THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 23, 1964 scheduled te Rear Wie ease oT 2 . former mayor Wanda Miller of HEAR nearby Gravenhurst on similar s NONG . ING : ee this month, former : | j M 'H ee pe es : | 7 , Former Mayor Honest' ites sot cog) (eh rh . ew preme Court sittings in Barrie a sje J ey YU 4 "1 next month, 8 95 2 ia ies it, | : ville, former ' BRACEBRIDGE, Ont. (CP) shares. But, he told Magistrate|mayor of Sudbury, were dis. ; _---- A 30% | ECO U F Defence Counsel Charles Dubin,|A. J. Marck, the issue was not|missed on he yan " ee ' S VE 0 DEL xX acting for former Bracebridge|the acceptance of stock alone, Arthur Ha ob gro tg sonaad Zz om j 4 mayor Glen Coates, said Thurs-|but the ptance in consid y 0 tu Gy =f be taken against the Ontario ted '"'with honesty|ation for the Bracebridge fran- J and integrity" throughout 'hislchise, '(supreme Court judge, f sw Sale Ends Tomorrow (Saturday, October 24th) dealings with the Northern On-| He noted that the Brace- tario Natural Gas Company. - |pridge council had tentatively | : DEt In his summation at Coates'|agreed to grant the franchise FALLS 6 STOREYS, TECO UXE gn gry preliminary hearing which was|to NONG before Coates was "A BIT SORE" | COLOUR-MATCHED INTERIOR FINISHES & adjourned to Saturday for joie: elected in 1956. | : P z + i rahe Ph pe Be pee Bry "et eT ae tuarnly Bron font (CP) -- An 16- 1 Latex : Super Seip Paint Semi-Gloss Paint OsecU! Z Lal e' e. ye * Coates could be committed for McCulloch of Hamilton, said in| the sixth storey of an apart- A EATON Special Price, EATON ial Paice; 2 trial. ; his summation that the magis-| ment building here Thurs- | ' The former mayor faces twOltrate must decide whether there| day, stood up and said: | ' ae 1 7 Gol. . 5 77 oe... Gel. . charges of municipal corruption|:. incriminating evidence that] "I'm a bit sore." | . te Oe Te : oO. 0 S u AW A 8 and one of conspiracy. with! should be submitted to trial. David Thibodeau of Am- NONG President Ralph K. Far- : | GY, "a " ° . ris in connection with the grant- spy pias gti si oot he "re = L i f Super Exterior Whites owner in nea rr cons' : god yg -- and a@ friend of Coates, testi-| Money to attend vocational - Three types from which to choose..Ordinerily 2.95 and 10.75! of Orillia, to NONG in 1956. |ried the former mayor had| Sc?) was near a sixth- F | EATON Special floor window when he fell. Price, Qt. .. : Gal. .... Oe Mr. Dubin said the only thing) given him 150 NONG shares for| Pianks, ro s, ropes and tackle of 1%! ° ' t . : hs 1 bn pinata llge of via a ten safe-keeping in 1958 during pub-| a staging fell to the ground j M T ECO Fast-Dry High Gloss Enamel * licity concerning distribution of| mearby. There was no im- : R cy Ordinarily 2.65 and 9.25! . NONG shares to Ontario gov-| Mediate explanation for the | ; peg Me ; 1 85 6 47 S 8 G@ accident, E Ly EATON Special Price, Qt. a Gal. .... Us t officials, Mr. Love said g Church To Mark ¢« the ehares fo Coates| He landed on sot cart, 5 TECO Heavv-Dutv Floor, Porch an? "ancrete Enamel he Toronto in 1962. pte lts-iged ehadial ocol q papery ero whl dy 1 85 6 47 el Gal. ....Us crete wail. J | After the Coates hearing ends| A ' Anniversary | ,\s.0,costes heating cots EATON Special Price, Ot. » Pion vo hi Pg Re pe j Paint Brushes Mohair Roller Kit oan. Sunday, Oct. 38. Rev. Now: BA D B OY : mr Bristle brushes to help you ca ¢ profesaianer Complete kit includes 714" roll- ton Reed, minister of Sunler- DE 3 | N ITELY fy or Bruch, "REG. 3.98 3 18 er and hated, Bisa Ha hes . K ; le land United Church, will be the EATON Special Price, ' speaker. The Junior Farmers' 4 / Ga : 98. . Quartet will provide special SEL LS FOR LESS / | a : 3" Brush, REG, 695 4° Brash, " 0 es EATON Special i Special Price 5.56 species price Ve vice, set .... music, ee ee ee ee EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 minster Church, Oshawa, qll FREEZERS a 2] CU FT . assume his duties as supervis- ° ° ing pastor. He succeed Rev. George Mundy, of Brooklin. 5 Year Guarantee made by Beatty. Free $ ly Price f = The ladies catered for the re- food plan, Free delivery, PRICED FROM ' e ss bd ceptions held following the wed- A. Bristol Glee 20 ONLY... dings of Miss Loisa Downey and R.C.A. VICTOR Miss Marilyn Downey and for train eee'ees | 3-WAY HOME THEATRE EF ver wedding anniversary. Gary Fice has been released|}; FM/AM Radio, 4 Speed Automatic 333 88 L A at |e Pole Lamps IV My from hospital following a motor | Changer, 23" TV all in one Walnut Reg 22.95! accident. Miss Carley Symour is Cabinet. j ™ recovering satisfactorily in Tor-\]| VALUE ..... | P --, onto General Hospital. | 'pone Reg. 19.95... Save 6.70! Miss Thelma Briggs is still a| Lhd TV fd ee ; Personal Shopping Onl i 0: rs ms eee fs) Personal Shopping Only 9 iJ patient in Oshawa General Hos 23 BIG SCREEN ' \\ Ae yh (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) pital. i Se f : Hand wired circuit, - full power trans- » th sou : ' f Mrs. Oliver Lane was hostess : }\\es : : . : Attractive pole lamps for the den, rec tyor the meeting of the United] {rmer. Up-front tuning, AGC circuit. .88 .* road " Attractive white glass base trimmed with ys f id er ac seta oa, in-out chassis, Convectaire Cooling, 2 ~--.. . room or living room, sturdy metai con: Church Women. Mrs. Rodd and : wk the colour of gold. Delicate floral and leaf struction with brown enamel finish and Waruiinch will feaesent the Fidelity tone audio system. With trade P eal J 4 oro : tet 'alee Y motif on centre of base. Luxurious white protective end tips to guard against group at the Presbyterial meet- : x i : os eck "aan tee bee oe Nee eietiomp for living room or hall Dis: | lghtewith decorate brown and wit he annual meeting of the}. INCLUDING # ' a excellent lamp for living room or hall, Vts- ights wi vi bi UCW will take the form of a WEDNESDAY TIL 9:30 P.M. i f ti d st A 9 shades, Adjusts from 7'8" to 8'8". supper meeting at 6:30 p.m. } | | continued 'style. End-of-line. R Nov. 6, at the home. of Mrs. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ' eage ee - err sige . : Everybody Knows the Place--Bad Boy--King St. E. ' Gt : EATON EATON Mrs. John Hamer showed | 4658~--4 ri ee x s | Price, : pictures of her trip to England, | 728 5 659 'i sg pace este Specal Price, Scotland, Ireland and Europe. | ; é es anuaernen tee (BULBS EXTRA) (BULBS EXTRA) EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 377 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 377 OPEN , -- WIDE ATTENTION SHAVER OWNERS! | S2Pper rooting Enthusiosts « G&SAY (\4| Eaton 2-Day | COPPER TOOLING CON- #,\%| Electric Shaver Clinic | DEMONSTRATIONS for. Ail Pagarler Seana - Saturday, October 24th from 10:00 A.M, to 6:00 P.M. Ends Tomorrow, Saturday Oct. 24th! In the HOBBY SHOP, LOWER LEVEL ne : j Mr. J. Hunt will be on hand to show how easy it is to sited y salad will Be a hy s ee Oe. create and complete beautiful pictures and dgeet GIL CGY SatUrGdy 9+ Pimme te DONG I OMe Sayer, pieces. . . to suit modern or traditional settings. Sub- where it will be cleaned, oiled and adjusted while you jects include people, animals, birds and 'others. Mr. wait -- at NO CHARGE. Hunt will also assist you in selecting your materials You pay only for new parts if these are required. and answer any questions you may have concerning copper tooling. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515 HOBBY SHOP, EATON'S Lower Level, Dept. 227 20% Off Regular Prices GLENEATON NYLONS SALE ENDS TOMORROW (SATURDAY, OCT. 24th) @ 'Sanitized" for day-long freshness . . . lasts through many washings. @ Sizes: Petite 8'to 1012. Classic 9 to. 11. Tall 10 to'll. SEAMLESS STYLES. Reg. .79 to 1.19! Z 63 et 95 Ab-h-h.... what a trul derful feeling it i y wonderful feeling it is to know that the EATON Special Price, United Way pledge you make and the check you write to support it accomplish so much for so many people --\in health services, FULL FASHIONED STYLES, Reg. .79 to 1.49 ! 63 1 19 child care, youth guidance, amd family counseling. EATON Special Price, .... 7 Jd a One gift works many wonders / GIVE THE UNITED WAY $-T-R-E-T-C-H STYLES, Reg. 1.39! EATON Special Price, 'a4 MAIL OR BRING YOUR DONATION TO: EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 201 PHONE 725-7373 Greater Oshawa Community Chest 11 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA '728-0203 || STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY TO SATURDAY, OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9!