PO ap pe sete THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Nevember 12, 1964. 23° _|17--Male Help Wante |20--Real Estate for Sale |20---~Reel Estate for Sele FIRE 20--Reol Estate tor Sele 20---Real Estate for Sele GUIDE REALTY '17--Mole Help Wented Are you between 17 ond 23, Leeking for a steady job 17--Mole Hele Wented AUTOMOBILE JOHN F. DeWITH Realtor CARL OLSEN 20--Reel Estate for Sele Bowman é 20--Real Estate for Sele And a coreer with a future? Then consider the Cenadian Army. Teday's modern army offers mete in every wey. Not only car you learn @ trade er specialty and im- prove your education, but yeu have @ chance to see and fascinating overseas countries too. if you like it, you can stey on for a useful and satisfying career. Good pay, free medical and dente! care, a clothing gliowance, 30 day's paid holidays every yeor and an early pension are all included, Many sports and hebbies are available to fill in your spore time. Anv wey you look -at it, it is herd to beat. Among the many openings there should be one thet just fits you so if you @re be- tween 17 and 23, singie, with et least grade 8, contact your Army Recruiter at the ad- dress below. He'll give you full information. at no obliga- tion --- OR mail in the coupon. Don't miss this op- portunity for a steady job anda career with a future, serving. Caneda CANADION ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Cloir Avenue, East 10th Flocr TORONTO 7, Ontario Phone: 924-7344 - 924-7345 Coupen Please provide me with de Coreer -- openings in the Canedian Army Neme Address Age. Lest Grode Completed JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN GITY OF OSHAWA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Salary Range $4,102.00 to $4,663.00 Plot gurveyors' field notes, calculate earthwerk quanti- ties, set grades and check lecations, make tracings of municipal maps, check loca! improvement positions, pre- pore sewer information for uilders 3 Full high sehool including fundamentals of mechanical SALESMAN A Very Special Opportunity We're looking for another salesman. A mon who likes "selling, organizes himself well and wants to "moke-his- tomorrows' in one of Ont- ario's fastest-growing Pontiac Buick Dealerships We offer the usuel health and haspitalizetion benefits Pension plan ond of course @ car is supplied But more importons we supply epoprtunity opportunity ye te grow, To develop to realize the selling potentie! you ai- woys knew you had, Oppertunity to earn more money than you may have ever earned before. Above all else, epoprtunity to build a satisfying sales career You'll work in pleasant sur- roundings with people who care about selling cars. INTERESTED? Call 723-4634 FOR AN IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT Attention Mr. W. L. Wilson, General Manager MACHINIST Must be experienced Top Salary --AlI! Company Benefits i] --Good Working Conditions CALL C. TAYLOR CROVEN LTD. Whitby 668-3325 _ESTIMATOR Moveable manufacturer meta! offers partition opper tunity for @ man with exper- ience using plans and specifi- cetions to train as company estimater. Permanent, full benefits. Location -- Ajax. Telephone 942-6500 TV SERVICE TECHNICIAN Experienced dhauffeur's fi- cence, good wages, steady employment Phone Collect Toronto LE 53137 HOSICK TELEVISION drawings. Applicants snouid give full detoils of educotion, exper- lence, marital status, etc., and submit applications by 5:00 p.m., Friday, November 20th, 1964 Personnel Officer City Hall! Oshewe, Ontario MARRIED man to operate apple er- here. with seme knowledge of cattie House supplied. Apply Box 428 Oshawa Times Classified Advertising Department MAN with pleasant eppeorance and personglity te act as' host in new Cocktail Lounge. Week- ends. Apply GENOSHA HOTEL in ® OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SERVICEMAN For-Tire Sales, Tire Repairs and Service Experience preferred but con sideration ond training will be given to an alert and am- bitious individual who desires permanent empolyment Company paid pension, hoesp- ilization and incentive bonus are among the many benefits available APPLY 'IN PERSON TO MR. E. N. HARRIS, Mar. B. F. Goodrich Store 88 King St. West Oshawa, Ontario REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Two energetic salesmen be- tween 21 and 65. We require one man to be familiar. with farms and rural properties. Previous selling experience helpful . but- not necessary Pleasant working conditions Excellent .commissions with bonuses. P.§.1. available. Fer Appointment Call "OSSIE" MARTIN or 728-9714 W. O. Martin; Realtor PROGRESSIVE AJAX COMPANY with ability ting an asset but Needs excellent mechanico ledge of prir not essential man Knew- PLEASE WRITE BOX 433, Oshawa Times | TIME STUDY JUNIOR for expanding up- holstered furniture manufacturer. Exper lence in rate selting is necessary, This} lopening has gaed advancement possib'!- ities for ambitious individual. Apply Braemore Uphoistering Lid, 108 Wingoid | Avenue, Teronto, 19. Telephone RU 7-1695 PAINTERS WANTED, experienced only 723-5807 (Cell after 6 p.m '20--Real Estate for Sale | | } 7498 : | HIS OR HERS | By ALICE BROOKS | Knit a pair in an evening--| delight a couple with cozy,| packable His-Hers slippers. | Jiffy-Knit gift slippers -- '| oz. yarn each med. size pair! Make a matching set for hus-! band-wife. Pattern 7498: men.| women sizes S, M. L incl. | | A THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|,pRon is a treasure for this pattern please) to Alice Brooks, care of sty The Oshawa Times. Needlecraft , Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add ic. sales tax.) PRINTED PATTERN 1--44--46 Ex. l--48--50 TO SIZE 50 By ANNE ADAMS GENEROUSLY C in Printed Pattern 4920 Wom- wanted fer farm work. Tele phone 7550674. | ORUMMER W ~------ -- | fer young group, inter LJ ted Standard type of music with seme rock nivel cell eS 798. | { | | W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177° Church. Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawe end District Real Estate Board Oshawa---$56,800 buys 88 acres with stream half mile fram Oshawa City Limits Excellent investment --~ $20,- 000 down, 150 Aétre Stock Ferm north of Orono. & room house in g0od condition. Barn 40' x 60'. $14,500 full price with only $4,000 down 52 Acres on Taunton Road with creek. Good barn and house. Level black loam soi Close to Oshawe on paved toad. Asking $23,000 64 Acres north of Oshawa. Ideal horse farm. Frame house ond hip borr Asking $65 000--terms roof Kendal Hills---2 acres with 7 room brick house, Excellerit value at $7,000 $00 Acre Stock Farm, brick house, large barn, 10. miles south of Lindsay, Excellent vaiue at $64,000 -- terms 150 Acre Highwey Dairy Farm. Excellent 8 room home painted barns, 40° 60', 40' x 72', 2 silos, Voluabie commercial frontage, Toronto milk contract, 2 ponds,. Port Perry area . Excellent invest ment at $65,000--$20,000 down 160 acres near Oshawo, 7 room home, all conveniences, steel barn, 40' x 80', creek Valuable paved road front age, Excellent investment at $65,000--terms Body Shop in excellent location. Build ing suitable for garage, ma- chine or welding shop. Excep- tionally low price at $9,000 ----terms Call 623-3393 9pm 3.5055 23-6365 * 623-3077 623-3393 786-2202 with equipment After Whiteman Pot Yeo s Hé?B "Cooper Joe Bornoski _ KEITH PETERS any | (no staMPS.|kitchen! Sew this back-butioned le (no strings!) in. bright cot- ton. Gift idea, too REALTOR COLLEGE HILD $11,000.00 -- 5 room LTD., REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. South 723-1121 OWNER PROMOTED Going to Windsor, leavin this immaculate {°° so" with many extras, inciuding fins ished rec. ream, bomb shelter room, built in cupboards and book cases. Sun room, paved drive completely finished gorage equipped with, ryaning water and electricity, ; Boy's play house complete' with electticity and 'bunk 'beds. Barbeque and = fruit. trees, hedged' jot. home is clear, asking $13,500. COUNTRY RANCHER 4 bedroom brick and. stone bungalow with lerge country lot, well landscaped, paved road. Features are plenty, such as triple windews, ° all around, large rec room, spe- cial Tennessee marble stone and, oh yes, 1,546 sq. ft of living spece. Full price anly $17,900 LARGE INCOME HOME Centrally lecated this is @ good investment, 7 g@part- ments giving at this time @ total revenue of $550 per month. $10,000 will give you possession COMMERCIAL 9 room. large 2 storey home en King St. West, ideal for store and home. Large lot close to Shopping Plaza KINGSDALE AVENUE 6 reom, completely stoned ranch bungalow with attached garage and lovely large wel! Landscaped Jot, @ beautiful bungalow this north-east area and priced at only $16,- 800 in 4 ROOMS Nice brick bungalow ever- leaking 401 Hwy., with large 75 x 112 lot. Full price enly $11,900 CARLYLE COURT $14,500 fer this 5 reom, 3 bedroom brick and stone bGn- galow, Sniy 6 years old, part ly finished rec. roam and bed room weil landscaped lot. COMMERCIAL 8 room home, plus 2 stores on Simcoe St. S., good income property, full price only $29,- 500 SUBDIVISION SITE 14 acres with services near- by. Good orea BACHELOR APTS 8 suites on Park Rd, S. with refrigerator, stoves and 2 apartments furnished. Good income, extra lot for 4 suites included in price ef $59,000 8 SUITE APARTMENT Only 5 years ald, well built by phesent owner. Extro large rooms, het water heeting, lerge lot with paved parking, full price only $62,500, SPLIT LEVEL Almost new, 8 room, 4 bed- room, stone and brick heme with double attached gar- oge, west of Oshowe, neor K-Mart Plaza. Lerge 104 x 200 lot, home in 1570 sq ft., with broadiogm, 8 foot patio door, good view .over city and lake. Substentiel down payment required, WHITBY. $12,300 full price with $3,- 000 down, Nice 3 bedroom home with finished rec, room, room divider, china-cabinet, book case, fenced yard and poved drive, must be seén to be apprecioted, call now to inspect RICHIE-DRIVE-IN Myrtle, Fully equipped with biulding property. Full price complete enly $14,500 with $3,500 down RAGLAN 8 room family home right in town with 4 bedrooms. full price $9,500. Good size lot, open to offers » OPEN DAILY FROM 9AM. to9 P.M 728-0208 728-7083 723-2537 725-4330 728-0768 725-5701 655-3821 723-1121 725-3454 725-4362 723-7183 725-8068 728-5581 725-4330 Mueller Mittler. Ernest Walter Lloyd Corson -ucas Peacock Edith Gifford Nick Siblock L. S. Lofoy Kenneth C. Toms Roy Flintoff Tony Siblock R. A. Young Leon Manitius Steve Englert Jean Peacock For full particulars, call GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 Priced $4,900.00 Ten Acres North Whitby Land has rie. west Low down Good building site assorted trees, 2 of No. 12 highway payment. Phone BILL MILLAR 725-1186 | YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE} BOLAHOOD. Gibson REALTORS 142 bROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY PHONE 668-5823 LOTS CHURCHILL AVE., WHITBY --75 ft. x 200 ft. Level lot in good area, LIST PRICE $2,700. JAMES AND QUEEN ST,, Braoklin--2 'lots "90 ft. x 125 ft. 3 lots 70 ft. x 207 ft. Fully serviced and poved rood. LIST PRICE $3,000 PER LOT. PEARL AND MiLL ST., BROOKLIN----2 lots 8212 ft. x 265 ft. in depth with trout stream passing through reer ef lets. idea! location for walkout basement home. Fully serviced water etc. LIST PRICE $3,800 PER LOT HEBER DOWN CRESCENT, BROOKLIN--75 ft. x 110 ft Fully serviced jot. LIST PRICE $2,800 FARMS 76 ACRES of top torm land well drained an Whitby-Pick- ering Township line ot No, 7 Highway OPEN TO OFFERS MYRTLE------100 ACRES--97 workable acres, Banked barn 36 ft. x 80 ft. Hog pen, henhoues. 8 reom brick house with hydro. Forced air, oil heating, Pressure water sys tem in house. Attached gor- age. This is an excellent land for farming. LIST PRICE $26,500 oMYRTLE 5812 acres. Ex- cellent farm land, barn 30 ft x 60 ft. Water and hydra in barn. Implement shed. 6 room brick. home, 3 piece bath, furnace, hydro, 4 car garage. Buildings in excellent con- dition OPEN TO OFFERS $0 ACRES excellent farm land pond and creek. Barn 40 ft. x 60 ft. Also 6 raom 2 storey brick home. 3 hed rooms. 4 piece bath New forced air oi! furnace, This farm lecated 312 miles from Whitby LIST PRICE $21,900 PORT PERRY $1,000 DOWN, 6 room, 1% storey frame home, 4 piece beth, forced air oi! heating Garage. Well landscaped. Sit- moted on 12 acre of lard LIST PRICE $9,500. WHITBY $1,000 DOWN, New 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms. 4 piece bath. Recreation room, 20 ft. x 20 ft.. Well landscap ed lot 55 ft. x 112 ft. Close te schools, and shopping SALE PRICE $15,900 $1,500 DOWN -- Older 8 room heme, 4 bedrooms. 3 piece both' New furnace. Pav ed drive. Carport, garage Well landscaped. Close to Ping, schools and bus ser vice. LIST PRICE $13,100. BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home, fireploce, 5 piece bath, 2 piece bath basement Closed in Attached gorage Double -- windows, welk out basement Spring fed stream at rear of proper ty. Situated on 14 acre lend in patio OPEN TO OFFERS We hove many other listings. SEE US TODAY! Mrs. M. Lee Ted Coates Tim Vipend 668-4949 655-4737 668°8562 BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- ~~ INSURANCE -- MORTGAGES ----- $900.00 DOWN 3 bedroom, | semi-detached home for only $7,500.00 Very clean house, oi! heat Low down payment. Call Mr Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345 MUST BE SOLD Attractive 2 bedroom bunge- low with carport, electric heating, modern kitchen, 4 pc. bath with vanity. Large' lot - 594' x:396'. Low taxes only $137.00. Located on Paved street in the Village of Newcastle. Be sure to inspect ond make an offer. Ask for Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217 NEW $14,700 Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street 'Phone 623-3950 60 Acre farm, north af Osh- awa with 7 Roomed nome, all modern conveniences. Barn, woterbow!s, stream. BEEF FARM, 400 Acres with excellent buildings. Close to town, Large river. Asking $50,000. Terms. BEEF FARM, 200 Acres with brick home. Good barn. Ask- ing $28,000. Terms. HIGHWAY FARM, 97 Acres with 2 barns. Brick home, oil furnace, 4-pc. bath. Asking $30,000. Terms HIGHWAY FARM, 100 Acres with 7 roamed home, barn. 4 Streams. Price and terms ar- ranged DAIRY FARM, 200 Acres as a geing concern, 10 cans daily milk quote, 65 head of Holstein cattle. Full ine of machinery. Asking $64.000 DAIRY FARM, 100 Acres with 600 ibs. daily quota Automatic stable cleaner and automatic feeder. Consider $9,000. dawn. payment 200. Acre farm with excel lent buildings 150. acres workable. Stream, Asking $32,000, Terms EAST OF BOWMANVILLE, 31 acres with mew home, barn. Asking only $5,000 down 100 Acres with 7 Roomed home, barn. Gaod size pond Asking $17,000. Terms 64 Acres Oshawa Terms LINDSAY, 2 Miles east, 192 Acre farm. with excellent buildings. Paved road. Asking $25,000. Terms. 50 Acre farm with 7 Roomed brick home, -barn. Asking $7,000. with $1500. down 10. Reomed north of $4,900. located Asking 24 Acre with home, all modern canven- iences. Location north of Oshewa, Only $1500, down, REALTOR | 723-1133 KENDALWOOD A lovely six room brick bun- galow with circular drive and double. garage on extra large lot with plenty of trees end shrubs. Has lovely. living room with stone fireplace, full dining room, modern kitchen and three well decorated bed- rooms, Many extras included in the price of $17,900. with terms. Call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings . 725- 0243. CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE Immaculate five raom bunge- low in handy location, cen- teins large kitchen, dining room, living room and two bedrooms, -has oil heating, full basement and low taxes. Full price $10,000. To see call Jim Brady at 723-1133, ev- enings 728-0483. : CENTRAL LOCATION Seven room brick home, all large rooms plus sunroom, double garage and paved drive. Suitable for a large family, or could he @ real money maker as a rooming house. Priced at $15,000 with $4,000. down. Call Wes 100 Acre farm, Blackstack area with 7 Roomed home, 2 barns Asking $18,000 Terms Ellictt at 723-1133, evenings 728-058) TRIPLEX For sale or exchange, .3 suite apartment building on Loans downe Dr. Each apartment contains large cembinetion. living room with belcony, 12 x 12 fully modern kitchen, two large bedrooms and tiled bathroom. Completely equip ped with stoves, fridges, washer, dryer and TV anten na, Listed et $25,900. with terms, For more information call Henry Stinson at 723- 1133, evenings. 725-0243. NORTH-WEST Comfertable five room brick bungolew in quiet residential area, features @ split ent rance, 3 bedrooms large liv ing room, modern kitchen and 4 piece tiled bathroom, Ask- ing price: $13,500. with reo sonable down payment. Call Jim Brady>at 723-1133, ev- enings 728-0483. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE We have @ large number of Kassinger homes now under construction in this choice area. Severet models te 230 Acre farm with 2 large barns, 8 roomed home, all modern conveniences. Asking $30,000, Terms 5 Acres with 5 Roomed, lo cated East of Port Hope. Ask- ing $3500. with $1,000 down 100 Acres with barn, 2 streams $12,000. Terms. brick heme Asking only Donald Mountjey.- Guy LeBlanc dso Wiersma - Ross Davidson JONES and * DOUGAN Real Estate Brokers 668-8841 JUST A DANDY This six room, brick bungae- low has @ stone front and at- tached garage. Beautiful, large French Provincial kit- chen, 4 living room and din- ing room any hostess would be proud of, and three good bedrooms with © 4-piece tiled bathroom, Facilities for a large recreation room - with | the walls already up. Price - | $16,200., with $2,200 down. | | 10 ACRES Five Miles from Whitby Easy terms for this 10 acres of rolling land, located south of Lynbrook Park. Total price only $4,500 and $1,000, Down Just Listed The buyer of this home is 4 wise-man, Six beautiful rooms and three rooms finished in the basement, Al! aluminum storms and screens, asphalt drive, landscaped lot. This is o truly well built home, locat- ed in a fine: Whitby district, only one block from a public school. Oshawa Six room, brick bungalow with o large enjoyable recreation room, all finished in maho- gany. Storms and screens, all included. The immaculate for the partciuler, well describes | the balance of this home. Be | sure to see this one. Call Bill Dougan at 668-8841. z Five room, red brick. bungalow better | Let's Be Serious | | new -- all | the landscaping is done, o | than Vord - all fenced, T.V. tower - in- cluded, This home is nicely. decorated; and features a fine minum storms and screens gre | kitchen, tiled four-piece bath, three bedrooms, and a good living room. Call now and you will not regret it. 668-8841. -- 18 Suite Apartment 'choose from. Buyilt under the Winter Works programme For further information call this office, 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 pocdg f). W. McQUAY us for an inspection of this REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby, Ontario Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 CUT RATE MEAT MARKET FOR SALE "The kind the people like' Start working for yourself $1000 00 down and you can be in business in © 12 store shopping plaza. Owner of this business has other interests No reasonable offer refused For further information call Ivan Kellestine IWELL CARED FOR HOME Six year old brick bungalow in Northern Heights. Three bedrooms ond a, finished rec room which could be used for living quarters. THe land scaping includes patio and brick and stone work. School one block: away, $4900.00 down and carries for $90.00 monthly including taxes. For en appointment to inspect this home, call Ivan Kelles- tine $2,100.00 DOWN This home is being offered at it's original cost of one veor ago although the home to-day would cost at, least $1,000.00 more. Four good sized bedrooms and two bath- rooms; built in stove and oven and lots of cupboards in the kitchen. You can be in this new home for Christmas Phone now for an appoint- ment. Ivan Kellestine RESIDENTIAL - ACREAGES TROUT STREAM FARMS LOTS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS _ WHITBY WINTER BONUS $500.00 $13,990.00 FULL PRICE $990.00 down to one 64% N.H.A. mortgage ACTivE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 HOLY CROSS 5 BEDROOMS MOST BEAUTIFUL older brick 'home". All reoms very large. Full high basement with forced air heating. Pri- vate drive and garage. Phone 728-5157 to-nite. Be the first to inspect. this one. NEW BUNGALOW WITH 50 ACRES LAND $17,300.00 Very: well built 3 bedroom bungalow with City-all con- venience. Small barn. School | mile with bus service at door Owner 'will accept trades. Dial 728-5157 now. VACANT TRY AN OFFER BESSBOROUGH DRIVE Choice bungalow full of ex tras. Fireplace, carport. re- creation room, bar room, broadioomed. Why net have @ "LOOK? NO OBLIGATION Phone 728-5157 NEAR G.M.C. ' NORTH PLANT 8 room house suitable for rooming house. Oak flooring, modern sized oil heating, poved drive and garages Pauline Beal Lloyd Williams Ralph Vickery Doug. Wilsan Bill Horner Steve Zurba Hertha Kirk Steve Lehan Bessie Crysler Bob Johnsten Elaine Lee Guy Bell Derethy Woad | ACTIVE REALEY LTD 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St, E KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103. King Street East DAIRY FARM With. milk contract, close to - Oshawa, 150. acres of very goed land. Can be bought complete with stock end im- plements or without. Cattle all registered with R.O.P: records, 'priced to sell, For complete details phone John Kuipers 728-8962, EMERSON AVENUE 3 Bedroom bungalow hellys. © weed kitchen, storms ond screens, T.V. tower, partially finished recreation roam, only: « 3 years ald and carries tor * $75.00 per month' P & | close to all schools. Call Earle' Allen 725-7782, RETIREMENT HOME Lovely 3 Bedroom Bunga- low with @ll modern conven iences, oil heated, low taxes, * nice separate gorage with cement floor, home complete- ly hedged, large lot 180 -x 135 ft, Asking only $1800. down, $75.00 per month - P & |, located in Courtice ' only 3 minutes from, bus. Don't miss this one coll Ro- bert Johnson 728-2548 WEST END $89.00 per month carries including interest, principal and taxes, 2 storey brick con- struction, close to Shopping Plaza. Call Art Donaldson Evenings 725-9882 and Days 728-7328 ALUMINUM SIDING Central location, five room bungalow, three . large bed- roms, new bathreem, large lot, private drive and gar- age. This is north end 1o- cation and must be seen Phone Bill Ratcliffe Dial Brooklin 65 direct 655-4457 ATTENTION CASH BUYERS! $5800. Full price, 6 rooms, central, Must be cash. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207, LARGE ROOMS, | METCALF 728-4678 |- ROSSLAND RD. W. | $12,500 and for only $1500 | down, you can be the owner | of this well kept 12 storey | home with paved drive. Well | landscaped tot and the home | Call | in levely condition home. QUIET PRESTIGE LOCATION | Long low rancher with attach- | ed breezeway end garage. | Every modern luxury added, | such @s natural stone fire place, stone planters, built-in stove' and oven. Large and exceptionally attarctive rec room with bar. Paved drive All of these refinements are tastefully blended inte this beautiful home with grocious decor and professional land scaping beyond description Phone now for appointment to inspect. DUPLEX Large 10 room home neor downtown ~ built into 2° sep arate apartments and earn- ing $165.00 monthly. Posses- sion yours for $4,000 down. NEW HOMES WITH EARLY POSSESSION Electric heated, many dif- ferent plans and in an arch- itectural controlled subdivi- sion with paved roads, curbs, services prepaid, fully sodded lots. Close to schools 'and bus. Some with paved drives Let's go and take a look at the home of your choice to- doy OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Dick Barriage Joe Mage Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bob Johnston 29 NEW N:H.A. HOMES Hillsdale Terrace E. of Ritson Selling Fast Under $500 Winter Bonus off Summer Prices RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. SEVEN 1965 MODELS Priced from $15,950 Down Payments from $1,790. Less $500 winter bonus. Bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys, garages, carports, built-in ranges, ovens, storms, screens, Many other extras Directions: From Ritson Rd. go E. on Rossland one block Follow model signs South to Sales Office. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Also choice Resales trom $13,300 Exclusive Agents H. Griffin LOW TAXES EASY TERMS Be close te nérth plant GM.C. and 5 minutes walk to downtown, goed duplex ores, 9 room brick home, poved drive ond gerage, all conveniences, Monthly pay- ments cheaper than rent. Don't delay call todey. Cell Bill Irvine 728-2868 Realtor King 'St. E., Bowmanville 623-2503 BOWMANVILLE, Vey pre- 7 centre ef town. Valuable brick home, Excellent future Subdivision potential. Asking $48,000 with $15,000 dawn. » Make an effer. PORT PERRY. 100 acre beef farm with excellent bidgs Ample woter supply. $32,000 with terms, ORONO 100 acre showplace New steel 'barn, pond ond ranch fence, ete. Very at- tractive brick home with stone fireplace. Asking $50,000 BOWMANVILLE. Very at- tractive 3 bedroom brick bun- golow. Spacious living room and kitchen. Large finished rec room. $16,900 with $4,000 down, ORONO. Storey and. « half electrically heated home on Va acre of land it, the village Small barn. Asking $9,000 terms HAMPTON 4 bedroom home ond garage plus small cabin at the rear of the 14 acre lot Stone Bar B-O. Only $14,000 with $3,000 down BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. This is o very lovely home in o nice area, Asking $17,500 with terms BOWMANVILLE. Very com- fortable 2 storey brick home with a dining room, Fireplace in living room. Asking only $13,500 with terms. BOWMANVILLE. Income home on 118' x 175' lot in north central section. Lot suitable for building 20 suite opartment. Asking $16,500 with $5,000 down. Call 623-2503 or after hours call Mrs. M, E. Leask 623-5919 or Wilf Hawke at Orono 1R12 JACK RICARD- ductive 1512 acre orchard in. _ SELLING GUY BELL ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 $1600 DOWN buys. this fiveroom -bunga- low with attached garage. Full price on! $11,000 with one mortgage. Call $ \ Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728-6284 |NEW four-bedroom home wi |garage available, electric heat, ow |rooms, stone front and built-in stove and voven are @ few of the extras. Traces considered. Call-S. D. Hyman Real &s- fate Limited. 728-6286. BUNGALOW, l@ Grove, four rooms, situated on ta lot. All conveniences, Near Number Two Highway. Bowman- ville 623-2869 or 723-5180 after 6 p.m WELL CONSTRUCTED 112 storey. red brick home, three bedrooms, two up, liv: ng room, kitchen, | bedroom and bath down. Finished rec room. paved dri/s, Balconys, Broadloom On: Liberty Street This well plonned: building is © good investment. Features modern living at -its best Private paved parking. Hot water .oil heating. Spacious iving and dining room, Me- lary range and refrigerators, hallways of tarraza; For more information contact Bill Mil- lor 725-1186 of 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd " 67 King St, E., Oshawe $7,900 -- Country property, six rooms, o! furnace, garage. Call Suburban Property Specialist John Kuipers, 728-8962, Keith Peters, Regitor. pay 3 /. i if € en's Sizes Small (36, 38): Medi-| um (40, 42): Large (44, 46): Fx , [Large (48, 50) | st time! 3 FREE ¥ ~ e i TERNS ag A exciting 1965) FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins | Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de-|("0 Stamps, please) for this pat-| aigns--smart stoles, jackets,|'e™"- Ontario residents add 2c) hats, toys, afghans, _ linens Print plainly SIZE, everything! Send 25c NU A DDRESS, STYLE DELUXE QUILT BOOK: 16)/NUMBER ce | complete quilt patterns--pieced| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | and applique, for beginners |care of The Oshawa Times, Pat ie experts, Send 6c. tow jférn Dept., Oshawa, Ont | 725-5207 NEW! 300 sparkling designs. !si,s00 DOWN. Nort , |9 exciting 'fashion and fabri ¢ jhame w Want-Ads Dont Cost -They Pay brick bungalow in excel- lent condition Low down payment Shopping Centre Area. Mave right in Modern brick bungalow 3 bedrooms, hollywood. kitc Open for your inspect by alling Mr. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North LIMITED Open Every Evening 728-5).57 | SELLING nterest and taxed | : CALL cen arent = DON HOWE | one | ries Balgnich oF pubcnine arte Cal Ear with s aN ae ne time to call Real Estate 725-7732 Print plainly PATTERN NUM-) BER,' NAME, ADDRE: Real Estate Broker. 723-6431 Atter 8:30 pm call 723-4134 Six wood screens, W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd "BILL HORNER ACTIVE REALTY room bungslow, Holly- kitchen, storms and dividéd basement, sodded' front and rear, all roads, sewers, sidewalks in ond paid for. Choice of all colours, fully plastered walls, no short cuts or prefabrica tion, Full ome year guarantee on everything built and back- ed by Whitestrip Const. Co: Ltd. nicely de corated, oil heating, gar age, large lot. $1700.00 down payment and car ries for $75.00 per month both principal and inter- est. Call Rolande Tierney attached PRIVATE . SALE Large (over 1200 sq. ft.) 6 room bungalow. Popular N.W. area, Newly decorated, spaci ous living room has cathedral ceiling, newly built TV room and den. Carries for $104 monthly including taxes 9 to |large deep lot 49 x 198, low taxes MANDERHILL ee lle shale ;price $12,900. For information i 7 DOWN one mortgage for balance Elliott at 728-0581. Car! Olsen, Realtor, REAL ESTATE LTD z per month. Large six-room orick Scorboro AM 7-9712 home, double gerage, paved drive, oak After hours collect sales tax NAME, $95 PAYS or Six ot pa o a om bric features plus coupon for ONE [Sogo more |FREE PATTERN -- any lyou choose!' Send for new Fall |Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. | flooring, new oil furnace, Rossiand Road/20----Real Estate for Sale and Simcoe Street area. Call Bill John. ia ston, Schofield Aker. 728-1066, (Continued on Page 24) 100 Salter at 728-9474 or 723-3052 evenings jEarl Salter at 728-9474 or 723-3052 even Paul Ristdw Lid. Realtor, 187 King Street!ings. Paul Ristow Ltd, 187 King Street East, 'Bast, ]