Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Oct 1964, p. 13

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Ed ON LOG THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 31, 1964 3 TELEVISI ' * 2:18 PLM 3:00 P.M.- 4~--Five O'Clock Show CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| 'Speer oth: baad ee gg oa ee WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| s--thee Pir Thome op Ee (ag Oa $2--Truth or 4-To Teli The Truth 2--Tales of Wells Farge WKBW-TV Channel 7--~Buffalo WROC-TV Channel $--Rochester Conenpences 3-Moment of 'Truth 6:00 Pak. CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto ., CKVR-TV Channel 3~Bartie 4:20 P Sf aR 2-Today, 1964 SATURDAY EVE. 'kee aM " Ply om. , bani oye -O.H.A, Jr, A Hockey |6-3--Pa Show ee la 4---Uncle Jerrv's Club 4-Lassie 'The Young 4--Sports with Chuck Vi--Strikes and Spares | 2 catholic Hour Healy 9--Mr. Magoo iy Hh &--Matinee 4-Edge of Night . 1100 Auta. 11--Movie Special now 4:30 PLM, 9--Meta Presents 9--Bob Hope 11-9--News, Weather, $This ts The Lite #2-Disney's World of | 4-Meet The Millers | 9 wickey Mouse tn --Holy Mass The @2--Huntley-Brink! 6---Wwsic From Chicago} 7--Wagon Train a-ipike, Dougies how regia o:0 PM. 4--Church Service 6-3--F lashback 1:38 PM. 7--M-Squad Layo ae ah 11:30 AM. 4--My Favorite Martian | 11 satines and Horse ain 6--Across Coneda paren Savas 9--Spectrum 8:00 P.M. : 4:30 P.M, : 64 PM 7--Discovery from U.N.C.L.E, | 4-As fhe World Turns --Famil | Man 2--Frontiers of Faith ly Theatre ithe chisehes | oo em 2:00 P.M. 9--Sea_Hunt #2_Huntiey Brinkley . Dazzle 6:45 P.M. 12:00 NOON ' 20 °.M. 9--Abracadabra vg ba org ween Weather) | 9 italian Album the. It To Beaver tee nk 8--Felix The Cat 9--The Addams ; TAKE THE RISK, 1:00 P.M. Z-chalienge, i ae | ee OS ee ; GRANDE WRECK ee 6--Sunday : $00 PM. ---News, Wea TO BE REPAIRED. 'Toyage "Ts The epee al a Fat'the "Doctors N--Famiy. Theatre ae : bs Beverly Hilloiies |_| 2--The Answer 4-My Living Boll | Elita Youn Sterne | She Time Fer Sere 4-UB Round Table Panel 12:15 PM : 9:30 P.M. 4--House Party 1--The Early Show eants 7:3 P.M. 4-Industry Gn Parade |1]--The Reporter 3--Super Bingo 6--World Of Neture 2---Bachelor Father (1--Club 11 Dance Party 12:30 P.M. he a cabs +-2--Flipper M--Pleasure: of Life joey Bishop ' 7--Outer | Limits H 7--Bullwinkle SBP, and a CROSSWORD 6--The in 6--Live and lou' 4--Jackie Gleason Show 4-Face The, yrali Rogues me -- lead--king of i a--Mike Hammer 2--Family / This Hour Ha common method of - G7HE_ RAINS COME, THE 2:00 PM. 1:00. P.M. 4.-condia Caerd ACROSS 48. Weaver's = 16..A Sachi fending against a suit contract GOLD-MINING CAMP aad Li ° 9--Saturday Movies N--Continental Minlature ts appeal 1, To agree: instrument school FRRICIPHEBOIPIAILAE lis to try to run declarer {S$ A'SEA OF MUD. : , A : 3 en ee opie Aoerone Se. |11-aii Dane. shew collog. 44, Vipers session [FiiirielRMMeDpiolol |of trumps by forcing him to : ; o 8:30 P.M. é-Heritege 4--What's My Line 5. Moist 19, Flit IN| k 1 lruff a suit. This thod of #-2--Kentucky Jones 'Film 100 PM. 9. Russian DOWN 20. Fuss ss Mets am : me J--Lawrence Welk Show play is most often successful 3-Fury 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) mountain 1,.Ajuryman 22,---- Dit IMmmmEL 1 JE CoN Hockey. ri a Waathees, Shorts range 3 Bastaiek Door fe Scan when declarer has only eight one Pk 11--Spotlight 11:20 P.M, 10. Locationof 3, Sack Policy trumps to the opponents' five. : . ¢2--Movie 9--Coaches Conference |7-43--Late Show Cleveland 4.Citytrain 23, Im- SMILE MmsiolRiels) |If the defense can accomplish =| [CHOLLA KILLED DP ON )DIDN'T KNOW | [ CHOLLA 'ToLIveR/ T WONDER 4--Mr. Broadway 7 Onawae | 11, A pond 5. Portals - ETOMMEMEIR |their aim soon enough, they 1 ROLE NEST) | EEA rae) so YOR him | | * C1 ee pte tan [CR lu omm | ap ate. | SMMIME gl ites gesagt ae (inte la ie eae ae WHO 4 CHOLL, sare / 8 og | 2:00 P.M oat . Also : call; nau' * es lny's Answer ve in their long suit, once TOLIVER? / TOLIVERS AN THE Tey Hal by ay LOOSE YET. etapa ey |11--Club 1) Dance Party $-Develan Fisher 13. Hebrew 7. The note B socnee they obtain, the hem g , MAxXROYS A ao" IN CAO, | fi ee Hertha saa 7 ie aouuae letter 8. Puffy 25. Inquire 35. Month YEAR? BACK. &% 5 15. Charged muffin 26, Sub- popular for oem 2c gee Me ee eis South was in six hearts and 4--Gunsmoke 2:30 P.M, $:00 A.M. . West led a spade. Declarer : .M, 7--Dialogue particle 11. A rope- merged PE gis 'Football naga ary} ag 16.A Loyalist: ~ splicing 28, Rational ' eo and cashed the A-K of oan 3:00 P.M, 9) crite AM Am. Hist, tool 30, Moldy earts, learning of the 44 N--Biockbuster Toy Little Margie |'s--Romper Room 17. Farm 12. Accent 31, Furnish trump break, When he then 7--Jimmy Dean Show aide ak $:00- A.M. animal 14, Putforth 32,Corrodes 42, Burmese Played the ace and another club, 6--Comedy Playhouse PE ya, o--Playtine With Bobby 18, British effort 33, Perched . language East discarded a diamond. If 10:45 P.M 4-NFL Football %--Dialing For Dohars ; East had ruffed, declarer would M. n poet: poss, sete te ene ees Raving Dane thee 20. Broad ae be v have made the contract. M--Dennis The Menace 9:30 AM. thorofare: South now played a low club Weather: Sports y u venther: 's 7--Bowling 11--Ed. Allen abbr, 1-9-4-7-6-4-3-2--News) 4--Pro Football Report | 7--Father Knows Best 21, Verb form povie vutied with iy ake, Bayt 1:15 PM. again refusing to ruff. As a 1--Block Buster Con. 4:30 P.M. : 10:00 A.M, 22, River in result of these t lays by tinued 1--Tiny Talent Time 11-9--Super. Bingo Baltic Ps e two plays Metro . Final 9--Sgt, Bilko ! &2--Make Room For 23, A bracelet East, South could not get out #2--Saturday Night at | ¢2-Sporis international) te : t of dummy without reducing he Movies 5:00 PLM, bag ; 4--Nighi Meire --Famuy rneatre Calender 26. Diversion himself to one trump, while a te pan igy P iki: 27. Final . East still had two, and the re- T-43--Late Shi 7--Wrestli +--Bi Girl's. co $3--Show on Shows $2--Word For Word " bn of ra was that he went down 1:80 PM 4--Jack Benny 7--Price Is Right 50, Antiened wo, $--Answering Service 5:30 P.M, 4-1 Love Lucy gone "1 It is plain to see that South E-Feotyre Showcese -- | #-Telapoll nade cee 30. Bohai lost the slam because he lost SUNDAY Ses Ce Neer city | James. Beard Show 34, > Ma i control of trumps, Actually, by 9:00 A.M. 4-Lukes Foss Secencemnretien nickname making allowance for the pos- 4-Poneye' $ Playnouse 3--National Velvet a eo Méeaery 35. Rubbish sibility of a 4-1 division "in 9:30 A.M. cng Pi 1:30 A.M. 36, In so far as hearts and clubs, he could have N--Italian Journal JBig' show of Week |1i--Albert J. Steed 37. Negative made the contract. 7--Supercar 9 bad 9--Toronto Today Bd 2--Capt, Bob eats ot Aa $-2--Jeopardy After ruffing the king of 10 aM 3-77 Sunset Strip. | Z~Missing Links , tf spades, South should have led Wuteckeae 2--Meet The Press atte ereye : a heart tothe king-and-then &--The Bible A\ 6:30 P.M, 12:00 NOON : recta | et sss ine 'outers played the ace and another clap, é--Metropolis 9--Walt Disney 7--Suriside 6 4--Lamp Unto My Feet! 6--Candid Camere 6--Elwood Glover and South would wiri with the 2--Chureh invitation 4--Mister Ed 4--News and Weather - king. : He would then play a low club B and ruff with the nine. It would ZW [B69 BC'S ANTI-CONFEDERATION GOVERNOR, ss Ny hy reg bdsm BECOMES BRITISH COLUMBINS SECOVD . not matter now whether East FREDERICK SEYMOUR, DIES, AND HIS SUCCESSOR, = PROVINCIAL PREMIER. BY BRINGING B.C INTO OUR NATION, HE MADE / CANADA'S A REALITY see overruffed or not. In either case GOVERNOR ANTHONY MUSGRAVE, ANWOUNCES . . « 3 MOTTO FROM SEA TO SHA! Socith seouiaanake thicnalleee: COSMOS TLL APPROVEN © ans ( r (19 PROPO' ' J Te) 4 If East overruffed, South wn CANADA, TORID | ied : would gl vig bg the THIS COLONY OF DEBT; hs ~ rj x ~ A-Q an aim the ance wero ae! yaar > Vv" 'ee Oe \ === IJagainst any return. If East si dl ae : y ' , - discarded instead, South, would \ ; } eee still have a trump left in dum- my to lead and would cash the A-Q and then play his good a ? clubs, East would sooner or law SOW TE), BC BECOMES A later make a trump trick, but CANADY INCE, AND THE WEST COAST /S ' not mere, PERFUME PHONY RIO. DE JANEIRO (AP)~ Brazilian police have confi- scated nearly $2,000,000 worth of phoney French manufactured in Brazil, The in- vestigation began on a tip from French authorities who said the perfume was being sold by sail- ors at Marseille at prices con- siderably lower than the cost of the real thing. SALLY'S SALLIES MICKEY MOUSE SECRET AGENT X9 mo Ht (AN? THE os YOUR Y | 4 CRITICS WERE UNANIMOUS : GET he HENRY T 1 WANT Hit 70 DEAL AGAINST GEROW? 1S SURE 3 OPENING || TACTING WAS). PAPER... ERE IN CALLING 'LOVELY LOVE' THE DECK SO ONLY Tile MOUSE = A Hr. NIGHT | SUPERB/ 7 ( FIVE-STAR}! IZE% THE WORST TURKEY Aiea a {i « ge Tart FINAL! OF THE SEASON..." CLEVER PLOT! 0 Ba Pe | , { Ni 5 ore Bare I 3 i ® -- 1 686; | KA > see ' DONALD DUCK Ae ot Gah 19 4 \pianefe- Om Ce 'THE LONE RANGER "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS, Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. 1'* GOING OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STADIUM 60 . , one en , <eghy y yit\y, , BRINE SUNNY SPAIN! , b <a . , pees; : ANDALUCIA Cen, $557,90-- 17 deys, PALMA Cen. $386-- 17 days (4 days extensions epprox. $28.00). Includes: Air fare from Toronto, Ist class hotels, all meals delux motorcoach Sify, to city, escorted. ia sions to Tangier and Canary islands, CALL 728-6201 Four Seasons Travel { 1 NC What's THE] [PM LOOKING MAYBE] ene , pte [Poet Bove stina) \ MAYES] [FOUND JIU WELL WHAT] Now, yi "AND | |, :BBOAUSE OF YOU. WiHaer A a |AND I FORGOT \ FOUND | | WHAT 7 A } ; Me | © King Feateres Syniicate, Inc, 1964." Workd nghte reerrad. MUGGS AND SKEETER Fe nAPrEN TOS) EM | [AS ii AL EX She it ERNIE CAY /», DOORS ° SASH A PERSON i) \ ~ Ns sl Si} and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST, JULIET JONES

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