werrme=<«200 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 23, 1964 WEDDING SMILES RIVAL THE WARMTH OF OCTOBER 4 Mr. Gordon Cox, Oshawa and the late Mrs. Cox, was solemnized by the Reverend A. W. Magee in Centre Street United Church, recently. --Photo by Hornsby THE MARRIAGE of Mar- jorie Ann, daughter of Mrs. Roy F. Lick, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Lick, to David Churchill Cox, Whitby, son of CAROL IRENE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt of Seagrave, and Glen George | Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Blackstock were united in marriage re- cently in Seagrave Church. | LODGES AND SOCIETIES | SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE, NO. 222 | The regular meeting of Sun-| shine Rebekah Lodge No. 222,| was held recently in the OOF lodge rooms. Noble Grand Sis- ter Elsie McKee presided and Vice-Grand Sister Francis Cor-| nellus assisted. | Lodge opened according to} ritual. Visitors from Oshawa) No. 3 and Easter Lodge, Pickering, were wel-| |comed. Roll call was tak@n and| two officers were marked ab- sent. The flag of the country was presented. | The secretary, Sister Victoria) McGee read the members' cor- itions. Invitations were received | from Benevolent Lodge, Whitby) for October 21, 8.00 p.m.; and) Joy Rebekah, Brougham, Octo-| ber 28, 8.00 p.m., to attend their} installation ceremony. Vice- | Grand Sister Francis Cornelius} gave the report on the sick and| shut-ins. Committee reports! were given by Sister Dorothy) Haley, property committee; Sis-| ter Arvilla Steven, finance com- mittee. | PNG Sisters Irene Willis and) Agnes Kemlo reported on the) splendid support given to them by the co-conveners and mem- bers, making Sunshine Autumn bazaar such a tremendous suc- leess. A hearty vote of thanks {was given to these two sisters) for their untiring efforts in plan- |nning and organizing this spe- --Mary's Studio jevening's program, UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES WESTMINSTER UCW Mrs. John Redko, president of the Westminster United Church Women, opened the October meeting with a poem dealing with Thanksgiving. Mrs. Everett Coedy read a story entitled "'O Praise the Lord". Mis. Clarence Scott ac- companied them at the piano while the hymn "Come Ye Thankful People Come" was sung. Mrs. Peter Lofthouse read the scripture from Deuteron- omy. Mrs. Ray Hatter, accom- panied by Mrs. A. J. Barassin, sang a solo entitled 'Autumn Lament". Mrs. Everett Coedy read a story explaining the meaning of Thanksgiving. The Reverend: John Porter spoke briefly on the book "God and His Purpose". Mrs. John Redko conducted the business. Mrs. Jack West- lake reported that the tickets for the turkey supper on No- vember 7 were available now. Mrs. Arthur Meddings com- mented on the Christmas cards, hasty-notes and pictorial plates. It was decided to leave - the cards and hasty-notes for an- other year and order the pic- torial plates. These will be available in a few weeks. An afternoon social and get acquainted tea with a gift wrap- ping demonstration is being ar- ranged for November 26, 1964 With Christmas around the cor- ner perhaps ideas gathered here could be very helpful with the Christmas wrappings. Refreshments were served by Uniied |the members in charge of this It was am- nounced that the next meeting would be on.November 2, 1964 lin the church hall with Mrs. Thomas Moorcroft, Mrs. Ross Lofthouse, and Mrs. Thomas Tokens of appreciation were) Patterson in charge of the meet- presented to Noble Grand Sister Ann Cook, from Sunshine and Easter Rebekah lodges The financial treasurer, Sister Luella Pine and -- recording treasurer Sister Marie Elliot gave their respective reports The rfxt meeting will be the installations of officers on Oc- tober 19. Sister Lena McFarland Rebekah | 01 convene the installation sup- r to be served after lodge. The appliqued quilt, donated by Sister Felicie Brinnings and Sis- ter Edna Franklin, was won by Sister Myrtle. Bonnetta. Lodge closed in the usual manner, Refreshments, t jing. ae WIFE PRESERVER Use a well-lathered shaving or convened by|complexion brush to scrub hob- lrespondence, cards and invita-| Sister Estella Sims were served. |nail or deeply-etched glassware. e | MRS, J. W. RICHARDSON 'B&P Women's Club 'Receives Message From The Premier "Accepting New Challenges"| jis the theme of Business awa and District Business and) Professional Women's Club is observing this week with sister clubs across Canada. Mrs, J. W. Richardson, local president, has received the fol- lowing official greeting from the Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Lester B, Pearson: "It is a pleasure indeed to extend cordial greetings to members 'of t'. Canadian Fed- eration of Business and Pro- fessional Women's Clubs on the occasion of. Business Women's Week, "May I commend the federa- tion for its role in furthering the interests and promoting the achievements of women in busi- ness and the professions and |for its leadership in defining |business and professional wom- -jen's roles in meeting challenges |of our 'times. | "I congratulate your associa- tion om its past record and |wish you even greater success jin the future." | In her message, the national |president Nazla L. Dane says: \There is a challenge in helping |women realize that they can do anything they make up their minds to do. Women should be taking responsibilities in all areas of their lives, work, play and community service. It is our responsibility to encourage them to undertake the greater responsibility." | HOUSEHOLD HINT | The quickest way to rid your fingers of the odor left after handling onions or garlic is to rub moistened salt all over your hands, then rinse off the soap | with warm water and soap. FOR THE FINEST IN DRAPERY MATERIAL in various colours & fabrics QB YARD & UP M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies | Women's Week which the Osh-|. Family Holds Party Honoring Parents' 30th Anniversary A 30th anniversary party was given recently in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gerald Darling, the former Grace Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Darling were married October 4, 1934, Their family and friends sur- prised them with many lovely gifts. The party was arranged by their children, Mr. and Mrs Ken Lyon, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Darling, and was held at the home of their son and daughter-inlaw, Highland avenue. A corsage and boutonniere ; were pinned on the couple by their son and daughter, A mem- ory book was presented to them made by their daughter and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, Darling ex- pressed their appreciation to their family and friends, A toast was proposed to the hon- ored couple by Mrs, Ray Dar- ing Later a_ buffet supper . was! served along with an anniver- sary cake. chi two children and four grand- ildren. | Good food deserves CATRADAS WINES Ot 700d wine NOW ON AT... -- Gury & Lovell PHARMACIES GET TWICE AS MUCH FOR A PENNY MORE! ONLY 2 MORE BIG DAYS To-Day and Saturday Only 8 KING ST. E. | PHONE 723-2245! * | rexale MTN CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY OSHAWA. [S30 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-3546 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 _ 728-4668 | jcial event. An initiation was held and the| |Rebekah degree was conferred jon two candidates, one from) |Easter Rebekah, Pickering and| ; one from. Sunshine Rebekah Ralph | Lodge. The beautiful Rebekah degree was then exemplified by the de- gree staff of Oshawa 'No. 3" Sister Evelyn Fickes, degree, [ |captain, was congratulated on | the manner and precision of the -|degree staff under her capable idirection. On. behalf of Noble |Grand Sister Ella Found and [ROSSLYN PLAZA - ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA LAST 2 DAYS Mle: VRE aes: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Davis of RR 1, Hampton, and the bridesgroom is the son of Mrs. E. W. Kossatz of Pem- broke,. Ontario and the late Mr. Kossatz. MARRIAGE VOWS were exchanged in Eldad United Church between Patricia Jane Davis and Francis Davis Ross Kossatz, of Enniskillen, re- cently. The bride is the daugh- --Ireland Studio HER BIRTHDAY and Mrs. A. W. Rundle, all of TOMORROW IS Tracie Lee will celebrate - ANN LANDERS Memory Of Mother Mustn't Dim Wedding : \nn Landers: Our son} ear Ann Landers: Qur 11- is marrying a very lovely girl year-old son has deen. doing a few days before Christmas.|poorly in school for the past Marcia is sweet and attractive|two years. When the. boy was but her flair for the dramatic! no, promoted last spring I had sometimes goes beyond what I'q conference with home- . think is good sense. room teacher: She told me he Unfortunately Marcias should be tutored in reading, mother passed away last year./and offered to put us in touch They were very close, Although! with a tutor. her father is paying for the wed-) My husband says it's a racket ding she has asked me to help/and that the teacher probably her plan it gets cut in for bringing the Last night when we were dis-| "sucker" to the tutor cussing arrangements Marcia; Our son is bored with school said it would make her very/and it's a struggle to get him happy if the entire bridal party|to do his homework. My hus- went out to the cemetery after band says, 'Don't nag. him." the wedding ceremony, She said) If I didn't nag him, Ann, he "1 want to feel that mother is/wouldn't do one thing but play with me on my wedding day." | ball and look at TV. I need your I'm afraid to tell Marcia what help--Losing Battle : I really think. I've seen her at' Dear Battle: Experts in the her mother's grave. She goes /ficld of education tell us that to pieces and it's awfully hard/an appalling number of highly on everybody 5a intelligent children do sub- I don't want to impose MY|\standard work because they views on Marcia but what shelare unable to read properly. A has in mind would spoil the day} student with inadequate read- for all of us, May I hear from/ing skills cannot grasp the you, please?--In Abeyance fundamentals of any subject. < Dear A; If Marcia wants to) J urge you to take the teach- Visit her mother's grave on her ~ _ Dear Ann his {members of Easter lodge, Vice | her first birthday tomorrow. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lemon, Me- Laughlin boulevard. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs: Herbert (Herb) Atkins Grand Sister Rose Stroud thank- ed Sunshine and Oshawa No, 3 lodges for conferring the degree on their candidate, The soloist for the: occasion was Sister Betty Parme. Oshawa. She is a great-grand- | daughter of Mrs. Hailie | Lemon, Hillsdale Manor, Mr. | and Mrs. R. F. Livingstone, In dian Head, Saskatchewan and Mr, A. ket. jer's advice and hire a tutor, Thousands of youngsters: who were academic cripples have become fine students after they learned to read Dear Ann Landers: don't throw this letter in the basket because it starts out like others you. have printed, It really is different, First,-God bless you for tell. ing people to stay home unless they are invited to visit. I sent those columns to several friends who used to drop in and it helped. Now I need more help. Please for those Autumn in your Home, Church or Studio 21 ATHOL ST. W. 723-3680 What can I do about neigh- bors and friends who still ap-|7---- pear at the door and say, '| thought I'd surprise you." | I'm a nervous person and| when this happens I become nauseated and upset. Help me, | please.--Migraine Mary | Dear Migraine: The best way) to deal with people who sur-| prise you is to surprise them. Have your speech prepared: |'I wish you had called. I don't feel well today and I'd be mis- erable company. So sorry I j}ean't ask you in." Anyone who drops in again-- after that speech--deserves to |hear it one more time. FABRICS 3000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! wedding day she should go wel fore the ceremony -- perhaps with her fiance and her father To ask' the bridal party to] trek out to the cemetery would be tasteless in the extreme. I hope you will tell her so and help keep the day a joyous one. | ra ey TV and STEREO WAYNE"S 78 Simcoe N.. Telephone 723-1411 @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1111 ITZ Locations: For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries | , SUPPLIES | 8 (Oshawa Ltd.) | j Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 IN OUR OWN PLANT @ 12 SIMCOE ST, N. DOWNTOWN | 728.5487 | UYU OVYNYYY RAN) 0000000000000 AKIO Y By The Yard At HARLEIGH H. Atkins, Newmar- | ZELLER'S ANNIVERSARY SALE MATTRESS SALE Tremendous Value WHILE THEY LAST! No Down Payment. Pay 1.25 Weekly GIRLS' SLIMS Italian wool, beauti plaids and stripes. Sizes 7 to 14, LAST CHAN ATs, Jo cneccecevoes ful CE 1.07 GARBAGE CANS 2.17 BOYS' CARDIGANS 6.77 Sturdy galvanized steel. WHILE THEY LAST ... Stylish "Alpaca" knit. Sizes.8 to 16 SALE, PRICE ......... BOYS' JEANS Hardwearing cotton tw fully lined. Sizes 6 to 18. BUY NOW AT ill, 3.47 LADIES' CARDIGANS 4.97 Orlon, bulky knit in honey-comb _ stitch. Sizes S-M-L OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ZELLER'S - DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 723-2294