THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 19, 1964 15 GTA SNS, OE T E L E V I S I O N L O G DRIVERS WARNED highway offences and has writ- one E, AMI 6 | / Sone Reon = og la CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TY Channel 6--Toronto| WELIANGTON, N.Z. (CP) --\ten each one personally Saying|(Tep record-holder in. Masters SWEEP A WOMAN OFF HER WGR-TV Channel 2~Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo|1%¢ transport department here|they may lose their licences if|Individuel Championship Play) 7 7 1~Buffalo WROC-TV Ch 1 $--Rochest |has compiled a list of 66 drivers! convicted again. So far none of) WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo anne ochester | with frequent convictions forithe 66 has shown up in court. CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie FAMOUS HANDS MONDAY EVENING | 9:30 P.M. 12:00 NOON CROSSWORD South dealer, 5:00 P.M. | 9-Take A Chance $-2--Say When Both sides vulnerable. - 8-2--Hollywood =. Story t--Surfside 6 N--Femily Thestre 7~--Bing Crosby Show 6--Elwood Glover Dye ( 9--Five O'Clock Matinee | 4-Star Performance 4--News and Weather ACEOS» DOWN 409 Gis Sak gs ea pee | 10:00 PLM. {2:15 P.M. 1, Moved in 1. Kind of é--World Of Nature | 1]--Steve Allen Show 4-Speeker of the House water tea cake " | 9--Dr. Kildare 12:30 P. pated Poy ste | 6-2--Alfred Hitchcock 9--Theatre " . i 2. Brief 7--Ben Casey 8-2---Truth or + 5:30 P.M. 63--The Silence Barrier) Consequences builder 3. Wine yh be ss oes 10:30 P.M. 4--Search for Tomorrow 9. State of receptacle ee ie Oa | Sr Toronto File 12:45 P.M. uncon- 4. Duck ~Karen #--Slatiery's People 4--Gulding - Light sciousness _§, Slightly 4--News With Van Miller 11:00 P.M. 3--News, Weather, Sports | 10, Incite crazy: 2--Today, 1964 | 11-9-B-7-6-4-3-2----News; ! 1:00 P.M. 11, Hourly coll i 6:19 7M. Wee*her and Sports | M--Lucky Score '4 se THE MAN WHO BROKE IN AND HIT )| | AND NE WAS WEARING) FELLOW! WHio\| | Sport with" cnc 11:0 FM. oo 1d, Particle of a aa ~ Heal o--Met r | 7--Afternoon Show 4g Vim WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKEZ/ | | SOME FUNNY LOOKING SHOT AT ME! J ee oe Tartele Show $3-Movie addition 7. Grow old 6:30 7. ew: 6--Night Metre | 4--Meet the Millers . Sub ; ae i + Weather, ig ire, | Mike Se wise 15. Subdivision 8, a lergreen ts €-2~Huntley-Brinkley M--Music 1:30 P.M. News | 9--Pierre Berton 11--Matinee 6--The Fugitive | 6--Royal Visit 6--Across Canada | 3--M Squad 4-As The World Turns ; | 2:00 P.M, 6:45 PLM. | TUESDAY } §--Abracadabra rey es. | 8:00 A.M. | 6--Movie Matinee -2--Huntley Brinkley 4--Captain Kangaroo 4--Password j . ' peni | --kin, pade: Report 8:30 AM. 2--Loretta Young 27. Place Opening iead iB Of § te 7:00 P.M. 9--Romper Room 2:30 P.M, the Addune Pamiy. | Be ie oF A Kind | gre a is an interesting hand 8--Movie 1\--Schnitzel House $-2--The Doctors 22. Small nail ¥ jPlayed by France and Belgium 6--News, Weather. 9--Playtime With Uncle, 7-Day In Court 23. Mark, as during the European champion. . Sports Bobby 6-Loretta. Young i : é 4--Phil Silvers Show 7--Dialing For Dollars 4- House Party cattle ships last year. u 3--No Time For. Serg- 4~--Popeye's Playhouse 3~Super Bingo 25. Golf 2 Sacheiae Father ae saat 9 heshie th Covina byte datae ee orather ba cAnother World, Fever Ze tenon ana | ae tat BM | 65 Dat Wenni's Jubilee es en Aled ker 3-----Moment of Truth . Single unit jan artificial reply, showing one f b | 4-To Tell The Truth Dadd: 3:30 P.M j}ace. Three clubs three dia- | eS fare Girl tate N--Children's Program | 29. Brick monds were perinany bids, rs | 8:00 PSM 4--News 9--I1's Your Move | . Sun god live # } H | DOUGHNUTS | Twelve O'Clock High 10:30 A.M, 8-2- You Don'! Say . Ahead five notrump was, conventional, || WITH ICING! Bewitched the week | QyBinge ie The, Yeung, Married \ 8, Am. |requesting partner to bid seven L$ o e Weel Word F 3 \ di ; I've Gat A Secret oh ice woe 4-Edge of Night | monkey | diamonds "if he had two of the i ee PU ee a tis ban | 84, Humor three top diamond honors. sa Your Move 17:00 A.M, 9--Mickey Mouse Club | 95. Decoration When North couldn't oblige -No Time For 1--Scarlett H 8--The Match Game } for valor s and oe six i J ds Sergeants 9--James Beard. Show 7--Trailmaster . Unsophise | pon : Andy Griffith Show 8-2--Conceéntration 6-43---Secret Storm | Heated |Theron decided to bid six no- Have Gun Will Travel 7 Message i 2--Captain Bob | ; |trump rather than risk a vi + Ba 4--Andy of Mayberry 4:30 P.M . Little sible bad tru break at Slatfery's People 1:30 A.M. 1--Yog! Bear stream ( le mp break at a dia- Cara Williams Show Albert Steed 9---Sea Hunt 40. Otherwise jmond slam. Wendy and Me 9--Toronto Today 8 Bozo ~ Popeye | 41, Observ | ood Dangerman 8-2--Jeopardy 6-3--Razzie Dazzle 42. Proph Mad | 'This tumed epg be 8 The Lucy Show | 7~Missing Links | 4--Leave. it To Beaver ia | judgment, since six diamonds Andy Williams 4--The McCoys | Popeye ; | : }would surely have been de- : : ee , ae fe RS RO # ~~ |feated. Theron also had to play |the hand exceptionally well te : a gt WV SNe : a | [ie oe oes ; jmake six notrump. etn RST eestor SN | | Eemily Homanel Stowwe| ,' 0 .| | anisiretioimaltes | | $3" [routers aie" || ie won the spade lead and > | GAnaba's Proneer SuFFRAGETTE (P< \\\) | Cir's crest woman Pruncroa | a3": pt : & fT teats, oan tae | Js? OO Cnet TG \ to the nine of hearts and A-J9 atin ; of diamonds. In his own hand his remaining cards were the | |ten of spades and K-7-4 of dia- |monds. Gauging the situation per- |fectly, Theron played a diamond | |to the ace and returned the nine si otis. f f g | \of hearts, discarding a epade vepee 4 \ ! L } | on it. East took the heart, but EACHER, | | Ar, a al -__J |was then forced to lead a dia» |mond away from the queen. {Theron played low and thue {made the slam. "THAT WAS ONLY BreogHoT- you err Baar a eu \ = | A NEXT TIME [LL LET 60 WITH MY DUCK MARSH OR-ILL _\ = AT MOST HES ONLY A CARRIER, : Of course, six clubs. would BA / | jhave been a sounder contract, BOTH BARRELS WITH BLOW [T TO PIECES---EVEN / | + i » \PAREZ / WE WANT THE HEAD~ aS ob 4 aoa 3 BUY A a. the Inidians ALVA SINUGGLING : 3 |and even seven clibs could have aT, : f : 'i . ae ' 4 P . = \ lasso been made--by means of @& -- : : i . BR Van THE GIANTS MICKEY MOUSE squeeze. ; To make the grand slam, de- clarer would have to win the peg lead, ruff a spade, and | cash five clubs and three hearts, |keeping in dummy the nine of hearts and A-J of diamonds, |East would have to come down |to three cards on this series of | plays and would find it impos- \sible to keep both the ten of hearts and the Q-10-8 of - dia- monds. SECRET AGENT X9 i ana = | St \ \lI\ Beara ' ( SOMETHING'S | BURNING!' ---- REMEMBER, GEROW-~ NEXT TIME, YOUR f MASKED PAL ISNT ' STOREKEEPERS TO STAKE ME LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER WHERE'D YOU Apabes: BUT, PA...THIS 1S THE LIST + ITS A LIST OF FOODS (9 : FIND THE 5 PHONE -HERES THE) | qe DOCTOR GAVE ME {1 | I'M TO AVOID UNTIL I GET "t's Mamma's idea of 6 love OVER THE PHONE ... : seat, dear." "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER SUNNY SPAIN! |] ANDALUCIA Cen. $557.90--- || 17 days, PALMA Con. $586-- WELL, ITS UNCLE HARVEY-- qp17 days (4 days extensions) HE'S MY MOTHERS BROTHER. | TAKE IT approx. $28.00). if Inctudes: Air fare from Toronto, ULIE! JULIE LS P \ OM \ Cou! HIS PLACE L Hist class hotels, all meals delux € QUICK / ' | (Lioacm Eek BIBLES Gaeta. "] || motorcoach city' to city, escorted. Le i { ; . <( |] Extensions to Tongier ond Canary y j y pig A if tslonds. s wae Y) ! S SS | CALL 728-6201 Four Seasons Travel If You have left school you can finish 6IRL!! YOU TELL at home ull [BACK To MY CASTLE INFORM ME WHEN } | [WAIT TILL Ly ! | AFTER MY DAILY MY SUCCULENT SIR LANCELOT eta. |BATTLE WITH REPAST . HEARS : DRILLED | Ne Closses apie Y en 2 |THE WEARYING GRACES THE 3h | TONIGHT'S | USE FOR THOSE Progress Rapidly FAIR MAIDEN-- WORKADAY FESTIVE ra REPAST IS i | CAKES I BAKED | Prepare now for 2p yh rt BD fa | [we LEPTOVERS ' LAST WEEK THAT : © Better Jobs © Hes Aida As | WERE FLOPS/_ , B oe ba Fhteagi ~_* 3 S $ : est © College » HAS S rf | | f RETURNED / 2) | > | tO ' ' : | Hi. Write for free Booklet Today AMERICAN SCHOOL 291 Dundas St., Deseronto, Ont. Dept. 0.17 NAME , ADDRESS {yj ee rill eS