mai kiss. 1 was scared out of miy|ful to the mother and her chil-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 19, 1964 7 PERSONALS ANN LANDERS wits and walked as fast as I|dren. r. ould to keep ahead of bine Dear Asn Tenders: Should oj cums, Cenede. 'ours truly --|spanking th know fe call me) mother spank a person the sec-|*- Prusinski-Feldberg weading Te: Shock T i the again soon. I don't want to stl ong time it the first time she| Dear P.C.C.: A person who| mother scanty in St. Jon's Uarainien OC. reatmen for them any more but what spanks him he laughs? laughs when he gets spanked! she hopes Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schatehouse, advice--Almost Fifteen Thank you. I am from Tor-lgives his mother the idea the| And : ; Mrs. . Dear Almost: your rier, OR eee Brin S Him 'Round mother at once. If she wants to Mrs. Stella Wlosezeki, Miss ; discuss this with the man or Genevieve Pievok, Mr. and Mrs. ; Fie his wife it's up to her, but you John Gusorski, Mr. and Mrs. Dear Ann Landers: I've bro One: Some cats don't 7 not be eyeing a ie & Joseph Brosky, Sr. and family; reading your column for a long beg ind hist 'anal ously you can a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brosky|time and have concluded that)" inning. They these people . And please Jr. and family and Mr. and|husbands seem to be the big-|to be converted from tom cats don't discuss Mrs. Frank Farkas and family,|gest problem, My formula maY|to fouse cats. Congratulations |Your friends. It could be harm- all of Detroit, Michigan; Mr.|not work for one other wife in| on effecting the conversion. Carman Patton and Mr, and|the whole world, but it worked| ear Ann Landers: I will be Mrs, Nicholas Luchka, all of for me and I'd like to share it./15 years old in a few weeks. Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Victor) Ten years ago my husband|For the past year I have been FOR THE FINEST IN Komaszko, Mr, and Mrs. Maxim| began to get up at 5:30 a.m. to| babysitting in the neighborhood. DR. BAP Schuryk, Mr. and Mrs, Simon}go to work. He wasn't due at|I have over $75 in the bank. Choloniuk, and family and Mrs.| the plant until 7:30 a.m. and we|This babysitting money is what MATERIAL Mary Komaszko, all of Toronto. | lived within walking distance. I/I am going to college on, so in worious edlours & fabrics : t couldn't figure it out. please don't tell me to stop. YARD Guests from a distance ai|_ One morning when he left the! The people I sit for almost & UP tending the Logan-Budai wed: /house at dawn I followed him.jevery Friday night are very G ding recently in Courtice United) He went straight into the home|nice--or I should say the lady M. & C. Dry Goods Church were: Mr. and Mr. of a woman I knew well. I saw/and the children are nice. The & Draperies John Hadas, Hamilton; | M'-!her through the dining room|/man got fresh with me last rage 0 grated and Mrs. Steven Polyak, oe ;|Window -- wearing a shabby,|night when he was walking me PHONE 723-7827 ford; Mr. and Mrs. eg rr soiled bathrobe, 'hair a mess,|home. It was not my imagina- Kiss, and Mr. and Mrs. La°t| the house plain filthy. Glasses,|tion, Ann. He asked me how I Rentz, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.|qiches, ashtrays «and bottles| would like to have a movie-type Frank Budai, ----, Mrs:| vere strewn all over. Clothes Katherine Zilai, New got and papers were piled in cor- Mr. James. Karmonocky, New| ners Jersey; Mr. and Mrs, Steven) 'That evening when my hus- peice) Budai, Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs./pand came home for supper I R. C, Haney, Port Hope; Mr.|was waiting for him. 7 had and uss. og Pig bier fished out of the rag bag a Mr. Bert Reid, alpof Toronto; | fijthy housecoat--one which had Miss Patricia Hart, Pickering; rT used as a floor mop. I . LATE WALKERS Mr. and Mrs. James Stark.) messed up my hair, swept the Q. Our little girl, who is 20 months old, has not Newtonvilw; Mr. David Her- | kitchen garbage into the living yet learned to walk without help. Could this mean bert, Ajax; Dr. .and Mrs. room and scattered papers and 'that she is mentally retarded? Gordon Speller, Peterborough; | junk all over the place. A. Although gross motor development (sitting, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gilbank,|" When my husband saw me stonding, wolking) is the easiest skill to assess, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs-/and the house he almost col- it is least reliable in evaluating intelligence, Most ; Douglas Logan, Pontypool; Mr.| jansed. I greeted him cheerfully normal children walk independently by 12 to -- ' and Mrs. Murray Logan, Mr.| with, "Dearest, why didn't you 17 months of age but many normol youngsters MR. AND MRS. GERALD PRUSINSKI and Mrs. Wesley Gilbank, all] tel] 'me you like this sort of wotlk considerably sooner or later. While it Is --Ireland Studio |of Bethany; Mr. and Mrs. Allan) thing?" true thot mony mentally retarded children are Beer, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon) He made iio attempt to de- fate in learning to wolk, exceptions ore frequent. |Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Staples é fend himself. He swore he had It would be advisable, of course, to have your ' land Mr. Barry Staples, all Of] jearned his lesson and asked me youngster examined by a pediatrician, ' eT ecomes Tl e Bethany; and Mrs. John: Stark, 3 ; : trae bin "MENSTRUATION AT Starkville. That was 10 years ago and ] W P : ki . I've never had a _ minute's - LATE AGE Ta ayne Frrusins UNITS, GROUPS _ |troutls, with him, since --more | 1 Than One Way To Skin A Cat Q. : am 56 and still menstruating. Is this nor- In a traditional choral cere-|tulle and she carried a bouquet | | mal : ; mony in St. John's Ukrainian io red, Stoplight roses AUXILIARIES Ronald W, Bilsky, --- + vieigiensiei yey teaeial sana Greek-Orthodox Church Eliza- She (ae attended by Miss; SIMCOE STREET UCW | Chiropractor , to hove given birth in the modem era wos beth Lisa Feldbeng was united|/peanna Repa, maid of honor, | " at Unit) |] If hurt on the job, ask your alleged to be 63. If true, ovulation and normal in marriage with Gerald Wayne| Miss Jean Russell, Miss Verna | (Sunshine |] employer to authorize Chiro- pi iil my contine' into the sixth de. Prusinski of Detroit, Michigan,|Bathe and Miss Marie Zacer-| The first meeting of the Fall |] practic care. "It's yours for the cade of life. However, a womon. who is still on Saturday, October 10. |kowny, bridesmaids, and MisS|season was held by the Sun-| asking". "menstruating" at age 56 should have a com- ' " 7 'best ' : | * | plete examination by a physicion. Many coses The bride is the daughter of Pen gg Wien antiga |shine Unit of Simcoe Street|| 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Gf VIGhL! PRAFSIRGBNCR CAE, Gk 40" Ge adic Sr ee en Set vee epee, aa eet Dene ot -- 8 . a, an e bride) wit! trai | wi e president, Miss Mar-| P by i" --_ groom ee son of Mrs. Mi- ins any Psderid Pt ear suit purer ori presiding. | HUDAATVUUNANANANAUAUOUUUAI us for free home delivery service. ; : | | | Questions directel to Science Edi chael Prusinski, Oshawa, and|veils to match formed their) y4r¢ Hugh McLeod opened the|| FAMOUS genet Bonbon $7, "Terminal "A". Toronto, ET kHz3shezceecczzqtllllllll wcnveasttttSTETTETLELLESELLMLLLS It Playtex' Living' Bras and Girdles the late Mr. Prusinski. |headdresses- and --the---brides- | : . acai | Ontario. t The Reverend Rostyslaw|maids carried teardrop cas-| meeting with a eae ners | BEST STYLES - FINE QUAYTY || Panczenko officiated and the|cades of Golden Harvest car- | 1od a arene eee the choir was led by Mr. Nestor of |nations and wheat stalks. The|of Faith" w oy" nde gies Bras St. Demetrius' Church, Toronto. |maid of honor carried a similar | any Pa ching sie" % 'i Sate : rl Given in marriage by her | cascade with orange carnations. ingly, her children ar beliefs a wend Knowles eG . father, the bride was gowned in Mr. Lloyd Hircock was best | Oe ence introduced Mr. | Foundations LQAQOG|QB SSSA ccc t white au de soie|man and the ushers were Mr.|_-- s ; ; =e authedtal train, T he| Edward Bathe, Mr. Lloyd Gib- |Keith i ae" Noe gener U. if moulded bodice with oval neck-|S0n and Mr. Richard Broadbent. © the § creed ° oe ba eth nizorms line and sheath sleeves was ap-|Master Peter Feldberg of Pick- jmost enlig! hae New Curt ligued with pearl-beaded lace|eTing was the ring-bearer. | Broa este Ay ot Bae Durri- | FREE ADVICE AND FITTINGS pat "sid (gee i . F culum w c-| a ee a ge edhe os 9 ene" i ed in the Sunday Schools this BY TRAINED EXPERTS skirt. A double coronet of|bride's mother wore a black|¥°3"-. : : | ee pa i crystal head. her er gee poote suit and a corsage evn rng -- @ | ' of red roses. The bridegroom's |4" r. Buchanan serve' | shoulder-length vell of English mother wore steel idee and a -- i sence gee pt a Vs W pay RZ >' | © FREE DELIVERY ° corsage of blue carnations and|the membership joine n to j white roses. 'explore to a greater depth, his] .. ENING TIL 9 P M LODGES AND As the couple left for a honey- |remarks. Mrs. Jelle Bakker then Simcoe S. at Athol 725-1151 OPEN EV s siglo SOCIETIES toon in Florida, the bride was| thanked Mr. Buchanan for com HII 723-4621 wearing an off-white wool suit|ing and for the information he} with a black suede Robin Hood|had placed before the group. | VICTORY LODGE |hat, black accessories and aj| Miss Haines conducted a brief| : The regular meeting of Vic-jred rose corsage. business meeting and refresh- tory Lodge was held in the} Mr. and Mrs. Prusinski will| ments were served by Mrs. Roy y] Orange Temple recently with|return to make their home in|/Bunker and Mrs. John Burch the Worthy Matron Sister Mil-| Oshawa. and their group. } dred Carnochan in her chair, PEE rEE Terry | assisted by the Deputy Mistress | : Sister Betty Atkins. Tests were) 2 cpimcee ==] LILLIAN MAE MARSH 8 © Bakerv Snecial soe Sect wih grayer§ SCHOOL OF DANCING -- } ud i te r q e ry pe b a 3 The. Worthy Matron presented | D.E.A., M.D.A. BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! ie New! Made with long service pins to the follow- |¢ , ing Sisters -- Sister Edith Sel- | ? : - a aS Stretch-Ever Spandex lick, Sister Alice Lee, Sister| Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Delicious Home Style Woolworth's Famous , Elastic... Not Rubber. Flossie McKnight, Sister Elda Howard and Sister Anne Mc" Pre-School, Kinderance, Character MINCE MEAT ORANGE TWIST | o Machine Washable ...« cae then dia With, AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. even with bleach! ~ mise, closed according rs} INFORMATION 723-7253 - | PIE DONUTS Queen. | Made with Floky Pastry Special Special This : This Week 4 eek Doz. € PLAYTEX LIVING STRETCH BANDEAU: Cool comfort elastic back and sides. Adjustable stretch straps that will never Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead ee sh ae ae BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 wis ctretl Henhovtdened oottam, snd stestie criss-cross front lets you reach and stretch freely » « » yet never lets you get out of control. White. Cup sizes A, B, C; 82-38. 4.95 Better V7 Health PLAYTEX LIVING PANTY GIRDLE: Perfect companion to the bandeau to keep the rest of you in shape. Actually, you've never never known such featherweight bliss in a panty girdle before! Slip into this long leg style for a smooth unbroken line undes winter knits -- and discover this thrilling fact for yourself. Even its garters are hidden. White. Sizee XS,8,M,L. $11 Matching girdle algo « available. $8 MOVING SALE Swe, | uP T? 59% OFF Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded You're in love, you're engaged, and you couldn't : ; SHOPPING IS CONVENIENT WATCHES @ JEWELLERY mi. > ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT RINGS RADIOS S * LUGGAGE © CLOCKS FALKER S 2 CRYSTAL - CHINA =. 88 Stores Serving Ontario be happier . . . until you see divinely beautiful bridal gowns from our heavenly array.for Fall and Winter weddings. Come in, choose your preference .. . for the happiest day of all. Elegant fashions for every member of the wedding, too. USE YOUR CREDIT--OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. STORE HOURS: a4 au Nia ay © JEWELLERS ae Dally 9:30 4.m, to 6 ome OSHAWA Iie CENTRE LTD. : Thursday and Friday 9:30 to9 p.m. 64 SIMCOE ST, NORTH 32 KING STREET WEST PHONE :728-4626