WHITB Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Chris Dennett. And DISTRICT Tel. 668-8703 | Fae neg nee Offered To The Whitby's century-old County) From two separate feelers put Building, Centre street south, is|out the council had discovered to be offered to the town at a/that the land would have been bargain price for use as a cul-| worth some $45,000 if it had been tural and community centre. | sold in this way. Ontario County Council, joint) If the county council had owners of the building with the| made itself responsible for put- City of Oshawa, decided Tues-| ting the building in proper shape day to offer the building to the) it would cost almost as much as Whitby Town Council on a 99-| this figure year lease. Rental charges will) "There is a lot of work to be be $1 per year. done. to the building." Mr Thus the historic building,| Brooks added. "The heating, which was left vacant when the| wiring and plumbing facilities in county council and local ju-| the building are all in need of diciary departed for their new) wholesale repair. headquarters on Rossland road,| 'By leasing the building to will now certainly be Whitby's| the Town of Whitby we are pre- Centennial Project |serving the building for future Some $40,000 will be spent generations." storing the structure and mak-} ne $ ing i into a central meeting | $36,000 IN GRANTS | place for the town. | Through. Centennial grants, There will be facilities for Mr. Brooks went on, the W hitby drama production, a county mu-| Town Council will be able to geum, meeting rooms for local] Taise some $36,000 of the money organizations such as Red! needed to restore the building. Cross, chamber of commerce! peo rt in the county po i | cil sitting there was some doubt wicuheugue las to whether the Whitby Town ONE PROVISO | Councilswould qualify for a cen- The only string attached to|tennial grant if it only leased the county council's offer is that) the building and was not the the building be maintained as a! owner . community centre for use by! fast minute consultations, | the people of the town. howyever, proved that there If this proviso was ever brok-| would be no problem. en the control of the building| a and. jk weer would pass back into the hands| ,!f there had, and it was aid of the county authorities. vious that Whitby Council would The decision to offer the build-|"0t qualify for a grant, then it ing to the town was jointly de- was proposed to sell the build-| cided between the property com-| ng for a figure of $1,200. | mittees of the county council! somME OPPOSITION and the City of Oshawa. The leasing of the old building Oshawa holds an 1844 per cent) to the town did not pass through interest in the building. county council entirely unhin- peg -- org nt for dered. nal ratification at Tuesday's ; Deputy Reeve John Dryden of meeting of-the county council. Whitby Township was worried SALE OPPOSED about the future. Explaining the motion before; 'What happens," he said, the county council, Deputy in the years to come the County Reeve George Brooks of Whitby| Council finds need for extra said that the sale of the county| space in the building. I know building to a private developer| We are now i would almost certainly have|ing. But this might become meant its instant death, overcrowded. Then we might re- "It would have been razed to|quire room back at the old the ground and a block of apart-| building. With this lease we ments would have taken its Would not bye able do this." place." He asked whether the council "wet i n our new build-| thinking' move < i irelatives in Hillcroft street, Osh- wpeneronmeees? ese boll 'ssa A could perhaps include a proviso in the agreement that county council be able to take space when and if they needed it. Another suggestion from a worried councillor was that the lease be only for 25 years so that county council maintain a hold on the building. Warden Russell Francis coun-| tered this suggestion, however, with the reply that the acquir- ing of centennial grants on such a short lease would be almost impossible, The motion was eventually passed by a majority of 14 to 8. BEFORE COUNCIL TODAY Ponight the offer will come b@fore the town council's Cen- tennial Projects Committee for discussion. There seems little doubt that it will be unanimous- | ly accepted. "What we have to do," ex- |plained Projects Committee Chairman Councillor Tommy Edwards, "is tonight formally accept the county building as the town's centennial project. "Nhat recommendation will go} before a full meeting of town! council at its next gathering to-| gether with the county council's offer. "Town council then has to give a definite 'yes' or 'no' to the offer. "Let me say this though, it is most gratifying that county council should have made this| offer. It is most generous, The people of Whitby should now act on this information." | DECISION PRAISED John Pantony, President of the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, and a fellow member of the centennial projects commit- tee, was also full of praise for the county council decision. "T think it is tremendous," he said last night. 'A good forward It just shows what can be done if a few peo- ple sit down and really get down to it. "T say it again, it is a tre- mendous offer -- everything we 'had hoped for." LBJ Favored "a WHITBY PERSONALS Thanksgiving dinner guests at jthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- jman Courtney, 401 Frances street, were Lieutenant and Mrs. Claire Stewart, Fort Myers, Florida, parents of Mrs. Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart and children Stephanie and Claire of London, Ont. In Key Counties WASHINGTON (AP)--The po- Kitical winds appear to be blow- ing in President Johnson's fa- vor in four of the five U.S. weathervane counties. In the fifth it looks tossup between Johnson Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican presidential nom- inee, in the Noy. 3 presidential election. These five counties are the only ones that have voted for the winner in every election since 1900. Some have winning records dating far back into the 19th century. The Associated Press asked community leaders, editors and publishers, and just plain voters in these counties their opinions On the presidential race The consensus: Johnson ap- pears to have the-edge in Coos County, N.H.; Palo Alto County Jowa; Laramie County, Wyo..| and Crook County, Ore. In Strafford County, N.H., it looks like a tossup. like a and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Church, 117 Fuclid street, are celebrat- ing their 24th wedding anniver- sary today, Oct. 14. Their friends wish them every happi- ness. Mrs. Walter Porter, Palace street is opening her home to- day, Oct. 14 to the members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian women Group No, 1 for their monthly meetng Mrs George Munns Sr Henry street spent a week visit ing her daughter and_ son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. FE. H. Wight- man and family of Niagara | Falls. J. A. Osterhout of Whitby BROCK Evening Shows 6:55 and 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 THE MIRISCH CORPORATION ' Suet WOW THE SCREEN EXPLODES sents ROBERTSON 'pu CHAKIRIS ¥ IMPORTANT MISSION OF THE WAR! Se a "aS aa SMR , COLORby DELUXE PAMAVISION™ wits "cre UNITED ARTISTS ALSO -- Second Feature Attraction "NURSES ON WHEELS" Starring NOEL PURCELL, JOAN SIMS & {Driving School,. Mrs, Oster- hout and daughter Joyce, 1010 Dundas street east spent Satur- day and Sunday with their son Gordon who is a patient at King- jston General Hospital. They were overnight guests at fhe home of their son-and daughter- in-law Mr, and Mrs. Keith Os- terhout and family of Belleville. Friends of Mrs. Marie Henry, 300 Chestnut. street west, are sorry to learn that she is in the Oshawa General Hospital. They wish her a prompt recovery. Mr. and Mrs. FE. A. during Thanksgiving weekend visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nichols. of Campbellford, for mer Whitby residents. St. Mark's United Church Women are meeting Tuesday, Oct, 13, at the home of Mrs. J, Bradley, 404 Ontario street west. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirkness of Selkirk, Manitoba, are arriv- ing on Thanksgiving weekend to visit their daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cyr, 1005 Henry street. DeHetre John Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Adair is celebrating his fourth birthday, Tuesday, Oct. 13. His friends wish him a happy birthday. Mrs. J. A. Daigle and her mother, Mrs. Doris Brown, motor to Detroit, Michigan for Thanksgiving weekend and will be guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dainard and daughter Cathy are spend- ing Thanksgiving weekend in Hastings visiting their mother, Mrs. Wes Dainard. Miss Irene Cyr of St. John, New Brunswick isa guest for a couple of weeks at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cyr, | MAY BE RECREATION CENTRE FOR CITIZENS OF WHITBY Old County. Building Will Retain Policy On Solicitor Ontario County Council's legal business does not warrant services of a full-time solicitor, councillors decided Tuesday. Discussion on the subject was prompted by. Deputy eeve George Brooks, of Whitby, who asked how much 'the county is spending every year on legal fees. This, County Clerk William Manning told him, amounted to somewhere like $8,000. Reeve John Goodwin, of Whitby Township, followed up to say that the City of Oshawa employed a full-time solicitor, why not Ontario County? "We employ the services of two local solicitors,' he added "They are both well known reputable mén. But we have to face a fact. These men are free agents. ' "We have no right to restrict them. If we had our own solici- tor we might be better received on occasions." He suggested that the mat- ter be referred to finance com- mittee for further consideration. The move, however, was de- feated on a vote Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST the _ | Orkney Islander 'Council Visitor A welcome visitor at Tues-{liness are two other points) day's sitting of the Ontario|which he admired. County Council Pre Ete Mrs. Brown has been spending Brown, County Council Conven-|,,, 4; : i er for the Scottish Orkney Is- si oe meeting represents tives of Oshawa women's or- a. u verre ganizations.. Back in the Ork- eth gesagt le 97 ney Islands she is president of ' : her | en's ins ; tour of Canada and the United bad ails Bones satis parlor Thursday, Oct. 8. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 14,1964 5 UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES ported that she had tickets for|Miss Hart wants to organize the anniversary dinner to be| visiting groups who would visit held Noy. 3 and Nov. 4. . jregularty. Special help is needed ST. MARK'S UCW | Next general meeting of Nov. | to assist in the library. The October meeting of Unit|/10 Mrs. Donaid Wane willl No. 2 St. Mark's United Church|speak on 'Church Music", Mrs. WINS 'TITLE Women, was held in the Church|Breckenridge gave a report on) ROME (AP) -- Fortunate : . Wingki, a Korean adopted child syonca of Italy won the vacant The meeting opened with Mrs. | supported by UCW groups. Miss) waligrwaleht | cline John Breckenridge leading in)Louise Hart of Whitby Ontario} mropean > P 8 prayer, Reports and minutes|Hospital spoke to the group on) pionship Friday night were read and adopted, also fi-|the need for visiting the Ontario) Francois Pavilla of France nancial report read, |Hospita's. She said many pa-|in the sixth round of the sched- Mrs. John Breckenridge re-|tients had no visitors" at ail. uled 15 round bout. | | | States. They are staying with awa. Although he describes his trip as "strictly pleasure' Mr. Brown is keen to find out how municipal authorities on this side of the Atlantic compare to their British counterparts. He spent the best part of | Tuesday watching and listening) to the council conduct its af-| fairs. | FEW DIFFERENCES | What differences did he find? | "Very few indeed', he said. | "The system is basically the| same although there are, of course, small differences. "The British County Councils have much greater powers and responsibilities things like education and county -health." An Orkney Islander from birth Mr. Brown has sat on his is- land County Council for the last 110 years, For several years he lacted as Director of Agricul- jture in Nigeria. | Coming from a small com- Imunity it is the "great dis- ltances and wide open spaces" lwhich stagger him most about Canada. FRIENDLINESS IMPRESSES He has been impressed too lwith the friendliness of the Ca- nadians. 'Everywhere I have gone people have been 50 friendly,"' he said Canadian food and the clean it els ECONOMY READING PLAN take advantage of this combination offer through She Oshawa Cine DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murels @ Custom Draperies © C.LL. Paints and Varnishes @ Broedioom end Rugs @ Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby CASH RESERVES | CAN EARN 4% IN A SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT | VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Whitby Ww pr NOCOOONYYNNYYQNN0 AE 308 Dundes St. W. 668-3552 8 P North York ADMISSION--Adults $1.00 Now on Sale -- Seaso TROUGHT 104 LUPIN DRIVE BUDGET TERMS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15th 0.H.A. Junior "B" Exhibition Hockey © WHITBY ARENA ® vs. Whitby Dunlops Minor Hockey Children 25¢ No Lineups -- Season & Subscriber Tickets Subscribers... Make sure of your Reserved Seat for a fee of $2 Arena Heated For Your Comfort. POCO. -M. Mogazines New Renewal oo oO A n Maple Leafs REDB BETT PARE Students (with cards) 50¢ n Tickets 18 Games $16 HowoeoRGog00000 ESQU a Ammer LIRILILILY 10 ON MEATS BLAIR PARK PLAZA } MOBI THE ] TRUE amano NOTHING DOWN -- 6 TO PAY. PAYMENTS MONTH AFTER DELIVERY. 1 JACK MONTHS nous START 1 POPU Red and Blue Brand Beef SIDES OF BEEF Ib. 47. Hind Quarters of Beef 09° LB. Take Advantage Of Our Budget Plan Before C PHONE 668-4633 [) CAR Please that this hristmas. There's Only tection against price increase on the full subscription terms as Your carrier-salesman wil PAYMENTS. Your magazines will come issues. ) The newspaper will NO MONEY DOWN Here's how You select your Magazines ARGOSY LADIES' HOME JOURNAL . TRUE STORY ONTARIO HOMES & LIVING SPORT MAGAZINE pues CHILD LIFE (Ages 3-10) .. FLOWER GROWER es MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY . CHRISTIAN HERALD a MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED . MOODY MONTHLY AMERICAN HOME ... CATHOLIC DIGEST AMERICAN GIRL CHATELAINE MODERN SCREEN "| MeCALL'S . 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