Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1964, p. 7

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ed the support of this worthy cause by contributions to the Greater Oshawa Community y 'di ig MR. AND MRS. JACK C. MacDONALD Nassau Street Pair Feted On 30th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Jack C. Mac-| Donald, Nassau street, were the} guests of honor at a party given by their children, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Nick Nicholas, and Mr. Nicholas,| Zion, on the occasion of their) 30th wedding afniversary, re-| cently. The bride of 30 years, recéiv- ed her guests wearing a powder blue lace dress with a corsage of baby pink roses. Guests were present from Oshawa; Glen- cairn; Waterloo, Nova Scotia; Toronto, Hampton, Newmar- - ket and New Lowell. The head: table was graced with a-hand crocheted table cloth made by Mrs. MacDon- ald's mother, Mrs. W. G. Wil- son, as was the table cloth on the other table. Centering the head table was the three-tiered wedding cake flanked by au- amen: Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 30,1964 7 Chest. Wendy Bobier told of the Multiple Sclerosis Society which is another organization receiv- from the Community ing help Chest. Mrs, Richard Lack thank- ed these students, The: business portion of the meeting was conducted by the Mr. David Sdvage, manager of the Plaza Theatre, was the guest speaker at the soon meeting of the E. A. Low Home and School Association. He was introduced by Mrs. John Crook, and chose as his subject 'Movies and Your Chil- dren". Mr. Savage spoke of the work of the Gensorship Board in Ontario, This board reviews every film which comes into On- tario and puts a code on it. é "Adult" means that the picture 4\was mature and not recom- mended for cnildren, Children were allowed into the theatre, *ibut did not understand or en- "%\joy the picture. | A picture marked "Restrict- led" was one which contained |words, scenes, or situations which the Censorship Board lfelt were not suitable for chil- |dren, No children under age 18 |were admitted to the theatre. Whereas theatre managers jused to be held responsible for jseeing that those under 18 were ; |not admitted, the onus was now tumn flowers and silver cat-lon the parents. Managers dies, The wedding cake was cut|could report to the proper au- with a pearl handled knife given|thorities parents who lied about . . the age of the children and them by their only grandson, | wowed dem to attend thése Scott Nicholas. | pictures. | "Tea was poured by Mrs. Roy) Babies in arms were not al-| Groat, Oshawa, Mrs. MacDon-| towed in even though they could/ ald's bridesmaid of 30 years ago|not understand the pictures. | = by tr aidian' Rast Sap saling was on, to Mrs. David Co an, -|prevent arguments from par- side, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mrs.| ents of oder children who woes MacDonald's 'three daughters|expect to be allowed to brifig| and daughter-in-law served. their children in too. | bio haney gece soa R she Children under 16 yeans of age| sent a Mrs. | w. i Wilson, "trom friends and rela-latter 1. rf ae oiaer meee tives and they received many|jed by an adult. The law re- ay nia macpibild's |quires that a matron be on hand r. and Mrs. MacDonald have|on Saturday afternoons or on oe oe ga ayy special occasions when children rs, Nick ? S, 4100; | were present. There was no ma- and Mildred and Kathryn at/tron "a duty after 7.30° p.m. home; and one son, Jack, at} A child may be asked to leave home. jthe theatre for one of three ~--Aldsworth Photography Lois Bradbury ~ | reasons -- slashing seats, throw- ford Jones, Toronto, all aunts|ing boxes (this has resulted in of the bride-elect. |injury to other children), or in- Tomorrow's Bride | Feted At Shower's Miss Lois Bradbury whose _ Marriage is to take place to-| morrow at 7.30 p.m. in King} Street United Church to Mr. Alan Vision, St. Petersburg, Florida, has been feted at sev- eral showers and presentations. Mré.: William Britton held al ,miscellaneous shower at her home assisted by her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Bissett and Mrs. Ralph Day, matron-of-honor, | A personal shower from the girls in the Product Service De- ent of General Motors was at the home of Mrs. Yvon Regimbal, assisted by Miss Sharon Parish and Miss Sandra| | . Louis: Vision, |~ the future bride- groom, held an open house at their home in St. Petersburg, Florida to. introduce the bride- to-be to their friends. Assisting were Mrs. William Robinson, aunt of the bridegroom-to-be and Mrs. Michael Kelleen. A miscelaneous shower was/| held at the home of Mrs. Ramon | Bradbury, sister-in-law of the bride-elect, Co-hostesses were| Mrs. Jack Francis and Mrs.| Alan Francis, Mrs. Bert Jones, | andmother of the bride-to-be, | $ Rita Sinnott, bridesmaid.| and Miss Pat Bradbury, junior bridesmaid, assisted. A family miscellaneous show- ér was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Bradbury, Scar- borough, assisted by Mrs. Fred| Morley, Richmond Hill; tity Malcolm Jones and Mrs. Wil- PICTURE PERFECT INTERIOR HOME DECORATING Now Available at PATTE'S~ workers in the Customer Rela- tions Department,General "Mo- tors, made a presentation of a pair of blue mountain pottery jvases and a dresser set. bury, King street west, will en- rehearsal this evening. The members of the Oshawa Wale doen aecoe oh he tee Chapter Sweet Adelines present-| tho 'by which they gauge pic-| ed a set of Sweet Adeline Tum-|tyures. The Roman Catholi¢ blers to the bride-to-be. The staff | Teaoue of Decency graded pic- of the Product Service Depart: | tures and. published a listing. A ment of General Motors present- | a sum of money and co-| FOR THE FINEST ¥ DRAP MATERIAL in various colours & fabrics 98° YARD & UP M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Brad- tertain the bridal party after the HOUSEHOLD HINT If trick - or - treaters wax or crayon your windows this year, first use turpentine to remove wax, then follow with hot sudsy NEVER WAX FLOORS AGAIN SS NEVER SCRUB OR SCOUR WIPES CLEAN AND SHINES WITH A DAMP CLOTH TO SUN, SALT WATER, ALCOHOL, soo \ S --the-NEW, MIRACLE GLAZE-COTE the need fer waxes. THE SHINE IS BUJLT ye Bao 6 | | | | linoleum, osphalt, vinyl -- even concrete, ter 0, ate. f, Steinproof.-Wen't CHIP, PEEL OR Ph CRACK. Tough end resilient. Con't be scorred even with @ one hommer. GLAZE-COTE [5 THE NEW URETHANE FINISH. 293-0141 IT 4 THE BEST PROTECTIVE COATING SCIENCE HAS ACHIEVED, r USED BY ARMY, NAVY,'AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. ORDER NOW! (DEALER INQUIRIES HHVITED) ©1964 GCR 100 G. HAL Ly 25 Greenbrae Crt., Scarborough, Ontario FREE SERVICE 'Movies And Your Children' Topic At E. A. Lovell H&S picture, G-|Students whose parents SAVINGS UP TO meant an adult meant for general. viewing and C-condemned, Their opinions have been found to be fair and impartial, Another reliable guide to pictures was 'The Green Sheet" which was 'the| work of representatives from several Protestant organiza- pr Mrs. Lack. A tenta- tive budget for 1964-65 was pre- sented, by the weasurer, Mrs. Thomas Tipten. and adopted li was announced that the 'Dol- lar Drive" would be the money- making project again this year. give their approval, will participate in the UNICEF drive on Hal- lowe'er as in previous years. Mrs. Booth's morning kinder- garten room won the room at- tendance prize; It was announced that a con- ference on "Today's Learning for Tomorrow's World': will be tions . Managers of theatres were al- ways happy to tell inquirers) what a film was like, and whe-) ther or not it was suitable for) children, Mr. Savage urged par-) ents to contact the manager at any time they have a question or problem concerning the thea- tre or films being shown. He then spoke briefly about some of the stars he has met. His entertaining style of presenta- tion 'was enjoyed by the audi- ence, Mrs. Samuel Venn thank- ed Mr. Savage on behalf. of the association. E. A. Lovell School's finalists held in Peterborough on No- vember 7. Refreshments were served by Grade .1 mothers, HONEY - ORANGE BUTTER ¥% cup honey ¥% cup soft butter or mar- garine (not melted) teaspoon grated orange rind Beat together until light and fluffy. Chill before serving on puddings, gingerbread or gra- ham crackers, Also very good with hot vegetables such as beets, squash, sweet potatoes and onions. in the Red Feather Speaking Contest, Wendy Bobier, a Grade 8 student, and Brian Davis, re- presentative of the lower grades, were introduced by Miss Aileen Found, and presented their speeches. Rofiald W. Bilsky, >.< Chiropractor If hurt on the job, ask your employer to authorize Chiro- practic care. "It's yours for the asking". Brian Davis spoke of the work | of the Salvation Army and urg-| 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Py Hilis | . com ing! JEWELLERS LTD. on Moving. sale continues... (30% ON QUALITY -BRAND NAME MER UNHEARD-OF CHANDISE REDUCTIONS ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE --SAVE---SAVE A 7 (com YES... BURNS are moving soon to: | BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE PHONOLA STEREO HI-FI WITH GARRARD 4-SPEED CHANGER... . SPEAKERS FM/AM RADIO... FINE FURNITURE CABINET *Phonola" by Electrohome brings @ new dimension of beauty to contemporary styling, superb speaker system and hand- wired chassis brings new brilliance and depth to phonola stereophonic sound. Equipped with telescopic lid support com- portment for safe storage of records. . WESTINGHOUSE II" PORTABLE TV @ Weighs only 133% Ibs. @ Instant-on Picture @ Front-Mounted Speaker © Grey, White or Red _@ 36" Telescopic Antenna 139-95 une iguana FTEs Sunes sine TES Admiral 23" Console Features the new wide angle steel bond aluminized picture tube - o direct view tube with one piece glass screen incorporating the safety glass ond glore-resistant i optic filter features. j 4 j i @ Top-front Tuning Controls @ 2 Front-Mounted Speakers @ Push-Pull, On-Off Control ®@ Golden Signet Turret Tuner @ Walnut Finished Cabinet $239 TU Cn PRICED WITH TRADE anuronoetqegqntrang neat Salts CIPHER 3-SPEED Automatic TAPE RECORDER Provides hours of listening pleasure. Records any -- yougsters at play... music; . . lectures ».. lessons... speeches. -@ Records . .. Playback at 3-Speeds @ Double Track Operation @ Automatic Push-Button Control (Rewind, Stop, Playback, Fest forword end record) Dynamic Microphone Digital Tape Index Control Safety Lock Control L i Let our fully qualified interior decorating consultant help you with your color scheming AT YOUR HOME. There is ; NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE. ; CALL 725-3529 and make. your. appointment PATTE'S 'PAINT and WALLPAPER 93 Years at 85 SIMCOE North © FREE PARKING io rear of tere) ° bre DELIVERY_to: your door 6" x 4" Speaker Recording Level Light 20 SIMCOE NORTH Take-up Reel, . . Monitoring lf Pil Use Your Credit Earphone t BURNSK JEWELLERS LTD. . @herney's 32 KING ST. WEST Oscw.imc. FURNITURE WORLD OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. |

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