Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1964, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 10, 1964 29--Automobiles For Sale 24--Apartments for Rent A few Apartments still available in © OXFORD PARK TOWERS » Oshawa's most modern - apartment building. immediate possession, bright roomy modern apart- ments 2 and 3 bedrooms. Bly equipped modern kit- broodioomed corridors, Elevator service, fireproof ** eomstruction, Balconies, Paved . parking, Situoted within easy walking distonce from G.M. South Plont. - At the corner of Malaga * "and Glenn St. SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN FROM 2 TO 6 P.M, Or Call Guide Realty Ltd. REALTORS Exclusive Agents at 723-1121 GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Possession December !st. "Adults Only, TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2911 For Aepolniment = J for rent. rT ea son immedietely. rT elepohone ane > room unfurnished apartment Private bath, heat and hydro, Private en- _ trance. Newly decorated. Suit working| . Apply 288 Huron Street. Two BEDROOMS. . December 1, immacu- te rive upper triplex, Bal- cony, po be ge 'emdry facilities, refriger- ator, renge. e@ child OK. $110. Tele pa LARGE aperiment, adults only, Aveil- able December 1. Whitby 668-4864 nage 'apartment with 1 "bed f . Available No _ vember 1s. nue. $90 monthly. Telephone 728-4439 after 4 p.m. eer 'apartment, three rooms and One block from bus 'too. Walking Sistence fo town, Phone 725-3071. 7 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH, Bowman- ville. two two-bedroom apartments, in building. Range' and refriger- Becimber 1, Dial 623-3552, IMMEDIATE __ possession, 05., north west area. phone 723-7157. Adults only, i FOUR-ROOM t for rent, Private bath, stove and refrigerator supplied. No amail children. immediate possession. 'Telephone E two-bedroom Tele unfurnished apartment, ligh heat, water included. Reasonable rent. 481 Howard Avenue. Telephone 725-75 725-7577. ' PHILLIP Mu osdggy'o A Avenue, s two and in duplex, o In po bo-og mele acai periment Avail- le November 20. Phone 725-4434, xiws 'and Gibbon area, top floor, mod- ern two-bedroom, adults only, $105, Im- mediate possession. Mr, Bolahood. 728- ape 2 aerial, $55 monthly. Suitable for one persons. Available November 26 Bowmanville 623-3950. gost apartment, 4 rooms $110. Quiet ay oroterred. holy 496 Simcoe North, Apt. TWO-ROOM furnished ani bed- kitchen - livingroom combination, central, clean. Available immediately, Call. 723-9990. WHITBY: One - bedroom apariment in new nage All modern conveniences. T 668-8. , aurbabeoon apariment in modern buliding. Close te bus. Refrigerator, stove and broadioom. Available December | Phone 725-8088. boil Presa and bath, modern, pri- vate en Working Covad perenne 34 eexeon 9 Avenue or 725-021 NO DOWN PAYMENT A PAYMENT TO SUIT YOU 1961 FALCON DELUXE 2-DOOR COACH Gleaming black finish with whitewoll tires. Automatic transmission ond radio, Low mileage. Toke this one for a test drive, 1960 SUNBEAM RAPIER SEMI-SPORTS, 2-DOOR HARDTOP Whitewall tires, ready the rood, $645 1959 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR HARDTOP Finished in attarctive dark blue metallic with matching interior, Power steering, pow- er brakes, Radio ond white- wall tires. 945 1959 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF 4-DOOR SEDAN Economical 6 cylinder engine with standard transmission, whitewoll tires for ¥959 PONTIAC 4-DOOR STATIONWAGON Powerful V-8 engine, auto- matic transmission, radio, whitewalls 945 PSM Basis ape oe ere BER os 2 29--Automobiles For Sale IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A BLONDE... DON'T READ THIS AD IF YOU'RE LOOKING FIR A GOOD USED CAR. «+. THEN ...:, KEEP READING * $10 DOWN WILL DRIVE AWAY ANY CAR ON OUR TWO LOTS © * 40 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM * CASH TRADE, TERMS * 2 locations to choose from 146 BROCK ST. N, 612 BROCK ST. N. Ask for "Little John" 668-3331 668-3332 TED CAMPIN | 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR HARDTOP Attractive 2-tone point, 6 cylinder automatic, radio and whitewalls $595 1958 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 2-DOOR HARDTOP Big V-8 engine automatic transmission and whitewalls, Only $545 1958 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN A nice clean car 6 cylinder. Stondard transmission white- woll tires, 645 1957 KARMAN IA 2:DOOR Letee A sporting little cor with lots of economy 595 1955 FORD 2-DOOR COACH V-8 standard transmissioin, 1955 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Must be seen to 9 appreciated. BILL WHITTICK MOTORS SIMCOE = Street = South, a one- bedroom apartment to sub-let, available November 16, no children. Aer A rt ment 1, Marine cei 25--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | SINGLE furnished room pom For gentleman, | ' wey central to downtown Gen- eral: Motors. Apply 182 Athol street East. CENTRAL, nicely furnished bedroom, ' clean, noe home, near bus stop, park- refined gentleman. Absteiner.| Cail near LARGE room completely furnished 'or light housekeeping. Central. One gentle man only. $10 weekly. 72-527 « FURNISHED housekeeping aa board optional. Resslond district, Tele TWO sas rooms, for 2 gentlemen le bedroom, twin beds. Separate, farking space. Telephone 725-1904 | 'amet AND DOUBLE rooms; meais it red. Apply 25 Division Street. FURNISHED room for rent. Close to Osh- awa ange Centre. Lady preferred. * 'Telephone 728-3690. * FURNISHED rc room in quiet "home, gentie-| man preferred. 574 Crerar Avenue. 26--Room and Board ROOM and board gentlemen. Apply lephone | 550 Simcoe Street North or tel 728-2495. * ROOM and board for two gentlemen » Close jg nrencigl Bi north GM; 29 El- . ain E. Telephone 7: : SaIVATE. Room and board in beautiful , @ for retired. $100 monthly, Telephone ' Sieutitie 640-1110. * ROOM and board for working girl, Sim- rd 770-0025. | 216 * coe and King. After 5 p.m. call ¢ BOOM end beord. nice room for, ane oF 4 men to share. At home privileges 7 Prone 723-9305. 27--Wanted to Rent WANTED -- Room and board for el y couple in Whitby area. Can furnishings if required. Telephone 6éa-s17| THREE OR FOUR bedroom house. Abie! fo pay $80 to $90 monthly Slovo to Cath- oli¢ School Telephone 728-668: ROOM or room and board desired by} in Whitby, T 668-29. business hours / ONE- OR TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment urgently needed in Whitby or 2. Telephone 668-3667 from ' 29--Automobiles For Sale . Wb PONTIAC two-door hardtop Va « $330 or best offer. Telephone after 6 p.m « 724-6706. ' 1999 VOLKSWAGEN van, with windows, suitable for bus or van. Good condition, Must be sold $245. Telephone 728-1336. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN: 1500 series, under 17,000 actual miles. One owner since new. Call Whitby 668-3368 i963 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cylinder, « automatic, radio. immacuiate, One owner since new. Low mileage. Call Whitby 668-3368. 1961 STATIONWAGON Chevrolet Bel Air Fourdoor, V8 engine, automatic transmis-| sion, radio, electric rear window, $1,500./ Exceptionally good condition. 793 Grier- won 728-2328. 668-5871 668-5872 © TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 __|4 Albert St. ar ABYA N- MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars, 334 Ritson Rd. S, 723-3461 Open Evenings 1250 Dundas E., Whitby MOTORS Temporary Location Meade's' Sunoco Service Power Store Entrance ___ 588 King St. East KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity 1963 Buick Lasabre 2-door hardtop. Power steer- ing ond brakes, Radio, ete. Call Whitby 668-8705 after 6 pm 1957 CHEVROLET sedan, A-! condition, | standard 6, radio. $600 or best offer. Tele phone 728-3029. i957 four-door hardtop, OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO § $1,200 in cosh prizes Jackpot Nos, 56 and 54 JUBILEE . PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted Oshawa General Hospital WOMEN'S AUXILIARY MAMMOTH BAKE SALE & TEA DOLLS of oll Nations TREASURES HOSPITAL CAFETERIA FRIDAY, NOV. 20th 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. "BINGO -- TUESDAY, NOV, 7:30 P.M, 20 regular games $8 and $10 Shore The Wealth $150 Jackpot 58 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith BINGO FERNHILL PARK CLUB HOUSE WED., NOV. 11th EARLY BIRD -- 7:30 P.M. 16 games $6 each 1 each $10. $15 - $20 - $30 Shore the Wealth Free Admission----Door Prizes SUN TIME CRUISE April 17 to 24 Travel motor coach to New York then via Queen of Ber- muda, Tours arranged. Please reserve early as there is only o number of spaces available. Phone or write Rowe Travel Agency 10th CHEVROLET, | técylinder, custom built radio, white tires Excellent condition, Call after 4, 723-3588. | 1962 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, Must| sell. Excellent condition, Apply 155 Ver-| dun 196) LAURENTIAN Pontiac stationwagon in good condition, one owner, low mile | age, automatic 6, good tires, 725-0368. |194 VIVA Vauxhall, 22 months old, $1475, Like new, owner transferred. Bow- | manville 623-5629 after 4 p.m, owner 1959 Buick, automatic, radio, Very good condition, ree a out. Best offer. T 725-4249, 1Wo-|KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE __Port Hope, Ont. KINSMEN BINGO FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 52 and 52 EARLY BIRD GAMES 109 COLBORNE ST. W. [ime PONTIAC Laurentian, 8 Slade, ier steering, radio, back-up \flonts, 'plus. extras, $2,750, Telephone 725-0142 |30--Automobi es Wanted | $ 'ALL CASH: $ For clean cars, or trucks. we deal up or:down. Liens paid. | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel __WHITBY 668-3331 | CARS WANTED | Buying « New Car? | Sell your used car to "'Ted Talk 'Cash'. to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" "| TED CAMPIN MOTORS | _ 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Neilson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 200 |Wentworth East, 725-1181. |SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 ies | METEOR, aulomatic sedan; eteor + A-1 condition, new paint; pecker sedan; 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air, 1955 ada gad sedan; No '31--Automobile Repair BARGAINS Anti-freeze All Chev., Installed 4-way Flasher kit" ci Ignition Wire Kit DOC'S AUTO 1600 King E. -- 728-7781 (All®other acc. 10% off with this coupon) eh), Pontiac mufflers Aas Tha § $2.79 $2.95 OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert! carburetor and auto electric service, 222 King Street West, 726-0817. EXPERT brake service an ront. end suspension alignment. 226 ye Street. Call 723-4233. TRANSMISSION "specialists, sions are our only business. "1957 North. Phone 728-733 39. 1955 ; transmis 1038 Simcoe 35--Swap and Barter offers refused. Trades accepted 1950 Pontiac. Good trans: » $75 each. Apply 509 Bloor 1987 FORD truck, a ton, very godd con- dition, '$550, W. Pot, 48 Guild Road, P ering, 942-6177. i964 OLDSMOBILE Fas, black, |stored, new battery, licence, $550. East furnace, fittings, 1953| BATHTUBS, $20) toilets, basins, sinks, por-| cabinets, pressure systems, laundry tubs, piping. H. Chinn, Hillside Avenue |35A--Lost and Found LOST --- Blue and red checked pencil ick. '4-door, case. Containing palr of glasses. Vicinity |V8, automatic transmission, radio. Other McLaughlin - jextras, 5,700 miles. Telephone 728-1408. Kiya CHEVROLET coupe, partially re\LOST -- Collegiate last Thursday. Call 728-8313 Black male poodle, Vicinity and| Brock Road area. Pickering township. ldrive away. Apply Howard Motors, Kent|Good reward.. Dial 942-0453, Street North, Whitby. |USED CAR PARTS, spindies to m "Yost Monday Department LADY'S SPECTACLES, ake! morning, vicinity Kresge's trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street Store (hat counter). Telephone 723- 3079, East after 4, 723-2281. "" i908 CHEVROLET, ¢cylinders auiomaiic hesard with silver and bive inte ee alent' cond | Wearing flea collar. 720-1949 indshield washers. Hon Call 723-7916. 1963 CHEVY 11, automatic, six cylinder, tive brand new tires, A-1 condition. $700 Take over payments of $42.41.| down Telephone 655-3142 1964 CHEVROLET convertibie, red with| black interior, Burke Street 'speed transmission 196 CHEVROLET converlibie, one owner, | good tires automatic 6 cylinder, radio, i $1295 after 6 evenings. Call 723-9833 1985 BUICK Special, two-door hard A-] condition, enone shift, Phone 5609 or 728-729: 1942 PONTIAC hardtop, 6-cylinder, « matic. $2000 or $650 and take over pay- ments. Telephone 723-767) 1955 CADILLAC convertible. Needs body jwork, $200 or best offer, Apply afte |p.m. 79 Cromwell Avenue 1960 BEDFORD '2-ton van, oversize ti Must sell. Best offer. Telephone 725-8628. LOST: Part Persian grey and black kit- ten. Sadly missed by two-year-old boy lwith a broken leg. Olive, Ritson area, FOUND: Lady's purse, eyeglasses. ¢ Owner may have for paying for this ad. Phone 725-1 90) COMING EVENTS CHARTERED BUS Santa Claus Porode and Yorkdale Plaza, Soturday, November 14, Phone Bowmanville 623-3265 HI HO COME TO THE FAIR | Court Charlene L 1750 C.0.F. ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR Orange Temple -- Bruce St. WED., NOV. 11th, 8 P.M, In Aid of Cerebral Palsy Mrs. Ralph Compbell will open. ~ EUCHRE -- Radio Park, Grenfell Ave- nue, every Tuesdey night at 8 p.m. Admission SOc. Prizes and refreshments. High monthly score, $4. GOOD Used clothing sele, Friday, Nov. Boors 13, at CRA, open at 1.30, Albert Street UCW. Judy's Sacrifice Pays Off OTTAWA (CP)--Health Min- jister Judy LaMarsh's campaign |against smoking provided its \first dividend Monday in the form of a survey report show- ing that more than half the peo- ple in Canada over 20 do not smoke cigarettes regularly. A partial report of a bureau|~ of statistics August survey was announced Monday and it .| Showed only 44 per cent of Can- ada's adult population had the habit of 'usually smoking cig- arettes every day." While more than half (56 per cent) of adult males smoke, 28) only 32 per cent of women fol- low suit. Miss LaMarsh said the report, first official survey of its kind in the country, shows that per- haps Canadians "'are receiving an danpression the habit (smok- ing) is more prevalent than it actually is.' Full report of the survey is not finished. Highest percentage of smok- ers is in the 25 to'44 age group where 51 per cent use cigar- ettes, This is one per cent higher than the 20 to 24 age bracket, The report said only 27 per cent of teen-agers 15 and over smoked, but added that this figure 'may be somewhat | | BAZAAR AND TEA Wednesday, Nov. 11 2:30 P.M Auspices of 8th Sea Scout Mothers' Auxiliary et Christ Memorial Church. Parish "Hall Hillcroft and Mary St.) RUMMAGE sale St. Mark's W.A, Friday, res.|November 13, 1 p.m, in Alger Building, opposite Regent Theatre. top,-| 942. | uto- y 3 low" because household inform- ants questioned in the survey are "not always aware" of teen- agers smoking haLits. DANCER NOW ROBOT Julie Newmar, Rhoda_ the robot on TV's My Living Doll, was a prima ballerina with the Los Angeles Opera Company when she was 15. WED, NIGHT "| |troversial, __|leader of the Conservative cau- cus, TUESDAY 8 O' CLOCK) Everywhere in the material is --| payments to bond holders? And |The result is one relatively sim- t If you're in the market for a mouser with a little extra in the appetite department try putting in a bid for one of these little balls of fur. These three little lion cubs ~ WANNA BUY A PUSSYCAT? along with a hippopotamus, a Yak and other animals are up for sale by New York City to ease the population explo- sion in the Prospect Park and Central Park 2008. City RST RACE -- Purse $1900 ($2500) th and four-year- y Entry A B--Mrs W Von Richthofen and G E Gar- rett Entry Line Em Up, No Boy, 6; be try alten i yl X06; Huta, Max- well, 116; Jer No 1 VNB; Paiti Dipper' Ne Boy, 114; 114; Me. Brutus, No bind 14, Am J and Mra & SECOND RACE -- Purse $2000 ($2500) . Threeyear-olds and up. One xin" ersion Tune, Dittfath 119 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1900 vera Meiden. two-year-olds, foaled i Purchase Commissioner Roger J. Browne says any- body may make a bid and Christmas delivery is guar- anteed for the man on your gift list who has everything. TAX BREAKDOWN By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA (CP)--In the 1961- |62 fiscal year the federal gov- ernment spent more in Quebec than it raised there. The same was true for every province ex- cept Ontario, This is one. broad conclusion | that can be drawn from Ot-/ tawa's first attempt to allocate) federal expenditures and reve-| nues by provinces. | The results, bounJ to be con-| are shown in mate-| lrial tabled in the Commons by |Finance Minister Gordon at the! request of Leon Balcer, Quebec) who asked particularly about his province's position. the warning "use w:-h caution," The government notes it had to make a great many assump- tions in allocating both income and outgo among the provinces. With alternative assumptions, any analyst could have ' 'signif- icantly different results." WHAT OF CNR? For example, how does one) allocate defence spending among the provinces? What of the CNR deficit? And debt changes, in the form of interest how do you apportion among the provinces the federal reve- nues from sales and excise taxes? The finance department had to choose from among various methods of doing these things. |ple table of allocations -- bu with 10 pages of explanation, and 12 footnotes to the table it- self. That said, however, the table} shows this pattern: For every $1 in federal rev- enues collected in Quebec in the 1961-62 fiscal year, the govern- ment spent approximately $1.13 in that province. The same was true for British Columbia. For every. $1 collected in the jother provinces, this is what they received in the form of fed- eral expenditures: Newfound- land $2.61, Prince Edward Is- land $2. 70, Nova Scotia $2.01, New Brunswick $2.03. Ontario 85 cents, Manitoba $1.35, Sas- katchewan $2.02, and Alberta $1.20. These are the figures to near- est penny, calculated from the figures shown in the table. Those |Canada are done More Money Spent In Quebec Than Taken Out Revenue Expend. Newfoundland 90.9 237.8 .E. 21.7 58.8 Nova Scotia 175.4 352.6 New Brunswick 134.2 272.2 | Quebec 1,651.3 1,850.5 |Ontario 2,621.2. 2,233.5 | Manitoba 304.2 409.9 Saskatchewan 231.2 474.1 Alberta 461.8 555.1 641.9 725.4 13.0 76.3 6,346.9....7,246.1 Territories Total .....+ The figures may not add due to rounding. Some of the explanations: NOT COMPLETE PICTURE Activities of crown corpora- tions are not included. Thus the table is not a complete picture of the federal influence on the economy, Based only on one year, the figures do not reflect basic shifts in the pattern of federal spending and tax revenues since then. Also, the spending figure for Saskatchewan was '"'abnorm- ally high" that year due to some large, special items that do not recur, Personal and corporation in- come taxes were allocated to the provinces just as in the fed- eral - provincial tax arrange- ments. But how was sales tax rev- enue to be handled? This is col- lected from manufacturers, wholesalers and importers. Of- jten, the tax is paid before the Rail Travel Doomed VICTORIA (CP) A fore- | east that rail travel in Canada may be nearing an end was made Monday by N: R. Crump, chairman and chief executive officer of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Speaking at a press confer- ence, Mr. Crump said: "Some of us might live to see' complete elimination of rail passenger traffic in Can- ada, Top executives of the CPR met here in a closed directors' meeting. Mr. Crump said 86 per cent of passenger miles rolled up in by private car, leaving only 13 per cent for all other methods of trans- portation, figures, rounded in millions of dollars: | Saat Dead : | earnings, ie While rail freight business continued to account for the highest percentage of CPR "T can see no future in rail passenger traffic." goods are shipped across pro- vincial boundaries. It was the tax burden that the analysts sought--not the place of collec- tion. Answer: General sales tax revenues were allocated accord- ing to the 1961 distribution of personal disposable income. A simple population basis was used to allocate both defence and external affairs depart- ment spending, on the ground that all Canadians benefit equally. The same approach was used for the costs of 'national over- head"--the cost of maintaining Parliament, collecting taxes, maintaining the government buildings in Ottawa and Hull, paying debt charges and 60 on. *The population system also was used where "no special ra- tional allocation could be de- vised."' Included were the CNR and TCA deficits, railway sub- sidies, costs of the national re- search council and the bureau of statistics, federal costs of the RCMP and so on. Payments into and out of the old age security and unemploy- ment insurance funds are left out of the table, About 40 per cent of the spending took the form of pay- ments direct to people, their provincial governments or insti- tutions, such as universities. These could be allocated to provinces easily. Many expenditures were al- located to where they were ac- tually made, Handled 'in this way, for example, were expen- ditures of the post office and public works departments, farm rehabilitation, the parks branch, ferry/ subsidies, the air services branch of the transport depart- ment. ALLOCATED BY ORIGIN But freight assistance in mov- ing Western feed grain to the East was allocated to provinces on the basis of the province to get the grain. The St. Lawrence Seaway deficit was allocated according to the origin and des- tination of seaway traffic. Spending in the departments of agriculture, forestry and fish- eries was allocated by using in- dexes of production in the vari- ous provinces such as cash in- come from the sale of farm products, fish landings, value of forestry production and s0 on. Immigration costs were allo- cated to the provinces to which the immigrants went. Costs of Dear Maggie, No Boy 115 Both Ships Said To Be In Right By GERRY McNEIL i in the north channel of the St.) Lawrence when they collided in) a fog bank 57 miles northeast of here Sept. 5. ton, Ont., told a transport de- partment inquiry his 18,000-ton| the north inbound course of 258 degrees. Capt. Ioannis Andreou, 51, of| 6 Athens maintained with cer-| tainty that his 11,000 ton freighter Apollonia, seabound,| was well in its south lane on 75-degree course. The testimony of the cap- tains would place the vessels at least half a mile apart when the collision occurred. The Lee- cliffe Hall, loaded with 24, 000 |." tons of iron ore, sank four} hours later with the loss of| three lives while the badly- damaged Apollonia limped to. drydock here. CROSSED EACH OTHER? Each captain said the other vessel appeared to be veering} across his bow. Capt. Bowen) said the Apollonia, owned by the Margrande Navigation Company of Panama, had been! spotted on radar 3.8 miles) ahead and there appeared to be! no danger of collision. But when he first sighted it visually, it was swerving north across the channel. Capt. Andreou said the Lee- diffe Hall loomed out of the fog to his starboard, 'crossing me." collision also differed. Capt. Bowen said he went aboard the Apollonia, after put- ting all aboard his crippled ves- sel in a launch, and asked that it push his ship to shore. He said the Apollonia's pilot just then locked by the wreckage at their bows. Capt. Andreou, however, said he asked Capt. Bowen if any- one was aboard the Leecliffe Hall, and when he learned there wasn't, resumed efforts to} beach it. When the tug Founda-| tion Vibert arrived, Capt. | Bowen "went away." ra, Roman Warrior, Tipsy Gypsy, Walsh 115 strong, 118; x13; tar te een, No Boy, at, " fach, 115, Autumn No Boy, 1 - sone Pi Zoom A-wW ds Wi owned by the Hall Corporation| Mod of Canada, had been hugging) Teardrop Lane, Dittfach 113 lane on al A--E_B Seedhouse and Willow. Downs Versions of events after the) shrugged. The vessels were|\ GREENWOOD ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, November 11 Windy's Choice, No Boy Tracey Glen, Ditttach "118 Martian Champ, Sail Along, No soy ib Turkey Batter.Ne Boy 115 6 8 18 xno 7 Better Empire, Arm Roman Herold, ¢ Gambler, No Boy, 116) we Miss - Also Eligible: Chines: 1S; Mert aucune RACE -- Purse $s igg Bin Le ming. Maiden two-year-olds, Canaet '{Divn. of 3rd), 7 ieciign' The Strangler, Armst Ale bps Sid Maxwell 118 'bs Coster Week, a pay teed ud F Pop Peter, No ari 18 re, Rice No Spicy at] Lets. Scawf, Inda 118 Also &| weal pong Chant, Dittfach, 1157 Boy, aL he tes Zoom, Leblanc, "aN: Win Dixie, Armstrong, A-118, Webber and H W Taylor Entry. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $1900 ($2500) claiming. Three-year-olds and up. 7 Fur- Ss. Flippin Floyd, Walsh 113 Well Now, Harris X111 Remister, Annesiey 116 | Bull Pine, Parsons X111 Double Rule, Dittfach 119 | Susie's Roman, No Boy 112 Von Rich, Walsh 119 | Lavahot, No Boy } Falls Way, No Boy 117 | Skip Over, Gordon 119 Royal Heavy Man, Leblanc 119 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 added "Carleton ye ee foaled in Canada. One Mi | Champlain, Shuk 9 Old Mi , Gomer 122 reas Salt, Fitzsimmons 122 QUEBEC (CP)--Two master's, A122 mariners insisted Monday their|Des Erabies, Leblanc ships were in the correct lane|A--T E Hays and D B Weldon and Mra, Flyalong, Potts A: ierne Cathy, No Boy 110 A-122 $ Thomas Entry (QUINELLA BETTING) Pig tdeivibi RACE -- Purse $3000 "Ward Business Men's Assn." Allowances, reais olds and up, H a and mares, Capt. Walter Bowen, 66, Tren-| One and one-sixteenth Miles. | Basra, No Boy 116 | Royal Spirit, No Boy 120 Reckless Lady, Harrison 116 bulk carrier Leecliffe Hall, 1 cores Sister, Harrison 115 'ee Trial, No Boy A-116 Folly, No Boy A-113 Farm Entry re RACE -- Purse $3000, "Re mbrance Days Purse' Allowances, | Twree-yeor: 'olds and up. One Mile, Belfort, Hale 123 |Queen's Law, Parsons X110 | Muskeg, Harris X108 | Dark Fairy, Harris X108 | Wiegy Ship, No Boy A-113 ey On, Potts 116 Reval Start, inde WwW Top Toggery, No Boy A-113 Johns Champ, Walsh 19 Lebon M.L., Fitzsimmens 1 tao calife, hg 8 xis inisteo, Leblanc Stafford Farm airy X--5 Ibs. AAC XX--7 Ibs. AAC XXX--10 Ibs. AAC POST TIME 1.30 P.M. DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS London--Montagu Porch, 87, |stepfather of Sir Winston Churchill, Moscow -- Samuel Samosud, ss (80, Soviet orchestral conductor, a Ktcnees, Ont. -- S, E, Pres- , 57, general manager of the Kitohenee Public Utilities Com- mission since 1944; of a heart attack. Amherstherg, Ont. -- Harvey E. Hamilton, 68, reeve of Am- herstberg, active in municipal politics for 35 years. Edmonton -- Robert M. Ding- wall 74, founder of Standard Iron Works Limited. Ranier's Father Dies In Paris PARIS (Reuters) Prince Pierre, 69, father of Prince Rainier of Monaco, died in a Paris hospital today, members of his household announced. the penitentiaries service were distributed according to the province where the sentencing was done. In One-Car Smash -- SMITHS FALLS, Ont. (CP)--| Two teen-age girls killed in a} four fatality, single ~ car| smashup near this Ottawa Val- ley town were identified by po- lice Monday night as Elizabeth|f Mary Frances West of Camp Petawawa and Colleen Linda May Elliott. of Renfrew, Ont, | Both were 16, Also killed in the crash, which occurred at 4 a.m. Monday on| a straight stretch of fog: shrouded Highway 29 when a 1957 model car blew a tire and crashed into an elm. tree: Richard Delahunt, 23, of Wolf- ville, N.S., who had been liv- ing in Toronto and Myrl Wat-) son, 30, of Toronto. Giovanni Berri, 30, of Tor-| onto, owner of the car, suffered | forehead lacerations. Also injured were John Dono- frio of Toronto, driver of the car, who suffered .a fractured skull and was transferred to Kingston General Hospital in critical condition, and Fernand Sanche, 26, of Pinewood, near Toronto, skull lacerations. | BOB JOHNSTON ACTIVE REALTY LTD. REALTY LTD. | 48 Simcoe St. S, STAR SALEMAN of the Week Where Real Estate Is SOLD . ... Not Just LISTED OPEN DAILY 9 p.m. 9 a.m. to CALL. "ACTIVE" to Get Moving 728-5157 sap anaes a YOUR NEW at Oshawa's ne | 206 KING Friday nights MUFFLER INSTALLATION CENTRE SPEEDY MUFFLER KING| SPEDYMUPIR installed FREE in j15 MINUTES west and finest ST. WEST i TEL. 728-6268 (oom Ss He jt nae FAR RE WG I BO Open Mon. thru Sat. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. till 9 P.M.

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