THE OSHAWA TIM&S, , November 5, 1964 'CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER : {Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Pley) 1 South dealer. North-South vulnerable. EAE FORTRESS EE + OSE F IS MY.LIFE WORTH $100,000 TO THE FORCE, eto Opening lead -- six of spades. When the outcome of a con- 'tract is in doubt, depending ] |upon, how the defenders' cards are divided, it is very comfort- ing to declarer to discover a method of play that assures the contract regardless of a bad division of the adverse cards. Here is an example. of such a case, South "was in four spades and West led a trump. Declarer realized immediately that the contract was in sub- stantial jeopardy, particularly since West was marked by the bidding with practically all of the missing high cards, The indications were that a diamond finesse would lose, if attempted, and that unless the diamonds then turned out to be divided 3-3, South would also have to lose two clubs as well as the ace of hearts. ea. Faced with this situation, de- clarer came up with a line of play that was certain to suc- ceed. He drew two rounds of trumps and played a heart to the king. West won with the ace and returned a heart to the queen. South now entered dummy with a trump and returned a low diamond. When East follow- ed low, South played the eight. West took it with the nine, but there was nothing he could do to prevent the contract from being made. A heart return would permit declarer to dis- card a club from his hand as he ruffed in dummy, while a dia- mond return would give South an extra diamond trick and per- mit him to discard a club event+ AS BIG BRETT'S MEN ADVANCE, THE DISGUISED LONE RANGER SPRINGS BETWEEN THEM AND GEROW* +s | . PSE HHSAL FED EOE EEA ORE THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X93 © King Fosteres Syndicata, Inc, 1964, World TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2----Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo bath gt WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ttm... ba "MICKEY MOUSE 'THEN NEED HELP Png DON'T RECKON YOU/RE SITTIN' HERE WITH AN NVICT Es RT OF BECAUSE TH THE hy COMPANY YOU LIKE TO KEEP vce SINCE YOU JUST GOT SHOULD ODT OF reo N ie Dry WN Keeps bet MONEY... MINNIE! "TIM 1S RUNNING . OUT. THURSDAY EVE, 6:00 P.M. W--Family Theatre 9--Five O'clock Matinee 8--Superman 11:00 7--The Early Show 6--Magilia The Gorilla Sports 4--Five O'Clock Show $:30 P.M é--Music Hop &Viewpoint a--Maverick 19 4--News with Van Miller | !1--Music a-Today, 1 6:18 P.M. 4--Headline News ee 6:00 a! Captain 62--Huntley-Brinkiey News 6:30 J--M-Squad N--Sehnitzel é--Across Canada 9--Romper 6:45 P.M. 9100 Ni--Family Thestre 7:00 P.M. %--The Munsters @--Littlest Hobo 7-4--News, Weather Schnitzel bagel Ssi jobby 7--Dialing 4--Ba! Masterson *: 3---Mr. Novak li--Ed Allen 2--Bishop Sheen 1:0 PM. | 4-You and %--The Outer Limits 10:00 @2--Daniel Boone N--Super B 7--The Flintstones é--Some of Those Days Daddy 4--The Munsters sed Talk 8:00 P.M. peernne N--OHA Jr, "A" Hockey J--Donna Reed 9 63--Herel 4--Perry Mason :30-P A, 1--Naked City 11;00 1--Scariet Hi 7--Price Is $-2--Dr, Kildare T--My Three Sons 6 3--The Serial 9:00 P.M. 8 2--Concent; 7--Message 6--F 4--Andy of HIS NAME IS LESTER .. HE LIKES ME VERY MUCH) W130 63--The Defenders 1--Albert J. 4--Password 9:30 P.M. 9-4--Baileys of Balboa 6-2--Hazel 7--Peyton Place 3--Suspense Theatre P. 6--Butternut $2--Say Wh 10:00 P.M. Wi--That Regis Philbin 9--Jack Parr 62--Kraft Theatre 7--Dick Powell 63--The Rogues 4--The Defenders 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, 2--Huckieberry Hound 11S PLM. 9--Metro Final 9--Pierre Berton 6--Gunsmoke PRIDAY 4--Mike's Carnival Sports 2--Mike Douglas Show 7--Father Knows Best Ingo &2--Make Room For 8-2--Word for Word 3--Mom 4--! Love Lucy 9--James Beard Show rlendly Giant 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Missing Links -| 2-Captay. Bob 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON 7--Surtside 6 6--Elwood Glover 4---News; Weather; Sports 3--Popeye's Party PM. 1218 P.M : 4--Speaker of The House 12:30 P.M, 9--Theatre oe or 'onsequences 4--Search for Tomorrow 2--Teles of Wells Fargo) 74. 4n',0™ 12:48 PAM. 4--Guiding Light al 1:38 P.M. 3--Nws, Weather, Sports 1:00 P.M. TieLucky Store Matinee 7--Atternoon Show 4--Meet the Millers A.M. 63--Movie Kangaroo 2--Mike Douglas Show AM. 1:30 PLM. House Vi--Matinee and Horse Room aces A.M. "E-As fhe World Turns House 2:00 P.M, with Uncle $--Abracadabra 4--Password For Dollars 2-Loretia Young 2:30 P.M. XN 3 A.M. 9--Four of a Kind Show &-2--The Doctors 7-Day in Court Your Family! éLoretta Young A.M. 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 P.M. 9--People in Conflict 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital! 6--As The World Turns 4---To Teli The Truth ent of Truth 3:30 PLM. 11--Children's Program Ae %--Its Your Move I 8-2--You Don') Say 7--The Young Martieds ration 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night Mayberry 100 P.M. A.M. 9--Mickey Mouse Club Steed 8--The Match Game 7--Tralimaster 6-4-3--Secret_ Storm Right Square . 4:30 PM. Dennis The Menace 9--Sea Hunt en 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 4--Leave It To Beaver 3 --Popeye YOUR HEALTH Babies May Re By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD feeding my baby girl Mother said that's all she needs for about six months, but my doc- tor started her on strained food at one month Who is right?-- Mrs HB Follow your doctor's advice That's what you see him for It is true that babies can sur- vive and sometimes: thrive on breast milk alone for quite some months, but not always First, one must be sure that the baby is getting enough food Sometimes, if there is not sufficient breast milk for a baby, supplementary bottle feedings are necessary Weight is a clue There i$ an additional reason for starting strained foods A baby can learn to like them early, and this avoids a '"'feed- ing problem" which sometimes develops if the child is quite) some months old before having} its first introduction to - solid) foods I do not say-that your mother quire Food Supplement is necessarily wrong, but she { e Dear Dr Molner: I am breast] might b Dear Dr Molner: I have had a sinus headache for five months. At times in the morn- ing, blood and pus come down in my throat from the nasal passages Nose sprays do no good and hot applications help only as long as the heat re- mains Please advise if I should see a specialist and is it pos- sible I may have a tumor?-- NM Yes, you should consult a specialist -- or at least you should see your regular physi- cian who may (or may not, de- pending on what he sees) ad- vise going to one. You say it isa sinus head- ache It may well be For one thing, it could be a huge polyp obstructing normal drainage and thus permitting infection I rather doubt that it is a tumor (other than a polyp, which is a form of benign tu- mor) but a headache for five months is a symptom which should not have been tolerated [WELL -WHEN I WOULDN'T LEND HIM A QUARTER, HE ASKED IF L THOUGHT YOU WOULD! CROSSWORD 8. A meal 4, Silkworm 5. Means of communf- cation 6. Father: colloq. 7, Candle- nut tree 8. British indigo Common 16, Guido's note wealth 17. Symbol of nation indebted- 9, Journey 10. Auction 14, Wading bird 18, Boss ona shield 41. Cloth for wiping dishes « SAR AMC ERIN ANTI Mme ILIA] SICIOIPIE ME AIBIAIS [4] Bou aaa we : (SEMMPIL AINEEHIANW) FS IPOIL IT [OMEGIATUIL] DIO [OIN] iC TAINIE MRHIAIOIE | Baa Noa ually on the king of diamonds, The only other possible return, a club, would make South's king a trick, of play would have eucceeded also if East had had either the nine or ten of diaménds and played it on the low diamond lead from dummy. In that case, South would have played the jack and West would then have become subject to the. identical type of endplay described above, RICHARD, TO START MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont real Canadiens reported Mon- day that in all probability right. winger Henri Richard will be dressed for the National Hockey League game here against Tor- onto Maple Leafs Thursday night. The club -said Richard practised with the team twice Monday and said afterwards "I feel like my old self again." ge suffered a groin injury ct; 7, : SALLY'S SALLIES ye Ts Mortgage Money? McGILL 'sts Day or Night - 728-4285 NEED A NEW... say | OIL FURNACE? Coll PERRY Dey or night 723-3443 Sz Oe iS so long, and the bleeding is an ominous sign which demands immediate diagnosis Make an appointment with your doctor It's your health; in this case the first thing you need is professional care, both for diagnosis. and for treat- ment Dear Dr Molner: I have a parakeet and recently a friend told mé that the bird can carry "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL. & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. "parrot fever" I have several grandchildren and would like to know if there is any danger to them--Mrs OW Parrot fever (or psittacosis) can be carried by parrots and similar birds, and transmitted' to human beings But the dis- ease will be .transmitted only by birds which have the dis-| ease Healthy birds are per- fectly safe ' | SUNNY SPAIN! ANDALUCIA Con, $557.90----- 17 days, PALMA Can. $586-- 17 days (4 days extensions epprox. $28.00). Includes: Air fare from Toronto, Ist class hotels, all meals delux motorcoach city to city, escorted, Extensions to Tangier and Canary Islands. CALL 728-6201 Four Seasons Travel Note that declarer's method