Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1964, p. 5

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T : B Commencement Held Henry St. High WHITBY (Staff) -- A large number of diplomas, prizes and awards were at the Henry Street High School re speaker at the presen- remony was Dr. Claude Vipond, the well known Osh-|degree and lar.. educa-|the student whose father or mo-| Bassett. lows: intario- ondary School Honor Graduation Diplomas -- ing ae ga and English Litera- re: Robert Bassett, Malcolm Bates, Sandra Bell, Patricia Bloye, Cameron Bowes, David Cross, Michael Eggert, Stuart Evans, Ross Gibson, Iris Gif- fin, John Goodall, Barry Goode. Charles Herder, David Hou- ston, Dale Lague, Maureen Lid- die, Scott Lindsey, Ross Mc- Kenzie, Roland Mackey, David Meader, Kate Menzel, Susan og William Newman, Dan- lel O'Hagan. 'Lawrence Paterson, Bruce Rodman, Peter Schell, Susann Schilling; Theodore Scholten, Michael Sheedy, Carol Smith, Steven Snelgrove, William Wat- ters, Geoffrey Welch. Ontario Secondary Schoo! Graduation Diplomas -- General Course. The following pupils have 'successfully completed the courses of Grades 11 and 12: Six-Option Diploma -- Terry Anderson, Barbara Brecken- Kathryn Cuddy, Alan Mary Lorra Pritchard, Victoria Rowe. Five - Option Diploma -- Bon- Allan, Josephine Bryant, Carr, Cristopher Cuddy, Karin Gross, Margot Hamer, James Harlow, Anne Henstock, Virginia Hope-Brown, Dirk Kno- ester, Judy Kuzik. Paul MacNeill, Merle McCon- nell, Mary. Ellen McQuay, Rob- ert Martin, Ruth Mitchell, Mary Muckle, John Parikhal, David Perry,,Susan Pollard, Richard Povinsky, Elizabeth . Pritchard, Robert Rodman, Robert Schol- ten, Nienke Smit, Dennis Ste- vens, Susan Stratford, Marian Sugden, Richard Switzer, Wayne Thomas, Joost Treffers, Cornel- the| -|Speers; 11C, Bruce Johnston; Ross Gibson, Scott Lindsey,|tendance at an eligible Insti- John Goodall, Susann Schilling.|tution beyond secondary school, The Catherine Burwash Schol-ja cash award of . 1964 arship -- $200.00; To the stu-|winners -- Robert Bassett, dent of Henry High School who|Charles Herder, John Goodall, lafter at least two years' attend-|Malcolm Bates. ance in this school attains high-| The Whitfield Trophy -- Do- est total marks in English andjnated by Mr. G. B. Whitfield. History and who proceeds to alThis trophy, together with the course at University.|Nelson Shield, is awarded to an Won by Malcolm Bates. outstanding student from among The Rev. David. Marshall|the Merit Crest winners as de- Scholarship. Awarded by Royaljtermined by a vote of the Canadian Legion Branch 112 to|student body. Won by Robert ther served in the Armed Forces} The Emily MacDonnell Prize in World War II and who at-|for History. Grade 10, Adrienne tains the highest aggregate|Haas, English papers. Won by Robert\iqpn~ war Memorial Scholar- Bassett. ship. Awarded to the pupil of Royal Canadian Legion|Grades 12 and 13 of both High Branch 112 prizes. Donated by|scnools who writes the best Royal. Canadian Legion Branch) essay on a patriotic subject cho- 112. Awarded to pupils ranking i highest in history in Grades 11 a - Won by De ($15.00) and 13 ($20.00). 11A, Hugh Laurence; 11B, Lynda The Viscount Greenwood eaten ope crt 11D, Ellen O'Sullivan; 13, Mal-|#100.00. Won by Patricia Bloye, colm Bates. The House of Windsor Chap- Ladies' Auxiliary of Whitby/ter IODE -- Bursary $100.00. Branch Canadian Legion Schol-|Awarded to a deserving student arship in Elementary School|Who is continuing education be- marks in the two Grade 13] whe viscount Greenwood] | SHOWING HOLSTEINS AT ROYAL It may be Royal Winter Fair time but milking must go on as usual. Roy Ormiston of Roybrook Farm, Brooklin, is shown milking one of his Hol- stein cws. The Holsteins will be judged this week. --Oshawa Times Photo THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 16, 1964 5 Uagteel and 27-inch diameter inte sewer, and an extension to the existing sewage treatment plant. For work completed on or before March 31, 1967, CMHC may forgive repayment of 25 per cent of the principal amount of the NHA loan and 25 per cent of the interest that has accrued Teaching -- $50.00, Awarded tojyond Grade 13, Awarded to the graduate having the highest|Charles Herder. aggregate in eight Upper School] Rotary Club Prizes: Donated papers and having enrolled in|by the Whitby Rotary Club. an Ontario Teachers' College|Awarded to pupils ranking high- for the one-year course, Won|est in each form of Grade 9. by Geoffrey Welch. 9A, Alison Cunliffe,; 9B, Brian The Fred W. Browne Memor-|Sorichetti; 9C, Andrew Law- ial Prizes: Geometry 11 -- ist,|rence; 9D, George Reeson; 9E, Donald Leslie; 2nd, Hugh Laur-|George Young. ence. . The Kiwanis Club of Whitby The Frances Richardson bur-|Bursaries. Donated by the Ki- sary for English. Awarded to|wanis Club of Whitby to gradu- a pupil receiving the highest/ates of Grade 13 who have pro- standing in Grade 12 English.|ceeded to further training. Won by John Parikhal. Awarded to Michael Eggert, The Graydon M. Goodfellow|Dale Lague. : Memorial Prize -- Awarded by| The Andrew Scholarship -- the Oshawa Times to the stu-/$500.00. Awarded annually to the dent receiving the highest stand.|Grade 13 student of both High ature and English Composition.|est aggregate marks in nine Won by Robert Bassett. papers, one of which must he a Home Economics Prize --|Mathematics and one a Science $10.00, Donated by Anne's Fab-|paper. Won by Robert Bassett. ing in Grade 13 English Liter-/Schools who obtains the great-|by ric and Wool Shop to a student who has done outstanding wor! in Clothing and Textiles. Won by Alfreda Quesnelle. Home Economics Prize -- Merchandise worth $10.00. Do- nated by Miss Hilda Sleeman to a student who has done out- standing work in Clothing and Textiles, Won by Margaret Samuel. Home Economics Prize -- Se- lection of books related to the Senior Home Economics Course. Donated by Mrs. Marjorie E. Mcintyre to the student achiev- ing the highest marks in the General Home Economics Course. Won by Bonnie Allan. HITS AT DIEFENBAKER OAKVILLE (CP) -- A Liberal member of Parliament from Vancouver described Opposition Leader John Diefenbaker Satur- day as a small child who, in a fit of resentment, resorts to the only tactics he knows -- attack and pull things apart. Ronald Basford, member for Vancou- ver - Barrard, told a Halton County Liberal Association con- vention that Mr. Diefenbaker, because he cannot accept see- ing things he couldn't do, '"'is trying to wreck the good things ing Prime Minister Pearson do-| bury Bazaar Plans Completed At the November meeting of Ali Saints' Afternoon Branch of the Parish Guild, plans were finalized for the Christmas Ba- zaar, to be held Tuesday after- noon, Nov, 17 from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m, in the Sunday school. Mrs. John McKibben of Port Whitby has consented to open the bazaar. Mrs. R. R. Quilter will be in charge at the door, and guests will be welcomed the president, Mrs. Charles Daly, Mrs. Stanley Armstrong and Mrs. R. S. Cassels. In charge of the kitchen will be Mrs. Milton Halpenny, Miss Alma Rowe, Mrs. N. A. Mc- Lean and Mrs, E, F. Harlow. Tea tables will be attended by Mrs. F. E, McGary, Mrs, E. W. Dilling and helpers, Mrs. George Levingston, Mrs. E. L. Hulbert and Mrs, James Crawforth are conveners of the homebaking table, In change of the apron booth will be Mrs. Edith Watts and Miss Edith Barnes, assisted by Mrs, Wil- liam Mcintyre. The candy booth will be con vened by Mrs, L, C, Dewes and Mrs, E. B. Wilkins. The miscellaneous booth will be in charge of Mrs. R. E. Smith tus Van Duffelen. Local 222 Bursary. Donated Four - Option Diploma: Hazel/by Local 222, United Auto- Bentley, Joan Bryant, James|Workers of America, Oshawa. being done." and Mrs. George Eastwood. Conveners for the Christmas stocking will be Mrs. E. F. Rycroft Sr., and Mrs, Stanley Martin, The children's table will be convened by Miss Louise McIntosh and Mrs. Thomas Heonstock. In charge of the decoration booth will be Mrs. George Lomax and Mrs. A. B, Conrad. The latter is also in charge of general decorations, At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses for the day, Mrs. A, E. Lear, Mrs, Edith Watts and Mrs, Ronald Carter. The next general meeting will|*© be Dec, 8 at 2.30 p.m, in the Sunday school. MUTUAL AID MEETING The Ontario County Mutual Aig Fire Services Association will be the guests of the Clare- mont Fire Department at 8.30 p.m, this Friday. The speaker, will be Sid Oxenham, Secretaries Plan Meeting The Shoreline Chapter of the National Secretaries tion will hold a dinner meet- ing at 6,30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 17, at Adelaide House in Osh- awa, Secretaries in the Ajax, Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa areas are invited to attend. The program will include @ special feature entitled "'Secre- tarial Procedures," which will be presented by Miss Joanna Stewart of the Toronto Chap- ter. Miss Stewart presented a sim- ilar and very successful pro- gram some months ago at a meeting held in Oshawa during the period when the Shoreline Chapter was being formed. in respect to the loan as of the oe of completion of the pro- ject, PIGEONLESS PARIS Paris. netted 100,000 pigeons from its city cetre in 1964 and the hope they will not return to the bright lights, One-Stop DECORATING SHOP ©@ Wellpeper end Murels @ Custom Draperies © CLL. Paints and Varnishes ®@ Breedicom and Rugs © Flo-Gleze Colorizer Pointe: DODD & SOUTER The last emperor of the de- funct Chinese dynasty, Hsuan Tung, is a gardener in Peking's botanical gardens. SAVE $ $ Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron Se. $., Whitby ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $16.00 on your auto insurance, shipped them to the country in|- WHITBY MIXED yh nt Ag ag after . %, : ria nae te Hot Moc's 2, 22; Jerks 5, 20; ;' Blind Mice 5 : ? [ nal as sine! | ne ° as s 3 WHITBY BRANCH \( ere and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments UNCONDITIONALLY GUARAN- TEED BY OUR COMPANY. AUTHORIZED BY LAW FOR THE INVESTMENT OF TRUST FUNDS. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY = by cheque -- deposited to savings account -- added to investment to earn interest on interest INTEREST RATES 512% for a 5 year term 51%4% for 3 or 4 years 4%4% for 1 or 2 years investments may he bought on Monthly Instalment Plan -- Interest the monthly balance to the investment half- Business Opportunity DEALERSHIP e é FARM EQUIPMENT le, Diane Graham, James|Won by Daniel O'Hagan. Evening Shows ot 7 & 8:15 = 3 sire ireltried Huxter, Avis Leggett, Alexan- der Liddle, Duncan Mcintyre, Douglas» Magrath, Douglas Mil- ler, Susan Morison, Linda Pros- The Student Council Prize -- Donated jointly by the Whitby District High School Board and the Student Council. Awarded to the student who obtained the ser, J » rd Ross, Kees ; Staples, Michael Weaver, Ed- ward Young. MERIT CRESTS -- These are awarded to os gg age mae good standing eir schoo work, and who have taken a 1 part in school activi- ties. following students have earned these awards: Robert Bassett, Barry Goode, Malcolm Bates, Charles Herder, Michael Eggert, D ale Lague, topher|highest aggregate marks in eight Grade 13 papers. Won by Robert Bassett. Athletic Awards. Wilson Trophy (Outstanding girl ath- lete) -- Maureen Liddle, Vor- ed to a student who has secured 80 per cent average on eight Grade 13 papers, including two papers in English. A winner re- 'Y Last Complete Show Starts 8:15 EACH LIGHT SPELLED DANGER __ RIEGER & OSBORNE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 The Need Is Urgent Available In... THE WHITBY-BROOKLIN AREA For Full Details G. R. KINGSTON International Harvester Co. of Canada Ltd, 51 BATHURST ST. TORONTO 2B Contact: Telephone EM 3-6671 Stuart Evans, Maureen Liddle, PLUMBING & HEATING SHEET METAL WORK @ INSTALLATIONS @ REPAIRS @ SERVICE AUTHORIZED CONSUMERS' GAS DEALER ceives a certificate and, on at- RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC -_-- ot -- CANADIAN LEGION HALL BYRON ST, S. WHITBY AGES 18 to 65 - OPEN - MONDAY, NOV, 16 - 2 to 4:30 p.m. (AFTERNOON) 6:30 to 9 P.M. (evening) The Plumber CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! Sponts CALENDAR WEEKLY EVENTS This Programme Presented By The Locel Business Firms of WHITBY end DISTRICT! THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY METROPOLITAN JR, "BY LEAGUE Seturday, Nov, 21, Dixie at the Whitby Arenc. Thursday, Nev, 19, Awey Geme, echives, =e ORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 Ruth Snudden--Nick Van Den Broek----Clare Shank--Ike Perry EG: > 32... a ene ag WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD, Ample Parking Facilities You don't have to play a sport to be a good sport, 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments woe Of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby ED. JEFFREYS @ Janitor Service @ Window Cleaning WE SPECIALIZE IN OFFICE & FACTORY WORK is 120 Lupin Dr, Whitby PH. 668-8658 Ph. 668-4247 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Quality Material & Workmanship EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR FAMILY HOME--WHITBY On Palace Street, Whitby, walking distance to centre of town for the whole family. 3 spacious bedrooms, dining room, living room end @ roomy kitchen. This larger modem brick home with 60' x 142' lot may be just what you are looking for with recreation room in basement and other interesting features, Full price $14,900 with around $3,000 down, GOOD SPORTS Support horne town sports. _ HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and 'BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 GROCY ST. S. OIA! 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT vs, Whitby Dunl 7:00 p.m. Whitby will pley the Dixie Appearing Nightly at the SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE Sunday, Nov. 22, et 12 neon, Kelly Disney va, Arene. Sunoco, Whitby Arene. Sundey, Nov. 22, et 2:00 p.m., Ottenbrite's Men's Weer vs. Royal Hotel, Arens. WHITBY TRIPLEX On quiet Whitby Street neor highway No, 401 with 3 steady tenants, Live In one 2 bedroom @partment ond hove two rentals to poy toxes, Heoting, mortgage ond interest, Full price JOHNS/MANVILLE HOCKEY LEAGUE $27,500, Inspect ond make offer on this money moker, We have others too, va. Insulations, et 6:00 @.m. Sundoy, Nov. 22, Offiee Flexboord va Frensite at 9:45 om. 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- WHITBY -- EXTRAS And totel price only $13,200, This h finished ion room, outside fenced in ploy @rec, 3. section painted basement and oll round warm cosy living quarters is being offered et on attractive price for a quick sale, Start living with @ low 6% mortgage, Payments only $96.00 monthly, includes toxes. ' SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA WEDNESDAY, 8:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m, Adults only, FRIDAY, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m, Adults end Children, Seturdey afternoon sketing for children under 14 only. Whitby Tile Centre 106 BROCK ST, $. WHITBY Tile - Linoleum - Corlon - Sheet Vinyl - Broadioom - Pittsburgh Paints, etc. Phone 668-5331 COXIE'S Bargain Centre New and Used Surplus Stock 125 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY BADMINTON The Whitby Bodminten Club meets et Henry Street High School every and Thursdey night. . . weleome. New members PICKERING ---.3 BEDROOM BRICK -- $12,800 Neat bungalow with large lot on Hiley.Ave, is being sacrificed for a quick sale. This spocious 11 by 17 kitchen Is @ delight to any owner with o large family. Nice start. on recreation room will take only a few hours to finish. You must see this attractive home before deciding @n your home purchase, $2,000 down payment. MARTIN'S ESSO SERVICE Hwy. 2 at Thicksons Rd, Licensed Mechanic Specializing in... Mejor Repairs Tune Ups Brakes Relined Exheust Systems PH, 728-5641 GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE - Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up 3 _ WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING On 68 by 162 corner lot could be utilized for any other. church group wishing to have @ central location. Possibly a lodge hall or some commercial venture wishing on economical would snap up this solid brick 88 year'old building, Property is well kept with steam heating plont. 2 washrooms, kitchen, Sunday School room and some classrooms, Full price $33,500. ° Enjoy Corefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY "The LINCOLNAIRES"

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