' . ' 7 PON Sy iti cinta UNIS a a PAGE LED MEEE GATE RR TAIN REP ERLE ERE ROS Va BE pe RMS ng ee eee rT, Dancing Bears Ship-To-Shore Danger To Health? 'Phone Oldtimer | : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, @ctober 21, 1" ** s Cl] s jdrink et an , says plomat's Determined Daughter casie" 20: 'tev rater "or drunk, having learned how to . ® | " Newest Newspaper Columnist 2's = 0 rar ato aoa. BRAZILIANS ROMANTIC famous ears are) VANCOUVER (CP) -- In the | OTTAWA (CP) -- '"Mother|teens know exactly what is ex-|Cepilia's columns: Saperyes 10 CNN cap sceind 'tdi 4 " | nee - "i \streets where they have enter-| Company building here, sur- said newspaper reporters ail-|pected of them. On Brazilian boys -- '"These ; rounded by electronic dialing 4 - Pid Al -ups alike for centuries, up my mind that 1) "Cecilia, a slender blonde girl/romantic or thinking of their/@TOWN-ups au i ' > he ae on oy ' ae I rp th : ana t would| The municipal assembly has| telephone switchboard. (| ogg 4 with huge dark eyes, says "'the girl friends. Girls, what w The switchboard is the centre | Domeyko, the beautiful and!i-"") tin American countries|a@nd heard a serenade beneath|ger to public health. But a deci-| o| t ; . - | i 7? |sion to shoot them if they re-| tions, which automation has so ough 'because teen-agers there are| Your window? far left behind. i newspaper columnist, . | dati igi \the ginls all play canasta and|a final report from the health s : | Her lively comments on the |""Gttine te like a -- "'and| the boys all play guitars." | authorities. the 14 positions in the radio- | dating y Latin American teen - agens boas game of chess.|--'A Peruvian girl's worries|about 200 bears in Istanbul.) ward to the cheerful "good | 7 . f cut be pest ie, subtle| are never over. It's almost an|Their owners make a good) morning'? from the girl tele-| ; ; to ve irect| with her boy friend, even for |the brown bears through vari-| times a day one of them reads| / continue writing until she| More pam igh pea 'omight?""|a few minutes. As in most |ous acts. ihe weather forecast, later this year for her native Chile, early age drink by the time they are old TAWA (OP) another Came 00, a8 wa because Some capaule comments trom "acted 0 disappear trom the| deptte ot tie Bc Telephone | aon Ce ae aking ttt {| CUSTOMS RIGID bore bet. sires. oe of being| ined gece groon log equipment, is an old-fashioned | So says 18-year-old Cecilia idea of countship is stil alive' | you do if you awoke one night ruled that the bears are a dan- ee ter who is Ottawa's newest more strictly chaperoned and| On Angentina--"That's where|main on the streets depends on siete dissed "! and courtship customs of) atting a boy to like you is) On Peruvian dating customs) Police said there now are|communications room look for. | strategy and is therefore much|impossibility for her to be alone | profit for themselves by putting) phone operators. And three) | leaves Ottawa with her family | The daughter of Juan Dome- yko, a minister counsellor at|into her own hands. Usually) the Chilean. Embassy, Cecilia collects material by interview- Meeting a boy "by chance'| Latin American countries, what | at a party or sports event is about the only way a South :American girl can take matters jthe initiative for starting a friendship lies solely with the ing her friends among the fam-| poy ilies of Ottawa's diplomatic conps, She says she found that in most South American countries "the family name with family tradition and the customs im- posed by a society made up of these families all tend to main- tain extremely high morai stan-| insult to his maniiness and gal-| - ence. dards."' "Oustoms are much harder there on teens because they are not allowed as much freedom as in Canada. But they are'tries "The idea of picking up a boy friend at his house in her own |car would completely astound a Latin American girl, She would feel completely out of her role. "As for the boy--he would never allow it for he would feel ridiculous. It would be an Jantry."' In contrast to their rather strict dating customs, teen- agers in Latin American coun- are usually allowed to a girl does is evernybody's bus- iness -- especially that of her brothers or cousins, always pre- sent at parties she attends." Cecilia's parents no longer object to her becoming a jour- nalist, but they want her to complete a business coumse be- fore she starts the three-year |, tinued to increase, | A previous law against danc-| The bears either dance to the} wunes of tambourine and cym-| univensity course in journalism bal or step on people's backs if! at Santiago. |requested. By stepping on the The Chilean girl will return |poty of q person, the bear is to her native country with only her Ottawa newspaper work behind her but also an un- usual amount of travel aiid F NOt | hefieved to remove any aches or pains there. ater the Domeykos went to) They work the old-type cord ing bears. in the city proved un-| switchboard and the room looks successful. It imposed a fine of) the way a person expects a 15 Turkish liras (about $1.40) on! telephone office to look. It's not | ; the bear owners. The fine was| 2utomated usually paid, and the number of| ance and regular switchboards bears coming into the city con- which are cordless. like the long-dis- "Calls generally come in from a radius under 150 miles, but I can recall messages from ships close to Hawaii in mid-Pacific," says Marion Jones, assistant supervisor of the radio room, All calls are monitored to check transmission so there is assurance the parties can hear | each other, Each type of ship has a different band on which | She was' born in Chile but}Austratia and the Dominican| it can call. Tugs are on the yel-| spent and English at the same time, !( her early. years in the | Republic United States, learning Spanish the U.S. They have been in) yellow and black, fishing boats) of Central ' tute's students' council is pic- before returning to Janada three years. 1 low band, pleasure craft on| on white 4 wa THE NEW Collegiate EXECUTIVE Insti- tured together with Ruth Anne Taves, Teen Talk re- porter for the collegiate. All put up a wonderful fight. Seated are Doris Chrom- Money agranteed! SPECIAL! IMPORTED LAMB LEGS XOAST, CHOPS, STEW --- IMPORTED SPECIAL! PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 21, 22, 23, 24 satisfied with ANY -- fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS ps ™Y = SHORT SHANK WHOLE or HALF LB, LAMB in the BASKET . SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS SIDE BACON........ :: i SPECIAL! SOVEREIGN FANCY SOCKEYE RED SALMON 10 ... 99¢ 43: 49: SPECIAL! ALL REGULAR 3 for 34c VARIETIES HEINZ BABY FOODS SPECIAL! JAVEX BLEACH SPECIAL! CHICKEN WITH RICE or CLARK'S SOUPS SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED AYLMER PEAS . SPECIAL! YORK BEEF STEW 64-FL, OF span eeeeenensees se PLASTIC JUG MUSHROOM 18-07. TINS SPECIAL! HOSTESS: B SPECIAL! RASPBERRY SPECIAL! SPECIAL! LOBLAWS GINGER SNAPS . QUAKER OATS wxx«:... oes eb PIE...... AYLMER CATSUP SPECIAL! KITCHEN PRIDE" 7¥,-0Z. TIN ISCUITS or STRAWBERRY E. D. SMITH'S PURE JAMS oeeneeee RAISIN yh 48-BiS. C sovecsccneetevnes CELLO PKG 16-FL, OZ, JAR 7c Minto 59: 24-07, EACH 39 FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA! FANCY GRADE! SWEET & JUICY! BARTLETT PEARS 6 ONTARIO GROWN! No, 1 GRADE! CABBAGE . 02.0.0. Du 25 GARDEN FRESH FROM BURLINGTON! EXCELLENT QUALITY! CELERY STALKS wis. 9 GARDEN FRESH! LARGE SIZE 33: ONTARIO GROWN! C' SIZE OLD STORAGE! FANCY GRADE! McINTOSH APPLES LARGE 29: 49« 5-LB. BAG ONTARIO'S FINEST! FRESHLY PULLED! CRISP & SWEET! GREEN TOP CARROTS .. 3.11.29 SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAP WIENERS mpd cedieed SPECIAL! CHOICE FILLETS 'uantipecrclanwscls at 33 c : NAAWUTI/Z pe eed --_ SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF SLICED BOLOGNA... w2o9 c SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS Rupert Brand Rainbow Trout....:2: Jc 1-LB. PKG. 45. «p= LOBLAWS Mr: wees ZAUI--SS 10:30 TO 11 af free: 12 Pontiacs $6500 2s 100 GALLONS AL ffans: Egatite """ STAMpS with each car WHETHER YOU PLAY BINGO OR NOT DEPOSIT YOUR BINGO CARDS AT YOUR LOBLAW STORE WITH YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. PRINTED ON THE BACK FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A 1965 PONTIAC EACH WEEK 2ND PRIZE OF 100,000 STAMPS PER WEEK OR 3RD PRIZE OF 50,000 STAMPS PER WEEK, SHOPPING CENTRE STORE NOW OPEN WED., THURS., AND FRI, TILL 9:30 P.M. DOWNTOWN STORES OP EN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M. ri CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE STUDENT COUNCIL EXECUTIVE students said candidates ej, president are: and Bil} Cliff, vice-president. Standing, left to wight, are: Don Wea- therbee, organizer, Sandra Fry, treasurer, Dave Clarke, » campaign manager, Ruth Anne Taves, Teen Talk re- porter and Janet Hubar, sec- retary. --Oshawa Times Photo | Couple Honored By Neighbors KEDRON (TC) -- During the past week Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott were honored by a group of their neighbors prior to moving to their new home in South Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Elliott were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. In the evening their neigh- bors joined them for a social evening and a presentation. Bill Rosnak was master of ceremonies. A brief program was presented. Mrs. Stan Ogle gave a reading, and Patti Ros- nak favored with several accor. dion selections. Mrs. Bill Ros- nak conducted a period of games, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were presented with a platform rock- er, with the good wishes of their friends. It is of interest to the com- munity that Robert Elliott is now a gunner in the Royal Cana- dian Army. He is. stationed at Camp Shiloh, Manitoba. Dr. Hugh G. Crozier regret- ted that he could not keep his appointment to teach the Ked- ron Bible Class three weeks ago. He found that he was to be admitted to Oshawa General Hospital for surgery, which has been successfully performed. Dr. Crozier is now recuperating at home. He is planning to take the lesson for the Bible Class as soon as he is able. Recent weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ron were Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Thom- as, Cathy and Muffey, of King- ston, ; Agriculture Critical Area At Trade Talks SEIGNIORY CLUB, Que. (CP)--The forthcoming trade negotiations at Geneva cannot be i Anak it For Canada, with agricultural goods making up 30 per cent. of its total exports, this question was vitail, Chicken Pie Supper Planned BLACKSTOCK (TC) &t. John's WA met in the Parish } |Hall with the President, Mrs. H. E, Ashmore, in the chair. Roll call was answered with a donation to the fall baie. 'The treasurer gave a good report. The convenor for the Chicken Pie Supper, Oct. 23, The Educational Film, 'On The Farm", will be shown after secretary reported fine quilts made, Some of these are for the baie. ze ACE NY TAXI 723-524] OSHAWA'S Newest Toxi Offering Safe, Courteous Service || 46 King St. W. Oshawa Dae eersenenanmemm