Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1964, p. 23

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27---Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sole 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 13,1964 23 room| fant) to shere apartm: 25--Apartments MOTHER AND CHILD (preferably in- ent care given. Cal) 723-4569. ROOM share bath, $65 Townline Road October 15. Phone 725- with same. Day basement epartment, monthly, No children. North. Private entrance.| ares.|Heavy duty wiring, 'youd Available FURNISHED fhree-room apartment for' rent, Available immedietely. Near South 'Write| General Motors. After 8 p.m. only call Sunderiand 65R101. CARL OLSEN Realtor 723-1133 OXFORD PARK TOWERS One Block from G.M, South Plant 86 APARTMENTS One, Two and Three Bedroom Immediate Possession Balconies, Elevator Service Fully Equipped Kitchen WHITBY: One-bedroom apartment, in apartment building. Range, ri tor, washing fecilities. $85. Adults only. Whitby 668-3591. EW STREET, 74: unturrished Three or two-room or furnished, cen- tral. Adults only. Available now. Apply 6 p.m. rooms and bath, central. Suitable . ly furnished apartment, three pve a ivate entrance, Very for business after 5 p.m., 722-6797. i TWO-BEDROOM irtment $125 monthly. Call 'Dunbarton, to sub-let, 639-4132. SMALL bachelor apartment, south Oshawa, near bus stop. Absteiner. 78-0423, PARTLY FURNISHED apartment for rent. Suitable couple with no ght room for single girl. Telephone 726-0283. Separate entrance and bath. Also THREE-ROOM, unfurnished apartment, 'elephone 725-6940. Share bath. T 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | taining dining room, three bedrooms, dil heating. See this for value ot just $11,500 with $2,500 down. BLOOR ST. E.--Close to Forewell, extro nice 114 storey red brick home, 3 bed- fooms, recreation room and all in immeculote condition. RESALES IN AJAX _ KINGS CRESCENT Choice location. 3 bedroom 1% storey in the heart of Ajax. Spotless condition throughout. Beautiful garden. Carries for $62 monthly. Interest, principal and taxes. Immediate possession. N.H.A.. RESALE Solid brick 3 bedroom bunga- low, $995, Full down carries $105. with toxes, Featuring Spacious rooms throughout. Storms and screens plus many expensive extras, Close to schools, churches and shop- ping. $80, MONTHLY Includes principal, interest and toxes. | N.H.A. mort- goge. Large well kept one owner home in the heart of a fully development close in lo- cation. Steps from schools, shops etc. Complete with storms ond screens. Plus! Plus! Plus! JUST LISTED $10,900, 6 room solid brick home. Carries $84. monthly with. taxes. 1 N.H.A, mort- gage. Features private drive, storms and screens, Finished Recreation room, Extra large fully landscaped grounds. New house condition through- PAUL RISTOW LIMITED REALTOR 728-9474 SIMCOE ST. N. Close to Camp Samac, Hot water oil heating in this six room home, Large kitchen with lots ,of cupboards pro- vides excellent dining and working area. Three bed- rooms take care of the grow- ing family. An extra large lot feotures many s! trees. $2,000 down with one monthly payment carrying the balance of the purchase price. Call Earl Salter at 728- 9474 or 723-3052 evenings. PERFECT: FOR IN-LAWS Two family home' in Harmony area. Close to schools and churches. Six rooms for fam- ily, four rooms for in-laws, completely separate enrtances, laundry room and large re- creation. room on ground level. Owner built less than two years and offered at $10,000 down. Call Vern Morton ot 728-9474 or 655-3482 even- ings. COMFORT PLUS ideal home for the young morried couple in the north- GUIDE 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121 COFFEE BAR Only $3,200, Ideal for couple, well equipped, good downtown location. BUSINESS OPPORUNITY A well established TV busi- ness close to Oshawa, with no direct competition. Small store with very reasonable rent, has @ good stock of well known applionces including TV ond Hi-Fi: HI health is the reoson for disposing of this business. Priced at $6,000 with $2,000 down, including * stock, BUSINESS OPPORUNITY Snack bor, close to North General Motors and specializ- ing in quick, courteous ser- vice. All equipment ond ready to start in: business, Been in some family for over 15 yeors, Rents for only $75 month including heot. Full price $3,300 with $2,000 down. SCHOFIELD-AKER |22--#ee! Estste or Sele LIMITED 723-2265 gorage. immaculate condition. Close to transportation, both public catholic schools ond SPECIAL BUY Just imagine; lorge 5 room brick bungolow! Beautifully decorated inside and outside. Landscaped with fence and hedges. North east location, close to schools, transporta- tion and all conveniences. This lovely 3 bedroom fea- tures almost new forced hot oir off furnace, recregtion room etc. Best of all owner wishes to sell fast to get into his new home. List price $14,500 and open to offers. Hurry on this one or you vall be top late. OWNER TRANSFERRED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A real bargain. Can be yours 27--Real Estate For Sale JOHN. F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. 623-3950 TAUNTON ROAD, 2 miles east of Oshowa, 7 roomed home, 1728 sq. ft. floor space on 2 acre lot. Colour- ed bathiom with vanity. Only $1500 down. COURTICE area, 7 roomed home on large lot. Double gorage, Modern conve: Asking $12,500, Terms. age. Nice 500. HAMPTON, 5 roomed bungo- low with modern conveni- ences. 2 extra lots included. Asking $11,500, Low down poyment. RAGLAN, North of Oshawa, 5 roomed bungalow with all modern conveniences, Good size lot. Only $2,000 down. BLACKSTOCK, 5. roomed, new bungalow with furnace, bathroom. Asking $9,500. Only $1,000 down. ond cleon. Asking $8,- L. S. SNELGROVE CO, Lip. REALTORS 723-9810 -- 725-8761 43 Park Rd. S, SIMCOE _N. 'COMMERCIAL 207 ft. frontage on Simcoe business ¥ commend inspect soon, Sid Martyn 723-9810. VALUES IN BUNGALOWS 5.room, 3 bedroom brick, one owner home, just a few yeors old, clean as a new pin, large fomily size kitchen with loods of cupboards, nice size living room, aluminum storm windows and doors, TV tower, nicely landscaped lot, can be with as low os $2,500 down, call Sid Mortyn 723-9810. NORTH EAST ) Beautiful 6 room bungalow situated on clean, quiet re- sidential street close to public Situated on very deep. lot. school, living room with lorge . An excellent home, priced ot $13,500 with $3,500 down. | INCOME PROPERTY -- Col- Broadioomed Corridors out. SEE AND SAVE THE GRIFFIN WAY H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker 942-3310 _ if you move fast on this. al- most new four bedroom brick 2 storey home with carport. Don't delay. Features include: 2 bathrooms, built-in stove and oven etc. Ideal large fomily home in. north end. Best of all yery reasonable down payment, QUICK POSSESSION Stately--8 room .brick with west area, Living room pro- vides ample wall space for furniture arrangement. Plen- ty of closet, space in the three well proportioned bedrooms. Tastefully decorated through- out. Schools, shopping plaza and bus service near by. Of- fered at $15,500. May be seen by appointment by call- | ing. Earl Salter ot 728-9474 _ or 723-3052 evenings. ences. Paved rood. Only $1,- 500 down. NEWTONVILLE, 7 roomed brick home. Very modem on double - lot. Owner leaving ores, PONTYPOOL, & roomed, nice clean home in excellent state of repair, Only $1500 down, NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, new 8 SUITE APARTMENT Well located and all leased, building only 5 years old, will take house os down pay- ment ond hold mortgage for balance. OWNER TRANSFERRED Leaving this compact 2 bed- room home on Leslie St. . sk- Swimming Pool €LEAN furnished light housekeeping| Take advantage of choice lo- mm fg routes tam gemma cation by making deposit on | werkdon 9 lease now | rn tea hee reom.| lege Hill area, Here is an Gentlemen preferred. Near hospitel end | op; ty to have pene north je, tele} portur 9 phone tld nieeduaiiaks | home and an income as well, SINOLE ROOM for gentleman, TV, park-| COnteins 3 apartments, 1 5- |ing. Telephone 723-1671. room, | 4-room, and 1 bach- |FURNISHED room, gentlemen, GM em-| elor. A' substantial -- brick ployees, Telephone 723-6644, j good repoir. MARY STREET, north end, furnished with ng beoutiful rear yord with a: ple trees, 3 good bedrooms, lovely 4 piece bath with van- ity, see for yourself by calling Ernie Wilson 725-8761. NORTH LOCATION Lerge family home of brick Exclusive Agents GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S:, Oshawa OPEN HOUSE From 6 to 7 evenings __SEE MODEL SUITE | SEE THE VISCOUNT bedroom, quiet home, two bathrooms, parking, superior accommodation for gen-| tleman, Telephone 725-0145. SINGLE furnished room, in clean, quiet) home, near Houdaille Industries, Bus at --\ door. Apply 295 Wolfe Street. _ | FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred.' 103 La Salle Avenue after 6 p.m. LUXURIOUS LIVING is telephone 728-1239 anytime. CLARKE STREET--Two furnished rooms| | '4 housekeeping, Including refriger- for light hou: 315. weekly. Apply ator, rangette, television. 728-3420 after 6 p.m: ne | | BASEMENT, fully equipped housekeeping 300 Grenfell | Feoturing large moster bed- room with walk-in closets, | broadioomed corridors, .im- pressive' lobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occuponcy. For rental infor- mation see supt. ot THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marlond Ave., Apt. 111 728-4283 $1X-ROOM apartment for rent. All con- Availabi . Adults | 725-3353. | only! After six o'clock telephone. FOR RENT -- four-room apartment, Caeserea, adults only. Phone evenings,| Blackstock 986-4373. } SELF-CONTAINED apartment for rent.| Suitable for two. Partly furnished with! refrigerator, stove. Also one furnished "ight housekeeping room. 406 Dundas! Street West, Whitby, 668-8328. ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments. | All conveniences. Central. Children wel- come. Parking. 300 High Street. 668-8710) YOUNG gentieman has two - bedroom @partment wants two congenial gentie men willing to share. GM workers pre-| ferred. Telephone 728-3858 TWO-BEDROOM = apartment in new room, Suit one gentleman Apply 58 Nassau Street _ BRIGHT bed-sitting Abstainer. "tyre, in clean home, close to Shopping Centre. Suit gentleman. Apply 36 Fernhilt) Boulevard. Telephone 725-7295. 27--Real Estate For Sale 29 NEW N.H.A. HOMES Hillsdale Terrace E. of Ritson RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. SEVEN 1965 MODELS Priced From $15,950 Down payments from $1,790. Less $500 winter bonus. Bungalows, split levels, storeys, garages, carports, built-in ranges, ovens, storms, screens. Many other extras. Directions: From Ritson Rd. go E. on Rossland one block Follow model signs South to Sales Office. Opén 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily Exclusive Agents H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker 723-6431 apartment building. Available 1, 120° monthly. 723-6897. FIVE-ROOM _ brick t| Wilson Road South. Close {0 schools, oungaiow, east | Call | 70-< | DIGBY AVENUE, 581 -- One-bedroom |$4,000 down, Take over private mortgage,| basement apartment in tripex Range, |of $9,500 at 6% per cent. Write Box 138, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Phone Ushawa Times. acta ea _..... |EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room nome with! KING STREET EAST, 1393: Three-rooms, two bathrooms and beautiful recreation) $45. Adults. L. Hancock, 725-1709. OSHAWA TIM ES PATTERNS room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South. | | ONE TO TEN By ALICE BROOKS Your chance to knit slippers for children 1 to 10 years old.) Make a pair in an evening. Use 2 needles, 2 strands knit- ting worsted together -- knit a SKINNY SKIMMER} flat piece for each. Add pom-| poms or bells. Pattern 7492: children 1 to 10 years. - j THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS First time! 3 FREE PAT-| TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de- signs -- smart stoles, jackets, PRINTED PATTERN By ANNE ADAMS JET INTO fashion prominence | in a skimmer that's jet-swift sewing. Four main parts, re- quires little Yabric -- light on budget, YOU! Pr nted Patern 4836: Misses' | 18. Size 16 PATTERN NUMBER, | requires 3% yards 35-inch fab- Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 ric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario vresidents add 2c salés tax. Print plainly SIZE, five room brick bungalow in choice north west location close to Public, High and Seporate schools. Features o split entrance, 3 bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen and 4 piece tiled bothroom. Asking price $13,- 500. DUPLEX LOT -- Extra large lot 55 x 190 located on Bloor St. East close to Fore- well. Full price 3,800 After hours call Jim Brady 728-0483 Wes. Etliott 728-0581 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 $1400 DOWN buys this fiveroom gunge. low with atteched garage, Full price only $11,000 with one mortgage. Hyman Reel Estate Limited, 7: Call S. 28-6286. fo choose from. T: INCOME PROPERTY | NEW fiveroom Brick Bunge OSHAWA 35 suite prestige aportment building. Excetlent location. Electrical heoting. Many other features. Showing ex- cellent returns on your cash investment. Only 2 years old. Fully rented ond a waiting list. Can be shown by ap- pointment' only. Call BILL GOVERDE D. W. McQUAY REALTOR Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 'rades sccepted,| storms end fs D. Hymen Real Estete Limited,| extras. Call } Limited, ted, 728-6286. KEITH PETERS REALTOR -- 728-7328 _.103 KING STREET EAST KING STREET EAST Large 10 room income home in very good condition, large lot, five rooms for owner down with 4 piece bath, five rooms rented with excellent income: Coll Earle Allen 725-7782. JUST LIKE NEW Storey and a half, two bedroom upstdirs, one bedroom and bath- rom on main floor, excellent layout with fireplace in living room, dining room, sunny kitchen, forced air heating, north west loca- tion, Must be seen. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 BRING YOUR CHILDREN UP IN THE CLEAN, FRESH AIR OF THE COUNTRY Long ranch bungalow with atteched garage, 4 bedrooms, large family size kitchen, plus dining area, 21 #t. living room, 414 acre of good garden soil. Robert Johnson 728-2548. $13,00 DOWN -- CENTRAL 5 Room bungalow, low upkeep and taxes, spotless condition, For further information please call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. $15,900 DUPLEX -- In-King Wilson district presently rented ot $75.00 each. Garage, 2 bathrooms near transportation and shipping. Make us an offer. Call Bill Irvine 728-2868 $13,700 MUST BE SOLD. TRY AN OFFER A delightful 5 year old brick buna and hall. Good lot fenced, antenno. Call 728-7328 glow, broadloom-in living room easily heated, storms and screens, T.V. HOUSE FOR -RENT Port Perry, few miles from Oshawa. Rolande Tierney 725-5207. GO 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY OSHAWA -- 114 STOREY BRICK -- $12,700 low taxes and one mortgage payment un room and -extra large kitchen. Some extras in- ndeliers in living room etc, A fine listing this is too with 75 lot, decorated home has 7 rooms including s cluding carpets on stairs, expensive cha Property. $2500 down payment. Balance $80.00 monthly. 3.5 ACRES -- OSHAWA APT. SITE On Taunton Road E. near Simcoe N. Build 125 to 130 units in this strategic location and watch your investment grow, Watch for our sign on this property ond call us for further porticulors GIBBONS ST. Home possibility with 2 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, linol Home ~ OSHAWA RAVINE LOTS -- CREEK Are being offered for sale with City Services, underground telephone and Hydro Coble, very close to public, separate and High Schools. Call us before you decide on the all im- portant matter of where your home should be built. Your home wil be worth more here, and the children will enjoy the natural setting too, We have others too! PICKERING -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- $12,800 Neat bungalow with large lot on Hiley Ave. is being sacrificed for a quick sale. This spacious 11. by 17 'kitchen is a delight to any owner with a large family. Nice start on recreation room will take only a few hours to finish. You must see this attractive home before deciding OSHAWA & on your home purchase. $2000, down payment. PAUL RISTOW LIMITED, | JOSEPH BOSCO | | | low with car-| | NEW four-bedroom home with atteched garage available. Electric heat, two wash- rooms, stone front and built-in stove and oven are & few of the extras. Trade con- |sidered. Call $. 0. Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286. RDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE DIAL 668-8831 Nick Van Den Broek -- Clare Shank -- Ike Perry INCOME leum covered floors, hot water heating, possibility with 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, linoleum covered floors, hot woter heating, rented out as a separate bachelor apartment and smaller living quarters for retired couple, ©r young couple starting out wishing low cost living. Full price $12,700 with down payment os low as $1,500 coribidered. Realtor Financial Trade Bldg. ___187 King St. €. REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe Street South RAVINE SETTING BUILDER'S HOME Split level with garage. Sep- arate dining room. 2 bath- rooms, recreation room: $19,- 000 asking price MARY STREET Real nice 2 bedroom brick home with large lot. $12,200 asking price. SHOPPING CENTRE 3 bedroom brick bungalows nearing completion. You can have your choice of colors if you act now. $15,500. list price. Joe Crawford Neil Campbell! Sally Watlace John Gravelle Murray Boyle Doug Skinner Elmer Fredin SUBURBAN LIVING Nash Road neor Courtice Road, Nice 3 bedroom home. Lots of cupboards, oi! heat, double garage, large lot, new- ly decorated, near schools. Now vacant, Reasonable with low down payment. Telephone owner 723-1021 725-1015 725-6297 728-0594 723-4270 728-4900 725-2753 725-2539 SELLING CALL DON HOWE Real Estate 725-7732 This clean Go with this well kept ing $8,900 but must be sold. Immediate possession. COMMERCIAL $29,500.00 FULL PRICE for this central location with 2 stores and 8 room home with 2 kitchens. property in good condition with privote drive ond gorage NO. 2 HIGHWAY Corner location, vacant land. Ideal for business ond home. Priced ot only $6,300.00. BOWMANVILLE Building lot priced at only $2,600.00. Services included, we will build o home of your choice on this lot. Call to- night BUILDING LOT North west area, good high ground ond nice homes in oreo. FULL PRICE -- ONLY $2,900. DUPLEX In commercial zone location, 4 rooms and bath on the first main floor, and the same downstairs, Good investment. TOTAL price--$14,000.00; PRICE ONLY $9,000 There is a lot of inexpensive living in. this one. Contains 6 rooms and is situated in o quiet residentiol orea. Close to bus service. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Donce hall, lunch room with living quorters, and 48 acres with fast running, stream of ideo! park land just north of Hompton. Owner must sell due to iliness THICKSON'S RD. NORTH 3 LOLS We still have ao few lots available in the Thickson Rd. Elizabeth Cresc. oreo. These are outside the city, but stilf close to the main roods, taxes ore lower. They ore worth consideration if you ore building @ new home this yeor. FOR THE EXECUTIVE Owner transferred must self this luxurious house, 3 bed- rooms, living room 13% x 25. Lot 100 x 200. Attached garage, everything here to satisfy the most fostidious BUYER. Property clear. OWNER TRANSFERRED Leaving this immaculate 114 storey brick home. Features 6 lorge rooms, with many ex- " tras, such os a poved drive- woy, sforms ond = screens, beoutifully treed yard. The excellant financing mokes this on ottractive buy. SIMCOE ST. NORTH SNACK BAR Grill serves full course meals, specializing iri quick courte- ous service. Also table ser- vice. A compact clear opera- tion, with variety section as well and a 5 room modem apartment above, Extra lot ot rear. Locoted on: a busy highway and directly opposite forge apartments and 2 shop- ping plozas. All equipment ond reody to stort business. 'WANT TO SELL? You con be sure that a pro- perty. listed with our office will receive PROMPT, CAREFUL, PERSONAL ATTENTION. If we have your property it will be our eornest desire to add it to the growing list bearing "SOLD BY GUILD REALTY LIMITED" gorage. Loceted in north end. Close to schools, ing ond bus service. (All services in ond paid for), Consists of fiving room, dining room, kit- chen, sun room, ond 2 pe. bath on main floor, Upstairs --4 bedrooms and 3 pc. bath. Approx. $6,000. down. Bal- once $96.17 per month. Price includes natural fireplace, dropes, TV oerial. A good home in o good area, Phone now, tomorrow could be too lote ALMOST IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Attractive "Montego" model, attached garage, 3 1 hos mony extras you'll love (everybody wants o bathroom like this hes), Buy mow ond sove. Only $20,950.00. Mortgage is only 614%. For full particulars coll 723-2265 «. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Bill Johnston 728-1066 Steve Macko 728-5868 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Margoret Lee 723-2894 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Marg, Holl 723-1358 lrene Brown 725-3867 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West Free Parking METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St, East 728-4678 _ MOHAWK STREET Luxuriously appointed ond well cared for ranch bun- golow in quiet well establish- ed prestige focation. The mony refinements added such as broadioom, built-in stove, notural stone fireplace, rec room, awnings, attached gor- age with breezewoy will offord many yeors of gracious living. All of this on a large and exceptionally well land- scoped lot. Asking $25,000. GIBBONS NEAR ROSSLAND Lovely three bedroom ranch style brick home on lorge 58' x 130' well landscaped lot. Vendor movirig away from city and onxious to liquidote Balance on open 512% mort- gage, asking $17,900. LIVE RENT FREE The 5 room. self contained upstairs in this 10 room home will carry the monthly payments and the main floor . could be yours FREE -- close to downtown and asking only $17,500, ; ANSLEY ESTATES AREA This ranch style home is lo- coted in absolutely the best and most exclusive section of this city--surrounded by bet- ter class. homes, Six rooms with separate dining room, attached garage and 60' x 127' lot--tisted at $17,900. QUIET STREET Spacious brick bungalow with beautiful ree room with bor ond extra 4 pe, bath. Vendor moving ond anxious to sell. $1219 DOWN NEW HOME Move in--min five weeks. Built with your choice of brick, shingles, tile etc... . balance on 614% N.H.A. mortgage. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Diol 728-4678 Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Maga Open daily from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m 725-3454 725-5701 728-0208 723-1121 723-7183 723-2537 725-4330 Roy Flintoff Nick Siblock Ernest Mueller Kenneth C. Toms Richard A. Young Lloyd Corson Jean. Peacock OT FOR SALE ne only, on the hill, gorge- ous view, close to all con- veniences in: the city. Fully serviced. Size 75' x 200', 725-2987 brick bungalow with attached gorage. Excellent workmon- ship. Only $2,000 down. 5 roomed brick bungalow un- der construction. All modern conweniences. Well shaded lot. Price $13,000. Terms. RESTAURANT in Village with excellent turnover, No competition. 14. roomed buitding. Price ond terms arranged. Smat, clean home on 1 ocre tot, On Scugog Rood, north of Bowmanwille. Price $6,500 with $1500 down. "BOWMANVILLE, 5--roomed home on lerge lot. Aluminum storms ond screens. Asking $7,500. Terms. BOWMANVILLE, brick home on Main street with modem conveniences. Only $1,000 down. BETHANY, 8 roomed home with furmace--ond--bathroom._ Full price only $4500. Terms. 50 acre form with bom, 7 roomed home, stream. Asking $12,600. Terms, ' Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlone Idso Wiersma Ross Davidson YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ~-- Real Estote -- -- Insurance -- ond stone, consisting of mod- ern kitchen, dining room, liv~ ing room, bedroom ond wash- room on moin floor, 2 bed- rooms and child's room or sewing room and bathroom up, extra well insulated, com- plete with storm windows and doors for economy heating, large well londscoped fot with double garage, $3,000 down ives eorly jon, colt id Martyn 723-9810. $1,800 DOWN A genuine opportunity for the young couple to set up house- keeping, large ond spacious 2 bedroom bungolow, modem in every respect ond looded with extros including 2 fire- places, beautiful landscaped lot, central location in Whit- 44 as Sid Mortyn 723- 9810. 19 ACRES 40714 ft. frontage on Tour- ton Rd. E., nice level lond, portly wooded with hardwood bush, wonderful locotion for fruit market ete. $8,500 full price with as low as $1,000 down, Call Emile Wilson 725-8761. CHRISTMBAS TREES 25 ocres, 22,000 trees plont- ed over post few years, a one or two mon profitable hobby with on inwestment of only $1,000 down, just a few mine utes drive from Oshawa, coll Sid Martyn 723-9810. --# Mortgages -- | MARY ST, -- VACANT} Large 6 room brick 2 storey home with goroge ond paved drive, oil furnace, very cen- tral location, close to all schools, bus, and churches. Asking $14,500 or offer. Low down payment with easy terms. Call Jack leby at 728-5123 or 723-3398. THE LAST MOVE You'll never wont to move again after you've lived in this impressive 2/2 storey home featuring 7 huge rooms, 4 bedrooms, living room with natural. fireplace, $13,300 Hillsdale Terrace Area 3 bedroom clay brick bunga- low 5% N.H.A, mortgage. Carries $78 including Pte Lovely home on large lond- scoped lot. CALL 723-6431 H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER spacious dining room, modern kitchen, 4-pc. bath with van- ity, finished recreation room plus mony other extras, Choice location. Shown by appointment only. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ROSSLAND WEST Six year old ranch brick bun- galow with attached garage situated on large, profession- ally landscaped lot. Well planned living and dining room, Family size kitchen with many extras. $3,500 down payment required, Coll Mr. _ Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728-5123 CHOICE pelvare -- nineroom house in Village of Regien, Apply 289 Festhu- bert Avenue, Oshawa, or thane 725-1830, 6 PLEXES $10,000 down will show you an excellent return on your inyestment in a 2 year old, exceptionally well built 6 plex. Prestige location and fully leased by happy tenants. Many extras. Complete de- tails available by calling Tom Huzar 728-9474 or 728. 542 evenings. PAUL RISTOW LIMITED REALTOR 187 King St. E., Oshawa for sale NORTH LOCATION Six room brick bungalow situated on nicely landscaped PRIVATE -- northwest room with dining area. thi . Paved dri location; three ve with Must be seen to be appreciated. Sub- Stantial down payment needed, 728-6883. and fenced lot. Finished re- creation room. Large holly- wood kitchen wtih ample cup- boards. This home 'is com- IF We will agent for John De With Realtor, Bow- manville, 623-3950. you are thinking of selling your house. Pay cash, Call Guy LeBlanc, pletely decorated and. must be seen to be appreciated. Good value on to-day's mar- ket at $15,700 and monthly | HAVE CASH and time weiting for homes. If you yout home sold, call Bill Johnston, Schofield Aker Limited, 728-1066. payment buyers want r payments of only $99.00 in- 28--Real Estate Wanted cluding toxes, Call Mr. Charl- es Ronkine at 728-5123 or 728-3682. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN EVERY EVENING ARMSTRONG HOMES WHITBY WANTED One Building Lot Suitable for triplex. CALL 723-7843 Priced from $13,900. WANTED -- Fiver brick bungelow, Central Park, ': fille North Down Payments $795, [Sets on MN: Tetennone Cadillac Avenue Featuring built-in range and oven, storms and screens, hooded exhaust fons, vonity bathrooms, stone fronts, car- ports plus many other extras, CASH BUYER requires home with ga- rage, in $17,000 to $20,000 Must be In the arene of G North, Rosmere, Fernhill or Bader. Call Earl Salter, 728-9474 or 723-3052 evenings. a Ristow Ltd., Realtor, 1867 King Street ast. PHONE SHIRLEY MOSKAL 723-4134 or 723-643) BUYERS WAITING some with all Cash for ferms ings in the Oshewa area. Write Rural Properties Dept., H. Keith Ltd., 161 Eg- tinton Ave. &. Toronto 12. and acreages with or without build- H. GRIFFIN 29--Automobiles For Sale Real Estate Broker hats, toys, afghans, linens,|NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE BOWMANVILLE. Very central, excen- everything! Send 25c. | NUMBER DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16) Send »der to ANNE ADAMS, complete quilt patterns--pieced| care of The Oshawa Tims, Pat- and applique, for beginners, ex-|tern Dept:, Oshawa, Ontario, perts. Send 60c now. NEW! 300 sparkling dsigns ane excit ng fashion and fabric Want=Ads~ Dont*-testares. nine coupon for ONT, Cost -They Pay 728-5581 728-7083 725-8068 725-4330 tional seven-room two-storey brick, large| CONNAUGHT STREET, aliraclive centre living room and dining room, two bath- hall home, Mii did iene ane ply ye Bagge so I bead _ by recreation room, basémént. toilet, garage ne, 800, terms, » Fran ea! Estate Ltd., Bowmanville, 623-3393, Ce PRIVATE SALE -- 769 Eastglen Drive,| INCOME TWO-STOREY HOME -- G Mis ranch bungalow, lot 51' x 175" .many|tral location, brick veneer, three bed. $500 DOWN. Sroom frame house with|Sxtvas, $2900 down payment. Telephone! rooms, large living room' with dining {All Makes and Models) aluminum siding on 1% acres of garden| "7-08 zea, oak floors. Large, modern kitchen, CALL 725-6553 soil. This is @ handyman's special. 10 ACRES, good soil, rolling land, good).three-piece bath, two-room finistied apart. ~ 14 Albert St. price $7,900. Contact George Koornneef, /building site, water, $4,800. On Lynnbrook| ment on third floor, L . . (Continued on Page 24) Steve Englert Wolter Mittler Leon Manitius - Lucas Peacock Edith Gifford 728-0768 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS See Whitby & District Listings on Page 5 a -|5 you choose! Send for new Fail- 4 r : 728-9474 on 723-2859 evenings. Paul Ristow)Park Road, Mr. M, Freek, Whitby|and garege, Private 'sale, Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. ' Lid. Realtor, 187 King Gtreet Gast, (668-4781, 725-1417,

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