2 IM gn 1 PPG EOE OOM 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thandey, October 15, 1964 "Sell Unwanted Articles With Low Cost Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 10--Articles for Sale 10--aArticles for Sale 12--Articles Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK » By R J. SCOTT WHITBY'S -- vg Sige fen. Pr it sy 6 by 63", t panes wo uch. Call TEOTB om BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] gumm. S%nx SORAPS| EER et GS erie etn terme Lunes py ae | [pnd ona Sal. Seman Coke, aa BUY, sell ond exchange used Writ} - Here's g BIG % : Wood. BUILDING SUPPLIES, |7ssict pint Bre "ud! simeae street] Business rtunity || Eo'26h Brock St. Whitby |FURMTTURE:"s Team row ay Weak] ght A MALL oY bs E Le FURNITURE: 3 rooms new Accountants 4 Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Mortgages ; bgp | 668-3524, re aly an), neioden Capital Investment HOPKINS, BEADL® AND CO., Cherter- Pay Por ony 8 Soh, Gea cies SOFSPRA faerie' ms tcionne| Quality Carpentry | -- BLUE VELVET SOD. 1 NEED MONEY? sutitetin )| Tone Craft Paint Co, |girnr nee Feria times) oA MINUTE Hopkins, CA and General Repairs MAKE IHDIAN 19 BOND W., leigh TCPNWRIVERE, SadGe CouhiOn Gopi MB, Bondi, CA €: Linon, CA" 4 Field Sod, Nursery Sod and | to REFINANCE YOUR am 100's rolls prepasted poper lasts, ereave, writers, commiomenrs| COIN-OPERATED Try our prices on rec rooms; Stock, Rockery Stones, Side- Me MT R to $1.95. Sal pace files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, serv- | prose dy Bese ca coed hg hed Bal cupboards, floor, ceiling and walk Slabs, Cedar Hedges. NR noe Your HOME? ; : 590, up to ¥ . price hint used" Low overhead, tom' prices Tl CAR WASH wall tiles, arborite etc, Satis- COMPLETE LANDSCAPING TO BUY A COTTAGE OR PLACE. All Paints 20% Discount Raglan, Here is the automotive equiv- CAR? en eres HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING CAR iri' boy's.) alent in the do-it-yourself : (Formerly Preston's) TWO BICYCLES, one girl's, one i '4 R.R, 4--Bloor E, 723-9020 Good 'Telephone 723-7843, q H., MCKOY 725-8576 bah 3 bi Fret HIGH COST we EXTENSION Rong IE and coat or} For information on operating Bhat Dp Rg ol AM sue ASS | HAVE A SECRET | wood annex. Tei results, call or write: NURSERY ond field sod, cut daly, sand ost "Swans aaa 1 di ll WE PAY MORE BUY AND SELL -- Good sed forature , ls yi wy / i One locat only, CEMENT WORK [ican and gravel "Armarong od. Tole) Boron yo oo ver tong: SELL FOR LESS Furniture, 144 Simcoe South. 723071. \A Division of ALD CANADA LTD, "SONARD JAMES GROG WALKS, STOOP: ARDENS piowea Gri Roto} term 2nd mortgage with low g 1 Buying or selling used fur- | TWO Goodyeor snow fires, 7-60-15, Argus 25 BELFIELD RD, Koctnon, "dete Sams Colane Broo: FLOORS, CURBS ond on Me Brooklin éS5100, interest and small repayments niture ond opplionces. Call |movie prolector & mm. Telephone 723-553 REXDALE, ONTARIO 53. ping Center. 725-9953. PATIOS fon quality, delivery. Free) May prove much easier for ; z h Oe aH Valle: reek Furn't MAN'S OVERCOAT, plaid, size 42. Two RO 6-7255 Sanolse cknlng aac, Bd B. McLEAN cima. Taehine rast or FPN] Your budget a8 16% | ee W728 440) [er es ei,' ree EEFABCIBRED, ch, coi aa Street West, A ern ~yaad ARE Not oe see ca : Ke of men's and women's clothing, 723-4929,| ety store for sal Phone 725-5946 Instruction CORONATION ------ Pr TON OIL STOVE (Kenmore), 7800 8TU.| ,wrers: Gting concern. Owner hae other pall i oy ge ed re] ve dois ty b Bhai -- j gical ye Me: 4th Beltone Quality DOO SOOT ers Gon "| MORTOAGE COMPANY tor" sale- Eat Setocene © "| Repairs & Remodeling | ONTARIO INVESTMENT | ot scene BERET) HEARING AIDS [Seceeirer stag rt er Boe Yon Fane Voto SeaDoo FTL Pl i, enn m " % with ing and ss UTY SALOW for sale -- ¢ dryers and Barristers Gorages, sidewalks, cup- DRIVING CO. LTD. hi pout sed ai tress, $0. € a rari ; cory toy omotea, Mosk EREIOHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH,| boards, doors, patios, carports, A Canadian Public Company |Trade Schools 3--Pets & Livestock BELTONE FOUR-DRAWER CHEST, ight "mapi Laer ten "years, ND VICTOR, Barristers, $Sollcifors, No-| tiled I! fi finish (large); shower curtains with tivieg uerters, Reasonable rent. te 5 Bank of Commerce ng. 5] jobs on eat Gall ie ss SCHOOL In Oshawa crea call HEARING SERVICE poh ge light background, 18 fost ied |For 725-462) after 6 evenings. i : : " " 42¥4 SIMCOE N. 728-0004 | %% pieces of Wognae. TERRORS " Fa Teves Nechoraet Whitby, $5,800 G. K. Drynen, : coe 755.5108, a Learn to Drive 1964 Models sO King gg hg ATTENTION MASTER FORTASLE TYPEWRITER, $6 "ae. or (bee ote. Exclsive chicken recipe Soe GC Tas, Sorkin &_Wiclor, $85 ROOM" papered, a4" ond Wp Bones PICK-UP SERVICE 723-2265 (after hours 723-7996) MEN PET FOOD For... Evergreens, Shade |isi electric typewriter, 713464, steady 'increase, Call Mr. Chariton ns. pol gr pops seen painted, reasonable prices. Also, in inside ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- |sijving OR SELLING furniture. aii | 8: eee nnn | WOrK, all prices labour only. 725-7297, 1 tilizer, etc. Visit your local hances, Call Elmer, Hampton 4) BOR SALE OR RENT -- Buliding sulb Ma6IBBON and BASTEDO, Barriers Going ro am Dual Contro! Cars 2n d MORTG AGES 7 to 49 MASTER DIET garden centre, OF 263-2695, able for ght Industry situated on two tector Cheats Heavy Equipment} 206,Kis8LF J. A. Janssen and Sons Ltd, |ORLEY, small reer "pany, "7 seer! and ts Is first mortgage, 37 King Street East (3rd TERRANA PAVING co, peak in Licensed Instructor floor), RTE, Charles C, McGibbon,|Oriveways, patios, parking All Au , ; : : work 'quarantesd two years. Free' esti tomatic and Standard UP TO 80% OF APPRAISED 843 KING ST. W. 728-9429 ia sight PISCE iosern "AANGAN, , hage taet ome ms oven ' @) h 728 693 4 PROPERTY VALUE Operators MEAT. Stew -- "Garden Centre & Landecape petal F Sraitans Ts atna Soret wa Lh nee ae te on Money to loon, Of office 14% King Street IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and snawa ~ TERMS UP TO 10 YEARS i MEAT LOAF Contractors" SUPERMAN COMICS, all kinds, new 0 would ish On, Conerre (ore a deal tein AL Sor' pam NO HIDDEN CHARGES Are in demand for bull WE_ DELIVER. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and eppii-| in good condition, Diel Whitby neuen Ca : Fs gta a 3 ly JAMES ee DONATE BA, ULB, |te0g,p. : dozers, scrapers, motor ances. Name brands at bigg eens, Times. Caer ae elicitor and' Notary Pub-|00d-_P- Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 724-2061. a Pp jagest Im ---- NO BONUSES " . here, Wi E, Mcc GOUT) WOO er ecicles Ken aeenateetty atiralank wanna attain] -- TUTORING | no proxerace res '| graders, draglines, back- [Cooper-Smith Co. laairan sre ina Vr svtar| anne sms Mne Moma," |@MPLOYART, WATS, ans West, Oshawa, Ontario. lent pari " rials . lealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 'AW, band sew and @ v4 avallable, 7254716 of 7254717. Call Frank Brink, Hampton 269-2710, Classes now in' session at | YOU CAN REPAY ALL OR | OG'p\ ton inctractors rat 16 CELINA STREET King Street West, 726-0191. Se wena Poo! table: comere Cm supply references, Telephone 7227043 MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Sol-|ALL TYPES buliding repairs, chimnevs,| Academic Tutoring College. . PART AT ANY TIME | @ Y op instructors rig 2 TV TOWERS Special, a0 fi, Call 725-3719. TOUNG MAN cocking employed" with citors, Notaries Public. Martone, fine Resin pees, as and concrete) ai ages, grades, subjects. WITHOUT NOTICE OR cn: the equipment. Don't 7, 3-1 139 ture, ail-channel antenna, instatted' '390. GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, mi 5-1 chauffeur's licence; some bookkeeping a A HILL:| ROOFING, painting, Tathing, inauiating,| Reding, = Math, English, PENALTY delay --- enquire now. |ApoRABLE s1---Germad pope Real Street; rapaied. ™" 'Yt %! Globons|Frisilre stove, four mummers iliggy [enperlence. Ask for Davey 720-172 aggre bal Solicitors, 36% King|Specializing in re-roofing. J. C. Dingler, Science, ete. From student's THE REALTY DIVISIO Write giving name, add- |stered. Brooklin 655-4760, _|O1L BURNER, forced-alr blower system, KENMORE bomidifier with werre enty)| 16--Female Help Wanted . D, Humphreys,|283 Jarvis Street, 24 hours dally. 723-6603.) own textbooks, private or N OF ress and telephone num- | Witt BoaRD horses in Courtice orea.|!Ike new. Will trade for typewriter orl virie winter clothing, 'size 10; baby car- W. A. Hillman, aaa Telephone 725-5940. adding machi what H 'ey Persian tomb hear mnbiTTT, Resiaence: OF as, forall ypen of roo. 'Experanced me" ACADEMIC S U P F R | O R ber: mea SETTER, twoyearold male. phone 7234434. ee ves nae * carmalty "Xpply te oe AVON TERRITORY H 6s] workmen. 728-6507 or 3438, [eye Good with children. Telephone 723-625 thi delat SALE: 2-piec ites,| SINGER sewing machine, ees ty Won 481761, MHA maa CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, roofing TUTORING COLLEGE DISCOUNT LIMITED NATIONAL SCHOCL OF $89.68 up. New discontinued fines, "Floor tric, two years '1 sis0. iginal price]! OPEN IN WHITBY ae irs, sidewalks and stoops. F. M HEAVY EQUIPMENT |5--Farmer's Colu samples. Fantastic savings, Easy terms,\$239. Telephone 723-1250. inner ARTE os ROMMEL H's ones. Sa" "| CALL 723-6701 725-6541 OPERATION [eam msi iia es Rhee om Pots Sa --raCEON, vg ezie| START, AT ONCE, --- Ean ieney bea Block, 'Sa eo aetalistiong it raeieritie incited. 17 Simcoe St. N. BOX F3 For Perms Lines s30-Con stock, fae BEAUTIFUL chesterfield, two chairs; gis range recora, player chassis. Make) Christmas gifts. We train you 5 ; i i : : re sertigee wainut cellarette, walnut floor model| offer. T to represent Avon. Write or 723-4029. o yr sa et -- oes Learn hairdressing 27 Superior Offices in Ontario _|__Out of town enquiries Invited, ONE 'or two boarding horses wanted, box radio, coftee fable, step-tables, 'occasion-|FUJICA 15 Camera, automatic siedronie| Call J Ghora wie 14 King. set" Eat Dial our apaclaity. New work" and repairs.| For a secure profitable and TV--Radio Repairs town n' Oshawe, $25 monthly Bowen vilte,| a EE ell drop-leaf table, magazine rack,|eye, automatic speed and lens settings, | -- . rare | lamp, fler-table, walnut commode. ic light signal and flesh control. 423-7778. Residence PI Greer,| Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing] independent future, ' Haire MORTGAGE | 623-2790 _after_6 p.m. Taales! winter 'coats. and. sult (16); two Complete with cave, ond. flash attach MRS. M. LAMBERT QC, 725-3368; Terence V. a kelly, "vy BCI,/and Construction, RR y 725-6937, dressers are made, not born". | TRACTOR FOR SALE. Massey-Harris|men's sults and water-proof coat (40)s|ment. Used twice. Valued at ee p re) BOX > 728-3832. MacLEAN CUSTOM BUILT torailure: model 22 with front end loader, Excel-|smart kitchen chrome set, 59 McLaughlin! sell for $60. Telephone 728-5035 evenings. ", ' fVMAN-AND HYMAN, Bartister,. Soll-| Modern or ultra-modern furniture, bul! CAREER SCHOOLS LOANS lent condition. Blackstock 986-4300, Blvd, aa Be COLUMBUS cltors, Notaries, Suite 905, The Times|to your specifications. Kitchen cupboards OF HAIRDRESSING FS, pores, alls, sorted ac|/DRYERS, $65, up; automatic washers,|tables, cupboards, all kinds of antiques, Building, 86 King Street East, 723-1137.|re-bullt and re-finished, Furnishings and Moneys for first mortgages Economy and Cedar trees for hedges,|some suds-savers, $85. up; wringer wash-|beds, picture frames, lamps, dishes. ie Clients' funds available for mortgages.|lamps for any room in your home. Cane) 977 Wietoria St Toronto 2 Interest at 7 etc, C. Smith, Newtonville, 2283, ers, $35, ups electric ranges, $20. up; alljden corner Antique Shop, Ashburn, Four Louls $. Hyman, QC: Herbert $. Hyman, work -cur specialty. Batiptuction guaran- Ontaric Go hierar Deluxe THREE ROLLS Of snow Tencing, one|"e-bullt and re-finished, guaranteed for/Corners South. MEDICAL OFFICE s 3 months. All makes, Call Chester's Ap- > bonus | Priced to suit your budget Pneumatic wheel-berrow wheel. Telephone) ® 'collect, ¢ 11--Articles For Rent Requires Girl _ intelligent 725-6417, pliances , Caesarea 986-4926, Building Materials Cartage REGISTER NOW No charge for valuations TER = THRUM ROOMS of furniiure, e594.50--No enough to' run entire office JOHN'S MOVING AND _CARTAGE,| For lessons in the following: Mortgages and Agreements | MS ARRANGED Fete en ae ecatine eee down "payment. $14 monthly' et Honest ENT ALS and seriously considering pare Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully bia . purchased. fence rows. Don Mountloy and Lorne|Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. manent employment. Reply to McCULLOUGH bani tot detec ; fe Big i seal ike ized Moneys for second mortgages ~ | OSH AWA | V P . STOVE, White, unit combination annex LUMBER CO. LTD. |¥. avs cAaRTAGE. "Furniture" meving.| Prone Ce ae Fost service. : sahel ar ae BOX 334 aE. ov MANURE, and electric, Like new. Also frost. free F ALL KINDS A goed place to buy all your |euste 140 oriaswe. | For further. Informotion on M. F. SWARTZ SUPPLY LIMITED ind aevored. Phone 875 | Seis eee, "Telephone 22-300. O Oshawa Times in own hand- i IPMENT -- 5 building materials, LA LONDE, all types of certage. Bay| lessons and rental instru- 361 GIBBONS ST. 7 --Trailers SABY CARRIAGE, 00d, clean condi: Ree ae son ol le wring pls. ood eg (Minas 5. Dentistry WILSON and LEE LTD. Oshawa, Ontario MUSIC STORE 728-4688 See OH. C.F, = tenes Weer] __B7 Simcoe St. N. 728-4706 | --.___ 729-4097 bedrooms, 4 el, |. Worry Shell Services M18. Highwey, New:| OLD GUN wanted. Teleohone Ti5 0103 $6 per month. LADIES castle. TICE EXTRACTOR, very reasonable, PLUMBER'S TOOLS, -- pipe 5842 or Res, 728-8441. 8--Hunti oa Durham, Phone 725-4258. cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- An exciting new job may be Building Trades no ' aye Musical Services hlicbadd_ UNS = Bought, sold. Treded. Repaired pod, pipe wrenches, pipe it yours if you drive ond have =r) kina Whitby Driving DANCE MUSIC -- Rand "8mm: BUNS, ammunition, decoys, camping wup-| et Art's Gun shop. 18 Bond St. W. ters, pipe threading dies evening free. For interview YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Ch 9 Service. Recorded muile' ts Music| piles, Best prices In town, Budget terms.| 979), toilet auger. call-- 'snd ropelred) ges, tings. | LADIES, THINK. THRIFTVI Alivations, School sons. Earl Brown, 7254304 °° Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. 5 SoC OST Fakes S$ EQUIPMENT -- ere ee in Mages ert, telephone 7261823 J. A, OSTERHOUT -- Owner |PIANO, eed a are eiectronicy organ} and Antenna Repair 9o--Summer "Properties nom. ny Gi suggestion, Bee price. Soetoadins sane exten- | 668-3215 Whitby DREIEMAKING -- all Kinds of ladies' Dual Controlled Cars, Person- tuning: and repair, instruments appraised, Wilson's Furniture. 20 Church St. ladders, ladder jacks, ~ sion 668-8463, a! Courteous Service, Fully |A: Hiddink, Alax 942-1664. For Sale or Rent NEW AND USED TV's, General Electric} 5.00) scaffolding compressors, ex: wear. High quality work. Call : Sale Classified Rates Mrs. Vooglery, 1110 Henry = Street.) Licensed and Insured DANCE: BAND, 5 5 to 1 places. Experi- tres aero (Stenberg) rt ares a le Ss ea 78 Simcoe North, @toy guns, wallpaper. steom- SALESLADY Whitby i, satile, Reasonable. Ted Taylor, y Wal A y - A WORD ADS u DIAL 668-4176 Alax, 942-1663. id urnished. Best offer. Cash terms. |VACUUM CLEANER repairs, all makes,| ¢'S, tarpaulins, blow torches, DRESSMAKING -- Suits, costs, dresses, hans 942-0108. hoses, brushes, bags, etc. Free estimates.) propane torches, ecatona rere ate words Fy pad alterations, slip covers, pact iin 1010 Dundas St. E., Optometrist TELEVISION carthon. tare ar Sut HS eongd hoy and delivery. Dial 9420213| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- 25 - 40 secutive Insertions of 24 oles a Seen _ va Tee Ee - WHITBY . Estetes, Sturgeon Lake. Taken tof Fleming Vacuum Service, Highway 2 t mixers, finishing tro- scditionel words Iie eech 6 cmsece Exterminators set Che, gEEACK, OB. i 134 Simcoe! 171 BOND ST, E.;, OSHAWA, | #6, To be: sold for: same, Cal "Grint Pickering vel wheal berraive, erectric with knowledge of sewing, ive Insertions of be ag 4.32, add : A LEARN TO DRIVE 73.4191. 1 Telephone ? 326-3605, TELEVISION tower special 40 ff. struc- virbrator, alr compressor, jock pleasont personality, neat pose words 18 ture, Includi all channel antenna, In- - nerge 10 per com, additions SRESTO ot the 728-5143 10--Articles for Sale stelted;. arkd "averantend by experts with} hammers, hand trowels, water pag og alge peo tf net peld within 7 days ROL Oshawa Driving School Smart wise 10 years experience, $50. Trio Television.) pumps, portable heaters, steel! good. working tonditions 4 Method of counting -- Less then 24 PEST CONT reasonable rates, standord ve CITIZEN BAND _ |riertene Zee. __________|_ scaffolding, electric generator, day week, benéfit plan, Good words counts ss 24 words, each word, Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, and cutometic cars . Business TV SERVICE WATER SOFTENERS for sale, rent. ramset, power rollers, electric Sain al Wiite to wie figure or' abbreviation. counts Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rats, ; : -WAY RADIO New and used, Salt delivery. Free trial.) pf onmers mosanry saw, build- ting salary. Write for in- * phone number counts cid dan a Professional Instructors. People DAY OR EVENING P. las ond Call Culligan, 668-2200. ing jacks, mortar mixers terview and enclose snapshot words . } | art sales and service RDWOO! lengths, d le to Homes, factories, apartments, 728-0091 Sing the Pro | 3 Halli SCRAP HARDWOOD, onefoot lengihs:| mortar boxes, chain hoist, : BIRTHS aoe ad TerorWe. Phone Don ___ OSHAWA AND WHITBY ay ad 728-5286 50C'S SPEED fone ae ee ee miter saw, Anata plane, 'tar- BOX 9A? h ountjoy. LILLIAN MA& MARSH, DEA, Dancing} °f Oshawo DO = a jedric| paulins, sand blaster, power Re Penge it vr paid atthe 725- 9871 Shah cto enne Acrobaite, "Pre Times Classifi OSHAWA AND CUSTOM Srove, small size. Telephone mos post hole auger, oscillating | OSHAWA TIMES in 7 days. Seer Masonic Toneie Tah abtoreayss ia oatiried ELECTRONICS 1600 King St. E. 728-7781 BROWN sofa bed and chair, $65; 64 by 9 sanders, disc sanders, belt Gardening and 'Supplies TTC Preet Ads 24 Hour Towing rug, $15. Call 726-2193 or 725-5337. sanders, floor sanders, acety- eae ena fe 3 La le A ARENT. Resiiver|: HUNTING CAMP FOR SALE, south of|RANTE, Kenmore 30" electric, heavy| lene welding outfits, 200 DICTAPHONE $2.00 for the first 38 words and Se now. Oshawa "Shoppln Centre, 725-6122. Whitney, good hunting. -- Telephone|duty;_ four burners, automatic, In good) amp, electric welders. each thereafter, plus ¥2¢ per tine of "TOP SIZE pping Centre, Painting and Decorati - Yovaere. condition. 7208 TYPIST verse 25¢ additional charge if not ee eT ee. ing ' pald within. 7 days BULBS" Janitor Service | HAVE YOUR PAINTING done by « good,| -T.V. Towers and Aerial Service STAN S For Soles Correspondence, clean painter, Free esti CARDS OF THANKS 728-7843, mates. Telephone ond repair. Sh ing & Rentals Ltd, | . : oe The wh We eletien TULIPS BRADY'S PAINTING, decorating, "aise floor ting, ED. PARE PROP, TREMENOGYS SAVINGS 223 King St, Ww Oshowa : | Write Box 338 each thereafter, with 25c daitional charge Wf not paid within 7 days CROCUS JANITOR SERVICE bende da yee ating. All. work 480 we Murray DURING Enter off Burke St, during Oshawa Times i d irs, ; COMING EVENTS IRIS Specializing in factories, of- 728-6879 toad repairs [EXPERIENCED WOMAN for resteurant SNOWDROPS Personal Service CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re. U PHONE 723-3224 x. Nat De watt Shine. frat do words and'Se each inereatier HYACINTH freind Stores. Complete | jaanD AND" MARW BO-THovsaselc onal t% All work Sueratee "bean WILSON FURNITURE __ PHONE 723-3: ==| Xin perce ey Rattan (Word Ads) DAFFODILS ° cattnotes + Fre@ | personal linen repaired. Darning. vie venue, Telephone 725-0800. WAVTRERRES Feguired, ~~ h ? Ible_mending. Tel Brides, Bridesmaids, gowna, a end 1) 4 AUCTION SALES a 728- 7057 ee Teeerene bak Well rillinga--Digging crinolines, headpiece, veils. waeher w aero Ry 'or $2.10 per inch per insertion. PAPERWHITES umbing ana Heating WELL DIGGING by machine specializing mink stoles, white fox fara, [APP Me Carnpbel, Genoena Hoth ODD JOBS -- any size, windows washed,| ALL PLUMBING and healing supplies, In 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut dishes, cutlery Qlesies, | MAIR SEVAIST, Atuat de expert tn Roh storms installed. Telephone 725-1644 any Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. Jatvoma. Tah Wages aad comission, DEADLINES * Telephne 725-3521, Harold H, Stark, Ltd., tobles, chairs, ehureh vi wy WORD ADS Cooper Smith Co. bi T. oe Tiara, and Engineering, 255 I1--Women': 's Column THE STORE IS OVER CROWDED nee oA ee a pe " * . 1 Ty, Ontarte, -- o "523-1139 __|PaymENT 756 srr Na tray BSG RIAN Sy" TStly GG] EVERYTHING SLASHED FOR QUICK SALE | SARGEANT'S RENTALS sath seat ti to er Lost AND FOUND, BIRTHS, -113 Good credit Il lend. You" Up to So00n al eetinent Saag, "Baterials: Reesonable rate,| éresns ep $7 88 __ 463 Ritson § 728-3238 aise rat ehiktren, Must ve cut payments In half or less for consoll- . . . -- ano? sega TOP SOIL -- FILL [prone Toronto 'astszes..* Ure Tee|Rug-Upholstery Service 2--Personal Spring filled Crib Mattresses ..... $2 nt ORMAL WEAR [asta hut Bran Corse. pieor CLASSIFIED DISP: . 99 uxedos » Morning Suite Stveet West, Room 217, Toronto, Tele 1 column -- 4 pum, day previous, SOD Mortgages OSHAWA Removal of superfluous hair, |© X 9 Borderless Linoleums ...... : «a Dinner Jackets nah Mi 2. ao 723-1161 Marie Murduff willbe in hy Too Mott $22.00 | White Fox Furs = Mink Stole |heene' Gur Nears" Nea" pasta tame 2 : Mort M CLEANERS Oshawa, Oct, 26th, 27th and |SMooth Top Mattresses .......... ' Furs aM rg CANCELLATIONS AND gage oney 28th. Phone Genosha Hotel PEOPLE'S CLOTHING CORRECTIONS OSHAWA : 1 j BARN EXTRA MONEY, Show Canada's 9.30 a.m, day of publication. GARDEN CENTRE Available ie pion tap te nent: (Crigne Chestertinid, sulle, $127 vbw Nove hm sree BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0¢ Low Interest Clean At tt . ing. our store or ment, "Eoam Cushions" Novelties, ete, Over 350 i} be made Yo" forward replies te ox numbers to PRESTO i if aes 36 Simcoe St. N. Dial 723-3612 y illustrated nm your home, ELECTROLYSIS lpiuansisicen ar ace e on approval vane the fastest pn bl Valuation, Arranged Load sccopt no aoity tn repeat pe LAWN SERVICES RESIDENTIAL CHESTERFIELDS hago hie pot and re fiprenlacei | 1070 SIMCOE N. Ridges, 629-4191, ments call 26Y2 King St. East | 728 8] 80 GENERAL WOUSE TRAILER, 35 fet Hon, $18, 'Telephone 723-1942 from 4-8) massaging bere, AT all ss | | elicit l 723-464) Brass and Walnut Magazine Racks . FIC | Taping -- Weddings taped vest Gant, Mamiton, Ontaflo forwardi such -repiles, however dri , parking lots, and pevethacctln td bis blah H r eer audaer by naphomnce oF plone gy 9 a SUMMER PROPERTIES RE-UPHOLSTERING by axel Eater (English Tailor) equipment. parttime, Apply RJN Restaurant, 318 Gudgeon Associates [Pina "(vm Wnty Stoppine |. Members Onterio _--_rcaustmute cre jem Mattei] Suit cond Dress, Alterations [Bunk Beds, complete with springs $57 | Sound Equipment [RELIABLE nissieapesteay Te mi. REGULATIONS MERION KENTUCKY Mortgage Brokers Association Upholstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, Invisible Mending .| and spring filled mattresses .... S while mother works, Six-day rors, In ure ; RIDE wanted by man from Alex fo Ts i inish. 138, [ENTERTAINING = Finy to one hundred| ADDITIONAL parttime models required. Se ate Se SODS SUMMERLAND [ie sini sr" wit™ alto eatatrataa™ee # em|e ce Bedroom Suite, walnut finish . QS |sstncsen, Nocera S02 is Sy rin te mer: 76 "eRe dae : Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Re®| cont photograph. Clark Studio, 325 Brock fo fay verisemen or beyond .__ INSPECTION WELCOME SECURITIES _[exesrenriecos sre aa--cpain re |e ,0retINe, ARt, ctastEs we an|Headboards for Continental Beds NURSERY SOD GROWE Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe §. Calll pnone 728-2434 Spring Filled Mattresses . reducing machines, sick room' SUppIIS room, Telephone Coboconk 454-301. 'The Oshawa Times reserves the rignt RS j Sa CLARK STUDIO -- Oil paintings, bur a Ser fo classity advertising according" to 112 Simcoe St. North Sales and Servi laps, art. lessons, models. Open' eve MANY MORE FABULOUS BARGAINS CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church/17---Male Help. Wanted _ FIRST AND SECOND mort Sale Ate Printing Apprenticeshi not be held respon- gages. lis, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut § - rin tole Ags space than nthe in agreements purchased and sold. Hennick West, Winitby, wr 2563. ies eal 3--Pets & Livestock YOU'/RE WELCOME 12--Articles Wanted 9 PP Pp whicn the actual error occupies the ees, Tennick, Barristers, 31 King Street] Seems agp reg " " Good opportunity for High wri, Se oceeal ST, partion oo ALE at, ETA CANVAS awnings, wert' 'isl FON. male, Yee yoors od, ond sal WIN A "FREE" SEALY MATTRESS Shes pilosa bisa Any advertisement cancelled before Telephone Bowmanvil -- |p 1742, bloodlines, Stud services. Boarding. Quar- Parts for sale, also scrap iron facilities, oll company bene- publication will be charged one day's° 623 2837 or pick = es Ba pete Surveyors nea and metals, etc, bought fits and promising future, ° --_ - e-cusnevaryesemepaiecinens 1 T'S EASY TO PLACE guiding card: at White ad, daily for' one|2ON EVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, BEAUTIFUL, baby puaales, Teady Yor Open Saturday all day) Phone regimes pager! a rte Ontari a '4 iki $s. Y: rn, TIMES FAMILY WANT ko Rose garage Bowmanville fear. , Too small prints, 11 Ontario Street ae bo Aga 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. ies i Cah Classified Direct for free gift of one flow-. | to be noticed? ij ELIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|SIAMESE KITTENS trom choice regis: PIANO wanted, repair worthy. Best price 723-2233 ter horses, foals. Traller Ashburn, Brook- Hamilton, Ontarlo, = recorded -- Mostee of 'vied. B 5 eremonies work, P.A. syi [5s pm. to 1.30 p.m. Al South trough einer tetiore ver Setay tn Lawns, weeds, fertilizing, CITY AND DISTRICT for. recovering. Dalton Se ci ara LEN PULLAN Space Saver Davenports ........ $44. tems, tape recorders, topes, | Restaurant, § Bloor Street Cast Onhewe, Bina er gg RL ig Bed edly _ TELEPHONE 725-9871 VACANT LAND lished 17 years. Complete range ot mater-/ CUSTOM TAILORING 2 days is week, live in, German speaking preferred BLUE GRASS 10 PRINCE ST.. 728-5311 723-5121 Sonable rates, 723-2140, North, Whitby. Tn Pat the "advertisement: in. which "ALLGREEN" LIMITED Covered like new. Get the best for less at|tures, Reasonable rates, For information Its proper classification Townline N VY mile north of Oshawa, Ontario - 725- 3568 nings, aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, Sdvertising matter correctly, but as- PRIVATE and corporate monies for alll von showdevta aacoasen' iso, German. Shepherd purebred, trained : SHAW regis- EXPERIENCED Waitress, night shift, Charles Street, 723-7212, dances, intercoms --~ Hi-Fi | WAITRESSES experienced, full time or Flake Foam Pillows#-:.......... 77c ' lals. Workmanship guaranteed. five years, but not essential, Telephone Ajax 942-5515, The Oshawa Times will not be re aeUPHOLETER 'and refinish your ture WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,|cooK "in moll country hotel dining error occurs 'eythane a a O Saturdays. 325 Brock North, In the case of display, advertisements _Tounton Village 725-9674 neta SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service|Wnithy, 668-4497, oi COME IN -- LOOK AROUND Simcoe Street North, Call_ 723-2414, ability ef advertisement. tf mortgages. = watch dog. Telephone 7: @ career, to learn. printing car sceceurecies wi any form are | Evergreens, trees and |tr sole pu . Creighton, Drynan,| QUARANTEED repairs to all wringer|cozva RANCH Reena estar ! AUTO WRECKING CO. business, Pleasant working contained therein '| shrubs up to 50% off, |Murdoch and Victor. (See "Barristers." -- Free estimates. Call/German Shepherds, puppies. Champion Wants Cars for Wrecking. conditions, technical training : Y di it i offered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, RR 723-3492 --~ | ering shrub. | er Rare) Tae See Bat, Phe sen tonemn woaee | 20 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA _ |Cutene. 1 Local 68 for annoinemene