se ge Peet litpie dotting eeu iene tnginiagianineale OF EE Oe 4 38--Coming Events CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Tea, Bake Sale Rundle Park Park Rood South Wednesday, November 25th From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 24, 1964 9--Compect Cars for Sale VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Servite 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales ond Service New ond Used Cars 334 Riston Rd. S. 723-3461 _Open seat NAULT sedan, $295. 1955 Chevrolet, v' my aon condition, ee Aoply 509 Bloor *Sireet East after GREENWOOD ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25. FIRST RACE -- Purse geal (2500) FOURTH RACE -- Purse Byes (3500), Aaianiog three year. olds and up 7 furs a carat saron A ae. XMS Pi Big Leblanc 113) 2. fe} Hale 114 No Boy 113/4. Parsons X108 Turcotte X112 No Boy 113/7. ae Harris X108 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $1,900, (em) claiming three year olds and up (Divn Gradual Changes In Vision Pose Problems In Detection TORONTO (CP)--You prob- ably think you would know it if something were the matter with your eyes. But you might be compensating for a vision defect without realizing it. If you habitually squint or close one eye to "see better," hold a book closer or father away than normal, avoid read- ing or watching TV to "rest your eyes,"'. you may need glasses, Some persistent head- aches, or a gritty, sandy feel- ing in the eyes may be signals. "Most generally changes in vision come on gradually,"' says Dr Marvin Langer, assistant professor of optometry at the College of Optometry of On- tario. "This makes it difficult for Avid Attention To Priority Of Position Of Soviet Rulers "The ordinary people are really not much interested," said a Moscow housewife, EYED CLOSELY Foreighers, however --. and perhaps some of the more politically minded or politically involved Russians -- pay close attention to the displays. The eagle-eyeing occurs with particular intensity around the two biggest fixed holidays in the Soviet calendar, May Day and Noy. 7, anniversary of the Bol- shevik revolution. For the anniversary just passed, portraits began going up at least five days ahead of time. Their arrangement was minutely observed for any clue 38--Coming Events CALIFORNIA Escorted tour 27 days March 2 to 28 Places of interest Salt Lake City, Reno, Son Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood. Dis- neylond, Son Diego, Grand Canyon. and many others. - Travel air conditioned motor coach, No night trovel, Tours and hotels arranged. hone or write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY PORT HOPE, ONT. KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES pendent on them is a false one, Dr. Lander says. 'Wearing glasses doesn't cause any chan- ges in the structure of the eyes. People say 'I used to be able to see without my glasses and I can't any more.' They had learned to adapt to poor vision. They see more clearly with glasses and are conscious of de- fects when they take them off." ADVANCE--for Wed, Nov. 25 NOTE FUTURE DATE 39 Attempts Without Win TORONTO (CP)--The indom- itable Mr. Bradley is once again c ay 2 3. Stone at of "oid 4. Grifter 5. House Boy 6. Madame Christine 7, Glad Roman 6. Jive Giri SECOND RACE -- Purse. $2,000 (2500) claiming three and four year olds 1 3-16 miles + 1, Chief Whit Cosentino 115) 2. Jean 2. Knight 0' Glin beg Boy 110/3. 3. Centores io Boy 109) 4. 4. Aliruliah Turcotte x104/5. 5. Huta No hg 4 1106. R 6. Teo K, No Boy A-10917, Cartersville 7.-Devon's Cosentino A-110{ (QUINELLA WAGERING() 8. Parsons X107 Turcotte X112| SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 108 | claimi: "py tg a ae ccd gs oy 1. Sept E i. 2. Better 'Ending ie 1 5. Leo's Y! No Boy Hf 6. Rococo Harris X1IT SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 ad- Walsh 11$|ded "Display Stakes" two year olds 1 Cosentino 12: MOSCOW (CP)--When some- one here asks you where a cer- tain member of the Communist party presidium stands, there's a chance he means it literally. Probably in no place else in the world is so much avid at- tention devoted to the way a ruling group lines up to face the public as in the Soviet Union. Veteran Moscow hands claim 0 be able to sniff power shifts within the hierarchy by observ- ing shifts in the way it is de- ployed when the people--or the cameras--are looking. For gala occasions huge por- traits of the 10 pyesidium mem- bers sprout in different parts of the city, to beg6me the objects of casual ipferest by Musco- Gubbins 1137 orn Kee RUMMAGE SALE. St. George's parish hall, Centre street. Wednesday, Novem- be 30 p.m. -- Radio Park, Grenfell Ave- nue, every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Prizes and refreshments. High monthly score, $6. TO SELL FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES USE THE Pet Miss. Avalon 9. Wanless 10, Ashwar 11. Prince Sied No Boy 108 12. Sly Stag No Boy 113 A-Mrs. P Green and Mrs. JT Tripi entry THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,900 (2500) claiming three year olds and up (Divn of Ist) 7 furs Navy Grand |. Final Award 3. Raven Wing 4, Nene Miss ' Fearne Wanted ~ CARS WANTED * Buying o New Car? © Sell your used cor to "Ted > Talk "Cash" to the New ~ Cor Dealer and "SAVE" » TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW 'avio seeking Co. cars bought, Jockpot Nos, 54 and 54 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. HERE'S WHERE MARKET BASKET REAM BOLE LINE RT TO FIND ity on the part of foreign ob- servers. vites and almost morbid curios- wiita Khrushchev it might give as to the relative importance of surviving pre- sidium members now that Nik- has been un- ceremoniously dropped. When Khrushchey was party first secretary, the presidium numbered 11. Khrushchev's face of course was conspicuously missing from people to be aware of them. As far as they know, they see as well as they did last week. They may not see as well as they did last year. "Any unusua! or sudden sym- fom or pain may be important and should be investigated right away." The more common symptoms will be less noticeable, but will 8. e off and running for a seat on Toronto board of control, municipal ator, and used furniture dealer isn't again Dec. 7 By his own count, 78-year-old larry Bradley has run in 35 elections without a 1 2. 3 4 5. K 6. 7. 6. . Gun Swamp . Grey Beau enny K. » Queen's Courier |. Jet impala |, Admirals March No Boy 117 123) 2. 5|3. Victorian Era Sea 16 miles 1. Just Plain Lucky No Boy A-115 Flaming Triumph Fitzsimmons 110 4, Sea Bee 5. Freedoms Hope 6. Flyalong 7, Bive Mel ingle victory. But the onetime lathe oper- barber supply salesman He'll asily discouraged try DIRTY HILL TIDIED BY CANADIANS TRAKHONAS, Cyprus (CP) , Admiral's Gift Victoria 'goog 'o. Princess No Boy 1} Fleming end Garden City Stable EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 (2500) claiming three year olds and up one ne Gordon 1 1, Queen's Day . Field Tria Robinson ia this year's lineup. It appeared that whoever plans such dis- plays tried hard to give at least some semblance of fluidity and persist. 'Headaches' are a_ puzzle," Dr. Langer says. "They can be due to so many causes. If your . Jamaruiiah . King's Method Vineyard The persistent politician ad- mits his policies have changed since he first ran in 1929. ' | dd Iron and metals bought. 89 oor Street Pine 725-2311. ore Auto Wreckers want cars grieve Highest prices paid. 200 It's official -- Dirty Hill is Clean Hill now, A grubby plateau overlook- GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ! "ie lentworth worn Casts Jes 725-1181. Sauws AUTO gid and crag ba pn 1175 Nelson Street, want cars wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 34--<Automobile Repair os tune-up Centre offers expert one and auto ae service, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. SXPERT -- service and suspension alignment. 226 no ate goed Call TEe233. YOU CAN TRUST Times Action ) Want Ads to deliver your message to ail _cor- ers of town in @ matter of. hours. Tele- 'phone 723-3492 "FRANSMISSION specialists, -- transmis- gions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. ~35--Lost and Found 'YOST -- Labrador retriver, female, two "months old. All black, white chest and paws. Red collar. enercegt and ye lade 8 area. Call 728-99. "tos -- In Whitby. mn grown, ) light if mole cat. Vicinity of Greenwood Sethe Velved pet. Reward. Whitby iG "aa ha tetany vein bat and "Brown suede hat, jay evening, vi "ty Genosha Hotel. Telephone 723-4790. 'For Her -- _ "STAR LINE" ELNA SEWING MACHINES ore here! up to $100 off on all '64 models by your ; Holiday Food -- LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs For Him or Her = FOR THE MOTORIST - Give a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership te avoid the appearance of frozen positions within the power elite--possibly because of the new emphasis on collective leadership in the Soviet Union. POSITION CHANGES For instance in some groups Mikhail Suslov, the party's chief theoretician, appeared in fourth position from the left, while in others he appeared fifth, behind Nikolai Podgorny. The first three places were almost invariably occupied by Leonid Brezhnev, new first sec- retary, Premier Alexei Kosygin and President Anastas Mik- oyan. In many displays a portrait of Lenin, larger than all the others, was included. Climax of the phenomenon came on Nov. 7 itself when por- traits of the top 10 were paraded into Red Square, bobbing and eyes are the cause you may have a dull headache behind the eyes. It' will be the that appears later in the day, after you've been using them. A symptom like this will usu- ally disappear after a night's sleep." CHECK REGULARLY Dr. Langer says an adult type) a |paid for by the . breweries, jtwo-hour work day, elimination of aldermen and annexation of the United States. | is the establishment of a Can- ada-U.S., with a vision problem should have his eyes checked every two years, a child every yea"! through his teens. "A child with normal vision could be examined at longer in- tervals. An- optometrist would |suggest an appropriate time. "Unfortunately, routine jchecks are the exception, not lthe. rule. When we go into an industry to do a survey, almost 20 to 25 per cent of the people will require attention. Some know it, they have just put it \lance Progressive Conservative, hunion No longer does he advocate Hamilton-to-Oshawa subway His chief election plank today common market. Only if the U.S. 'refused to listen to reason '"'would we go down and plant the Union Jack." Describing himself as a free- | United Liberal Party and labor candidate, Mr. Bradley has tried to get into the board of control by other means as well as elections. His proposal that he be named to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Mayor Donald Summerville and the elevation of Philip Givens was rejected. And he didn't get far with a 1952 suggestion that he be ap- pointed to the board to repre- ing this Nicosia-area village between hostile Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot outposts has had a succession of names since Canadian troops arrived with the United Nations peace keeping force last March Food - conscious British troops had called it Porkchop Hill but because it was a gar- bage dump, uncomfortably close to a pig farm, French- speaking members of the Royal 22nd Regiment prompt- ly renamed the hill Cote Sale, Then English-speaking Ca- nadian Guardsmen arrived and translated the name to Dirty Hill. But when the Canadians finally got around to making themselves more comfortable by shovelling the trash away, obviously a new mame was needed. The choice was just 2. 3 4 5. 6 7. 8. Pay Parade 9. Remister 10, Bull Pine 11. Careful Consort ay Shere Khan --- M M Viola Entry x. 5 ibs AAC Post Time 1 pm. Dittfach A Cuthbertson A-X1 Annesley 123 Walsh A-123 ls Armstrong 110 =_28--Coming Events THE CADILLAC HOTEL announces The official opening of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS |For "Holiday Fun ne Elna dealer. Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 Sin Simcoe S. 728-2391 weaving above a denselyloff. A good proportion don't packed crowd, while the pre-)}even know it.' sidium members themselves} The person to start with is an looked on admiringly from atop) optometrist, he says. "Part of Lenin's tomb. |his examination. is for disease. Naturally, the keen observers|Eye disease is relatively rare-- were watching solicitously to less than five per cent of Cana- see how the 10 looked in the/dians are afilicted. But effects | flesh--that is, how they stood. jare so important, it should have lhe loses. =a aaah ------~ |immediate attention.' Incidentally, Dr. Langer says| 'I'll continue to run until the an eye check will sometimes in. |undertaker nate me,' dicate disease in other parts of | the body. Because, for instance, blood vessels in the eyes can be | seen, hardening of the arteries can be detected in them. PRE-SCHOOL EXAM He says it is particularly im- portant to have children's eyes checked before they start school. Even if the school offers an eye test, it may not be a complete one. "Children under 10 will rarely complain of symptoms or have headaches. Their vision seems normal to them because they have no comparison." Dr. Lan- ger says about 13 per cent of kindergarten children: need at: tention and about 30 per cent in grade 13. A child with poor vision may do the same thing an adult does. He will avoid reading and book work. "People learn to avoid doing what causes them distress." The common belief that. wear- ing glasses will make you de- as obvious. "It wasn't very nice sitting in a garbage dump," said Sgt. Dietrich Moeller, 30, of Goose Bay, Labrador. 'There were a million flies and 15 dogs around every night." Now things are better but men in No. 1 Company still don't rave about life on Clean Hill when there's an east wind. That's when the pig farm comes into play and porker fumes ooze across the plain to tickle the nostrils of the luckless platoon detail stuck on the hill. CLIP THIS CARD WIN 100. - MATCH NUMBERS ON CARD WITH NUMBERS ON REVERSE OF TAPES! sent the 65 per cent of voters who. didn't bother to vote. He is given little chance, of making it this time--the closest he came was in 1956. when he got 16,450 votes and placed sixth in the race for four board seats--but he won't give up if For information Call 728- 8334 Trees 2 and Trim" YULETIDE GIFT & Bjaag SHOP Ou "ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOP" Feotures: No. 1} top quality trees, gift wrap, table centres, door knockers, fancy candles, garlands, indoor-outdoor lights, out- door figures, Santas, bulbs, belis, etc. Shop today! RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. 1015 KING E. 725-6551 id Shop in Warmth! For « selection OFS <6 * CHRISTMAS TREES (will. spray) * LIGHTS Indoor and Outdoor * DECORATIONS * FLOWERING HOUSE PLANTS Mums, Poinsettos, Cyclamens $ SAVINGS $ parts, GIVE * * * your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 Pick- "up & Delivery MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE; BUSINESS: 723-7900 725-4563 on auto repoirs, accessories, speed and custom equipment. 24 hr. towing. | Be cee 87 | ices Wins wt FirstGame | | WHITBY -- Arena Sunoco won their first game officially Sun- day afternoon in Whitby Mer- cantile Hockey League action at the Whitby Arena. They de- |feated Kelly - Disney Used Cars |5-3. Ottenbrite's Men's Wear won the second game of the double bill 4-3 over Royal Hotel. This was Royal's first loss of jthe season. Arena Sunoco built up a 3 to 0 |lead in the first and second |periods and held on in the third \for the win. As the Sunoco jteam had only seven players and six for most of the game, |they were hard pressed to hold on. John Lajoie in the Sunoco inet gave his players the need- led support they needed by mak- jing some impossible saves. |. Gord Townsend scored twice for the Sunoco club. Lynn |Middleton, Gord .Luke, and Gerry Luke added singles. Ron | Slack scored twice for Kelly- | Disney while Al MacDonald add- ¥ied the other goal. In the second game, Otten- brites outscored Royal 2-1 in \the first period and then match- jed them goal by goal in the lsecond and third periods. Art. Rennick scored in the \first and second periods to be the top goal-getter for Otten- brites. Lloyd Seymour and Jack Townsend scored the remain- ing Ottenbrite goals. Bob-Faw- cett, Mel Brown, and Bill Town- |send scored for the Roya) Club. FIRST GAME First Period jl. Sunoco: Townsend, J. Tran, Middleton . . Sunoco: Middleton, J. vy Townsend ws Second Period Sunoco: Townsend, J.. Tran, G. Forrester + Third Period |. Kelly: MacDonald, Davis . Kelly:Slach, Grey, MacDonald OE Sunoco: -Gord, Luke . Kelly: Slach, Mendky .. Sunoco: Gerry Luke, G. Forrester SECOND GAME First Period Seymour, Moffatt, on Tuesday November 24th at 9 P.M, of the ~--CORONET ROOM His Worship THE MAYOR LYMAN GIFFORD| will be officiating | "For A Gala Evening" Plan To Attend -- THE CADILLAC HOTEL OSHAWA (Ltd.) 394 SIMCOE SOUTH EVERYONE WELCOME ~ BINGO. TUES,, NOV. 24TH 7:30 P.M. 20 regular games $8 and $10 Shore The Wealth $150 Jackpot 51 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Sow Bloor Street and Edith OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 58 and 56 JUBILEE. PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted | RUMMAGE SALE and TEA CUP READING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26 & 27th 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. ot the POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH 300 Court Street formerly Anglican Church Evenioné Welcome WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH U.C.W. | SNOWFLAKE TEA & BAZAAR WED., NOV. 25th 7:30 P.M, SMITH BEVERAGES LIMITED Authorized Bottlers for PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD. Spanish Farmer Likes Corn On Cob DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP)--A Spanish farmer who came here to visit his son says he plans to introduce corn on the cob for human consumption to his own country. Manuel Almudevar, who vis- ited Dr. Manuel Almudevar, has a 650-acre farm in northern Spain on which he grows cereal grains, olives and almonds and raises sheep and chickens, It |has been in the family since | 1640. He was impressed with the table corn grown at nearby Cole Harbor and said he plans to try growing it in Spain where the only corn is for cattle feed. rere YEAR GIVE HIM FLYING TRAINING For private pilots. This is a Government approved school. Aircraft rentals also available. J. V. AVIATION LIMITED Honger 2, Oshawa Municipal Airport, Stevenson Rd. N, 728 -3 191 For the Family SKATES NEW and USED SOLD and EXCHANGED and Crush International Limited 750 Farewell St., Oshawa TELEPHONE 723-1011 The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride with MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi complete Also BICYCLES ond TRICYCLES Apply DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond Sf, FE 2 Locations to... J. A. Janssen & Sons LTD. 843 King W. 728-9429 Al Preston's Sunoco Simcoe St. North HOT COFFEE TO EACH CUSTOMER |For the Home *500. BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50. up OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 "BILL LEASK SOMETHING . THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors, MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin East 723-9767 SURE TO PLEASE! A Gift Certificate from LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-5941 Shoes, Slippers for the Family Use Our Convenient Layoway Plan ELMER" - "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore' Got gift problems? Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gift ideas for the whole family, ELMER"S BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: 12 noon to 9 p.m Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed all day Mondoy 253 BLOOR ST. E. For Anyone ~ New and Used PORTABLE AND STANDARD TYPEWRITERS | One year quarontee on all machines Jenkins Business Machines (Sales & Service) OPEN EVENINGS T1718 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Air- plane, Boat Kits. The Big- gest Selection in town. POLLARD Radio & Television Service 153 Simcoe $. 723-9512 GIVE * *.* That Lasting Gift "A Gift Certificate" For A PORTRAIT IN OIL Sittings Arranged ot. your Convenience. Coll CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK NORTH WHITBY - 668+ 4497 RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS ASSORTED ROSARIES ST. JOSEPH'S MISSALS $5 to $18 CERAMIC STATUES $2.25 to $13 Lovely. assortment of Crucifix ond Nativity Sets PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE 98 OLIVE AVE Mrs, V. Bochond, owner Open daily 'til 10:30 p.m. This Year Give The ° Gift That Keeps On Giving... An OSHAWA TIMES SUBSCRIPTION If you have: friends or rela- tives who are living out-of- town, send the Oshawa Times, a year-round gift that is sure to be a daily reminder of your thought- fulness, FREE PLAYING CARD Say Mom, Santa's Coming! Time to get our rugs and draperies ""BAKER- CLEANED". We just "gotta" greet Santa in style! And what better way to brighten our whole home than with sparkling, new looking "BAKER-CLEANED" rigs and drapes. Let's call Ross E. Mills (local agents) today! They'll have our rugs and drapes out and back again 6. Ottenbrites: Vesters . Royal: Fawcett, McKeown .... . Ottenbrites: Rennich, Vesters (John) Second Period . Ottenbrites: Rennick, Townsend, Watters |. Royal: in record time. "FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY" per ONE CALL DGES THEM ALL" -- Brown, Tripp Third Period |. Ottenbrites: Townsend, Lavender . Royal FROM... SANTA'S PACK FOR ALL THE FAMILY SLIPPERS * Busy feet appre ciote these warm house slippers Christmas. morn and every morn Townsend CALL THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT KING ST. EAST 123-3474 Will be pleased to give you further details and act upon your instructions | Meeting Planned |For All Faiths VICTORIA (CP) -- The Vic- toria Council of Churches is in- itiating action to bring together all faiths in a series of meet- ings here next spring "Experts would be heard on the faiths of the Mohammedans, the Buddhists, the Sikhs and the Jews as. well as the Christians," says Canon Hilary Butler, con- vener of a council subcommit- tee "In a world grown smaller there is a need for knowing re- ligions other than Christianity." "Over 80 Years' Experience" will Cleaning Co. * Complete' range of sizes, and colors SELECTION TOWN! BURNS co LTD 1 KING W. 725-4611 "Use our lay away" REAE AGE ARE OE AOI AE REAR Your local Agent... ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD. styles BIGGEST IN Facsimile of this Card Acceptable --All Cards Displayed at Dominion NAME ADDRESS CITY or TOWN 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218