Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Oct 1964, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 16, 1964 Mrs. M. Jones Class Hostess BALSAM and MT. ZION (TC) ~-- The Active Service Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Mur- ray Jones Wednesday evening, Oct. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones. and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Jones were guests at the Beatty- Downy wedding at Myrtle on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones call- ed on Mrs. J. A. Jones of Fair- view on Thursday and offered best wishes on her 96th birth- County Council Considers Revamping of Road System Also to provide a better link- age to and from summer resort areas in the north of the county. The County is also keen to connect cities, towns and vil- lages with a proper road system under council control. Among road stretches the County is considering is Ritson road in Oshawa north from the city limits to East Whitby Town- ship for a distance of two miles. Also Wilson road from -the city Altona, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. ~ A large number the International Plowing Match at Peterborough. 542% Guaranteed. Investments 5 Year Term Interest payable half-yearly or left to accumalate and be compounded WHITBY And DISTRICT | Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Chris Dennett. end Tel. 668-3703 |- Campaign Drafted By St.John Brigade They are interested in a place at the old County Building if Some 103 miles of roads throughout Ontario County may be taken over by the County Council if a needs study now before them is accepted. The idea behind the study is to form a proper and efficient county road system capable of handling the ever increasing volume of traffic. The foundation of such a road system would bring many bene- fits. At the monthly meeting of the Whitby St. John Ambulance Brigade plans for their yearly campaign were drafted. This year the Brigade's an- mal fund appeal will be held wi the third week of Novem- r. For the past nine months the Brigade had been very active but has had to train under a handicap. They have been without and badly need proper training aids, such as charts, a blackboard, and a 'Resuscitation Annie"-- a lifelike doll used to teach the town accepts it from the County. The town lets them use a reom at the police station one night per week, they Afave no place to set thelPrpequj t up or store it. The brigade has an ambu- lance donated by the Town brothers and through the year they attend many public func- tions providing first aid sta- tions. . Money is needed for them to carry on their work and volun- RAYMOND DUDLEY Pianist to Open Concert Series The internationally known In its study the County is par- ticularly interested in freeing traffic movement on local road systems. Long distance traffic would be funneled on to through highways. | Worker Injured At Industrial Plant John Watson, Adelaide ave- nue, Os haw a, was treated for burns to his right eye at the limits for 1.1 miles going north. Rossland road, too, is included in the needs study. Council is interested in taking over a quar- ter mile stretch of this road east from Oshawa city limits to county road number three. Also west for 2.30 miles from city limits to King's Highway 12. The longest stretch the county are proposing to take over is 17.8 miles from King's Highway 2 in Pickering Township to the Uxbridge town limits. ' As well as the additions day. ice on Sunday due to the Anni- versary Services at Greenwood. Sunday school will be at 10 a.m. and Mrs, Burnett Jamieson on Sunday were Mr. Lorne Parrott and Allan, Myrtle; Alf Parrott, of Ashburn and Mrs, Lewis Jones. Mrs. William McNair, of There will be no church serv- Those having 'tea with Mr. and Mrs. of 7a VICTORIA 308 Dundes St. W. artificial resuscitation. teers will be calling on homes| Canadian pianist, Raymond The equipment needed by the!and industries during campaign| Dudley, will open Whitby Con- Brigade costs about $2,500 and) week. jcert Association's winter series the coffers are empty. Volunteers are needed to help|of recitals, P) HEADQUARTERS in the canvassing and anyone} The Brigade also lacks a per-| who would like to help in the|November 20 at the Ontario manent headquarters in which) work is requested to call Mr.|Ladies' College. | to store their equipment and!Desmond Newman at 668-4! ' carry on training. lor Mrs. Bedell at 668-2862. foeteg pe igls i aes a aa born in Bowmanville and grew| MR. AND MRS. Mr, and Mrs. Gene Sandi- son are pictured following their -marriage held re- cently in Whitby St, Mark's United Church. The bride is CENE SANDISON Plans For Special Meetings | Discussed By W Whitby Kinette Club held its dinner meeting Thursday at Spruce Villa Hotel. President Wilma Heron chaired the busi- ness meeting. Plans were discussed for the "Mother's Night' when each member invites her mother to attend. An entertainment com- mittee has been formed for this special evening . with Kinettes | social evening. Anita. Hampson and Corrie! Bokkers assisting for the enter-| tainment program. | Chairman of Inter-Club, ; past | president Sheila Gordon, ad-| dressed the group briefly and) asked for volunteers for vari- ous committees. Kinettes sent a Christmas| parcel to their three adopted|Christmas toys demonstration, African children. It was an nounced that the annual Christ-| mas draw will be heid Wed- TOTS TO SKATE COURTESY C OF C The children of the Dove- dale-Rosedale estate, Whitby, will have a skating rink this winter -- thanks to the.gen- |much enjoyed. The next meeting will be held | Wednesday, Nov. 11. WHITBY PERSONALS Oshawa General Hospital early| County Council is also proposing is Thursday morning. Watson, an employee of Lake} Ontario Steel in Whitby, suffer-| His recital will be given on) od the + while eeaged | | producing steel in mil. the company | | Theatre Defended Against Mothers | MONTREAL (CP) -- Despite the Victorian attitude of some} mothers, theatre does 'not cor-| rupt children, says Muriel Gold, ! actress and drama teacher. Mrs. Gold, who teaches at the| Montreal Children's Theatre and is drama specialist for the| that in 11 years of tutoring tots| and teen-agers she has yet to see the theatre corrupt one of them. "Mothers still think there's something unsavory about working in the theatre. They ask me to improve their daugh- ter's speech and ask me, apolo- getically, not to bother with. the stage bit." Mrs. Gold regards this is ---- | short-sighted, She says theatre |develops a child's poise and imagination and exposes him to some of the best literature of our language. "The plays of Shakespeare were meant to be acted on Stage, not read in a school- room." An English literature gradu- ate of Sir George Williams Uni- versity, Mrs. Gold practices what she preaches. Her eight- year-old daughter Erica was enrolled for drama lessons at the children's theatre two years ago and her. son Glenn, 6, will follow in another year. PLANS DEVELOPMENT TORONTO (CP) -- Mayor Philip Givens said Thursday a hotel-shopping plaza develop- ment estimated to cost $50,000,- 000 is being planned for the posite Toronto's new city hall. post side of Queen Street op- |He said a 'highly responsible and well - financed" organiza- tion is having the architectural firm of John B. Parkin Asso- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richards accompanied by their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Easton of South Arrow, England, spent a week in New York City and attended the New. York World's Fair. Fred Borchuk is ~ celebrating his birthday today. Friends of Mr. 'Borchuk wish him many happy returns of the day Mr. and Mrs. Barry Denyer. and their son Danny, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs: Howard Harris of Zephyr Mr. and Mrs. George Goss of Devon, England, arrived at To- ronto International Airport and will be house guests for the next tw> weeks of Mr. and Mrs. James Crawforth, 217 Anderson street. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Don McKinley, 707 Maria street were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Well- man, Edwin Dilworth and Roland Wellman of Oshawa. TO DOUBLE SIZE MEXICO CITY (AP) -- This capital may be twice the size of present day London in. 25 years if the growth rate con- tinues, the International Plan- ning Congress was told at its 28 - nation meeting here. That would mean an increase to 17,- 700,000 from 5,000,000. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP © Wallpaper end Murals @ Custom Draperies © C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Broadioom and Rugs Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby ROGER invites YoU SEE and HEAR the very finest in , |up there attending the Bowman-| /Volunteers Needed "si: | | Already he has made eight| | successful. European tours. He e |was the first Canadian to give t H l t H t ja recital at the opening concert O e p a Ospl |at New York's Lincoln Centre. | Also he was the first Cana- The task of rehabilitating 1,200 by both the staff and the pa- | dian ba ees id a /|patients at Wihitby's Ontario | tients. |Musical Performers in Geneva - |Hospital falls to few. And, time| The pleasant afternoons spent] cit erland seat : \for providing small extras in the| under the direction of a volun-| He scored a triumphant suc- patients' lives is limited. teer help speed the patient to cess at the Lendon Promenade The staff members of the hos-| recovery and give the volunteer] .onoerts in the Royal Albert |pital do their best, but much of|the self satisfaction of knowing Hall In Detroit he appeared \their time is aed for Sally see he or she has done their! yith the Detroit Symphony or- |administration tasks, providing) part. | " ecbggys to Th bog oad bei the necessities and medical WV etmitedes are badly needed|chest™4 aetna mid: ote - ; » | treatment. and anyone who would be inter-| 4 i . Ito me bs ages Several groups and. service ested in donating a little of bis| ocantten tik' abteere: ae _~ = "ATS, 'clubs are helping to fill in the|or her time every week or : James Sandison, Ashburn. oy : T| Toronto under such famous con , ___ |patients' day by volunteering)month should contact Miss|qauctors as Pierre Monteux several hours per week to make|Louise Hart at MO 8-5881, On-|7ubin Mehta, Sir Ernest Mac. peg fiero DO gga ia hilo Millan and Franco Autori. | But the hospital has 1,200 pa- . " tients and the ranks of the vol- Mrs. Carl Avery hitby Kinettes unteers are thin and need ye i stering by dedicated men a acct Perea bn Feted By Friends at Snelgrove's Drug Store, The. work is. pleasant and) Mrs, Caml Avery, the former where the cake will be on dis-|When the volunteer realizes his|Irene Barker, whose marriage play during the month of visits are looked forward to and|was celebrated _ recentily in| December. enjoyed by the patients it is re-| Whitby St, Mark's United Members discussed the forth-| Warding. Church, has been entertained at} erosity of the town Chamber lcoming 'Gentlemen's Night."} Groups of volunteers, men and a number of social gatherings.! of Commerce. The date agreed upon is Satur-| Women, visit the patients each | The directors of Eaton's com- After an approach by the lday, Nov. 28 with Kinette Mar-|Week or month, and work with |pany by whom she was employ-| estate Ratepayers' Association jorie Gartshore in charge of this ag pe ei ge ways. ie lags her with Royal) the Chamber decided to give ey interes m in. sewing | Doulton dinnerware. | them a large amount of Jum- Charter President and former | 20d knitting and aid them in| The telephone order depat-| ber it ne tae for displays member of Kinette Club Joy) Playing games. ; ment of the company, at a din-| at its annual Trade Fair. Rich presented the Joy Rich| They help with decoration at/ner in her honor, gave her a; The Trade Fair has not service trophy to Kinette Jean | Christmas oe dances peat ne Waterford: Colleen; been held for a number of Hawes who was voted Kinette|/@0d Other social events. crystal and lingerie, | years_and the Chamber felt who had done most for the elub| The work' is interesting, re-) She received from her co-| it had no further use for the in the past year. quires nothing but a little time|workers in her department] material. Following the meeting former |4%4 thought, and is appreciated |pieces of Corning ware, floral) This lumber has now been Kinette Bobbie Heron gave al --<Ci_ Ser, oe in china, linens} Jaid down for the rink. . and aluminum. Meeting Held St. Mark's United Church choir of which Mrs. Avery is a LIVED IN CANADA member presented her with a| Veronica Cartwright, who por- By Eastern tar cut glass vase. |trays Jemima in the TV show t Twenty of her friends. gather-|Daniel Boone came to' Canada 'The regular meeting of od at the home of Miss Lauralat the age of three from Bris- Whitby Chapter No, 248, Order) petiow and showered her with|tol, England, and then' was . vi ae evel oll oy many useful and beautiful gifts.|brought up in California from Miss Anita Dick, student at|_; Z S@aY.'The lunch table was decorated|the age of five. Ryerson Institute of Technology, | "ith Sister. Mary Inkpen acting) with pink and white asters and|------------ Toronto comat. Atmak ek as Worthy Matron, presiding in| white candies. Those attending | bent oF hh oe Ae ae the East, assisted by Brother| wore: Miss Florence Heard aa uM " bt H Dek B19'D T.! Jeff Martin, Worthy Patron Mrs Floyd Smith, Mrs. Em- i sgh peby eke un-' The flag was presented and mett Oke. Mrs. L. F. Richard- ee Peer See! escorted to the East by Sister:con Mrs. Ross Vernon, Misses Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dockrell, Esther Hood, Marshall. Worthy fiorence and Birdie. Augustus, attended Thursday evening the|Matron welcomed Past District) Mins, Harry Pellow, Mins, H. L. INCO quarter century reception |Deputy Grand Matrons Winni-/nayis| Misses Margeny an d/ and dinner held at the roof gar-|fred Newton, Ruby Clark and)yarion Bromell, Miss Pearla den, Royal York Hotel, Toronto. we ey ae wanes was | uke, Miss Loretta Sonley, Miss / 4 Ww ye yas y 7 Mrs. Paul Coath, Mrs. J. P.|also given to Presiding Matrons eicies Gaaaee thas sliotaes' in Allan and Mrs. R. H. Bedell)and Patrons: Marjorie Ohles,| serving were: 'Miss Mildred lattended the Division of the! Willowdale; Evelyn Platt, Pic Price Mrs. R. + Fowler Mrs. || © |Women's Advisory Council Pro-jering; Jean Scott, Oshawa; |pemard Hickey. Mrs. Fred gressive Conservative Party an-|Gwen Slater, West Hill; Agnes) micher and Mrs. Art MacPher- nual meeting held at The Briars/Wallace, Markham; Brother) <4, Seas | Golf Club, Jackson's Point on William Wallace, Markham; vis- | After the rehearsal the bridal | Wednesday. itors from various Chapters and party was entertained at the LS a (i roa members of Whitby /Rarker's residence, D unlop Meetings Resume | 4 speedy recovery was wish. rect West. _ ed to the sick and sympathy | For Children lexpressed to those who lost loved ones. Sister Cora Fallow, ! St Andrew's | Presbyterian Associate Conductress, was wel- Children of the Church resumed|comed back to the Chapter its activities for the coming, after Lager injured a. o lyear. Children meet eveny week |"ccrdent ee 5 | lhe Bazaar held in Whitby on Wednesday at the Church'Community Arena was attend- Sunday school hall at 4.15 p.m.|ed by many members of Whitby This is for children of grades'Chapter and their friends. The 1, 2, and 3. Leader of the group|winners of the draw were: Ray Mrs, D. M. Warne is assisted by|Cartwright, Brooklin; Mrs, Mrs. Warren Mowat and Mrs.|\Joyce Taylor, Scarborough; J.T. Gilmour Mrs. E. J. Baker, Claremont, | The program consists of HC. Fox, Oshawa; -Martin paged stories, games, craft.jInkpen and Don Flemming, | Any children wishing to join are) Whitby most welcome 'to come on Wed-|. Sister .Cona Fallow, convener nesday at the Sunday school thanked everyone who assisted ihall. and helped to make the Bazaar a success. BROCK *<*'"s WHITBY Featur The Last of the Great Indian Wars! A DISTANT} TRUMPE EINER - SCPEENPLIY BY JOHN TWIST: PRODUCED BY WILLIAM H. WRIGHT BROS. (ROY DONAHUE: SUZANNE PLESHETTE: DIANE MCBAIN Meeting closed in. form and Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. |)Sister Helen Boake and her e Starts 7:05 and 9:20 : AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. 17th 1964 1 P.M. Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus TV and STEREO | FLEETWOOD | for 1965 NOW ON DISPLAY "Low Overhead at ROGER'S means Low Prices to YOU, the Buyer' at St. John's Parish Hall Cor, St. John & Palace Sts., Whitby HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES REFRESHMENT BOOTH OPEN THURS. and FRI, NIGHT TILL 9 P.M, ROGER APPLIANCES Augtioneer: LOYAL POGUE IS KENT -SMITH - DIRECTED BY RADUA WALSH =D BY 155 Simcoe South 728-2151 ciates plan the development. ome 12 miles of deletions. These would fall back into the control of local councils. Boat Recovered Under Bullrushes A small green boat stolen from Whitby Harbor last week has been found again. | The boat, property of Harbor- master Dave. Ross, was dis-| covered hidden beneath a pile of bullrushes. on the Whitby marshes which lie behind the /§ harbor. It had not been dam-| aged, Two juveniles and an adult) Protestant school board, says|have been charged with the |} theft of the boat. \ Saturday, October 17th, 7 p.m. 0.H.A. Junior "B" Exhibition Hockey © WHITBY Neil McNeil MAROONS ADMISSION--Adults $1.00 Minor Hockey Children 25¢ No Lineups -- Season & Subscriber Tickets Now on Sale - Season Tickets 18 Games $16 Subscribers... Make sure of your Reserved Seat for a fee of $2 Arene Heated For Your Comfort. Vv ARENA ® , WHITBY DUNLOPS Students (with 'cerds) 50¢ * at the... The time is when you're fixing the car. The place Is out in the back, Things are' running smooth. And the beer is Pilsener. It's the lively lager from Labatt's. Get Labatt's Pilsener Beer. "NOW APPEARING" FOR A LIMITED ENGAGEMENT The Bright-New-Sensational Sound of SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL 734 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY es DINE & DANCE in the PROVINCIAL ROOM @ "TRULY FINE CUISINE" @ "THE JOQUERS" - Showtime 9 p.m, Nightly PILSENER ENJOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALLON TY BROUGHT TO YOU BY LABATT'S

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