books rtaining that; ana coasters around. The suc-, "Serve both tea and coffee,jnever on guests. Do not apolo-| introduce the first few arrivals THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 14, 1964 21 Five Square Feet' Advised!" help ~ a and predieticessful hostess 1s not one who|and if you are saving space,|gize for what you serve. After|/to one another, and after that - ans if you are preparingjhas to keep running to the) you can serve it from the kit-| all, you chose it," introduce newcomers only to everything yoursell, chen." kit chen, Bring it in on small trays, the few nearest. people. Big G ae d H Ti Be PM HELP WALLFLOWER Fa Partly to keep people moving|and have someone help you by i yen da sommes party or small, you must be TIMONn opes 0 or For instance, she says, a good ¢ t Arindd nd, not standing still in|serying the cream and sugar. , available to greet all of your Comi reference will tell you that two) #round, -- L. signa' vou teh toe Wk age ort Of Guests : slices of bread make four party their five-foot space, put the| Use lump sugar at a party. a mag gl Fg = gu on far-| "Serve hot things hot and cold y 5 " ' s ndwiches, that people eat/ bar, if there is one, in the k. Ask t d-| Miss Dreier suggested that In U K B t N t This TORONTO (CP)--If you want)tain they will have something shout 3% Bare wes cach, | thest spot from the door. Do|things cold and have plenty of|'0 work. Ask him to pass. san 2 1h 0 j ime a Guests to be comfortable|to say to one another. bout r each of them noi put all of your food on onejice for beverages, And make wiches, empty ash trays, serve| because of the current elegance Square feet of space|will depend on the .type of} Even if you must make a|around the room. run out of supplies, t t party, you should allow! The type of party you give|/BE AT YOUR PARTY table. Scatter plates of it)sure you have enough--do no! is tain bod a lo N (CP)--J irjmand ch "If you are serving a buffet) 'If you bave a specialty in|time to spend a relaxed 10) 6 ful. Your. wothen' guests the smedeabe head of . coffee. of fashions end of hostess styles, a glamorous party might © Grimond, minutes with every one of your ish Liberal party, hopes to be- AT i --_ p SELL * ests you are asking, and that] check list, Miss Dreier says. N nd 'al : serve it, If y Draw guest list with anj wi termine the casts. "get organized so that you have|dinner, arrange your furniture) food, always serve it, If you would enjoy having an excuse rime minister--but not and matchii Claire specialist . i erything done --|around the room so people can/are trying something new, try | guests. : come p! : to wane cor lw vomit. says hone poe mee ig hig ash trays'sit in groups. it on yourself the t time, stn sited shells wear their lafest. this time. THAT BOUNTS 5 ONLY QUALITY MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERALLY INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES \ SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, FRESH, WHOLE or HALF ROASTING HAMS HIGHER , STEAKS "2° =A ROASTS == PROPERLY AND NATURALLY AGED TO ASSURE TENDERNESS npn a A = Sree en ee eee ee FROZEN FOOD FEATURES BLADE Bea Seaid Reg. Price pkg 49e---SAVE Se STEAK FISH & CHIPS 2 wernt: SOc FOR BRAISING Southland, French Cut Reg. Price 8 pkgs 48e--SAVE do han © GREEN BEANS ---- 2 «ni 45 Clearbrooke Reg. Price pkg S7e---BAVE Ite RIB ROAST RASPBERRIES 3 Scots 1.00 AaP Reg. Price pkg 48e--BAVE 4e Buper-Right, Veo Pas COOKED & BREADED COOKED HAM = 53; SMELTS SMOKED WIENERS:+».8% » 35: Super-Right Quality, Skinless SLICED BEEF LIVER +3% | pepcw FiLLers Super-Right Quality PORK HOCKS == -2k| 533: PEAS & CARROTS -- rbpoivtes 3% VAC PAC 'i-lb pkg € | DECORATID ~ 9-02 cee "> 1 | GLASS TUMBLERS BEEF BOLOGNA = +» 39% 3~29. Aligoed, Smoked, Sliced SIDE BACON wos 59 Super-Right Quality Stuart House BEEF HEARTS 1c: vsno 1 35¢ | SHICKEN NOODLE SOUP. +=: 101» 99 FLEECY = onic sorrever 64-for bi @ Fe WHAT "NONE HIGHER" MEANS AT AcP -- sirthhn,y9u.cvsnm st 2000 nor a Wo rik OW Check! Compare! AsP Prices are Lower | ROBIN HOOD, CELEBRATION (7 VARIETIES) Reg. Price pkg 400---SAVE CAKE MIXES 289% KELLOGG'S Reg. Price pkg 330---SAVE Te CORN FLAKES 22-59 BEE HIVE . Reg. Price tin 300----SAVE 4e CORN SYRUP = »-35 CARNATION POWDERED Reg. Price box $1.15--SAVE te INSTANT SKIM MILK++-1.09 (2q OFF DEAL WITH Se COUPON) NESCAFE instant corre» 1.79 SUCCESS, SUPER WHITE Reg. Price tin 620---SAVE AN EXTRA Se PASTE WAX «2 6» 59 CATELLI, READY CUT MACARONI OR LONG SPECIAL! SPAGHETTI. -- 539. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACTHIC TEA COMPANY ITD. AP) FOOD STORES NS DEPENDABILI ALL PRICES mt THIS AD QUARANTEED THROUGH SAT, OCT, 17th, 1908 FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES -- ARRIVING DAILY AT A&P ISLE OF PINE, NEW CROP, SIZE 70's GRAPEFRUIT 5-49: ONTARIO GROWN, FINEST FOR EATING, FANCY GRADE APPLES McINTOSH -- caloms 3 5: SPINACH' mucrsrase" 2 cz. 2 d. BROCCOL ey AT Paseal, Ontario Grown, Large, No. 1 Grade Ontario Grown, Yellew Cooking, Brushed and Polished, No.1 Grade CELERY staixs «19 ONIONS rm 25¢ Onterie Grown, Gweet and Tender, Ne 1 Grade Unpitted, California, New Crop CARROTS = +-.19 +=DATES arsatccn De A political miracle would be needed to prope! Grimond, whose party had only seven seats in the last House of Com- street in ia i i : Eafe Hil isk Be FF F i TEs peli i ey lit Jo and Laura, who have four children, bought an old manse at Kirkwall, Orkney, and made their home there. Grimond has travelled all over his far-flung ." He is an authority on the problems of the fisher and ' | crofter population, French Students Describe Queen As Plucky QUEBEC (CP) -- Students at Sigh oahedl, conprenase' a e Queen Tuesday on her courage and said her "'cail for unity and understanding has - certainly touched the hearts of all Cana- ae animated by true patriot- The students' association of !'Ecole Second aire Francois- Joseph Perreault, one of the largest boys' high schools in the city, said in a statement the group sent a leter to this effect to the Queen. The statement also congratu- lated Premier Lesage for his remarks in welcoming the Queen to Quebec last Saturday. However, the students said in a statement they sent a letter to Quebee Solicitor - General Claude Wagner urging an in- quiry into police action during the visit and saying municipal police methods gave the world "the impression that Quebec is -- by @ group of neuro-