Aner proms ler @ proli f ! Gonarla er orga ness by Morar, 15, 1964. hugo ie ges Se of 110. Ash Street, Whitby, beloved wite of Anthony Calderone, mother of Mrs. J. Cucel (Mary), Mrs. V. Sakino Helen), Mrs. M. Pantalino (Margaret), of Toronto, Joseph Se on og London ane. we fae ristine, In ra Chapel Res! » Ne e C. Town Funeral igh requiem. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby on Wednesday, py tesig 3g at 10 am, emer 's . Cemetery, 108: 7 p.m, 'Tuesday 2407 enue, Cooksville; ir mother of Sener (Mrs. Walter. C. Coupland) Cooksvilie and Betty (Mrs. John H, Ci We n Sales High Low a.m. eves 335 $162 162 16a -- ve 20 816 «616 6 3970 - gig gia 2280 3460, 40: $5316 55$230 228 720 $582 5814 225 $\4% 14% ee v 100 $26%e 26 105 $994 99h + % 222 185 180 185 210 370 -370 370 200 $1634 16% 16% -- 4 %% 9% | TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronta' Stock Exchange--Nov. 16 Quotations in cents uniess marked $. 2--Odd jot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. Sales High Low an eee 285 $12% 12% 12%+ = $17% i Fa & ve 950 oH bol Stock Westeet Weston A Wstn 4¥a pr West A wt. Stock HBC 4 BOG 2 Husky Husky w Husky C w Husky 8 pr Imp Life oi = 300 53M 5 Ve bed mn 'tea -- " 6 ae, St & © Zenith ris 5 5 § -1 INDUSTRIALS 1 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1190 $15% 15 15% 3 + 37% 109 +2 10% 41" + V Wa + ¥ 2a + OILS 425 425 425 a 3 (13 924% 24% 240% Ve '" Ta % $204 20/2 22+ 340 340 «(340 315 55 Stock Abitibi Ackind Alte Gas Iniand Gas Alminex 200 360 360 780 $37 37 1BM Alta Gas pr 25$109 = 109 Alta Gas w 2480 $10% 10% 100 41" 122 9% 4 72% 1669 275 $934 93% 934 375 $28 28% 2842 50 $564 56% 56% 45 $96 9% IMC int Nickel Int Util Int Util pr Inter PL Int Sti P $41 $19% Camerina Cc Oi! Lds C Delhi Aig Cen Alg Cen w Algoma Alumini Is pA eso at the re Road Nontn wg wy 10) Cooks Chapel ai John's Anglican Howard, Levi RR 4 Port Bal? ee 1964. Howard L in, » Mabel (Mrs. H. Hocken), Jessie ir). in his Bist year, Resting 'anabaker, Hospital on Saturday, November 14, 1964, Josef Kruzel, beloved husband of' Adelina in his Sist year, 19 Funeral Home, Oshawa, with . Hedwig' tery. Prayers will be heid at the funeral home jay evening at 8 p.m. MOWBRAY, Loveila B. At the Oshawa General Hospital on Sun- day, November 15, 1964, Lovella B. Mow- bray, beloved daughter of the late Ralph R. and Victoria Mowbray; dear sister of late Adelaide (Mrs. R. $. MoLaughlin) late Frank, the late Roy, the late Gladys (Mrs. William Agar) and Ralph of Brooklin, in her 89th year. Resting ai the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, until Tuesday. morning thence to the Brooklin United Church for service at 2.30 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery. OSBORNE, Everett L. At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, Novernber 15th, 1964. Everett L. Osborne inhis 86th year, husband of the late Erie Ellen Osborne og Paso baw of of Hazel (Mrs, Tracy Gray Everett (Mike), Harry (Dutch. cares (Porky), Violet (Mrs. Ralph Poole) and Margaret, all of Bowmanville and David Halifax. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Tuesday at 3 p.m. Interment, Bowmanville Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HOUR PHONE SERVICE 'esos 24 Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM HALL -- In loving memory of a husband and father, Leslie Hall, passed away November 15, 1962. dengity of time ing * memories As you were you will slways be, Forever in our memory. F ida remembered by wife and fam- Y. LAMBERT -- In loving memory of a dear brother, Johnathon Lambert, who passed away November 16, 1963. Swiftly and silently came the eall, Without goodbye you left us all. tn God's garden you now rest Peacefully sleeping, lies one of ehe best. rLovingly remembered by sisters Mar- deret and Elena LAMBERT -- In loving dear father, John Lambert, away November 16, 1963, The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. More each day we miss you, father, Friends may think the wound Is dear who ofa who passed healed, But they little know the 'sorrow That fies within our hearts concealed. --Sadly missed by daughter Doreen, son- in-law Ernie and grandchildren Cindy Anne and Terr Lynn, MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS }52 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA EVENINGS 728-6627 _ OFFICE 723-1002 e MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK @ ASSURES PERPETUAL MEMORIALIZATION @ EIGHT NATURAL FLORAL GARDENS Courteous information at the Park Office. Phone 723-2633 DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Darmstadt, West Germany-- Heinrich yon Brentano, 60, for- mer West German foreign min- ister; after a long illness. Montreal St. George Burgoyne, 82, a member of the 'editorial department of the Montreal Gazette for more than 50 years afd assistant manag- ing editor when he retired last year. London -- Mabel Lucie At- well, 85, an artist famous for her illustrations of such books " ag Lewis Carroll's Alice in Won- derland and Barrie's Peter Pan. Toronto -- Dr. John Robert- son McArthur, 57, one of Can- ada's best known gynecologists. Moscow -- Social Liebknecht, 80, widow of the former Ger- man Communist leader Karl Liebknecht Belgrade Rev. Varnava Nastich, Vicarian Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Chure h -jshe was born in Lindsay and} COMMAND CHANGES HALIFAX (CP) -- Rear-Ad- miral William M. Landymore, 48, of Brantford, today takes up the post of flag officer Atlantic coast, succeeding retiring Rear- Admiral Jeffry V. Brock, 51. Admiral Brock had held the post since 1963. With the ap- pointment, admiral Landymore assumes the North Atlantic Treaty Organization position of Commander Canadian Atlantic sub-area, 165 262 262 26a + Va 830 630 830 C Ex Gas € High Cr Cent Del Charter Oil Dome . Pete 8550 465 460 460 +8 WW Ind 1 9 9 4 Jockey € --s Jock C pr Labatt Alum 4%4pr = 60 Analog - Argus Arg C P pr Bank Mont Ss 100 460 $114 11% 11% $21.4 21% 21% $11% 11% We Ve $138 13% 134+ 415 405 yd +5 My _ +5 Lafarge 200 200 200 $19% 19 Wut ke Lafarge A 18 ie 68 LOnt Cem ah Gt sit 16 int Helium irish Cop iso Jacobus Jaye Expl Jelex Joburke Jonsmith M5 15 wb v7 600 610 ? 164 2 170 62 62 62 $22% 22% 22% 17% 37 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings Sales High Low a. im enge "= " 10Y%9 10% 10a +1 a DD NM +! us O15 605 5 $0 0640 OY s1i% 11% lik 10% 10% Wat ve --) 1 5 35 1S % 605 7 162 170 7 ~~ ed ~! ~% STANFORD, Calif, (AP)--EI- len, Weaver is a wife, mother and homemaker--and a_ prize- winning research biologist. The family knew of her tal- ents, so they weren't too ex- cited when the 39-year-old bio- logist won a $39,000 grant from the U.S. Atomic Energy Com- mission to continue her Stan- ford University research into 4 |photo-synthesis. "Many more women can do what I'm doing," she said. Mrs, Weaver, mother of three, says the lack of women winning such grants is due to ne of encour- agement. Busy Mother, Homemaker Also Prize-Winning Biologist the time. It's a relief when they come through." Mrs, Weaver is seeking evi- dence about an elusive compon- ent called P700, perhaps the rimary energy converter in the pe Aes: «A process by which green plants and sun-|; shine turn carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and tissue. This supports alll life on earth. Every day at 3 p.m. Mrs. plant time ago to do what I'm doing, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 16,1964 197 Mrs. Weaver credits her hus-|. band for much of her achieve- ment. He encouraged her to) continue schoo] 20 years ago when they were first married while she was still a student at Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She has given up civic activi-| ties most women participate in ing 'and tennis she enjoys. "I made up my -mind some and I'm lucky to be happy with my work and have a_ well- adjusted family," she said. and has little time for the skl-Stoctnoim 'apartment ercuplo Z Prime Minister Tage Erlan- er. Archives Buried Under Granite STOCKHOLM (Reuters) Sweden plans to store its na- donal archives in hy anean chambers os solid granite th the Millions of documents dating back hundreds of years will be filed on shelves with a total Weaver leaves the Hansen lab- oratories of physics on the cam- pus and heads home to meet children Patricia Lynn, 9, FISHING PACT Britain has signed a 20-year (Mark, 8, and Tom, 5, when they }return from school. Her husband, Harty, a physi-| "I give them time until they pact allowing Norwegian fisher- men to catch dog and basking shark off the Shetlands and North Scotland within the 12- length of nearly 88,000 yards in four, six-storey chambers hewn out of the rock at a cost of some ane crowns (about $3,400,- The archives, expected to be completed by early 1966, will Bell Phone | Bowater 00 --"% shi 2% 21% 97797: B $2. 2. 2 M5 445445 2 «2 63S $154 15% 154 sii tse 19 * * mn vn i 2h $44 440 «44 m1 1 Midcon N Davies 1 NCO pr Numac cist, said: "Getting grants is|g0 to bed, then I go back to my 12% 124 12% + 4\something that's with you alll|studies,"" she said. x 33 mile zone. be nuclear-bomb-proof, ensur+ ing complete safety for records. 16k 151 151 | 109 «110 13"2 + A 4 151 ™m 13% 13 --2 |_ ais a a a Metal Mine is McAdam 72 Min-Ore e 'manville Memorial Sunday, Nov. 15, of Everett L. i: -past,| Osborne of Bowmanville. 480 470- 475 --! $3514 356 3514-- Ve 3 + Y $19% 19% 19% + $450 4S 45 200 275 275 275 20 $110% 110% u? 102 110 $102 100 $15% 15% 'ise 25, 25 760 25 300 $2334 23% 23% -- Ve 225 $10%e 10% 10% | 525 $50%e 50 S0'e + % 100 $44'e 44a 4a + Va 60 $27% gl i +% Can Perm 25 $73 CAE 325 $10' {ov is +¥ C Brew 2060 $102 10% 10! C Brew A pr z10 $51_--s 51 he CB Alm A 160 $13% 13% 235 25 43 +3 » 64 Numac wts Permo Petrol Stace Provo Gas Ranger Teck Corp Triad Oil Wsburne W Decalta $12. 12% 12%-- Ve $21'4 214 214 $8% 8% 8%2-- 1600 $8% 8% 87% 300 $7% 7% T+ % 1800 95 92 { Tiles 2100 $11%4 11% $35% 35% Maher 95 $32 32 M Leaf Mill 525 $16% 1634 Mass-F 13192 $31% 30% MEPC 100 340 340 pr iy ba PB 240 $2244 22% 75 $354 354 70 $40 40 700 $8% 82 750 $14% 14% 2080 $18 7% 10) W 250 4 +% Wh 35% 32 16% 3% 4 340 22\4 + Vl Can Bread | Canicem Cl Fndry Can Mait olson ' Mon Foods Montex Mont Loco Mont Trst Nat Drug Nat Trust Acad Uran Accra Advocate Agnico Akaitcho A Am Mol CBAILAw 200 235 C BAI Bw 300 225 C Collieries 250 $12 C Found pr 225 $18 Multi-M Nat Expl Osisko Paramaq Ang Rouyn Ansil Area Arion Atl C Cop Attin-Rut Barex Cdn G inv 225 Cc Hydro 250 $24 30 $26 26' 110° $17 17% 436 349% 49% 182 $33 3 25 $2 8 220 $23 2B 290 $id' 14 200 $33% 3314 925 $12Va 12% 500 $92 92 235 $15% 15% 200 $48% 48% 225 $11% 11% 125 $30 » 100 $11% 11% 11% } 140. $234 23% 23% | 382 $78%4 78% 78% 0 370 360 360 200 $2094 20%2 202 1200 $164 15% 1644 + | 575 $20% 20% 20% + 'e} 300 $284 284 284-- 1200 760 760 760 225 $1614 16% 164+ Vo Silverwd A 7250 $15 5 G Simpsons 125 $28 28 Slat Steel pr 275 $224 22\4 i Stafford 200 450 450 450 St Pav 245 $12% 12% 12% Steel Can 3786 $260 26 26a -- Ye Suptest ord 109 $23% 23% 23% Switson 400 200 200 200 Tor-Dom Bk 485 $70 70 70 T 980 $14% 142 14% + Me! 1257 $41%4 414 41¥2-- Va! 135 $2194 21% 21% -- Ve 605 $11 10% 10% 780 $10% 10% 10% Neon Nia $ Stl Nia Wire B 2345 $11% Noranda 23 us 33a 122 + Va) 94-- Ve 15% + 480 11% + %& --" C Refract C Tire A C Ut 4% pr CWN Gas Chemcell Cheme 175p Clairtone Con Bidg Con M S$ Con Paper Con Gas Corby B Coronation Crush int Cygnus pr Delta B pr Dist Seag D Bridge Oshawa A Pac Pete Pembina Pow Corp Price Bros QN Gas Reichhoid Revelstoke Rothman Royal Bank Sayvette Scot M pr Seven Arts Shell Can Shell. 1 -pr Shell | wts Shope Save Belleterre Brunswk Cadamet Camflo Camp Chib Cc Tung C Dyno Cdn Keeley Candore Can-Erin Captain Cassiar Cent Pat Chester Chrom Coch Will 284 Comb Met 214 214 214+ a} Cc Callinan NA NWA NA | M4 144 Wa-- Me 10 | 2 --" NN" NW" Wath 277 «(277 445 445 120 (123 140 «(140 3 33 13 i) 10 84 84 8% $11% 11% 11% 30 «13013 2150 $18V%e 200 $395 +3 --2 cl +1 3785 $13% | --10 | 200 $202 300 $6% V5 $13 1S +1 Dom Stor xd 300 ve} Dom Tar 350 Dom Text Ho Exquisite 225 Falcon 405 Fam Play 420 $23 Fed Farms . 300 Freiman 800 Goodyr pr 75 GL Paper 720 C Morrison C Mosher C Regcourt Cop Corp wll +1 8 Trans PPL 1 1B _ Turnbull Deer Horn 815% 15% 154 + Ye! Patino Pax Int Pce Expl Peerless Placer 11975 1500 #500 790 13 | --10 | 915 WwW 75 Mt Wright | 0 © --2 | 3 + 915 137 75 137 75 30'2 Wa W 240 185 470 158 W ac x West Mines an Willroy Wiltsey 4300 Windfall 1700 Yale Lead 1000 Yk Bear 1500 2000 GW Coal A 7225 Greyhnd 740 Hardee 1200 Hawker-S 450 36% 6 20 $102'4 id 1024 4 + v4/ 50 $57 Denison Dicknsn Discovery East Sull 730 $11%e 11% 11% 100 $25%4 25% 2534 -- "a 1130 $27 27% 27% + Ve 250 $117%@ 11% 11% 590 $164 16% 164 -- Val 385 $360 36% - --~Ve 250 $14% ae Well Fin rt 2830 32 Westcoast 290 $16 ston io 1] So 500 495 495 355 350 355 $434 43 «43% 23% 234 B%--! $15% 154 1542+ " 2 Bs o © #0 55 Un Acc 2pr Un Gas Un Carbide Versatile Vie G Tr Walk GW Weildwood iis dew % +10 Holt Ren Home A Home B Horne Pf 725 $14% A ae 27 $192 Wi 19%4-- Vel 295 $202 20% 20's | 1400 340 335 340 "OBITUARES = EVERETT L. OSBORNE Following a lengthy illness the death occurred, at the Bow- Hospital --%| 55 Granduc (Mary), Mrs. V. Sabino (Helen) | and Mrs. M. Pantaleo (Margar- et) all of Toronto.' Also, three} sisters, Mrs.. J. De Luca| (Marie) and Mrs. A. Arrigo! Gans) both of Toronto and Mrs. A, Rouffo (Josephine) of Chicago and three brothers, Vin-) cent, Augustino and Sam Car-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS uso all of Toronto, 14 grandchil- At feast 40 persons died in dren and two great grandchil-| accidents across Canada during dren, She was predeceased by} |the weekend with 31 deaths re- daughter, Christine. suiting from traffic accidents. Rev. L. J, Austin, pastor of| A survey by St. John the Evangelist Roman Press from 6 p.m. Friday to Catholic Church, 'Whitby will|**°°° conduct funeral 'save ak j9/midnight Sunday also includes a.m. Wednesday in the church. jthree fire deaths, two in hunt- Interment will-be in St. John's|img accidents and four in mis-| Roman Catholi¢ Cemetery, |cellaneous mishaps. Whitby. Rosary will be said at) Quebec had 10 highway) 7 p.m. Tuesday. |deaths, one death by fire and| jone hunting fatality, One. per-| DR. RUSSELL R. ORMISTON | ed after fallin, down| fonmer Erie Ellen Bausleigh, Pd ot a ne gta ineeny x eg ' ; . rehiais Mr. Osb. g|the death occurred on Monday ge OF : servited: ty tives pus | Sept. 28, at Edmonton Hospital, fi he daw nen red tite d id Mrs. Tracy Gray (Hazel) of| of Dr. Russell R. Ormiston. "re -- id bat aie tied Scarborough, Mrs: Ralph Poole|,,Th¢ deceased, who was the|% owpontnoi cae, #80 tee (Violet). and Miss Margaret, fifth son of the late James BF pane : ts peachy a ibcaahd Osborne, both of Bowmanville|2%¢ Mrs. Ormiston, was born at! drunk cleaning solution. and four sons, Everett (Mike), aera of the iit Ca isn ONE DIES IN FIRE is 4 : | ian secere ary (But and, laren tionary Fore and sore ,Suaatenerag ad ts y), all. \goiaens. fic deaths and one death by and David, of Halifax. Also sur- | fire. Newfoundland, Nova Sco- r. Or viving are four sisters residing) br Ormiston plead oe tia and New Brunswick had two] in Simcoe, Ont. a se : vived by two sons, Douglas and tratiic fatalities. each. |, The funeral . service pa ne James, of Winnipeg, Also sur-| Alberta and British Columbia} |Hom *. vn gl 'peg viving are two sisters, Mrs. had one traffic and one shoot. | FRESE MERE hh Bowmanciiel lumbus ph Mrs. F. Kiley} One person died on Prince) Demetie (Agnes) of St. Catharines and|Edward Island highways, and/ y. jfour brothers, James, Frank|one died after being hit by al JOSEF KRUZEL jand. William of Brooklin and/train in Manitoba. The death of Josef Kruzel | Daniel of Oshawa. The survey does not include| occurred Nov. 14 at the Oshawa, Lng ag on service was held| natura} or industrial deaths, | General Hospital following alien ai se ~ McKin-/known suicides or slayings. two-month long illness, He was| °Y "uneral Home, Edmonton,| m6 ontario dead: in his 51st year and resided at with interment in Beachmont 200 Albert street |Cemetery. Rey. A. B. Simpson SUNDAY | He was born in Germany and| conducted the service. Brian Soloman, 16 months, St. period Sd for et ig 2 4|MISS LOUELLA B. MOWBRAY Hagges a. he as believed to) re in yg! in 'pall . The death occurred early Sun- naye drunk cleaning solution in ceased had been a resident of}gay Noy. 15, at the Oshawa tis home oraz ge his arrival in)General Hospital, of Miss Lou-| Mrs. Adelaide Miller, 63, Scot- -- . o) Bet eo ae ella B. Mowb of Brooklin.|!and, Ont., of injuries received 15 Gents br b Tooke phy en Miss Mowbray was in her 89thin a car-truck collision near Ltd. The deceased was a mem- Stews siter of dhe dat sinh eee Saturday. | ber of St. Hedwig's Roman|,* r of the Jate Ralph) William Lappert, 40, Hanover | Catholic Church R. and Victoria Mowbray, the|when his car left the road and| He is survived by his wife/1eceased was born Nov. 1, 1876.|plunged into Marl Lake near| and one step-son, Juliano Brel.|°"_,'he Mowbray homestead|Hanoyer, 30 miles south of |north of Raglan. Miss Mowbray|Qwen Sound, | The remains are at the | | strong oe a Pegg jtrained as a nurse in New York/ Toll Hits He was in his 86th year. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John William Osborne, the deceased was born. at Simcoe, Ont. and received his education there. A resident of Bowman-|, ville practically all his life, he lived in Toronto for a short time following the death of his wife. Mr. Osborne was an employee of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way ail his working life, serv- ing as a sectionman and later as roadmaster, He was a mem- ber of St. Paul's United Church and of the Loyal Orange Lodge. Predeceased by his wife, the 3/ City and worked there until 1928 SATURDAY ayo apply ge Berg Bale hen she returned to Brooklin Rita Desfonges, 39, Eastview, day at St. Hedwig's Church. In- {to care for her parents |Ont., in a two-car collision on terment will be in Resirraction| A devout member of Brooklin | Highway 17 near Hawkesbury, |United Church, she was an ac-|60 miles east of Ottawa. Cemetery. | Prayers will be held today at|'ive member of the women's! Sylvio Plamondon, 62, Ot- tawa, in a two-car crash on 8 p.m. in the funeral chapel. | groups of the church, the Wom- jen's Institute and many other|Highway 31 just south of Ot- tawa MRS. ANTHONY CALDERONE| community organizations. Mrs. Anthony Calderone, 69,| Miss Mowbray is survived by) Gordon Ross Driscoll, 21. RR| of 710 Ash street, Whitby, died|a brother, Ralph, of Brooklin.|4 -jucknow, Ont., Donna Jean ; he was predeceased by tw0|Gordon, 18, RR 1, Seaforth, Ont. isters, Mrs. R. S.McLaughlin| ang Patricia McCluskie. 18, page of va eh and Mrs.!winthrop, Ont., when the car in [William Agar (Gladys) and tW0\ which they were riding struck a was the daughter of the Jate|brothers, Frank and Roy. ; if reid latdpeeuconlediacglaan Frank and Antonina Caruso. She|_ Miss Mowbray is at the was educated in Toronto Separ-| Robinson Funeral Home, Brook- ate School lin, for service in Brooklin Unit- In 1910 she married Anthony|ed Church at 2.30 p.m., Tues-|An autopsy revealed Saturday Calderone in Toronto. She lived] jday, Nov. 17. Interment will be |that an apparently harmless in Toronto before coming tol|in Groveside Cemetery, Brook-| |pocketknife wound nicked a kid- Whitby 45 years ago lin. Rev. George Munday, minis-|ney and led to the death of Ian Mrs. Calderone was a mem-|ter of Brooklin United Church, Phillips Starr, 28. The wound} ber of St. John the Evangelist! will conduct the services was suffered after Starr broke| Church, Whitby. The pallbearers will be Hugh|up a fight among youngsters at) She is. survived by her hus-|Mowbray, John Dryden, and/a basketball game at Klemtu, a! band, two sons, Joseph of Ajax|John Medland. and threejcoastal town 300 miles north- and Frank of London, Ont., and|hephews, Lloyd Moody, R alph) west of Vancouver. A juvenile three daughters, Mrs. J, Cucci| Mowbray and Milton Mowbray.! was held without charge. The former Augustina Caruso MAN STABBED OCEAN FALLS, B.C. (CP)-- Zenmac Zulapa 1000 Sales fo 11 a.m.: 235 185 485 158 1 34 2 140 37 9 235 185 485 158 10 4 2 140 7 9 1,039,000. FOREIGN TRADING 1000 3000 500 1300 1000 100 Massey F 125 35 140 %6 215 200 520 400 262 40 bridge now, 50 miles Stratford abutment near northwest $32% 32% 32% 120 120 35 % 215 520 260 Weekend Death Thomas Clifford McNall, know, in a two-car oem | eres Se Set tT be reper ta Wee Mesnry tine Eee en YO A ow naream naene® rere ease awe wee Canadian oe rene ee Lar come Roane © B bomamergas SF Ot Shere C08 Gre A A ee Ve 4 Conadhin Sour 7 Sonia al wg oe eg, BOTTLED IN BOND give and serve the finest.:. by HIRAM WALKER the world's most.wanted Tack- | of} 43,| The Canadian|°" Highway 86 near Taicknow, 50 miles northwest of Stratford. | Harold Kilpatrick, 53, Sud- bury, in a fire in the basement} of his home. John Nelson, when struck by 6 Hamilton, a car as he crossed a street near his home. gift whisky "T like this armchair banking" Banking by mail saves time, travel and park- ing problems for customers of a chartered bank, It's one of many ways your local branch helps make modern banking so simple, so convenient. From your own arm- chair, you command nearly the full range of bank services. You can send deposits, make withdrawals, transfer funds... or handle almost any other banking busi- ness, including some types of loans. Special mailing forms are available. There are no extra bank charges. At home or away, you can count on prompt, personal attention to all your banking needs, \ THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Through 5,650 branches, all across Canada, the chartered banks bring full-range banking within the reach of everyone,