20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 14, 1964 Teenagers Ignored Plea For Aid A Pickering Township man's desperate onies for ' $ a ment like that should make you hang your head in shame. "You're one yellow individual if I've geen one, and you're no credit te your community. "The laws that are letting you off now are the very laws that protect you", the magistrate concluded. To Mcinnes Magistrate Jer- myn seid 'you knew you were asked for help, and you re- fused." Québec's first woman judge to have jurisdiction throughout the First Woman Judge In Que. Presides In Welfare Court MONTREAL (CP) -- Yvette Dussault - Mailloux is growing accustomed to her new title-- "Madame le juge."' gbout juvenile aeunquency. Mrs. Mailloux was secretary to the Quebec sommission of eivil cade revision, set up by Premier Jean Lesage to recom- mend changes in the province's civil code. She was appointed for life to| The commission, headed by the Quebec social welfare court|Montreal lawyer Andre Nadeau, in Montreal, one of 20 such | judges in the province. used to read _ detective stories in my spare time," Mrs. ailloux says, "'Now my read- is confined mostly to works wrote a report which led to ehanges in the code in respect to the rights of married women. Mrs. Mailloux learned of her appointment as judge April 22 and was sworn in May 1, She nag .peen aware thal tnougnt was being given to appeinting enudren, they can ask for our help." Judge Mailloux says women a woman judge to the post but "I certainly never dr d it would be me." WORK WITH CHILDREN Social welfare equrts involve work with children and adoles- cents. "They're mainly to prevent children fram becoming crimin- als--and there's so much we ean do in this field. "Even if parents don't have actual legal trouble with their are especially suited to this type of work. But she adds that, the fact a woman was chosen in this case is largel e to the leadership of late k- woman cabinet minister and a pioneer in the field of wamen"s rights in the province. Born in St. Cesaire, Que., the French - speaking judge gradu- ated in law from the University 'of Montreal. Twelve years ago land. - Casgrain, Quebec's first| Liberal Fed she a up practice ae on after marrying an rance broker three years later, She has been active in wom- en's law organizations, and in her spare times does volunteer work with mental patients. At the last meeting of the Quebec i eration's eastern re- gion she was elected @ vice- resident for the third eonsecu- ve time. . uebec's only other woman judge was Therese Lemay-La- Beit tage Shes ~ ENDOWS CHAIR BRIRUT, Lebanon (AP)--The American University in Beirut announces that the Aga Khan hag endowed a chair of studies in the faculty. and sciences. It be the first year by Dr. Hossein Nasr, who ter's degree from setts Institute 0° Tec , 6 Ph. D. from Harvard (w the Aga Khan studied) and is professor of Islamic eohy ai Tebran, tran : | Sct. B, A. Box said that Sept. 20 at 2.18 eum, : ; : (fae V.. TAS kg served'a group : a . v ; the gas station - j . section of Highwa; wood avenue. "T told them te leave the let unless they were there on +. ness, and ane of the me he was drinking a coke. "Kaduk told me he was goin; : ; , to get a coke and from my ob- 3 servations I felt he was intoxi- - cated / "I told him he was under er- / \ \ rest and took him by the arm / \\\ and ordered him te come with j me," the officer added. j ' RESISTED OFFICER | "He resisted my attempts to take him to the cruiser and I called for assistance from the if if] crowd "No one came forward and in the ensuing seuffle Kaduc yell- ed 'OK you asked for it', and grabbed me by the throat. "His grip was so tight, I started losing consciousness. "T called for help many times and no one in the crowd came forward to aid me "I thought I was holding my own until he grabbed my throat, end a passing motorist came to my aid, and pulled Kaduk from me." Roy Munroe, Picke Town- ship, said he was g the jot when he noticed a palice- man scuffling with a youth youths ALL PRIGES I" THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT, OCT. 17th, (30¢ OFF DEAL) 4-LB BOX 1964 amidst a crowd of : "I stopped, and ordered sev- eral of the youths to, stay out of. it and then pulled Kaduk fram the officer,' he said. "TI held the youth for an im- police again and was attempt- ing to stay clear of illegal ac- tivities Defence counsel angued the whole case rested on whether Kaduk was drunk or not. Magistrate Jermyn thought he was and severely reprimanded the youth for attacking the po- lice officer in the performance of his duty. | He was remanded in custedy for one week when he will ap- pear for sentence in Whitby Court j A charge of resisting arrest) was withdrawn at the request] of the Crown } TWO YOUTHS CHARGED Two young men who ignored "NEW PACK", HENLEY CHOICE QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL 89: 3 20-A-ox fins ag CASE OF 2 TINS $7.12 LIBBY'S Reg. Price 2 tine 87e---SAVE Pe Set. Box's cry for help also ap- peared at the same Court ses- VEGETABLES MIXED 3 1s-f-ox tins Mp ec orca Wirth, 22, 106 Exeter CASE OF 24 TINS $3.92 -- SAVE Bae street, Ajax, and Richard Mc- Innes, 21, 12 Cedar street, Ajax, appeared before Magistrate Harry Jermyn charged with failing to help the officer. Sgt. Box told the court that during the scuffle he had re- peatediy asked Mcinnes to help and had been informed: "I'm drinking » Coke" "T reached out and took the coke from him and put it down. He still refused to help me." Sct. Richard Bodiey, said he had gone to the Wirth residence and questioned the youth about the incident Wirth told the officer he heard Sgt. Box ery for help and q@hen asked why he did not as- sist he answered "Why should at PURITAN (7c OFF DEAL) MEAT BALL STEW AP Quality Bakery Products 4ANE PARKER RAISIN PIE LARGE 24-02, SiZ8 39 REG, PRICE EACH 400 -- SAVE 100 dane Parker, i Reg. Priee each 39e--SAVE 100 LEMON or JELLY ROLL 29 dane Parker Reg. Price loaf 250--BAVE 4e VIENNA. BREAD rs-orloat B Ye dane Parker, Pineapple Twist Reg. Price each 450--BAVE be COFFEE CAKE ach BO Jane Parker, Plain or Sugared Reg. Price pkg 350--BAVE be HOMESTYLE DONUTS oi: «1629: ' Heinz (In Tomato Sauce) TWIN ROLLS stein 25 SPAGHETTI dane Parker, Pineapple ? a dubliee LAYER CAKE wach 69 dane Parker, Fudge of Ostmesi COOKIES ctv rasitonen 22-0zrwin nack Oe 24-01 1in 3 9. Magistrate Jermyn dismissed j the change against Wirth but de- livered a stem lecture .to the. uth. m "Why should I?' -- a state NEWS BRIEFS GOES MODERN _ BRISTOL, England (CP) -- The 10-lane Severn Bridge, to be opened late next year over the River Severn, aed dg indeed odern toll-collecting sy i Europe A £50,000 computer will calculate the tolls and con- trol traffic WORMS WORK EPSOM, England (CP) -- A team of worms is to turn out for Old Freeman's Rugby Club here. The problem to be tackled by the worms is the failure of ass on the field and worm farmer Frank Lynam promises that his slippery employees will do everything necessary within might SHOP at AsP and SAVE! SPECIAL) 4 20-fi-oz tins 3 9. Reg. Price pkg $108--SAVE 4 CHEESE LOAF »» 1.05 White Cheddar A«P OLD CHEESE +65: SPECIAL! REGULAR, CAREFREE OR TEENAGE "He was like a windmill -- had been with Kaduk at a party ts ¥ ae wenigs ILYN 0) "NEW PACK" ways half shut and bloodshot A:P CHOICE WHOLE BEETS the court showing dark bruises | PKG OF 24 C ing to resist arrest and that he EASY - OFF RECORD INTRODUCED CASE OF 24 TINS $3,92 want to be inveived with the 9-01 JAR ? } ig WHITE OR COLOURED, FACIAL TISSUE @ INSTANT (7 VARIETIES) White Swan, White er Coloured Reg. Price pkg 490--SAVE 4e LOWNEY'S CANDY = s:s45« Stock Up and Save on Canned Foods at AsP DEDS ODENT 7 AvP 5.2347" CORN sashialiey 9: "=| 528998 MODESS NAPKINS 2" 89 wis spire A aOR eo SAAR (WHS BRTRA Po se eee = LiDO BISCUITS oe 32% AY: ¢ po gt By AsP "NEW PACK" FANCY QUALITY OVEN CLEANER i " 5 3 TOMATO JUICE pag ag TE A B A ¢ S 7 9 PKG OF 60 C or Tis 1 00 KRAFT, PURE ORANGE : ara MARMALADE KLEENEX TI 4269 3 12-01 WEDGE 59 CHEEZ WHIZ ROYAL PUDDINGS 229 : PKGS Your Dollar Buys More at AzP PAPER TOWNS | ~1298 9: CHERRY JAM.» 49.