Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Oct 1964, p. 15

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TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK DESIGN No, 333 1488 Sq.Ft, HOME DESIGN NO. Across the rear of | this ranch design is a 30-foot liv- ing-dining area which opens onto a lovely terrace. The study which opens out to liv- ing room enlarges this entire area which is especially at- tractive with the many glass- ed areas, There is a two-way fireplace in the living room, excellent storage space throughout, and economical Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontarie, of Plans entitled Address ...00:.. C Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra, (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). NAME .ccccorcccccocccccvovcoscecsecsoovonsseeccvccscseos COCO ROO DES OOO OD ESE SEE eOOEEEOEESEEES BIBLE LESSON Rewards Of ginning of which isa those contentious who think that by of pretended would gain financial rewards. This leads the apostle to a great statement about the necessity for Christians to be content with such things as they have. Paul does not mean to imply that Christians should possess nothing more than food and clothing, and he does not repu- diate wealth as such. He only that when the great needs of food, clothing and shelter are met, we should have a grateful, contented heart regarding earthly desires. Earthly satis- factions, however, are ary to spiritual satisfaction; and since man is only satisfied in God, devotion to Him is the first condition of true satisfaction. The apostle follows up this matter of possessions with a re- minder that those who possess and pursue riches run the dan- ger of falling into great temp- tations, a snare from which the captive cannot easily extricate himself. In I Timothy 6:10 we find the often misquoted passage: "For the love of money is the root of all evil'; Note how carefully Paul states this fact: Money, in itself, is not the root of evil, but the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Love of money rears its ugly head in unrighteousness, -the taking of unfair advantage, idolatry and. selfishness. central heating system, The bath is adjacent to the three bedrooms and yet close enough to the living area so as to serve as powder room. There is a good sized kitchen and separate lavatory by side door. The carport offers out- door storage room. Good traf- fic circulation is featured throughout. Brick veneer is suggested construction mate- rial. , Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 333 cost $15.00 for additional sets, They are available in Canada by re- turn mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this newspaper office (or from ad- dress below) is our new De- sign Book entitled 'Suburban and Country Homes designed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free. This 1964 edition in- cludes information on Cost of Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, the eet and $5.00 for Blackstock Area Personal Notes BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mrs. Dalton Dorrell attended the Fed- eration of" Agriculture conven- tion in Toronto. Mrs. June Cowling and Roy are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Royal Whitfield, at St. Catharines. Ten Blackstock Women at- tended the dessert luncheon in Columbus. A good number went to Cad- mus turkey supper. Two or more inches of snow fell that evening and made roads slip- pery but the farmers were happy to see the moisture for! the land. The Anglican chicken pie sup- per, followed by the film "Down on the Farm", was successful. Several from here attended Nestleton Anniversary service. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam- ells and family, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells. Mrs. George Wolfe spent Thursday night with Dr. R. M. and Mrs. Werry and' attended Teachers' Convention in King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, visited Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Avery, Little Brit- ain, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright * and girls called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stinson at Lotus on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green returned Monday from a trip to California, Mexico and Florida. They retumed by the East Coast. Mrs, Carman Bell, Peterbor- ough, visited Mrs. George Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barber and Laurie Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gord Barber and Karen, Cour- tice; Mr, and Mrs. Bill Bryans and Donna Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Orlee Miller, Fenelon Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and children. Mr. and Mrs, Nonman Green, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Green and baby, John, visited Mrs. Jack promt Omemee, Sunday after- matter Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dunk and family, Dart- ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Green and baby Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland of Nestleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hy- land and family, Omemee, Sun- day afternoon. Misses Gertrude Henry and Doris Griffin, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr, and Mrs.-Ronald Babcock, Port Perry, Clarence Kentner, Whitby and Miss Isabel Henry, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening callers. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Henry and family, Bow- manville, visited Mrs. Lewis Henry on Sunday, Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ferguson and Roy were Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cam- eron, Bowmanville; Mr. 'and Mrs. Wentzlass and family, Kit- chener; Mr, and Mrs. Noel Mor- ton and boys, Oshawa, Mrs. Hérb Hooey returned home from hospital Monday. Mr. end Mrs. Donald Lane and Terry and Mrs. Lewis J. A. Johnston visited Mr. and Mrs, John Rowland, Millbrook, on Sunday. Joe Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer, Grant Larmer and Miss Edna Larmer, Burke- ton, were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs, Ted, Mec- "|Mahon and family. We welcome Mr. hnd Mrs. Mackie to the village. They have moved to the.home they pur- chased from Mrs, Lewis Fitze. Alfred Thompson, Whitby, was a Friday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Proctor and Warren, Toronto, visited Mr. day. Mr. and Mrs. Steven, Mary Jim, Whitby; Miss Archer, Peterborough, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Swain, Clarence Marlow and Bill Irone drove to Malton on Sunday. They visited Mrs, Anne Hood a Brampton. Don and Jim Swain spent Sun- day with Mr. Weir Swain in To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge and Bill entertained Mr. and Mrs, Allan Bailey and girls, and Mrs, Russell Brown on Sun-|F Oshawa; Mr; and Mrs. Frank Bailey and Mrs. A. Leighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie, Saturday--evening. It was Mrs. Shortridge and Bill's birthdays. Mr. and. Mrs. Will Ashton, Mrs. W. Archer, Mrs. George Wolfe and John, and Mr. and Mrs, Harry McLaughlin attend- ed the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman, En- field, Wednesday evening. Mcllraith New Liberal House Leader OTTAWA (CP)--A_ veteran parliamentarian has taken over the job as government house leader in the Commons. Prime Minister Pearson an- nounced Friday Privy- President George Mcllraith would assume the duties shoul- dered so far this session by Jus- tice Minister Favreau. The ap- pointment is until the end of the session. Mr. Mcliraith, 56, takes over a job tough enough at any time, but made even more difficult by his party's minority position in the Commons. His 24 years in the Commons--only External Affairs Minister Paul Martin | has served a longer unbroken | term--give him-a solid back- ground for the post. First elected in 1940, the law- yee MP represents Ottawa West riding. A quiet but diligent worker, he was picked just five years after his first election as parliamentary assistant to the late C. D. Howe, then minister of reconstruction and supply. He acted as assistant to two other ministers in succeeding years. When the Liberals gained their election victory last year, Mr. Mcliraith was a@ transport minister. He moved Pearee, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Pearce and Mrs. Crawford on Saturday Earl Dorrell and Mr. and Mrs: to the Privy Council post in one of a series of cabinet shifts be- fore the . session opened last Fi ebruary. Constructional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs -- Ranch one and half storey, split level, two storey colonials, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. DAMS FEELINGS There ig no vice more damn- ing to noble, tender feelings than avarice, It is capable of extinguishing all mercy, all pity all natural affection. Once ava- rice takes hold, its dqathly grip is never relaxed, The selfish man cannot love, show pity or Christians Are Not | Financial In a crisis' be will sacrifice oven himself on the altar o: t's et He oid tine clea ooh undivided, ever-increasing devo- | Mr. tion from his worshipers. Paul is not finished with his discourse on money, bit, as he so often did in his letters, he digresses to a parenthetical paragraph, Verses 11 to 14 ex- hort Timothy to flee from such as a hunger for 04 envy and wrangling because he is a man of God -- as every Christian is--and has a great insists | responsibility to the church. This turning his back on the love of money and ali {t in- volves however, is not enough. He is to follow after the great virtues which come from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit: righteousness, - 2s, faith, love, patience and meekness. Armed with these virtues, Timothy should, as Paui him- self has done, fight the good fight against the enemies of the faith and remain strong in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in the great battle for the Gos- pel and the souls of men; to utilize every.available weapon, the most powerful of which is the redemption and eternal life: EVERY ASPECT In a general way, this charge to Timothy embraces every, ba- sic aspect of Christian Six Children Are Baptized KEDRON (TC) -- =F, 8. . Hillier of Brookli:, conducted baptismal service Sunday sete ing at Kedron United Church. The children baptized. were ap Gail Cameron, daughter of . and Mrs. Alan C. Cameron; J Todd Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs, John K. Glover; Jody Lynn Hitchens, of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hitchens; apne Alan Francis, son of 'Mr. Mrs. Alan E. Francis; Jane Frances Pettes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ross D. Pettes; ge | Lindsey Grant Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant A, Spen- cer. 4 numbers at the Sunday service at St. Stephen's United Church, Blake Branton, Kedron choir director and Mrs, S. C. 6 United Church, Oshawa. The pupils of Public School will be for UNICEF when they go out "Trick or Treating" on. Hallow- e'en. When they call at houses with their official UNICEF box- andjes, they would ai ite your pennies and nickels ich go to ease the life of children in under-developed countries. BROWNIE Brooks Maxwell Heights be, collecting Brownies MEETING The 20th Brownie Pack held its enrolment ceremony at the home of Mrs. William McLeese on Wednesday. The mothers of all the tweenies. were guests. Mrs. J. L. Bird, Commissioner of the Rosslyn District enrolled Barbara Fisher, Judy Geis- berger, Gail Gifford, Wanda are so uncertain that they can- not be depended God alone, who provides all things necessary for body and soul, is their only hope for all time and eternity. God does not |f- wish them to give up their wealth entirely, but to use it for good works, for thus they will lay up treasures in heaven and provide a good foundation for Christ. to build their lives to come upon. With such approval for his earthly good works, the|}_ believer will then enter into the fullest enjoyment of that life which alone is life indeed, with Paul emphasizing his words with a reminder of rani faithfulness in witness- ing before Pilate, and looking to the future, second coming of the Lord Jesus, Paul closes the charge with a doxology stress- ing the transcendency of God, and ascribing to Him all honor, esteem and adoration. Now, Paul returns to the sub- ject of money, telling Timothy what he should say to those in his church who possess wealth. They should not be high-minded oevr their riches for they are shame, be generous or humble. only of the present world and SAVES YOU It Eliminates SEPTIC TANKS | JAMES | 1O'MALLEY! Construction Ltd. 723-7122 1° Homes @ Additions 1 @ Offices @ eae tod COLORED PATIO WALK SLABS DRIVEWAY CURB PARKING BUMPERS empty houses are how to cook. PRECAST CONCRETE 'TIME AND MONEY... The Risks That Are Always Present When Pouring On Site CURRENT RANGE OF PRODUCTS INCLUDE: © DURA STEPS @ RAILINGS @ WELL TILE @ CATCH BASINS @ CUSTOM PRECASTING Ommodiate Delivery CONGRETE PRODUCTS LTD GIVE ONCE FOR ALL! We are all brothers. We are all one. family. When trouble strikes one of us, we are all diminished. The neglected baby, the homeless grandmother, the crippled father, the teen-ager in trouble; teachers, doctors, nurses, volunteer work: your generous contribution will help maintain these 20 active, worthy agencies Blind Navy Retarded Children Pic sar gg Salvation March of Pints Boys' Club Girl Guides of Canada (Oshawa) Canadian Red Cross Society Children's Aid Society Christmas Cheer Fund John Howard Society Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada League of Canada (Oshawa) Oshawa and District Association for St. John Ambulance Society Women's Welfare League Victorian Order of Nurses rsd A Children' 's School and Clinie vag ek 'omen's Christian Assoc. Pe itby Social Welfare Greater Oshawa Communit The Boy Scouts of Canada (Oshawa District Council) Canadian Mente! Health Association Canadion National Institute for esas ONE DONATION HELPS SO MANY. DECIDE NOW TO PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY .. . The Objective ers, counselors--we must join with them, for they are our familys Each year, 'through the United Way campaign, you can fulfill q responsibility to your family, t You can' renew yourself eae giving. _-- " generously. YOUR Greater Oshawa COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT THIS YEAR THE NEED IS GREATER THAN EVER! 275,900 MAIL OR BRING YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO 11 ONTARIO ST., ConA nest 728-0203 "ae

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