Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1964, p. 24

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pee yer s beedeveels b agencies re ' PODIE A syis nord ai pres Bee 'eet ik, Dia Sy rel a georcitine - chianatetitiie tile, Mediate tee ¥ 20--Real Estate for Sole 20--Real Estate for Sale 24--Apartments for Rent vr soe W.. FRANK Resalés: in Ajax _A few Apartments furnished still available .in Roly 44 Ferntit Blvd arise REAL ESTATE fa tiy clo roxy OXFORD PARK 177 Church Etreet Bo ce agg Wester hi TOWERS. Private drive. Professionally Bowmanville londscaped back yard. Finish- ; 623-3393 ed recreation aan: pie Oshawa's most modern Member Oshowa ond District other extras. Possession 30 apartment building. : Real Estate Board days. $995 FULL DOWN Large 3 bedroom brick bur golow. Beautifully londscap- ed lot. Close to schools and shops. Private drive, storms and screens. Plus many other extras. Carries like rent. Early possession, PICKERING VILLAGE Large 8 room home on extra large lot. Immaculate condi- tion throughout. New furn- ace. Lorge modern kitchen. can be duplexed. Only $1,- . 800 down to one open mort- gage. Priced 'to sell ot $14,- 900. Eorly possession. : Phone 942-3310 ofter 9 p.m. John Makarchuk - 942-2152 H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER AJAX, ONT. WV. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. 67 King St. E. Oshawa utomobiles. For Sale | TED CAMPIN MOTORS Temporary-Location Meade's Sunoco Service Power Storg entrance 588 King St. East TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. 1964 CHEVY 11, automatic transmission, radio, whit jewalls, jow mileage. Like new, at 277 Division Street. i964 fitieen hundred Vi TS model. Private. 18.000 mies miles. wagon will Rand trade. 60 bus, passenger, Pk Toe 3 pot 'Excellent conditions $883 offer. Nothing down, 1958 DOGE Custom oO a cod New tires, radio, A-1 conditl }. 203 24 THE CEHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 29, 1964 20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR ® Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 Buy Oe Ue cleaner in barns. Over ae a en eee ' le ' 4-way Flosher kit ; Ignition Wire Kit . DOC'S AU 1600 King E, -- 728-7781 (All other occ. 10% off with this coupon). 1 HAVE BUYERS for income homes. Please calj Walter Mittler, 728-7083 for oicient Estate service. Guide Reality Ltd., Realtors, 723-1121. 22----Offices, Stores, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE _ In. Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES STORE FOR RENT Immediate occupancy, Approx, 350 sq. ft. SIMCOE SOUTH Opposite Adelaide Heuse. FOR INFORMATION Call 725-5132 OFFICE SPACE 2nd floor King St. E. at Ontario 500 sq: ft. suitable for agency business. Immediately avail- able. For particulars and viewing. Call Mr. Hannah. Eastern & Chartered Trust Co. Property Management Div. 1901 Yonge St., Toronto 481 -3443 HEATED building, was service station. Could be used as _ upholstering shop; storage etc, Next to grocery store in Maple Grove. Suitable to use as gas| station. Dial 623-2931. STORE FOR RENT, immediete posses- sion. Apply 75 Charles Street after 5 p.m. or telephone after 5 p.m. 723-7212, 23--Houses for Rent IMMEDIATE possession, three-bedroom home for rent, new, west end, 'scina water. Private beach. Reasonable, Tele- Phone builder, 942-1600. 3 BEDROOM furnished home In Whitby. $135 per ith. Must be willing to fil lease. Tplephone 942-1510. FURNISHED house for winter monies | 725-6 very ceytral. Adults. Must | 2-6 be able \to_ furnish. References. Apply 29 Charlies. Street. EXECUTIVE type home, bed-) rooms, Hollywood kitchen, In ye sec- eg Aah shopping and schools. Telephone (Continued from Page 23) | ° SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED. fe es ing er a Toe two men Tele- phone See, ane. Sie 10 South GM and Shi NORTH END: room and "board week, 5 nen Fee. eoreer pralered. 27---Wanted to Rent ore EN HOUSE off Thicksons Road .| South. Split levels and se bal attach. argain. Call ir' Donald- ed garage. Ba son, 725-9882, NORTH EN, new thr Fully equipped modem kit- chen, broadloomed corridors, Elevator service, fireproof construction, Balconies, Paved parking, Situoted within easy walking distonce from G.M. South Plant. . * vy agp FARM, 200 Acres @ going concern with 65 heod of Holstein cattle. Over store. 10 cans quota daily. Full line small business. of machinery. Aski only one _-- mediate possession. At the corner of Malaga and Glenn St. SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN FROM 5 TO 6 P.M. Or Call Guide Realty Ltd. REALTORS Exclusive: Agents at 723-1121 GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Immediate Possession Adults only. TELEPHONE 723-1712 - 728-2911 For Appointment TWO-BEDROOM apartmerit, north - west, ree oe adults te $105 monthly. a. able N elephone 723-7157 2: p.m, TWO-ROOM seif- Contained bachelor apa' Ment, heat and water supplied. ei and refrigerator, centrally located, im- mediate Possession. Call after 7 p.m. 725-9921. | Four- "ROOM apartment, fully furnished. | Suitable couple with no children or 2 or 3 girls. 179 King sree eae Two. In apartment rig modern, "Optodete. $100 month- Possession December 1. Adults only. ax THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF AWA | PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT soled Gone 5 ts ceiv until 12 O'Clock Noon ae Friday, November 13, 1964, for the sale of the following: One {1) 50 ft. x 15. ft. Timber - Fra and Sheeted Hut. e Specifications, and Quotation Forms are available at the office of the undersigned, or by mail upon request. The lowest or ony quotation ig not necessarily be accept- ed, 'ee-bedroom . Oshawa's best buy, Low poe. a yah Allen at Keith peters wauney LOCATION, Twelve three hundred. peg he brick, new fur- Low sidered. con: Rolende' Thorney, 725-5407, Keith Peters Realtor. , with lease, Im- | 964, BEEF FARM, 400 Acres, ex- cellent soil. Large river, Good buildings. Asking price $50,- » 000. Terms. LINDSAY Areo. 192 Acre beef farm. 2 Miles from town. Asking $25,000. Terms. 200 Acres with brick home, on Asking only $28,- 50 Acre farm with brick , barn, Priced at $7,-° 000 with only $1500 down. 100 Acre farm with brick home, barn. 2 streams. Ask- ing $12,000. Terms. BEEF FARM with excellent buildings. Large stream. Ask- ing $37,000. Terms. BEEF FARM, 200 Acres with excellent buildings, Brick . home, all modern conven- iences, stream, 150 acres workable. Asking only $32,- 000, Terms. LAKE SHORE PROPERTY, 160° acres, good barn, 7 roomed home. Over 2 Mile lake frontage. Open for offer. 100 Acre farm, commuting distance from Oshawa with 2 borns. 8 roomed ; home. Only $18,000. Terms. - 95 Acre farm, west of Bow- manville, Modern brigk home, barn, streams. Asking $50,- 000. Terms. 140 Acre Highway form with excellent buildings. Large pig barn. Asking $30,000. Terms. CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, 160 Acres, stream. Over 80,- 000. Christmos trees, Stone house. All modern conven- iences, 100 Acre farm, Highway lo- cation with house, born and stream. Asking $15,000. Terms. TAUNTON RD. WEST Lovely frame four room bun- ee. Immaculate. east landscaped. beg ory Paved drive, Very large lot. NORTH WEST Beautiful ranch bungalow which is close to all schools and shopping. Many extras such as garage, floor to ceil- ing baste 9 steel wre of rear yard, Apple ond full ete cedar trees on this rge lot. Owner transferred, So hurry now for appoint- ment to inspect, BEDFORD AVENUE 6 Room brick ranch bungo- lowe with attached 'garage. Broadloom in living room, hall and bathroom. Extra large professionally' finished rec. foom, Two. fireplaces. This home has many extras, nicely decorated, and located on a large landscaped lot. Call now for an appointment to inspect. NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Available now in: Beau Val- ley. Many extras such as stone front, stone fireplace, 2 baths in this lovely 2 stor- ey home in popular Beau Val- ley. esi Financing. Hurry ond see this. $2,900 DOWN -- 6% N.H.A, RESALE . Only $102. per month buys this lovely briek resale. As- back EY Pica three old, ision tower. shower telev' $2500, Bill Ratcliffe, Brook!in, 655-4457, Lupin Drive, Whitby. Keith Peters. Realtor. 1958 FORD, four-door, Cr feng ROOMS or room and board required close| tomatic transmission, in good Sul at Sr lve i boseNactoma pad Ta essential, vers.|1957 DODGE to Pigott Construction Ltd., Osh-|tires, $295. Cag 1953 Meteor, $100. After Swa. 7289426 oF 728-9425, 725-8132, five, WORKING Paes lb desire Teasonable _un- 1960 AUSTIN HEALY Sprite hardion, soft furnished "stove and refrig- ti ie offer. Selors edeertiel." Call TAS Ne. ps lg sells el aed ac 29--Automobiles For Sale iat EL AIR CN Tae '61 PONTIAC tras. In beauti STRATO-CHIEF ex rg Financing available. Telephone 723 Automatic, radio, deep tread nylon white walls. TOP VALUE $1095 WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. 100 Nonquon Rd. 728-7351 ab a quo CAR PARTS, spindles to make he gt #lso used tires. 509 Bloor Street! East after, 1960 ROLE Black with silv. windshield. wa: hrs. tion. Call 723-79 1955 chevy station Yegen: stand- ard tr Body in fair Mgchanically good. Telephone $250. 723- 1960/ LINCOLN, two-door ged nal matic, good condition, fully power Dundas West, Whitby. Telephone ea-aN8 a 5. 30--Automobiles we $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST\NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted Talk "Cash" to' the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 | Res, 725-5574 SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, . |parts for sale. iron and metais bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. LAKESHORE Auto. Wreckers want. cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 200) Wentworth East, 725-1181, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street,want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. » automatic, je interior, radio, In excellent condi- W. J. Crompton Purchasing Agent City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario. TENDERS Addressed to the Property & Maintenance Committee, Wo- men's Welfare League, 387 Simcoe St. South, wo, will be received up to noon, November 17th, 1964, for supplying fuel oil, for Simcoe Hall Settlement House, Sim- coe St, South, and the Crippl- ed Children's School & Treat- ment Centre, Bloor St. Eost, for a period of one year, Jonuary Ist, 1965 to Decem- ber 31st, 1965. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Information may be obtained from H, W. Mc- Neill, 387 Simcoe St. South, Oshowa, living room, all con- veniences, 150 fruit trees and 1,000 Xmos trees on pro- perty, Asking $16,800.00. '4 scenic acres, house ond barn, House completely re- modelled, conveniences. ful country - property. $10,500.00 full price. 75 acres rolling scenic land, ideal for Christmas tree farm, hunting comp or retreat. Ap- prox, 100,000 ft. standing hordwocd and white pine. Bowmonville. Asking $4,500, 100 acres with stream -- $8,000 - $3, 000 down. suto- 506 Buildin $1900.00 71 x 210 feet, good level lot, close to 'schools, Zion area, $700.00 DOWN CEDAR STREET Five room brick semi split bungalow, good looking on the outside, needs painting on the. inside, asking $13,900, Call Jessie Bates 725-1186 or 728-6923. 8 ROOM. HOME KING ST.. E. Just right for the large fam- ily. Easily duplexed, Opposit: Kingswoy College. Call H, Botes 725-1186 or 728- 6923. toa KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars. 334 Ritson Rd, S. 723-3461 Open Evenings. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE SUNDERLAND: Two-bedroom apartment $40 monthly; one bedroom apartment, $35 monthly, In portent building. Available 1 and 10. Lindsay, 324-3795. Bids Avge Unfurnished In kitchen.. Heavy- Say wiring Private entrance. Telephone 10 ocres ' with stream neor Haydon. $5, 00 - $1,- 500 down. 100 scenic acres with terrific view. N, Tyrone. $10,800-- terms. Coll 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Joe Barmoski 786-2202 Clarke Pet Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Jack Whitemon 723-6365 Herb Cooper 623-3393 $65 MONTHLY. Lar, cen- trally located, residential aera W Whitby. Ve hea required, Phone after 5 p.m. BASEMENT apartment, 3 rooms, furnish yg separate entrance. Telephone pel Call now for oppoint- ment to see. MOST ATTRACTIVE 5 Room brick bungolow with carport in nice area, Close to Public and Separate school (St. Hedwig's), Just reduced. Call now and get a good buy. FIVE ACRES Custom Built Bungalow Off Town Line road north, owner built, owner occupied. Electrically heated, basement is 'completed with sub floor and panelled built in range "FOR SALE BY TENDERS Two acres with three bedroom frome house, Maple Grove FIVE-ROOM house, water and hydro, newly decorated. School bus at door, Con- venient bavitg Whitby. Telephone, efter 8 p.m, 668-86 LARGE 'seven-room house King Street West, next to Commercial bulld- prego ly and biden Road district, one = apartment. Private en- faces electric heat. Phone 725-2731 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM apartment on main floor, Town- PRICE IS RIGHT This smart brick bungalow situated on a large corner lot 100 Acre farm with good house, barn, pond, Newton- ville area. Asking $17,000. Terms. JACK RICARD and oven, exhaust fan - and hood. Asking $16,900.00 with reasonable down pay- ment. Call Bill Millar 725- ing, $140, month. Tennant to have privil- ege of renting 12 Brat i spaces at $5. per th, November 3. Heat and hydro, Heavy duty range ~ shoal "beateeg November 1. Tele phone 723-: moni ession T, J, Huzer, 709474 or 728-5422 Pauli Ristow Ltd., 189 King Street East. JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and 31--Automobile Repair MUFFLER . . . BRAKES Rd, North, Darlington ship. Apply V.L.A, Box 1270, Federal Bidg., Bowmanville, Ont. November 10th, PRATHER Fo rent. Two-bedroom, seif- irnished epartment. Central. Aduits. Teachons 7%3-6173. SIMCOE Street South, three-room base- ment apartment, Bad ade Parking space. Telephone 725- THREE room iaeciaed apartment, ali y heated, efter 6 apply 210 Division Street. NEW three-room apartment, refrigerator, stove, avaliable November 1, Adults only. After 6 telephone Whitby 668-5258. THREE-ROOM upper duplex, sult couple, adults, centrally located, reasonable. im- mediate possession. Telephone 723-3290. APARTMENT parly furnished, separate entrance and bath, suit couple, no chil- dren please. Immediate possession, Tele- phone 726-0283. Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1964 OLDSMOBILE F85, v8, tr extras. 5,700 miles. T 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re- Stored. new battery, licence, $550, and drive away Apply Howard Motors, Kent Street North, Whitby. 1959 CHEVROLET, 2-door, original paint and mileage, A-1 condition, 6-cylinder, t Call 725-7728 or 623-5329. 193 OLDSMOBILE 2door hardtop, still under warranty. $2,850, Phone before 7.30 p.m., Whitby, 668-5783. 1964 PONTIAC Strato Chief, all equipped, é6cylinder, automatic. One owner, ten thousand miles, Cash. 723-7595, PONTIAC 6, 1959 Parisenne au push-button radio, excellent Make offer. Dial Whitby, 668-5447, 1959 PONTIAC wagon, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, power steering, radio, white Fa laas good running condition. Call 723-540 1960 CHEVROLET two-door --sing 6 cylinder, standard transmission, two- tone, In good condition. Phone 723-7914. 1963, 1500 series Volkswagen, beautiful cose gh Many extras including radio. Terms arranged. Apply 377 Arbor Court, new! Oshawa, after 6 p.m. 1960 PARISIENNE, 2-door hardtop, avto-) matic, power brakes and steering, 5 new Dominion Royal Master tires, color autumn gold, 728-9813. 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air, two-door hard- top, V-8, automatic, radio, windshield washers, good condition, at 160 Park Road North. in the Town of Brooklin. Close 5 Acres with 5 Roomed home Port Hope Areo. Price $3500 with $1,000. down. 64 Acres, located. north of Oshawa. Planted with Christ- mas trees. Priced at $4,900. Terms. Donald Mountjoy, Guy Leblanc Idso Wiersma - Ross Davidson CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 JUST LISTED NORTH -- A beoutiful seven roomed brick home in very desirable lo- cation, contains 4 well decor- ated bedrooms with lots of closets, 2 attractive tiled bothrooms with vanity, lovely living room, seporate dining room, a kitchen ony, house- wife would plus a beautifully finished rec room with 'fireplace 12 x 28. Very _ desirable lot, large carport. A property well worth your attention. Asking $22,000. - terms. Owner leaving city. Ask for Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725- 0243. RITSON RD. S. -- Close to King, seven room -red brick home, large rooms with nice sunroom, double garage, pav- ed drive, suitable for rooming house or large fomily. Ask- ing price $15,000 with $4,- 000, down, See Wes. Elliott on this one. Cot 723-1133. evenings 728-0581. INCOME PROPERTY -- Col- lege Hill orea, 'Here is on Opportunity to have a good , home and on income as well, * contains 3 apartments, one 5 room, one 4 room and 1 bachelor, A substontial brick building in good repair. Ask- ing price $19,500. with terms, Call Jim Brody at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0483. NORTH WEST -- Lovely split. level featuring attract- tive living room and dining room, modern kitchen with plenty of Cupboards, plus 3 "good size bedrooms, 4 piece bath, attached garoge. Large lot located on quiet resideri- tiol street. Priced at $18,- 900 with terms, owner will hold first mortgage for bal- once. For information call Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. SOUTH EAST -- Bloor St, E. close to Farewell, extra nice 1% storey red brick home, 3 bedrooms, recreation room, and all in immaculote condi- tion. Situated oma very deep lot, An excellent home priced to sell at $13,000 with $3,- 500 down. Call Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728- 0581. FINUCANE ST, --_ Comfort- able five room. briek. bunga- low in choice north west lo- cotion close to public, high and separate schools. Features a split entrance, 3 bedrooms, large living toom, modern kit- chen and 4 piece tiled bath- room. Asking price $13,500 « with terms. -To inspect call Jim Brody at 723-1133, ev- enings 728-0483. 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 General Repairs to all makes. 10 Bays to serve you. KENT'S WESTERN TIRE SERVICE 145 KING W. 728-1607 OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers, exper carburetor and auto ry es service. et King Street West, 728-0817, EXPERT brake service and front end i 226 Coline Street. Call 723-4233. 1186 or 725-2557. 1964, .) 1, ROBERT REDSHAW of RR 1, Pigkers Ing, Ontario, will not be r tor any debis contracted in bf anyone on or after this date, le 1964, without my written consent. --Robert REALTOR 71 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-2503 NEAR KENDAL, 13% acres with new summer cottage. Fost spring fed creek. Only $7,800 with terms, NEAR BLACKSTOCK. 3 bed- room brick bungalow. on an ecre of lond. Very attractive focotion. Only $8,500 with $1,000 down, poyments of $60.00 per month, taxes $82.00 per onnum..Call now. BOWMANVILLE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with gorage. COUNTRY HOUSE -- approximately ire miles from Oshawa, three bedrooms and large yard. This house it equipped with Inside toilet facilities or central heating. Rent, $50. monthly. Call Guide Realty Ltd. Realtors, 723-1121. 6-ROOM house in north Oshawa, monthly. Immediate possession. 72-5103, W. O. Martin, Realtor, FOUR-ROOM | furnished bungalow, heat. Couple only. No children, T 723-5529. SELLING * GUY BELL ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED |NEWLY decorated small 728-5157 |house. Available November 1, Working | TWO SUBURBAN lots, 100 feet x eet x 214 couple preferred. Telephone 723-7424, ¥ t, Bickle hs Mapa Reduced auice sale, $2,000.00 each. Call 'Active 24---Apartments for Rent Realty Limited, m8 5157. $10,500 SACRIFICE price, beautiful two- bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive and garage. Mr. Rankine 7285123, Bolahood Brothers Limited Realtors. CHEAP LOT! Centre - farr, Whitby. Bulld now or investment. $2,000, Must sell, Call Charies Chaytor, 723-7996, Schofield-Aker Ltd., Real Estate. ' WALKOUT BASEMENTS, seven different Very good lot with large |models to choose from, trades accepted. trees. -5 minutes walk to post ca 3 D, Hymen Real Estate Limited, office. Asking $13,500. | oaAvEL PIT. On Vg ge vateg 26 100 acre showplace neor Or- | Oshawa. Suitable for buliding ri D tt 728-8423 723-6959. ono. New steel ¢ a : eski, Realtor, or Very attractive brick home $12,500. FOR THIS four-bedroom, three- with stone fireplace. Must be i seen. Asking $50,000. = brick, two-storey $1,500, with balance on one mortgage. Douglas J, M. Bullied, Reaitor, 723-1668. BUILDING wish h fae sale, lye 0 ae 90, BOW. y 35 building lots in Oshawa, cloge ener- MANVILLE, 15¥2 acre al Motors new plant and Highway 401. orchard in the centre of the {Close to schools, all shopping conveni- town. All young productive ences. Singly or in quantity to bulld- trees. Lovely home included. This is on 'ideal investment with excellent future subdivis- fon potential. Asking $48,- 000 with $15,000 down. ers. Terms arranged. Assistance in mort- We have several ye farms from. Call $125 Call Smart Business People Sing the Proises of Oshowo Times Classified Ads For full porticulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 728-2233 723-2894 723-7996 723-1358 728-5868 728-2870 725-3867 728-1066 725-0201 725-1726 360 King Street West Free Parking OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-5853 Commercial property--on a main street in Whitby. Lot size 99' x 192', included is a 9 room house. Phone ond osk for Morion Somsen 668- 5853. ot ee 4-door, 'adio, Other WHITBY, Dundas Street East, Three- room unfurnished basement apartment. Suitable couple. Parking space available immediately. $50 monthly. Dial 668-3470. WHITBY, modern two-bedroom apart- ment, available immediately, $115 month. As Appliances supplied. Dial 668-5648 eve- nings. LUXURIOUS LIVING Sone ae our se pens. 1038 Simcoe SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 Grenfell Starr, On! WHITBY -- Avaliable now. Two-room apartment on first floor, Hot and cold water, unfurnished. Large, clean bright rooms. Telephone Whitby 608-2090. Featuring large master bed- room with walk-in closets, broadioomed corridors, im- pressive iobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. For rental infor- mation see supt. at 25--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Availgble in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 LARGE bright furnished room In . Suitable for lady. Centrally locet- ed, After 6 p.m. call 725-8643, FURNISHED room _ apply Street or telephone ns2198, SOUTH END -- Nicely furnished bed- room. Private entrance, parking. Gentle- man only, $7. weekly. Telephone 723-1359. DIVISION STREET 25 -- Single rooms for gentlemen. Apply above sadress, natic, ition. i 82 «Nassau pope financing or single lots for custom whi to choose from W. me niet For information, Clover. Glade Realtor |&ivision, 725-3560. 114 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DIPLOMAT 668-3338 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 111 located bungalow, Bi A es of five 728-4283 rooms, recreation room, paved drive,| OSHAWA - GIBBONS ST. Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch carport, fenced in patio. Delightful con-/THREE two-bedroom apartments, close dition, See this one; at a low down pay-|to South General Motors. Available No- ment with good terms. Call Bob Steven- | vember 15. For further information call bungalow with attached gar- age, 3 years old, brick con- struction, bathroom with von- Hyman Real Estate! 728-4866, ity, large basement. Close to FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent. Avely SIX-ROOM two-storey brick home, near| 6g oa Street, Apartment No. 9. Call shopping centre. $16,700.00 full price, Property clear, General Serre Sree te anh Cah ances 5-39.38, LIGHT hi room, Adult home. Total monthly payments all E2tl| ABARTMENT oF rooms for mother with |Grotimnt" 4 5 P . Salter at 728-9474 or 723-2052 evenings. lnfnt "Day "care supplied. "Telephone | Telephone 725 'arking . space. 08-9277. terms arranged. BOWMAN AVE, WHITBY Exceptionally nice bungalow, Pauj Ristow Ltd., 187 King East. ; ; a =| ADELAIDE AVENUE EAST, 90: 2 house- TERRIFIC BARGAIN, 1' storey brick keeping rooms. Private entrance, Close beautifully decorated, 3 bed- rooms, large kitchen, living SYedroom| TWO-BEDROOM apartment er it rove. Ths »valvable| 2 south GM. $120. TrOntniy. retephone to North General Motors and hospital. at location T 725-7819 and dining -room, Very well landscaped, $15, 500.00 full property Dunbarton, 839-4132. FURNISHED single room, sult GM em- price. Terms. with lots of parking space is suitable for | ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments. all kinds of businesses. The monthly pay-/ All conveniences. Central. Children wel-| ployee." eel bef Posie! Road South or GREEN ST., WHITBY Income property, two aport- ae of $125 only, she. down payment of| come » Parking. 300 High Street. 668-5093. | merits, self contained,e8 years. $4,000, and the reasonable full price of; $22,000 are ideal for people who like to Start with modest means on their own old, brick, garage, close to school. "Asking $16,000.00 with terms and open to offer, ' and are looking for a good spot on a very busy main street. Can be seen by appoint- WHITBY, INCOME AND INVESTMENT ment only. Call Arthur Weinberger Real- 5 suite apartment building tor, 725-8851, 21--Real Estate Wanted in centre of town, This is an older building but in excel- lent condition showing a good return. Lot 79 x 132 ft. commercial, $30,000.00 only, property clear and terms can be arranged. ipa iaatinaemacseoaay son at 728-6286. S. D. Ltd. Clemence St.--coloniol bun- golow in immaculate condi- tion, large hollywood kitchen includes stove oven, electric 'clock. This home must be seen. Phone and' ask for Audrey Moore 668-5853. Store in a Whitby shopping ploza, 16 x 130 for sale or lease. Ask for Paulirie Hobbs 668-5853. Aportment buildings in Whit- by for sale, call our office for information, 668-5853. Greenwood Cres. three bed- room split on on extra large lot. Full price $13,800. 668- 5853. Harris St. Attractive bunga- fow featuring hollywood kit- pte with built-in ronge ond 1961 ENVOY station wagon, snow tires, trailer hitch, etc, $550 cash. Will accept trade as part payment. Call 725-8782. JEEP, 1960 model, custom cab, rebuilt motor, $675 or will trade for car. Tele - phone 725-5079, 1964 RAMBLER Classic 770, Pes hard. top. 23-2656, 1951 oreamoita maine "ber offer, For information. Telephone 725-5702. 1964 PONTIAC, Custom Sport convert- ible. Very low mileage, fully equipped, red with white top and black trim, Rea- sonable. T 725-9777. 1953 ee ie good running condition, | = arte perry Dundas Street West, ce "3589. WHITBY -- One-bedroom apartment in apartment building. Range, refrigerator and washing facilities. $90. Adults only. hone Whitby, 668-3591. ONE-BEDROOM apartment with refriger- ator and stove. Adults only. Call 725-9385 between £9 p.m. WHITBY -- Beep! basement apart- ment, three » for two single ladies 'or or gentlemen, Tel Teloohone 668-3192, THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, comfortable, clean, Kitchen cupboards, parking. Adults. possession. Phone 728-2798 before 3 p.m, THREE- AND TWO-ROOM rg gg Central. Children welcome, Parking. High Street, Whitby. T: 668-5093, TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, suit one person or refined pati close to hospital. Telephone 728-4265, TWO or 'nea rooms, unfurnished, + or vate washroom, apply 322 Albert Street. Telephone 725-8365. (Prizes to best costume) TURKEY SUPPER Saturday, Nov. 7 Serving 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., : 7 p.m. with breakfast, soak and rie sult Sentleman. park-: be Close to 723-| Whi im VAURAALL Victor, grey, 4-door, new tires, contains gag In good con- dition. dition. Telephone 725-679 1957 ME gyreteied 4-door sain wagon, In good condition. Very reasonable, Dial Whitby 668-8162, yy 1954 VOLKSWAGEN, clean, good rnne Condition; $150. Also baby en ae dron, $12. Telephone' 668-5: FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for Bove! or two, near north General Motors and hospital. Parking. Telephone 723-7917. LARGE furnished room, near hospital and bus stop. For tidy, respectable person. preferred, Call 725-8576. JARVIS Street 271, two furnished rooms, heat and hydro, APOIY, W pecaett address 300| above or tel 1957 CHEVROLET 1 ton eae with Wil- ROOM for rent, completely furnisheds! son stake 8 TK excellent condition, $650. bath on. same floor, cooking oclites, Copper water tank, complete, $20. semi-private entrance. Centeally located.|Womut 'ching cabinet like new, $7, Seu rer-Ta7s Phone 655-3663, Brooklin. BEDSITTING room, furnished, for light , st housekeeping. Close to North General Bod Se COMaItOn M460 Oleg mined Motors and hospitel, Phone 725-6881. with extras, Will accept trade, 725-3616. 2% BRIGHT ress ghd onl TOOMS.| i954 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, radio, Within. walking distance of Oshawa ShoP-l white walls. Well cared for. Body newly ping Centre. 'Adults. Ti Telshone "728-3690, restored and painted. $150, best offer. FURNISHED room for or | 942-498: lady. Dial 723-9795, MUST "SECT 1964 Pontiac Laurentian, ATTRACTIVE, private room, adjoining|V-8 automatic, power steering, white- bathroom, all Ped bhes pecwes in adult}walls, clock, "He. $2,495; 728-3246 or 166/SOCIAL BINGO. Daughters ig Isabella, home. Suitable Breakfast| Central Park North. Thursday, October 29, 8 p.m. St. Greg- optional. Cadillac Avenue. After 5, callli9s) FORD Fairlane 500, 2 auto-|ory's Auditorium. e517. matic, V-4, whitewalls, radio, etc, Rebuilt FURNISHED bedroom, vanity cabinet}motor and transmission, Excellent con- with hot and cold water in room,. five|dition. Phone 725-1690. minutes to Oshawa Shopping Centre.!ie4g MONARCH -- Ideal for customizing, Apply 460 King Street West. $69.95, 1957 Zephyr six," real economy FURNISHED .room or groundicar, new transmission, paint job, $495. or floor. Kitchen privileges. suitobie for |best lah Whitby, 361 Rosedale Drive, ahead lady or two, Apply 281. Poplar | 668-430; ped 1957 CHEVROLET Station wagon, A-1 con furnished room inidition, white walls, snowtires, seatbelts, TO © se YOUR HOME FAS FOR CASH OR TTERIAS, LIST WITH JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 if ' CENTRAL -- three-room apartment, one buy-|or two people, only $80, monthly. Stove and refrigerator. Telephone 728-5123. 21--Real Estate Wanted Adults $1.50 ildren under 12 years 75¢ Preschoolers: free WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Manning Road NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20. May be doubled or tripled $200 IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 HOLY CROSS LARGE Centre Entry - Lock-up BINGO STORE FREE ADMISSION genet gp ig FRIDAY, OCT. 30th | wii renovate fo suit tenant i : rt! 20 REGULAR GMS" | sat enn ( 1 Game at $30.00 Eastern and Chartered f 1 Game at $50.00 Trust Co. SPECIAL JACKPOT Property Management Div. $230 in 56 'Nos. 1901 Yonge St., Toronto. $20.00 Consolation 481-3443 PLUS wean horizontal HALLOWE'EN SHARE-the-WEALFH DANCE Regu eo zt ie 57 Nos. | Saturday, October 31 GOOD PARKING. 8 p.m. to 12 NO_ CHILDREN Music by "The Sceptres" at Thornton's Park OSHAWA JAYCEES "thenpane hase Nake B | N G @) Adriission $1.25 person TONIGHT ste 20 games 'at $20, 5 games at $30 -- $150 Jackpot 2 - $250 Jackpots NUMBERS 51 and 56 Early Bird Game RUMMAGE SALE Simcoe United Church (on Bagot Street) Friday, Poterer 30th taxes, Ask for F hckos Moore 668-5853. Hillorest Dr. Reduced for a quick sale, fireplace, large pg three bedrooms, car- Act now Ask for Au- rey Moore, & 668- 5853. WANTED -- Properties of all types, ers waiting. Call 'Ernie Wilson or Sid Martyn, 723-9810 or. 725-8761. L. §. Snel- grove Co. Lid. MOVE WITH THE PEOPLE THAT ARE - MOVING REAL ESTATE If you have an older homa and want to SELL, call the people that can sell it, For FAST! FAST! FAST! service call us now at 728- on wislacliewd powell aya eld etal 51 97. A courteous representative will be at your door, in... Ph by . * oe NevROLET ges 'hour; NO OBLIGATION, FURNISHED pein, soyleron bedroom, gentleman only. ; ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED fete ee after 6 p.m. 5; NICELY, FURNISHED - bedroom for|1956 OLDSMOBILE automatic, new tires gemiemen in clean warm home. Vicinity) 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH i ADMISSION $1.00 728-5157 .or ZEnith 9-2110 frally Jocated. Telephone Whitby 660-6F90)p black 'and 'white. Good 'condition. $378 NO CHILDREN PLEASE - efter 7 pan. or before 10 Yenorning. | 6684512, Top mechanical condition, also 1954 Mer- of north Simcoe and Rossiand Road.|cury Ve-ton pick-up. Pric quick Phone 725-3260. ' * é * ' itby, fot 75' x 200', with office built in, sound 'proof, zoned commercial. This is on excel- lert opportunity to have o peg va location olong with Ask for Pauline Hobe, 668-5853, ' Sales Staff Audrey Moore 668-4088 Marion Samsen 725-9750 Pauline Hobbs 728-2179 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 SAVE Bogs income property. 'e down: one rent up. gy se, snirah iti. Seth Peters Kesler, SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT (King St. E.--one block east of city limits--Opposite "Bad Boys") FRIDAY --- OCTOBER 30th $1200 IN PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 20--$20 GAMES--20 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 2--$250 JACKPOTS--2 5--~$30 SPECIALS--5 JACKPOT NOS; 57 - 50 Call Helen Simpson at 668-3338 Bill Schdtzmann Evenings at 668-3253 t BUNGALOW Maple Grove four rooms, tg on yi lot, All conveniences. Near No. 2 Highway, Bowmanville 623- 2869 of 723-5180 after 6 p.m. $12,900 full price for this five room brick herr ag +0 with natural Jirepiace. Must be sold. Call § DB, Hwan Real Est 7-428, sais CLEAN BRIGHT, quiet home, central, parking, 7.50, « weekly, sale, Telephone 725-883) 4 FURNISHED room. Gentleman -enly, Cen- DOOR PRIZES

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