WAREHOUSE & STORES BROKEN INTO... DIES WALTER D. FULLER, | former president and boa: chairman of Curtis Faianing Co., who died yesterday in Philadelphia, He was presi- dent of the firm from 10% to 1950 and ge as board chairman from 1950 to 1957 when he retired. Saat For OPEN ari ror TONIGHT till 9:30 p.m. [aa MERCHANDISE WORTH HUNDREDS gl saturiay sl 6:30 p.m ch att fl nem 0F THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF MONDAY till 9:30 pan who spent 15 years in Ethiopia as a headmaster and govern- ni i j ment education official, is back yor" DID : in Africa on a factfinding mis- H iy », | sion for the Canadian external \ ee ¥ affairs ministry He is pro et a the contribu- tion Canada can make to eco- nomic and social development in Commonwealth countries here. i i' Thompson, who arrived in Y 199 f y ' ghia oe : : BAD BOY SELLS ONLY FAMOUS NAME Y day, spent two days in Nairobi in talks with Governor-General Goma? é Malcolm Macdonald and Kenya ¥ G) % : j } &, BRAND MERCHANDISE ministers and government offi- sda on various aspects of Can- i. #, A ada's program / 4 ee Bee lls Westinghouse "Beatty - RCA Victor :Philco-Inglis - Frigidaire "T want to find out how Can- weg ae od ae 73\ min a a a ad a $ & Tappan-Gurney- Dumont: Moffat -Hoover- General Electric: other schemes might be fi- nanced aficlentiy by my gov- f 4 - ; L *M I: Gib ' e arconi-Gibson- ernment," he sa Canada currently is giving technical aid to Kenya in ed ucation, forestry and geological survey. Twenty-nine Kenya stu- p % i 9 dents are studying in Canadian Z » universities. 4 : ; be a ei N URNITURE In Kenya, there are eight Ca- madian secondary school teach- ers, aix technical advisers, five Bot pew A certs ot . oo 4 Aa t b sie NAW BEDROOM SUITES partment at University College, Nairobi. Cub Pack (I -pseanii , San | stn *118-88 Holds Party THESE ARE ONLY SUPERFICIAL MARKS NO PAYMENTS yan on278 C0, I BUT ENOUGH TO FORCE THE BAD BOY TO 'Tit Feeruary CHESTERFIELDS Thirty-seven Cubs, with their @ Top Grade Nylons peg asc Hallowe'en party : : ee le 4 pe « DISPOSE OF THEM AT REDUCED PRICES! *:. sie $4418.88 Pee Sie anaes | MSS ae P< ee : Doughnuts and soft drinks were TRADE IN YOUR OLD WORKING BRAND NEW FAMOUS MAKE served. REPRIGERATOR AND PAY $248.88 " Two members of the Oshawa i District Council -- Mrs, Lutella OVER 1 9 cu.ft, 20 HI FT. 3-WAY 39 CONTINENTAL BEDS eet OOWN ebcaioog: espera 3 Snir cce sc | aad --FROST-FREE FREEZERS f§ COMBINATION cimatonome $4.88 rine 8G a = ODOR RGU Gol Srnec e | ------- BUNK BEDS Gavel, treasurer. ' : IN ONTARIO 4 Gordon Beech and Mrs. Mel Steet Righd. Construct ersten 9 nes Bonded Picture Tubs, Fully Autematic J Holmes, who h been fil, ! oa « Mermeticelly See aca taint | Bac el oi recovering at their aes. au REFRIGERA OR i Rimevene fee " ITH ma OW, TRADE 36" WAGON ee ity on Mrs. Stephen Doyle, Was a cient te amet Ia FREEZER eect , last wee' " : the Royal York Hotel, fercbis, SALE eI aC , in ge ad if Silows .88 Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, Mrs. EXTRA LARGE SIZE ZERO-ZONE @ Spring Filled Mattress Charles Greenham, Mts, How- cx taptermen, oot Mn. F. Fs ST ARTS -FREEZER--Completely Frost Free ALL MERCHA | NDISE Stevens also attended the con- WITH 'TRADE vention. : SOLD WITH FULL MANUFACTURERS Ken Buttery, Peterborough; Elmer Down, Ebenezer; Len MEW Clement onawa and Xeni TODAY" ies $ .88 57 PC. GROUPING of the Oshawa Chapter of Bar- MODEL NO PAYMENTS TIL FEBRUARY : a eee ane 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE oth Bay. ele FAMOUS MAKE [i FAMOUS MAKE BRAND NEW 1966 It Fabrig eer bershop Singers, won third Face | inkle Free quartets took part. L PHONE Bp Mga Meg | 'PORTABLE " AUTOMATIC ScErs| tema 119 Television] fe "ou pa ont TELEVISION 23 | deer. ( ZI dl ELECTRIC Cait Tool Wocarin| "aeemee™ Teerees +158.00 FDRYER| | ° 90 : lite Sdiaaica WEEKLY SGLINA (TC) -- The members KING ST. 148: gRRUEay Peale Totes diinnsiciec ane inn ° Fie ea fenreee siete Baa ee te fe nome of ter enter, wel BAST BRAND WEW © FAMOUS MAKE 14 same made for the vesper service to ; cu. ft. @ Safeguard Electrical be held at 8 p.m., Sunday, Dec. mt PORTABLE j System : ELECTRIC NYLON The program included read- JUST PAST ©-Whitper Quiet Operation KETTLES STOCKINGS Fully Automatie Ist Grade rn by ign Hills and Janet Mills i : Milson, anda lang solo by| Mi OCH AWA mice Television stern ft re it fe = sf. 88 'Q0¢- 4 pr. | E 3 = i pleted their bookmarks. Songs for the vesper service were practised TOWNLIN E The Women's Institute char- tered a bus and attended the WI 728-4658-59 convention in Toronto. Wesley Hills attended the STEAM and RADIOS _ pny medrese pap Aad DRY IR Mr. and Mrs, Frank West: ALL TELEVISION SETS ON 6 transistor SeeeEE|NO REASONABLE OFFERREFUSED oe | MAM Bak the bride's home at Fleetwood, | mn PG? dies? : ) i