7B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 19, 1964 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 29--Automobiles For Sole Har CORVAIR 2-door automatic. Excel- gett gene 94 Price $1,450. Terms. After i cal 72-37 1963 SONTIAE: 2-door hardtop, power V-8 automatic. Color maroon. Good condition, Make offer, Telephone Fe | - ise i ii 3 i i a as 1 AI il I ' i : i ti i i i [ ! i | i i i i i 3 = : H H i i q i : i 5 i Z zz 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4door, 6 r, 6 eylin- der, radio. (668-5447. i Brook' wagon, six janderd, white mr radio, Like new. S500. Call 728-4942, 1956 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard, condition. Apply 888 Mery : s 8 7 ql e 2 f aa or 1957 CHEVROLET, sienderd mission, radio, discs. Excellent body bg mechanically. throughout. Tele |phone 725 725-2879. 19) CHEVROLET, Bel = grey interior, oem radio, 6, standard 716. 1987 ROMA sedan, new Fi roaaad oy extras, Excellent condition, priced. Call 728-9938 or ooolY 108 olive Avenue. 1955 CHRYSLER, power steering, brakes. Custom radio, good rubber, mechanically perfect, ee ersten, one owner, Pri- | vate. $300. | 1963 eEVROLET el Air sedan _ attrac tive bive, V-8, radio, power steering, mileage. : Excellent condition, Call 6 728-8263. S eae oes idow of]1956 CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, $160 of) cash. Telephone 723-6469. ; PRIVATE 1956 PONTIAC sedan, < "eylin-| der, automatic, tires and good condition, An ideal second car. Pally 630 Somerville Avenue after 6 p.m. | 11964 VOLVO station wagon, safety belts, pe wsd 'October 20 at 2 p.m. abaliema Bond | windshield washers, floor mats, whitewall| Head Cemetery, Newcastle. |tires. Immediate condition. Can be fi- |nanced. Telephone 723-7198 DOUGHTY, Mary Siizabeth 1957 DODGE station wagon and 1958 Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-|Meteor. Your choice! $495 or make offer eral Hospi Oct. 18, 1964, Mary| Call 725-8132. } Elizabeth Psborne, >eloved wife of the! jgsy oLosmo 'good running condi! Doughty and mother of MISS | tion, Full price $45. 1951 GMC one-ton | ot Rena Pn stake truck, new motor, tires etc. 1953) in her| Chevrolet %-fon pick-up, excellent as Resting at the Armstrong service truck for ges station, 728-8938. with funeral ser-| 1960 MGA, 1600 wire wheels, two tops, Chapel Wi , October! snow tires, red, radio, Private, Port Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery.| Perry. 998-2816, | CAR PARTS 'tor 1956 Fairlane Thunder- FISH, Hilda Sarah Waycott bird motor, automatic transmission, reer At the Port Perry Community Hospital|end all A-1 shape. Phone after 6 p.m. on » October 16, 1964, Hilaa el 725-1716. ~~ spot CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. | DODD MOTOR SALES October 17,| a8 oft ae arta) Pane John Horeck Oshawe, mother | of Daniel and Russell of coicogo, OL 2] REaEE BS REEE EA SO Steven, i CARS WANTED Buying a New Car?" Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "'Cash'" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" | TED roiedaatil MOTORS KUCHER, Samuel 723-4494 725-5574 oe nee a ea "Semuel Kocher, LAKESHORE Avio Wreckers want cars| jov-|for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 200) tg ta poh y nd ot Nee reiki canary) {Wentworth East, 725-1181. 7 Miss Jessie and Peter agg ond OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck-| ot pg ee The tate Mr. Kucher Is rest-| or 1175 Neilson Street, want cars for ing ot ponmemranceronn, Fusarel io a wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. le Repair Ferguson Munro) of -- of RR 7 Britain, and Peter | in her 83rd year. Resting at! HORECK, Docia 'unerel Home, mass in St. Andrew's Apostle Roman Catholic Church, Sudbury; on Bin onl October 20. Interment Sudbury roti ments by Cemetary. the W. C€. Town Funeral Orthodox Church (Bloor end Street) on MUFFLER BRAKES | General Repairs to all 10 Bays to serve you. mi KENT'S WESTERN | TIRE SERVICE | this 74th year. Resting at the Armstrong 145 KING W. 728-1607 'Senay sherman. Ee tl tas worvice i TRANSMISSION "specialists, chapel on Tuesday, &t/sions are our only business. 2 gp interment Oshawa Union Ceme-| North. Phone 728-7339. EXPERT brake service end front end suspension alignment. 226 Celine Street. , transmis- 1038 Simcoe SHERIFF, Bessie Pauline Call 723-4233. . wa Moaplial wher oe get |OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert Friday, October 1 4, W964, Bessie Pouline| \carburetor and auto electric service, 222 ee = Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. oye in -- unless moe lot; ly) Xt EX ts, xw_pervents, wn previous board-lot closing pn By INDUSTRIALS " Stock Sales HIGH Low a.m. Ch'ge 0 0 WH W VI70 $15 14% 14% 40 Sede O44 + Cen 204 $41% 41% 41% -- Ve pense 210 $74 bg "e+ Alumini 2820 ae" 2% 4 " Alum 44 pr 445 $4r' ne Alum 27 "go $238 Alum 2 pr avs'ia0 sr9th ie ave 500 415 405 410 ms 8 6% 16% We 14 + % W% 17% + Ye 7% 1+ Ys 24 2% % 682 6846 + Ve 76% Tbe --CV% 25% 25% + Ye 0 © --% Ws | 1000 Sue 7¥e 7'e-- Dic 2uS WS 5 --s 30 $30%% 20% 20% 210 $70 70 70 2195 $35 3434 3444 5 $33 32% 32% -- % M0 $64 64 64 + 900 $16% 16% 16% + %] 451 $294 2% 20% + | 250 1 1 +% z0 Hin 41a 47a z10 $25 25 25 70 $2 @ 42 210 $93 9393 Abacon Abitibi Alta Gas Alg 1) Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Ges 3200 $9%4 9% 9% Stock Inland 18M a5 0 40 5 510% Wile We 6 wo 10 10 + 812% 12% 12% 20% $20% 2% $% W% WK4+% 200 375 370 $6 «616 $21'% 21% " 9 39 $4" $32% 3% 8 $114 10% 336% a 30 10 | 40 300 315% aioe 15% | 583 $292 24 Wa + va] $72 1% Ba tg ve) 300 pied 12% 12% se + Ve) 9 #' 2% 10% -- | wu + MV) 05 14% + %! 35% 5% 5% Ve} $2 @ 2 --% 00 $144.14 m $2 2 2 $5 $70Va 70% 7014 --IV% 150 $345 34% 34% + Ve 675 $92 92 9a | 3777 $104 OVe 10% -- Ve! 75 $532 53% S3Ve | 500 185 175 (185 «+20 | 0 1 C ind Ges 1630 $11% M% 11% C ind Gas pr 40 $i4¥e M9 142 + We Cc Marc 175 $5% SM Sth + CPR 2578 $5244 SIM He + % Cdn Pet 235 $194 13% 19% C Refract 945 $18%e 16 "hed + Cdn Wali A WO $% CWN Gas 200 $17% W% a Cap Bidg 20 12% «Wo 10 Chemceil 12M «$17 16% 17 Chrysier 150 $649 642 640 Clairtone Vi700 $10% 10 10% + %& Clairton w 3700 595 550 WS +00 Col Cell zi00 $12 2 2 C Savings 400 $12M 12% 12%--- % Con Bidg 750 $8% 8% 6% Con M$ 1825 $4) 0 0% -- Ve Con Paper 666 $44 4% AV + Ve Con Gas N 2026 $12% 1244 124-- Ve Con Gas B 25 ro tag wen me + Copp Clark 725 200 $01 20% mM ~-- Ve 200 $6 6 6 o © & $13 13 wée+% $19% 19% 19% + % 450 450 450 $67 67 sis 15 + 200 200 625 213 67 5 3 +M% Eest Ch Tr Econ inv emp Life Exquisite Falcon $77% 77% T+ % $2 2m | % BB = | $17% 17% 7% «| : ee 190 $44 +1 29 = 4% 44 1o7 «(107 45 19 --10 3% 22 29%---- Va $25% 37% $54 (a $18% 16% 16%4-- Ye 312% 12% W2e-- Va) fae OO" > lied %! mm or 10) $18% 18% 16% $19 16% 19% + %) $194 19% WY 310 «310 310 $16%4 16% 16% + $15% 155 155% -- Ve $10% % ad igs 6 4 $24 "Wh S2"a-- Ve 1153210 210 210 +2 1989 $54 53% S4 + 300 $13%e 19% 10% 6% 6% uu 40 145 pd sive W% ft hg) Inglis 30 goon eo ieabetie| Kine West, 728-0617. aby L. §. Johnson) Wi' Harlock), Phyllis ( mic Me y) Mrs. Ww ; ¢ 33--Market | Bas et Saare, Shes 'Liltion {Los (Lakey) (Mrs. E. G. | BEGONIAS _ Beautiful | Tron Cross, trop Cree) of thieherm, yin her. 75th| cal plants, Star of Bi year. Mrs. Sheriff' will an ta resting oe the|tus, many other veriefies, Nery "reson q Memorial Chapel, 314 College | ably priced. Free cuttings with each gech pu | 'oronto, Sunday ery-| Chase. Also sage and savory. Ht rs: bac og Be oe i Seria; Ocoee 1@|Abrams, 26 Division Street, Bowmanville at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Sinai Memor-| 623-2843. jal Park (948 Wilson Avenue, Toronto) in| POTATOES -- $1.50 per 75-lb. bag. This | lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadien week only. Apply Allan Downs, Pontypool, | Cancer 'Society would be appreciated. | Ontario. APPLES -- Macs, Courtlands, _ Spys, ecors. May Belle Orchards. 1 mile north re Whitby, No. 12 Highway. $2.00 and up. STUART, Jeffrey At his home on Sunday, October 18, 1964, Jeff Stuart, of Newcastie in Frans ORDERS cnagy eee ee ng chickens, ard your, beloved son of iy \bs., $1.25. Clement Bros, Poultry, Donald Stuart. Resting at the Northeoti oat 5901. and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanville, = s a service, 2 o'clock Tuesday after-| CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, 5¥4 Ibs. noon. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery.|and up. $2.50 each. Delivered. Telephone 725-8304. o TAYLOR, Arthur M. MaciNTOSH APPLES, east on No. ? High- Entered into rest in Sunnybrook Hos-| Way, past Bad Boy's to Oshawa Motel, pital, Toronto, Saturday, October 17, 1964,| turn north, approximately 14 mile, Bring Arthur M: Taylor, beloved husband of | Containers. Grace Gertrude Proctor, and father of| WINTER CABBAGE $1.25 per dozen. Mrs. Vernon Grose (Marjorie) of Sc8r-|wm. Sacks, Thornton Road South. First borough; Mrs. Eva Thorne of Oshawaihouse South of Hydro Sub-Station (West and Laurie Taylor of New Toronto, in| cide ) his 89th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral ae vice in the Chapel Tuesday, at 3.15 p.m. Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728 6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME | 390 KING STREET WEST . TELEPHONE 728-6226 Interment Oshawa inion LABRADOR retriever, black, 34--Lost and Found Central Park Boulevard South 'ast week- end. Reward. Answers to name of Butch. | Lolaphene 723-5755. LOST -- Sum of money, either on King Street bus or on Simcoe Street North, in black billfold, Wednesday morning. Find. er please call 726-9205, Reward TWO BEAGLES, male and ee ae a |poo! area last Monday, Octobi | ward _Telephone Newcastle 967- rane. LOST -- Valuable dog, part German Shepherd, part Boxer, in Birchmount Road - Highway No. ? area, Friday,! Oct. 9. Answers to 'Bite'. Wearing col lar with licence 2360-7, Any information to Harry Gilbert, 3 Cambridge, Toronto 6. Phone HO 6-4767 NEWS IN BRIEF -- BARON DEAD | GENEVA (Reuters) -- Baron Renald. de Reuter, 65, a grand- son of the founder of Reuters news agency, died here Friday. IN MEMORIAM | His elder brother, Baron Oliver de Reuter, 70, the head of the family, lives at Lausanne, Swit- MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL Department Enquiries tor this yeors in- stallations advisable now. Wm, Greenhalgh mor., will cell ot your' convenience on this or any other pertinent need for courteous memorial park information. 723-2633. MONUMENTS ---- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA EVENINGS 728-6627 OFFICE 723-1002 ~ | Toronto, |zerland. HEADS WRITERS LE DOMAINE, Que. (CP)-- ; Morrow, a Montrea!' public ations director, was elected president of the Outdoor Writ- jers of Canada at the close of jtheir annual meeting Sunday. |He succeeds Pete McGillen of {I | FALK TO BROADCASTERS | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) |Premier Robarts will address a male lost| ~ COMING EVENTS BINGO St. Gertrude's Auditorium TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST. E, AT FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $160. - 56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 57 Nos. $100 $20 Consolation. Good Prizes PARKING IN SCHOOL "YARD DURING ROAD} _CONSTRUCTION WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 52 and 57 TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK) FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 60 and 52 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W, Eastview Park EUCHRE BOYS' CLUB (Main Floor) Eulalie Ave. Monday, Oct. 19th 8 P.M. 50c Refreshments and Prizes RUMMAGE SALE, CRA, Wednesday, October 21, 1.15 p.m. pauctaial by st. Luke's Ladies Guild. TURKEY DINNER, Centre ara "United Church, October 21, from 4 p.m. $1.75. Children at the door. RUMMAGE SALE, Tuesday, Odober "®,| luncheon meeting of the Cen- | ral Canada Broadcasters As- siation here today, the first day of the association's two-day |?) 7 14th annual meeting. 1 p.m. at Club Loreley, 389 Dean Avenue. THE REMEMBRANCE ASSOCIATION of Oshawa Silver Cross Is holding a Bazaar in the Legion Hall, October 22nd, at 2.30, Fancy work, home baking, be Draws will be made, Proceeds for the wovere werk, | Winnipeg area. He moved $21% 21% 21% -- } a 4 $504 BM S04 + M0) $22% 222 2% + %| $12 12¥e 12% $27% 27% 27% Si6'e 162 18% $334 3 33V-- $12%% 12% 12% $7 7% 7% - 38% 8% 8% $14% 14% 14va 210$425 425 425 0 205 2S 25 $47Va 474 474 Sil" W% 1% 155 155 33 645 0% $4% WM W%+ 17% 17% W% sil Wve We $20 19% 20 205 $764 76% 76%-- Va $10% 10% 10% + % $12%e 12 12% 350 345 350 «(+6 $164 1614 16% $19% 19% Wat & "a + Ve +5 -% 9 | 4 | QN Gas 63w 250 reid Litho 270 Revelstoke Robertson Rolland A Rothman + Romfield eroya| Bank Russel 4 Salada Sayvette Seven Arts Shell Can Shell | pr noe ib = 350 pies ds "City 1000 Simpsons 616 250 200 475 225 2436 25 100 2381 300 #0 Slee 162 4+ % 8156 81S 815 +5 $12% 12% 12% $13% 13% 13% $26% 262 26% + $22a Ma 22V2 $62 62 62 +% $68% 68'2 66a -- V4) $14 "4 4M Slater Steel Slater A wis St Pav St Radio Steel Can Suptest Ord Texaco Tor-Dom TFNA 250 Bk rin 1805 $14¥e 14a 14a + Ye), W Nl sNet High Low a.m. Ch'ge 75 75 M5 5 Sales 10 200 Stock Transeir Tr Can PL T Trans PPL Turnbull Un Gas U Corp B ws 1500 310 330 875 500 158 2 75 +10 + +35 Prairie Ol Provo Gas Scurry Rain th U Spooner Teck Corp Triad Oil Union Oil U Canso Vandoo Wsburne W Decaite 1000 9073 27 1500 6000 207 = 206 $152 15% lS 6% 8% 8--% 5% 15 16 535 535 535 232 «232 $1544 bY ae 320 «720 ¥ --" 500 800 --2 300 7800 -- 4 17 i 0 20 230 MINES 1000 1000 S00 1000 6 2 Acad Uran 6 73 73 +1 2 WY 164 64+ 4 94 +1 ws =! id mo 1o +1 x" 7 +i Base Mets +3 Baska B-Duq Belleterre Bethim Bibis Black Bay Brunswk 455 4 Camp RL 100 $19% 19% Ka ++% OBITUARIES SAMUEL KUCHER | In failing health for two years} and seriously sick for nine} weeks Samuel Kucher, 461 Bloor | street east, died Saturday, Oct. | 17, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital. He was in his 80th year. A farmer all his life Mr. Kucher came to Canada 56 years ago and settled in the to Oshawa 34 years ago. He was} |a member of St. John's Ukrain- ian Greek Orthodox Church. Mr. Kucher is survived by his| wife, the former Anna Drebo, whom he married at Winnipeg) in 1912; two daughters, Mrs. J.| |Strumbiski (Mary) of Oshawa) jand Miss Jessie Kucher of To-| ronto and a son, Peter Kucher, of Toronto. There are four} grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. The deceased is at the Mc-| Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home} for service in St. John's Ukrain- %|ian Greek Orthodox Church at 9.30 a.m, Tuesday, Oct. 20. In- tenment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. R. Panc-| zenko will conduct the service. | Prayers will be recited at the funeral home at 8 p.m. today. FUNERAL OF ELIZABETH T. C. VISSER The funeral service for Eliza- beth Terry Carlene Visser, in- |fant daughter of Mir. and Mrs. |Simon Visser, of Oshawa, was| held Oct. 17 at the Anmstrong| Funeral Home. She died in her \fifth month Oct. 14 at the Hos- | pital for Sick Children, Toronto. The service was conducted by |Rev. J. VanKuiken, of Toronto, and interment was in Union| |Cemetery, Oshawa. The pall-| bearers were: Peter Veudee- zwet, Garry Vanderzwet, Bert} |L'Ami, and Albert Meyer. MRS. MARY E. DOUGHTY The death of Mrs. Mary Eliza- |beth Doughty occurred Sunday in the Oshawa General Hospital married John Horeck in 1915 at} {Copper Cliff, Ont. Since her| marriage, her home has been| in Sudbury. | She was a member of St. An- drew's Apostles Roman Catho- lic Church in Sudbury. She is survived by her hus-| band, John of Oshawa; eight| sons, Daniel and Russell of Chi-| cago; Stephen, Andrew, Nicho-} las, John, George and Peter of) Sudbury. Eight grandchildren also survive. Funeral service for the late| Mrs. Horeck will be held Oct. | 20 at St. Andrew's' Apostles | Church, Sudbury. Interment will be in the} Roman Catholic Cemetery, Sud- bury. ARTHUR M. TAYLOR Arthur M. Taylor, 1196 Clover- dale St., died Saturday in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. He was in his 89th year. Mr. \Taylor has been seriously ill) for the past two weeks. | Born Feb. 15, 1876, in London, | England, he came to Canada| 51 years ago. He lived in Osh-} awa during the past two years, coming here from Toronto. He} jmarried in London on Aug. 3,| Fg He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jennings) Taylor The late Mr. Taylor was al veteran of the Boer War. In} 1898, he served under Lord} Kitchener at Khartum, the same| campaign in which Sir Winston} Churchill served. He served in the Sudan and) jalso at the seige and relief of| Ladysmith. While in Victoria Hospital, he received a box of| chocolates which he preserved. | The late Mr. Taylor was an adherent of the Salvation Army. He is survived by his wife, jthe former Grace Gertrude Proctor two. daughters, Mrs. | |Vernon Grose, (Marjorie) of Scarboro and Mrs. Eva Thorne| of Oshawa; and one son, Laurie | of New Toronto, "| sisters: _| Belleville, will conduct the serv- Taylor "was| one son Milton) Taylor has no grand-| grand- lin her 42nd year. She resided at| The late Mr. |161 King street east and had|Predeceased by |been in poor health for six)in 1946. Mr. months. brothers or sisters, Nine She was the former Mary Eliz-| boven and 10 great |abeth Osborne, daughter of the! ren sapticbi " late Mr, and' Mrs, Samuel Os-|,. Funeral service will be held |Tuesday, at 3.15 p.m. at the = Mrs. Doughty was born} Armstong Funeral Home, 124) in Madoc Township. Ki qf i ing St. E. The service will be The deceased had been a resi-| taken by Major Fred Lewis, |dent of Oshawa for three years.| y Mis. Oaborne was also ¢ tes [eevaten Army. Interment will be in Oshawa} dent of Port Hope and Havelock. | |Union Cemetery She was predeceased by her| fe husband, Harry Doughty, in| JANE THERESA COWAN 1954. | A native of Newcastle, Jane Mrs. Doughty is survived by) Theresa Cowan, died Sunday in| two daughters, Shirley, of Ham- |the Oshawa General Hospital. ilton, and Mrs. Ross Johns| she was in her 83rd year. She (Joyce), of Oshawa. Two sons,/has been in failing health for Grant, of Oshawa, and Carl, of| about eight years. Madoc, also survive. | The late Mrs, Cowan was born! The deceased also leaves four|in Newcastle in 1882 and lived! Mrs. Helen Clark, of/there all her life except for the) Frankford; Mrs. T. Forestal|/past five years when she re- (Bessie), of Madoc; Mrs. A. | sided at Hillsdale Manor, Osh- Carr (Laura), of Glen Miser awa. and Mrs. ,Mabel Smith; off Her husband, Frederick Madoc. |Cowan, whom' she married in One brother, William Osborne ,, Newcastle, predeceased her in of Trenton, and two grandchil-| 1929. | dren, also survive. She was a member of the/ The remains are at the Arm-|Newcastle United Church. . | |strong Funeral Home for the fu-| Surviving are four sons: Rich- neral service in the chapel Qct.jard of Toronto; Frederick of) 21, Rev. Harold Stolberts - of|\Whitby; James of Oshawa; and) Samuel of Cobourg; and one} daughter, Mrs. Ross Dickinson (Marjorie) of Newcastle. Resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, funeral service for the late Mrs. Cowan will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. F. A. Ward of West- mount United Church; Oshawa will conduct: the service. Interment will be Head Cametery, Newcastle. | | | } ice and interment will be in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. * DOCIA HORECK Docia Horeck, Sudbury, died Saturday at the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, after a prolonged illness. She was in her 70th year Born in the Ukraine, she was the daughter "gf the late Mr. and Mrs, Michael Sawchen. she nN Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 100 +1 135 432 292 m2 +2 7 " a yt asl mn Hn 1% ty Ne es 7 s2% 12% 12% + "Me 04 0 Wati 4.4 4 ml WA » w Sales 1200 = gegen 4 oa 2 6 0 45 W% 10% 5 296 295 % a7 6 "0 --5 On a 295 4" BY 4 ") - --% ste Ta te 4% 13 +% Xe 7 % +1 | 635 «0 60 +5 Ww % 620 620 415 410 41 4% A 7% 740 $30 97% $75 = ) ie 2 High Bell Hollinger Hud Bay Int Helium Int Kenville Iso Jacobus 794 75 ye 135 %» +1 Ww 27 --2 iy ih -- n 10 Ly $36%4 364 36% $12 1% W% 225 5 225 --15 950 Pe 90 +25 495 495 ied 185 13 155 2 1% 18 3s --2 232 230 22 +5 2 3 Peed - "| 210 ~ --%% Va 12% es Be 5 ba 3 7 $174 17% a 14a Wa ida + Ve $99 7" n 17 2 "9 " » 74 eo Ff 120 12 45 C73 a7 4 13% a4 1 10 wo +1 242 24 24a 5¥a Sve Sia 107. 103 «(107 67 Mets! Mine Min-Ore Moneta Mt Wright 7 +2 @ +h 9 My 7 +2 +5 --10 + 154 15 oi Va) 13 3 9 9% Wa % Ww 1S" We Va 8 120 (+4 1 13% WO BS 45 --10 21 9 baie Ya 7 7 2s Wr 4 + "a N a & sae north Can Northhgate N Beauc Obaske O'Brien O'Leary Opemiska Orohan Osisko Pamour Paramaq Pax Int Pce Expl Peerless Porc Pay Pow Rou Preston Que, Lith Que Man Que Sturg =~ Rexspar Rio Algom Rix Athab Rockwin Rowan Ryanor Salem Sarimco Sherritt 4 Miller 92 10% + Ve 20% 204 -- a y 8 B --I'a 9 -- 3 +% Con 9 13 Sherratt Sullivan Sunburst Temag Texmont Tex Sol Tombill Tribag U_ Asbestos LANGUAGE SCHOOL PROP E. A. Cote; Deputy Minister of Northern Affairs, tries out an old barber chair that is being used as a prop ina French-language course for about 200 Civil Servants, most from the Department of North- ern Affairs. Standing by the chair is J. V. Jacobson, lan- guage course instructor. Add- ing to the practical school of language teaching is a groc- ery store, travel counter and a resturant,, -- CP Wirephoto Flower Arranging BROOKLIN (TC) Mrs. Gilbert Marlow demonstrated flower' arranging at a recent meeting of the Brooklin 4-H Homemaking Club members jand their mothers. | On completion of the demon- \stration; arrangements were presented to Marilyn Downey, Mrs, E. Seymour, Mrs. R. Hum- phreys; Mrs. K. Bray and Lynda Rutherford. Gloria Cooper thanked Mrs, |Marlow: on behalf of the club. An informal luncheon was served by the 4-H members. The executive for this year is} as follows: President, Carley Seymour; vice-president, Lynda Rutherford; secretary, Ann Dry- den; press secretary, Judy Humphreys; pianist, Jane Fiett. | UNITED LINKS CLUB The first regular meeting | of Net Sales High Low a.m, peas | 18200 72 +1 206 920 +10 100 105 11400 87 Al 400 268 «+1 6 160 6 4a-- Vs 75 2 + 155 Un. Bufad Un Keno Upp Can Vauze Violam Weasamac Werner W Malar 1000 West Mines 1100 W Surf | Willroy 3200 Wiltsey 3000 Winch Windfall Yk Bear Yukeno Zenmac nN ba) 4) 1 % 4) 1390 130 130 7a hh 71% 3500 Be BW HB FOREIGN TRADING Bell Phone 200 $60% 60% 60% -- %4 Salada 100 $12% 12% aera . Base Meta 5000 Bag eo 25 Camp Chib 600 500 t20° Coch Will 400 +5 +7 --T -3 3000 5700 130 1000 Cc Halli C Mosher Deer Horn Dicknsn Hud Bay M Merrill Midcon Placer Quemont ton 190 67 535 535 535 $76\% 74% 76Ve Hf > 75 ol S151 M5 Ada + Vo 10 «61 +10 470 470 24 5 % 500 500 oo 500 500 100 300 100 240 12400 (77 Hit WVACK mo --A | Un 8 Buttad 75 +6 |"Where are the Nine?"'; | Love's Greatest Story". "Demonstrated the fall season of the United Links Couplés Club of Brooklin United Church took the form of a bowling party at the Oshawa Bowling Lanes. Following the bowling, the members returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wilson, Brooklin, for a short business meeting and re- freshments. Any couple in the area inter- ested in becoming members of | the club are asked to contact the presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan, Brooklin. The title of the sermon given by Rev. G. A. Mundy, Thanks- giving Sunday morning, at Brooklin United Church was, \'Thank you, God, for the cake, |but where is the icing?" ,Both ithe. senior and junior choirs sang anthems, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest" by Willan was sung by the senior choir; while "Praise Be The Lord", a French | carol, was sung by the junior choir. ni LAYMEN'S SUNDAY | Laymen's Sunday will be ob- served Sunday, Oct. 25, with | special speaker, Cyril Powell, |chairman of Presbytery United |Church Men. Mr. Powell's sub- jject will be "The Work of Men jin the Church'. Local laymen will assist in the service. The subjects which Pastor L. R. Laird spoke on, at Meadow- crest Baptist Ohurch, Thanks- giving Sunday were, 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Miss R. Bears was a special missionary speaker at the Bible School at 10 a.m. and after the evening service she also spoke on and showed pictures of her Golfing Career Continues At 90 VANCOUVER (CP) -- "I just couldn't run fast enough to keep up my tennis." That was why Lucie Rankine quit the courts and took up golf 40 years ago. Today, at the age of 90, she's still at it. And Mrs. Rankine doesn't think there's anything unusual about the fact she plays 54 holes a week--nine holes every Monday, 18 Tuesday, nine Thursday and 18 again Friday. "Just jolly good exercise," she says of the five miles she walks during an 18-hole round. Mrs. Rankine, whose handi- cap now is 36 where it used to be 16, can't offer any special recipe for her vitality. . Asked if she lived by an early-to-bed, early-to-rise rou- tine, she replied: "Certainly not. ms best at 2 am. and I tite get up in the morning. "But I don't eat a jot of fancy stuff and I don't drink and smoke too much." Mrs. Rankine moved to Van- couver in 1908 with her. hus- band, who was killed in the First World War. Her hobbies include knitting and reading --simultaneously -- and she prefers mystery stories. "But those mysteries aren't so good for knitting so I don't indulge too often." WIN SCHOLARSHIPS OTTAWA (CP) --Forty French, Belgians and Swiss have' been awarded the first scholarships and_ fellowships under the Canadian. govern- ment's new French cultural ex- change program, the Canada Council announced today. They will spend 10 to 12 months here, mostly at universities and other work in Jamaica. institutions in Quebec. HN HA CANADIAN MONEY AIDS GUIANESE Better things have come to 18,000 Bnitish Guianese who live and work in and around in -- the bauxite 'mr town of Mackenzie, About $85,000,000 has been invested by | the Aluminum Company of Can- ada for the operation of. the Demerera Bauxite Company, an Alcan subsidiary, and the welfane of its employees. Part of the welfare is education for the children of employees. ~ \ Here a teacher conducts a geography class in the play- ground of a primary school.