Whitby Firm Geared For The Atomic Age tilling is the construction of medical safety boxes. 'The lar; white first aid kits are # familiar sight banging on the wails of factories and ga- rages. NEW PLANT MANAGER Bathurst Containers, one of .|the larger Whitby plants, has announced the appointment of a new plant manager. R, Joseph Buckley, 32, assum- ed the manager's position, dio- October 1. distributed by the company. The gas sells for $1,000 per cubic foot and is used in research work. 'THOUSANDS OF BLENDS Allan Knight, manager of the) plant, said his company sells) thousands of different blends of gases, Using the basic stock of 95 different types the .ompany can/ mix and blend producing mil- lions of possible blends to suit! the individual consumer Mr. Knight said his company) is one of the few sources in the world for many of the more} rare and costly compressed gases. Orders for special blends come in, and the mixtures are) made from the large company! tanks. The liquid gases are stored in metal cylinders and shipped to market The rare gases such as Kryp- ton are shipped in ceramic vials compressed gases are used in many industries for many dif- ferent things The petroleum, paper and chémical industries use large! quantities in different processes and for testing and calibrating equipment | NEW INDUSTRY Penrohn Metal Products lo- cated in Whitby seven months| ago, is one of the newest mem- bers of the local industria! fam-| ily Arthur Skidmore started the business in February with him- self and one employee as the! total. work force. Today he employs six men and orders for his products are "coming in steadily." The shop is located in the old Pickering Farms building on Dundas street west. The prime process involved is} the shaping, spot welding, and) painting of sheet metal. | Mr. Skidmore and his em- ployees are busy filling a large order for the metal cabinets of automatic cigarette .. vending machines. Another order the company is} Group Votes Opposition To Lotteries Among the letters read dur-| ing the business session of Al-/ monds United Church Women's | meeting was one from the Bible} Society announcing a new film on its work. It was decided to send a donation of $15 to the| society and to show the film| at some future date. Copies of two out-going let ters were shown. One was a protest against the legalizing of lotteries, the other expressed the wish that the women's prison remains at Kingston Gratification was expressed) at the success of the play 'The! Pill Bottle" recently shown. Mrs. Percy Pascoe conducted the worship service and spoke about the Bible and what a won- derful book it is and how it should be used As the Mission theme was India, president Mrs, F. J. Reed wore a dress purchased in India in 1944. The dress is made of a material named Kiddah, much admired. She also wore jewel- lery from Tibet and showed Tibetan tapestry. Mrs. Reed spoke briefly about Mr, Buckley left the com- pany's head office in Montreal where he was employed as .|Chief Industrial Engineer. He began his career with the Bathurst Chain in 1957 when he was hired as industria) engineer at the Whitby plant. braith, the former Dorothy Me- Nee of Whitby and baby, Mary Elizabeth, Sudbury, were guests of Mrs. Bessie Harden, 115 Eu 'clid street. flour is produced from potsdam| Lois, daughter of Mr. and sandstone or quartz. |Mrs. Frank Cassady, is cele- The raw material is run/brating her fifth birthday Sun- through rolling mills that re-|day, Nov. 8. duce it te @ fine powder. | The many friends of Mrs. W. Silica flour is the basic mate-y wiison, 301 Centre street rial used in the manufacturing| north, are sorry to learn that of glass and many other cera-ishe underwent surgery at the mic items. |Oshawa Genera) Hospital. They Less than five years yon o\wise her a speedy recovery. \remarkable new building | J luced .| Best wishes are extended to oo i yg oF Oe paarene | Eric Downey on the occasion of | "The new block is composed| is, birthday " be celebrated of a mixture of silica flour and! : é lime. : St. Andrew's Presbyterian It is cheaper, can be pro-|Women Group Nos. 1 and 4 are duced faster and has the same/holding a joint meeting in the approximate strength and|Church Hall, Nov. 9. The pro- weight as concrete. gram will be a film strip en- The silica flour and lime are|titied "Never a Saint", \mixed and then baked in an WHITBY PERSONALS Cindy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Kerry, celebrated her fourth birthday en Friday. Young guests attending her party were: Ann Wilkes, Bren- da Scheppat, Nancy Treagus, Bonnie Walton, Sheila Fitsger- ald and Cindy's sister Donna. Jerry Hendriks was in charge of decorations of the ball and thanks are expressed for his ability, also to Mrs. A. C.) Munro for her assistance with the refreshments. Judith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fejer is celebrat- ing her fourth birthday today. Mrs. Harry R..Guy and her jsister, Mrs, Mederic Henry of Bathurst, New Brunswick, have returned from England wheré they attended the funeral of their mother, the Jate Mrs, Elsie Taylor. Mrs, Guy's sister, Mrs, Henry, has returned to her home. Al-Anon Groups Plan Arena Rally Al-Anon Family Groups from Whitby and District will hold an open meeting at Whitby Arena, Sunday, Nov, 8, at 2 p.m. Al-Anon groups are fellow- ships of relatives and friends of problem drinkers who seek knowledge about alcoholism as @ disease, and as 2 problem to be lived with. Begun in the 1930's in United States, it is closely link- and co-operates with the organ- ization in treatment. Its main purpose, officials stress, is to help members lead a more constructive life, re- gardiess of whether or not the 'alcoholic stops drinking. | Lodge Member the |4#y part ed with Alcoholics Anonymous |4ist 'booming business. on a bathtub drain are pro- duced by the thousands in his He was responsible for install-| qutoclave in the shape of build- ing a methods program andling blocks, creating an incentive bonus sys-| This process produces cheap-| tem. er blocks in eight hours when} He left Whitby in 1960 for the\the curing process for a con-| head office in Montreal and has|crete block takes at least one! returned as manager of the| month. plant he helped open This market producing auto-| Mr. Buckley and his wife,|clave blocks is the main eon. | Marjorie, have taken residence] sumer of the product produced with their five children at RR 1,\by Industrial Minerals bey f . rs onamaanmeaeenammamn asd athurst Containers produces | corrugated boxes most of which CLUB CALENDAR j are used by a Toronto meat packer MONDAY, Nov. 9 Corrugated boxes, he explain-\co.Op Credit Union banking} éd, are commonly, but incor: night rectly called cardboard ist Whitby Scouts He explained that a cardboard/gaivation Army Brownies box was a smooth finish mate-|whithy Baptist Church Ex- rial such as a shoe box. plorers SUCCESS STORY | Whitby Brass Band Ladies Aux- idiary Lofthouse Brass represents . one of many one-man success| House of Windsor IODE Chap |: ter stories to be found in Whitby. In 1957 George Lofthouse es- ag yg Whitby tablished a small plant on High- St. Andrew's i g between Oshawa and 'Women Group No. 1 Two years later he moved to gr ge / a aaa his present location in Whitby OO tad and now has a prosperous i oe No. 5 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 7 Ca- Church In 1957 he and one employee labored in their small shop. Today his 40 employees oc- ' cupy a 6,000 square foot plant on tous eras Fi Cub Hopkins street, and he casually Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club mentions that his firm did | peg Segiatign tes $35,000 worth of business last Sehvaiied Atm Coke. dail month. Whitby y The company produces brass Lesion Ladies forgings of many types ang Po Cenotive 08s St. Mark's United Church sizes His raw material is brass!" wooen general meet which is heated till it reaches|s" "Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 10 a plastic state and ba ari under pressure, up to Ons; rr ae | to shape it to the ne on form. ag og Boge e His biggest customers e@r General Electric, Massey-Fergu- All Saints Anglican Church | Afternoon Guild son and General Motors. | Such items as the brass plate) wonnespay, Nov. 11 ° St, Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Whitby Kinette Club {Unity Club Past Noble Grand Silica Plour, a product used (Rebekah) ivel y the construction, a oer) OO cabins is the | THURSDAY, Nov. 12 sole product of Industrial Miner- ne -- Ay aptist Church Cub Canada. ' ; } "The company located im) Salvation Army Women's Home| Whitby in 1946 and occupies a) | | | plant. SILICA FLOUR van Crawford, manager of|_ Guild : Silica) Whitby Garden Club | plant, explained that ica let Jens's Anglican Cluath Sars! ish ! Women Unit No. 2 | FRIDAY, Nov. 13 Red Cross Senior Citizens Social Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christ Ambassadors |SATURDAY, Nov. 14 Salvation Anmy Guides mnoven Army Timbra] Brig-| 1 the 'Before And After' * Clothing Displayed Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club at its last meeting, held at the home of Mrs. John Boychyn, had as it guests two members of the 'Losin' Lassies' of Osh- awa. Both ladies have obtained their desired weight and gre their successful stories of 'How to Beat the Weight Problem". Pauline Shaw has lost 82 pounds and Margaret Stauffer lost 60 le Salvation Army Young People's | Band _ |refreshments Presbyterian | = \be held Friday, Nov. 13. Re- {ports from the six-point pro- jgave an League plant on Watson street. | St. John the Evangelist Salesian' y Helpers Mark's United Church| ff Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paston of} South Harrow, England, have returned after visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richards, Lee avenue. Denis O'Connor Parents' Aux- iliary sponsored a Hallowe'en Party at the school. Dancin was enjoyed, cards played a were served, Prizes were awarded for cos- tumes with the following win- ners: Mrs. Ed Dochuk, Ted Me- Gee, Sherrall Femia and Mr. R, T. Hughes. The door prize was won by Clarence Hendriks. | Knights Plan | Miss Diane Guest, student at} The loose-knit organization Anderson High School, is cele-|has grown to 255 groups in Can- brating -her birthday Monday,|ada and over 2,609 throughout Nov. 9% ithe world. Theré is no formal |structure, no governing officers Mr. and Mrs, Ken Lehman, jor rules and regulations, and no Peterborough, are weekend |;ees. guests at the home of her pat-} instead it involvés a series of ents Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Haley, practices and beliefs. 12 Pine street. és The membership believes the qe ue \family must accept alcoholism Doll Donated las @ disease, and by changing To Hospital its attitude can provide a health- ier environment for the whole family and for the alcoholic. | taking -t The president of Christian Re- Aare wining to ataeat es formed Church Society Work and Pray, Mrs. William -Bouw- ma, chaired the meeting held ---- Semen oe Stag Party A well attended meeting was held Wednesday at St. John the Evangelist parish hall by Coun- , No. 4895, Knights of Colum- us., Plans for the. annual stag party under the chairmanship of Brother Morgan O'Connor were discussed. The party will gram chairmen were given. Miss Louise Hart, social work- er at Whitby Ontario Hospital, informative talk on "What has been accomplish- ed and can be accomplished by volunteer workers in helping to re-habilitate patients at the hospital'. Miss Hart requested the Whit- b; Council to consider forming a volunteer group to work at one of the cottages. It was de- cided to refer this to the committee and a decision will be rendered at the néxt meet- ing. +3 FORA HEATING SYSTEM THAT WILL BE A SENSATION, "WELL GIVE AN ESTIMATE WITHOUT) OBLIGATION meeting is welcome |Thursday. Ten members were | present, ' Mrs. Herman Snyder gave the Scripture reading. Introduc- tion on the book of Psalms was given by Mrs, Andrew Meima During the intermission re- freshments were served by Mrs. Andrew Maima and Mrs John Kiezebrink. | Mrs. Gerry Jonkheer read an article entitled 'Child Study" by Clarence Benson. A discussion followed. | It was announced that another | doll, this time from Holland, will |be given to the auxiliary of the Oshawa General Hospital. The next meeting will be hela|308 Dundas St. W., Whitby 9. | --_ SSS 4% 30 DAY DEPOSITS (Minimum $5,000) VICTORIA 'and GREY To Get Degree Sister Wanda Tizzard was in Noble Grand's chair, assisted by Vice Grand Sister Verna Attwood, at the meeting of the Benevolent Rebekah Lodge. A I invitation was re- ceiv ys ad of Chi- valry Committee ingen the lodge that the ceremony be qT t THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setusdoy, Movember 7, 1966 § in Peterborough and as one of the Whitby member, Sister Mary Churchyard, has been elected to receive the degree, It is hoped that a good turnout will attend from Whitby. person a year. An invitation #rom Ajax Lodge FPP V GOA was received to, attend its birth- y. Sister Isabel Saunders, acting rict deputy president, in- stalled the officers who were unable to attend the night of installation. Those installed were Sister Grace Harris, as outside guardian and Sister Lil- Yan Luke as color bearer. | Sister Churchyard gave her report on the meeting for re- tarded children. Further plans are to be made at a later date. The report of the sick com- mittee showed several local members are sick and also 8 O.H.A. Jr. "B" Hock Weston ys, Whitby Dedgers Dunlops WHITBY ARENA HEATED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Admission: Adults 1.00 Students with cards SOc watamcesed ee | ST. ANDREW'S EMMANUEL REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN REV. GERRIT REZELMAN Cc Byron at St. John Pag ae datas BA. 403 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST Minister Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! 11:00 A.M. The New Testament Christian. 10;30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M, DUTCH SERVICE pemes for the (2) "SAINTS" Nursery care end Junior Congrege tien during Divine Worship ST MARKS. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, 8.A., B.D, Miss tig Newton, Deaconess Mrs. J. L, Beaten, A.R.C.T. oR | 11 AM, "DOES CHURCH | MEMBERSHIP REALLY COUNT?" 9:30 A.M.--Junior Intermediate, Senior 11:00 A.M.--Nursery Kindergarten, Primary Infant Care, while, porents worship. 7 PM ' ENGLISH SERVICE | EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED BROCK STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | 7:00 P.M.--Tune Weavers Quartet Lively Gospel Singing 11:00 A.M.-----Youth Choir Pastor Preaching at both services 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School For transportation call 668-5772 ~ WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH (Colborne Street West et Centre) LAYMENS SUNDAY Guest Preacher REV, M. DONALD at Both Services pounds Twelve members and _ five) guests were most enthused and) enlightened and are going to) SAVE $ $ ON make extra efforts to obtain their goal. | modelled their | _. AUTO INSURANCE The guests clothes "Before and After' | much to the delight of everygne | present. They also encouraged | members explaining the difficul- | ties they went through them- selves 2 It is hoped that guests will | be invited to address thp group) at future meetings. If you are "an Abs See... RIEGER & Natal a small country near India where four United Church Missionaries are at work. Miss Maude Cameron gave a paper on the religions of India, where there are about eight mil- lion Christians but 378° million Hindus and 40 million Muslims Interesting pictures of people and places were on display, also beautiful articles from: India. After the Benediction delicious refreshments were served Family Monuments oF \ Gi soi Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. DIAL 668-8831 Creoted To | Members had the opportunity | pide the articles on display next meeting will be held Wednesday, Dec. 2. Whitby *eoture Sterte ot 8:15 _ Recommended as A BROCK One Complete Showing Each Evening -- Starting at 7:30 4 pactane Sha merst be sate aed grat agp Winner of 27 Internationa Awards...7 Academy Awardal MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 REV, DeLOSS M SUNDAY tainer you save up to $16.00 on your auto insurance. 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES FAITH BAPTIST CHURC 419 BROCK STREET, NORTH . SCOTT, Minister SERVICES 9:15 AM--"Faith Ti sagpanns | ages 11:00 A-M Guest Speaker: -- REV. WILLIAM W. TYLER, Toronto Overseas "Missionory Fellowship Wednesday Evening, 8:00 P.M Presentation of the film by Canadion Home Bible League dult Entertainment "THERE'S ALWAYS A 1350 on your dial 9.45 AM.--Bible School with classes for all dings" Broadcast C.K.L.B & 7:00 P.M The Flower Fodeth" WELCOME AT FAITH Mr. Donald has recently returmed from Africa where he hos been @ missionary under the Sudan Interior Mission. Mrs. Donald will address the Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. You are cordially invited to attend and hear both of these Interesting speakers, Minister Organist Mrs. W. E. Summers A.T.C.M. sieeainenens NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: (1) The Council of The Corporation of the Township of Whitby intends to apply te The Onterio Municipal Board for approval of the purchase of port of Lots 9 and 10, Concessions 7 and 8, in the Township of Uxbridge, as « grovel pit, ot on estimoted cost of $37,800, whereof the amount of $18,900 shall be roised by the sole of debentures payable out of the genera! tate over @ period not exceeding three yeors and the bolance of $18,900 will be contributed by The Department of Highways of Ontarie. Y (2) Application will be made to The Ontorio Municipal Boord for an order to dispense with the asserit of the electors to the purchase of the said lands. Any ratepayer moy, within 21 doys ofter the first publication of this Notice send by post prepaid, THIS WINTER, JET AIR CANADA NASSAU %13410 21-Day Economy Excursion Return Only Non-Stop Service Toronto-Nassau --Up to Five Non-Stop Flights a Week! TO YOUR ISLANDS IN THE SUN! JAMAICA $19080 \ Excursion Return 21-Day Economy Only Non-Stop Service Toronto-Jamaica -- Up to Four Flights a Week (2 Non-Stop)! Join the "Sun Set" aboard a giant AIR CANADA DC-8 Jet! First, a quiet, swift and comfortable flight--then a gentle touchdown on your favourite island--and you're in a world where work and worry don't exist! Plan your getaway-holiday now with your Travel Agent. Ask him about AIR CANADA's 21-Day Economy Excursion Return Fares, convenient Fly Now-- Pay Later Plan and fun and fund-stretching Package Tours. For instance, you can spend 7 days and 6 nights in Nassau for just $100.55 each, double occupancy, Including ground transportation and two meals dally! (Tour !T-TC-905) Air Fare is extra. For complete details, see your Travel Agent Or Write Air Canada in Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West AIR CANADA @&) to the Clerk of the Township of Whitby, at the address given below, « Notice in writing. stating his objection te such opproval end the grounds of such objection (3) The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuent te the Stetute thet the assent of the electors shall not be required and may opprove of the scid purchase but before doing so, it mey appoint e time and ploce for '@ public hearing when DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 objections will be considered DATED at the Township. ef Whitby, this 28th dey ef October, 1964 . Murray Robinson, Clerk Township of Whitby Box 160, Brooklin, Ontario MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 ae eee OSHAWA