Weather Report Sunny, with cloudy periods today. Wednes- day, sunny, warmer. High-65, low-40, The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring centres; == The Oshawa Times = TWENTY-SIX PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy VOL. 93 -- NO. 240 CREW WELL AFTER SPACESHIP LANDING == "Sunrise" Eclipses U.S. pace Race Efforts MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet returned to earth today a little N S U N Ny K : | more than 24 hours after it -- _ gg Russians well ahead in 2 R ] d- said the Voskhod (sunrise) any e ease lw landed safely at its "pre - as- . signed spot" in the Soviet Un-| On Bail After EDT)--2 hours and 17 iain. utes after it had been neve Queen Departs OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1964 Union's three - man spaceship blasted off on a _ pioneering : oe ae . 1 _ s The Soviet news agency Tass Big Sendotf ion at 10:47 a.m. (3:47 ; into orbit. OTTAWA (CP)--<An Air Can- nda DC-9 jet carrying the Queen back to London took off rom Uplands Airport here at '018 am. EDT today, Esti- yated flying time to London was five hours and 49 minutes. The DC-8 was to fly at more than 35,000 feet. Authorities said no weather problems were expected on the transatlantic flight. The weather at London to- night was forecast as clear and cool with a temperature of 48 degrees, A Canadian Press reporter asked Prime Minister Pearson for a comment on the Queen's visit. "She behaved magnifi- cently," the prime minister said, "She's a great Queen." GREATLY ENJOYED The reporter asked what the Queen had said. Mr, Pearson replied: "She thanked us for in- viting her and said she greatly enjoyed the trip." Mr. Pearson indicated he may make.a full statement on the royal visit when the Com- mons sits at 2:30 p.m, EDT. Thousands of Ottawans turned out in the rain and damp "All three members of the} gvyppEcC Voskhod crew are feeling well," |optet Aime Guillemette of the Tass reported. Quebec municipal police said Soviet Premier Khrushchev, Monday most of the 34 persons in a radio conversation with the| rested during the royal visit three cosmonauts Monda Ys\to Quebec city were released on promised them the boisterous/}.i7 soon after the Queen and Moscow reception the Soviet! prince Philip departed for Ot- capital traditionally gives t0|;awa, space travellers. He said seven or eight other _ "Be ready for the overload- persons were detained then re- ing which we'll arrange for YOU leased. after questioning after you come back to earth, Reggie Chartrand of Mont- the premier said. real, a former boxer, was re- The three members of Vosk-|jeaseq on $50 bail. The rest hod's crew--Col, Viadimir Kom-| were freed on $25 bail. All were arov, the pilot; scientist Kon-|tg appear in court today on stantin Feoktistov and Dr. Bo-| charges Mr. Guillemette des- ris Yegorov -- were met at the) cribed as being minor, Earlier, landing spot by "sports cOm-|he said the charges would be missioners, correspondents and) public disorder and vagrancy. friends," Tass said. Mr. Guillemette said the ex- (CP) -- Assistant howe jplanations of a motorist found " . Inear the Chateau Frontenac First Flight jwith @ hunting rifle loaded with eight bullets were satisfactory 5 but that he nevertheless spent fF By 3-Man Ship |Saturday and Sunday in jail. So pgsgys \did another person found carry- { z The spaceship landed after/ing a dagger. : é 16 orbits. It was the first flight) Mr. Guillemette declined to ; in space by a spaceship con- identify the persons charged un- taining more than one man, |til they appeared in court, HOW SOVIET TELEVIEWERS SAW THEIR COSMONAUTS This is the view Soviet citi- zens got today in Moscow of their new cosmonauts orbit- ing above the earth. The tele- vision view of the men inside the capsule was received in Russia and relayed by regu- lar TV channel. Photo was made of the image on a con- ventional TV. screen. Men are Vladimir Komarov, left, the pilot, and Konstantine Feok- fistov, scientist. (AP Wire- photo via cable from Moscow) "The program of research designed for 24 hour full," Tass said. "Valuable scientific | infonmation was obtained about the fiight of a group of cosmonauts consisting specialists in different fields. v4 TWO ARRESTED Two of the arrests 'were of flight, was accomplished in| made Sunday and involved La- lyall University students demon- strating at the university's campus in suburban Ste. Foy, along the Queen's departure route to the city's ainport. FRONT PAGE display in Lon- tures of the British Queen's Wirephote via cable from to bid the Queen farewell. The royal car slowed so that che could acknowledge the cheers and waves and her de- varture was therefore delayed by 18 minutes, The Queen wore a gold wool suit with matching beret and |brown accesories. _UAW-AMERICAN MOTORS visit in Quebec feature opposi- London) di jon papers of news-and pie- , tion posed in the area, (AP The Air Canada plane was the first to carry the new maple leaf insignia of the publicly- "og line. ie Queen, after inspecting an RCAF guard of honor--three of 'For the first time, scientists) The same separatists, many were able to conduct observa-lo¢ ¢hem from Montreal, turned tions directly in outer space. jyp again and again at parade "The information obtained a5| points Saturday and were con- a result of the flight is being|fronted just as consistently by tabulated and processed." droves of orange-caped, trunch- Although _ this ement/eon-bearing police who looked said in effect that only a 24-lorim and sometimes showed |houk flight had been planned, |their determination by charging jan aknouncement Monday saidirejentiessly into any groups e flight was to test the|they considered to be getting|of the muscular police who had out of hand, gathered behind the building at Ne arrests were made Friday|an emergency - service assem- Inight despite meetings of the bly point. . sepanatist displays outside the} hen the batons began to Trouble With | Quebec legislature, where sev-| wing, the separatists fled in a 5 . : 8 shouting, flag-wavinig group.| proposed to UAW representa- General Motors Corporation, | would end before next week. ransmitters lsion - them in their early teens--cir- cled the big grey buildings, which houses the central police station, They chanted softly and no trouble occurred until they were told to disperse by some eral persons, including twojthe monarch officiated at cere- newspaper men, emenged bear-|monies inside the i ing the marks of the long riot! fortress known as the Citadel. sticks, While formaiities -proceeded/ guardsmen fainted before her As the smiling but slightly| within, about 70 youthful separ-jarrival at the airport -- was nervous queen drove from point|@tists sat on a nearby hillljescorted to the ramp of the to point of her tour, the separ-| chanting but otherwise behav-|plane by Governor-General and atists chanted, tumed their|i"® peaceably. Mme. Vanier and Mr. and Mrs. "May Gamble Wages For Profit Sharing --has been reached by the UAW | that at Ford, Chrysler and General|stresSes and strains on man during a long flight. DETROIT (AP) -- American|to gamble possible wage gains| Motors Corporation and the/for it. | ¢ United Auto Workers Union| A strike deadline of midnight | Motors, the latter will remain have entered showdown negoti-;Thursday faces the negotiators. |shut down by a U.S.-wide strike| ations that may determine) The American Motors dispute) until settlement of local issues. | whether the sole profit-sharing|was not the only trouble spot; At the rate of progress last} contract in the U.S. automotive|on the management-abor rela-|weekend and since, there ap- industry will be renewed. tions front in the U.S, auto in-)peared little chance the GM American Motors negotiators dustry. |strike, which began Sept. 25, As President Johnson arrived at Phoenix Sky Harbor Ainport Sunday, Clarence R. Fetzer, 18, of Phoenix, was held and charged with carrying a con- cealed weapon, a revolver, He was released after posting $300 who preach hate will have their robes pulled open where the American people can see them." Goldwater said in a TV inter- view that polls show us now over the 40-per-cent mark in indicated a Tory majority of 30 to 50 seats. The only other development to ruffle Labor's apparent con- fidence was an_ unofficial strike by subway empiovees Monday that cut services al- most to half and left thou- sands of travellers wet and and cold as they struggled for space on infrequent trains. The Tories and the pro-Con- servative press were quick to emphasize the element of em- barrassment to. the Labor party because of its ties with the trade union movement The Liberals reacted strong- ly to Sir Alec's open bid to win over their supporters, par- ticularly in the 40 constituen- cies where Liberals are testing seats formerly held by Tories by majorities of fewer than 3,500 votes. Frank Byers, chairman of the Liberals' campaign,. said the Conservativ@® had reach- ed "an all-time low of political dishonesty" and accused them | of 'bullying' in trying to frighten Liberals by threaten- ing them with a socialist gov- ernment if they split the'vote. But Liberal Leader Jo-Grim- mond said; '"'It looks as if we shall have a Labor govern- ment That makes it even more essential to vote Liberal." The voters would decide Thursday, he said, whether Britain was to go on trailing behind other countries, or whether, as Labor believes, Britain could recapture the lead she once held. A new poll, published by The Daily Express, leaves the score just about even. Two weekend polls both showed Labor ahead, one by a 55-seat margin but the other insuf- ficient to topple the Tories Today's. poll inditates . the Conservatives could be re- turned with a 60-seat major itv in the 630-seat 'House. A poll. published in the Con- servative Daily Mail Monday port the Liberals," he told an audience in Essex. "There are only two alternatives -- a Con- servative or a socialist gov- ernment," And Duncan Sandys, Com- monwealth relations 'secre- tary, said it appears that "Liberal electors may well be in a position, if they so choose to tip the balance_one way or the other." WILSON'S VISION Meanwhile, Harold Wilson fmal television appeal, set his stics and sarcasm aside Monday and quietly talked of his vision of a new Britain. Bourgault, president of the sep- aratist Rassemblement pour Independance Nationale, said Monday night he called off a demonstration against. the royal visit to Quebec City by his group last Friday night to avoid a possible riot. Following a public Rassem- blement meeting in Quebec City, Mr. Bourgault said his conversation with police con vinced him it would be impos- sible to hold a peaceful protest demonstration--so he advised his followers to ga home, Labor Leader making his backs and waved their fleur-|poLICE ARRIVE Pearson. Prince Philip was seen leaning g jong slope appeared splotches the Queen's hand before she en- across the Queen to get a bet-|or orange that denoted the ap- tered the plane. The Queen eral arrests were made among | variety of directions. and sev-| Then came another crisis asipall lawmen. le poste Bacay oe cong one This set the tone for the ten- "US. ELECTION SCENE cond Sipe aaa ak teem tives Monday that the UAW/|biggest of the automakers, still) AM told, the strike has made) wowever, a spokesman at the|the demonstrators trooped the) TS *S* second window from the front tract? but,the UAW replied s [required to or -- rig mo pa iced - represented hourly: woct Genmany, said it was be.|the city hall seeking the release | runway. wants to k it and is willing.|required to supplement the pre-| yees, p ' ye t i 'hartrand. md eep SW cas tsa lieved there that the cosmo-|0f Chantnan Government House 40 tas aie ' i P ' port. . All at as to Aj LJ transmitter sending signals In e ete 80. Jax an 1es back to earth. The spokesman| iW g y | Ford, which also had agreed | said a comparison between Vos-| ROYAL GIFT o,°@ ® : cheering from the crowd, many Battle Over |settled on most at-the-plant sup-| Or Oo l 1C in Gg: arry oe ported through Confedera- " 7 on Square. he ogi with the HAW, got a showed Voskhod's transmitter OTTAWA (CP)~at's just . a 3 mend ni (WJ mn 'é s > |source -- the Pattern Makers Near Home jwas not functioning correctly. | | little two - seater but the |By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ors and airmen and there were |League of North American age aaa seals A 24-year-old Ajax man was far short of the previous record car, |his first full-scale election cam- moe Brides er. LONDON (CP)--Two London! cay; , : ; af Ge eae Pipl) conde Li aages: i Page 8 a COULD BE COSTLY ; ' A |\Valery F. Bykovsky in June, by 4 bli- newspapers report 20 men were! < vertible car when it rolled over | Philip got a close look Mon- |promptly accused by Republi ere; Both company and Pattern-| ee ee. |: day one of their gifts |can presidential nominee 2,000 persons, mostly tween British and Canadian sol- : eee nic ting |tconage girl passenger is in A oe Sol-}prolonged strike by this tiny|pocnital wi telat 'i a ' ; 5 : "full-| almost every state." bond. the Queen waved. diers after a. military exercise|Gnion--with a thembership of|"°SPital with back injuries and Medal Standing ment--an, amphibious car |his presidential duties for "fu % \ 1 ' Sas likens of tae ans. oaek : pao dae ; accident. to gee the car in. ac- Goldwater said in a prepared|calls warning that Johnson's|Thomas Lee Wilkins, qv, a The reports in The Daily Ex-|990 hourly - rated employees-- a in oe wae back apaech at Topeka, Kan., that on|life was in danger put secret) Phoenix, was arrested whenlit was spitting rain. : " : i ? One of the members of the say the fight broke out in a bar! model producti road, Ajax, was driving the car Headed By U S : A i te canatt sa ' ' ; ; t >| production, aap aid ; le ahve ' ; ; irc! d duzing his visit in Long| Goldwater-Miller sign which hit } Ww i y side follow- | after church and city after city) day Guping i n Long wa gn and a bowling alley when the) How long this would take, at the intersection of Harwood ahaa oblast a Rascestigs ini gas y. Beach and South Gate near Los| the president's hat. on his head and left a blood Me docs i é eed a eed approached |Lord's Day." i _Wi stain on the newly-painted floor eee Smack bette conducted! agreed, "would depend on. the|when the vohice went out of] Me mete ie eee ae On, in ina lie are pangs Johnson's trip included at-| One warned that a man who | tioning. , t 0 \0 disagreed with President John-| A telephone call to police} Two of the guards had to be The Express report says four|jong patterns already set up in|died on the spot, doctors said|Games Tuesday: rheaeeeryiae ae services in Phoenix, where carried away while the third soldiers were taken to hospital.|foundries would last without re- today. Gold Silver Bronze| ment that increases its' |§ ' , witi-a title and Galenoape. The| Saini cron hitién th Wie Geariver . : ; , "OV suspect was fouhd in his home| oCliseum, set to go off about/|side, London termed the fight "just) Wages, seniority and job se-|17, 925 Krosno boulevard, Bay. Russia 2 1 saw enough space for an peg gn St ea latee . Bo her iia th : s crowd of about 1,000, op 2 in, indic y gone near the president. is speaking there. | the regimental units involved. |Ford-UAW contract issue--were tion in Oshawa General Hospi- Germany I can sit there," she trip, indicated he batt elated Ae ¥ ree . | Ws dea not avo i: Shaw: tal | ' said, pointing to the front | his reception. He was met ev . RCAF school at Uplands, was on sure they at issue here. a Japan ' jat. the airport; waving. and : a " ager t him. é man said. "All we know is that carrying higher pensions, earl-jis David Thomas, 19, 15 Oak Britain back there. eager to mob hin i There were some 400 invited caah Miike eee se ' states Sunday, Johnson said: guests in stands inside the q | "I predict, if I am elected, T wO DAYS TO GO have infected this country--the ITl 7 Coliseum, set to go off about 174-mph Hu cane Kills 34 Avoided Riot Birch Society and those others} of 170 miles an hour ripped Hong Kong today, leaving at ') Riecsae nes ----|. least 34 dead and scores injured. In Quebec -- | FORT ST. JAMES, B.C. (CP) -- One woman and six LONDON (CP) -- Only two | U d Th men are reported to have been drowned in storm-swept days to go in the British gen- n er reat Pp p | he = community. Labor chiefs seem to have Of K d g sata : : - : on acquired a calm born of con- 1 na In RCMP said the seven left here late Saturday in a MONTREAL (CP) Pierre ' j for the Tachie Indian reserve about 27 miles up the lake. making ..good their pledge to est son of Premier Jean Lesage, sist : u 2 ; wats bees " "fight like fury" right down ligkioenteel Raneinnd. (has It. was first reported that eight were believed to have Prime Minister Sir Alec veillance since terrorist threats . Douglas-Home and almost his were made to kidnap him, a us- Phone Tip Warns About Bomb three main poirtts as they hit Monday night. GRANBY, Que, (CP) -- Police destroyed a. bomb tee campaign trail up and The source - said the threats one telephone caller said it was. prosperity and the 'wasted' jlast three months in the form) The newspaper La Voix de l'Est received a 'phone call Liberal vote of letters and anonymous tele- Liberation du Quebec. The caller said the bomb -- three about his determination to |home and office in the legisla-| sticks of dynamite attached to batteries -- was set to go eway Liberals, "Don't sup- de-lis flags. At one paint, Suddenly from the bottom of| ,C%,vamer gallantly Kissed ter look at the goings-on. proach of the helmeted. munici-| Urees. 8© Wie. <0p ek Sie Famp raised on the front of the plane. changed day as many of} scrap the profit-sharing con-\was strike-bound. Only 45 of 130|idle almost 300,000 of GM's 350,-| ity observatory in Bochum, |half-mile from the legislature to) . : as the big jet taxied toward the : Crowds lined her route from | viously-negotiated national con-|------ } ; ; 5 j pen f| eg ec In 1 leehat han helen reached. 'That nauts had trouble with their) The separatists some 0 There was clapping and jon a national contract and had) In Car Smash |khod's signals end those from OR 4 of them teen-agers, as the royal |previous Soviet spaceships FOR z. 3 rike call from an unexpected The route was lined by sail- Mock Battle aque of In its duration, the flight fell Queen sees it as a family | President Johnson wound up a good many police in evidence, (AFL-CIO). crushed dead beneath his con- of -81 orbits by Soviet Lt.-Col.| T 1een and Prince |paign trip early today and was he Qt Rideau Canal, a crowd of about injured in a weekend| os early today near his home. A|-" : school Maker sources agreed that a| from the Canadian govern- |Barry Goldwater of neglecting children, cheered lustily and +0 r mn cl ' ; 5 raise Two anonymous telephone! About 30 minutes later, near Iserlohn, West Germany. | jess than 700 within Ford's 160,- a youth was thrown clear of. the called the Penguin. They | time politicking. ip ap. The wpsibar wap GHEY end press and The Daily Telegraph| could take Ford out of 1965-| Robert Hickey, 122 Exeter lawn of Prime Minister ' | Sunday Johnson "visited church|service men on the alert Sun-|two policemen saw him swing a guand of honor who fainted fell men began to argue about who|both company and union\and Lakeshore roads near Ajax} TOKYO (CP) -- Following is) ing an informal luncheon. | in a_ political travesty of the| Angeles. Wilkins was freed after ques- during the exercise. stockpile of castings and how|Control and rolled over. Hickey of the thind day of the Olympic h of the hangar at the airport. 2. looked at the trailer attach- |tendance Sunday at chure wit 1 | f son was missing from his home| Monday night warned that a Canadian Army sources in pair. The girl, Deborah Fletcher,| United States 2 5 carrying capacity and | Goldwater lives. Gis tebe: sation; soem RENO: Ae: ve e : gods J : is six- * i later and told police he hadn't! the time President Johnson fin-) a scuffle' and declined to name curity -- above levels, of the Ridges, is in satisfactory condi- Poland 0 outing with her children. miles .on his six-day campaign 3 nearly: all children from the : : ns ds va : t "and they c sit jerywhere by large throngs - were Canadians," the spokes-- While a national contract-- Thrown clear and uninjured Australia geet, a hen ee | shouting. ' ring { "ky Mountain : they spoke English." ier. retirement and wage gains!street, Ajax. 'Hungary Touring she Rocky } NEWS HIGHLIGHTS po SS et ene! ates hangar. that the extreme groups that on them and the Klan and the HONG KONG (AP) -- Typhoon Dot with centre winds ° 1) bd e 3 OTies: 1 {t Like rur sage' 7 . . | Lesage sSon | Seven Reported Drowned in B.C. Lake 6 Stuart Lake near this north-central British Columbia yeparatist eral election and while the fidence the Conservatives are QUEBEC. (CP) -- The young- river-boat -- a long, catoe-like vessel with outboard motor-- ye Se Nike: been under constant police sur- Seow ane entire Cabinet are making ually well-informed source said) Saturday after finding it in city hall where an anonymous down the country Peace, were made constantly in the from a person who claimed to be a member of L'Armee de Sir Alec made no bones _ sté |phone calls to the premier's off at 2:30 p.m, ture,