Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings By The Canadian Press Stock Toronte Stock Exchange--Oct, 21 Bralorne Brunswk Bunker H Camflo 400 Camp Chib 21153 ¢ Tung Cam Mines Candore Sales 1220 925) 4000 1 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge 475 475 «(475 $1414 13% Wat % 212 212 Wat ve 66 166 166 1 Net | Sales HIGH Low a.m. Ch'ge Siiverwd A. 100 $15 15 15 Siat Steel 650 $18% 1814 184--%4 Slat Steel p 400 $21 20% WM --I% Slat B 5% 3000 uv Net | High Low a.m, Ch'ge| Stock $194 13° 19% $609 60% 60 -- Va! $7 7% 7% + We! $1914 19% 19% 194 Wve wu | 10% -- v! Beat 5 + 4 + Ua + Ve 300. --15 9 -- Vo 282 + Ve 932 + Va) Stock Greyhnd Guar Tr Mawker-S Home A Sales Cariboo Cassiar Cent Pat Cheskirk Chester Chib M Chrom Coch Will Brewis Marben Mogul! Morrison Mosher 11 Net | High Low a.m. Ch'ge) 315 14% %e-- ve $242 24a 24¥2 $414 414 41% 230 $74 «73% 73% $33% 33% 33% $442 Me 4 -- $495 4% 4% 300 415 410 «410 Anthes C pr 15$103 103 103 Argus 225 $\7% 7% 17% Arg C P pr 650 $144 144 14a Vo 500 $17% 17% 17%0 + Ve 750 $24 24 24 25 $1022 10212 102' 50 $68V2 682 682+ Va 75 $60% 60 60% + % 2893 359% 59% 59%e-- Ve 20403 465 455 465 +10 15 $302 Wa 25 $692 Wa 258 $34% 34% 21% 382 2 2 9 Pack B 200 $17% 17% / 9 m5 43 43 3 50 4 31% 10% 36% 28% 22% 34% 4 4 875 13% 56 2 0M 2 4% Wa 128 9 Tr Can PL 270 Trans-Mt 3280 Trans PPL 3580 Un Gas 225 Versafood 225 Versatile 1225 Vic G Tr 200 Vulean 225 Walk GW 615 Weldwood 725 Well Fin yoo Well Fin te 200 - West Ind A 600 WCoast Tr .W_ Pacific Weston A Weston B Inland Gas 1 Bronze. pr Int Nickel 225 325 32. $12M% 12% 1e+ Ve $15% 15% 15% + 25 330. 330-330 Jefferson 200 Jock C B pr 100 Jock wis 1000 Kelsey Co 125 235 $362 %2 %2 $13% 13% 13%-- ve $82 8% 8 37% 7% 7%--\ 45 145) 145 $16% 16% 16% + Ve $16% 16% 16% $186% 186% 18% -- % $19 " Ww West A wts 300 985 985 985 Woodwd A 275 $25 25 25 4 % Knit A MO Se 6 ' Rambler Regcourt Sanorm Cowich Craigmt Cusco D'Aragon Denison Dicknsn Dome Duraine East Sull F'west T F Mar 23560 Geco Mines 1615 Gnt Masct 1600 Giant YK 378 Glenn Exp 5000 13% 19% 1342+ Va GF Mining 1000 36 Gunnar 350 615 Hastings 200 415 415 415 'ts 81 77? We We he Hollinger 1220 $30%. 30% 30% Hud Bay 170 $75 Int Helium 300 133 Int Kenville 5500 $28 27 27 trish Cop 1100 23/2 23% 23% Iron Bay 1000 96 «696 Joburke 5500 (92 92 9% Jonsmith 272. 262 2 +1 Joutel 74 1 OE Kerr Add 70 74 740 +5 165 150 165 665 665 665 8% 82 8% B 225 225 = 225 0 5) BW +. 480 152 2 44 16% $i6% 16 16 on Ve 'i y=} v2) +5 6 % 610 615 +10 Met Stores p Molson A Montex Montex pr Montex wts 7225 1 Cent Del M5 Glacier 1000 Gr Plains 100 NCO wis Numac Place Prairie Oil Provo Gas Spooner Teck Corp Union Oil $ wezf) Wsburne 2050 300 250 210 325 125 300 200 225 100 2023 625 560 325 525 $11% 1% 11%-- 6 162 57 550 550 550 +10 208 4208 208 15¥a 15% 15'4 535 5335 535 $6 5% 16 do 310 «6310 130 130 130 520 133 13 400 500 400 1500 500 700 1825 55 1000 200 50 120 $67% 67% 210 S11% 11% 3067 $53% 53% 225 $18 18 210 $44. 444 25. $92 We os 955 -$45%4 45% 150 $17 17% 430 $674 67\4 1345 $105e: 10% 200 600 595 100 $24 24 1100 $42% 41% 400 $44¥-- 44 879 $12%@ 12 30 $107 . 107 41S $16% 16% 16% - 100 $22%4 22% 22% 210$10 110 «(110 50 $16 6 % 731 $3) n 3) 30 23 23 200 $18% 1834 15 15 pe 162 162) +1 Wa 57 57 + --2 +% Overland pr Pac Pete Pembina Pow Corp Price Bros QN Gas Reichhoid Rothman Royal 8k Russe! H StL Cem w Salada Sayvette Shell Can Shell | pr Shell | wts Shop Save Shully's +15 +15 14% + Va Clairtone Clairton w Coch-D con MS Con Paper Con Gas n Con Gas B 1% 50 28 Me 2675 ~'2-- 165 77a + 2 ssn ou on 260 9% 300 2 100 330 275 150 100 250 MINES All Pitch 500 17 A: Am Moly 900 154 A Rovyn 2050 1 Ansit 1000 Atl C Cop Base Mets Bethim Bibis Bidcop 13 150 0 $18 13 12 150 330 10 $19% 19% $27¥e 27% 74 740 $16%4 164 390 390 13 150 +8 10 57 57 1% 16 15 5 $61 $1 6) 0 BWA Marchant Marcon Martin Mattgmi Maybrun Mcintyre McWat 330 5 19% 27% + "e 740 --5 164+ Va #0 1600 -! 32500 100 1600 5500 + Great West Gr Weg G 23 16% WHO IS ON THE 'HOT LINE'? Top Billing In Russia e | TORONTO (CP)--The 15 girls |who keep a running tab on floor al iges ] (@ | <e- p | transactions at the Toronto} up a central depository for |Stock Exchange will soon be replaced by a computer. By HENRY C. BRADSHER ; It takes the girls an average MOSCOW (AP)--Who is Moscow's end of the "hot line" the top man now. He took over,the vagueness of the Soviet con- on Khrushchev's job as Commu-| stitution. nist party first secretary. It does not designate a peace- now? And whose finger is on) In the last 40 years of Com-|time commander -in- chief for the nuclear rocket button? munist rule, the party secretary|Soviet military forces as John- Until. Nikita Khrushchev's un- has always been top man; -he/son is commander-in-chief expected ouster as Soviet leader;has been premier only 18 of|the American military last week, the answer to both|those years. The. premier the/lishment. questions was simple--Khrush-|rest of the time has been a) Under tne Soviet constitution chev. Now it's a big more com- technician. ithe presidium of the Supreme plicated. be ae Pat DAOC Of B Govint (Parliament), which de- J si son|Problem for Johnson since te) olares war and concludes peace, ; arches 6 Peggy pg hot line is a teletype circult,|i: presumably the top com- |!raded te yy Phas gs eg sry direct line to the Kremlin, he|0t @ telephone, Talking to two) ander. But the presidium has|DUMDEr O° Stocks Ic e , ~e| on ere }vanced, declined or were un- remerey would: get Alexel right on the phone at once 3s members, which is a bit too| Changed osygin. premier, Kosy. [might be confusing, but an! many fingers for one button. : agreed message could be put) peginni in 1961. there were It will also. provide the dollar = bo ee SS ake | P on the teletype from Moscow. | <cattered afficial ahcensee to| Value of all ee ee the lineup of portraits of Soviel|GETS MORE INVOLVED [Khrushchev as commander in.("0m {akes about 4 hows, fo leaders displayed in Moscow! The finger-on-the-button ques- | baer |chief. One statement indicated Sage c 5 the movement of the TSE's in- show that Leonid Brezhnev isition gets more involved due to Khrushchev already had the | aexes for the previous six days. --|role in January, 1960, when So-)"",, prelate lviet military. doctrine formally The computer, which will be | ; fully-operational in late 1965, accepted rockets with thermo-|*™ a P Se att of ' |nuclear warheads as the prin-/marks the start of a new era in Canadian stock exchange cipal weapon. a communications. s Glamor Of Embassy Life This doctrine is based on an 1s ; Ignores Hard, Varied Work 2"*:::": of chmerican| "reporting. transactions. wil might be only 15 or 20 minutes! be eliminated and the informa- warning of such an attack. tion the computer pours out will By BRENDA LARGE |boy friend or your mother or be available in Vancouver at OTTAWA (CP) -- Don't he- something like that. You have| NEED QUICK REACTIONS the same time it is available in come a secretary in one of Can-|to be genuinely interested in| In both Washington and Mos-|Toronto, _ ada's embassies if you expect) tfavelling--anywhere." jcow, it is recognized that the| It is estimated the computer your life to be a string of cock- sf ai |speed-up in the processes of) will take over the girl's jobs by tail parties and dates with| MAY GO ANYWHERE modern warfare requires quick |next April. glamorous characters out of a/ Stenographers may be sent tO/ reactions. That means a clear-| James Bond mystery. any country where Canada has/oyt process of taking decisions. "It's hard work and you have|*" embassy and the move may |The clearest way is for one man DIVIDENDS to be able to turn your hand to] come BE aay meee Se roel: Sita be oo fficiall almost anything, especially in) "|", Lacking an officially pro-| 3. rye CANADIAN PRESS a 'small post," says Pat South- That's the thrill of the job--|claimed commander-in - chief, Rank ot Mentreal, 24 peats plus 10 cents exrta. Dec. 1, rec- ord Oct. 31. Canadian Refractories Ltd., neck pace, to record the days jlist of final stock volumes. and of | Prices: The machine will do it i From 3.33 p.m. when the ma- chine swings into action it will provide the open, high, low and closing prices, on all stocks as well as the number of issues gate of Ottawa. knowing you can be sent to|Premier Kosygin might seem to For the last seven years, Miss Turkey or Lebanon or Russia|be the man. But his portrait is Southgate, 31, has been a sten-|at Short notice." in the second place of impor- ographer with the foreign sec- Miss Southgate, originally tance and what No. 1 man tion of the Civil Service Com-|from London, England, 701 1 de- | mission. many girls interested in this|cision on massive devastation 23 ; She has worked in Tokyo and Sort of a job would be happy to|to his deputy? - Dominion -. Scottish Invest- Jakarta, Indonesia, and has|%° to Europe but "shrink at the On the other hand, if the Rus- ment Ltd., pid. 6214 cents, Nov. travelled through the Far East |thought of going to Africa, for siane seas Bering at all by/30, record Nov. 16. a ings. |example. their constitution, how can a real og ae Papp Althugh there is a constant man such as Brezhnev--whoj cents plus 20 cents extra, Dec. assignment in the Dominican|flow of applications from young technically is not even part of|1, record Oct. 31. Republic. women hoping to become for-|the government--have his fin-) Yukon Consolidated Gold "So many girls who apply for|@8n service secretaries, the) ger on the button? -- Corp. Ltd., common five fully jobs lik mine hay misconcp-|Commission has difficulty filling) Many non-Communist observ- | paid three per cent non-cumu- tions about what the life is all its openings. Not everyone |ers of the Soviet scene have felt| lative redeemable pfd. shares of like," the vivacious blonde said who .applies has the special re- the system naturally gravitates| $1 par value for each 100 com- in an interview in Ottawa be-| duirements needed for the job. | toward one-man rule. The whole mon shares held, record Nov. tween postings. Skill in shorthand and typing|history of Soviet power shows! 20. "You shouldn't apply becatse iS important but by far the best a trend away from divided au- 505 5S 505 +5 $340 34a 34a + Ve 2 | 744 TAM + Ve said would want to turn over the de-| 20 cents, Dec. 15, record Nov.| : 1 Net | Stock High Low a.m. Ch'ge! | Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Sales 500 5700 1000 2100 4000 (13 1000 9 9 3600 110 «(109 100 475 475 500 115 10 2700 310 305 1000 12% 12% 1900 (17 Vv 7400 122 120 2200 395 2000 3200 2500 300 Nat Expl Nealon New Cal Newconex 1 7 }000 7 800 1000 42 --" 42 42 y, BA BY 332+ 2 Salem Sherritt Sil Miller Sil Stand Siscoe Steep R Sunburst Texmont Tex Sol Tombill Tormont Trin Chib U' Asbestos Un Buffad UCL Mine Un Keno Upp Can Violam Werner Willroy Winch Windfall Yellorex Zenmac FOREIGN TRADING w» 30 500 7 7 7 500 7 7 0 16% 16% 16% 1000 505 505 505 400 500 500 5 500 75 75) 75 +5 m0 20 225 20 --5 100 645 645 645 --I15 600 145 145 145 +2 Bibis Cc Bellek C Bellek Denison Dicknsn Leitch Merrill Siscoe Steep Rk | Upp Can Computer Will Replace IS Stock Exchange Girls | With the change can now consider setting computer the ex- stocks which would eliminate a tremendous amount of physical transfer of stock certificates of 15 minutes, working at-break-|ffom one brokerage office to an- | other. By computer book entries, the stock would remain in the de- pository but would be trans- ferred in name from one person to another. | The computer will also handle accounting and allow the ex- | change to do more research, 'Higher Prices On Stock Mart TORONTO (CP)--The stock jmarket moved through a day of generally higher prices amid | moderate trading Tuesday, with a handful of stocks providing |sharp movements. Versatile Manufacturing added 114 to 1214 after touching a high of 13 of an jimitial dividend of 15 cents paid |semi-annually. Brazilian Trac- jtion tacked on 15 cents to its high of $4.55 on volume of 22,988 jshares and was the day's most \|heavily-traded industrial issue. Chrysler produced the largest gain--344--to 6714 on, light vol- ume. Argus Corp. and Trans Prai rie Pipe Lines advanced % jeach to 17% and 10%, the latter lat one point reaching a high of 1 in heavy trading. Dosco dropped 1% to 16 after Quebec announced it will |build its own steel mill. Among speculatives, North Coldstream jumped 20 cents to 92 while base metals, which traded more than 1,000,000 \shares Monday, churned over Royal Bank of Canada, 60)591.900 shares but fell 314 cents| to. 25 cents, | In senior, base metals, Steep Rock lost 30 cents to $6.35 and Falconbridge 5% to 771%. | In golds; Dome fell a point |to' 34 and Giant Yellowknife, | which reached a high of 154 |at noon, fell 5g to 14%. pre He P ality is adaptability. thority. you 'want to get away from a quality is adap! ) : : bated 5 . "You have to be ready to, If the trend continues, Brezh- accept unusual living condi-jneyv will follow the example of tions. the sound of an unfamil-|Stalin and Khrushchev and add j WEDNESDAY, iar language all around you,|the premiership to. the party WOODBINE ENTRIES October 21 efoot, Maxwell A-118. A-J. J. Yustin and A. P. Logan entry. . perhaps a climate different leadership, or some other man} FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,900 ($2500) Banned In India from .the one you've beenjwill move in 'and ultimately eee ee Crier rie brought up in, or, in some coun-|take both jobs Wanless Park, McCauley X113 BOMBAY (CP)--The Indian tries, an unsettled political situ-} Meanwhile, the men who Ali Grand, Sutcliffe x108 supreme court has held that ation." pushed Khrushchey aside are Wis Line parley are the unexpurgated edition of D. peg ie Risen extolling the merits of "Leninist| sweet Knave, Williamson 121 H. Lawrence's Lady Chatter- EMBASSY BURNED p collective leadership' but in| Valsprious, Dean Xxx105 jey's Lover is "a shocking Aside from these realities,| practice Brezhnev is most likely | Megiong Street' Garis 113 novel" and upheld a_ lower lee sige hy Pi lb to be the man deciding what to/ Caledon Bive, Webley xxx105 ' i¢ moments in Miss Southgate's a, rhen t I ursim Corda, Parnel court's ruling that the book is say and when to push. Line Me 'Up bitthecn" is ot fit to be circu- 'He : Tudor Anne, Parsons X110 i end not f "There's the opportunity to Also sual; iy beter, pactun "i rf d meet people working with the NET EARNINGS X113; Manian, Leblanc 115; Silverette, No eee ent that the' mes-|@iDlomatic corps of many coun- Poh ime cameron tas Mchie in his te giao -- ef Bosy | tries: and also the opportunity sage in the og -aSY to meet the natives of the coun- Dominion - Scottish Invest- for the Se to corn eg you are posted to, and learn ments Lid., 9 months ended Pe The _ work pase 3 te Peaae| Whee unique customs." Sept. 30: 1964, $230,078, 22 cents Cianing Tweets One tine Boned! sible limits set by community! Pat, whe was sent to Tokyo|a share; 1963, $205,068, 17 cents. | yards standards. For the people © |in 1958 'for 2% years, is enthusi-| Consolidated Building Corp, | 22¥"s Chick, Leblanc 106 yas social g P. | Amb 1 India there was no *: astic about Japan--"one of the [td.. 6 he ender po 31. | Ambiguity. Ditttach 109 299 the book J ay Ad., 6 months ended Aug, 31: | chop Turkey, No: Boy 109 gain' from the ok. most beautiful and cleanest/ 1964, §,112,478, 28.1 cents | Moon Base, No Boy .114 The jaw, the gvubinagy court countries in the world."" How-! share; 1963, $960,293, 24.1 cents. | ene Goon No Boy 114". melee '0-| '6 +e sans ae te arally . 8 oi judge ig gery -- poi Na } ive the re was "generally Campbell Chibougamau Mines Revel Bunny, Harrison top tect my s DEV ONAN: Ltd., year énded June 30: 1964 tan, | themselves but those whose) Thaf changed when she was g¢93 987. 16 cents a share: 10963" Salty Sultan, No Boy 109 minds take delight' and secret sent to the Canadian Embassy! $1 349 999 30 cents. aHlIRD RACE -- Purse $2300 Allow. pleasure from erotic writings. at Jakarta, a relatively sma Liwiaw tac. 46 4 cl about OME MIE. on Tort courte. The verdict sparked a coun- mission where she had a gre Was et caetanh Eee ce ao) [Riecay Gis GHWIG 11d try-wide controversy about the deal of responsibility. In S$ | she 2 eae year ise 1 )Colour Her Fleet, Hale 14 failure of the Indian penal code|tember she witnessed political vib Pe tes Plies a Wek Siar a to define the word '"'obscene."| uprisings which reached a cli- | Crown Zellerbach Canada| Headline, No Boy 114 Mr. Justice Hidayatulla said)/max with the burning 'of part ae nine months ended Spot Turkey Batter, Parsons X10? that since thé code did-wot con-|of the' British Embassy just 30: 1064, $11,400,000, $1.51 fl eihide bone ohare ite tain any such definition 'the down the street from her house. | Share; 1963, $9,400,000, $1.25. bia dinaeaa, Gua ue delicate task of what is artistic) The political unrest made (Monee Btrne Garin and what is obscene has to be work at the Canadian mission SET POSTIE PAY sci a performed by the courts." |hectic--"there were so. many OTTAWA (CP)--A basic pay cihOURTH, RACE - pore 1.0 09 Several eminent Indian riovel-|classified telegrams to 'look rate of 95 cents an hour will be| One Mile end 70 yards ists and prominent § journals}after"--so she was relies to| introduced this ir for Christ-|4 have called upon the Indiam be sent home to Ottawa in July./mas help at all semji-staff and government to come forward|She also had a chance to visit revenue post offices, Postmas- @ with a "liberal and unambig-jher parents who still live in|ter-General J. R. Nicholson|Sedargel No Boy 106 vous" definition of obscenity. 'London. said Tuesday. ( Daviess Haris oe Silk n' Saphires, No Boy 114 Scotty K., No Boy 11/2 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($3500) Claiming Three-year-olds. 7 Furlongs Miss Shepperton; Gordon 108 Cool Fool, No Boy 113 | Noble's Brother, Leblanc 114 Shining Wings, Dittfach 114 Dave's Mistake, Inda 116 Touchbutton, No Boy 116 Dula Geil, Armstrong 108 Mad Charge, Parsons XX109 Menette, Harrison 108 Guest Speaker, No Boy 111 Black Coral, Hernandez 111 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 "Magpie" Allowances, Three-year-olds and up, Foal- jed in Canada. Furlongs | SWeet Lady Briar, Davidson 110 |Top Ruler, Harris X108 Winisteo, No Boy 116 |Morning Mornin, Gomer Menaris, Fitzsimmons 115 Already Dia, Armstrong 121 (QUINELLA BETTING) SEVENTH RACE - gerty" allowances Wes. 7 Furlongs {Apache Dancer, Leblanc 112 | Belarctic, Parsons A-X106 |Phantom's Flower, Armstrong 112 Cibouletté, Davison 113 Netoffa, No Boy Farnstield, inde 111 |Forest Rover, No Boy 112 Queen's Law, Parsons A-X104 Famous Road, Fitzsimmons 113 Speedy Lament, Dittfach 111 A-Viscount Hardinge entry 19 Purse $2,900 "Hag Three-year-olds Fil | _BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 ($3500) | Claiming Three-year-olds and up. | and one 16th miles Chance Cover; Remillard |Ansman, Maxwell 116 | Field Trial, Shuk 118 | Xerxes, Davidson 123 Bronze Turkey, Parsons X105 Enlyn Lad, No Boy A-113 Bobby Brier, Walsh 117 Folk Dancer, No Boy A-116 Kingsey, Parsons X110 Crucial Hit, Fitzsimmons 1? A-P. J. Enright, G. E. Lyor Seedhouse entry X-5 Ibs AAC XX-7 Ibs \s XXX-10 Ibs, AAC Post Time 2 p.m. 123 % % % | is 1% Af +, |of Ottawa student denied Tues- "Bie. ful er mpeaiing, "Gatapo"" at py: Tice during the royal visit Oct.| |16 and testified the only time he) ; |said anything was when his|yed at about $100, | |camera was knocked from his| Municipal court Judge Marcel) jhands and he was arrested. |Letourheau reserved judgment|pictures of the arrest of Mont- 'Denis Boyer, 20, of Ottawa,|on charges of disorderly con-jreal separatist Reggie Chart- testified that he hasn't since/duct and insulting police, to|tand when a policeman knocked THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 21,1964 3] Student Denies Gestapo Shout QUEBEC (CP)--A University No date was set for judgment. The youth said he was taking seen the camera, which he val-| which Boyer pleaded not guilty.|the camera from his hands. OSHAW -EATON'S in Clearance of Sewing Machines PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Viking and Domestic display and demonstrator models greatly reduced to clear the way for incoming stock. Straight stitch, zig zag and automatic machines, with a few twin needle designs in the group. . Portable, console and desk models, some lightly marked from handling. 49.95 to 229.95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 570 EATON Special Price, each PHONE 725-7373 Foam Rubber Slabs "Seconds" of Much Higher Priced Line Shredded Foam Rubber Excellent for stuffing toys or cushions. Ap- prox. 1-Ib. bag, It's non-allergenic and will not mat when washed. ! EATON Special Price, .... 2 bags 19 Slight imperfections which should in no way affect use, Approx. 21 x 72 x 2" thick .. . excellent for general upholstery purposes. Should be covered to prevent yellowing. Is non-allergenic 5 44 EATON Special Price, each . . ve PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 224 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 224 Men's and Young Men"s Y2 PRICE!] GWEATERS Ordinarily 14.95 to 16.95! An excellent selection of sweaters from a nationally advertised maker. Included are pure wool, lambswool with nylon and wool-and-mohair blends. In double knits, shag knits and boucle knits. Most have V-neck, button front and short sleeves. Mostly plain shades and some have smart contrasting trim. An opportunity to stock up on 'Action' sweaters for men and young men. A wide colour range of blue, white, beige, grey, red, brown and black. Sizes small, medium, large and extra large in the group. each 7.47 to 8.47 PHONE 725-7373 EATON Special Price, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 Special Selling of Teco Paint Continues! 30% Off! ~TECO Fashion-Mixed Paints ! Buy Now and Save! Sale lasts until Saturday, October 24th! "EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9