Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1964, p. 10

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OSHAWA TEACHERS ATTEND TORONTO DINNER be available to homemakers seeking information or instruc- concerning modern nat- barbecues and other domestic gas appli- New 'Betty ht" for Con- sumers' Gas in Oshawa and district, Miss Judee Regan ( ) welcomes Miss Mary M id (left) and Miss Joy Thomas of O'Neill Collegi- ate to a dinner in the com- pany's Blue Flame Room in Toronto. Miss Regan will con- duct school and women's club cooking demonstrations and other special events and will et tion ural gas ranges, ances. LODGES AND SOCIETIES 4 QUEEN MARY LOBA The Novembet meeting of Queen Mary Lodge opened in the Orange temple. The scrip- ture and prayer was read by the chaplain, Past Mistress, Sis- ter Elva Cowle. The Worthy Mistress, Sister June Goédman, welcomed the visitors of the evening: Sister Lottie Hamilton, Past Grand Mistress of Ontario West; Sis- ter Margaret Callon, Right Wor- shipful Honorary Member of Ontario West; Brother Thomas Callon, Past County Master, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario; Past Mistress Sister May Litner; and Sister Margaret Connor of Vimy Ridge, Whitby. Sister Lottie Hamilton con- ducted the election of officers Deputy Gwen Telford; Jr. Deputy Mistress, Sister Lillian Olmstead; recording secretary, Sister Isabel Reid; financial secretary, Sister Ivy Saby; treasurer, Past Mistress, Diane Cowle; chaplain, Past Mistress, Sister Edith Severs; guardian, Past Mistress, Sister Gertie Logan; director of ceremonies, Past Mistress, Sister Dorothy Phillips; first lecturer, Past Qemen 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 17, 1964 The November meeting of the West Courtice Home and School Association was held at the school recently with the presi- dent, Mrs. John Leger presid- ing. Mrs. George Daigle read the minutes and Mrs. Norman Gibson gave the treasurer's re- port. Mrs. Leslie Noble gave a renort on the Home and School Council meeting she and Mrs. Thomas Mahaffy had attended. It was announced that there would be an executive meeting on November 23 at 8.15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Leger. Mrs. Wilson Neil and Mrs. Eric Dunham were appointed to price baseball sweaters at dif- :|ferent stores and report their findings to Mr. John Copp. It was decided to take a sil- ver collection at the December talent night meeting and that the time would be changed to 8.00 p.m. There will be a plastic ware demonstration later this year at Mrs. John Leger's to help raise money for the association, West Courtice Home And School Plans Activities To Raise Funds Mr. John Copp introduced the guest speaker, Mr. S. M, Grif- fith, principal of Mitchell's Cor- ners School, who spoke on the new, course in mathematics that will be introduced in the public schools. Mr. Griffith said this was not new mathematics but a new ap- proach to mathematics. Why the change? 1. age of sci- ence; 2, levelling out the math- ematics from grade school to college; 3, children find it eas- ier and more interésting to do; 4, time element was important. Teachers have only 10 per cent of a day to teach mathematics and this course was much speedier. They will teach the children the laws and principals of math- ematics. Mrs. Leslie Noble thanked Mr. Griffith for enlightening the parents on this important sub- ject. Refreshments were prepared by Mrs. Leonard Bradley and rMrs. Thomas Mahaffy and served by Mrs. Eric Dunham, J. G. FORESTALL (Regent) MRS. MRS. WILLIAM EYRE (Past Regent) Mrs. J. G. Forestall Is Installed Regent Of Daughters Of Isabella The installation of officers of the Daughters of Isabella was held November 1, Miss Evelyn Bennett, Provincial regent from Toronto, installing the new officers. They are as 1064, with Mistress, Sister Mary Hayes; second lecturer, Sister Margaret inner guard, Sister Winnifred Barrell; second com- Barager; mittee, Past Mistress, Sister follows: Regent, Mrs..Jerry Forestall; past regent, Mrs. William Eyre;. vice-regent, Mrs. Clifford Harper; financial secre- tary, Mrs. William Yasmanicki; bakeless bake sale, held in St. December 6, convened by Mrs Committee reported a little boy in need of glasses had been taken care of. The Civic Com- mittee gave a report of the work rendered at Hillsdale and Red Cross. A report was read from BILLY William David (Billy) is the one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sutton, Mont- rave avenue. He is the first grandson of Mr. George Thexton and a great- grandson of Mrs. Margaret McAdam, all of Oshawa. BOY and Mrs. --Aldsworth Photography CENTRE STREET UCW The November meeting of Unit-2, of Centre Street United Church was held in the chapel. Mrs. Wilfred Badgley led the devotional period. The Theme was "Remembrance." Mrs. Claude Flewwelling read the scripture, St. Mark 12, verses 1-14. Mrs. Stanley Sar- gant read the story of how the poem 'In Flanders Fields' was composed and written by John McCrae on the battlefield in 1915, Mrs. Leonard Rogers gave coming night, November 23, a and the @ristmas party which will be Gertrude's hall on Roland McKenna. The Welfare city and a communion break- fast where Father Beahen, the Provincial Chaplain, addressed happy to announce the 'conven- tion will be held in Toronto next year which will give all the members from Oshawa an Opportunity to join in the con- vention activities. Letters of thanks were read from Mary Patricia Byrne who received a $25 scholarship given by the Daughters of Isabella, Oshawa, for obtaining the high- est marks in religion. She was also the recipient of the $100. scholarship from the Provincial circle. This award was present- j¢d to Mary Patricia at a pot- jluck supper attended by the priests from all the parishes. The guest speaker was Sister Mary Sheila, principal of St. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES a reading, "A New Day. Be- gins'. Travels In The Holy Land Re-Lived In Slides At YWCA Miss Phyllis Kratz, a feacher at Holy Cross School, who at- tended the YW-YM World Young Adult conference in Bei- rut, Lebanon this summer, gave a graphic description of her travels at the YWCA World fellowship dinner last week. Seeing the way other people lived and talking with young men and women of different persuasions had been an educa- tion and experience of a life- time, she. said, adding 'I'll never be the, same again". From elegant and cosmopoli- tan Geneva, the party left for Cairo, the city of 500 mosques, where high-rise apart- ments tower strangely over date-palms, donkeys and mud huts. Miss Kratz showed slides of the diggings at Memphis. Sightseeing in Jerusalem, Miss Kratz took pictures of the River Miss Lynda Strang Feted At Showers Prior, To Wedding Miss Lynda Strang, whose marriage took place Saturday to Dr. Robert Michael Starr was honored at a number of showers prior to her marriage. An.aunt of the bride-elect Mrs. Earl Sandford, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at her home, assisted by another aunt, Mrs. Edward Bradbury. Mrs. John Black gave a trous- seau shower at her home, as- sisted by her daughter Mrs. the group. The regent was|be The president, Mrs, Monsell Gerron presided over the busi- ness part o* the meeting. Mrs. Ace Abbott gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. Claude Flewwelling the secretary's report cards were sent to sick and shutins. It was announced that a rum- mage sale would be held on Tuesday, December 1 at 10:00 a.m. Three members will assist in the Tuck Shop at Hillsdale} Manor on Saturday, November m w m Ww F wi Mrs, Leonard Rogers gave a report on Christmas cards and novelties being sold by the mem- rs. William Kellar. shower. shower at the home of her mother, ented with an occasional chair from the guests. the prospective bridegroom's parents, the Honorable Michael Starr, avenue. Miss Sandra Clark, a brides- aid, entertained at her home ith another miscellaneous Miss Joar Starr, a brides- aid, gave a miscellaneous Mrs. Michael Starr, here the bride-to-be was pres- Following the rehearsal on riday evening, the bridal party as entertained at the home of and Mrs, Starr, Olive Mrs. Aubrey Weeks and Mrs, Fred Graham were appointed to a nominating committee for the new officers for 1965. A_ potip. luck supper and exchange of gifts will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, regular meeting. to follow at 8 the committee in charge. December with the mM, A social hour followed with Jordan, the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane and Christianity"s most sacred shrines. In Bethlehem she discovered pomegranate trees, heavy with fruit and saw the shepherds' fields, still grazing land as it was two thousand years ago. The temperature reached 110 degrees in Beirut, Lebanon, but the tireless traveller, between sessions and workshops, found the energy to explore the ruins of Biblos and to look through an inquisitive camera at the life around her, : On the homeward trip she spent a short time in Rome and showed slides of the Roman and Christian influence on the Eternal City and the un- 1 ragoetgg ruins of Ostia; the id port of Rome. Back in Geneva she took a quick trip over the border to Chamonix in France, the heart of the French-Swiss Alps. Miss Kratz' easy commentary was much enjoyed and Mrs. J. Bruce McGregor expressed the thanks of the listeners, Mrs. E, H. Heavens presided and Mrs, Stephen Saywell led a sing-song. President of the YWCA board of directors, Mrs, H. S, Myers presented badges to four girls who had completed their lead- ership training course, These were Cathy Shaw, Margo Long, Virginia Somer and Mary Gin- gereski. Not present to receive their award were Cathy Baker, Linda Clark, Cairrine Sullivan, and Nancy Goheen, The speaker was introduced by Mrs. E. §. glker and Mrs. A. H. Dancey led the closing worship. : Dodd's Kidney One widespread recurring form of discomfort is what is commonly called back- ache. One frequent cause of backache can be traced to sluggish ki action. This condition o' may result in irritation of the urinary system, followed by backache and tired feeling. Joseph's high school. What causes BACKACHE and how Pills may help Based on a formula introduced over 70 years ago, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys to help overcome the irritated condition, and so bring relief from the back- ache and tired feeling. Dodd's the red band. The important thing to look for is the name, You can depend on Dodd's. 96 Bazaar Salesmanship Nothing sells so quickly end So profitably at Bazaars as top quality baking. And of course that kind of baking comes from using proven recipes and fine ingredients, then "'marry- ing them up" with loving care. Add a Novel Touch Folks love it too, if you present your goodies with a flair. For containers that will hold Christmas decorations later on, spray old wicker baskets with gold paint or decorate large jars with glitter. Cookies and squares packed in tham will rate a premium price, recording secretary, Miss Ter- esa Coyne; treasurer, Mrs, An- drew Mowat; third year trustee, Mrs. Leo Zylka; monitor, Mrs, John Cardinal; custodian, Mrs. Jack. Lawrence; chancellor, Mrs. L. V. Brennan; inner guard, Mrs. Sidney Meringer; outer guard, Mrs. Russell Smith; guides, Mrs. Ronald Hurst and Mrs. John Page; scribe, Mrs. Anthony Adams; banner bearer, Mrs. Eugene Muller; organist, Mrs. Roland McKenna. The marshalls for the instal- lation were Mrs. Frank Bour- rie and Mrs. Leo Kryul. Mrs. Harper thanked Miss B tt for being. present on this special occasion and presented her with a gift from the Oshawa Circle, A buffet supper was served, con- vened by Mrs. Harry Dickison Elva Cowle; third committee, "Sister Annie Frost; fourth com- mittee, Sister Annie Boughton. Past Mistress, Sister Mary Hayes gave a report on the meeting held at Hillsdale Manor for the Tuck Shop Helpers. A social hour was spent at the close of the meeting. The prizes for the evening were donated by Sisters Ivy Saby and Annie Boughton. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES Doughnuts By The Dozen Home-baked doughnuts will sell like hot cakes at the bake table, especially when they're trimmed with this Toasted Coconut Topping, To make it, blend together % cup soft butter, % cup sugar and a little. cinnamon. Mix in 2 table- spoons of shredded coconet, and spread on small dough- nuts. Then pop them under the broiler, until bubbly and golden (about 5 minutes). Mrs. Clifford Harper that a spir- itual bouquet was sent to Mrs. Hirth and a get-well card to Mrs. Johanna Broderick, Past Provincial regent from Niagara Falls. The regent gave a report on the convention in Hawksbury, in October, which was attended by the regent, Mrs. Jerry Fore- stall, provincial trustee, Mrs. William Eyre and vice-regent, Mrs. Clifford Harper. Some of the highlights of the convention were a civic reception given by the mayor, who presented the delegates with a key to the Ronald W. Bilsky, p.c. Chiroprector If hurt on the job, ask your employer to euthorize Chiro- MARRIED 35 YEARS --Ireland Studio Family And Friends Honor Mr. And Mrs. Russell Howard Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Howard were the honored guests at a dinner party held at the Oshawa Tennis Club by their family on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Howard is the former Violet Valantyne Beavis. The couple were married in the parsonage of St. George's Mem- bride's sister, Mrs. Robert Mc- Donald, and Mr. McDonald, who were celebrating their 29th an- niversary. The guests enjoyed a buffet supper following grace said by 8ST. MATTHEW'S WA pt wv per th ts.|, Mrs. William Clark presided "Mn T C. Russell eg aye for the St. Matthew's Women's SSaee es Auxiliary meeting held recenlty. prenenration. of § money free The treasurer reported a suc- Choose Something Savory : A favorite of ours, and a good bazaar item too, are crisp Easy-Do Bread Sticks. For 16 sticks, cut 4 wiener rolls into lengthwise quarters and orial Church by the Rever- end C. R. de Pencier. Mr, and Mrs. Howard have a family of three daughters, Mrs. Keith Knox (Violet); Mrs. Ronald Mc- Gillis (Joan), Mrs. Neil Bram- ley (Shirley). The head table was decorated with a two tier wedding cake flanked by candles and pink and white floral arrangements. Also seated at the head table with the honored guests were the WEEKLY WHIST DRIVE Forty-three players turned out last Wednesday evening when the Oshawa and District Old Club held their weekly Whist Drive at the Rundle Park Clubhouse at Park road south at Gibb street. Mrs. Madder won first prize, with a score of 179. Mrs, Ella Long was second, with a score of 179 while Mrs. Philip Rogers had a score of 175 for third place. Mrs. Meakin was the mem lady to win the booby e. P A special visitor this week was Mrs. Mcintyre Hood who recently returned from England to porn take up residence in Oshawa. Light refreshments rounded and wished the couple many more years of happiness. A gift of china was also presented by the immediate family and a guest book was signed by every- one, The bride of 35 years was presented with a corsage of white chrysanthemums to com- pliment her mulberry double- knit suit, and a similar corsage of pink chrysanthemums was presented to Mrs. McDonald. The evening was spent danc- ing with many guests from out- of-town attending. They were: Mr. and. Mrs. Michael Rein, Scarborough; Mrs. Clifford Bisbee, Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. James O'Gorman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Yourth, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MiJne. and David, Mr. and Mrs. John Bate, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Virtue, all of Bowmanville. SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr, and Mrs. John McLach- lan, Victoria Apartments No. 7, 291 Simcoe street south, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Tuesday, November 24, 1964 from 5.00 to 10 p.m. on the occasion of their 40th wed- out another enjoyable night. ding anniversary. AT MASONIC TEMP LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character INFORMATION 723-7253 LE, 91 CENTRE ST. cessful rummage sale, and that the tea for little helpers and mothers was well attended: Twenty mothers and twenty-five children were present. A letter from Toronto regard- ing the possible uniting of all Anglican Women under a new name, was left for discussion at the next meeting. Mrs. Leslie Gouldburn and Mrs. Harold Meades are convening the tea room for the Christmas fair November 27. The secretary reported the Anglican calendars were selling well. The rest of the evening was spent preparing articles for the fair, which were turned over to Mrs. Jack Dowell. presided and an 10 and Mrs, Anthony Adams. A business meeting was held November 9, 1964. The regent d the practic care. "It's yours for the asking". 100 King St. E. 728-5156 IT ISN'T TOO EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT PORTRAITS Truly The Gift 'that Lasts Forever Qreland. STUDIO For Appointment Call 723-3680 21 Athol St. W. @ Tuesday is Tuts' Dey © SURGICAL 728-6277 SUPPORTS @ FITTED BY QUALIFIED FITTERS @ LUMBO-SACRAL SACRO-ILLIAC © DORSO-LUMBAR © OBESITY © MATERNITY © TRUSSES ELASTIC STOCKINGS MEDICAL PHARMACY LTD. 300 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING 266 KING STREET W | Ou. ye Absolutely Delighted ... ! This seems to be the unanimous reaction when every owner takes delivery and drives away in his (or her) new PONTIAC or BUICK. We're sure you'll enjoy the same feeling of pride, pleasure and driving satisfaction when you get YOURS! We deeply regret that, due to circumstances beyond our control, deliveries are a little slow. But, when you finally get yours; we KNOW you'll say, as so many others already have, 'This was WORTH waiting for ! PONTIAC--BUICK--VAUXHALL---ACADIAN Passenger Cars GMC--BEDFORD Trucks THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. EST I spread all sides generously with soft butter. Combine % cup shredded Canadian ched- dar cheese, 3 tablespoons sesame seeds and % teaspoon salt in a pie plate, Roll the buttered bread sticks in this mixture and bake on a cookie sheet in a 425°F. oven until they're golden . . , about 10 minutes. Customers may want to reheat them, but we like them just "as is". For The Tea Room Are you serving tea to guests at your Bazaar? Then here's a ' neat and pretty little trick with doilies. Use "smallish" ones and count on three for each plate. Fold each one to form a little "pocket" when placed on the tea plate . , . like those linen bun liners. Staple them |} together, then tuck a couple of sandwiches and pickles |! into one section, a cookie or two in the next section, and use the third pocket for mints and buttery salted nuts. % Bazaar Favorites Looking for more ideas for the Bake Sale ? Perhaps our recipe folder "Bazaar Favorites" will PHONE 723-4634 provide a little inspiration. You may have a free copy by simply writing. us at the address shown below, Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN 'DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 147 Davenport Rd..\Toronto §, Ont, | 11.N.21 Sieeteteteteted

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