Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1964, p. 10

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WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION PEE WEE CHAMPIONS The Lynview Construction are Paul Ottenbrite, Harold Ricky Ottenbrite, id row, Danny Segriff, pee wee con- Team, 1964 champions of the Moore, Jamie Moore, David from left, ie McPhee, 'vener; Alex- Brown, director z Moore, Mark Howe, captain Earl Brasier, Jack Grant, of minor sports for Branch Whitby Minor Baseball Assoy and. winner of the most Gary Gillespie, pitcher;, and 112, Royal Canadian Legion ciation Pee Wee Series are yajyable player award; Brian Mark Wylie. Back row, from and Ronald Haw, coach. seen here. Front, from left, Curriculum (WHITBY PERSONALS Talks Theme Mrs, J. C. Spragge, past vice- mother, Mrs. S. A. Siersma, president of National Chapter|spent last Sunday at Wainflet, Brock street south Home and School Association, Whitby, held IODE opened the Birthday Bridge sponsored by Viscount its first fall meeting Monday. Mrs, J. W. Lailey chaired the Greenwood Chapter, IODE, held! business meeting. at Royal Canadian Legion Hall| y welcoming all present and} wishing them luck. 4 pers i the bake Mrs. Charles Bottomley. read arm ag | letters received from Mr. David Disney and Miss Kath- leen Cunningham thanking the sale, which added to a very |Mrs. E, R. Elliott, 127 Pine St.,;rugia and family spent last pleasant and most successful] association for gifts received on their departure from Brock Peer - at the Hae? of 7 weekend in Bobcaygeon, ; i $s. Howar elliott, 51 bridge. Sandwiches and birth-|8"¢ Mrs. ' . iS re day cake were served, the deli- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Farrow, 909 Street School. Mrs. Lailey gave a report on | Palace street. ¢ le Ge Annes street, recently cele- cious cake being a contribution) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mcken-)prated their second wedding an- the District Federation Home and School meeting at which winners. Jerry Ploeger will be Catcving at the dinner, Proceeds |from the evening and stage | party of Nov: 13 will be used for a Christmas children's party. | Major and Mrs. John Fayter, John Spyksma. Mrs, Ted Whalen, Mrs. Albert King and two children, Barbara ' vehi and Brian, Owen Sound, were| 4™™y Congress. recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Far- Mr. and Mrs, Albert Fayter, 121 | St. Lawrence street. In'Toronto they attended the Salvation Carrie, daughter of Mr. and jtawa last week at the home of) yy. Jack Bailey, is celebrating | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dudley. her second birthday today. " Friends of the family wish Car- Mrs. Pearle Anderson, sister ||; ; : ini W OTC! of Mrs: Coeil Pascoe, has re = happy returns of the turned to Aila Craig, near Lon-| ** don after spending a week) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mooney, TO PRESENT PLAY | visiting with relatives. Calgary, Alberta, were Sunday Whitby's Henry Street High) Mrs. Harry Guy, RR 1, Whit- guests of Mr. and Mrs, Earl School presents its annual play |by, was called home to England Ward, Mary street west. next month, This year the school, owing. to the death of her has selected the Enslish com. mother, Her siver, Mrs. Medic edy, "Admirable Crichton', a) wick, accompanied her. light-hearted study of ship- wrecked survivors, Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs, George Anderson. dry and children, Robert and/niversary. To celebrate' the oc- During the serving of coffee, | Lynn, have returned from a|casion they enjoyed an evening thelof Mrs, William McKendfy. lucky winners were: ay) Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ekeland, she was a delegate. She men-|Bowes, Edith Watts; Gertrude; The fall painting weekend of, Calgary, Alberta, visited last tioned that projects discussed|Butt, Frances *Whale, Cathy|the East Central Ontario Art/week with their sister-in-law, tennial to be held in 1967. Bird Wilson, Dorothy Cather-|Bay. District artists attending! Whitby. A Jetter was sent from the|wood, Mrs. R. A. White, Mrs.|were: Miss Lyla Cameron,| "= Association to town council re-|W. H. Kennedy, Jean Campbell,|Columbus; Mrs, Ted Evans and G T Vi port of traffic lights at the|Mrs. L. M. Nelson, Mrs. Walter eis aveiihe Friday. Oct. 98 roup 0 lew Victoria and Brock street inter-/Porter, Vi Crofton, Shirley nil hat a m a be Tis section. |Saunders, Joan Cranfield, Hite) ea te Bey wae Re PEE: |Shepherd, Joanne Fallaise, Jes-|"~ ' : sepuatacae hee Patel titteay's toon Fa, sie 'davuhers, Sane Sturgess, | Church, Colborne and Centre Christian Hospitality" al pret Sipecviaedy Mrs, Murray Delor, Phyllis Streets, under the auspices of|the theme of the meeting of Se ; 91 | n : 1 of 24 members, including 21\held recently at the home of duced the speakers, Principal, |Loyst, Helen Rosebrough, Mat-| omen, three men and a child.|Mrs, John R. Frost in Whitby, Peter Belsey, teaching Grades|ion Jamieson, Lauretta Lunley, Th adical ah lay is oe 3 4, and 5, and Mrs. Doris|Mrs. Paul Irwin, Etoyel Good-| cin eyo sneer eye oy S|, Mis. Frost read an article on | of Dr. Ida Scudder, founder of} ing', Mrs, Lioya Campbell read Os ggg on the school cur-| a an tins KO. Dudley, |e Vellore Christian Hospital inthe scripture and Mrs, Car- Mr. Fairman thanked the|321 Rosedale drive, and their| Mes Ranice been," 2 #Y. 5) man Sarles took the meditation. asked for a close. association ig wk with the association. Two gent " daneabers Mrs Refreshments, supplied by a Howard, were welcomed. -- Bottomley, The group accepted an invi- served. tation to view the taping of the ifiins 'wits! Taran "aaa |week spent in Ottawa the guests} of dancing. regarding the Canadian Cen-/Thomson,, Alice | Whitehurst| Association was held at Miner's)}Mrs. Norman Wood, RR 2, garding the association's sup-|Laurene Edgeley, Myrtle Fells, Mrs, Laurine Sage, Whitby. | in Whitby Baptist} Show Taping Principal, Earl Fainman intro-|Read, Sylvia Schultz, Katie the WSCS and comprises a cast|Group. 4, Presbyterian Women, Houck, teacher of Grades 1 and|win and Miss M, A. Bird, "| Said to be based on the life story |«'Pressures in Modern Day Liv- parents for a good turn-out and] daughter Vicki, visited in Ot-| os gence Pie rai made ye ug ais. 3. We talley and Mre. Frank Mackey and Mrs. P. television program "Flashback" -- 7 church hall on Noy, 19, the group will entertain Groups 1 and 3. A film strip "'Never a Sainnt" will be shown Knights of Columbus Council, Members were reminded of No. 4895, is sponsoring. a gala "Ladies Appreciation Night",| dinner, dance and refreshments It will be Saco Eekma in St. John the Evangelist par- presented in the school auditor-|and two children, Ellert andjish hall, Saturday, Oct. 24 ium on Nov. 6 and 7, 'Jane, and Mrs, Eekma's| Prizes will be awarded to lucky sponsored by Group 2, on Oct 29 Morrison served Junch, Architect Contained in the five-year cap- ital works budget for the Town of Ajax, which was approved by the council in May, was an item of $66,000 for a new public li- brary in 1965. In view of this fact the Ajax Public Library Board proceeded to go ahead with the prelimin- programing and planning neces- sary in carrying out such a project. During the summer several architects met with the library board to discuss the project. The board finally selected Kent Barker of Toronto to be the architect for the new library building. Mr. Barker is no stranger to the town of Ajax. His association began in 1948 when he was en- gaged as consultant by CMHC to lay out a plan for the new town, The basic plan of Ajax as we now know it is the work of Mr, Barker. He was also re- sponsible for designing the first new school in Ajax -- Parkside School, Mr. Barker is 'an associate professor of architecture at the University of Toronto, From 1953-1956 he was planning con- sultant to Ontario Hydro for the rehabilitation program. of the St. Lawrence Power Project. He is currently planning consultant to Library Building Chosen new town in Ontario" which ap- peared in Community Planning Review in 1951. He has present. ed a copy of this publication to the Ajax Library. With 'his long association with Ajax and his ¢ontinuing interest in the town's development, the library board is confident that it has made a wise choice in its selection of Mr, Barker to plan and supervise the construc- tion of Ajax's first planned li- brary building, IODE Plans School Prizes Viscount Greenwood Chapter, | IODE, Whitby, held its meeting | in St. Mark's United Church Hall. The regent, Mrs, Alex) Ingram, chaired the business meeting. | Mrs, R. G, Langford will pres- ent the book prize at the. On- tario Ladies Co%ege. Mrs, Alex Ingram will present the prize at Anderson High School! Oct, 24 and on Nov. 14, a nurs-| ing bursary of $100. A memorial essay award of $25 and a book the Cornwall and Prescott Plan- ning Boards, Mr. Barker was the author of an article on "Ajax: planning a Youth Work Outlined Commissioner Mrs. District ithe new representatives |Brownie Packs and Guide {Companies at the recent meet- ing of the Whitby District As- lsociation, Girl Guides of Can- ada. The Seventh Whitby Brownie | Packs will open Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 6 p.m. They will meet in the basement of Emmanuel Re- formed Church, third conces- |sion. The association is indebted Ito Rev. G. R. Rezelman and |his committee for making this |possible. All girls joining the Packs must be eight years old and the new Guiders are look- ing forward to meeting the 24 new Brownies and their moth- jers next Tuesday. Four Whitby Guides will be jattending the Central Area |Training, Saturday, Oct. 24, at }Guide House, Oshawa. The | are: Ist Pack Brown | Harvey Whale; list trainees Owl, Mrs. Stanley Nolan; ist Company | Lieutenant, Mrs. W. J. Edwards and 4th Company Captain Mrs. |George Thwaites. Early in No- |vember all the Whitby Guides jwill meet to hear and learn jwhat the four Guiders brought back from the training." Fund raising was discussed. The members will be market- in the Whitby Packs and Com- panies. Convener Mrs, Ron busy sewing, knitting and _col- lecting some very. attractive sets, to please the Brownies and the younger Guides. The in January, At a meeting in the| pices will meet the mother's ap-| | proval. Second Brownie Pack has started a committee to display and sell clothes at a special jmeeting Monday, Oct. 26, in Other packs and companies will be visited in turn but Mrs. Frost and Mrs. William|the committee will be happy to} ede | prize given for highest mark in history will also be presented at jHenry Street High School. Be- cause of identical marks there will be two books presented | Members discussed contacting |new Canadians to interest them lin) attending night classes | Engilish, | Mrs, George Anderson read a jreport of the Birthday Bridge. 1A wreath was ordered for the |Cenotaph for 'the Nov. 11 Re- |membrance Day Service. All as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.|Sudbury, visited their parents,|F. W. Weaver outlined the as-|members were asked to attend. C jsociation work and welcomed) of|bring linings for quilts to be Members were also asked to sent overseas. Mrs. Alex Ingram, Mrs. G. E. Juby and Mrs. R, G. Lang- |ford will be attending the Con- jvention to be held at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Oct. 22 jand 23, A delicious junch was served by the hostesses Mrs, George Anderson and Mrs. R, G. Lang- ford. Women Plan Yule Dinner Mrs. David Kernohan, Bay- view avenue, Whitby, opened her home for the meeting of Group 3, Presbyterian Women. Plans for the December meet- WS) Brooklin Pack Brown Owl, Mrs,|ing and the Christmas dinner on December 14 were announced. 'Mrs. A. G. Laoyst was in |charge of the study period, Mrs. Clifford Partington read jlesson, Mrs. Loyst was assisted lby Mrs. Archie Craig, noting jvarious women of Bible times and their contribution to Chris- tian hospitality. It was decided to assist Group Frank Mackey ing Barbie and Ken doll clothes |5 in sponsoring a St. Andrew's) |Night concert on Noy. 30. The group accepted an_ invitation G.|/Deeth and her committee are|from Group 4 to attend its No- |vember meeting and see a mis- sionary study film. The group voted to cancel its December mesting. Mrs. Clif ford Partington will be the host- ess for the January meeting. The group is in favor of unit- ing with 'the other groups in holding a Burns Supper in Jan- uary. It was announced Miss the Smorgasbord luncheon,'St. Mark's United Church Hall. Ruby Walker, of Toronto, will jspeak at the missionary thank- loffering service -on Noy. 29 Mrs. Loyst assisted Mrs. Ker- Church Council Report Given Mrs. L. F. Richardson re- ported on the sessions of the General Council of the United Church of Camada, held re- cently in St, John, Newfound- land. at the recent meeting of Group 9, of the United Church Women of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Of. the. 392 commissioners at the council 77 were women, Mrs. Richardson told of the; work accomplished by the Unit- ed Church and of its many phases. She also showed slides of many of the points of in- terest, she visited, including Premier Joseph Smaliwood's home. Mrs, H,. L, VanDeuren and Mrs. Keith Lunney will look after flowers for the church on Oct. 25; while Mrs. Gordon White and Mrs. James Goodlet/ will perform this duty on Nov. 1, The members were asked to assist at the anniversary din- ner in November and to supply food for the occasion. Mrs,. Van Deuren demonstrat- ed the) making of Christmas table centre displays and Christ- mas candles, One of the pieces PORTUGUESE COVE, NS. (CP)--It was a cold Manch in 1942. A 5 fis FARE TL AF) z 3 zs The remains of the Clare Lil- Navy To Remove Bombs From Cargo Ship Wreck aaiily, S000 baat seme ae area. y are stockpiled -- : the site until Z I : i f si a i ie igi i ¥ Ht gr § Fe aes ley were left undisturbed until| of p this year when navy divers from Dartmouth, N.S., began was presented to Mrs. Richard- son in appreciation of her talk. Mrs. Tom Akey, the hostess, and her committee served DEATHS Dacca, Pakistan -- Khawaja in| Nazimuddin, 70, a former gov-| ernor-general and prime minis- ter of Pakistan. Los Altos, Calif. -- Lewis L,. |Cunningham, 77, pioneer inven- tor in the field of automatic controls. Vichy, France -- Maurice onstantin - Weyer, 83,. French novelist and playwright. DOUBLE YOUR MILEAGE IN THESE the one to wear, one the care to spare, lessens P.S.-- PLUS . . . A FREE TOPCOAT or SPORTCOAT or CARCOAT with every suit from..... 4 . 50 DUNN'$ "Complete Charge Conveniences" the task of removing the bombs. | The decision to rémove the |ammunition was prompted last year when sticks of dynamite were found along the shore by! school children here, The cor- dite, a low velocity impulse explosive used for propéliing |bombs, had escaped from joracked casings on some of the |smailer shells, | \STILL DANGEROUS Although difficult to ignite by| impact, the cordite will respond quickly: to heat. "When dried out, it's as good as new," said a navy espokes- man. "It could be dangerous in the hands of children." juts out amid the rocks where it was left 22 years ago. , SCALE ROYAL PAY BRUSSELS (AP) -- Bel- gium's government Thursday that the « al!!owances of King Baudovin and Prince Albert, like the pay of some un- ion workers, be. linked to the cost-of-living, index. Expecting - approval, it presented partia ment a bill that wowld boost annual payments to Baudouin from: the equivalent of $840,000 to $930,000 and those of his 30- year-old brother from $70,000 to ' The navy expects to remove $78,000. Pressed for time, pressed for action, you'll always look well dressed with a pair two trouser suits double your mileage, and deliver a double measure of value. Choose from our wide sel- ection of 2 or 3 button mode nels, cheviots, shetlands, twe skins, Complete range of colors from medium to light shades of blue, brown, grey, 2 LOCATIONS to spare. That's why our Is in fine worsteds, flan- eds and imported shark- black and olive. Make your next ale Canada's fastest growing ale--Labatt's 50 Ale--we think you'll like it! ENJOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL ON TV -- BROUGHT TO YOU BY LABATT'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (Open to 9 p.m. Thurs, & Fri.) 36 KING ST. E. (Open to 9 p .m. Friday)

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