Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1964, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 13, 1964 Ne 30--Automebiles Wepged CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 23) 29----Autemebiles For Sele KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED | feria PLAN LOAN ANDERSON, Andrew Entered into rest in the family resi dence, 403 Phillip Murray Avenue, ewa, "on Thursday, October Magda drew Anderson, beloved husband bag Violet Amy Mered into rest in the Oshawa eral Hospital on Saturday, October 10 Violet Amy Gregory, widow of Sydney Cope and mother of Mrs. William Bulger {Merjorie) of Parry Mrs. Ron aid Brush, Eileen of Brampton, Mrs, Wm. Bailey (Edna) ef Somerville, N.J., (Mrs. Leonard Head (Barbara) of Oshawa and Mrs. Brian Powell (Shirley) of Oakville, in her 62nd year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with fu: An THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE. and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South _| CARROTS, $1 bushel, 25 6qt. basket. [ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. jslons are our only business. 1 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car?" Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 31---Automobile Repair MUFFLER . . . BRAKES General Repairs to all makes. 10 Bays to serve you, KENT'S WESTERN TIRE SERVICE __145 KING W. 728-1607 | TRANSMISSION specialists, transmis- 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. EXPERT brake service and front suspension alignment. 226 Celina Street. Call 723-4233. OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert carburetor and auto electric service. 222 King West, 728-0817. |33--Morket Basket | YOUNG BEEF, 4c front quarter, cut and wrapped. hind quafter, cut and wr ed. 45c side cut and wrapped. 725-6070 or 723-1492. MCINTOSH apples, east on No. 2 high-| way. Quarter of a mile north of Oshawa | Motel. Bring containers. | Beets, $2 bushel, 50c 6-qt. basket. W. | Eymann, 4 mile east of Nichols Garage, |Courtice. Go north to first corner. |WINTER CABBAGE $1.25 per dozen. | Also. corn. Wm. Sacks, Thornton Road | South. First house South of Hydro Sub- | Station (West side). OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF MISS ELLEN KING Hospital. Rev, Beriault sang the mass. Interment was in St. ony's Cemetery. The ers were Leo Karnath, Joseph Bell, R. Bint, W. P. King, G. L. King and Everett Long. FUNERAL. OF JOHN T. LOGAN The funeral service for John T. Long, 259 Montrave avenue, who died Friday, Oct. 9, at the Oshawa General Hospital, was held.gt 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 12, at the Mclntosh-Anderson Fu- neral Home. The Venerable Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, rector of. Christ (Memonial Anglican Church, con- ducted the service. ena was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The active pallbearers were George Thompson, Sr., H. M. Bateman, A. K. Ferguson, Lorne Johnson, Charles Dowton and, Sidney Derry. The active pall- bearers were Charles Gill, George Hill, William Ellis, George Thompson, Jr., Harry Thompson and Walter Wellman. MRS. LUDWIG (LEWIS) MERINGER The death occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital Oct. 12 of a Frenchman's Bay resi- dent, Mrs. Ludwig (Lewis) Mer- inger. She was in her 65th year and had been in failing health --|for six months. ,|pital. Greg- J.!and a son, Ross, ail of Bowman- deceased was intensely interest- ed in the work carried on the Toronto Sick Children's Hos- Mr. Stevens is survived by his wife, the former Bertie Mun- day; three daughters, Mrs, Ray Snowden (Viola) of Islington; Mrs. Harvey Brooks (Marjorie) and Mrs. Ted Bagnell (Dorothy) ville? Also surviving are, 11 grandchildren and 24 great- grandchildren. The funeral service was held at the Morris Funeral Home, Bowmanville, at 1.30 p.m. Mon- day, Oct, 12, followed by inter- ment in Bowmanville Cemetery. Rev, J, P. Romeril, minister of Mapie Grove United Church, conducted the service. FUNERAL FOR ANDREW ANDERSON | Funeral services were held |Monday for Andrew Anderson, of 403 Phillip Murray avenue, who died suddenly at his _resi- dence Oct. 8. The deceased was in his 66th year. | He was born in Bergen, Nor- way, son of the. late Mr. and Mrs."sohn Anderson, He came to Canada 30 years ago and re- sided in Toronto befére coming to Oshawa Six years ago Mr. Anderson was a road con- struction superintendent with the McNamara Construction Co and lately with the Warren Pav-| ing Company. The deceased was a member lof the Rosicrucian Society. is wife, the former Eileen Le-| and interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Legion held a service in the funeral home Monday, Dona- tions to the Cancer Society were requested in lieu of flowers. JAMES TAMBLYN SLEEMAN In failing health for three months the death occurred Sun- day, Oct. 11, at the Oshawa General Hospital of James Tam- blyn Sleeman, of 580 Farewell avenue, The deceased was in his 89th year. j Born in Hope Township July 2, 1876, Mr. Sleeman was a son of the late John and Delia Slee- man. He received his education at Zion School in Hope Town- ship.. Mr. Sleeman came to Oshawa in 1918 and farmed where his home now stands until his re- tirement in 1944. He was member of Harmony United Church, He was married at Millbrook in 1901 to the former Helena Soper, who predeceased him in 1952, He is survived by a daughter, Miss Hilda Sleeman; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Sleeman of Bangor, Pa., and a friend, Wilfred Jones, who resided with him for many years. The funeral. service will be held at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Oct, 14. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. N. T. Holmes, minister of 'larmony United Church, will conduct the services. GEORGE WALTER FOWLER Following a lengthy illness the death occurred Monday, Oct. 12, at the Ajax-Pickering Gen- eral Hospital of George Walter Fowler, 26 Glynn road, Ajax. Mr. Anderson. is survived by| Mr. Fowler was in his 67th year. | Born in England, the de- BEATEN BY YUGOSLAVIA For Canadian via and the three earlier heat winners, defending - champion Germany, Russia and Czecho- shovakia, in the final. PLACED THIRD The Canadian fours without cox, from the St. Catharines Rowing Chub, were drawn against Russia, Italy amd Ar- gentina in the and finished third behind Italy and That left just a single Cana- dian entry in the finaks while Germany had six, Russia and the United States five each and Italy three. Geonge. Hungerford of Van- By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Sports Editor TOKYO (CP) Canada's eight-oared crew and the fours without cox bowed out of the Olympic Games today, heaving y for a nowing | pair of oarsmen from Vancou- ver and Toronto. The eights, selected from the Vancouver Rowing Club and the University of British Columbia, 'could not make it in the repe- chage heats, and for the first time in three Olympics there won't be a B.C. eight in the Olympic final. couver and Roger Jackson of The surprising crew from/Toronto, who had been rowing Yugoslavia, barely beaten in|together for only about two the opening heats Monday,|weeks, surprised just about bounced back and beat the Ca-|everybody when they won the Inadians in the repechage with coxiess pains heat Sunday, beat- the fastest time of the day.|ing a highly-rated Danish pair. Coming on top of a loss #0) The win put the Canadians Czechoslovakia Monday, thelin the finals, where they will double defeat meant elimina-|have to beat three entries to tion for the Canadians, win at least a third - place The B.C. eight finished sec-' bronze. medal. 'ond to Yugoslavia, and were) Both men have the size and beaten by 144 lengths. Italy and|strength to do it, and they) the United States won their re-|showed it in beating tough op-| pechage heats to join Yugosla-|position in their heat. Jackson| --------=lis a six - foot five - inch 185-| US Colonel esses inch short and slightly heavier.'public, was last. No Rowing Medal Eight But whatever showings the Canadian pairs make Thursday, ' the elimination of the eights left . little to be desimed. The eight- oared gold medal is one of the most prized possessions of the getting into \the final is an achievement. Canadian eights won the sil- ver medal in the two previous Olympics, behind the United States in 1956 and Germany in 1960. The competition at the Tokyo games has produced what shapes up to be one of the best eight-oared finals in many an Olympics. Germany's Ratzebung Rowing Club is favored to retain its gold medal, but the Russians, Czechs, Yugosiavs and Italians are all tough, Against Canada, the Yugoslay eight led all the way after grabbing the lead at the 800- metre mark in the 2,000-metre event rowed over the Toda rowing course. Yugoslavia pulled ahead of Australia at 800 metres, and the Aussies dropped back of the Canadians and finished third. The other eight in the heat, rep- resenting the United Arab Re- Proudly Presents Blindfolded DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 neral service in Christ Memorial Church, T tO , ped 2 p.m. Inter- ment Moun' awn Cemetery, Oshawa. (Donations to the Canadian Cancer So- ciety would be appreciated) DUNCAN, Walter Gordon Entered into rest in Port Hope, Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday, October 10, 64, er pene Duncan. Beloved 'ence May Cooper and! brother of Mrs.. Harry Gourley (Ger-| trude) and William Duncan of Oshawa, in his 63rd year. Resting at the Arm-| strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with fu- neral service in the chapel Wednesday, October 14 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lewn ' a. | FOWLER, George Walter At the Alex-Pickering Genera! Hospita! on Monday, October 12, 1964, George Wal- ter Fowler, aged 66 years. (Veteran World War 1) beloved husband of Edith Davenport, of Dr. William Fowler of Lon- + Wilfred of Aldershot, On- She was the former Stanis- Jawa (Stella) Pytlak, and was born at Radom, Poland. The deceased came to Canada 45 lyears ago and im 1922 married |Ludwig Meringer in Toronto. | Mrs. Meringer had lived in |34--Lost and Found | LOST -- Two female Beagle pups, vicin- ity Martin Road, Baseline, Bowman- ville, Sunday evening. Answers to Brownle | and Blackie. Bowmanville 623-2410. Re ward. may, and a brother and a sister,| ceased had been a resident both in Norway. | Canada for many years. He The funeral service was con-|listed in the Canadian Expedi-| ducted in. the Anmstrong Fu-| tionary Force in 1914 and serv-| Then Let Go oor og | neral Chapel by the Rev. Walter| be years aia he was gass- ckham of Oshawa. Interment) en . /36--Legel -- _ ert in Union Cemetery, Osh-| Mr. Fowler lived in Montreal) CARACAS (AP) Vene- Pickering Township for 42 years)... |for.a number of years and then zuelan Communist terrorists re- "TENDERS land, with her husband, manai-| . farmed on Audley road in the|jeased U.S. Air Force Lt.-Col. | led the general store at French-|) WALTER GORDON DUNCAN | Pickering area. A resident of|Michael Smolen unharmed| are being called for the con- "|man's Bay. The death of a Belvedere av-| Ajax for about 15 years, he was|Monday night efter two of the! struction of the new | She was a member of St. Hed-| enue tesident, Walter Gordon| employed as a maintenance ma-|five-man gang who abducted TRANSPORTATION BUILDING |wig's Roman Catholic Church| pyncan, occurred Oct. 10 at) chinist with the Alsco Aluminum | fim last Friday were arrested, | for the PUBLIC jand-of the Polish Alliance. 'Port Hope General Hospital.| Co. in Scarboro. : Smolen was put out of é cei UTILITIES COMMISSION | The deceased is survived by| He became ill at his cottage) He is survived by his wife.) piindfolded about 11 p.m. on a of the City of Oshawa, to be {her husband and three daugh-|neat Peterborough and died| the former Edith Davenport; a) ctreet corner in eastern Car- located on the north-east cor- |tens: Mrs. Edwand Kuc (Wan-| soon after admittance to the|Sister, Mrs. D. Jones (Marion)| a. as ner of Raleigh Avenue ond fda), of Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. hospital. of Burlington and three bro-|" He said today he felt fine-and Farewell Street, Oshawa. Henny Starzynski (Sophia) of} 4 Gordon was in his 63rd thers, Dr. William Fowler, Lon-| sported he Bad: bean treated Plans and specifications con |Oshawa, and Mrs. Ted Koss)..." te was born at Napanee, | Gor: Ont.; Wilfred Fowler, Al-| atl be obtained at the office of |(Helen) of Oshawa. Two sons, on of the late Mr. and Mrs. dershot and. Jamres..A.. Fowler, Interior Minister Gonzalo William Saccoccio, Architect, | Anthony, and Leon, of Oshawa, |; -- | Kenbeck, Ont. | Barnic i th : arial 215 Morrish Road, West Hill, | aico survive, and 17 grandchil- Mr. Fowler is at the William| Barrios said the two terrorists of | en- DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES under the personal training of DICK KOEHLER of Hollywood, California Studio Trainer of Walt Disney's 'Incredible Journey" Ani- mals, Roy Roger's Bullet', ""Asta" of Thin Man Series, "Big Red", etc. At present he is working for A.S.P. Productions on "Forest Rangers" seen on Channels 3 and 6 at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoons. Wed., Oct. 14. 8:00 p.m. For fur- BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Qust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality Phil Duncan. 'wood Avenue North, Ajax). Complete service and committal in the Chapel on Thursday, October 15 at 2 p.m. Creme-| tion St. James Crematorium. MAINES, Myrtle Passed away. at Oshawa General Hos- pita; Sundey, October 11, Myrtle Irene Hunt, Picton, beioved wife of the late Oscoe Allen Maines and loving mother of Mrs. Allan E. Cox (Vivien). Resting) at the G. M. Hicks Funeral Chapel, PIC! pest ton. Interment Glenwood MERINGER, Stanisiawa (Stella) into rest in the Cemetery. ntered fa Gen- erai Hospitel on Monday, 1964, Stanislawa Pytiak, beloved wife of Resting et the Armstrong Funeral Home, with High Requiem Mass in St. Hedwig's , October 14, at 10 Cemetery Hedwig's Church prayers et the Funeral) Home Tuesday 8.30 p.m.) SLEEMAN, James T. Oshewe, nesday, October 14, at 3.30 p.m. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. STEVENS -- At Memorial Hospital, | Bowmanville, on , October 10,) 1964, R. R. Stevens, aged 92 years. Be loved husband of Gertie Munday, dear) father of Ross, Viola (Mrs. Ray Snow-| den), Marjorie (Mrs. Harvey Brooks) and Dorothy (Mrs. Ted Bagnell). Service was held In the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Monday, October 12, at Bowmanville Ceme- |ance fo suit your budget. This 'ne| 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, a-door hard- | Gown, $10 weekly. You can drive this car |$25 DOWN, $9 weekly buys @ 196) Chevy - | Convair V5' ton plans Inteneciiers creat: 2 TANDUM DUMPS 1963 Internetional F1800 Loadstor, Ist class condition, fully licensed. Call WHITBY 668-4458 1958 AUSTIN seaan, @ good buy, $300 < offer, Call 723-3841 after "4 pas 1964 PONTIAC Super Sport, V-6 with euto- matic, with ali power. $100 down. Bal- Ontario. Plans and specifica- tions will also be on display ot the Oshawa Construction Exchange, Wolfe Street, and et The Toronto Construction Exchange, Bay Street, Toron- to, Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed not later than October 26, 1964, 4:30 p.m. at the office of William Saccoccio, Archi- tect, | is still under warrenty, i showroom con- dition at Nicole Motors, 6683531. 1962 ACADIAN BEAUMONT 4door sedan black, Scylinder, automatic. radio, white » wheel discs, windshield washers, Phone 728-1489 after 6. . 1951 FORD heif-ton panel, runs good, $125 or best offer. 728-1731 or after 5.30, Pick- ering, 839-1556, ete top. This is @ reai scarce model, $25) off our jot at Nicols Motors, 668-3331. $395 FULL PRICE. $5 down, $5 week buys 1956 Volkswagen. An ideal peo car for. someone at Ni prey cols Motors, tion, At Nicols Motors, 668-3331. $10 DOWN, 35 weekly. You can own any lg of a half-dozen cars on our premises 3331, $145 FULL PRICE buys this 1955 Chevy Bel Air. Sound mechanically, needs body work. At Nicols Motors, 668-3331. CONVERTIBLES: $25 down, $14 weekly buys this beautiful 1959 Pontlac convert- ible V-€ automatic at Nicols Motors, 668-3331. 1959, TWO-TONE FORD Fairlane 500, automatic, V-8, whitewalls, radio, etc. Re- built motor and transmission. Excellent p.m. interment tery. (in lieu of flowers donations to Bow- manville Rotary Crippled Children's Fund 'would be appreciated). LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral. -arrangements and floral requirements for ell occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM ROSS -- In loving memory of my dear wife, Sarah Ross, who passed October 13, 1963. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them it's true; Years that may come cannot sever ROSS -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Sara Ross, who passed away October 13, 1963. -- Always by paren Joan, Bill and femnilies. aes < MONUMENTS --- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA EVENINGS OFFICE __ 728-6627 __ 723-1002 MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL Department Enquiries for this yeors in- stallations advisable now. Wm. Greenhalgh mgr:, will condition. Phone 725-1690. |19%61 OLDSMOBILE, four-door hardtop, |V-8 automatic, power steering, power) brakes, good tires. After 5 telephone! 725-7145, 1992 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re-| stored, new battery, licence, $550. and drive away. Apply Howard Motors, Kent |Street North, Whitby. Serious Fire Is Averted MRS, KEN GAMSBY Correspondent ORONO -- What could have | been a serious fire in the Orono business section early Oct. was averted when workers go- ing to their jobs turned in an alarm around six o'clock. The fire was at Pattner's Plumbing and Heating and -is estimated to have done some $500. damage before being brought under control by the Orono Fire Department. The building was filled with smoke and flames were leaping almost the length of the build- ing in the south-west corner. It was quickly extinguished by the|as councillor, deputy-reeve and| the fvrmer Violet A. G department. Ted Lane, who was waiting | fire and ran to turn in the dren. Mrs. Meringer was predeceas- jed by a daughter, Frances, in| 1933 and a sister, Mrs. Sophia Zak, im 1955. The late Mrs. Meringer is resting at the Armstrong Fu- neral Home for a High Re- quiem Mass at St. Hedwig's Church Wednesday. Rev. A |Bagsik will sing the mass and| --|intenment will be in Resurrec-| OShawa. tion Cemetery. ROBERT ROY STEVENS Robert Roy Stevens, founder of the Glen Rae Dairy, Bow- manville, died Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. The deceased who was in his 93rd year, had been sick for a short time. A eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stevens, the deceas- ed was born at Bowmanville, Sept. 25, 1872 and received his education at Maple Grove School. Mr. Stevens farmed in the Maple Grove area for many years, When he. founded the The deceased had resided in) Sherrin Funeral Home, Highway|S¢ized in a downtown Caracas) Oshawa since early childhood/2 Pickering. The funeral ser-|@Partment early Monday were and had been employed at Gen-| yice~will be held in the Chapel|Spanish-born members of the eral Motors of Canada Ltd., for} at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15.|Communist underground called 39 years. At the time. of his| Cremation will be at St. James|the Armed Forces of National death Mr. Duncan was employ-! Crematorium, Toronto, Rev. A. | Liberation | C. Herbert, rector of Holy Trin-|sources said nine other sus- ed in the reject department. The deceased was a member jof St. George's Anglican }Church, In 1923 he married 'the \former. Florence May Cooper at | Mr. Duncan is survived by} his wife-and a sister, Mrs. Har- ry Gourley (Gertrude) of Osh- awa. He also leaves a brother, William, of Oshawa. | He was predeceased by a bro- \ther, Clarence, in 1962. | The late Mr. Duncan is rest- ling at the Armstrong Funeral | Home for the funeral service in | the chapel Oct. 14. Canon F. G. Ongley, of St. George's, will | conduct the service and inter- jment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. MRS. VIOLET A. COPE The funeral service was held | today for Mrs. Violet A. Cope, dairy in Bowmanville he deliv-|a founder of the Silver Cross ered milk with a shetland pony} Women's Remembrance Asso- and @-smail cart, The dairy is| ciation. She died at the Osh- now operated by his son. | awa General Hospital Oct? 10 in A member of the Darlington her 62nd year. Township Council for a number! The deceased resided at 354 of years, Mr. Stevens served| Leslie street. Mrs. Cope was reeve. He was a member of Jerusalem Lodge, AF and AM, | for his ride to work, noticed the| Bowmanville. A charter member of the Ro- itary Club of Bowmanville, the 4 |1949 MONARCH -- Ideal for customizing, |$69.95. 1957 Zephyr six, real economy |car, new transmission, paint job. $495. or |best offer. Whitby, 361 Rosedale Drive, | 668-4307. |1963 ENVOY deluxe, excellent condition. |Price $1445. Telephone 728-4982. | 1959 GMC panel truck In very good condi |tion. Private sale, Telephone 725-1904, | | REAL GOOD 1960 Chevrolet stationwagon, | two-tone, whitewalls, radio etc. New tires, muffler, brakes, battery. Sound and reliable. Bargain. Telephone 723-4254, 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu, convertible, power glide, 155 hp engine, red with white top. Call 728-4473, 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door 6 cylinder standard, radio, window washers, white walls, cherrywood and ivory finish. » | Dial 942-4006, 1958 PONTIAC, two-door, six-cylinder av tomatic, radio, must sell, Private $495. | Telephone 725-5125 after 6 p.m. |1962 FALCON deluxe sedan, 6 cylinder standard. Exceptionally clean. One owner Telephone after 6 p.m. Brooklin 455-3965. 1963 MERCURY convertible, in good con- dition. Telephone Ajax 942-4737. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make trailers, also used tires. $09 Bloor Street East after 4, 723-2281. 1964 OLDSMOBILE F85, black, 4door, V8, automatic transmission, radio. Other extras. 5,700 miles. Telephone' 726-1408. 1962 CORVAIR 2-door automatic. Excel-| lent condition. Price $1,450, Terms. After 5 call 725-3768 | 1958 PLYMOUTH coach 4, standard, clean oar. Price $325. Apply at 306 Pacific Avenue. 1963 PONTIAC four-door sedan, automa. tic, six-cylinder, low mileage. Lots of extras. Very good condition. Telephone | 726-8726. | 1959 FORD custom two-door, 6, automatic, | jnew tires. Telephone Bowmanville, | 623-7095 |1955 BUICK, good condition. $250 or best! | offer. Telephone 725-7719. _|1953 PLYMOUTH, good condition, $88. | 153 Conant Street. 1963 PONTIAC, 2-door hardtop, power | steering, V-8 automatic. Color maroon. Good condition. Make offer. Telephone! 725-9401 | 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4door, 6 cylin jder, automatic, radio. Excelient condition. | | Telephone Whitby, 668-5447. | |1960 CHEVROLET Brookwood wagon, six call at your convenience on this or any other pertinent need for courteous memorial COMING EVENTS OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 52 and 50 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted BINGO FERNHILL PARK CLUB HOUSE WED. OCT. 14th EARLY BIRD -- 7:30 P.M. 16 games $6 eac' 1 eoch $10 - $15 - $20 Share the Wealth Free Admission--Door Prizes RUMMAGE SALE, St. George's Parish Hall, Centre Street, on Wednesday, Octo- ber 14, 10.30 a.m. | RUMMAGE SALE, Harmony Church Hall on Wednesday, October 14, at 9.30 a.m. Good used clothi: | | | | h - $30 ing. _DON'T the HART HOUSE ORCHESTRA Sponsored by The Canadian Concert Association at BINGO TUESDAY, OCT. 13th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular games $8 and $10 Share The Wealth $150 Jackpot 53 Nos. $20 Consqjation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith EUCARE RADIO PARK TUESDAY, OCT, 13th and every Tuesday Sign moniiny sore 28 KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot" Nos. 59 and 51 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. MISS -| Parry Sound;-Mrs. William Bai- regory, daughter of the late Mr. and | Mrs, Charles Gregory, and was born in Dagenham, Essex, Eng- land. Mrs. Cope had been a resi- ent of Oshawa for 14 years. She had also lived in Guelph since her arrival in Canada in 1920. Mrs. Cope had been ill for several months, but in the sum- |mer of this year she made a | trip to Europe and visited the | grave of her son, who had been | killed in the second world war, |in Italy. She then visited with | her réiatives in Essex, England, land became seriously ill while j there. She decided to return to Canada, but on arriving in Que- bec had to be taken to the Jef- frey Hale's Hospital. Three | weeks ago she was brought to }the Oshawa General Hospital, where she passed away on Sat- | urday afternoon. Mrs. Cope was very active in the Silver Cross Mothers' Asso- ciation, having been president | of the Oshawa Branch for some | years, and was a past-president |of the National Chanter at the | time of her death. She worked hard as an onganizer of that | body. | She was a member of Christ Memorial Anglican Church. Mrs, Cope was. also a mem- ber of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Le- gion. Mrs.. Cope was predeceased | by her husband, Sydney, in 1959. She is survived by five daugh- ters: Mrs. Ronald Brush (EFi- {leen} of Brampton; Mrs. Wil- liam Bulger (Mariorie) of |ley (Edna) of New Jersey, U.SA Mrs. Brian Powell (Shirley) of Oakville and Mrs. Leonard Head (Barbara) of Oshawa. She was also predeceased by |a son, Wilfred, who was kill- }ed in action in Ttaly during the Second World War. : The deceased is also surviv- ity Anglican Church, Ajax, will conduct the services. ther information Call 725-60: (AFNL), Reliable {pected terrorists were. picked United Steelworkers Hall ALBERT ST. 30. AT 'up later. BUGGED BY YOUR BU Don't let it get you down, Get rid regularly using Times ACTION WA DGET of the problem fast by NT ADS to bring extra cash. It's easy , . . just decide to stop saving the good things you don't.use anymore and start families who will use them through ADS. selling them to other Times ACTION WANT Take a look around your home today and make a list of the things you find.. The furnitur e, musical instruments, appliances, toys, tools, sports equipment and other things that turn up are worth good, hard cash to someone else, but really, they're not worth a thing to you if they're not being used . .. When you have your list ju all there is to it. A 24 word ad is only 72¢ per day on . so if your budget is bugging st dial 723-3492, that's the popular 6 day plan you, it's smart to use Times ACTION WANT ADS to add extra cash to your in- come. phone 723-3492 For A Courteous Ad Writer , TIMES. CLASSTF ED ADS white walls, radio. Like new . | |ed by three brothers, Charles, | and Alfred Kendrick of Guelph. and Harold Kendrick of Exeter The remains rested at. the Armstrong Funeral "ome = for the service at Christ Memorial Church. The service was con- ducted. by Rev. J. D. Osbornel M.CV.L, OCT. 14th, 8:30 P.M. TICKETS AT BOX. OFFICE pork information, 723-2633. 1 728-4942. COLOR THEM GREY |30--Automobiles Wante The 'two breeds hed = rican LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars "black'"' * wr i st s I pr , OSHAWA AUTO P. both grey, but there are differ-/ 25" "Irs 'Nelson' Street, want, cars for ances in the shape of their lips. |wreeking. Telephone 725-2163 er 723-4245. standerd, | $1,500. Cal "Used by Everyone -- Read by Everyone" anil ADULTS $2.50 STUDENTS $1.25 NOTE: We regret some members may not have received member- ship cords, pleose use receipt stubs for admission and obtain eords et eoncert.

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