a " FT eo a iain he alm capac ae ae oe ated ns f THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, October 21, 1964 19 Galloping Tunisian Just | % << =< Nobody knew who' he 'was. Wouldn't Run In The Rain =" °"""" But now is turns out' Mo- TOKYO (AP)--Mohammed | MOVED TO FRONT hammed is only @ tale ig not a mudder. It looked like it, Whatever | Weather runner. : Mohammed Gammoudi, | it was, it got Mohammed to that is, the galloping Tunisian. | the front, and he almost | BRAVES MOVE OFFICES He was doing fine at the | stayed there. Mills nipped | wyWwAUKBE (AP) -- Mile Tokyo Olympics until it came pent at the finish, with Clark Wallies 'Braves' have waa up rain on Sunday. f ; Then Mohammed . didn't That set up the 5,000 and |their executive offices to Chi- show up for the 5,000 metres. | Mohammed won his heat in |cago but there was no indica- . ine tay Was On ® tion the change had: anytiving in to do with reports that the club @ good man in the water. Sunday,.when the gun 1 ; 4 Back in the 10,000 metres, | sounded to statt the 5,000, |Win Smt to Atlanta for the S086 when he finished a fine sec- | there were puddles on the jc gr clone acutls pitty ond, he almost stole the race | track. and, a cold rain was president coaticm ca Wane on the last lap with a beauti- | pelting down, that the offices had been phir § ful breast-stroke. Definitely, un - Tunisian from County Stadi of last Here's what happened: weather, Monda v dager! Moha "$0, no. Mohammed. | if potato Bical Tag him, amm: as a favor- Billy Mills. of the United | ite here ever since he showed M Barve refs States. ) | Mills started to pass Clark. |, oe iia | Clark threw an elbow. | 'Oshawa Diving Club || orto scHWARTZ THE FRANK EDDOLLS Geo. H: Campbell, while Ron- team, Novice League cham- : : --_- ; : i __t pimned enound: to. apoio Skin and Scuba Classes | 167 Simeoe St, §. Call 723-6921 Memorial Trophy is presented nie Rankine, captain of the pions, looks proudly at the é : | gize," Clark said, 'and the For Men & Women to coach Bill. Lowe "iett) by Union" Rod and Gun Club handsome trophy. THE 'KELLY' DeGRAY Coach "Bud" Christie (left) is sors of the team and captain | Tunisian fellow went right AT ane BOYS CLUB peng werk,» repairt, : i : hand 'or a re-stocking, the "Kelly, DeGeaye won BY shown with Mrs. J. L. De- Walt Harrison accepts the between, us like a ewimmer. | ALEX: MecDONALD 725-9766 |i| fs Ses*oe, Bead gens, Yang » "Kelly DeGrays", f j = , t he was doing the | pions of the Pee Wee League. Gray and son, "Ted", spon- award. butterfly." BILL MITCHELL 623-7285 cessories, THE CHARLIE BARRON left-to-right, are: team cap- champions. Every player on Memorial Trophy, won by the tain Bob Goulding, coach each of the four' champion- Kinsmen Club team, as.cham- Ralph Taylor, Mrs. Barron, ; a : : pions of the Bantam League, "Bud" Barron and "Gerry" ship teams received a crest THE GET TOGETHER Club Shown:here, from the left, are: presentation and Lloyd Gib- was presented by Mrs. Chas. Sutton, association convener, from the Oshawa Minor La- Trophy, emblematic of the "Mike" Lewis, team captain; son, president of the Ontario A. Barron and son, "Bud". .who presented crests to the crosse Association. championship of the Oshawa Ralph Cooke, coach of the Minor Lacrosse Association, mer a he Minor Lacrosse Association's champions; Ted Marchut, ex- who presented championship Midget League, was won by ecutive member of The Get crests. 10-PIN ACTION the People's Clothing team. 'Together Club, who made the --Oshawa Times Photos 5 place in the loop @s they downed an am-; Standings -- Mackies 20, Ideal Dairy i i On q , i 5 Even- ' ' . i Ore rina'an wticeni game |i 8 Blac Ns, Hormone con't ~ QLD COUNTRY SAVE 25 Ny a er Vans Tin Tricine besos ae tS, ta Tals Berl aes : ! foto second place by Nemming L.A: sii 2. Seales CLA ont'b'y, Pcomes|. SOCCER SCORES These new savings apply for the first time to AIR CANADA Economy: Class Ewan doing the honors, Ted Tyers was) 3 travel in North America! That means when a husband and wife travel together the shining light for Ontario Motor Sales |------------- 6 6 b] as they dumped Les Eveniss 3-1 despite "| LONDON. (Reuters)--Results on a business and/or pleasure trip, he pays full Economy Fare, she goes for t i Flintstones fare F Hove Remember When? ... jo UK. soccer games played) 25% LESS. If thelr teenage children (actually 12-21) travel with them, each u Vy ine 310-1 pattern, continued 2s beth) By mu: CANADIAN PRESS apaured night: child would fly at the 25% FAMILY FARE DISCOUNT. If just one parent traveis Keith McG Wilsons, Ash Block's Mark Weer Heelty ; Cavalcade, Kentucky reer) ee 7" vi Taeerae noe! One parent or ean te as on pos re sch sa beta sare P ; elfilied his bligation by being )5!% Jack Sanders 517, Kei \eGregor Ss es 3 ss . Hep ¢ | tu ry e gr or more tam members on og + ong eg = esti -- , hp einer cca ee Cleaners. tna PicO-Mats "nth order Derby winner in 1934, died | Northampton 2 Portsmouth 1 travelling together pays full fare...children 12 to 21 years of age cieos travel last they dropped a decision. |, Standings -- Dapper Dans 35, Corvairs|sa4,"Shiriey Bowers 463, Twila Wilson 458, Bil Winters leading the Wey rye dres,| after contracting 'shipping | ENGLISH LEAGUE for 25% LESS than the regular Economy Fare, " |, Paint Shop 31, Flintstones 29, Main-) i . is es did a masterful job|jenence 2, Jewells Men's Wear 27, Die vd © ing for Black's. Stan Hodgson boomed a| fever' at Lexington, Ky., 23 | Division It B Dappe: ker sters ombi , , f Sas H and L Ent ; oe ea tas on Boog Be chevelles 20, Wilson's, Men's Wor 19,| 20%, £26, Marg, Brown B prises lowered tw boom on Bery on| . years ago today--in 1941. |parnsley 4 Watford 0 wnt hanes Sparkeltes| Marg Barnes 407, Phyllis Babcock 406,|@PPY Houdaille crew 4 to 0. ,,| Owned by Mrs. Isabel |Brentford 2 Exeter 1 : ts |Alice Lanning 403, and June Pettit 400, | Top, ten had Sian Hedason ors 7s49| Dodge Sloan, the one-time [Bristol R 0 Oldham 0 0 job x EASTWAY MIXED TEN-PIN LEAGUE EASTWAY MEN'S Um), sit Grant. 365 G4), "8 Howitt] three-year-old king had won |Walsall 1 Scunthorpe 2 Corvairs saga took ae | 1600162) berely Missed 'ut' on the highest| THURSDAY-NITE LEAGUE 15, Git Kates a9 (218 200), B. MeEwen| $127,165 in four years of rac- Division TV ; a -- ~ OY Soa a the | Tible, of the night. when Walt Vervynck| Mackles Van and Storage retained first'S47, Mike Hepburn 545 (23) ing. Brighton 4 Lincoln 0 There's nothing new about this big discount saving, because it has been yours ee ie benno ith, Bot mens eating Joie ut by a mere date -- , . for the asking for a number of years. And this is it: ALL CHILDREN, AGES 2-11, hardson 555 (205) and Walt)" a Cie ° . 3 TRAVELLING WITH AN ADULT, ALWAYS TRAVEL HALF-FARE. How about that Crystal with a 504, thereby |powiing and as @ result only one teem | for bargain family rates! i i i |was able to register a shut-out. Vaencos climbed to within three points Of | ins ere ae os ; | the top. anal a) With the exception of Bobbies and Cer. ; If there was any doubt as to|wash y four of seven points from | . what a difference an absent| "ASR: and, Ses'e Coting respective | ' | bowler makes, a look at Fri-/five pointers from their opposition. Snap- | , days results should settle the | shots over Gillpeaks, Tune-up Centre over As always, each child under 2 years of age flies FREE, provided the child (or : Toppings, Prestors taking the Plumbers, issue. once and for all. Paint|yomacs rolling over the Dandies | end | % ot y | 4 : ' Teatice oh scored dhafouts free oe childgen, should you have more than one child under 2) does not occupy a seat ' all scored § Josie Gyurka has moved out in front of i and'is accompanied by an adult, In this case, the "adult" can be anyone over men-shy opposition. the girls by @ seven-point margin in the) 12 f 1 George Waite with the high | Pryieeade Eloody a ee el Gorstes ont years of age! . als Vy has @ y jow: me triple of the week 626 (227, 215), |Marion Peakes and Mavis Taylor with H. Smith 558, and Ron Nelson | 153 and 152 averages in that order. ; fe . f i ee, g : ' f 2 . . Baits 8, and Ron Nett Nome Ra tm oo| | You can fly any day, any flight, any route in North America a three-man Minute Men team. jon his heels with 1€2, a on by Doug 7 i 4 1, 9 FA LA Aer oss tried inva' witha yea es __ Served ly AIR CANADA and save on FAMILY FARE DISCOUNTS! ee arkaartsebieny | Besides Josie Gyurka's 573, other fine | 1: ' ' ' . Maintenance performed a neat | scores by ine ladies included 'Doris Vann : Holiday travel, husband and wife business/pleasure trips, sightseeing and ad he. acer ry nd Mary 'Mothersill 477, Marlon, Peakes, 46 hye he ae R CANADA Family Fare Discounts open up exciting, new worlds wi nes e (180), Martha Stauffer and Marielle Guay : of family travel by air, Remember, only the fare is reduced! You still enjo' t .| 458 apiece, Caro! Collis 444 (168), Eileen y" ' Hy Se yy somgnb boggy? gas Mtn er Worsley "G90), Arne Bone "8 and famed AIR CANADA Viscount, Vanguard and DC-8 Jet reliability... friendly and Vie 'Tyrell 582 administer-|'"Tie Sop doeen men were Wait Vervynck| BUDGET TERMS | service, complimentary meals, as well as the relaxing comfort and unbeatable ing the anaesthetic. The Guards- | 55, (235), George Reld Set, Gord Meron AVAILABLE | speed of modern air travel. And now add these family features: special menus men had it very easy, when only | cole 555 (201), George Turner 554 (207), |i and reading material for children! ; two Sparkettes showed up. eh tag eal Aig pea ME od Z For complete details of AIR CANADA's 25% Family Fare Di ts on E Bn So ha Bhp dln SShanaings =~ Crown Tan 26, Snapshots | : | or First Class travel. in North America y~ pearing hig Krawehulk (550) led the way 0 8a Auwataal Corwos 2, Mendes S| ST ART S TO MO R ROW 9A M ' See your Travel Agent or Wear ae the Die Room Twist- To, Bobbies 17, Bond's Clothing 17, Osh e e write AIR CANADA in Toronto at 130 Bloor St. wy. ers, who managed to salvage a : i gr | - single point when Ahpy ted the ee hares Soe FLY WITH YOUR FAMILY -- SAVE ON DISCOUNT FARES. er eee Crate, Seooner were enh citi mixes veacue iil It's with great pride, CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD ennounce the start of 'e Wikia's Mena: Wear had a BEM eae ee ee their 29th Anniversary Sale. Over a period of 29 years, Cherney's have become ' good night against the Chevelles |pins,tor Pia 245 single ond » 28 rine il the recognized leader in the retail furniture trade and today . , . as 29 years ago H when Milt Corson 585 (219, 214), |was it pleasure | j Cherney's have not lost sight of the thins that are important to you. Dy 4 i 5 There were only two shut-outs on the Mike Hepburn 525 (214) and Ron night with the Die Hards and Slow Pokes | Milne 512 decided on pulling up doing the honors. Die Hards as a result | A A ; < " i ii i i m es 3 their socks. Bert Wind 523 (202)| moved nine points ahead of the pack with | Miaams Cherney's genuine interest in customer satisfaction combined with top quality : As usual, it's Poppa | Mother saves 25% of | Dependent children, | Children, between 2- | Babes-in-arms under ' « ly Sparketts and A and W Drive-in any- |i 4 * * : e * e ' yen and J. Wind 543 (210) had to 'here close for a chance to challenge i. merchandise at the lowest possible price is something you will appreciate. For the Reapeiig| | Who pays...and he | her fare. But, when | between 12 and 21, | and 11 years of age, | 2 years of age, not settle for the short end of a 5-to-| Team Standings -- Die Hards 40, Spark- |Miaae ( ; ; ee pays the full Econo- she travels without go along for 25% travel for 50% OFF! occupying a seat, fly 2 store jetts 31, A and W. Drivein, 2, Gilerde ?} best furniture and appliance values ... anywhere, shop CHERNEY'S -- "the my Fare, Dad, she pays full | LESS than full Eco- FREE! x | Cleaners , rawiers 25, ive ia) a . Stu McKinley had a nice effort| Tem Five 2, Dutty's 23, Morrison's BA 4 store that keeps the customer in mind". rset ba pide inl : -- Maa ents ne 218) y Beatties 20, Slow Pokes 19, Scugon | or the 1 a ov »| Cleaners 18, Beadles 14, Try Herds 5, Odd as did George Lawrence for the | Balls 18, The Jinx 0." 2 | 5 fi 7 Combines. Geonge shot a 531. It! siptes'inciuded Werner Hubner 322, (211)¢ | € E ] really hurts when you lose|Ron Leonard 542 (211), Ji i 541, Gord Dyck 534 (205), Jack Sneigrove | points you might have won, if a|%)' Grie Weeks 530, Gien Copp 52, member of your team had ful- jonn webster §20 (205), Don Flchmond | a EVERY DINING ROOM SUITE REDUCED ecttee ie @ EVERY BEDROOM SUITE REDUCED : AIR CANADA Qe) 1.2.3 Bedrosin @ EVERY METAL DINETTE SUITE REDUCED | J $109.00 $81.75 $81.75 $54.50 FREE SAMPLE ONE-WAY ECONOMY FARES TO "internation "aire SUITES : ne ae , AASar! ee shri ees hi of he nda in, DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE ; Oshawa -- Whitby -- Brooklin a ene internation c H E R N EY'S F U R N i T U R E Ww OR LD im| _ 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 y apbolatanet only: | 723-1712 728-2911 jm @ OSHAWA @ PETERBOROUGH @ COBOURG ve : MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ASEM Parking The Ultimote in Luxury |! @ BELLEVILLE 124 PARK ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA oe | j 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 a ay