Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1964, p. 16

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og. ER fi tel an Ar ea. cee 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES. Tasedey, Movember 16, TP8s "Times Action Want Ads Cost Little... But Pay Big In Results" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS : SERVICE DIRECTORY} eRe TIME" "PET TIME" -- |ssiauarsste vom Building Trodes Instruction ironing. Rafiable worker, references. Tele. Wild Bird Mixture Repairs & Remodeling ONTARIO Sunflower Seed Fine Cut Grains Peanut Hearts Bird Feeding Stations Purity Dog Meal Garages, sidewalks, r A Seana, doste, gates, cos DRIVING $8.45 cwt vgn oS rie SCHOOL Wizard of Odds, Free estl- | teom to Drive 1964 Models mates, 725-9103. PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cors PURINA DOG CHOW FOR ALL YOUR Licensed Instructor Automatic ond Standord FB. RICHARD 8 north, Suite 6, MASTER DIET PURINA KIBBLE MEAL HOME REPAIRS Bethrooms Kitchens Oshawa 728-6934 |" TUTORING MASTER BISCUITS Garages Rec Rooms Painting and Decorating Classes now in session ot MEAT STEW B. WILKINS SANDALWOOD Academic Tutoring College. MEAT LOAF 728-3307 PAINTERS All. ages, grades, subjects, HORSE MEAT & GRAVY Cooper Smith Co. Quality Carpentry and Gatiered havaie Painting and Decorating Reading, Math, English Contractors Science, etc. From student's 6 Celina Street 723-1139 Alsterations, rec reg - wel hen, artorttn eee 875 Florell Drive own textbooks, private or or phone group. two malesr $20, each? two females, Si. 655-3244, wall tiles, arborite etc. Sotis- faction guoranteed, 728-1367 ACADEMIC HAVE YOUR PAINTING done by « good, TUTORING COLLEGE Brooklin red, Paes H. MCKOY 725-8576 clean painter, Free estimates. Telephone CALL 723-6701 POODLES, miniature, ae mais CEMENT WORK a Whitby Driving School |new apricot and sliver, champion and females, registered, WALKS, STOOPS, ry FLOORS, CURBS ond P PATIOS J. A, OSTERHOUT--Owner Dual Controlled Cors phone Port Perry 985-2360. B. McLEAN Personal Courteous Service, |BEAGLE hounds (two). Apply 96 Beat- rice Street, Phone 725-5946 SENERAL REPAIRE, corpesiry, heme carpentry, etre 4 sold, aad arvonged. GENERAL REPAI home Ue al Aompanr pushin DIAL 668-4176 workmanship. [AMES MACDONALD, BA, .LLB,|Free estimates. paymett plon avelleble rand and ee i ag 4 +4 Phone 723-6045. want Seneca, it Pet Socaluny in ezegg™ fers 'emi|_1010 Dundas E., Whitby repeirs. J. C.TTLLIAN MAb MARSH, D.E.A. School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre , & bial Lin ood ceiling tlle and all kinds HYMAN AND HYMAN, B.arrister, - Soil-|Dingler, 723-6603. citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times! HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and Buliding, 86 King eavestroughing, carpentry work, "pobnting hs and ay hey repairs. All work gavaran- Street. East, 723-1137. Clients' funds available for Bee» perme Set: herowt © Fyn ee ee eiains 596 Bruce Street, asl " <|FOR TRENCHING end complete : tank Instatiations, all materials Inc Call Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710. NEW PLASTERING and repairs, re Rec. rooms. Free A. C. Woods, 728-3420. Cartage OWNS MOVING AND CARTAOE . Humehreys, BA, LLB. Zon, waite. Whitby. Reseonable rates. Pully|dation or 725-4604; Whitby 'ues NHA and other equipped and Insured. phone first mortgege funds avaliable. Cx CONDI, I om a eae By BBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | Ridges. 39-4191 1 funds vable irs| Caterers ibbon, Ny 17--Male Help Wanted SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. Helper for shiner in large growing furniture store. Can be single or middle-aged married man. Must be strong and re sarge ermanent full-time posi- tion with good starti salary a all usua fringe benefits. Good op- portunities for advance- © ment, By R J. SCOTT BABY wanted 7- year-old * girl. Wit took look Jeter two "eh me live in preferred, Write Miss Ber- '2 Pelieso, Angiiers, [seedy J lady [og like Ti a 8 home worker or iting by or week, T8419, ede bial 4 de m., JUNIOR stenographer with typl sires position immediately, _ Telephone! Newcastle 987-4507 mornings 'until 2 p. or evenings from 7 p. 16--Female Help Wanted PART. TIME TYPIST - RECEPTIONIST for REAL ESTATE OFFICE HOURS 5-9 P.M. Monday through Friday Saturday 12 noon to 5 p.m. Write Box 438 Oshawa Times JEWELLERY Saleslady Required Experience preferred but not necessary. Permanent posi- tion, ARE CRA' SERVING Fae WH EYES To 'WARD OFF EVIL ANDA $23: DANCE MUSIC-- R. and 5. wae Saree fapeweingg Hye yy ic for all occasions, irown, 728-8334, Apply to: Mr, J. OWEN, Shipper CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD> 80 King Street Eost GENERAL MAINTENANCE MEN Required for hospital, mein- tenance department. Full range of benefits, with 5 day 40 hr. week. For full details of position and salary, please apply in person at PERSONNEL OFFICE OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL MACHINIST Must be experienced Roneid F. Burrows, CA, 728-7554, . RT 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa,| Suifario. 'Telephone 720-1221. ephone 72-1271, _ HOPKINS, 'ADLE AND €O., Charter foots Einancial Trade Bulld- co a sie: ST wepkinCAi H. E. Beadle, CA; C. Lukow, CA. ntiques A ul iN CORNER -- lass, china, lamps, are nore Aanburn, Onterlo. Barristers 'A isters, Soll- MACKEY and BAILEY, Berri Phas Notaries Svalieble, 36% King Street East, 723-1107. SScESH BC MANGAN) OC, ol PH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. Aesey to loan, Office 14V2 King Street East, Oshawa 726-8232. pe gin OD, 136 Simcoe Oshawa, Telephone heal bought small TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS and Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 Well I Drilling--Digging WALL Di DIGGING :by machine specializing In Inch tile. W. Wa 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 648.2563 or 668- 10-- Articles for Sale | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying or selling used fur- niture ond applionces. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16% Bond W.--728-4401 WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER Texoco Furnace Fuel Oil and Stove Oil FREE Burner Ser- vice. "blue coal" ~ Cannel Coal, Semet-Solvay Coke, Wood, BUILDING SUPPLIES, SAWDONS' LIMITED (Whitby) 244 Brock S. ADORABLE baby Siamese kittens, won- derful children's pets. Will board until Christmas. Call Gal-Lee Cattery, 728-9609, BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ready tor training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin East. 4 COZY-J RANCH, Kennels, Reaistered German Shepherds, puppies, bloodlines. Stud services, Sreruiee Quar- ter horses, foeis, Trailer Ashburn, Brook- lin 655-4662. POODLES -- Miniatures, ofenletered. and up. Telephone janoane BRED oot = li-yeer- er, Paces and buggy. Phone Hampton 163-2138. WILL BOARD horses tn Courtice ares. Telephone 725-5940, 11--Articles Wanted PIANO WANTED, repair worthy. Best price offered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, RR No. 1, Oshawa. 12--Articles For Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES -- Oscillating sanders, dise sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers. 3 PLUMBERS TOOLS -- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- Stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT -- Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp, electric welders. BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric Vibrator, olr compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers; electric hommers, mas- onry saw, building lacks; mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, térpoulins, 14°' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, 223 King St. W.. Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, crinolines, headpieces, veils, mink stoles, white fox furs, dishes, cutlery, glasses, tables, chairs, church run- ners, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 APPLY BURNS JEWELLERS LTD 20 Simcoe St. N. CARILLON TOWERS Costume Jewellers to the 1965 Miss Canade Pageant. The company of opportunity pe six charming women wro drive. For 'interview call 668-3215 Whitby. WILL SHARE home with women child or lady pensioner, in exchenge re baby sitting sired while mother works. Te! Telephone 7 7%-5) ADDITIONAL | aati time artist's figure models required. Experience not neces-| sary. Write full particulars ~----s re cent pheiceracne. Clark Studio, 325 Brock North, al Service anol i Ty gt Rd protect. ed re one 'eaeghone 728-5242, Plumbing and Heating ALL 'TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials, Reasonalbe care Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. 'elephone 1, id H. Stark, Ltd. Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe treet South. Rug-Upholstery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaning. At our store or in your home. CALL 725-9961 Conran ibs : ree and re imate. our materia! Sr pserina: --. SCpnolsterings rid Charles Street, 723-7212. CHESTERFIELDS cea old chal covered like new. Get best Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe St. Call 7%-645\, Free estimates. hatin hated tative nd RE-UPHOLSTERING Rod experts, Esteb- it 17 years. C range of mater- rag vans, complete ties years. DRYNAN, MURDOCH, Agreements of Temple, Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! on eco- "| nomicel rig "Fo wall cleaning, Work done modern chine, Free Estimates, Work quarenteed. 728- 72-77% Money To Loan ere" liga tee ap yay) es ny trol Yor, fon fess for comet? any worthwhile purpose, Teie- Forente 401-5209. Mortgages NEED MONEY? TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? 668-3524 JANSSEN'S COUNTRY DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET Host of imported fruit, veget- obles, apples sold by the bushel. Excellent winter po- tatoes, 843 KING W. ¥, Barristers, Sol eee King, Street east Dial Re Seance reer, ee car tesance V. Kelly, OA. BCle and = HILL- 346% King RELIABLE housekesper to keep house and mind four children, Live "~ For particulars call 723-1296 after 5 p MATURE, experienced bookkeeper, day week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Di Dial oT 9001. REPRESENT meee Counselors' finest Elegant Christmas gifts. Mod- erate taveatreerts aan. 725-9442. 1--Women's Col PERMANENTS on special. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. 725-5363. 2--Personal Remove! of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will-be in Oshawa, Nov. 9th, 10th, Tith, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) CUSTOM TAILORING Suit and Dress Alterations Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 ea. al WANTED. -- transportation to Toronto, Caledonia Road area, arriving for seven o'clock, ¢. R. Rines, efter 6 p.m., 723-1925, ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Wyman C, Campbell. Please phone Collect, Mrs. Wyman Campbell, Cobourg, 372-9997 after 5 p.m. ALL WOOL double knits, made to mea- sure. All kinds of wool sweaters, pull- overs, cardigans, shirts, sports and ele- gants. Ladies, men, children, For appoint- ment 723-9075. CLARK STUDIO -- oll Sab ba jlaps, art lessons, mod |nings, Saturdays, 325 Brock North, | Whitby, 668-4497, |8--Hunting | WE SKIN, cut and wrap deer Telephone 723-3732 or 723-5338. |WILL cut up venison, For Information please telephone 728-2400 or Whitby 668- | 2090. |10--Articles f for Sole CLEARANCE Beams 8" 8", 20 ft. lengths Beams lengths Joist 2" x 8's, 12 ft. lengths Joist 2" x 6s, 12 ft. lengths 1 inch flooring and sheeting. AT 25% OFF RETAIL PRICE Apply Poultry Farm of G. E. SCOTT, Hwy. No. 2 (Halfway between Oshawa ond Whitby) HONEST CAL'S -Furniture and appli- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. We carry R ic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines, Your author- lzed GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West. 728-9191. WE BUY, sell and exchange used tural- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street | South, 723-1671, BEDROOM SUITE SALE-- piece sultes, $99.88 up. Floor samples, new and dis- continued lines! Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simove, St. TELEVISION tower speciai 40 ft. struc- ture; Including all channel antenna, in- stalled and guaranteed by experts withi§ 10 years experience. $50. Trio Television. Telephone 728-5143. POOL TABLES, 1] models, from $139.90. Major Pool Equipment, 690 Drake Street, | ga, Dshawa, 725-9151. Atter hours, 725-3661. JUICE EXTRACTOR sale, ali makes. Free a by See them work and compar now and save, The Sunshine. shop, Ye Prince Street, Oshawa. MATCHING diamond and wedding ring set, just like new, size 7. Will sell rea- sonably. Telephone 725-6280. LLOYD baby carriage, blue end grey, fair condition, $10, Apply 216 Mightend |= Avenue, or telephone 725-5124. MEUNENGR accordion for sale, A-1 con- dition. Telephone 725-7177, MOVING into scarier Must sell Hot- point deluxe refrigerator and Frigidaire range. in splendid condition. Telephone 723-2197. NEW, two 30" x 54' storm windows, wood frames, one 36" x 5134", one 28" x 43" 22Va"' x 46", one 20% x 43' all with two lights. Half price. 481 Drew Street. FORCED TO SELL by November 20, used Philco Console 21" television. Perfect con- dition, Telephone 728-0437 after 4 p.m. "THOR" wringer washer, excellent con- dition, equipped with timer and pump, $75, Telephone 725-0282 or apply: 80 Patricia Avenue, BLUE SPRUCE (3) Koster, 18 to 22 feet high, Make offer. Telephone Orono 274 J. LADIES' and Teens' fall dresses, skirts, Coats, sizes 12 to 16; lady's persian lamb | coat, size 16, $25. 236 Park Road North, Page Hair- Telephone ve] ----Top Salary --All Company Benefits --Good Working Conditions CALL C. TAYLOR CROVEN LTD. Whitby 668-3325 ESTIMATOR Moveable metal partition meonufacturer offers oppor- tunity for a man with exper- ience using plans and specifi- cations to train as company estimator, Permanent, full benefits. Location ---- Ajax. Telephone 942-6500 TV SERVICE TECHNICIAN Experienced dhouffeur's N- cence, good wages, steady employment. Phone Collect Toronte LE 5.3137 HOSICK TELEVISION MAN with pleasant appearance and personality to act as host in new Cocktail Lounge. Week- ends. GENOSHA HOTEL DRIVERS WANTED Must be at leost 25 years or older. APPLY UNITED TAXI 143 King St. East PACTORY supervisor with bil lust sewing machines in 1] ping ona onal oa letter, . Box i, Oshawa, Two MEN wanted for farm work, Tele phone 725-9674, TRUCK DRIVER for fuel ail, married, or 25, Pe eign A Inclined, oe jo learn furnace work, re ment, Apply 238 Kaiser C for retall hardware store, In my Re employmen Hardware, 'Alex ing Centre, TIME STUDY JUNIOR for expanding holstered furniture manufacturer. E. 'ate ing is necmeesty, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Phone RELIABLE housekeeper, live in, wanted immediately to care for four children. Three In school, while mother In hospital. Telephone 725-5927. CARGE reirigerator, good working condi- tion; heavy iy range, automatic. Tele- phone 723-6977, 728-9429 Tone Craft Paint Co. 19 BOND W., 723-4922 100's rolls prepasted paper a up to $1.95, Sale price All Paints 20% Discount (Formerly Preston's) TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, Pod tors, cheque writers, comptomet files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, preted ice. Largest stock, budget terms. New and used. Low overhead, low price, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, TV TOWERS Special; 40 ff. tower siruc- ture, We gee ri ane mie $50. irst tioGr), 728-7336. Char! Qc; Edger F. Building Materials McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. ploce to buy ell your Sono materials. 1070 SIMCOE N. 728-4688 Building Trades Les -- enn rates. For lino, rubber, floors ete. Contrects Invited.|ORESSMAKING -- eli kinds of ladies' Free estimetes, Yorkdele Tile Company, | wear work, Call 668-8463. Reverse changes 225-0167. wale Henry street, Whitby. repairs. Gardening and Supplies "TOP SIZE BULBS" TULIPS CROCUS IRIS SNOWDROPS HYACINTH DAFFODILS NARCISSUS SCILLA PAPERWHITES Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 TOP SOIL -- FILL SOD 723-1161 OSHAWA __. GARDEN CENTRE LOAM and GRAVEL WASHED STONE, FILL Excavating, lots levelled. LOADERS, TRUCKS FOR HIRE BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 MERION KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS > SODS INSPECTION WELCOME "ALLGREEN" | NURSERY SOD GROWERS Townline N, 4 mile north of Tauton Village 725-9674 BLUE VELVET SOD Supplied and Laid. Field Sod, Nursery Sod and Stock, Rockery Stones, Side- walk 'Slabs, Cedar Hedges. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING R.R. 4--Bloor E, 723-9020 MANURE, full truck load, $3 per yard. ae. ona full toe baitv load, $2 per yard. rune? SOD, cut dally; send loam) and gravel. Armstrong Sod. Telephone} BABY sirTER to mind three children in my home. 5-day week. Cali after 6 p.m. 723-7603. WOMAN fo do house cleaning Va day per week, Lake Vista area. References. Tele- phone evenings 725-1572. WOMAN to mind one child, in child's oe Bling to 5.30 five days weekly. Wil- Lansdowne area. Telephone Seer, 1 7 to 8 evenings, RELIABLE lady required to mind children while mother works days, Lignt housework. After: 4.30 p.m. call 728-9720. genes LADY to care for 2 children children's home. og duties, tive in or out. Telephone 728-2993. pr lca Nh sedate WAITRESSES required, 4 to 11 and 11 to A pee Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha WOMAN for cleaning every three or four hours, daliy. Apply rae Lancaster, 27 King Street West. DRUG CLERK, cosmetician required, experience an asset. Apply Box 627 Osh- awa Times, Classified Advertising De- partment. 17--Male Help Wanted Company, 287 Dean Avenue. BIALEK, DR. C. B. -- Dental Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For or Res. 728-8441, bak tga agi he>y end refinish your furni- J. Custom Furniture. Whitby, 648-5753 or TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without obli- tion, your financial plans: Sur 10 to 15 year long- term 2nd mortgage. with low end smoll repay * moy prove much easier for your budget. CORONATION INVESTMENT CO--LTD. A Conedian Public Company In Oshewa area cal! SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 King St. West 723-2265 (after hours 723-7996) re by J Free 'aiiinatess 668-5376, Sales and -- GUARANTEED repairs all wri washers and ri eigen bret estimat 728-1742, Septic Service . Eg rater itu Chat Bre on calls, Walter Ward, 204 West, Whitby, 668-2543. Surveyors i. FILM and TROLLOPE, Onterio Lend Surveryors, 111 Elgin Street East, Phone 725-6681, Trade Schools ATTENTION MEN 17 to 49 Heavy Equipment | Operators Are in demand for bull- | dozers, scrapers, rotor graders, draglines, back- thoes, and shovels. If you ed by top instructors right on the equipment. Don't delay --- enquire now. Write giving name, add- ress and telephone num- ber: NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION BOX F3 Out of town endquiries invited. 'TV--Radie Repoirs TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 T.V. TOWERS And Aerial Service SOUTH END T.V. ED. PARE. PROP. 480 Phillip Murray 728-6879 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS NOW Service Calls Till Dressmoaking LOOK SMARTI Ail'kinds of oresemaking 'and alterations, Telephone iterators tb -- Suits, te dresses, eltera' "4 3 iP vars ae ana TaRIPYYT Airlie mending and style changing. Oshawa 7 361 Gibbons Street, 726-8180. ORGAN "BELL", winter coat (girl's) size 12, fur lining; white skates, size 8; bulky Sweater, size 12; skirts, 12- faa party dresses, 1214, Phone 723-7524. HURLEY pressironer, like new, port able. For professional or home use. $200. Or best offer, Phone Port Perry, 985-7165 USED VACUUM cleaners and polishers, 900d condition, $10 up. Telephone 728-6956, quail rs. "Vooglarv, 111 jeaner. Chim- Hnlngs In- estimates. ch a SOnNGVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Commercial bive Land Surveyor, Ti Ontario Street. 725-5632 your carpentry. work -- rec.- ay, cupboards # speciaity. Call 'William Vroom. 725-0256. ALL TYPES building aca Fapuecial mew and repaired, sidewalk and concr: pane Hy 728-0394, All type OS eae: FOR TRENCHING and complete septic tank Installations, all materials at Cal Frank Brink, Hampton 263-271 BARGAINS for babies! Spring filled crib Mattresses, $7.88; chrome high-cheirs, $12.88. Large selection of kindergarten sets, rockers, walkers, cribs, strollers, » Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church ure SALESMEN For progressive reol estote firm. Must be experienced, ombitious, neat and willing to apply themselves, Pleasant working conditions, Good commissions ond bonuses. BABY CARRIAGE, white and sliver, con- vei into car condition. "Crain ager etc., rigina! ice $79. Selling sas $25. 728-1056. i COAT -- Sapphire Beaver Lamb (full oe size 18, in good condition, $100. Telephone Whitby 668-5023. GUNS -- Bought, sold, Traded, Repaired pi Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond $t, Wi? 728- Ist Time in Canada a cto 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co, Ltd. The foremost Canadian Pub- lic C9. in the field, now Introduces long + term 15 YEAR OPEN Second mortgages. Borrow whet you need on the 'security of your home -- Repay in small monthly payments over 10 to 15 years. For full details, coll SCHOFIELD-AKER imite 360 King St. West MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first. mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased, Moneys for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 CHROME high chair) lerge crib, adjust- able meal girl's "condition. i size 6, brow condition, able. Telephone 7: 28586 sai SCRAP nAROWOOS, one-foot re single cord. Dial 723-228) p.m, Classified Rates D ADS Cash--1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08 @dditional: words 4'4¢ each; cone secutive insertions of 24 words, =* swore 3 2 ead. x 1000's of leads. 1000's of new -homes. Phone the manager for in- terview. 942-3310 H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER ' "" | D 6 6"s, 20 ft. ye x | | | Method of counting -- Less than 24 | words counts as 24 words, each word, | initial, ee or abbreviation counts j gs one. word; phone number counts | LIONEL Cp train, two transform- ers, and many sccessories, extra tracks, etc, on 'taed few times, like new. Tele- Phone 7: Bi ho. i ROXATONE crib, large, drop side, with retirees $20; Meh hate, grey pi hea tic, $14, both good cond! eve: tabletop. Tamer <4 $60; also girl's winter coat, size 10, bive, grey fur collar $7; Call 725-1383, po IE al ala Bika hot mins Bid) ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No down payment, $14, ny at Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 Lb gun wanted, telephone as a8. SKLAR bed-chesterfield, deep rose, nyion boucle and chair, good condition; lady's winter coat, cranberry, size 12-14, Mus- kret collar, cuffs. 723-3867, GIRLS coats and ski-jacket, good conditio 10-121 'man's winter coat, size 40. Apply 170 Park Road North, PRIVATE sale of household furniture, in- 923.990 tugs and drapes. Telephone charge If not paid within 7 days Taping -- Weddings taped and recorded --~ Master of Ceremonies work, P.A. sys- tems, tape recorders, tapes, dances, Intercoms -- Hi- Fl equipment, Gudgeon Associates Sound Equipment 723-5121 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, pot os oe reducing machines, sick supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice beter GARAGE and parking places ¢ for rent. % block from General Motors north plant. 115 Mary Street. Telephone 723-5537, CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 312 Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, HALL AVAILABLE for private parties, dances, banquets, etc., seating capacity 200, Reserve now for hay and sleigh rides. Little Buckaroo Ranch, 725-2737. ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred people? whe Tennis Club for ban- quets, es, weddings, anniversaries. Pacititiess Chee, kitchen, parking. Rea- 723-2140 two words oe BintHs _ Sn - iy - $2.00 per insertion Log 25 cents ad: ditional charge If not paid with-in % days | _ | FINANCE COMPANY: REQUIRES Young men, IMMEDIATE exponsion pro- grome offers great --. ity ond rapid och FULL poy while we train you to become a branch manager. APPLICANTS must have high school or comparable educa- tion, good appearance and be ambitious to assume import- 4 responsible. position, each thereafter, plus i2c per line of verse 25 additional charge if. not paid within 7 days. xR DS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc each thereafter, with 25¢ ge A a charge if not pald within 7 deys COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (Dispiay) $1. 50 for the first 20 words and 5c each thereafter (Word Ads) | AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous og AND FOUND day of publication bins pt paged i$ publication ctastiried "olgetay column -- 4 p.m. day previous 3 column or yfoves -- 10 am. day previous SECeLLAT IONS AND GORRECTI bie aici % a.m. day publication BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c While every endeavor will be made to forward replies 1 oS box- numbers to the advertisers as as possible hod rag no iebility In reson of te fa alleged arise ld elther failure or auey In for- pet chat oan | in Insertior FLY KILLING units for sale and rent. Automatic Cluster Fly control. Try be fore you buy! Call 668-2200, TANK, 100 gallon, suitable for oll, gas line, etc, able, 728-5179, BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and entaloryg One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, $40.; stan- dard + adding machine, $25; 1BM electric typewriter, 723-4434, BEDROOM SUITE -- 2 mattresses, %-|----~ bed chrome set; chesterfield and chair, tren 13--Business 1 Opportunities LICENSED COIN-OPERATED WESTINGHOUSE Loundromat Laundry 'and Dry Cleaning Store IF you are the right party or family we Offer: COMPLETE PLANNING HELP ON LOCATIONS MOST LIBERAL FINANCING COMPLETE CONTINUING PROMOTION Call' or write today ALD CANADA LTD. 25 Belfield Road, REXDALE, Ontario PHONE: Keith Rusnel OSHAWA -- 728-0927 LUNCH AND COFFEE BAR on Simcoe Street, very good business, in good loca- pone t Bp 20 A ieee raemore Up Avenue, Toronto, 19. iy Poteohone R RU 7-165. MARRIED man to nite 'ate om or ard, with some wiedge of cattle, House supplied. resi Box 428 Oshaws Times Classified Advertising Department. ATTENTION -- Rig Ht, jot you? tam ® income, R icaaetarten Ae a in we, ichellew tow ree at, Henry, Montreal 18--Male or Female Help Wanted COLLECTOR "PART: TIME For established monthly debit, Experienced not needed. Car essential, For interview write giving phone number to; P.O. BOX 86, POSTAL STATION "N" __ TORONTO 14, ONTARIO fo ton Omen tee 20--Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE SALE -- 76) Easigien Drive, If you have finance co, ex- perience you have an excel- lent opportunity to become a branch manager within 3 to 12 months. Apply D. Rees, sonable raies.. Superior Finance Ltd. 17 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa TIRE SERVICEMAN For Tire Sales, Tire Repairs and Service Experience preferred but con- sideration ond training will be given to an alert and am- bitious individual who desires permanent empolyment. Company paid pension, hosp- ilization and incentive bonus are among the many benefits aveilable. APPLY IN PERSON TO MR. E. N. HARRIS, Mar. B. F. Goodrich Store 88 King St. West refrigerator, stove, @ 725-0349, VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, brushes, efc. Pick-up, delivery. "942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, rey,| Pickering. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 Or 263-2695. 10A--Market Basket BEEF QUARTERS Hinds 50c, Halves 44c, Fronts 38c Free Cutting ond Wrapping for freezer. Call 5 to 6 p.m. Thurs, 725-3223 APPLES -- Macs, Courtiends, ~ Spys, | ecors. Maybelle Orchards, one mile north of Whitby, No, 12 Highway. CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, 5'4 Ibs. and up. $2.50 each. Delivered, Telephone 725-8304, 264 Huron Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa. Ontario-- 725-3568 Hes, gb goon ares The Tir Timed' wilt sages replies uncalled we in REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wil) not be re eponsibie for errors, in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one inser- = of inf advertisement, nor beyond cherge for a single inser- ee of the advertisement in which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the right fo classify Bible wocording te i. proper ci in the case of hg oye advertisements The Times will not be held respon- sible for more space than then_ in which iad actual dl occupies, ™ meatier corr 'amy inaccuracies in any form ere con "yogi ew rr | | GARDENS piowes with Gravely Roto plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104. TREE to trim? Call "Sil". Or cut them down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or 728-0610.| Instruction LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving Schoo! reasonable rates, standard isement cancelied before ORDERS for freezers. Roasting chickens, be charged one day's and automatic cars pecan ication fon 'wal IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Cell Classified Direct 723-3492 |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, | tap, [now, Oshewe Shopping Centre, 725-6122. Professional Instructors 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY Baton, R.A.D., Ballet, Highland. Register FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick! and 'Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street) East, 723-7232. |PRIVATE and corporate monies for ait] mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Creighton, Orynain, | pi Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barristers.") 9 P.M. T.R.1.Q. Television 728-5143 CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, airs. All work guaranteed, Avenue, Telephone 725-0500, al 511 CHROME SET, furniture only $299, | bedroom , table and four chairs, | non-extension ,_ Telephone 723-2355. FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, Includes, comp! iving room, kitchen ensembles. $0, re) Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable Value! Dean| Barons' Home Furnishings, 6 424 new "quailty Simcoe 4 \bs. -- $1.25. Delivery on 10 or more. Telephone 726-5291. tion. Business includes stock and equip- ret. $4,000. Rai iS trade for house.|__ | 723-6959. Don Strad- 10B--Farmer' s "Column DEAD and "crippled farm stock picked vp promptly. - Margwil! ur Parm, lete} he rone, Telephone Hampton, 2463-2721) ofl Real Estate, errr |BEAUTY SALON, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa location. Business and equip- ment, $2,000, monthly rental of salon and four-room apartment, $125. Dougias Oshawa, Ontario SOWMANVILLE, Whitby, 'Alx, 100 part- time paper boys. Also boys wanted be-|% tween Rossland and Taunton Road, ranch bungalow, lot SI' x 175', many extras. $2,900 down payment. Telephone 725-0658 NEW four-bedroom home with attached garage available, electric heat, two wash- 725-6647, Mrs. Lee. EXPERIENCED carpet layer, for Osh- awa and district. Write full particulars to J. M. Bullled, Realtor, 723-1168. Box 4% Oshawa Times, rooms, store front and bullt-In stove and oven are @ few of the extras. Tradés considered, Call S. D, Hyman Real Ex tate Limited, 728-6286,

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