Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1964, p. 20

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 10, 1964 . - CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top: record-holder. in Moston' Individual Championship Play) YOU'RE GOING TO PAY ME + a South dealer. om ' Both sides vulnerable. , I FEEL ILL! { IMBURNINGUP e A ag --Mi UST BE A ib 3103 #K10972 REAL AS REIGN!" HE REIGNED 2 WEEKS, PHARAOH? { | GOT TIRED OF IT, HE KILLED ME. AND I'M HERE TO SWEAR TO ITS 11'S AN OPEN AND SHUT MUMMY tg JALLY, THE CREE MUST ADMIT THE WISDOM SPR Te caee WORDS OF PEACE . 7 COME QUICKLY ! COME WIA MESeAge Pon ve YOU... \, BUT THE CREE WANT TO KILL HIMi The bidding: . South West North Hast 1@ 2h Pass Opening lead -- five of spades, To play first and think after- wards is surely a bad habit, but by no means an uncommon one, Some situations in bridge are made to order for thoughtless play, and it is quite easy to fall into a trap on such occasions. For example, look at this hand from a rubber bridge game, South was in three no- trump and West led a spade. Declarer played low from dum- my, losing to the king, and played low again when East re- turned a heart. West won with the queen and continued with the ace and an- other heart, forcing out South's king. Declarer then entered dummy with a spade and took a diamond finesse, losing to the king. West returned a heart to defeat the contract one trick. In all, South lost a spade, three hearts and a club. Actually, the hand was simple to play. All that South had to do to insure the contract was win the opening lead with the ace of spades and then take a diamond finesse, Even with the finesse losing, South would have eight ready tricks and the abso- lute certainty of being able to develop another by leading a spade, The finesse which South took on the opening lead was based more on reflex action than con- scious thought. It should have jbeen evident to declarer that nothing could defeat three no- jtrump if the spade finesse was | rejected, South was clearly a vietim of habit. The combination of Q-10 facing A-J-x nearly always calls for a finesse, but in this case, there were other factors to :on- sider, Far more important was the question of insuring: the 'con- tract, : If South had followed the simple rule of first planning the play of the hand before playing from dummy, he would, surely have decided that, a. spade finesse would lize the contract without the chances of making it, | ied automatic plays are time-savers no doubt, but they cannot be WELL, ANNIE 1$ HOME now= $S FUNNY= I NEVER THOUGHT OF. AND MYSELF AS AFATHER TYPE--{ WE'VE LOST HER FOR 6000 [ || =r NEVER KNEW I COULD PO.) ||\IlI | BUT IT ONLY GOES TO SHOW. SUCH A BLIP FOR A CHILD Jey|| HOW LITTLE. WE KNOW _ || aS T HAVE FOR HER-- | OURSEL! y) A Os -- TOMGHT ANB EVERY NIGHT, TULL / BUST THE BANK AND ORIVE BRETT OUT OF MOUNT UP! WERE KEEPING GEROW UNDER GUARD! B/G |\ BRETT /SNT GOING TO LET HIM KEEP WINNING WITHOU TRYING TO STOP Hi / . BMY SYSTEM AND WON! WON &NOUGH 70 BUY OUR TOWN A a NEW SCHOOLHOUSE/ ~~ THE LONE RANGER PLANG ARE CHANGED / I WANT YOU To DROP IN ONA LITTLE PARTY / LISTEN -- SECRET AGENT X9 CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto (6000 News) A gsow aur WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo | |< 94'S"! ,-- gy ald Ps ans A | WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROU-TV Channel 8--Rochester | H 4 y a V oa eNOS CFTO-TV Channel) 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ; ; | TUESUVAY €VE. | 7--The Fugitive ' | 5:00 P.M. 6--News Magazine &-2--Say When 6~Generation 4--Doctors and Nurses | 7--Maverick 1i--Family Theatre 10:30 P.M, 6--Elwood Glover 9--Five O'Clock Matinee! 9--Jack Benny 4--News and Weather 8--Superman 63--Other Voices 3---Popeye's Party | 7--The Early Show 11:00 PLM: 12:19 PLM. | prarhiigs. xXL--5 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2-- News 4---3peaker of the House 4--Five O'Clock Show Weather and Sports 12:30 PLM. | : F 2--Woody Woodpecker 11:15 PLM. 9-~Theatre | 5:30 PM. 9--Metro Final &2--Truth or | | 12:00 NOON Distributed by King Pentures Syndicate © King Peatume Syndicate, fins, 1064. World é--Music Hop 6--Viewpoint Consequences | 3--Aquanauts 11:20 P.M, 4--Search for Tomorrow 2--Tales of Wells Fargo Hits. ta Show 6:00 P.M. , WELL, YOU CAN STOP WORRYING... ----------"] 12:45 P.M, i t 4--Guiding Light | 6--Generation. 11:30 P.M, | 4--News With Van Miller 1!--Music News, Weather,' Sports 2--Today, 1964 9--Pierre Berton 1:00 P.M. allowed to take the place' of 6:15 P.M. 8-2--Tonight Show H N--Lucky Score J solid thinking. 6--International Cinema 4 i] 4--Headline News renege. Ate War 9--Playtime With Uncle Ww 1 Chuck Healy Bobby | SALLY'S SALLIES 1964, World rights reserved, 6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY. | 8&--Matinee & | 11-9-6-4--News; : _M. 7--Afternoon: Show Weather. Sports 4--Captain Kangaroo 6-3-Movie 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley " ° 4--Meer The Millers News 6:30 A.M. | 2--Mike Douglas Show Py ag 11--Schnitzel_ House 1:30 P.M, si ee vee 9--Romper Room 1--Matinee and Horse N--Family. Theatre 9:00 A.M. aces aes '5 11---Schnitzel House 4--As The World Turns 8-2--Huntley Brinkley . 9--Playtime with Uncle 7:00 P.M. Bobby 2:00 P.M, %--The Littlest Hobo 7--Dialing For Dollars 9--Abracadabra 7-6--News, Weather, 4--Mikes Carnival 4--Password 2--Mike Dougias Show 2--Loretia Young 9:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M, D King Features Syndicate, Inc.. CROSSWORD . Polynesian weight: native oven India fue Next pay... pied 4--Car 54, Where Are THAN You? SHOWING ME Wee INNER &-Condid Canara N--Ed Allen « 9--Four of A Kind AROUND, JANE Wot ee, AGAIN 2--The Detectives 7--Father Knows Best ba-rThe Doctors TENJOYED TT. Teves 7:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. | 7--Day In Court ° 9--Let's Sing Out 11--Supes Binge | 6~Loretta Young $2--Mr. Novak hacaieks 'Roem' For 4--House Party 7--Combat Daddy 3--Super Bingo Timel DOWN 6--On The Scene 7--Girl talk . Pimely x COL 4 4--Many Happy Returns |, 4-morathon Jamboree 307M, - Whip handle 1, Relating ig a} 9--People in Conflict ' ir - " yf iaharc aki Me News &2--Another. World . Frosted toa city ISTHIE IR] AN 1--Special Movie 10:30 A.M. 7--General Hospital 10. Bower 2. Disputable y F = ee 9--Pelticoat Junction | !1--Father Knows Best S}---#s The World Turns | 11. Approaches 3. Kind of 1 Basra -- ou is the e ery' oy aS --jj 63--Jack Benny Show 11-9--Bingo 13, Chair-seat piano B 4--World War | aia 3:30 P.M. covering 4 epee as INITIO} 8:30 P.M. Rare Alc mene 11--Children's Program ray [OJE|N|S MME] 6-3--Friendly Giant material a hitting 9--Red Skelton i Love Lucy 9--Its Your Move Sligh #-2--The Man From 8-2--You Don't Say | Fa ight bullet U.N.C.L.E 'i oa Aes 7--The. Young Marrieds | taste 5. A trick. 7--McHale's Navy a | 63--Take Thirty 16. Japanes aker: "overt 63--Danny Kaye Show 9--James Beeard Show 4--Edge of Night P le taker: , coverings '4--Red Skelton Hour 8-2--Concentration x coin cards . Pert. to 60°. 7--Message 4:00 P.M. 17. Fuel -- 6. Prickly mail artne &3--Remembrance Day 9--Mickey- Mouse Club sts ' i: Pi er wae Go ouT AND \ 7--Tycoon 4--Andy of Mayberry 8--The Match Game 18, Girl's name herbs service 30. Troubles HOW YOUR NEW 9:30 P.M. 1:15 AM. 7--Major Adams, Trail- 19. Timid 7. American 3, Canadian 31. Born Serene ISCOPE < ae Viratilan $-3--Chez Helene é Phar alee sions | 20, Internal Indian province 34, Tardy 2--TW-- e s | "ay " : 'low 2 - S Pavinl Place a A 2--Captain Bob | dec ay of 9. Foolish 2 Flower 36. Mis- 6-3--Front Page Chalienge 11--Albert J Steed Pe, | fruit talk . Kind of chievous 4--Petticoat Junction 9--Toronto Today 3 ss } 21. Spurt 10, Donkey tree child . Passageway 10:00 P.M. 8-2--Jeopardy \1--Wild Bill Hicock | 24 V--That Regis Philbin 7--Missing Links 9--Sea Hunt etwas 63--Razzle Dazzle | etween Y ! 6 4--Leeave It To Beaver | seats Lj YA VA, | . Sharpen, as 7 ZY 7 from 139.50 9--Eleventh Hour 6-3--Butternut Square YOUR HEALTH " phere MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT @-2--Bell Telephone Hour| 4--The McCoys . Bak Corp. Canada Ltd, cosines 690 Drake Street, Oshawe Yesterday's Answer "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD ST8,-~ Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M, to 10 P.M. 28, Ponders 29. Fields' POOL TABLES 11 'modets eaee MICKEY MOUSE os I'VE BEEN GIVING BUTCH SOME BOXING INGTRUCTIONS [= FOR HE 'TO {| GRADUATE! beeen . Queen of 725-9151 | wee UD SUNNY SPAIN! | : ae 17 deys (4 days extensions | | & the fairies after hours 725-366? | Leg Cramps Can . Stringed ANDALUCIA Can. $557.90-- By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD . Outer approx. $28.00). . Greek Have Many Causes -- 17 days, PALMA Can, $586-- muscles as well as of the feet garments: Dear Dr. Molner: Almost ev- ery morning, 1 awaken with severe cramps from my knees to the bottoms of my feet. I may help. (I have-no objection to the use of rubbing alcohol, but just plain massage will probably do as much good in India . Article of furniture . Mortar Includes: Air fare from Toronto, Ist class hotels, all meals delux motorcoach city to city, escorted. Extensions to Tangier and Canory Islands. have to get up immediately to}this instance.) overcome the cramps. Rubbing ' nit i You'd better consult your Want sroonol- mere 1 Guay Dee doctor as to whether varicose doesn't seem to help. I am inj". ni te Se my mid-20's--MRS. R. S$ veins (which impair circula- Be : sees de tion) or arch defects are in- Your age puts you in a differ-| volved, |ent category .from the older sa folks who have leg cramps and;MAY WEIGH TOO MUCH | : : ae foot pains, even though some of| put if you are overweight can occur long after eon and Shea plat lg ao % ' asi tactara oe ' 3 ' P Ss W you| Have there pas } eeae i tee coupes | the same basic factors may be! you won't need your doctor to " peti ok polite "Tak nancy 'after this operation? CAN SHOVE ALL ITS » eg involved. Impaired circulation) tej) you that! It's a frequent oh seeoont ion area in| MRS. E.R na TER,ON | is one nlame Pare we .| C8 s s S. BE. BR. SOME LITTLE COMPU TS element in such cramps, as blood sugar -- and breakfast There have been any numb 7 et ag : OWN INITIATIVES, pT eve ye a Peg ea 3 io del . , ] > ow r wt However, 2 suspect muscle | well as in other troubles. then gives you a pick-up. Butl/of pregnancies following suc DOO & é iv YEAH... wi} | Spasms resulting from such) If you smoke a lot, try cut-|}'q@ investigate the other possi-| an operation, assumnig that th Ge d ROO FN 1 SeE! 7rxi | things as arch defects, a shoe| ting out tobacco for a while and) ple causes of the cramps before| remaining tube and ovary ar an (= 1, r problem, varicose veins, exces-| see if it makes a difference, As| assuming that the blood sugar! functioning properly. = : TT 6 sive smoking atid inadequate/to calcium in your diet--do you} jeyel is responsible FRE et | ate Wel E DELIVERY calcium in the diet. | try to get a glass or two of milk Deak: Dr. Meolaer: Two No, the other tube would nc \ "Wt it's LUMBER, wes \ =e! i} 8 Ve pelea CALL 728-6201 ae Four seasons travel . Goddess of harvests: It. GRANDMA «AND THIS PROGRAMMING ,OR PLANNING, I$ DONE BY HUMANS! IN OTMER WORDS, COMPUTERS ARE NOT QUITE HUMAN... THAT A COMPUTER 'CANT DO ANYHING UNLESS IT 1S PROGRAMMED... FASTER AUD MORE ACCURATELY THAN 94 sy World rights reserved © King Featioes Syndiceta, lan Shifting from high heels dur-|every day, or cottage cheese? i ; vg{ have been-remoeved without hy ing the day to low heels at|(Skim milk contains just as nenes: Ser ae daughter's) - rowledge. If there is any quc . | night can cause cramps. in the] much calcium but avoids calor-| marriage, one tube was re- tion, your daughter's medié coll sur NUMBER } HONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. MUGGS AND SKEETER | back q 7 s is sjies i av yeig! rob- oved because of an_ ectopic . | back of the leg. If this is the - if you. have a weight prob-| move cause id es vacord: the' ndtgeor's:. rect case, wearing a more conserya-|!em.) « pregnancy. What is her chance|" ree sa 4 tive heel during-the day is ad-] One other possibility is a drop|of becoming pregnant again?|@nd hospital record would ir visable. Massage of the leg!in your blood sugar level. This! Would both tubes have been re-j mediately answer it.

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