Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1964, p. 12

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IMAGINATION AND INGENUITY PRODUCE NOVELTIES Gold paint, ribbons, nimble fingers and a free imagination have produced some attrac- tive items for the annual ba- zaar held by the Astra Group Currie, sewing convener, novelties _ convener, of Simcoe Street United Church Women. Mrs, Robert is seen left, Mrs. Robert Hess, centre, and Mrs. Murray Davidson, general convener, right. Miss Millicent Luke will open the bazaar in the Memorial Hall on: Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. --Oshawa Times Photo 4\Church Women were held re- identical in content with differ- )\Pickering when she welcomed 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 16, 1964 Wemen Presbyterial UCW Meetings Held At Pickering, Claremont Whitby, who urged all to be aware and help in the issues in the world and to test. things in the mind of the spirit of Christ. The Church is a training ground and outside of the Church one The 1064 regional meetings of Oshawa fFiesbyterial United cently at Pickering United Church and at Claremont Unit- ed Church, Both meetings were Program planning and sug- Mrs. Allan Down, Bowman- ville, vice-president, conducted the opening at Pickering and Mrs. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock, had charge of the meeting at Claremont, Each rally nad two sessions with groups. from Tyrone, Port Perry, St. Stephens and Enfield conducting worship services on the theme "He hath shown thee, © man what is required of thee." Miss M. «+. Luke, Oshawa, presbyterial president, had a pleasant duty to perform at iW. C. Ives, Bowmanville assist- ed by Mrs. Harry Quantrill, Whitby and Mrs. Saywell, Osh- awa. An evaluation sheet was given and ideas were given to combine fellowship with work, witness and worship. Mrs, G. C. Pirie, Oshawa treasurer gave the annual report and the new allocation for 1965. Missionary education conduct- ed by Miss Beatrice McLean, Greenwood, had discussion on how to interest all in the mission endeavors. One idea was to have a dedication to mission service Sunday and have the younger group assist, to express appre- ciation to leaders. and teachers and to challenge others to take on leadership. | Miss M. A. Luke, - president conducted a conference for pres- idents and vice-presidents where an exchange of problems and ideas were discussed, Mrs. Stuart James and Mrs. Philip Romeril presented splen- did reports of the school for United Church Women held at the newést United Church Women's organization from North Whitby and all wished the first president success. Literature secretary, Mrs. J. Scott, Oshawa, was at both ral- lies and gave a splendid book review stressing the Study pack- ets and the church feport, "Breaking the Barriers" and the new worship material 'The Moral Spectrum". Supply Secretary, Mrs. J. Gray, Cadmus, stressed that CO-CONVENERS OF XMAS BAZAAR Mrs. Alyn Elliott, left, and .in time of need. Past presi- Mrs. Edward Bouckiey are co- dent Mrs. H. E. Bathe will conveners for the Christmas bazaar organized by the La- dies' Auxiliary to Branch 43 Royal Canadian Legion. The bazaar is a major fund-raising effort, devoted to the care of veterans and their families open the bazaar at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 24 in the Legion Hall, where there will be a varied assortment of attractive booths and a tea-room for a bit of social relaxation. A. McLaughlin In anticipation of an interest- ing evening's activities a large crowd of well over a hundred) McLaughlin Home and School) Association. | Mrs. Lorne Seeley, dent, the presi- H&S Meeting Marlene Moore, gienist, who a dental gave an Mr. Gordon Lodge; hy- in- formative talk on mouth and| Z ~~ parents attended the No-|tooth care making use of dia-| ZA | vember meeting of Adelaide|8™@ms and models. Mrs. Philip! Lawrence thanked Miss Moorey | Highlight of the evening's pre- jsentations was a talk given by hoped assistant began the evening's pro-|principal of Adelaide McLaugh-| LODGES AND SOCIETIES KINGSWAY COUNCIL COF Kingsway District Council COF held its regular monthly meeting at the home of the president, Sister Jean Devitt, Bowmanville, November 3. President Devitt told the Coun- cil that as the Hotel Genosha was booked for April 14, 1965, permission had been granted by High Court to change the Eas- tern Ontario Assembly date to April 17, 1965 and a booking would be made at the Hotel Genosha to hold the Assembly there. Sister Lillian Barker reported that Court Charlene was in favor of raising funds for the Assembly by having a draw and selling pay-as you-pull tickets in all the Courts of the District. It was decided that Council would hold the monthly meet- ings in the homes of Council members instead of a Club room as previously arranged. December meeting with the place of meeting to be announ-| Utes at each meeting. }ced later. It was decided that the sec- retary be instructed to write letters to various business men soliciting advertising for the jassembly program to help! defray printing expenses. Refreshments were served by = hostess. | ke each society give only what thalgenaean ST PenSHNe, allocation letter asked for and nae | Mrs. Carl Bradley, and Mrs. anything to be forwarded) Gharies Henry introduced . the to the overseas depot. |speaker, the Reverend Charles Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osh-|catto Hampton, who spoke on awa, spoke on the workshop and | «Operation Beaver" which is an about the leadership training| ,qyenture in Christian commun- school which will be sponsored] j,, building 'and he showed in- during Pevruary if the organ-|toresting pictures of the build- ego _ o ling of an Anglican Church at Miles Chapman, Pickering, read| SPut Lake, Manitoba, where dit the eat bs esl 8, ti ferent nationalities worked to- e minutes of previous meeting| sether in happy fellowship. In and the corresponding seC-\northern Canada, the Indian retary, Mrs. Douglas Redpath,| jeonje had never seen an Afri- Oshawa, gave an explanation on| 02, friend and they loved him -- fo make out the report! ang it was an education for all. ye invitation was received). Mri sorge i ae 2 : ; ; A, Ellicott expressed apprecia- from Simcoe Street, Oshawa for) tion to the Pat hostess churdies the Annual meeting on Febru-|ro, the delicious dinners served ary 11, 1965. jin well equipped dining halls and |LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES |'? @ll who gave leadership. | Leadership conferences, four) ~ -- fs aromas Sp erger ere ure y : jin number, were a feature and |all divided into groups for study: | NOTED DOCTOR DIES TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. John |Mrs. Ken Werry and Mrs. M./Robertson McArthur, one' of| E. Leask, Bowmanville urged|Canada's best-known gynecolo-| |all to be worthwhile Christians.| gists, died Saturday. He was 57. | |Referring to folk who are like} Dr, McArthur, a member of the jthe Dead Sea who take every-|consulting staff of the Toronto can do much Christian Service. | } gestions were presented by Mrs. |? Robert Roger. (Bobby) Wil- liams was five months old when thig picture was taken. He. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams, Elliott street, Oshawa. His proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A BONNIE BOY William Williams, Oshawa and. Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Wakelin, Pefferlaw. His great - grandparents are Mrs, Robert Murray and Mrs, Percy Williams both of Osh- awa, --Venus Home Portraits KINETTE CLU B The November meeting of the Oshawa Kinette Club was held Nov. 3, in the Piccadilly Room, Hotel Genosha, with the 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Lioyd Pig- den in the chair. Guests for the evening were: Mrs. Clare Hardsand, Mfs. don Pearson and Mrs. B, C. Taylor. A special welcome was extended to three new members, Mrs. E. J. Beauchamp, Mrs. Douglas Miles and Mrs. David Brown, During the business session, project and committee reports were given by the various chair- men, and it was decided that the Kinettes would sponsor a girl to attend the Oshawa Safe- ty Patrol Conference to be held in Ottawa, in April 1965. It was also pointed out that the following members of the executive would be in attend- ance at the various schools, to award scholarships to students for proficiency. in home econom- ics: pas-president, Mrs. Morley Robinson, Donevan Collegiate; Ist vice-president, Mrs, Donald Lake, Central Collegiate and 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Lieyd McLaughlin Collegiate | Pigden, | Institute, | Mrs. Boris Melch reported UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES jthat the date had been set for) Court Charlene will host the|turn. She stressed stewardship |professor of obstetrics and gyn- thing in but give nothing in re- |General Hospital and associate | secretaries be given five min-jecology at the University of | Toronto, was a specialist in the Christian citizenship was led|treatment of gynecological can- by Mrs. J. H. Breckenridge, |cer. | SUITS: NEWLY The young wife wos the beautiful but dumb kind and her husband was considerably upset: 'You'll hove to watch it, darling. The benk just returned the lest two cheques you wrote." Wife: "Well, it's about time, Think of olf the ones thet just disappeared!" Unlike the beautiful but dumb wife you'll be money in. the bank, when you entrust your dry clean- ing to us, Your clothes will look better, last longer, when they re- ceedings with a short business|lin, who concluded the topic of| r a ; pic of greeting including the treasur-|the new curriculum of mathe-| er's reports, correspondence and| matics. RESERVER We've even been known to restore | | | | | | 4 z j ceive proper dry cleaning care. | garments that were given up for presentation of the attendance banner and prize once again to Miss M. J. Sanderson's room. Mrs. Seeley introduced Mr. N. 8. Davis, a Grade 5 teacher at Adelaide, who for the past two years has been in charge of the school's highly. successful safety patrol. After speaking for a few minutes on the "demerit point, and the ticket systems" of the patrol he introduced his present patrol members, captained by Norman Mackie and assisted by| Charmalee Knox. There were} four lieutenants and 24 more} patrol members making a total) patrol of 30 members guarding) six positions. Mr. Davis con- cluded by saying it was main- ly through the efforts of these 30 youngsters that this patrol had the reputation of being one of the top patrols in the city. | His lucid explanations were|,:N°,!00p handles on your mat- greeted enthusiastically, and the|*"°55? Sew strips of sturdy de- subject was brought to a close|™™ oF ticking. They ll come in \by a question and answer period| Pandy at mattress-turning time. which dispelled any misconcep-| | LTA ITER, tions or doubts among the audi-| ; Retail ence. Mr. Lodge made use of| SYD SILVER a comparatively new visual-aid to help clarify his subject; the] FORMAL RENTALS over-head projector. Mrs, Rob-| ert Booth thanked Mr. Lodge. | An informal tea was served by the mothers of Miss Sander- sat room, a successful and ter ucrative bake sale was conduct- ed by the Home and School Bake sees executive. | events now available at GLAZIER'S 498 Simcoe South (across from South Simcoe School) HOUSEHOLD HINT To renew a_ shabby. table cover the top with linoleum or | vinyl floor covering. The hand- | some new surface is as durable end scrubbable as the kitchen Mrs. John Babington thanked Mr. Davis and introduced Miss floor. LWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! Made with Flaky Special This Week Home Style Spicy Pumpkin Pie EE Delicious LEMON SPONGE LAYER CAKE Topped with Chocolote Fudge Icing Special This 45- Pastry Two or three fier BAK Week - wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead ERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 borr Wet oe. because making stub- » spots and stains DISAPPEAR is our specialty, CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN CHRISTMAS SEAL DOLLARS PROVIDE THIS PROGRAMME |. PREVENTION Tuberculin Tests Monthly Chest Clinics HEALTH EDUCATION Through distribution of literoture; films, speakers, press, radio ond television, REHABILITATION Co-operation wit Sanatorium Assistance to potierts, before and after discharge Sponsoring the Ontatio County Rehabilitation Council FINANCIAL Support TV research programmes Participate in the control of tuberculosis, internationally "No Home Is Safe Until All Homes Are Safe" "NO TRUCE FOR TUBERCULOSIS" Additional Programme - Mass Surveys Commencing in 1965 Please use the Seals and speed your gift to Ontario County TB & Health Association The Christmas Seal Organization assisting in the control of tuberculosis and other respiretory diseases) ¢/o Bank of Nova Scotia, Oshawa Coming forth with impa | Ladies' Night Out, Feb, 24, 1965, jand her committee chosen. Draws were made on the var- ious prizes supplied by Mrs. Robert Fry and her entertain- |ment committee and the win- jners were Mrs. Douglas Car- | michael, Mrs. Donald Lake and |Mrs. Bruce Mackey. It was reported that Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrison and son, Murray were presently in West Berlin to take in the conference |"World Council of Young Men's Organizations', From there, they will make side trips to) Portugal, Spain and Denmark. | A social hour of games was) FOR THE FINEST IN -|fifty-three hospital :|home calls recorded. '1UCW Sunday is November 22 json KING STREET UCW 1 'of the worship service. Mrs. Douglas Redpath pre-|of "Deliverance from { sided at the meeting of the Alice |reaq by Miss Lula Ch 'ackson Unit 1 of King Street reading on ""Courag United Church Women held in by 'Miss Rae Hi he ladies' parlor. There were|siven by 'peal'? and nine|diseussion on 'Braz Study Book was held 'The annual bazaar is on No-|A, E, Hatfield, Mrs. vember 18 at 2.30 p.m. and the|Kasterbrook, Miss Lu and Mrs. Kennet female taking part. A "Brazi wishing | Song". was with meet Ayers' playing the pia There will be an all choir and anyone Ww to take part was asked to e i for a choir practice on Thurs-|{sla Barker and memb day, November 19 at 8.00 p.m. |group served sandwid The December meeting of the|tea. Alice Jackson Unit wil be a pot-| luck supper with Mrs. Murton| '|Walter's group in chargé of ar- rangements and Mrs. Leslie "|Booth's group responsible nl he ram, S tehoaht for the day thd --_ "Courage" was the theme'L) Ve " ON SAVINGS Interest from date-of deposit Full Chequing Privileges Deposits by Mail postage paid envelopes provided free Hours--9 to 5 Fridays--9 to 9 Saturdays--9 to 1 GUARANTY TRUS 32 KING STREET E, 728-1653 { DRAPERY MATERIAL in vorious colours & fabrics | 98° YARD & UP i M, & C, Dry Goods | & Draperies | 74 CELINA STREET | PHONE 723-7827 Now at BLACK'S ... REFINED © & NEWLY IMPORTANT! ct and individuality: the tailleur, terrific in this seasoh of ensembled ele- gance, It shapes up in splendid variety and shows off the suit, and you, to stunning advantage, See fine fabrics, knits and textures, even luxurious fur trims in our cosmopolitan Untrimmed Suits Fur trimmed Suits collection. eee 29.95 to $99.95 79.95 to $139.95 A Smoll Deposit Will Hold, BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE NORTH 725-1912 OPEN FRI. TILL 9 PLM, Nature made me gray... DuBarry made me love it! NOW...A NO-MESS, NO- WAY TO GLORIFY GR Just push a button ,., out comes foam! (Simpler any rinse... nothing to mix). Sit in front of, mirror . . . and see what you're doing. In mi plain gray turns to pearl-glow! (Yellow goes!) stays lovely for weeks. Unique conditioning leaves hair soft, natural-looking, manageable, glad-to-be-gray shades, Only $3.00--less than $1,00 per application! color foan mmm» Du Ba ad Charcoal Sitver + Smoky Sable Satin Stiver * Biliver Mauve ..the most elegant name in opametic 28 KING ST. EAST -- 723-462 2 a - 5-2 5a ax

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