing the same penalty. WHISTLES PROHIBITED The blowing of steam or air whistles is prohibited, except to give notice to workmen of the time to commence or cease work, or to warn of a danger. Those noises not covered by name were lumped into a catch- all phrase: "any noise which may be heard byond the lot upon which it is made at suffi- cient volume to disturb persons beyond such lot." The council, however, gave 4 its bh to: amplifying Vote Plan Finalized At Brooklin A bylaw appointing deputy returning officers, poll clerks, and naming the polls was pass- ed by Whitby Township Council. Nomination night will be Nov. the township will go to the polls 30, and the residents of Dec. 12 if a vote is required. The list is-given in poll areas by number, with the deputy Poll clerk, and location of the poll in order. Polling area one: Chester Lee, Mable Guth- polling area Alma' Wood, Mrs. Violet Blair, Dr. Robert Thorn- Mrs. Fern Schad, Mrs. Mary Pratt, returning officer, Bert Guthrie, Mrs. rie's residence; two; Mrs. ton School; poll three; Dr. Robert Thornton School. Poll four: Mrs. Helen Joynt, Mrs. Erma Campbell, Dr. Rob- Poll five: E. Par- Poll six: Fred Ormiston, Gordon Poll Marie Humphries, Betty ert Thornton School; Charles Branton, Mrs. rinder, Sinclair School; Hunter, eight: Holman, Township Hall; Meadowcrest School; Poll seven: Mrs. E. Kivell, Mrs. Helena Hill, Township Hall. Poll nine; Mrs. Mrs. L. Cartwright, crest School; Poll 10: Mason, Mrs. 0. Myrtle Community Hall; Pol 11: Russell Richardson, Mis Vera Leach, ay Sandison' residence. Mrs. Deputy iteiitae officers will be paid $14, poll clerks $10, con- stables $10, and a fee of $1 will be paid for the use of a poll June Kydd, Meadow- F. Harrison, equipment, bands, emergency vehicles, trains, church belis; and any noise made by a per- son on his property which is not audible at a distance of more than 25 feet beyond his property line. line. WHITBY PERSONALS Last Saturday evening, some 40 guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gordon, 217 Hallett avenue, to honor and congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gordon, Port Whitby, on their 40th wedding anniversary. The gathering came as a complete surprise to the bride and bride- groom. Guests were present from Mount Forest, Newton- ville,- Bowmanville, Oshawa, Orono and Whitby. Mrs. Frank Formosa (Jacky), daughter of the honored guests along with her husband Frank, Cliff, son of the celebrants and his wife Sheila and their son Bob were hosts. Mrs. Gordon was pre- sented with @ corsage, and a boutonniere for Mr. Gordon. Numerous gifts and best wishes were presented to the bride and bridegroom of 4 years ago. A. toy demonstration party, sponsored by the CWL, will be held Nov. 25 at 8.30 p.m. in the parish hall. Coffee will be served. Everyone welcome. Mrs. R. G. Grobb, 324 Lynde- l view drive, is opening her home ' Nov. ™ to t. Mark's United its monthly meeting. Mrs. John McKibbin will offi- cially ppen St. John's Anglican Church annual bazaar to be held Nov. 25 at 2.30 p.m. Church Women Unit No. 4 for} 2 Veteran Hospital Men Retire Two employees of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, with over 50 years' service between them re- tired last week. To mark the occasion a pre- sentation ceremony and social evening was held. John McDonald, 111 Palace street, Whitby, retires after 30 years service to the hospital. He was presented with a purse of cash collected among the staff at the hospital. The presentation was made by Dr. W. H. Weber, superintendent, Don Gilchrist, executive trea- surer of the Civil Service As- sociation of Ontario, presented him with a cheque. The hos- pital's Quarter Century Club also made a presentation to Mr. McDonald -- a small plaque to commemorate his service. Retiring after 24 years was Dr. E. A. MacMillan, of 419 Athol street. He received a purse of cash from the staff, a cheque from the Civil Service Association. : Tour Group To Address Lodge Meet The Independent Order of 'Oddfellows and Rebekahs across Canada and U.S.A. send high school students to New York to take part in the United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth. The pur- pose of such a trip is to give the students an insight into the operation of this worthy or- ganization, his congregation recently that he had accepted a call to Beth- any Reformed Church, Canton, South Dakota. Pastor Moves To Work In South Dakota WHITBY -- Rev. Gerrit Rez- elman, pastor of Emmanuel Reformed Church, Rossland rdad west, Whitby, announced to Mr. Rezelman has served Em manuel Church here since 1958, ministering primarily to the im- migrants: who came here from the Netherlands, However, the church is today conducting two all-English services, and thus also ministering to the com- munity at jarge. Emmanuel! Church recently celebrated the 13th anniversary of its organi- ization. The pastor had served pre- vious charges at' North Blendon, Michigan; Williamson, New York; Litchville and North Marion, North Dakota, and Adams, Nebraska, A farewell get-together by the congregation was. held recently for the pastor and Mrs. Rezel- man, in which a fitting program was rendered, with all the or- 'Whitby Bowling League Results WHITBY MONDAY MIXED eg eta Results 'ft spines Play: ed Triples arty Jorda id {300, 18, 265), Allee Hewis 766 (403), Paul rank 737 nr 324), '7 Childs 736 (216, tas 285), Don Grant 730 (261, 238, 231), Wayne Stewart 711 (221, 248, 242), Micki aster 208 20, 24), 664 Hewis 227, Deig P lewis 227, Master 225, Verna Gill 222, Chris Adair 221, Don Denyer 221, Werd Bick 218, 211, Barry ria Ruth Frenk 213, 202, Joon 210, Joyce Denyer 209, 204, Judy Brooks 207, Georgina Ni 205, $am Bonk 206, imegeers bi sed or S 203, Jerry Plumbe 202, Pete a ~-- Cou nty Bowl 7, Headpins 7, Sabre Jets 5, Creckpots 5, G-B-Jays 5, Echoes 4, Whitby Cleaners 4, 'Neighbours 4, Rockets 3, Poker oe , ers 3, Kokonuts 2, Lucky Thir- zane 2 Ringers 2% Bassins 0, Union City * Results of games played Nov. 16: Triples over 600 -- Des poorer 805 (233, 291, 281), Isobel Mothersili 775 (315, 219, 241), Clare Holter 723 (248, 281), Clarence 95 (244, 247, 204), ee Gill Brooks 679 (248, ), Doug Rowden 647 (227, 78), Mickey icMaster 63) (226, Ses Pete Rutten 606 (223, 218), Archie bruce 603 (219, 208). Games over 200 -- Bill Bonk 296, Jerry Plumbe 249, Rowden 239, Irma Veughan 238, Harvey Roberts 236, ue "Peake 235, Connie Den- yer 233, Merv. Bemis 232, 215, Marg. Pas- coe 232, Doug Peggs 232, Marty Jordan 228, 200, Marion Redfern 225, Ward Bick 222, Bob Redfern 220, Sheila Rendall 219, Don Holter 219, Cyril Garratt 218, Paul Frank 217, 201, John Howland 216, 209, Jenny Hewils 212, M. Peggs 209, Betty Pascoe 206, Verna Sandford 206, Wi Holter 205, Florence Moore 205, Vi Jordan 204, G Team G-B-Jays bours 11, peckers 8, Crackpots 5, Bassins 5, Kokonuts 4, Ring- tandin 'ounty Bow! 14, 12 Whitby Chanere Ww bf Rockets 10, Echoes 9, Thirteens 2. Award Contract Research Vessel contract the fisheries research board has ler, . Ont., Limited, ment said Monday. scientific officials and crews. The vessel will be equipped for both stern scallop dragging. Among ren | Mts. G, Fe After hon| Miss Diane Robertson, a Fyn Leundry 243, Clare fayne Headpins 7, Sabre Jets 5, ers 4, Poker Chips 3, Union City 2, Lucky OTTAWA (CP)--A $1,088,454 to build a research vessel for the Atlantic fleet of been awarded to the Port Wel- Drydock Company the fisheries depart- The vessel will be a- 130-foot craft with a range of 3,000 miles and a cruising speed of 11 knots. It will have a 27-foot beam, a draft of 10 feet, nine inches and a complement of 21 trawling and its Pioneer Girls Mark 25 Years The Pioneer Girls Silver Anni- icherd| versary banquet was held at Calvary Baptist Church, about 130 mothers and daugh- - | ters attending. Mrs. G. Ferguson gave thanks er Mrs. Larry Taylor led in a sing song. grim, gave a welcome to the les M<'| mothers, The chairman, Mrs. E. Stacey, introduced the . head table and thanked the Pal: who had prepared the meal. Miss Margaret Smits explain- " the symbol of the Pioneer ris, The Junior Pilgrims sang "What the Lord Can Do", ied by Mrs. 1. Taylor, The ad- vanced Pilgrims, led by Mrs. C. Westlake, sang 'Channels Only" with Miss Maureen Grant sing ing the solo part. Slides of some of the Pioneer Girls were shown by. Miss Bon- nie Watson, an Explorer. The Explorer Girls put on a skit. Mrs. Victor Henkelman gave some of the history of the Pion- eer Girls which was started in 1939. There are now 1,428 clubs, 275 of them are in Canada. Miss Dorothy Smith ied the Coloiists in the singing of 'We Lift Our Voices Rejoicing"'. Miss Helen Robertson intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss Margaret Robinson, the Cana- dian director of the Pioneer Girls. Her message was 'Tools for Christ', As Christians we must be in constant readiness by consistent Bible reading and prayer, Recently these Pilgrims were presented with Ranks: Linda Bodashefsky, Debbie Fiavelie, Maureen Grant, Debbie John- ston, Judy Lytle, Janet Reimer, Brenda Johnson, Linda Schatz, Patty Wood, Frances Hale, Shir- ley Taylor, Elizabeth Ukrainetz, Badges were earned by Linde Bodashefsky, Debbie Fiavelle, Patsy Gray, Debbie Johnston, Judy Lytle, Janet Reimer, Renee . Bodashefsky, Brenda Johnson, Linda Schatz, Dorothy Watson, Patty Wood, Delilah Zubin, Jo-Anne Connaty, Made- line Christie, Ann McGhee, Frances Hale, Shirley Taylor, Diane Robertson, Brenda West- Strike Board Report Soon HAMILTON (CP)--A concilia- of Canada here is expected to | be released soon by Labor Minister H. L. have the three-member board ""iUnited Steel pected. Seven days after the report call a strike. lake, Mrs. J, Hooper and Hilda Trick. Shirley Taylor received her gold attendance cord. Ann Mc: Ghee and Frances Hale received red cords. S Ranks were presented to these Colonist girls: Sandra Stacey, Wilma Smits, Mrs. R. Watson, Susan Wonnacott, Miss Helen Robertson, Miss Dorothy Smith, Smits. Badges were received by Bev- erly Westlake, Wendy Taylor, Margaret Mills, Joan Sargeant, Linda Statham, Kathie Griffith, Joanne Wilson, Karen Collier, Wilma Smits, Marilyn Hoggard, Linda McDiarmid, Susan Won- nacott, Anne Henkelman, Mar- garet Smits, Bonnie Anderson, Sandra Stacey, Dorothy Smith, Helen Robertson, Phyllis Wat- son, Gail Jackson, Anne Watson, Mary Manning, Betty Mills. yold Attendance cords were won by Wendy Taylor and Betty Mills. Red attendance cords were won by Linda Statham, Marilyn Hoggard, Clare Zeibin, Helen Robertson and i Dorothy Smith. OPENING SPECIAL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 24,1964 5 is issued the union may legally pol Margaret Mills and Margaret East Whitby Names Election Officials The East Whitby Township tion board report on contract ne-|Council, gotiations at the Steel Company + ge a bylaw to appoint dep- rovincial pl or owntree.| The. nomination 'meeting will Mr. Rowntree's consent to|be held in the township Hall, with Columbus, at 7:30 p.m. this return to renew negotiations) Thursday. Reeve Neil Smith and with Stelco and Local 1005,)members of the council Workers of|present reports on the year's America (CLC), is also ex- or business during the eeting. "ha @ be held Monday, Dec. 7. The Is will be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m, OOOH! So many wonderful Gifts © For Hunting © For Fishing © For Golting @ For Archery © For Gerdening © For Mother and the Home at its last meeting officers for the will lection, if required, will They're Here, ,, New Fell Clothes to be tollored to your measure by © TIP TOP TAILORS @ House of Hobberlin at, PORTSMAN' USS men's CORNER 1EEVE qed 103 BYRON ST. S$. s. Whitby WHITBY PHONE 668-2091 un stabilization" a steady platform while at sea, ique features will be a 'flume system to provide lake, Julie Woods, Mrs. C, West- twi NEW YORK (AP) -- It was} Wheatley without argument when the vote for the 1964 two - year - old champion colt was announced Monday by Racing Associations. ing secretaries for the 50 TRA }member tracks cast a unani- jmous ballot for the sensational son of Bold Ruler. won eight races, stakes, WANTED STAMPS & COINS CANADIAN FOREIGN We will Buy Collections, CHOOSE BOLD LAD | Stable's Bold Lad) the Thoroughbred The rac- Ac For a Fair evaluation of you Material, Phone 725-8918 after 5 p.m. Bold. Lad including six and finished second) ice in 10 starts, cumulations or Dealers Stock. (8 x 10 MOUNTED) Child's Portrait $2.00 PH, 668-3442 r More People Are Shopping At Glecoff's Because .. . GLECOFF'S HAS THE 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OPEN to 10 P.M. DAILY ganizations of the church partici- pating. Several beautiful and useful gifts were given. Final services were conducted | this past Sunday, in all three| Worship Services. The pastor) and wife plan to leave Whitby | on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, TEBBETS IS HEALTHY CLEVELAND (AP) -- Birdie | Tebbetts was given a clean bill of health Monday and will be} back as manager of Cleveland | Indians baseball club next sea- son, 'Tebbetts, who suffered al heart attack in spring training | at Tucson, Ariz., this year, fin-| ished two 'days of examinations | at the Cleveland Clinic. | Any Odd Fellows and Rebek-| ahs lodge can sponsor a student, | and pay their expenses, which includes travelling to New York by chartered buses that have the necessary chaperones. The local Odd Fellows and| Rebekahs have done this for| several years, Last . summer} three students were sent from| this district. These three stu-| dents joined the tour bus in Osh- awa which was the stopover point for overnight. They were met by the local Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and treated to| lunch in the evening and a} hearty breakfast as a send-off! in the morning. This year the pilgrimage was| made by Miss Judith McLean, | Oshawa, Grade 12 student) OCVI, Her sponsor was Corin- thian Lodge, No. 61, and Re- |bekahs; Dave Thompson, Brook- jlin, Grade 12 student, Anderson , WHITBY BROCK tvening Shows ot 6:55 & 8:25 LAST TIME TODAY THEY WERE YOUNG, BORED REBELS "LIVING FOR KICKS! KENNETH MORE - » SOME =, PEOPLE n EASTMAN COLOUR High School, sponsored by Brooklin Lodge, No. 165, Re- bekahs. Miss Eleanor Westney, Pickering, Grade 13 _ student, } Pickering High School, sponsor- ed by Oshawa Rebekah Dis- trict No. 7 West. Eleanor was chosen as the top speaker from all the students that attended from Canada and U.S:A. and was also privileged to speak at Sovereign Grand Lodge Minnea- polis, Minnesota, U.S.A. | These students will be the} guest speakers at the Corinthian | Lodge Hall, 8% King street east, Nov. %, and are pre- pared to give their reports and show slides. The public is invit-) ed to come and hear these tal- ented people, and get first hand WHITBY IN Those interested in su bmitting news THE NEWS reports, social items and advertising in Whitby are invited to call the Whitby Office of The Times. Telephone number is 668-3703 CHRIS DENNETT, Whitby Office Manager information on the United Na- tions. ~ WESTERN Oil CO, @ FREE Cleaning & 24-Hour Service @ FREE Parts on your Furnace when you purchase cur fuel oil 725-1212 GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E, Whitby Ph. 668-8831 LISTINGS NEEDED For Our Active Sales People If you have a home, lot, farm or business for sale in Whitby, Oshawa, Brooklin or surrounding district at a fair price we will do our best to make @ successful sale for you, Soles Representatives @ Ruth Snudden @ Ike Perry @ Clore Shank @ Nick Van De Brook MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY NOMINATION MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of East Whitby will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL, COLUMBUS, ONT. on Thursday, November 26th, 1964 from (7:30 p.m, to 8:30 p.m.) for the purpose of receiving NOMINATIONS for the OFFICES of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and THREE (3) COUNCILLORS for the year 1965 and for TWO (2) MEMBERS OF THE EAST WHITBY PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA BOARD for the yeors 1965 and 1966. IF A POLL is necessary, Polls for taking the votes of the Elee- tors SHALL be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1964 be- ginning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until 7 o'clock in the afternoon. (10 a.m. to 7 p.m.) THE ATTENTION of prospective Candidates is drawn to the following: When a proposed Candidate is not present at the meeting there must be satisfactory evidence given to the Returning Officer, ot the Nomination Meeting, that the Candidate has consented to his nomination: and before 9:30 o'clock p.m. the same day a Candidate may resign in respect to one or more offices for which he is nominated by filing his resignation in writing with the Returning Officer, the Clerk; otherwise he shall be deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was first nomin- sted. M, Township Wm, Goldie, Returning Officer, of East Whitby, Columbus, Ont. FOR PRACTICAL SANTAS FAMOUS PRODUCTS SOLD FOR PARTICULAR SHOPPERS FUN -- PREMIUMS -- SAVINGS FOR PRICE SAKE FOR POWERFUL SPECIALS FOR PERFECT SELECTIONS FANTASTIC PRICE SLASHING + FINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE + + + > ot HH HE OF = EATON'S CANADA'S CHRISTMAS STORE A One-stop gift-shopping for everyone ™ on your list ! A 80 Departments to serve you A Budget-charge Terms available with " No Down Payment A Open Thursday and Friday nights until 9

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