--_ RECRUIT ML HAE, A Yar rapes popes -- pes ~ = nee PO ek ay 2 . ' rs ' 4 none ane ' 9 a for THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 7,1964 19 17--Mele Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted [20--Real Estate for Sale art Estate for Sale ,20--Real Estate for Sale 20------Real Estate for Sale " . YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE ATTENTION |22---Offices, Stores, Storage|23--Houses for Rent EXPERIENCED | PRIVEE =) «TRUCK | A TH /E|SCHOFIELD-AKER) ""GERE™ | ATTENTION es 'ee 95 é DRIVER : LTD.- BOLAHOOD : OFFICE SPACE patio, Phone Grove 2 GROCERY Nat $e et disia Required by : 11 Suites -- Adelaide as FOR RENT: acre torn i cane of ' older. REALTY LIMITED 2nd floor King St. E. |Alsx:, 990d house and other buildings. ' APPLY OIL COMPANY 723-2265 BROTHERS | 18 Suites--Liberty st. ot Onto. Eee CLERK UNITED TAXI Year Round Employment 6 Suites -- Elgin St door. Reasonable fo acceptable small E uites gi . 500 ft. iteble for | family. Telephone 723-2741. Apply oe ee oh test WRITE presage ange bidd i INSURANCE -- 1] Suites - Park Rd. N agency business. "\enmadiotely RAGLAN -- Wine room houlh, For forber 6: Reeeh bcele senehe tenets PE Be : nae particulars apply 269 Festhubert Avenue, |18--Male or Female X 544 with atteched gorage. -- MORTGAGES -- available. For particulars and | Oe awe or 725-1830, POWER Help Wonted P.O. ssa $998.00 DOWN lid in Kiving .goom, IAL PHONE viewing. Call Mr. Hannah. FOUR-ROOM house between Taunien ond : OSHA Bry. Ooo Oe de ycae, | boll end' bathroom. "Extra peek W. T. LAMSON | Eastern & Chartered Fagg a SUPERMARKET 18--Mele or Female Only 10 yeors old. "Y lose peolenmonghy takihod $14,950 ie F age THE PROVINCE Help Wanted its © 3 hy oy ty 4 rec, room, Two fireplaces. Here's real veluk,_ ainraeaivs _ Real Estate Ltd. Trust Co. Ace he eee tee withing' 40" ae King St. East OF ONTARIO HOME MAILING business. Earn up to]. pylon [agen $205, Mey manthinedign 7 --_ thea spells ok ae 725-1186 67 King St. E. Property, Management Div, |!esse: Telephone 942-1510. Oshawa fentie pul' G esriine ror further! Will be sold this week. Hurry, on @ lorge landscaped lot. room, family room, finished 1901 Yonge St., Toronto |24--Apartments for Rent details contact Theodore Broady, 2070} cqjj 728-5157 and after 5:00 Call now for an appointment rec-room, 4 pc. beth and 3 481-3443 : ° Albert Street, ; ra on Souda: Gat Guy : pe. bath, plus other extras. | AAQDEL HOMES A few Apartments . In Co-operation with | ACCORDION instructor fo teach T0yeer-| & 1070 1 ee One N.H.A. mortgage with ! LAB TECHNICIAN oid rl. Has had previous "inatrucion.| Bell et 728-1070. PORT PERRY low monthly payments. Choice ; LARGE still available in for THE GOVERNMENT. | comes Se ee oe RESTAURANT north eost location, Ask for | Open This Week-end big En TELEPHONE cenvesser wanted. Write 5 Year old brick ronch bun- Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or Centre Entry - Lock-up OXFORD Pp ARK QUALITY | or cANADA. SSE SSETAGE TT) eet GRATION ON | Sent create: | Ty Vem To oan | om Eee DRD PAR CONTROL pe: 20--Reol Estate for Sale ch sail on wee nae oe GOOD GRIEF ! EAST Ontario St. at King E, TOWERS We ire ¢ young mon gc. Strategic location on this been listed. Very modern ONLY $15,700 Aahssi Gavotte ot 12 to 1400 sq. ft. heated. 5 25 with o mini- i- | kitchen with knotty pine cup- i bunge- : Will renovete te suit tenant | Oshawa's most modern Oe ik cae | | MUNICIPALITY GUIDE REALTY Sea Se oe aa) | took Remmmbanmeee | fo Mutter ane | Win tact Sau Groce | Mu caeen fs aoe | ce ae Shift work. Monday through LTD feet of parking space. Set up ment required. Coll to-night hollywood kitchen, spacious ond viewing Call Mr. Hannah, F ; Fin nm ileal iales iment. / see Se ee living room, 3 bedrooms. 4 | JOSEPH BOSCO | cnstern ond Chertored | cian tamnete, pomvesins 2 . i ei : ith: vanity, divi Se ol sara cig hous NORTH WEST AREA Deareh pus one extras, "REALTOR Trust Co. ments 2 and 3 tigers a TENCO Requires 723-1121 down poyment. Col 728- Comfortable, compect and Must be sold. Inspect now Property Managément Div. Fully equipped modem kite A division of Coca-Cola Ltd. _ $157 peg eh "5:00 p.m. modem 5 room. brick rench ond moke on tga Bo 728-7377 1901 Yonge St, _Terento ecg ge wg coe Ajax, Ontario TEACHERS N.H.A. RESALE Seivrdoy, 728-1070 -- Guy | bungolow with ettached gar- | Mr. Roy Yeo at 728- 481.34 tororenfiect Weleebaus Merck 42-5080 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Bell. age. Large living room with or ¥ . : Gaited tie nha "a re choice north east location, L L-shoped dining roam. Poved JUST LISTED COMMERCIAL wolking distonce from G.M, Oil heated close to schools. LOCA\ : driveway. Lorge landscaped $1,000 DOWN OFFICE SPACE Sauls Phar. TRAINING OF THE] Nt, 2°, much gordenina' re- TAXI SERVICE lot. Comowtaly Senne 188 | Attractive S room butgolow. BUILDING he the grey ESTIMATOR gooe cores for $68 mortiy. | All cors ond sauioment Im | Stier "the i wuy | Oty 6 yar. osteo soving | Bond St. West AWAILABLE -- | ond Glenn St in, Dod ' oe red. itchen, rooms, . Maeveabl a ae UNEMPLOYED horta ond Met are oer ogre kt Worth investi- "<u buy at $16,700 bath, eal yh an. Over 2500 sq. ft. ! : SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN eoble metal partition 5] i T . Loca in ' Pere monufecturer offers oppor- IMMEDI 95 Povo ieee Pe Psy vilegs north of Osh- Excelelnt location, show room, In Times Building FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. H EDIATE POSSESSION LAW STREET awe. Ideol for retired couple. appliances, electrical acces- BE Or Call tunity for @ man with exper- Teachers with good training Immaculate split level bunga- WN TOWN This 6 sen ow with Ask ter Mr, Rov Yeo et 728- sicles GAA tian einer Uses. CONTACT ience using plans ond specifi- Bnd experience with or with- low in good Whitby residen BO! : or rooms i 32 7 id | ¢etions to train es company ait vroleamata quelifice- tiol prot poking $1,500. OSHAWA Srnmhen aa fons 5123 or 725-2217. Call Bill Millar T, t. WILSON Gui e Rea ty Ltd. estimator. Permanent, full | tiong will be required for the | Down' N.H.A. mortgage and $110,000.00 fireplace itn 'the tit BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED] 795.1186 or 725-2557 AT THE TIMES REALTORS benefits. Locotion -- Ajax. yd a takes only $86 monthly. Two stores, apartments, front omple storage cree: on lavas large 101 Simcoe Street North ° 2 | wnpiowd cormancng Nov. | 8 ROOM BUNGALOW | 29%. "wi ain eds Le: | ecamign "Tom. wth Oown tn fang _| W..T, LAMSON | STORE OR OFFICE | "<lutive Agents ot ' ° : mecoe, i rye - Telephone 16, 1964 ond running for Pye is a --, omount Con 728. 5187 ond ofter ren pie LISTED 500 Real Estate Limited FOR RENT 23-112 approximately 24 weeks. #t living space in this attrac- 5:00 p.m. mney: 728- $ Immediate possession. 942-6500 . These courses will be-held be- | five bunoe pele fae, | 1 -- a PRICED TO SELL FAST LIST WITH APPLY LUXURIOUS LIVING encore tween the hours of 4:45 p.m. Finished recreation room. A FORA Centrel Pork Blvd. South, WINTER BONUS STEVE ZURBA 75 Charles Street to 11:15 p.m., five deys @ | study and 4 bedroms. 75 foot most attractive 5 room brick or Tefephone, enytime SEE THE VISCOUNT: TECHNICIANS walks lendacaned let with potio. All FAST "SALE" bungolow with comport. Nice OFF ACTIVE ,REALTY 3-7212 ' . oreo, ing ° F REQUIRED ik lela COUNTRY RETREAT ira to, St: Hedwig's Separate | SUMMER PRICES! 798.5157 MEDICAL 300 Grenfell for TEACHERS WILL BE One large treed lot with RANCLIFFE e : FICE j j REQUIRED sachin tly wh ecerient ACTIVE REALTY BrAU VALLEY DEVELOPMENTS LTD. VARIETY STORE with living quarters. FOR RENT Featuring large master bed- Electronic Firm location. Only minutes. frem LIMITED Brand new "MONTEGO" bun- Quite central with good potential Asking 700 $0; FT. ream with 'walkan clesiaa TELEPHONE ; se Fret Oshews, Whitby, Ajox. mi te iy a gs Have dunt A Few Homes Left On | martin, Realtor, 728-5103. tai Wcobae eenaligs broadloomed corridors, im= i semen 4 Ww - ' ey ' Aiax P Basic raining for CLOSE TO SIMCOE ST. N. BESSBOROUGH eonel' pF tht Het ay The Winter Works Scheme #7900 FULL asking price or ti iis clean, PHONE 725-5132 preseive ye. beautifully 942-2120 skill development 3 bedroom bungalow, garage $18,900.00 and bathroom. Six rooms. Priced from aren. Taxes $172. arly "possession. W. vee ht Rese : (Academic Work 3 $13. 300 ora bed JUST REDUCED _ ; $ ] 5,950 3IX-ROOM, three-bedroom briek bunde pb Sieshonata, operk| mation see supt. ot : ides BK) pH Saag Owner moving toe ga ote HIGH SCHOOL AREA . 5 low net stuf OM, garage, ma erive,| aoe § Road Setrict. Va car storage only. Phone MECHANIC SWEEPING VIEW T230 quer fet vf orecicus tng Be High uk $1'790 silly nen 'an brick oungaiow, east of wae a a iin THE DIPLOMAT for 2. Commercial - Clerical cat Gee ee ag a ei breed: ond the new Catholic Hie Less $500 Winter Bonus i.00m down, Toke over private marine 23--Houses for Rent 340 Marland Ave., Apt, 111 Heavy duty construction 5 AMedine Shop months old. L-shaped to | brags one's eg eon pert gta pac ig Me at Bungalows, St Leek, 2 Sut OC 728-4283 ass Kitchen plus breoktest room | fomily room with. bor room | ceiling stone fireplace. A | storeys, goroge, | corperts, | jus LiTED ik iverson Bre Dee] ca Good wages and 'walking P cs with (pelle dobre tesing out ond fireplace. Coll 728-5157 beautiful setting among ce- built-in enw petal aetroe, [price only $13,900 with carrying "charges sens lege ree ereniraie to we large Deck: yore. 4 sx citer S pny Sptuccay, eal pel ok eer goth on Directions: Come to. Central Naser' call seb, Tyran Real" abtete GOVERNOR MANSIONS PORT PERRY : bedrooms. Call now. Guy Beli at 728-1070. Ga Fon gro a «i Pork Blvd. 1 block Eost of |Limited, 728-6786. 2 Bedroom Suite 985-2241 5. Small Engines, and IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Bessie Crysler syste is oi! hot water bose- | Ritson South i Magers NOT saisied with your Dresent apart A GREAT Peodsesiées Bacaivisar tas ; me Service Station Work i this new 5 room rench abel hi a 9 am. to 8:30 p.m, re be ha iting way ie ie yous NEW IDEA! Adults Only, ungalow situated in a quiet Shae: Latiors Call now. for intment to daily. Also choice résoles | apartment hunting, TELEPHONE Mature, energetic Interested persons. should N, E. residential ores, extra : from $13,300, GLADSTONE AVENUE -- Brick bunge- 723-1712 -- 728-2911 large kitchen ond living room, Guy Bell inspect I dining room, garage, spotless con- : 2 eertiemen with knowledge ! Seem rae tied Bob Johnston A dition, new furnace. Coil Earle. Allen, Be ni of Carpet or Resilient ad ig dg saga Ralph Vickery For full porticulars col rip lng Mns.7782," Keith Peters Realtor BRANO NEW aaa Flooring with established MR. G. L. ROBERTS space. Close school and bus Doug: Wilson 723-2265 H. Griffin two Tae ae lots, 100 feet x 314 pe gy la rgb any we rooms 6nd e hawa Co. besten Service. Lloyd Williams Real Estate Broker [quick sate, $2,000.00 gach. "Call 'active distance to town. Phone 725-20 Co-Ordinator P 5 Elaine Lee OPEN DAILY Realty Limited, 728-515 WHITBY: New one-bed aa apa Te Age no foctor--replies con- | Co-Ordinator Program 5 | BRAND NEW N.E. AREA Bill Horner 9 AM, TO 9 P.M. 723-6431 INCOME propery. coli Hill area, Here eet hie Ein TS : r i * Dorothy Wood is your opportunity to have a g . WRITE We RR MeLdughinn Colle: pot paow rt reo aga Bi Shave i Atle Margoret Holl 7231358 After 9 p.m. -- 723-4134 and income as well. Contains thr three ee spert,| Fi SRDROONE" pacar TT , Pi P n i o ni ae is Box No. 525 mee ed vociinel Veins | Sy an Aarne, | ACTIVE REALTY. LTO. | 'Nameue ter" gepeeee WHITBY a ge i cary parking ior eth ncingae h i |____ Oshewe, Ontario. ' storms ond screens. The spa- 48 Simcoe Street South irene 725-3867 Srineat' 725-0042. pst ee | Srhe a8 One ae OR Tee awa imes /EXPRRIENCED season,| cious living room hes sealed Cherles Chaytor 723-7996 = WO-BEDROOM apariment in centrally he ppl Pager araitions wn - need - wns gyennimiy room, ana sents, light windaws: This home , Steve Macko 728-5868 WINTER BONUS SET acoA lerea tt prauae baat ld jes, ri manville er ii i arpor' rr re provisad' Nobty Sov Wances Sivect sccte Troon" shenrne" Avot. - more eon the nvere aa 728-5] 5] Prag 4 nemmesors nk yak thee $500 .00 io. ed 'Srreome wi vanity Besar sath. (ae eo Maltby lg ly found in a home for Fd Reg. Aker 725-0201 Large kitchen with: built-In stove or : ' 500. Bill McFeeters 725-1726 $13,990.00 gven: 'Finished recreation , ream _ with tna) range Inclsea, 390. moatnion ie $1,500 DOWN : i lovely home for $22,000 with terms. 64| mediste possession. Call 7258342. Onin TIMES PATTERNS Nigar agee ing D. W. McQUAY 360 King Street West FULL PRICE per cent mortgage, Carl Olsen cael 74 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH, Bowmen. i 7 mr in vi Oo apartments, peel pod Bape ig be REALTOR Free Parking $990.00 down to one {Si ) SPOTLESS tan cepa | apariment building, Range and rarer tol and separote school. It . nga on re irge tri : : os | PRINTED PATTERN hes en extra 2 piece beth- nog Ontera: : 6Y%4% N.H.A. M6 oF as PS) For the first time you can lao TATE ae. : ne Re ee | a mortgage | FANNIE LE i EEE) S| enjoy a rental saving by {SBIR ce at om Fey SE ESS" | Toronto 925-2968 Sx yom eienecion, Hel, tag MH Som rrmins "HP Using your own applian- [tutrmss®m at ent aca T. V. Aeri6l Taxes $137.00, eronto " wood kitchen, storms ond | soum bedroom family home, brick, worth | Centre Street if A REAL HOME Claremont 649-2109 screens, divided basement, | end, close to schools, Low down payment,| CeS, (RANGE, REFRIG- |arrractivecy Secure sodded front ond reor, oll [paved drive, _landscap Reasonable ny | apartment. in triplex, sleciricalty "es po A combination of brick and INVESTMENT J roads, sewers, sidewalks in |Mmonthly. instalments. 726-3287 after 6. =| ERATOR, ETC.) or we'll |ed, free washer, dryer. Close to Shop wave-line siding add rugged Eight suite apertment building and paid for. Choice of all SUNSALAN, Ma Breve Fang arrange them in your low eo yey SRE A. ELON <a | epee! to hag 3 peor very modern, Hy rented, colours, fully plostered walls, Near umber Two Highway. Bowman- FOUR-ROOM apariment for rent. Private roncner wi on : q i H si vi y r - after Mm. j | pre, To pari "wengeg | elation, Te oar in rat ree, sa ze--| monthly payments with let aaed mrad, See nok vere wi xae ye ~~ pleased with its features -- a everything built and bock- 21--Real Estate Wanted full ownership retained by PROMS paeaed "nee GaRnahed tenner ek Wo Aint AP he tad Rb i led floor and cole by Whitestrip Const, Co. heat, water 'inc pe ouakatd va dra! ceiling, glass sliding peters yo bid bots. Fidos AT Led. you, the tenant. 'eure Avareee ivelcnonet gare eect ates) ae -- pret posing sha i lg THE BEST PLP MURRAY Avenue, two end 1 MlUMMInLER storms and screens, is oe we a oe BRAEMOR MANDERH | a8 stove, in three-bed: og by vi Bookshelves in living room," | poved. For more informe REAL ESTATE LTD. Place T 3 and 4 KIN ee Gio Toy Ron COMPACT AND ment property'* call Ivan Kel- WHITBY 668-8951 ace iO two-bedroom, adults. only, $108, Im- _COMFORTABLE lestine. G ARDENS Scarboro AM 7-9712 BEDROOMS mediate Minin te Clee ae | Well-kept bungalow with. at- WHITBY ; After hours collect SELL For $102.50 ef ee To | tached garage east of Osh- Three bedroom home on ' . TV aerial, $55 monthly. Suitable for one owo, 3 minutes walk from lot. $12,000 full bane -- Stevenson's Rd. N. MODEL HOMES YOUR Property Monthly SiMe, Rereons., Avaliable November 26 city bus. The toxes are only FOR THE LARGE FAMILY 3 bedrooms downstairs and room for 2 more or a game room in the unfinished up- ed to get this bargain. Ask for Ivan Kellestine. WHITBY 12 Model Homes for your admiration WEST MOST Cartier Street, 2 blocks south POSSESSION After 5 evenings. FURNISHED apartment, ly $174.00, Close to public | cornes for only $75.00 a at Annapolis : - | THREE ROOM epartments-In-anerirnent th including taxes, o sub- Open This Week-end building, adults 'only. |, Seno. aseraial oun paar redute: P 1 P.M. TO DARK ls Where IMMEDIATE 103 Wilson soi Atanas Mag 5 rooms $110. Quiet aun re referred. Apply 496 Simcoe North, Apt. ad TWO-ROOM furnished ama: bed- kitchen - livingroom combination, central, call | stoirs of the 1% storey, 5 New 6-room brick bungalow of King Street off Steven- immed! | rath house, New furnace. on bstiged gh & x 143', son's Road South, 4 maidle. Property faa, "velaele sie 100 x 200 lot, $1,500 down Double size "im gorage, TWO BEDROOM apartment, | west of Wik - ; sa be een with 2. 2? M 5 DIRECTIONS -- LA pete lofi oe eure futures Sas Fecak F . to P.M. JOSEPH BOSCO Is Go West on Highway 401 te a feng, I aes baling, : Previncial vanity. The kitchen partmen GIFT FINERY Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. hes many feotures including REALTOR SOLD Liverpeel Rd. (Interchange Mil Al aclly private Ne Renee nat 64) Turn South to the BP lete arrangement of hydro included, sult working By ALICE BROOKS Lloyd Corson :;. 723-2597. | 7 .come ; Fi : Newly remodelled and decorated, Confnel A little handwork adds a Niek Siblock <.. 738-S701 | Convey, Gileur Bien Cup- * 728-7377 Service Stotion. Turn right on |iocation. Telephone T2SSA70 * a precious touch to towels, scarfs, L. S. Lafoy .... 655-3821 ing room, louvred di 'e : service rood and follow the | WHITBY: One - bedroom apartment ie kies -- man ts! Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 PRIVATE SALE + sens. new building. All modern conveniences, han' y gill living room, stone and marbl ions Telephone Whitb Turn linens into gift treats Roy Flintoff ... 725-3454 pe in No on igh H MILLEN Large (over 1200 sq. #.) 6 ne e Y_ 668-8560, with 'avorite stitches ~ lazy-| Tony Siblock ... 725-4362 vat T aenbas or te . l room bungalow. Popular N.W. REALTY LIMITED MODEL SUITES il oul GY aperiment for daisy, cutwork,' singe stitch.| PRIZE WINNER R. A. Young ... 723-7183 a a None of this oreo. Newly decorated, spaci- ONE-DEOROONT sete eee a ae Wiatinaix 18kn Leon Manitius .. 725-8068 ili ib tel Nala REAL ESTATE LTD ous living room hes cothedral | 48 Simcoe Street South balling. Clase te toe' hotine ian eae Tees waatl inch wale "| By ANNE ADAMS Steve Englert... 728-5581 | onxious to a on wed been : ceiling, newly built TV room Open 12 noon to 9 P.M, tnd bro roedioom. Available 'Desenbin er city. To 725-8088. THERTY HIVE CENTS (conte sult that took top tore | Wale hitir'". 7289089. | yew ta ome call vo lead 4 month incuing rove ectiheaes ~ | ReaEDRoon nea ser lor ti attern (no stamps by Kellestine. Ns ivate bathroom, ens) - Alice Brooks, care|in @ recent Teen Design Con- Kee stones is 728-0208 lestine 728-1679 DIAL 725-4461] preferred. Telephone Passi? of The. Oshawa Times, Needle- |test. All beautiful shape-- no " ONE YEAR OLD To SELL YOUR HOME BAYSHORE WHITBY -- 'One-bedroom apariment, Tn craft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. On- yg glow jacket, too . For full particulars, call SPLIT-LEVEL FULL PRICE SELLING Nee beth new, Puig, range and relrigerater. tarle a F- ps Pr ar '1 ie a. 'tine 13 Guide Realty Ltd. For the larger fomily--this $6,300 CALL "OR TERMS, LIST WITH | TARE, Rn li Maen ax. ATTE, home has four bedrooms and freksds HE GHTS and bath, modern, pri HOMBES, NAIM, ADDREAS. | rrase 1K, yetle tannic, | a2 | two bettroome, lowe of cop | carries $60, monthly. nel DON HOWE JOHN F. DeWITH! - Mt seater hue See First time! 3 FREE PAT" prery CENTS (50 cents) 4 boards plus built-in stove and | low. Spotless modernized in- Real Estate . sun Targe rooms duplex, at citing 1965 at (50 cents) in ; 4 ' ; rT ) Upper duplex, stove eS fay 2 Cm somos "nc | "BILL" HORNER | cenaitateams oars | tro Nis' ace 725-7732 REALTOR Prone Bud 942-1600 | gene ec ecr: C { short block ftom ' r le 8g 4 4 this pattern. Ontario residents tied bags) & edited PRICED TO SELL Bowmanville 623-3950 couple preferred. Available. December 1. signs -- smart stoles, jackets, Public School. The down pay-. PRIVATE SALE -- Large, roomy three e phen hats, toys, afghans, linens, reocttd se un Print) ACTIVE REALTY ment le tow for such on ef- H. GRIFFIN Medion celts eyyneole' HIN area. |siz.900 FULL PRICE fora five room SivibION dinebee see vars santelnad everything! Send 2c DRESS, STYLE NUMBER, LIMITED trective home. Phone now for | REAL ESTATE BROKER [Seiroon, 'stuminm "winds fami] mranty, wth, a,petuat tcepice. 'at:| CONSOLIDATED _|erapearoon 1 1 : . a i's . . ocular a icine < elsces Send order rn ANNE "ADAMS, on tment--lvon Kelles- 23-6431 Snir sh st gon" Own asin fares $B. Hyman Real Estate," Limited. BUILDING range. Adults only, $85, month : 7 care o! e Oshawa Times. . jer § p.m PREEESRE SAIS Sr RREEONEGHL ie SUS GLIDDON AVENUE Ceniral. Three ei oe ©*-!Pattern Dept., Oshawa,. Ont. 728-5157 RESIDENTIAL | ACREAGES SELLING RUG BRICK -- two-storey home, in de- Boi Bhs Pi ig Sn A alae CORPORATION rooms, $85._ monthly, unfurnished. Tele perts. » Now. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, | woRTHWEST,sicroom bunealow on| TROUT STREAM FARM place, dining room, three-seareome, sgo0o| ime, payment buyers. Call Bill Jonnston, THREE-ROONSoerionts claws a3 it ir 5 exciting fashion and fal Tic] Glenforest Street, finished rec. Feom, LOTS COMMERCIAL GUY BELL down. Call . Syd. 23-7335, el boll Bde dh a "Conade's Lergest Builders' |bright. Middle aged couple' preferred. 475 Want- Ads Dont' features plus coupon for ONE|Srs*uy's Yow'ot he cates. aren BUSINESS merry Winen Reel State Lis. file F BREN jor sell home or ev ot monthly. Telephone 725-3947 or apply 180 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 FOR SALE OR RENT with option. Four- bedroom insul stone house, All conven- Mee Five miles, east, of Newtonville, No. Highway. immediate possession. Teiaghone Moreton Henderson, Welcome, FREE PATTERN -- any one |you choose! Send for new Fall- ie Pattern Catalog, 50 cents, ' low taxes. Call Bill Johnston, Schofield- Aker Ltd. 728-1066. ROOM or room and board desired bi igentieman in Whitby. Telephone 668-2947, |business hours, fhis one, Call $. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728-6286. TRADES accepted on seven new homes|i Presently Under construction, cail §. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-4284, BROOM home : with carport y decorated and Including pbullf love and oven, NHA financing, Cail . Hyman Real Estate Limited. Pas- 24--Apartments for Rent (Continued on Page 20) Cost-They Pay