Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1964, p. 4

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Se Samper sete ee ee aoe nea i ak as Sa VATICAN COUNCIL PRELATES: . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 12, 1964 3 ACTOR ONCF BOXED of London, Ont., was Nuns Robes Are = Ridiculed, Archaic VATICAN CITY (AP)--Prel-|of their human qualities and be)19 propositions on religious ren- ates at the Vatican ecumenical|allowed to act like adultlovation. Francis Cardinal Speli- council called Wednesday for|/women." He said there were|man of New York, opening the sweeping away all that is ar-|"ridicul complications" from|d bate Tuesday, had advised chaic in nuns' lives, including|the past giving the impression|/against too much renovation, medieval-style robes that one|that catholicism "is growing old] A few prelates expressed cardinal said cause "ridicule injrather than trying to renewjworry over what they cailed the street." itself to meet the needs of to-|"defections'--priests and nuns The council fathers in St. Pe-|day." bar -- religious orders to re- NE ee een ae an CITES. RAMAN gave ino Kiewer on exvaligious J Ce ot Py ait Va tholkclien's The Belgian cited as ex-|- ; j ; les of anachroni the re- 1,200,000 sisters and 800,000 yi ct fat 4 quirement for nuns to travel in N Erde Carmelas, 'Damn OAs ad the habits of eothing uns "1 4 nuns ic 8 "are a ae aproee ga _-- cause of ridicule in the street." Th I the okey pr gps canted g said had phe ldorbaed yh said' some ree n 1 , mother superiors are too mate- Leo Jozef Cardinal Suenens of/rialistic, He cautioned that a Brussels, a leading progressive|nun's yow of obedience should| Sc b h re author . . pag gro not mean '"'passive abdication of] ar. oroug |DOOK urging that nuns be MOre| personality" or "infantilism." | : § |active in the world. (*viriually all of Wednesday's| , TORONTO ? -- The New : i Cardinal Suenens said active |speakers found fault with the cemnlsion! aellties ie a aoe VICE nuns "must be made conscious'brief, four-page schema and its tan Toronto for the first time REMEMBRANCE SER . ---- three candidates un- : : : ape 2 er the party banner in subur- Governor-General Georges wreath at~ base of National terday. The service honored who died in two world wars. d t t G R h ban Scarborough Dec. 7 Vanier saluted after placing War Memorial in Ottawa yes- more than 100,000 Canadians --(CP Wirephoto) iq 1 1S eS 1ven oug hae Lele, ae sadbaa ar the provincial Legislature for Scarborough West, announced s s . Time By Separatists rite | fr e 1eSs e Mr. Lewis said the party will a new shade om conduct the experiment in the ; QUEBEC (CP) -- Separatists|ing Communists "'have slipped|newly formed Ward 1, which in- Cambrid 4 ' heckled Real Caouette Wednes-|into the separatist movements." | cludes his riding and part of day night as he addressed a po-| 4 questioner asked if the|the federal Toronto Danforth litical rally. One called the Creditistes were Communists|riding represented by Reid Creditiste leader a "royalist." |hecause they, like the Commu-|Scott of the NDP. ; A Creditiste Member of Par-nist party, advocated "'associate| 'The candidates include Rob- liament and a former one came/state" status for Quebec. "Wel ert Collie, a sheet metal worker to Mr. Caouette's defence, Gilles|are totally opposed to commu- who willl run for t i , By BORIS MISKEW some time 'has fought the} West Germany on the other|pendent nuclear' arms. Creation | Gregoire (Lapointe) saying/nism," said Mr. Dumont. cil, and two Sulesoian ox ae Canadian Press Staff Writer|United States - proposed nu-|hand regards force--to consist/of the force would practically | Hansard showed he was no a Most of Mr. Caouette's|Scarborough board of education President de Gaulle hasjclear force for the North Atlan-|initially of--25- surface ships|result in a sort of NATO within|alist and ey eh naa (for-| sseech, in favor of Quebec West|to be announced lett hls weet scored a new victory in his bat-|tic Treaty Organization, fearing/manned by international crews|NATO. merly MP for Bellechasse) say-|~ogitiste MP Lucien Pioiede, i si sik tha" tle for Europe--by braking West/that such a force would con-jand carrying Polaris missiles--| Britain's Labor government : was an attack on financiers.| rare combination 6: German acceleration toward|firm U.S. domination of West-|as.a further step in integrating|has indicated opposition to the P \ licity "Let's tackle finance first and| NEED contemporary and the traditional the establishment of a NATO/ern Europe. German military forces with|force as currently conceived. other problems will be easy -,. new Black Coffee B: mixed-manned nuclear fleet. His latest battle was won in|the Atlantic Alliance. |Much. will depend on the out- after that," he told his heck-| Mortgage Money? "a rich and di nt why The French president for|Paris where former chancellor Failure to push the treaty|come of Wilson's talks on the| lers. | CALL leep, rich and domina: and -~ Konrad Adenauer of West Ger-|through could result in a West|sub ject in Washington next] At- one point Mr, Dumont McGIL Real Estate the classic natural shoulder styling many lent his ear to de Gaulle|German effort to obtain inde-'month. } Pl R d chairing the rally attended by) Broker of Cambridge Authentic Classics. earlier in the week. an a e 200, threatened to have the sep-|| Day or Night - 728-4285 | " 0 Pl | Adenauer, himself a staunch| : aratists ejected by Crediti ppose an |backer of mre Sree nuclear} Will H r Dr. George Sciuk, Os ha w albouncers. or = "Doorway to a Man's World" fleet, returned to Bonn appar- O] 1O Separate School Board trustee,| panier in th . ently under the spell of the said last night it was "ridicu- wiie tell a Quebeaeenin, club WAN TED s ,French leader's power of per- " " s " ; On Chairman i aed met with ae f t Offi bd l jon dichiaeloce-pekiboaeoanes French-Canadians should blame} STAMPS & COINS Late 1C1a. | . lor Ludwig Erhard. themselves and not English-Ca- Mrs, Winona Clarke, Oshawa to each Separate School sUP-|nadians if they have been badly| Separate School Board trustee,| SIGNING IS DELAYED last night sudcesahully sopuent The result: A West. German) The late Sir Albert Love, for- But Trustee Sciuk stood alone porter in the city. done by, CANADIAN : and : isi j i a her members @ proposed change in board|decision to stop pressing for the|mer member and business ad : on the issue as ot 4 MILES OF WIRE FOREIGN é that would gi soonest possible creation of the} ministrator of the Oshawa Sepa- voted to have the report dis- ps s A a aules anew Big si bap force which would result in alrate School Board, was honored ja : tributed along with church bul-| HALIFAX (CP) --.The pub | We xl Buy goths = 2314 Simcoe South 728-7974 ' multilateral nuclear fleet. last night by trustees as they letins on Dec. 13, licly-owned Nova Scotia~Power |] cumulations or Dealers Stock. Open Fri, Till 9 P.M standing committee chairmen. 4 : é tee || For ao Fair evaluation of your im Pet, ms Trustee Clarke said the rule| The West German decision/named a new school after him. & y| Cost of printing the report,|Commission has more than 5,000|] \icrcriai, gave too much power to the|°#me at a time when that coun-) ne school, to be built on Wil- dae which will outline the major/miles of transmission "and dis-| Sinie | chairman, as each committee| 7 ieee vas in W a sl son road, is one of three new fe work completed by the board, |tribution lines, The commission| 7 chairman, along with the board| 0" #8SSe!, was in Washington! siementary schools which will Egetmm, a was estimated at $200 by busi- t 4 eetsthel 25-8918 chairman, also make up. the ras what ys eaull te fag open in September, 1965. F f : ness administrator Frank Shine. sae tet rageord Pry executive committee. 2 . aearagiemencaeteigst pass sip Sir Albert for 33 years was § ey : @| "I don't see the need to show : "It would be-more democra- also came at:a-time hms secretary-treasurer of the school Se e : people what we have done, after 5 p.m. elected by- all board ink Setthe oolaar 4a treat istrator at the time of his death, 7 if people want to know what members", said trustee Clarke.|,.-.. hedu August, 1960. He was elected 2 we are doing they can read "Trustee Frank Baron suggest- oy ll fo rertgy g-rrmag a member of the board in 3 si j about it in news reports," said r 923. tie to have each committee the. U.S. expressed Wwillingnes board. He was business admin- i 4 we should save the money. , . chairman ed that those appointed to each|i il ' Trustee Sciuk. People, he said, three-member committee should mae" with Sriddadt' Johnsen In May, 1956, Mr. Love be- ' usually just gt 4 yee elect thelr own chairman. His|when the two leaders meet in|came ae -- -- " = gad ee ee on was roved by the| Washington Dec. 7-8. appoin a Anig o! ner] Seaea. ie ig Ths sialoonaen Wednesday an-|Equestrian Order of the Holy p Trustee Ernest nig said Trustee Clarke supported |nouncing West Germany's deci-|Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The en gpl gotige ding rap ago trustee Baron's suggestion. She| sion to stop pressing for the/honor was bestowed largely be- and that the pod [ths seu said by this method, each board | creation of the fleet empha-|cause of his service in the edu- to tell vag = An wha a member, by electing chairmen|sized, however, that West Ger-| cational field. has been doing. : : of committees on which they sat,|many continues to be ready to! Trustee Mrs, Winona Clarke, Trustee W. J. O'Neill said would have a say in who would| Sign such a treaty. |who strongly favored naming SIR ALBERT LOVE taxpayers might accuse the be on the executive committee, The creation of the fleetithe school after Sir Albert, board of sperfding money on the The board has spent about|Would permit West German|made the motion which was|heated because this would give|Teport to help trustees seek re- four months revising the rules|Ships to be armed with nuclear/ unanimously approved by all/the board the opportunity to|Clection if the report was dis- which were approved last night.|We@Pons although the final de-| trustees. find out first hand what oper-|tTibuted before Dec. 7, election cision to use the weapons would| ating costs would be day. PROPERTY COMMITTEE rest with the U.S. president. |EIGHT ROOMS é The board's property commit-| France has argued that the| The new Sir Albert School tee was given power to hire an |establishment of an eight-power|will have eight classrooms, an kool a on engineer to assess the complete|gtoup to frame the conditions| all-purpose room and a library-|S"00 "han 1 approved oil-fired|iion tothis effect was approved requirements necessary to have|f the nuclear force treaty is a|classroom. It will be built on pater eating systems, mainly/ny all but Trustee Sciuk. St. Joseph's school put in A-1/|Violation of the NATO principle| Wilson road between Adelaide ecause the estimated annual! "the board was opposed to condition structurally, of unanimity. The eight coun-| avenue and Rossland road. An-|°Petating costs of the electric mailing the report to each sep- | - Trustee Jack. Lawrence sug- The board last week rejected gested the report not be dis- electric heat for the other twoltriputed until Dec. 13. His mo- The engineer will also be ask-|'Ties, all NATO members, are/other identical school will be edad yore be $1,300 more| arate school supporter at an es- ed to prepare a complete and|the U.S., West. Germany, Brit-|puilt on property adjacent the stan school than the Oil/timated total cost of $500. final plan for the entire school|2!9, Italy, The Netherlands,!Corpus Christi school on Pacific |S¥St¢™S. ground area ,showing the level,| Belgium, Greece and Turkey. | avenue. _Trustee Mrs. Clarke said the| the necessary fill, and the ne- BILATERAL AGREEMENT | A third school, with eight|extra cost of installing an. oil-| John Ovens, 6.2. cessary retaining walls. French officials have de-|Classrooms only, will -be built/fired system would equal the| The committee recommended|scribed the proposed treaty as\0n land now under expropriation|higher apie' ---- operat: | OPTOMETRIST no renovations or repairs to thea bilateral agreement between|west of the Oshawa Shopping|ing cos iS for about seven years. | school until 1965 but in pre-|Bonn and Weahiketen: They re-| Centre. The heating question will be| 8 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA paration for the work to be/gard it as a threat to the inde-| No names for the other two|'iscussed further at the next | PH. 723-4811 done, suggested that a cost/pendence of Europe because it|schools have been selected. The| meeting. I _ figure be obtained from three} would make West Germany de-|board's executive onnitte | --_----$-- competent contractors and the | pendent on the U.S. |will recommend names at. the! figure used in preparation of] France considers the pro-|next regular meeting, Nov. 26. | the 1965 budget. |posed treaty incompatible with| 4 $708,000 debenture issue was | The committee also made sev-ithe year-old French - German) awarded by the board last week eral recommendations to im-|treaty of co-operation and with to cover the cost of the three-| prove the caretaking at St.|the building of a United Eu-\schools and. a $20,000 board Joseph's. rope. deficit. 3 |HIRE ARCHITECT sa! . | All three schools will be de-| 1p S 1céer e S jsigned by William Saccoccio, | |West Hill architect. He was |hired last night to design 'the! "4 school near the Shopping Centre 1g. error on a 5-3 vote. At previous meet- ings, Mr. Saecoccio was hired By GERRY McNEIL | The collision with the Apol-/©, %¢589 the other two : schools. UEBEC (CP)--Gerald Lock-|!onia threw Locking to the deck. | : io 27, of Owen Sound, Ont.,| Palmer told him to check the) Trustees Frank Baron, _Ern- an officer on the 18,000-ton Lee-|water-tight doors, but Locking | °t Marks and Mrs. Winona Cliffe Hall since the $6,000,000 had to back off after getting a|Clarke were in favor of hiring ore carrier went into service in|blast of live steam in the face. |# different architect for the 1961, told a formal inquiry Wed-| The captain told Palmer to| third new school. nesday how he nearly went|ask the Apollonia, then locked|, Trustees Lloyd Bolahood, down with the ship Sept, 5. |to the Leecliffe Hall by wreck-| Jack Lawrence, W. g, O'Neill, | The vessel was hardly its|age, to stop backing up. The| Dr. George Sciuk and Alcide | 726-4oot length from shore, be-|motion was drawing the ships| Tc eric were in favor of hir-| on gaat rll ORR diel | WEIGHING BRICKS | Are you-a Gold Str ipe type? MU=D40) OOO @ a collision with the 11,000-ton|lifeboats ready, Passengers) Mr.. Bolahood said he would Greek freighter 'Apollonia, when|were put 'aboard with somellike to see the school near the é : : 3 Do you insist on real character in your rye whisky? .. Welcome to the clan--you' & wtrick 'bottoni shaly: meihbers Sh Cake aotbaored «++ iS a tedious job. Fortunately we don't use Aeogs y an--you're a GOLD STRIPE man! Here's ee ae oe owed ke _ |Shopping Centre electrically i is a oo. a quality rye that's blended for snioothness but does not sacrifice flavour. Whether you take it on the rocks, with bgmg pie ngeor The poo YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN at | re APRTRGN 08 CTR prepa. aur name water, soda or ginger ale, GOLD STRIPE gives you its full-bodied tye goodness right to the bottom of the glass, . aed is worth what an informed buyer is willing te } 4 i y lurch edu, and I coul dew the The Canadian Order of 9 | We think you'll like the price, too, Next time, ask for QOLD STRIPE --It's your type of rye, wheelhouse disappearing. | ; . pay. You can't be expected to know the market "This rumbling and then the Foresters 4 : explosion. . . I jumped off the : starboard. stern into the wa- Entitles You to a rs ee ws Life Insurance Program % , : I make it my business to know. Why not let me |} Adams GOLD STRIPE plucked from the dark, foggy Plus sage give you some facts and figures without obliga- q : St. Lawrence about 65 miles Froternal and Social Activities F F : ee AN Ye HISkY north of here by the tug. For Further Infermetion: Contacts tion. My name? Earl Salter, residential repre- : and first mate Stan- ley' Palmer, 32, Gaspe, Que ~ sentative; Paul Ristow Limited, Realtor, told the transport denarimeni i So pag Also enjoy Adams ANTIQUE --¢ Adams PRIVATE STOCK - ¢ Adams SILVER\FIZZ:GIN inquiry the men were all volun- 165 HILLCREST DR. WHITBY 668-438) comparison without investing hours of your time.

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