© oTHE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 21, 1964 ® = "| Provements 00 Mme STUTIY OTIOK | SUDSCTIDEN wes - a. £ art D Be mi 7,700. Iwe can s . | ™stomca: socrery nem) on Groson DUsmese St rive ? -- ig at hain Fageborianr vass is of a two-week duration. Historical : f tly at W ee Py da -_ py -- depending on the amount) 'The building committee to Mr. and| 'The Anniversary Services offs . . ' Congratulations ' Difficult To Avoid Brush F - et| door, wanvase inthe distsies Deen, diligent in making resi . Mrs, Stan Feasby on their re-|St. John's United Church, rush | For Church Sains vont" "idee eves ot te eet | Society TQ (moar ieee eae ae the buildé p ig until less than a year ago haditively. There will be no Sunday s ace a ie sion of|, Mt. Johnston stated that a/They are confident that the With Superstition Today Expansion Maar ubding "tho ox-/GBt tarmamese, Wedd be|canvaseere wil ba. wel eoosived i lived ait her ite fn Brougham, cavation and building of a base- i : come away with a generous The Women's Institute acxunt sobecribed would . 8 and) Rev. H. H. Lakey will be the xp ment to be used for a Sunday | ®riennt im Ph Rap tg acl ogg acemee sage! friends enjoyed a scenic bus|guest minister, Our own igures BROUGHAM (TC) -- the) (wip pF parte recently.|will assist in. the afternoon, 'By MARGARET NESS _resort 'to stealing her awa School, which ptimis present Av young bride planning altrom her home. *| BROUGHAM (TC) -- Mirs. A.|been obliged ' aan "a, the ol ey ned nag Fe cony,| Subscribers may donate &| Pick Township Historical found | thelr tour) while Zion choir will, be j e ercury wedding with all the trimmings| This gave birth to the custom|E. Cresswell, of Olaremont,|church proper; the erection of ; pledge an amount a 7 through Brinton carpet service may feel she's quite modern-|of having a best man. When a|spoke on Stewardship at the|a building { would rong quickly, and thet ag: aa oer a te year pated re el go factory om interes' and " seh gd Sn y ga and not a bit supersti-| young man set of' to capture|morning service at St. John's|the church in which kitchen fa- rang a ae Ht at the! voriod. The pledge is in no way|ship Hall on Wednesday, Oct infortastive, 'The: peri ed |S rs 1 R ily bay' Recioneatl Be, con' have a: disicalt| nonrty farm, "be, kuse' ho'd|Sunday. She remnied a incgelinstaled, tegeter wid a. chet Getore: the canvass starteg| iting should adverse circum-|38, at 8 p.m. There will be aja Kentucky ried chicken ip celebrated with combined , : i . L ir -- ' a stances occur, or incomes be/film on Africa. : time ve a brush with] have a fight. congregation that "all that we|room and study; and other im-|Monday morning, the amount| depleted, wil. pire 'a hk on the Onterts|Bro ot 'vag of Greek "Wetter ion. ny of today's customs are relics of an age when fear of evil spirits was ever - present-- throwing rice at the bridal couple, for example; or having the husband carry his bride across the threshold. In early times a wedding was strategically planned to outwit the demons. They were thought to be spirits of the air. Loud noises could frighten them away. Wed- ding processions were therefore noisy, At many country mar- rn in Europe the young men ~~ef fhe bridal party fired guns close to the ears of the bride and bridegroom all the way to the church. In some parts of ancient In- dia; arrows were shot into the air to pierce the eyes of the demons lurking around the bride. There were also supposed to be evil spirits living below. The bride was considered especially vulnerable and pains were taken to ensure that her feet didn't touch the ground and so allow the spirits to enter her body, CARRIED TO CHURCH Brides were carried to church and to their new home. In some countries a sort of litter was 'used. In others, the bride was lifted right from the bed in OUTSPAN VALENCIAS, FINEST QUALITY, SIZE 72 her* parents' home to the back J ' of a horse for the trip to church. i And in parts of France women 50 e friends carried the bride seated on their crossed arms. 4 tf Fire wy disguise were other ¢C £ 5 WwW means of driving away or fool- ing. fhe evil spirits. Since de- C DOZEN U mons don't much like fire, the . bride might be carried over % flames or, in one section of : se : China, transported in a chair of a symbolic vessel of live char- coal. In ancient Greece and Rome a bride was given a rT, INTOSH torchlight escort to her new ONTARIO Mac home. : , ail : oes 3 Being gulliblé'demons could ; often be duped into believing ] = S cas an animal or some inanimate : " CHOICE object was the bride. A sheep » £§ ds; ' A«P PEAS might be dressed in bridal ar- 6-QT. C ! SAP } QUALITY ray so that the malignant spirit ' would vent its deviltry on it. BASKET i me In Europe, often when a ? y bridegroom came to fetch his 20-FL- bride, an ugly old woman was 07 TINS C substituted. She'd ride off with him, drawing thea demons away Bartlett, British Columbia, Ideal for Lunches, No, 1 Grade, Size 120 Ontario Grown, Curly Leaf, Washed and Trimmed, No. 1 Grade from the real bride. COVERED WITH CLOAK 10-oz Among some desert tribes, if for A&P Fancy Quality, Whele CASE OF TINS $3.92 SPECIAL! @ bride was from another camp ¢C cello ¢ bags KERNEL CORN 3 toxin Qe @ man's cloak'was thrown over her before she rode off on af camel to her new home. It was California Grown, Large Size AGP Choice Quality Cut CASE OF &% TINS $3.92 SPECIAL! Soy geal FROZEN FOOD FEATURES | POMEGRANATES 2+25: GREEN BEANS 3 ttn Qe In ery European. countries the bride and bridegroom : meee Grew. Bettand Tender, Wh 1 Grade A&P Fancy Quality CASE OF 2% TINS $8.88 SPECIAL! alte sex and. hid from each ORANGE JUICE 224099 CARROTS wor rncits J bunches 2 Qe ASPARAGUS TIPS nhertin DO other for a specified time. Evil spirits were fond of Clark's Beef, Chicken or Turkey SPECIAL! Ontario Grown, Fresh, Green, Firm, No. 1 Grade CAGE OF % TINS $5.34 SPECIAL! poy any Mas shania chen 8 MEAT PIES 4 9-oz pies 9 Ox BRUSSELS SPROUTS i iek 2 5. BLACK. CHERRIES 4 De 8 9. the threshold of her new home. South > 5 ap ee yer cores across GREEN BEANS. ---- %o--SAVE 160 | Ontario Grown, Sebagos, Washed and Packed under A&P Supervision . usually by the bridegroom, and atten still is. 10-0z pkgs 5% POTATOES NO. 1 GRADE 25-lb bag 1 09 Stems & Pisces CASE OF & TINS $7.12 SPECIAL! The bridal chamber was con- . e MUSHROOMS 3 vtertns BY sidered a place where the epirits were capac dnioer: ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT, OCT, 24th, 1964 ous. In Normandy, when the se groom went to join his bride a friend came along to crack a whip and drive out the demons In Morocco a groom used to send his sword to be placed on the*bridal bed and later tucked a pistol under his pillow. Some authorities believe rice was thrown at the couple after the: wedding to provide food for me t : 9-01 the spirits. -But the practice is L) Bak P od most often linked with fertility AsP Quality ery r uc s Pn PLAIN PKGS a LARGE 24-07 SIZE Grain was intended to ensure JANE PARKER offspring, and in some coun- tries throwing barley was sup- PPL s posed to mean a boy and wheat a ait | ile GIANT THROW SHOES PIE nae SITE em ie, a M, } TUBE The custom of throwing old shoes is believed by some to be another relic. of a practice in- a tended to drive away the evil 2 spirits. Ps ca In some ancient civilizations. each ¢ REGULAR PRICE 49c KRAFT 12-01 ancestors were worshipped along with the gods. At Roman SAVE 10< CRACKER BARREL PKG society weddings there was a : special cake that was first of- 590--SAVE 140 fered to the spirits of the an- Reg. Price each Jane Parker cestors and to the household ach c ' gods, after which the bridal LARGE ANGEL CAKE + 45 . couple and guests ate it. saje Wanker Reg. Price loaf 230--SAVE 9e McCORMICK'S Nowadays a bride may throw PLA her bouquet before leaving on BREAD CRACKED WHEAT 2 24-01 loaves DIE IN OR SALTED her honeymoon. The unmarried ; as Reg. Price each 390--SAVE 40 : ane ar girl. who catches it is supposed r vith year. APPLE RAISIN each 3 5 2 pd days brides did't cart COFFEE CAK a inca . at ' Englis uS-J eo Par' feappsiled for them to take off GL AZED DONUTS pkg of 243 gohiaey the left stocking and toss it AVE 60 over the shoulder among the Jane Parker, Brown 'N Serve Reg. Price pkg 2e--8 Feit would be the next married DINNER ROLLS pkg of12 19 One custom that had a practi- Jane Parker, Cocoanut 4 al origin is rapidly disappear- AR CAKE pee 43: HEINZ SET otsert vorked in the 3-LAYER B Reg. Price pkg S8e--SAVE 4s FANCY QUALITY te ee <9 ; Parker fields and were their father's dane chattels, marriage meant a fin- COOKIES FUDGE WAFER 10-0 pkg 29: was expected to pay, usually in cattle, sheep or pigs. COOKIES COCOANUT BARS 10-02 pko 25 Ls a it fins ALLAN'S CANDY KISSES - 59 SOLO MARGARINE "iii" 4:20.95 they potang Nt lens economic {4 ORBAT ATLANTIC & PACIRC THA COMPANY UD. 2-lb pkg ¢ SAVE 150 1-lb pkgs € bride's father gave cattle or sheep or pigs to the man who Mis MEANS DEPENDABILITY oo a on megane" . pe 45< TOWET TISSUE DLS 7%, 0/227 "--, him of the cost of keep- Reg. Price btl 276 -- SAVE So t-fl-oz btls P : in pig shoul lh ing her fed and clothed. PEANUT BUTTE anaes --<--s + ; CLEANER rR bade tt, Be wi 16-02 ice box jar 4 3 AJAX LIQUID + Reg. Price btl 98e -- SAVE 4e ---32-fl-o7 bil 89. There were, of course, young men too poor or merely disin- ncial los d so th oom : keg 290---SAVE 40 a oss and so the gr dane Parker Reg. Price pkg CHECK THESE Low, Low PRICES Later, when girls remaine value to thier father. And.so yi, ES A v ys me ee the dowry was reversed. The AP FO D STOR LLAN b) 101 TREATS for HALLOWE'EN pkg 69: COFFEE Reg. Price bag 97e -- SAVE 80 1-lb bag 89. AaP STEAL THE BRIDE