Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1964, p. 2

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Pr ak neil RESCUED FROM SLUDGE TANK Rescue squad workers cut away the clothing of Albert H. St. Thomas, 39, of Racine, Wis., to enable him to breathe after he was pulled from 8 tank of kerosene sludge today. St. Thomas fell about 25-feet into the tank from the roof where he had been working | PRESS FIGHTS 'YELLOW' SMEAR MONTREAL (CP) -- Two newspapers in Quebec province --one of the English-language, the other French--have. stg- igested a public inquiry into the events surrounding the Queen's visit to Quebec City. The suggestions formed part of their editorial comment on a one-man report made by Sol- icitor-General Claude Wagner about charges that police bru- tality marked the sometimes stormy two days of the visit, Oct, 10-11, The idea of a public inquiry was broached in the editorial columns of two Montreal news- papers, Le Devoir and The Star. And Le Soleil, a French- language paper in Quebec City, remarks that the possibility of a 'deeper' investigation than that carried out by Mr. Wagner "should not be ruled out." Claude Ryan, publisher of the French-language Devoir, wrote 'his paper's editorial. He termed the report 'too personal, . too subjective." The Star says a public in- quiry could call on persons har- boring complaints to make them in the form of testimony. Such an inquiry "could also dis- pel any suggestion of partisan- ship in Mr, Wagner's inquiry." BACKS WAGNER The solicitor-general draws strong backing from Lorenzo Pare, the editor of the Quebec city newspaper L'Action. "Electric" dismantling the tank. He is the second workman in a month to fall into the tanks, --AP Wirephoto ST. VINCENT DE PAUL "DISGRACEFUL" MP's Demand PARIS (CP) -- Revenue Min- ister Eric Kierans of Quebec told French business leaders to- day Quebec is a province that offers future industries electric power at "'an irresistible cost." Mr. Kierans, speaking in} French, also sketched tax ben-| efits the Quebec government of-| fers new industry and stressed | | For Quebec Papers Want Public Inquiry Into Riots ceau, president of the Laval University Students Associz tion. Le Soleil takes special excep tion to the report's "very se- vere" strictures against the press, The press did give exagger- ated importance to separatist elements, Le Soleil says, but the paper goes on: "The Quebec government au- thorities and our politicians in general could profitably exam- ine their consciences and ask Mr: Wagner said in his seven- page report to Premier Lesage that separatists, university stu- dents, thugs from Montreal and a small group of reporters caused most of the trouble dur- ing the Royal Visit. A total of 35 arrests were made as a re- sult of disturbances. Mr. Pare, who won prom- inence prior to the visit for urg- ing a warm reception for the Queen, says the press in Que- bee and elsewhere made "sple- netic" elements look like prom- inent people and thus served as "the origin of a world-wide hysteria." Mr. Ryan wrote in Le Devoir that he has no doubts about the reliability of press reports on the events that occurred during} the Queen's visit." the visit. . "Taken together, they were|IT'S EASY unanimous in showing the ex-| It-is easy to accuse newspa- cessive brutality, the intemper-|pers of "yellow journalism," ate zeal of the Quebec police." says Le Soleil, "but it seems to | ISN'T SURPRISING | the Monten! Care ys' BALCER WANTS Constitution also are responsible for the cli- mate that exists in the province right now--which is the same climate 'that prevailed during is not in the least surprising that the police . .. acted at times with a degree of haste and severity that was regret- ble. "What happened would not be defended. But the circum- stances were such that what the police did would be understand- able, even excusable." "Nothing more than a polit- ical act," was how the report was described by Robert Mar- Future TORONTO (CP)--Leon Bal- cer, Opposition Leader John Diefenbaker's Quebec lieuten- and, said Thursday Canada should write a new constitution that guarantees the equality and partnership of French- and English-Canadians. The deputy leader of the Pro- gressive Conservative party said the century-old guide for distributing powers between federal and provincial govern- ments should be scrapped and a royal commission appointed to draft.a new one. "It should be an organic (living) document with 4 proper preamble expressing the goals of our country, including a bill of rights . . . and an operative section that takes into account our federative system and the stant information, particularly among old peoples like the French and the Quebecers." Mr. Kierans said it might be difficult for the French to un- derstand the problems of Can- ada's federal system. France was highly centralized while Canada was a decentral- izing power, themselves to what extent they} To Guarantee Equality jbe forgotten that such yellow- ess is possible only in so far s facts and declarations lead \to it." For the tabloid Montreal-Ma- tin, the charge of "yellow jour- nalism" ~~ made by. Premier Lesage himself as well as by the report--showed that the pre- mier has changed in his atti- tude toward reporters, The op- position party mewspaper has been stroutly opposed to the present government since it |took office. In opposition, Mr. Lesage loved close press attention, says Montreal-Matin, At that time "he would not have dared ac- cuse (the press) of yellowism." "But now he is in power. His acts, his decisions are dis- cussed, They are even criti- cized, Mr, Lesage, apparently does not like to be criticized." sao? Change only "boredom and embarrass- ment,"' WOULD HELP An "essentially Canadian" constitution would help repair relations between French and English Canada, he said, and "must insure the equality and status of the two major: groups and their partnership." A royal commission com- |posed of federal and provincial representatives, prominent his- |torians, economists and lawyers |would serve as an "escape valve"' for some of the discon- tent in Quebec's social révolu- tion, Mr. Balcer said. It would be "a useful forum for all these busy intellectuals | WEATHER FORECAST IKE IN HOSPITAL FOR TREATMENT Former President Dwight flammation of the windpipe. D. Eisenhower, shown at Col- Because of his ailment, Eisen- umbia' University on Oct.5, cancelled eartier plane was admitted to Walter Reed to attend the funeral of Her General Hospital in Washing- bert Hoover in New York to ton today. He is suffering day. from a painful cough and in- (AP Wirephoo) Sunny, Milder Cold At Night TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Sault Ste. Marie... issued by the Toronto weather! Kapuskasing Office at §:30 a.m.: Synopsis: . Saturday looks more promising with mainly sunny and milder weather ex- pected. Partly cloudy weather is forecast for Northern On- tario Saturday. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Huron, Lake On- tario, Georgian Bay, Halibur- ton, Algoma, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury, Killaloe: Saturday mostly sunny and a little milder. Winds westerly 15 to 25 Saturday. Trenton .scccereess Kingston Ottawa .. Montreal Quebec Halifax and provide a purpose for their jexercises,"" he said. Timagami, Cochrane, White River: Sunny with a few cloudy Los Angeles....... the point that it "exercises no) "1 a. convinced Canada\fact that. we are a country) Mr. Balcer said after the|periods Saturday. Winds west- Investigation -- ' OTTAWA (CP) -- Five New Democratic MPs, including 'three who came away from sur- prise penitentiary visits sharply critical of conditions, called on Justice Minister Favreau Thurs- 'ay night to sponsor a pariia- mentary inquiry into Canada's penal system. « They also demanded in a let- ter to Mr. Favreau that he is- sue a declaration setting a time limit to stop use of cells at St. 'Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, condemned by a 1938 royal 'commission as unfit for use. | The five MPs who signed the fetter were Arnold Peters ATimiskaming), Frank Howard 4{Skeena), Reid Scott (Toronto Danforth), Andrew Brewin AToronto Greenwood) and Da- 'vid Orlikow (Winnipeg North). * Their letter was sent shortly after Mr. Favreau announced) that he and Works Minister Deschatelets will tour St. Vin- 'cent de Paul, near Montreal, jnext Monday and take report- ets with them. 4 ' An aide to Mr. Favreau said the minister had not yet seen dealing with psychiatric and psychological facilities. They noted that Mr. Favreau in a recent speech said in some respects Canada's correctional services have been shockingly backward, aroused public interest but noth- discrimination towards foreign) enterprises. Quebec's "'true' problem" is jing was done to keep interest|twofold: It wanted to promote| aroused, the members said. | secondary industry to absorb its But, the letter said, a COM-|japor force, and it wanted to de- mittee isn't needed "to deal| centralize this industrialization. with some of the most disgrace-| «Par from being regional, the ful penitentiary conditions in| Quebec economy possesses the) North America and certainly/factors necessary to a great ex- | Two previous inquiries had|th most disgraceful in CaM) pansion, and is in fact already |ization, We lada" at Gt. Vincent de Paul. | one of the great industrial zones PARIS (AP) -- Jean - Paul Sartre says he turned down the 1964 Nobel Prize for literature to remain free in his efforts to bring the cultures of commu- nism and capitalism together. "This is why I cannot accept any distinction awarded by high cult ural associations, neither from the East nor from the West, even if I understand their existence very well," the 59- year-old French playwright, no- velist and philosopher said Nobel Man Wants To "Remain Free' of the world." Mr Kierans said there was in both Canada and Fyance a fear of loss of severely be- cause of foreign operations. He said he felt this argument of-| ten was offered by vested in-} terests who wanted to protect| their position, usually "at the! price of the people. "T consider nationalism is an outmoded notion in an era of campression of distances and in- award 'for '"'personal reasons and objective reasons." He said he did not wish to) have any institution confused FELLOW STUDENTS University of Texas students during the same year were Jayne Mansfield, Rip Torn, Kathy Grant, Fess Parker and Pat Hyams. with his name. He always had turned down citations, such as the French Legion of Honor of- fered him in 1945, he said, and he would reject a Soviet Lenin Prize if one was offered him. Sartre said his objective rea- son was, that the struggle for peaceful coexistence of commu- nist and capitalist cultures Strikers Jailed For Obstructing Police inspires) _|camp committed '\lar veins and arteries, a war) 4 Thursday. F|Polish concentration camp on| ® \charges of complicity '|murder of 700,000 Jews, /|the Jews arrived at the camp) 4|"half starved, mad and list-| _ lless | 4 |court that he had killed "at least |personal view and did. not rep- |resent the opinion of his party or any group in it. Thousands Cut Veins To Avoid Horror Camp DUSSELDORF, West destined for Treblinka death suicide on} their way by cutting their jugu- | crimes trial was told here! Czech-born Franz Suchomel, 56, standing trial here with nine | other former officials of the in the) said " Another of the defendants, | Willi Ments, 62, admitted in Ger-| #'many (Reuters) -- More than} '\half of a tratisport of 4,000 Jews / will "never again be a highly-| which is composed of two found-|speech that it expressed his) ony 99 to 30, jing races of different language centralized economy. | ©s. OF ¢ He added that 'the Lesage| and religion," he told a lunch- government is not separatist) Con meeting of the Empire Club and we have no intention of|f Toronto. : leaving Confederation; we feel| The former federal ee that separatism is only the| Minister, member of Parlia- marginal result of a malaise rags ge Kiggpte grag he « caused by.an excess of central-|for 15 years, sai 1867. are no 'longer na-| North America Act of 5 -- tionalists; Quebec is at the|Dasic cocument in aplh sings adult age and we feel national-|© °" be : ti gal ae ism is a malevolent appeal|Scrapped Decause 2 AM whose only aim most of the time is to alienate deep emotions to the profit of hidden (occult) in- terests."' | Western James Bay: South COMPLETE half sunny with cloudy periods. Mainly cloudy with a period of| OPTICAL SERVICE rain or snow. Milder, Winds | Clewie 3 optical westerly 15 to 25. 3 KING ST, E. Observed Temperatures Low overnight, High Thursday: Phone 725-0444 OPEN FRI, NIGHT } Dawson ... Victoria . | Lakehead ...4..+0. White River.... 18 May | Co-operate in planning your insurance protection @ AUTOMOBILE @ URBAN FIRE @ FAMILY LIABILITY @ LIFE ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS AND OTHER INSURANCE NEEDS JOHN McPHERSON 110 Cabot St. Phone 728-7207 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE and CO-OPERATORS LIFE 20 to 300" Jewish children, the letter, delivered Thursday| Thursday. "should take place between LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Rewertjis guilty of an indictable of- women and men by shooting night, and Mr. Favreau prob- 'ably will not make a statement until later. - The minister is reported to be planning a tour of most pen- Atentiaries. The MPs' letter said that to) awaken public interest in the penal system a royal commis- sion will not be adequate, "Tt is not the same thing if I. sign myself 'Jean-Paul Sar- tre' or 'Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prize winner',"" ke told report- ers at the Swedish Embassy. A spokesman for the Swedish Academy of Letters, which se- lects the winner of the annual award, said the award stands regardless of Sartre's attitude. He said the French author : The letter quotes the 1938 'Archambault royal commission about cells at St. Vincent de Paul, which Mr. Howard, Mr. could give. the $53,123 prize money away or leave it in the Nobel fund. men and cultures, without the intervention of institutions." Russian author Boris Paster- nak reluctantly turned down the award in 1958 after a blistering denunciation by the Soviet. gov- ernment. British playwright the award in 1925 but donated the money to a British-Swedish literary foundation. In Sartre's book Being and Nothingness, he summed up ex- Geonge Bernard Shaw accepted} Fraser ~and Frederick Bieker,|fence." striking employees of the Wol-| Fraser was convicted of ob- verine Tube plant here, were|structing Const. William Egan sentenced to five days in jail|while the officer was trying to last Thursday for obstructing|arrest two other men near the police during an outbreak of|/plant during disturbances n violence near the factory Sept.|whch polce were jostled, one 22. : joffcer was assaulted, two cars Two other strikers, Arthur|Were Overturned and burned Jadischke and Harvey Comell,| and stones were thrown at non-|_ them in the back of their necks. Ex - lieutenant Kurt Hubert Franz, 50, the main defendant, told the court he went out horse- back riding when new trans- ports arrived "because I did not want to see what hap- Map locates Baxterville, Miss., near where the Atomic Energy Commission exploded an underground nuclear test blast deep in south Mississip- pi's Tatum Salt Dome. pened." (AP Wirephoto Map) | = re freed. Jadischk "ee sis oes See: Wee OOO 4 second charge against Fira- quitted by Magistrate J. D. Ord.| ser of causing wilful damage to! who found the charge of ob-|a car, owned by a non-striker, HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS The, academy's 18 members selected the controversial au- thor and philosopher for "imag- inative writing, which by rea- istentialism thus: jstruction against him did not|Was dismissed, He was accused ,. "Man can will nothing unless| contain the word "wilfully" anq|°f breaking an aerial off a car he has first understood that he| was thus defective jas it entered the plant. Pee must count on no on im- é | iek ronvi vee of y psig freedom hogs self; that he is a The Crown then withdrew Wier Sout tant be eb: striving for truth has exercised) doned on earth in the midst of/Change of obstruction against! [ocal 27 of the United Auto : far-reaching influence on our/his infinite responsibilities, |COMmell. It also did not use the Ww ge. | Peters and Mr. Scott found in vuse recently. The commission said 'these cells should be con- demned without qualification "and in future no prisoners should be confined in them."' The MPs also called for im- _ OL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE mediate announcement government's policy with re gard to changes recommended in a 1956 committee inquity of the Sartre, chief exponent of the philosophy known as_ existen- tialism, said he appreciated the honor but had to renounce the | without help, with no other aim| Word "wilfully." jthan the one he sets himself,| The Criminal Code sa with no other destiny than the| 'everyone who resists or wil-| one he forges for himself on/fully obstructs a police officer! this earth." jin the execution of his duty . . .| Flag Committee Drags But Has Prospects By KEN KELLY Alan Macnaughton on the for- OTTAWA (CP) -- The flag)mer estate of Mackenzie King. committee is in the crunch. One source said the deliber- + Amid wide-spread pessimism|ations have reached the stage 'over the chances of getting mear-manimity among the 15 'committee members on a flag design, the committee's self j where "there are prospects" poor the source declined to indi- cate whether they are good or -|bad prospects of picking a de- 'imposed deadline for shaping a|sign acceptable to nearly all the -report to the Commons passed|MPs. 'Thursday night without agree ment. Another source indicated that the committee's problem cen- ; A reliable source said further|tres on the positions taken by 'reach @ final decision on a re 'port Thursday night. The committee met secretly "Thursday afternoon, forsaking "the committee room they have 'used for the last five weeks for an undisclosed meeting place. Later, they moved 15 miles morth of the capital into the 'Gatineau Hills for a dinner meeting at the summer 'resi-|other hand, are said to be insist-|However. all members showed of Commons - Speaker! ing that the Jack be present in' up. : s are planned. In its ; & at ities thas eons: same of the seven Liberal MPs| 'mittee }had agreed to try to and a few of the five Progres- sive Conservatives. The Liberals--not ali of them according to reports--are said to be insisting that the commit- tee recommend a design con- taining three maple leaves. They are said to be adamant against including the Union Jack in any form. The Conservatives, on the ys| Cal since Aug. 19. The union, rerti- .leontract with the company. orkers has been on strike at, Wolverine Tube, a division of| umet and Hecla of Canada, 723-4663 REALTOR fied last fall, is seeking its first 187 King East - 728-9474 | SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS some form and that the maple leaf theme be confined to any number of maple leaves except three. Not all Conservatives were said to have gone into Thursday's meeting with that as their stated position. This is about the point 'at which the committee began its flag studies after the Commons became deadlocked on the gov- emment's resolution proposing | a flag of three red maple leaves | on a white ground with a verti-| cal blue bar at each side. The committee did some hard battling Wednesday. Following its meeting, gloomy reports about prospects of agreement filtered through all the parties. One committee member was reported to be so unhappy. at \the Wednesday session he was |considering not even bothering with the Thursday meeting electric Conn Organ. The Rehoboth Choir of Bowmanville will present its second Fall Concert on Friday, October 23rd & Saturday, October 24th at 8:15, Town Hall Bowmanville The guest soloist wi!l be Mr. Wm, Perry from Lindsay. Mr. Allan Borbridge will be the guest organist at the a 17" COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE WHY PAY MORE ? i BEN 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM BROKEN FRAMES weaaaa 7 REPLACED WHILE YOU WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRE AT THE SAME LOW PRICES, ne NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA HOURS: MON, TO SAT, 9 am. - 5 p.m. f Closed All Day Wednesday

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