IM sia 20 THE COHAWA TIMES, Theredey, October 29, 1966. Unemployment Fund) Headed For The Red OTTAWA Se gn aa high loyment and Government experts have a careful look at the fund's condition and estimated a sin ey nto as , ; tionally the low point year. That forecast is based on job about the remaining same as they were earlle r this ativen os continued 'ao a economy, ex- pect oat tee nnd could end up only | igo rapeon Be! Bape cage the red. At the same date costs. Persons earning $5,460 or less iper year must pay inte the i¢und, except for such job cate- gories as teachers and farmers, Seven To Be .| Knighted OTTAWA (CP) -- Gently tap- ping each man three times on the left shoulder with the cere- monial crusaders' sword, Gov- ernor-General Vanier will cre- it|ate seven new knights of grace -lin the 850-year-old Order of St. John at investitures today and Friday. The Governor-General, who is prior of the order in Canada, will also invest more than 150 other Canadians in lesser loss |grades of the order. Both ceremonies are to be held in the gold and grey Gov- ernment House ballroom and will be viewed by black-robed members of the St. John pri- ory chapter and 250 invited guests. The seven new knights in- clude the lieutenant .- governor of Alberta, 77- year-old Percy The|the tank at Waterworks Tender Call sources and the Monaghan. trustees "were informed that bp would not ibe called until certain other findings are completed which 'will be near the end of the year. Discussion centred eo on cer- tain right-of-ways ioe placing of the peng" sible, it is the desire the back cemetery on the at The trustees will contact ves cemetery board as s00n as pos- sible so plans for the mains to the tank maybe completed. .The OWRC representatives stated they had not called for tenders for the development of the well as previously stated. It was, they said, their intention to call this tender at the same time as calling the over-all ten-|. der of the system. It is expected that the Trustees] will write the OWRC asking that they proceed immediately for the tendering of the develop- ment of the well so it can be completed before freeze up UNIT MEETING Unit 5, UCW, held its meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Millson, with 10 present and Mrs. Bar- nett and Mrs. Fice as welcome guests. Mrs. Long presided. Mrs. Challice read Psalm 9%. The jpianist was Mrs. H. Duvall. Mrs. Challice brought a mes- sage of thanks from Mrs. R. Dickson for messages and cards sent to her during her recent ill- ness, Thirty#ix friendship calls were recorded. Plans for the general meeting were discussed. Lists of people to serve and Page. donate food for catering to the H -¢f Everybody who's ever been funny is in it! ~ | Feeture Times 1;35 4:05 6:40 9:15 Lest Complete Show 9:10 4 "ash a eS : DAUACTLY AS SHOWN 4) RESERVED-SEAT SHOWINGS AT AOMANCED PRICES! Pi engineering | firm of atarshal Macklin and Teachers Federation Banquet on Oct. 20, supper of Nov. 11, afid the Holstein banquet on Dec. 4 held at lovem- man Porter gave a _---- come to Mrs, Calvin. Hamm, who recently moved to Orono; The poem "I Know Something God About You", was read by Mrs. Porter, followed by a very interesting paper about the author and origin of hymn "All People that on Earth Do Dwell".' Mrs. Quantrill and Mrs. Bill ings combined the devotional ter of "God and His Purpose"'. They were assisted by several members who read scripture verses pertaining to the study. Mrs. Quantrill concluded with vrayer and a reading written by Padre Young, entitled, "If You Ask Me, It's Up To You". After the business discussion, which included plans for a bake n and the study of the first chap- been started. Thirty-five visits were reported. Mrs. Robt. Allin kindly invited Unit 7 to hold its November the| meeting in her home. Mrs. Sut- ton and Mrs. Quantrili offered to supply lunch. Auto Parts |Lead To Arrest Of 4 "TORONTO (CP)--The discov- ery of auto parts along a high- way neat Bancroft, Ont., east of Peterborough, led to the ar- rest Wednesday of four Toronto youths in connection with the theft of two sport cars from metro underground parking _| garages. Charged with car theft are "| Hugh Newman, 20, John Gaz- butt, 19, Bruce Cormack, 17. David Porter, 18, was charged with possession, Police said thé cars were stolen and the motor of one was found elsewhere in Toronto end its steering wheel in a down- town.lane.. Motor City Car Glut THE TWILIGHTS SUNDAY, NOV. Ist 8:30 p.m. till 11:30 p.m. with membership cord -- 1.25 sale after the general meeting. Mrs. Bitlings drew attention to Adult Sunday School which has -|tapae, Wetteeger ip the | Keeley Trades Big " TORONTO (CP)--The stock market dropped across a wide volume of trading it ah nos July $1. Speculative tating ac- counted for the heavy volume. Volume was 5,363,000 shares compare? with 4,057,000 traded Tuesday. Last time the figure was higher was July 31, when volume totalled 7,850,000 shares. A healthy list of speculatives produced the increase. About 10 issues traded heavily, and one, Canadian Keeley, almost turned over a half-million shares, The stock traded 483,225 and|to gained 11 cents to 38 cents, Other heavy traders .included New Calumet, up two cents to Included in this list were Do- minion Stores, up 4% to 225%, Imperial Oil, ahead % to 55%, B.C. Forest Products, up a point to 32%4 and Moore Corp., up % to 5644. The senior base metals list zig-zagged through the day. Fal- conbridge gained 1% to 824, its ue but Inco dropped a point |r a trading was. weak with |ish Giant Yellowknife down % to/® Cochenour Willans ad- $1.24, Base Metals, up five cents vine nced 10 cents to $3.30. Feeture Today at 1:30-4:10-6:50-9:25 FRIDAY The Fm '4 Bg Dianne "Brooks LITTLE JOANNE JACK HARDEN « THE TES. SILOUETT Dancing 9 Joey till 1 AD) ISSION 2.00. $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Here is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for your Yetirement years if you survive... You make regular payment to the Sun Life of Canada, then at age 65, you start receiving $300 a month for life, or if you prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family. By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation, Plans cdn be arranged to provide various amounts matur- \Te Pee, our- 00 R The foal VRACKARAVRKKKRLK LCA Kem PLAZAS Big OPEN DAILY 1 P.M, -- SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. The government charged that| "students and agitators at- \SALL COLOR! others were taken hostage The students reported four of| their number were killed in clashes in Oruro that began : during a funeral procession for 'two students killed in earlier 'anti - government demonstra- tions. The government's current { troubles began five weeks ago « when it said it had smashed a * plot to assassinate the presi- . dent, who in August began * serving his third four-year term in 12 years. PPP PPP PLL IPP PPP. , AGIRL'S INCREDIBLE § ADVENTURE ON A LOST ISLAND! "ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS" ; in COLOR with CELIA KAYE LARRY DOMASIN 3 4 ANN DANIEL = s§ VISITORS TO GIFT England's Hampton Court Palace, 'Cardinal Wolsey's gift t to Henry VII, had more than > ) DOORS OPEN NOW PLAYING Bear ieee FIRST , RUNI HE FOUGHT THE DEADLIEST DUEL IN FRONTIER HISTORY "BULLET FORA BADMAN" in COLOR with AUDIE MURPHY DARREN McGAVIN SKIP HOMEIER RUTA LEE 4 4 SUNDAY + 412,000 visitors in 1963. Delicious, Deep Brown Country Style FRIED CHICKEN | 11S THE GREATEST! . .. ANYTIME! ALSO! Try Our English SyeFISH 'n CHIPS COME AS YOU ARE!! . EAT IN YOUR CAB!! SAT. &¢| 1:30 P.M.9| ing at age 60 or 65. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshewe ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 Shopping Centre Unit Manager Business 725-4563 NAME ADDRESS OCCUPATION Exact Date Of Birth .......0.s00e05 eocee 'Birth Control Session To Be: nts to/Held In Secret . VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pre- ,-| siding officers at the Vatican ecumenical council. today Or dered full secrecy for the Ro- man Catholic assembly's bate on "the more delicate" tnodern world problems,' pre- sumably including birth control. Before reaching the heart of] debate on current world prob- lems, the council first Pope John XXIII, who called the council together to attune mane Catholicism with mod- oe ete 's celebra' a special mass in St. 's vege a og bi papacy The pastors were , asked to celebrate the mass instead of bishops as @ symbol of the pas- toral approach that Pope John wanted, the council to take, Dad late from the oftice?. Serve him CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH 728-7321 Basilica in memory of Pope proved in Canada's la provides thrilling sou never expect in the,' stylus, AM/FM radi speakers are further with no other consol Your choice of Wain Mahogany finishes. "Corsair" for yourse' SIMCOE ST. NORTH TAUNTON RD. MCMURRAY'S yy DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT » a FREE GAS FURNACE FROM OUR "TREASURE CHEST" HERE'S ALL YOU DO: Buy a new forced warm air r Gas Furnace or Boiler from an authorized Consumers' Gas Dealer. Choose from these brands: 'Anthes, Beach, Clare, Coleman, Findlay, Modern, Moffat, Robert-Gordon. Bring vour contract to the Gas Company office in any of the following areas: Oshawa, Peterborough or Lindsay, and get your key to our Chest", ONLY ? DAYS LEFT!! Se nnn ey a in the bow! with other keys. You pick out the key Try re lay you select in the lock on the Wreabure Chest". If it opens the lock you get your new gas furhace ABSOLUTELY FREE! (Installation not included) THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! THERE IS NO RESTRICTION ON NUMBER OF WINNERS. This contest is available to customers in the following areas only: Ajax, Whitby, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Pickering, Peterborough and Lindsay. This ppd only to Furnaces and Boilers purchased between September 26th and October 30th, 1964. EVERY BUYER CAN WIN! Winners to be published in local papera, (Consumers (las OSHAWA PETERBOROUGH %o LINDSAY the new."CORSAIR" by BELECTROHOME proves that the best things in stereo hi-fi cost as little as... s299% Electrohome perfection at this low price? Definitely. Hand-wired chassis, designed and rgest stereo laboratory, nd reproduction you'd Corsair's" price range. Famous Garratd.automatic changer, diamond io, and four matched proof. of stereo quality, What's more, the "Corsair" offers superb Deilcraft design and craftsmanship available le in any price range. ut, Swedish Walnut or Come in soon. See -- and hear the beautiful If. You'll truly agree it represents amazing value! OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. | WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Ceritre . 87 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-4706 THEY SAVE LIVES WITH A PASSION... AND MAKE LOVE WITH ABANDON! THE BOY FROM THE | gramme MICHAEL CALLAN DEAN JONES: TELLY SAVALAS BARBARA EDEN: STEFANIE POWERS « KAY STEVENS ea NGER STEVENS eaecr re ee -» pereoniea GEORGE SEGAL, Ebaa! BUSTER KEATON COMEDY Color Cartoon