/ wt en <i. ith SB TRA ee PAN IS A EATON"S BLUE RIBBO SPECIAL 40.00 TRADE-IN! EATON'S VIKING 39" ELECTRIC RANGES © The are 1964 'Titan'--one of our best ranges finished in gleaming white porrelain and packed with features-- © Automatic controls let you select the cooking temperatures, times and methods--then sit back while Viking does the rest. © Featuring a timed rotisserie and timed appliance outlet. © Plus 'infinitely variable' heat switches for surface elements and broil control. Automatic pre-heat oven-control ... large storage drawer... fluore escent backquard lighting. Approx, 48 x 30 x 27/2", Model 304T, Reg. 249.95 VIKING PORTABLE DISHWASHER @ Needs no installation -- stores under stondord, 36' counter top Woshes and dries place set- tings for up to eight persons OR settings for six PLUS pots ond pans. Completely autometic -- just set it ond forget 'it. Features duol wash, triple rinse, double fon drying. Vinyl plastic - coated racks with double steel walled con- struction, @ Approx. 34 x 2334 x 36", Mode! PDV5S saree ™ 199,95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 456 PHONE *725-7373 ® 4 EATON'S VIKING FREEZERS 21 CU. FT. NET @ Freeze ond store up to 735 Ibs. food. @ Adjustable temperature cont- rol, ranges from zero to 20 degrees below zero. Two wire baskets, one divider. Automatic interior light, Lock and key. In-wall: condenser system to help elinminate exterior sur- foce moisture. @ Overall size approx. 75" long, 36" high, 272" deep. Model H6421X. EATON Blue Ribbon Special, each is 21 9,95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 PHONE 725-7373 4 Less special trade-in Allowance 40.00 EATON Blue Ribbon Sale: each LOY-95 VIKING 19" PORTABLE T.V. REG. 209.95! e@ Large 19" viewing area hous- ed in stylish, rugged, break- resistant 'vinyl plastic cabinet. Front mounted controls for direct view tuning. Full-tone FM speaker, Automatic gain control to compensate for varying sign- als, --_ Available in Saddle Ton or Two-tone White ond Gold. Approx, size: 212 x 17 x12", Model VAP367, EATON Blue Ribbon Sale, each ... 188.88 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 PHONE 725-7373 Please See Back Of This DEPT, 256 TRADE-IN EITHER YOUR OLD WASHER OR DRYER! On Dependable Speed Queen ° 80.00 trade-in if you buy both washer and dryer. 50.00 trade-in if you buy a washer, 30.00 trade-in if you buy a dryer. "SPEED QUEEN' AUTOMATIC WASHERS @ 2-speed mechanism. @ Fivid drive Transmission -- Helps eliminate' starting ke. @ Pre-selection of wash and rinse water temperatures, @ 3-cycle timer--two automatic eycles o Large" ast tor isin, ted, copeciy, ° "I # Door' lint trap, with a Model AS3W (with snag-proof extra large size suds-saver), each .. 339.95 drum. Less 50.00 trade-in, EATON Blue Ribbo: Model 122, y Sele, eoth 11 MOD ID och cs... 194.95 Model ASS (without Sa OS toss trade-in, 20.00 suds-saver ), each EATON Blue Rib Bive Ribbon 164 95 Sale, poo oe "2.69.95 Sale, each is Less 50.00 trade-in. EATON DEPT. 257 "SPEED QUEEN' AUTOMATIC DRYERS © Single operating dial -- auto- matic timing device. Save 10.00! Maker's Clearance FLOOR POLISHERS » © 'Milady' twin brush design with 'all steel construction, © Automatic handle lock and 20 ft. cord, © Complete with felt buffing pads and steel wool pads, Reg. 39.95 EATON Blue Ribbo. Sele, each . eee 29.95 _Yiking Mark Il ELECTRIC BROOMS © One handy appliance with one nore cleans floors rugs. © Complete with felt dry mop. EATON Blue Ribbon f ph each ..65, 29.95 d DEPT, 258