Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1964, p. 17

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a | ' ' se a ee 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 26--Apartments for Rent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 16,1964 17 _ JONES & DOUGAN Real Estate Brokers 668-8841 STONE FRONT iv 122 333 S79 7 823 lg into this gem, Now. OSHAWA $12,500 Full Price for this spotless, red brick, five room, bungalow, with a tiled 4-piece bath. The basement is bright ond cleon, padirifed floor, the lot is all landscaped, storm windows ond doors, T.V. Tower, all ready to enjoy, In- spect before you buy. 10 ACRES $4,500 This ocreage, only five miles from Whitby, con be pur- for $1,000 Down, A fine site for sub- urban living, with a nice roll to the land, and on a good rood, EXECUTIVE $21,000 This fine home gives you the | ultimate in living pleasure, --large living room with pic- ture windows, fireplace, ca- thedral ceiling, indi light- ing, end mony, mo more fine feosures. A fomily room with sliding doors to the potio. Three bedrooms, and © custom designed bothroom: os well os onother powder room. A kitchen. of original design, with a dini orea you would be proud of. Utility room is handy -- close to the kitchen. Call Jones and Dugen, Now, ond exemine this choice home. $9,800 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN Bloor and Simcoe, Spotless 6 room 2 storey home with pereey. 4 piece bath, Modern itchen. Carries $89. monthly H, Griffin Real Estate Broker 723-6431 After 8:30 p.m.--723-4134 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. 728-4678 DUPLEX NEAR O'NEILL Seven room 14 storey home converted to two oportments. Bottom rented at $85.00 and top ot $80.00 -- Asking $15,500. AMERICAN PLAN 3 bedroom bungalow located in North end. Double paved drive -- 2 car gorage radi- ont 1 ig ond for a very reasonable down payment it con be og without delay. Call us for further informa- tion. NEAR SOUTH: GM 3 acres of good land for tri- plexes ond priced at a very reasonable figure. Services border property. For fur- ther information call tonight. $500 BONUS New homes under construc- tion in a good location, Pre- paid services, paved streets, attoched garoges or car- ports. Nice sized lots, one block from bus. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Well established boarding house in an excellent loca- tion close to north G.M Monthly income of nearly $1,000 -- equipped with new furniture. . For further infor- mation call this office. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jock Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Borrioge Joe Maga Ken Honn 29 NEW N.H.A. HOMES Hillsdale Terrace E. of Ritson milling rest Under $500 inter Bonus off Summer Prices RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD, SEVEN 1965 MODELS Priced from $15,950 Down Payments from $1,790. Less $500 winter bonus. Bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys, gorages, carports, built-in ranges, ovens, storms, screens. Many other extras, Directions: From Ritson Rd. go E. on Rossland one block Follow modei signs South to Sales Office. Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. daily, Also choice Resales from $13,300 Exclusive Agents H. Griffin Real Estate Broker 723-6431 After 8:30 p.m. call 723-4134 PRIVATE SALE Lerge (over. 1200 sq. ft.) 6 foom bungalow. Popular N.W. @rea, Newly decorated, spaci- @us living room has cathedral ceiling, newly built TV room end den, Carries for $104 monthly including taxes. DIAL 725-4461 723-2265 Century of Service) SIMCOE and ROSSLAND Lorge 6 room brick home with modern kitchen, spacious living and dining room, von- ity in bathroom, Double gor- age with asphalt drive. This home even has the large ver- andoh that a person can sit out on and enjoy. Only $14,- 500. So call now. "SHERWOOD PARK. A comfortable 2 storey brick home complete with natural fireplace, 2 baths: 4 spacious bedrooms. Hove the luxury of country living and only minutes from city. An at- tractive home really worth while: seeing. NORTHWEST $15,800.00 Beautiful 12 storey hore with attached gorage, screen- ed and glassed sun room, finished rec room, broadioom in living room, dining room, hall ond stoirs. TV tower, paved drive, landscaped lot. Excellent value. MARIGOLD IN BEAU VALLEY A brand new St. Thomas split level, designed by Kas- singer, must be sacrificed be- cause of transfer, Mony ex- tras added to home for com- fortable living. Built like it was designed for you. Moke it © point to see this one. A lovely home for only $21,- 300.00. NEW LISTING ON CHURCHILL Very attractive ranch style bungalow. Comfortably fin- ished throughout. A home to be desired. Cosy atmosphere extends from the stone fire- plece in living room to the professionally finished ree room with extra kitchen as an added feature. Being specially offered for "approx. $23,- 000.00, BEAU VALLEY DOLL HOUSE Nestled on o desirable ravine lot this charm home is of- fered to you. Designed for comfortable . living, comes complete with panelled ond electrically heated rec room that has a country stone fire- ploce. The double attached gerage haying an inside en- tronce convenience, There ore a number of ex- tras suct. as built-in stove and oven, 40 ft. TV tower, patio SELLING CALL DON HOWE Real Estate 725-7732 WiLL Trave house In Alex fer smail| THREE-BEDROOM spilt level, In Oshawa. No agents. Alax 942-2313. outstand- Please call ie value at $12,800. Don't miss this one 1 now. 728-5103, W. ©, Martin, Realtor. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED_PATTERN ot rear just to nome a few. Be sure to see it! For your assurance of the finest home money con buy be sure H, KASSINGER is the builder. For full brad call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO9 P.M. 723-2894 728-1066 723-7996 723-1358 728-5868 728-2233 725-3867 728-2870 725-1726 725-0201 360 King St. West Free, easy, Morgoret Lee Bill Johnston Charles Chaytor Marg, Hall Steve Macko Maible Boudreau Irene Brown Allan Thompson Bill McFeeters Reg. Aker KEITH PETERS Realtor 228-7328 103 King Street East $8,500.00 New 'listing in Bowmanville, 5 room house with 3 piece bath, large lot. CLOSE TO ST. GREGORY'S One and a half storey 'brick home, well kept, only. 17 years old, Kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom on main floor, two bedrooms upstairs, fireplace in. living SCHOFIELD-AKER (Over A Quarter safe parking GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 ESTATE SALE FOR CASH 6 room 1% storey home situ- ated on a large lot 60 x 175 in 'south-east section of Osh- awa, priced to sell, Pleose coll for more informotion, BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT 75 x 200 on the east side of Elizabeth Cresc. on high ground. Will you pleose toke ene look at this lot, if you are thinking of building out of the city, LARGE VACANT LOT 153 x 112. Con be divided into. three building lots for the price of $2,300. HUD- SON AVE. is just South of King St. E. at the townline. OSHAWA BLVD. N. CLOSE TO KING ST. 6 room bungalow in beauti- ful condition, lorge living room with open. fireplace, seperate dining room, 4 piece tiled bathroom with vanity, also stool and pedestal basin in finished recreatior room, which has. a separate en- trance, many built-in cup- boards throughout the home, Private drive, good garage with overhead door, ONTARIO STREET Lerge commercial lot 48 x 127 with brick building in this fine downtown location. Just north of Karn's Drug Store. MILLBROOK, 45 ACRES 45 acres, spring on property, close to all shopping. Off Highway 115, Oshowa 30 miles. Asking $5,000 with terms. 2 BUILDING LOTS Bowmonville, 66 x 100 each with prepaid services, south end SWEEPING VIEW 8 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL with double ottached gorage, only 6 months old, L-shoped living and dining area, Family sized kitchen. plus breakfost room with patio doors leading out to the large back yord. 4 bedrooms. Call now. WHITBY 3 bedroom split level in good . just a couple of blocks from Henry St. High School. Extra large kitchen and 4 piece tiled bath. Divid- ed. basement, Priced at $)2,- 500. condition 3 STORES Commercial end 2 apartments on Simcoe St. South, near employment office. Good leases on property. To inspect call now. BROOKLIN Only 10 minutes from down- tewn. Enjoy country living with city convenience, in this magnificent 4 bedroom bun- golow. Fully finished rec room with bar, carport will. handle 2 cars. All this for only $13,- 900.Here is unbeatoble value. DO YOU HAVE AN EYE FOR INVESTMENT A clean home with an apart- ment for an income, contains 2 kitchens, 3 good sized bed- rooms, downstairs; and 2 up- sicirs. Close to schools and churches," also downtown, Asking $11,500. 4 ROOMS Nice brick bungalow overlook- ing 401 highway, with large 75 x 112 lot. Full price only $11,900. CARLYLE COURT $14,500 for this 5 room, 3 bedroom brick and stone bun- galow, only 6 yeors old, part- ly finished recreation room and bedroom. Well landscap- ed 'lot. Call now for more particulors. OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, Gordon REAL ESTATE BROKER 218 Dundas St. E, Whitby Dial 668-8831 Clare Shank, Ike Perry Nick Vanden Broek Ruth Snudden ANDERSON ST., WHITBY $12,500 We have listed two economy priced homes on this populor Whitby Street near new High School. One of these proper- ties has an income apartment thot will rent for $75.00 monthly. Both homes ore pric- ed at $12,500, one with 2 bedrooms. We will be pleased to discuss these populor pric- ed homes with you. BRICK AND. STONE WITH CREEK Trees and large 150' x 220' lot on Anderson St, near Court House. Only a few moments from Whitby ond Oshowa. You will have a breath-toking moment os you enter the massive living room with the floor to ceiling stone fireploce and feel the warm cosy atmosphere of this 3 bedroom suburbon home. Small efficiency apartment in basement for. income or relatives mokes this on added attraction to a young couple desiring a custom home on terms that ore within the pocketbook, Surfaced tennis court, attached gorage and other interesting extres you must see, Full price $18,500 with as low as $3,000 down, GIBBONS STREET Home with extra lot with 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, lino- leum covered floors, hot water heating. Moke a good stort for young' couple or reasonable living for retired folks, Moke an offer of $10,- 000 without the lot. OSHAWA -- BRICK $1 10 7 A fine listing this Is too with 75' lot, low texes and one mortgage payment. This clean decorated home has 7 rooms including sun room and extra large-kitchen. Some extras including carpets on stairs, expensive chandeliers in living room, etc. Try $2500 down payment, Bal- ance $80.00 monthly, OSHAWA APT. SIT' On Taunton Rood E., near Simcoe N, Build 125 to 130 units in this strategic loca- tion and watch your invest- ment grow. Watch for our sign on this property and coll us for further particulars. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe Street South RURAL BEAUTY Brick ranch bungalow with rec room double attached garage and spacious lot. Country living with city con- venience, located west of Oshawo. $14,900 with terms. NORTH END Well cared for 2 storey dwell- ing with levely modern kit- chen, separate dining room, nice lot with gorage, and pay- ed drive. Open to offers. SAVE $500 Homes Now Under Construc- tion in all sections of the city, split levels, ranch bungalows. These homes qualify under the $500 winter works bonus. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE Extremely well-built and eye- pleasing bungalows. Large modern Hollywood kitchens, 3 good sized bedrooms. Im- mediate occupancy. $15,500 with tetms. Jim. Gibbens John Grayelle 723-9750 728-0594 Osborne PAUL RISTOW LTD. Realtor 728-9474 INCOME PROPERTY. Two self-contained aport- fments in excellent repoir, plus 3 cor garage ond addi- tional parking. Conveniently loceted to G.M. south plant, A good investment at $3,000 down. Call Vern. Morton ot 728-9474, APARTMENT LAND Well locoted parcel of land if North Oshawa. Will toke 108 suites. Water and sewer at frontage. Priced at $800 per suite, Contact George Koorn- neef ot 728-9474 or 723- 2859 evenings. DOWNSVIEW PARK Arrange to inspect this new brick ond stone bungalow with garage, Complete in every detoil including beauti- ful stone plonter ond inter- com at entrance. Built-in oven and counter top bumer in the well plonned kitchen. Nicely landscaped lawn with stone patio for the best in summer living. If your desires ore in -the $20,000 range, contact George Koornneef at 728-9474 or 723-2859 eve- nings. PAUL RISTOW LTD. Realtor 'Financial Trade Bidg. ~ 187° KING: ST. E. AJAX ARMSTRONG HOMES $145 500 MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Floodlit for night viewing H: GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 942-3310 after 10 P.M. Phone Southwood Pa 'k John Makarchuk -- 942-2152 |SHOPPING CENTRE area, bedroom, modern throughout, stove and | casciger er Adults only. $105. monthly. | A few Apartments - still_available in OXFORD PARK TOWERS Oshawa's most modern apartment building. For immediate possession, bright roomy modern apart- ments 2 and 3 bedrooms. Fully equipped modern kit- chen, broadioomed corridors, Elevator service, _ fireproof construction, Balconies, Paved porking, Situated within easy walking distonce from G.M, South Plant. At the corner of Malaga _and Glenn St. SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN FROM 2 TO 6 P.M, Or Call Guide Realty Ltd. REALTORS Exclusive Agents at 723-1121 29--Wanted to Rent 31--Compect Cors for Sele DUTCHMAN would like to rent farm nex: spring, acres. Write Box 432 LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL Featuring large master bed- room with walk-in closets, broadloomed corridors, im- lobby, -- beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. For rental infor- mation see supt. at THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 111 728-4283 pressive GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Possession December Ist. Adults Only, TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2911 For Appointment pe 4 aictoaa Mr. 728-5 Two. Bolahood PRIVATE -- iow down pay sidered, lovely bungalow, brand ni Norden kitchen, fully landscaped, 7 al shopping and bus. 62. PRIVATE SALE. ranch bungelow, extras. $9,400 "EXCEPTIONALLY bedroom home on College Hill, rooms and bath main floor. basement, wm heet, Low taxes. Early ession. W. ounsanr brick home : lot .51' clean: fc ee! -- two-storey in deisrabie location, i bedroom: Gi tions $3,000 Call Syd 729-7398, sunbERs LOSS, YOUR GAIN five-room brick erage. Only one left, must sell. -- [Seal Hyman Real Estate Limited. 22--Lots for Sale LOTS REGISTERED Build Immediately 725-2911 PRIVATE --- Building lots. Better c Telephone 728-7162 sell. Make offer. Don Stradeski. 728- 8423 or 723-6959. TWO SUBURBAN iots, feet. Bickle Subdivision 100 feet x Reduced Realty Limited, 728-5157. 23--Real Estate 'Wanted SELL TO FAST... FOR CASH OR TERMS, LIST WITH JOHN F. DeWIT REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 desperately. | have cash buyers time payment buyers. Call Bill Johns! Schotield- Aker F Real Estate, 72- 1066, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE Teephone 728- "con- ew, close to |. |elevator Easigien Drive, x 175, many Make offer. Telephone 725-0658. jour- four Full pos- Realtor. 728- Mie3, ~ rug ving room ba fireplace, dining room, three ood- down. H. Millen Real Estate' This bungeiow with attached Call 728- only $100 month. . Hyman Real Estate. Limited. lass area, start building now, Terms to suit. 10 ACRES, Nash Road, owner anxious to Realtor 214 for quick sale, $2,000.00 each, Cali' Active YOUR HOME H | NEED three or four-bedroom homes and ton, NHA RESALE located in Apple Hill area| decor i ply 134 Stacey avenue. | | | nas Pariments, i in free hot stove, fridge, ig parkis and intercom 249 Marland or telephone 728-1544. building, drapes, @d in downtown, preferred. $75 monthly. 623-3434, THREE-ROOM heated apartment, vate bath and entrance, Telephone information 723-4009. DEARBORN Avenue, bedroom apartment, "Unfurnished ; large two water, service. App! iy THREE-ROOM apariment, private four- piece bath, stove and refrigerator, heat- shopping area. Aduits ~pri- for rr 723-0073. ¥ to 200 shawa Times. 30--Automobiles for Sele McQUEEN'S USED CAR BONANZA Several New and Used 1964. RAMBLERS Hardtops and sedans - 6's and 8's, automatics, some power equipped. 1963 PARISIENNE 4 door hardtop, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, power steer- ing, power brakes. In beau- tiful condition. 1963 FORD Sedon, gleaming black, radio, standard shift. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic. 1962 RAMBLER Ambassador. Blue. 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, power steer- ing and brakes, 3 TO CHOOSE FROM '61 Chevy's and Pontiac's Stondard 6's and automatic 8's. 4 TO CHOOSE FROM '60 Chev's and Pontiac's Sedans, coaches, 2 and 4 door hordtops, 8's and 6's, automotic's and stondard's SAT. 9 A.M, TO 6 P.M. McQUEEN MOTOR SALES 219 King Street, East Bowmanville OPEN. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, RAMBLER DEALERSHIP SPOT CASH PAID. FOR down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 Good clean cars. Trade up or SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTO. VOLKSWAGEN Soles and Service New ond Used Cars, 334 Ritson Rd, S, 723-3461 Open Evenings. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshowe 728-0921 1957 MG, in = Apply 804 Beech Street West, Whitby. 1962 ENVOY, Sherwood, 4dbor station wagon, excellént condition, No efused. No dealers offers ri please. |. 723-4689 after 6 on Sat- can be arr urday, 723-9315. 1958 VAUXHALL four shift, A-l cnet. Any 'entale"oer ina 725-9988 after 7 p.m. 1964 VOLVO, radio, ag condition, like new. Terms can be ar- ee Telephone 668-4705, Whitby efter 1957 _VOLKEWAGSR i ooag <aneinen. Telephon in tae for a 1960 BEDFORD '% ton van good shi over-sized tires wheel best offer. Telephone 725-8628. 898 base $125 or 33--Automobiles Wanted $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deol up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted Talk "Cash" to New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 ers, 1175 Nelson Street, wrecking. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS end Auto Wreck- want ears nf . Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. LAKESHORE jr Briveciig Highest prices peld. 'ast, 725-1181. maw we for sale. iron and Bloor Street East. moan. Auto Wreckers want cars ™ AAW hue wrecking Co Gre Ba 34--Automobile Repeir BARGAINS Anti-freeze . All Chev., Installed 4-woy Flasher kit .. Ignition Wire Kit . DOC'S AUTO 1600 King E, -- 728-7781 this coupon) King Street West, Call LARGE ONE cara "apartment, Su able working couple. ber ist. thy 668-5258. Suit- Available Decem- Telephone after 6 p.m. Whi- KELLY DISNEY. USED CAR LTD. Apply 241 Bloor St. Wes! THREE ROOM furnished apartment for working couple with no children. Heat and hydro included. Qretione November 28 'ated. Couple only. Rea: THREE ROOM Torna apartment. Private bath. All conveniences. Newly sonable. Ap- 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought ond sold Liens paid off Trade up er down Always top quality peed are our . Phone 728- 2.2 Pontiac mufflers $7.77 . $2.95 (All other ace, 10% off with OSHA ies eee service. bined Lad br, aes : suspension alignment, 226 Celina T2433, TRANSMISSION specialists, my 35--Lost and Found Large tri-colored Missing | from on 2 St tattooed "V1", Left 728-2671. "SPO". 36--Legol WHITBY: three-room only. Business couple preferred. phone 668-3129 or apply 406 Walnut Str ei Wntoy, "| FWO-BEDROOM apartment, parking, northwest area, phone 723-7157. GLIDDON rooms, $85 monthly, unfurnished. phone 728-6094. KING and Gibbon area, top floor, m ern two-bedroom, adults only, $105. mediate possession. Mr. Bolahood. 5123. THREE-ROOM unfurnished newly decorated, heavy wirl able Immediately. Apply 229 Glidden A nue DIVISION STREET, 15: | one-bedroom apartment, refrigerat range, Adults only. $85 monthly, diate possession. Call 728-4525. At 331 Arthur Street. 723-5952 pfter § Sp. 725-3938, private apartment, unfurnished, dow town, Adults only, Telephone 725-1212. FOUR-ROOM apartment, refrigerator and Call 725-1354, ONE-BEDROOM basement aparimi new modern sixplex, senripeeter, rai washing: facilities. Dial 668-875. SELF-CONTAINED, spacious range. $100 tion telephone T%- 2977. se |27 Rooms for Ri Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS ment. Hardwood floors throughout. Aguits Tele- eet, , refrigerator and stove, laundry facilities free, paved $105 monthly, Adults only. Immediate possession, Tele- ~~ AVENUE, central, vr od- Im- 728- apartment, ng, stove If desired. Washing. facilities, Avail. ve- Self-contained or, imme. THREE-ROOM apartment. Private bath, m. WAYNE STREET, 68: Four-room apart- ment, refrigerator and range. Telephone $80 MONTHLY, Three-room and bath, jown= ~ self-contained, monthly. @|body, new interior, 'one-bed- room apartment, centrally located, rea-| 729-4385, sonable, parking facilities, For informa- TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. TED CAMPIN MOTORS Temporary Location Power Store Entrance 588 King St. East 1964 8 cylinder Chevrolet, 723-7564, Standard shift, new fires, miles on motor, cash. Apply 1265 Simeoe Street South. 1962 CHEVROLET 8 ayne 1964 FORD, two-door ha hardtop, fully pow ered, whitewalis wheel discs, radio, Phone after 5 p.m. 723-5550. Meade's Sunoco Service Beautiful condi- tion and fully equipped. $2,700, Telephone 1956 PONTIAC, 316 qubic inch motor, 14 thousand geod body. Asking $500) ~~ station wagon, twenty-six thousand miles, 6 cyl- inder, standard, radio, windshield wash- Reasonable. Apply 517 Bloor Street Fele: 1955 PONTIAC two-door, Call exceptional 728-6642. 1961 PONTIAC, Parisienne, two-door T NOTICE ear Phone: 1 TO CREDITORS | IN THE ESTATE OF : Alfred Herbert Robinson - All persons having claims agoinst the Estate of Alfred Herbert Robinson, late of the City of Oshawo, in the County of Ontario, Mechanic and Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the first dey of April, 1962, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of aJnuary, 1965 full particulars of their. claims, after which dete the estate will be- distributed hav- ing regard only to. the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario this 5th day of November, A.D, 1964. HUMPREYS, BOYCHYN & HILLMAN, 36% King Street East, Qshawa, Ontario, Soliictors for the Executor, Cyril Roser hardtop, V-8, good 85. 688 Mary Street. Phone 723-5063 1956 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard, excellent condition Inside and out. Apply 1962 CHEVROLET, Autumn Gold, 4door automatic. Excellent condition, Must sell! 1982 CHEVROLET coupe, partially stored, new. battery, licence, $550. re ind IN THE MATTER OF ESTATE OF REBECCA JANE DAVIES NOTICE TO room. This house offers com- plete living on one floor and must be seen LARGE ROOMS, LOW TAXES, EASY TERMS Be close to north plant GMC ond 5 minutes walk to downtown, goed duplex oreo, 2 room brick home, paved drive and garage, ail cernveniences. Monthly pay- ments cheaper thon rent. Don't delay ,call today, $17,990.00 $2500.00 DOWN buys this lovely new custom built home in the' suburbs. This game plan will be up $400.00 by December Price includes storms' and screens on all windows, front lawn sodded, Tile bathroom, volance box and many other extras: Move in now before the snow flies SELLING GUY BELL ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 WELL CONSTRUCTED 112 sforey red brick home, three bedrooms, two up, liv- 723-1021 725-1015 723-4270 728-0035 725-2753 725-6297 Joe Crawford Neil Campbell Murray Boyle Fred May Elmer Fredin Sally Wollace Available in private home. drive away Apply Howard Motors, Kent Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Street North, Whitby. 82 a Me N. vals the res"507 Bao sire § lets Pontiacs, 1956, 1958. 'gi 10 choose from. All A-1 condition. TWO ROOMS completely furnished for| Ni; nable offer refused, 25 Grenfell light housekeeping, including refrigerator, Stove and television. Central. One gen- reaso Sree asi, Haman only. $15 weekly. 725-8227. #57 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville, Fleet A. WILSON an wood interior and all pow AV THE TIMES SU cee ieee, a oe FOR RENT -- Modern 900 sq. fi. store.|eral Motors, {Parking, $8 weekly, Tele: two-door (Could be enlarged to 1500 sq. ft. i Ideal|phone 728-6697. at best offer, Telephone after 6 p.m. central location, Parking lot adjacent. eiLLy rseuloued fauiea sekeepin n "room, Phone 725-7938 suit one gentleman, steed private 957 ROBERT 25--Houses for Rent entrance. Apply $8 Nassay Street. | shone 720 30 a M C F \W A N phone 728-3029. SEVEN-ROOM house, available December 1957 CHEVROLET, four-door _hardiop, LTD. 1. Telephone 725-6886 after 5. p.m. &cylinder, custom built radio, white tires, eae Gs SG ee oS Excellent condition. Call after 4, ATHOL ST S tric heating, broadioom, picture window, IN. WHITBY patio. Phone _Orone 2228. ACTIVE REALTY @) P E N LIMITED 728-5157 -EVENINGS TILL 9 RM: WILSON HEIGHTS| rae At the house Saturday and Sunday Seven new models by Hogen mornings. boom Construction. Trades LARGE HOUSE in country, 26 miles east of Oshawa, $45 per month, References re- considered. Call S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited quired. Write Mr. Savage, 11 Hill Cres- 728-6286 cent, Fairport Beach. FOR RENT -- 85- -acr¢ | farm in centre of Ajax, good house and other buildings Telephone Oshawa 723-7473. TWO HOUSES for rent, three bedrooms each, backyards, Available now. Central- ly located, Telephone 668-5645 after 6 p.m. SUHBALOW: Maple' Grove, four reoms. situated on large let All conveniences. / Near Number Two Highway, Bowman-|cVine of the city. Owner has drasticall aris 7 ville 623-2869 or 723-5180 after 6 p.m reduced the price due to leaving the be . five-room bungalow, + $7,900 -- Country property, six rooms, oll/country. Large lot, double attached ga' HOWARD STREET 481, Two room un-|WANTED: Room and board for out-of-|1958 PONTIAC 4 door sedan Standard basement, forced air|furnace, garage. Cali Suburban Property| age, natural fireplace and rec. roam arelfurnished apartment. Reasonable rent.|town brick layers, close to south GM/é6 cylinder, 2 new front tires, 2 rear. snow "fs drill well, large lot, $7200, Write! Specialist John Kuipers, 728-8942, Keith| but @ few of the extras. Call SD. Hyméniiights, heat, water included. Child wel-|preferred, but not essential. Call 728-9424) tires, new brakes. Good motor and = ) Oshewe Times. Peters, Realtor, Real Estate Limited. 728-6286, ome. Close to bus. Apply above address.| or 728-9425. Piggott Construction Ltd, also washers. . 725-5268. 725-8068 728-5581 725-4330 728-0208 728-7083 723-2537 725-4330 728-0768 725-5701 655-3821 723-1121 725-3454 725-4362 723-7183 Leon Manitius Steve Englert Jean Peacock Ernest Mueller Weiter Mittler Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Edith Gifford Nick Siblock L. §, Lafey Kenneth C. Toms Rey Flintoff Tony Siblock R. a, Young CREDITORS All persons having cleims against the estate of Rebecca Jane Davies, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or ebout the 28th day of October, 1964, ere hereby notified te send in to the undersigned on or - before the 15th day of Be- cember, 1964 full particulars of their claims, after whieh date the estete will be dise tributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 13th doy of November, 1964. - RUSSELL DODSLEY HUMPHREYS, 36% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Executor for the last will _ testament of Rebecca Jone Davies, deceased. 38--Coming | Events Oshawa General Hospital W. Aux. MAMMOTH BAKE SALE and TEA Dolls of all Nations Treasures HOSPITAL CAFETERIA __FRI., NOV, 20th 2-4 p.m. 38---Coming Events (Continued on Page 18) AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT FINE TRADITIONAL HOMES BY NEW TRISH KNIT By ALICE BROOKS Knit a popular Irish-inspired cardigan -- they cost a small fortune to buy! Fabulous Irish - inspired. knit! Design combines cables, pop- corn, diamonds, rib. Pattern 7454: sizes 32-84; 36-38 incl. Use knitting worsted. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) ' for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft 1 Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- $tario residents add ic. sales 'tax. Print. plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FRBE PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1065 Needlecraft Catalog 200 designs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats, thing! Sand dic, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16); : a compe Gul pare sieel fy osha ines, Pt and applique, for beginners, ex- es peut Cubans Onatie Private sale. Telephone Pra 7603. 1956 PONTIAC hardtop V8 VROLET sedan, A-1 condition, or best offer. Tele 486) SIZES 10-18 SLIM PLEATS By ANNE ADAMS WATERFALL OF PLEATS from yoke to hem -- no stop for waist seams! Isn't it delightful? Such simple seaming brings you so much fashion and flattery. Sew it now! Printed Pattern 4861: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 takes 3% yds. 39-inch FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, FURNISHED room for quiet cooking privileges, steady worker pre-. ferred. $8 weekly, Apply 220 Court Street 728-9680. ROOM FOR RENT suit GM workers, not shift, telephone 723-6542. dun, ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen -- breakfast > BONTIA Acadian convertible, cam. i 1962 PONTIAC Acadian convertible, com. tional. Close t 5 Apel Close to north Plant. Telephone pletely equipped. Mileage under 17,000. Terms or trade. Private owner. Telephone Whithy 668-4728, 1986 DODGE, § cylinder, automatic, good motor, §75. 1631 Charles Street, Whitby, For full particulers eall GUIDE REALTY LTD, ~~: 723-1121 LIST WITH STEVE ZURBA 1962 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, | Must sell. Excellent condition. Fetes 155° Ver- FRESHLY re-decorated rooms for rent, men only. Apply at 132 Church Street after 5 p.m. ONE lovely furnished room for gentie-| 668-4182. man, in private home, with private bath. i 1960 OLDSMOBILE * Appl 723-7070 phat Mahila Palais isc cing, executive driven aice new, ee peelibavseinabnienpadtnibcsi tric seat, power steering and FURNISHED bedroom in quiet hi »ilux radio, electric antenna gentleman preferred. Near South Generalldows. Body immaculate, $1,575, Motors. Apply 1223 Sun Valley Court or|725-9513. t 2 lelepnane 720-07! W964 CHEVROLET convertible Va, auto FURNISHED bedroom in private home,| matic, red, black top, low mileage, radio, suitable for one or two refined people.jrear seat speaker, Many extras. Tele- Phone For information eall OLIVE HOWE REAL' ESTATE 668- 898) |SUBURBAN living "located on the ul IMMEDIATE possession three and four-| 725-4524 > phone Bowmanville 623-5976. bedroom jouse, just completed. Brand SINGLE AND DOUBLE Tooms; meal: is It 1962 RAMBLER Classic 6, custom § sedan, new, all maintenance included. Free park-| desired. Apply 25 Division Street. excellent condition, spotless thr ing. Less than apartment rent. First sores wb . ieellads Private. Mar ( gy + choices . facing. water, Phone Builder| gg p d Board bt a eh Oe offer, 942-1600 between | p.m. and 9 p.m. ----Room an oar - spec Hp ROOM and BOARD for two gentlemen. 26--Apartments for Rent |ijome cooking. Lunches packed, 148 Rit: CENTRAL -- four-room apartment. Avail-| 'er Rd. South able November 15. Also bed-sitting room. Call 728-9268 Tele: We STEW 7 door sports hardlop V-8 power brakes and steering, automa- tice radia back up lights, 750 X 14 white. walls, disc wheels. Black with dark 'red ~-- Tupholstering. 'Excellent -- condit! Tel 29--Wented to Rent phone pring. ee condition. Tele: ing room, kitchen, | bedroom and bath down. Finished rec room, paved drive, erts Send 6c new. : wihiat NEW! 300 sparkling designs, large deep lot 49 x 198, low taxes. Asking exciting fashion and fabric|price $2900 For. information call Wee? 11 af ari Olsen, Resitor. © Want- Ads Dont' features, plus coupon oF me Lelia) Carl Olsen, Realtor » Cost-They Pay BPQHP®*VGB Ss roe aS you choase! Send for new Fall- bath, full Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. Box

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